The Investigator

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Art by joyscroe

The Investigator


A Gnome with a pipe of some strong high quality tobacco, bored by a crime already solved in his mind, solves some riddles he found 2 days before in a paper. Still bored as he is waiting the guards at his house, he is planning his next expedition with the hope that the time has done a better job to cover a mystery than the culprit of this crime.

In a dark alley inside the hideout of the most notorious gang a well dressed high elf is surrounded. He calculates as he is taking flesh wounds and after a few seconds he directs each blow that was meant to him to each of his enemies just with a small movement. He is riposting with his rapier and when most of them are down focuses on the huge half orc leader. He now Knows how to handle him, with two blows in the same body part the orc falls. Now another antagonist is out and the Elf's influence is growing. Checks a book of poems he is carrying and after he sees that is clean then he starts to read it.

The strongest perfume in the ballet, the most fashionable clothes one can found is all hers, a noble title she caries obtained with revealing political schemes that were against the King. Trivial challenges with great profits. The young woman thinks that maybe its the time to take a quest and prove to others her bravery as a final step to conquer the prince's heart.

Ingenious talents

Investigators are individuals with a unique clear perception, wits that rival wild animals and a global perspective that makes them to seek a spice to add in their daily life apart from their calling. They are free from trivial things such as careers, after all they are irreplaceable. Thats why they are also in need to pursue another life or two that will make them to be intellectual pleased at least for a while.

Surgical moves

Investigators are not masters or want to be of any kind of martial mastery. Sure they understand the basic principles of wielding a weapon and use it but their true combat prowess is not the short time bursts but the estimation and the tactical direction of the conflict. They observe and learn their opponents as a mass and as individual pieces of chess. Offcourse to the untrained eye this maybe would seem the same as the reflexive training of some martial or scoundrel occupation, but they know that they make precise and calculated movements.

Arrogance goes with Brilliance to the eye of the fools.

Usually investigators see reality from a higher conscious place. This as with any creature that has such a luxury comes with some quirks and a flaw. The flaw to have no one to show them or challenge them at their own wrong doings. Thats pure arrogance or a reality?

Either way investigators become adventures because of two reasons : to seek the unsolved mystery that the world may give them or to put a spice on their life, sometimes both.

Offcourse they understand the potential threat of dying but they assume that is worth it and that after all they know that really less capable men and women out there have survived, so they have a better chance to survive the experience themselves. Also many investigators find adventuring life something of a drug like passion, full of pleasant moments and with a bit of risk.

Prone to addictions and passions

Investigators they may seem in control all the time and with sapiofriendly passions only but thats not true.

In opposition with most intellectuals, themselves find it hard to discover mental and mind breaking concepts or barriers to cross. While they enjoy a good book, an intriguing philosophy or idea, its very soon that this pleasantry's effects will wear off. On the other hand the consumption of artistic products and art, the intoxication that helps them see a new perspective or introduce a new sensation and feeling, is more appealing to them. For others is just the constant control of their uncontrollable emotions but that doesn't last long as they bridge eventually the emotional mind gap through their lives.

Creating an Investigator

When creating an investigator the first thing you must ask is what you find more challenging as a condition. Emotions? a superior intellectual plot? The uncontrollable passions? The seek and bond of a nemesis of your caliber? The psyche of a creature? This is what drives your character, not to solve crimes and find clues but what is draw him towards the examination after the case is solved, after the mystery is unrevealed, thats the profit and the greater experience of something to help expand your abstract higher senses.

Class Features

As a Investigator, you gain the following class features

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d8 per investigator level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per investigator level after 1st


  • Armor: light armor, medium armor
  • Weapons: simple weapons, improvised weapons, rapier and all crossbows (alternative pistols if they are used in your setting)
  • Tools: Choose one type of gaming set or musical instrument

  • Saving Throws: Constitution, Intelligence
  • Skills: Perception, Investigation, Insight and choose one from: arcana, athletics, history, medicine, nature,


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) simple weapon and a crossbow (b) a rapier and a crossbow

  • (a) leather armor or (b) scale mail

  • (a) a diplomats pack or (b) a scholars pack

Alternatively, you can ignore the equipment here and in your background, and buy 5d4 × 10gp worth of equipment from Chapter 5 of the Player's Handbook.


