Fighter Archetype: Banneret

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Martial Archetypes

Different fighters choose different approaches of perfecting their fighting prowess. The martial archetype you choose to emulate reflects your approach.


A banneret is a knight who inspires greatness in others by committing brave deeds in battle. The mere presence of one in a hamlet is enough to cause some orcs and bandits to seek easier prey. A lone banneret is a skilled warrior, but a banneret leading a band of allies can transform even the most poorly equipped militia into a ferocious war band.

A banneret prefers to lead through deeds, not words. As a banneret spearheads an attack, their actions can awaken reserves of courage and conviction in allies that they never suspected they had.


When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you can craft a set of banners, or use existing ones, to represent your inspiring presence. The banner can be held in one hand and weighs 5 pounds. You can use an action on your turn to choose one of the banners to display from the options on the Banners table and plant it in an unoccupied space on a horizontal surface within 5 feet of you. If you’re able to make multiple attacks with the Attack action, one use of this feature replaces one of them.

Up to 3 creatures of your choice within 30 feet of the banner that can see it gain any of the chosen banner's effects. You can pick up and hold the banner with your free hand as part of your movement and the radius travels with you if you do so. You can also plant it again on your turn (no action required).

Only one of your banners can be displayed at a time and it lasts for 1 minute. It ends early if you are incapacitated or knocked unconscious. You can use this feature twice before you must finish a long rest before you can use it again.

If one of your banners is lost or destroyed, you can make a new one using 50 gp in raw materials using Weaver’s Tools over the course of an hour per banner.

Banner Effect
Banner of Command Allies affected by this banner gain Advantage on the first attack roll made on their turn.
Standard of Conquest Allies affected by this banner can use their reaction to move up to half their movement without provoking attacks of opportunity, and they aren't affected by difficult terrain.
Guidon of Inspiration Allies affected by this banner gain Advantage on Skill Checks in which they’re proficient.

Royal Envoy

Knights of high standing are expected to conduct themselves with grace.

Also at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the Persuasion skill. If you are already proficient in it, you gain proficiency in one of the following skills of your choice: Animal Handling, Insight, Intimidation, or Performance.

Rallying Cry

Starting at 7th level, you learn how to bolster your allies' resolve and continue fighting. When you use your Second Wind feature, you can choose up to three creatures within 60 feet of you that are allied with you. Each one gains temporary hit points equal to your fighter level, provided that the creature can see or hear you.

Inspiring Surge

Starting at 10th level, when you use your Action Surge feature, you can choose one creature within 60 feet of you that is allied with you. That creature can make one melee or ranged weapon attack with its reaction, provided that it can see or hear you.

Starting at 18th level, you can choose two allies within 60 feet of you, rather than one.


Beginning at 15th level, you can extend the benefit of your Indomitable feature to an ally. When an ally within 60 feet of you fails a saving throw, you can use your reaction and expend one use of Indomitable to allow the ally to reroll its saving throw.

Flag Bearer

By 18th level, you've become a stalwart pillar of hope for your compatriots. Your banner can affect any number of allied creatures. Additionally, you and any allies within range of your banner can't be frightened.

"Alain, iconic human cavalier" by Wayne Reynolds for 2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC™
  • The number of uses Banner has was reduced to 2 uses per Long Rest.
  • The Banner options were added in table format.
  • Banner's wording was modified to better fit the PHB standard.
  • Banners are now physical objects that can be planted on a 5 foot square or carried around instead of being embellished on a weapon, shield, or cape.
  • Banners can now be crafted and replaced if they are somehow lost or destroyed.
  • Bulwark's effect was modified to be more in line with the typical use of Indomitable and useful.
  • Flag Bearer was modified to be more thematic. It now gives immunity to the Frightened condition to the Banneret and any allies within range of the Banner. The radius increase was also removed in favor of giving the effect to any number of allies within range.
  • Introductory flavor text was copied and pasted directly from the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide's Purple Dragon Knight subclass.
  • The art piece was modified to be more in line with the theme of the subclass; also taken from Paizo.
Author's Notes
  • Written by /u/Delamontre
  • Special thanks to the Discord of Many Things for their feedback!

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