Is this class necessary?

As with all classes not really, you could just had a fighter with a casting divine spells subclass and a knight theme instead of paladin, you could had a basic class and in the 1st level a subclass that makes him a fighter or a caster, its just archetypes and design mentality.
Now a more accurate question would be ''what is this class differential characteristics concept wise and mechanics than lets say a rogue class with some of the more investigator class subclasses from Xanathar's guide to everything? '' '' What gap is trying to cover thematically and what is trying to offer as new ground?''. At least those are for me the questions that matter if you build a class. And the answers are the following:
There are 2 major skill focused classes the bard and the rogue, each in its field, but what i found as a gap imo is that something like the monk or sorcerer utilities choices missing in the sense that both missing a more fluid basic mechanic, bard is a spellcasting class so thats a lot on its own. In my attempt 2 homebrew classes were my major inspirations to attempt this class 1 was the seeker class from u/iamasecretwizard and the other was the disciple class from u/InfKore, the seeker adds for me the halfcaster skill focused class that fills the gaps between the bard and rogue with some unique features to cover up for damage and utility, the disciple did the same imo between the spellcasting classes and the heavy martial types and reminds me a bit the tome of battle from 3.5 that was trying to do the same thing. So the gap i want to fill with making this attempt is between the spellcasting classes and the rogue with the same approach as a more monk like in the sense of unique features and no spellcasting and disciple like in the sense of unique mechanics.
Also i wanted it to make a class more skilled based. Now as for the themes and concept: Sure you can add a background (especially from the hombrewing that people offer) and a rogue with a subclass thematically and you have the concept but i am still missed a Sherlock Holmes and a Hercules Poirot even Luther feeling, while those are more modern period concepts than medieval i believe they have their place in a fantasy setting or even in a pure medieval maybe like ''In the name of the rose'' or combined with a race maybe a Doctor fantasy theme.
after all most people don't want in a D&D campaign the full package that existed in most medieval times with the bad-worst hygiene, the full scale sexism and other isms or even the full ignorance and illiterate unschooled education or the full scale of diseases and sudden death, but something more narrative and with a bit more magic and social differences that covers that up and adds a bit of knowledge and light in specific knowledges and subjects.
another concept that i was missing is a class that fights with wits and mentality instead of just using his wits by taking advantage and create opportunities to be in a power position but with examining and reaction understands his opponent and makes his moves like a surgeon and with a gambit when to act. The mechanics of this class are far from perfect to cover that totally but are simple enough to offer that mentality and feeling. Thank you for reading this attempt and for any help for balance it in future updates.
The Investigator
Level Proficiency Bonus Features EDGES Talents
1st +2 Brilliant analyzer , calculated combatant, Talented 2 2
2nd +2 Fighting style 3 2
3rd +2 Hobby, specialized expertise 3 3
5th +3 extra attack 4 4
6th +3 Hobby feature 5 4
7th +3 lighting calculator, evasion 5 5
9th +4 Mind over emotions 6 6
10th +4 Hobby feature, specialized expertise 7 6
11th +4 on the spot 7 7
13th +5 reliable 8 8
14th +5 prodigy, feint death 9 8
15th +5 Master of wits 9 9
17th +6 Mastermind 10 10
18th +6 Hobby feature 11 10
20th +6 Genius 12 10

Brilliant analyzer Investigators are genius in the sense that their mind is always alert and in total order detached from feelings and perspectives, even their own. You gain the following benefits :

-You double your proficiency bonus in insight, perception and investigation rolls

-take as a bonus action a search investigation action

-have a passive insight and investigation score of 10 + insight/ investigation +double your proficiency bonus whenever the dc (in case for traps, hidden objects , secret doors etc) or the roll of the dm's (deception etc) for such rolls is lower than that then you automatically succeed as if you had rolled the result of you passive score.

calculated combatant You fight with your wits and your perception which are both perfect, through understanding and not reflexes. Underestimation or Overestimation is the same, just philosophy for the poor minded, you just estimate.

When you roll initiative you gain a number of edges equal to your intelligence modifier if you are not incapacitated or both blind and deaf or unconscious .

You take an edge when:

  • you make an attack
  • taking damage from a successful attack against you
  • taking damage from a spell that targets you
  • succceed a saving throw against a spell from a hostile creature that targets you

Edges are points that can be spend to enhance your action through calculations, exploitations and estimation in the flow of battle as well of the battlefield itself. When an edge used to enhance an action or its effects that same action cannot provide you with any edges but an action can benefit from multiple edges effects. At any point you Can have an edges pool maximum of your intelligence modifier + half your level but you can't spend more than the edges table edges in your turn.

Talented investigators cannot stand still they are hyperactive and even in their free time or while they walking they practice something. You gain the talents feature which allows you to have talents. Talents are benefits small at the beginning and powerful in their mastery. You gain 1 talents at 1st level and additional in later levels as shown in the investigator table.

Talents have 2 categories edge talents and practiced talents, you need to take one of each in the 1st level and you can change 1 talent you know for another when you gain a level in the investigator class but always you must have at least 1 edge talent for half your total talents (round down) and 1 practiced talent for half your total talents (round down) at any level.

If your total talents is an odd number you use that rule for the half total talents minus 1 and the extra talent can be either a edge talent or a practiced talent of your choice.

FIGHTING STYLE At 2nd level you adopt a particular style of fighting as your specialty, Choose one of the following options. Vou can't take a Fighting Style option more than once, even if you later get to choose again.

ARCHERY Vou gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged weapons.

DEFENSE While you are wearing armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.

DUELING When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon,

GREAT WEAPON FIGHTING When you roll a 1or 2 on a damage die for an attack you make with a melee weapon that you are wielding with two hands, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1 or a 2. The weapon must have the two-handed or versatile property for you to gain this benefit.

TWO-WEAPON FIGHTING When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier

to the damage of the second attack.

Hobby Calculations of facts, observations with theory and conclusions is your job and your life and practice. However you recognise the value and the specialization of all aspects of each profession and experience, even if you can't devote totally yourself to anything similar. Instead to help your have a hobby a second enjoys practice, that helps you to have more global theories and perspectives. You choose one hobby at 3rd level from those that are provided in the end of the class description and gain additional features in 6th, 10th, 15th, and 18th level

specialized expertise you don't do things halfway. you gain proficiency and add double your proficiency bonus to 2 skills and/or tools provided in your hobby's description. In 10th level you gain this benefit to 2 additional skills/tools also provided in your hobby's description.

ABILITY SCORE IMPROVEMENT When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1.As normal, you can't increase as ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

lighting calculator Beginning at 7th level you have learned to use faster than light your mind in dangerous situations. Beginning at 7th level you gain proficiency in dexterity saving throws and you can use your intelligence modifier in place of your dexterity modifier in dexterity saving throws.

Evasion Beginning at 7th level, you can find the safest spot and move there instantly when you are endangered by explosions and large area effect such flamethrowers or a dragon's breath. When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.

Mind over emotions Starting at 9th level, you can use your action to end one effect on yourself that is causing you to be charmed or frightened.

On the spot Beginning at 11th level whenever you hit twice your opponent with weapon attacks that happened in the same action during your turn you deal an additional damage of your intelligence modifier + your investigator

level as part of the second attack's damage

Reliable By 13th level, whenever you make an ability check that lets you add your proficiency bonus, you can treat a d20 roll of 9 or lower as a 10.

Communication master Starting at 14th level when a creature tries to communicate you recognise the language if he uses one and understand the general meaning. If you observe for 1 hour or more a creature to communicate you can communicate perfectly in the same way, if uses a language you learn it, also you can spend 2 hours observing someone to use a tool or kit and you gain proficiency with it.

feint death At 14th level the first time after a long rest that someone casts a spell that would kill you or deal damage that it would bring you to 0 or less hit points you can avoid it and instead fall prone or hide if it would turn you to dust (like disintegration spell). Ignore the damage and/or effects and you gain the effects as if you had cast the feign death spell on your self

Master of wits You have exercised your mind to be ready for everything. Starting at 15th level while you are conscious you can't be surprised. Additionally you may add your Intelligence modifier in place of your dexterity modifier on initiative rolls and gain advantage in initiative rolls.

Mastermind You have learned how the game is played. At 17th level you gain the following abilities

-you are immune to psychic damage and to any form of unwillingly telepathy or mind reading.

-no spell can prevent you from learning an information from someone or something

-You are immune to divination magic and any kind of magic that could perceive you.

-Anyone that tries to make a roll and learn something about you apart from what you share in broad knowledge or trying to find clues about a place you have been or an a act that you had participate gains Your intelligence modifier + half your investigator level on his difficulty about any rolls he make with that purpose.

-No magic can be used to make you give information or used to learn something about you and if you are the target of such an effect in your presence you can forge whatever you wish as information the target gets.

Genius You are the Mentally epitome of your era you gain the following benefits:

  • +4 to intelligence (to a maximum of 24)

  • add your intelligence modifier as bonus to all saving throws

art by Gabriel Yeganyan


An investigator's hobbies are either a interesting side job or a way to pursue their passion from a different perspective, free from that of one's who has devote his whole life to it and cannot escape the established archetype of his career, also sometimes are means to fulfill a purpose or a tool of asset to change the ruling authority or mindset of a culture, other times is just a pleasant distraction.

Subclass Break down
Each hobby has at 3rd level a unique skill and a feature that upgrades in each hobby level. Those that haven't a unique skill have an additional feature. 6th level hobbies are provide a useful utility while 10th level is a combat useful trait and 18th as the final trait of the subclass is a powerful unique buff that completes the subclass and provides permanent transformative changes.

art by paizo-pathfinder


A eccentric occupation, alienism is the art to understand the other's psyche, so much from outside as much from inside. Through detachment alienists try to find reason after they have experienced and felt through understanding their subject. In a world full of weird life forms is a total different practice than the one that does happen inside an established society and the latter is already a challenging and dangerous practice on itself.

Level Features specialized expertise Familiarization species
3rd empathy, Familiarization empathy, Intimidation Beasts, Humanoids, Giants
6th interrogation - Monstrosities, Celestial, Fiends
10th Profiler persuasion, deception Dragons, Feys, Oozes, Elementals
18th Mental fortitude Aberrations, Plants, Undead, constructs

Empathy At 3rd level you gain access to the empathy skill. Empathy is a unique skill that alienists have developed which allows them to feel as the other. This has the potential risk of getting mad but such thing are for the weak minded.

You can use empathy to gain an advantage in any investigation, insight, persuasion, and intimidation roll that you make against a target (with opposed ability checks) or in relation to the target. You must have collect information about the target and/or have spent at least 1 hour of social interaction with them or observation of him. After that you roll an empathy check of his cr x2 (the dm tells you if you succeed not the targets cr) if you fail you don't gain advantage on any roll and you may roll a madness check, if you succeed you may gain advantage in the next roll as mentioned above.

Also different types have different risks if you Haven't Familiarization with a type of creature then your untrained psyche collapses more easily as you attempt to empathize, the UnFamiliarity table show the penalties for attempts to such creatures.

Familiarization This is the feature that shows your empathy limit, at 3rd level if you have no familiarity with a creature type then you have unfamiliarity, this gives additional hardships in empathy rolls as mention above and as shown in the table bellow.

When you see a creature in battle you may as an action attempt a familiarity empathy roll, if you succeed you gain a special edge pool of your intelligence modifier that can be used only for actions against that creature or against actions that this creature makes and have as a specific target you. Such a roll can be happen only once per creature. If you have unfamiliarity with the type of the creature which you attempt this empathy roll you automatically fail in the roll and suffer the consequences of a failed empathy roll as normal. You may have only 1 familiarization edge pool at a time.

UnFamiliarity penalties
creature typel additional dificculty bonus extra madness additional negative penalties
monstrosities +5 difficulty -
celestial, fiends +10 difficulty 1 additional madness roll disadvantage to charisma saving throws
Oozes, Elementals, Constructs +15 difficulty
Undead, Plants +15 difficulty disadvantage versus frighten and death saving throws
Dragons, Feys, aberrations +20 difficulty +1 madness roll you become charmed by the creature for 1 day

Integration By 6th level you have mastered the empathy aspect of psyche integration with the other. By spending 10 minutes with a creature, or a creature's body if its dead or disabled, you may roll an empathy roll (and be resisted at your dm's discretion) , If you succeed you have the benefits of a detect thoughts and he suffers the penalties of a zone of truth spell effect (with a area of effect around its body that moves with it ) as if he had failed the spell saving throws of both spells.

If the creature is Dead you act as if you had cast the speak with the dead spell.

If you fail on an empathy roll involving this feature you suffer the normal effects of a failed empathy roll and additionally if the target is dead you suffer his cr x2 in d4 psychic damage and reduced hit point maximum. The reduction wears off after you complete a long rest.

Profiler By 10th level you are in a position to not only to use empathy correctly but also to examine detached from the feeling of the other's individuality with logic. You can use the Integration feature effects even in its absence if you have spent 10 minutes of social interaction with your target, except for the zone of truth spell effects.

Additionally when you gain an edge pool against a target through you familiarization feature you have advantage against your target on attack rolls and saving throws from any spells or features that he targets you with as long as you have at least 1 edge in the Familiarization pool.

Mental fortitude A 18th You have reached your peak of empathic capacity and of immunization to everything that threat your sanity.

  • You become immune to the charmed and frighten condition and you no longer suffer any effects from this hobby's features that happen from a lost empathy roll.
  • If you succeed by 15 or more in an empathy roll and your target is in your presence he becomes charmed for 1 hour or until he receives any kind of damage.
  • You may use your intelligence modifier in place of your charisma modifier in any persuasion, deception and intimidation rolls.

art by Doomsplosion

Bounty hunter

You are a methodical predator that happens to make money as you taking down your prey. Many classes can fulfill this role, for an investigator however as most challenges is a cat and mouse edition of chess with battleship. Offcourse this is also any other activity of unrevealing an active criminal or a group of criminals. The choice of this occupation has to do usually with two factors: 1st the hunt outside the skirts and the lone hunt or at least the active participation in a team that hunts or 2nd the physical exercise and the mentality of intelligence with instinctual alert that this type of hunt requires.

Bounty Hunter
Level Features specialized expertise Predator senses
3rd Predator senses, contract survival, stealth sharpened senses
6th tracker - darkvision
10th pursuit Animal Handling, athletics instinct sights
18th unstoppable true sight

Predator senses Beginning at 3rd level you devote a lot of training to make yourself able to feel and thing as a predator with superior intellect. As the merging of mind and instincts progresses you gain extraordinary senses in the form of features as shown in the table above.

sharpened sensesAt 3rd level you gain advantage in perception and investigation rolls that involve smelling, hearing or vision.

Darkvision At 6th level you gain darkvision in 60 feet or if you have already darkvision add 60 feet to its current range.

Instint sights At 10th level you can see, smell and hear clearly everything in 1 mile as if it was next to you, apart from sight to focus in hearing and smelling something specific you must roll a dc 20 perception roll and succeed. Also you gain 10 feet of blindsight

True sight At 18th level you gain 30 feet truesight

Contract In 3rd level also you have make the right connections with an authority or a guild and you can find people to take a bounty give you information and provide you with provisions and a full payment afterwards. At the start of each contract you are provided with a pack of your choice and information from those in adventurirng gear on player's handbook.

After the contract is successful you gain a reward of 100 x cr gp of the target, this amount can be as higher or lower as 300 gold depending of the targets reputation or infamy and rumors that exist at dm's discretion.

Tracker After you reach 6th level you can train a small animal to help you hunt. This is as if you had cast the find familiar spell with small differences: the creatures type remains the same, you cant dismiss it in a pocket dimension, you can have other types such bugs.

You must provide food or find food for it and you can have a maximum of 2 familiars at any given time, if you take the ability to cast spells this feature doesn't allow you to cast spell in any way through your familiar. If you use any variation of the find familiar spell you loose access to the Tracker feature for as long this variation is in effect. The number of familiars is increasing to 3 at 10th level and 4 at 18th.

pursuit Beginning at 10th level when you have an active contract you can use your passive investigation instead of any social roll that is used for finding information about your target. Also if you came into conflict with your target you gain an edge pool of the rewards gp : 100. This pool can be used only for actions against your bounty and against actions from your bounty that he/she targets specific you with.

Unstoppable Starting at 18th level when you have a bounty you gain the following features

  • You ignore difficult terrain and cannot be restricted anyway in areas you are searching for clues or have indications that your bounty is there.

  • +10 feet movement

  • an extra attack as part of the attack action if you have hit at least once your bounty this round.

  • Ignore 4 exhaustion levels while you are in pursuit (still dying if you reach 6 total with the addition of the 4 levels you ignore)


All investigators are skilled and know how to investigate an connect the dots but since this is because of their inherent intellectual and unique perception few bother to developed with effort. Detectives go to a step beyond hobby and gifted nature become indistinguised. Your hobby is knowledge and the constant fact seeking and the master detailed discovery of facts, essential or not to a case or person, you cant just be satisfied by either a specifics facts or situation's details neither but a whole picture and global viewpoint of someone or a situation. There aren't just patterns neither just individuals neither those too exist and have connections, in a somewhat nihilistic and romantic viewpoint integration and merging there is the whole with patterns and thousand details just dressed up by philosophies and believes that don't really matter but add a factor when examining a subject.

Level Features specialized expertise Combined knowledge
3rd improvisation, combined knowledge survival, history knowledges
6th Mind's eye's Awareness - insight
10th Mastermind nature, religion, perception
18th Devoted training Investigation

Improvisation: Beginning at 3rd level you may use any tools or kits you are proficient with using instead of the tool small items provided they exist in your person or environment like a pin instead of thieves tools or a big helmet and a stick of wood instead of the cooks utensils, this ability doesn't gives you access to the materials you need to craft an item with as using grass and sand for cooking.

combined knowledge Beginning at 3rd level also you start to make connections deeper and more accurate combining information and experiences to see the bigger picture.

When more that one skill would give you information or details about a specific subject like an environment person or situation that you are present instead of rolling separate rolls you may roll with your Wisdom modifier + your proficiency or double your proficiency if you would add double your proficiency bonus to all skills involved with advantage and a +1 for each skill involved. For this feature to be in effect it must contain at least one knowledge skill or in later levels one of the skills that are indicated in the Detectives table. Opposed target may use a roll of whichever skill they choose as long as that would apply to oppose one of the skills that are being combined in your roll.

Mind's Eye's Awareness Starting at 6th level you become a master detective, one that perceives situations and elements connecting them into reality and facts.

After you have rolled a combined information about a person , even if its unknown or absent like a culprit in a crime, you may unreveal facts, behaviors and small detail. You may learn a number of your wisdom modifier times one of the following facts:

  • a location he has been and if he had any kind of interaction

  • the specifics of an interaction he had except the interacted subject

  • the nature of a subject's identity the target had interaction with

  • the identity of an object that the target used

  • an object the target recently handled

  • the specifics and nature of an object that participated in a situation that you know the target used an object

  • the schedule, manerisms , customs or places that target uses or is used to in his daily life

  • one bond the target has with a subject

  • the nature of a bond you know the target has wit a subject

  • the targets alignment in either law, neutrality chaos or in good, neutrality, evil line.

  • the targets ideals

  • A specific desire or obsession the target has

  • the targets attraction to gender and species and its nature.

Mastermind's warfare Beginning at 10th level you roll a combined knowledge intelligence roll of insight, perception and investigation when you roll initiative or at the start of a social interaction. This is opposed by the target's deception and cannot be used in the same creature more than once (even if a new combat or social interaction with them starts later at new). You may target a number of creatures equal to your wisdom modifier. If you succeed you learn a number of the following characteristics for them equal to your intelligence modifier:

  • Their resistances and immunities
  • Their vulnerabilities
  • If their level and/or cr is above or lower than yours
  • Their native plane and connections with other planes
  • If any one ability score is lower or higher than yours (can be chosen multiple times for different stats)
  • If they have martial arts or spellcasting ability
  • their occupation and source of power for their most powerful features

Devoted Training Starting at 18th level detective work become another triviality although is still a pleasant activity its irritate enough to obligate you to an isolation necessary to clear you mind. You must along the day to spent 1 hour in peace like a meditation stage or by taking alone a light activity, as part of any rest. You have enough time to train yourself that way and gain the following features:

  • two extra practiced talents of your choice that don't count to determine your talents total and your balance between edge and practiced talents

  • when using the Mind's Eye's awareness you may learn additional facts equal to your intelligence modifier.

  • You may use the search action for perception identifications as a reaction

art by nJoo


Your hobby is to learn as much as you can about the settlements of any type of life, especially dangerous ones as well as to explore such places. You aren't a tactician neither a legend seeker or an explorer, you are a culture lover, a mix of sociologist and a biology scientist, you love to explore and learn everything about cuisines, hobbies, traits, warfare of all creatures and especially weird ones cause they are you kind of exotic taste.

Level Features specialized expertise Lair enyclopedia
3rd dungeoneering, architectural education Dungeonering, survival oozes, constructs, undead, beasts
6th Lair training - monstrosities, elementals, giants, plants
10th your strength your weakness nature, athletics dragons, celestial, fiends,
18th Master chef Humanoids, Fey, Aberration

dungeoneering At 3rd level you gain access to dungeoneering skill. This is a wisdom or intelligence skill and you can use it to find food and water in a dungeon, to understand the native environment's natives, outsiders presence in the area, or a creature that has passed recently as well the builders of a dungeon temple and general architectural knowledge. It can also be used to understand tactics of a specific races army , tactical and habitual buildings and areas and dietary. with lair encyclopedia you can recognize any type of creature that has a type of those shown in the dungeoneer table, and as also is shown there the number of types you known increases by your investigator level. When you cross a creature of that type you may roll a dungeoneer ability check to recognize its type and details about his kinds resistance and lore the dc is 10+its cr this takes +5 to dc if the creature isn't obviously exposed or if isnt wearing traditional clothes (or any clothes) as his culture further it has a +20 if it has changed form (like polymorph spell) and +15 if currently is possessing another creature.

architectural education Starting at 3rd level you have enough architectural knowledge, through different culture knowledges, to know how to navigate yourself, as if you were a native. After spending 1 hour on an environment or dungeon you know the exit of a dungeon, you never get lost and you know what's is in the next rooms in corridors from faculties.

lair training Beginning at 6th level when you are in a creatures native settlement from those of your Lair encyclopedia you ignore non magical difficult terrain, you recognize symbols and written speech as if you ve had comprehend language cast on you, and you can force march without issues. You also you gain +5 on any roll to investigate traps or against them on saving throws if they are part of the same culture that is living or has lived there.

your strength your weakness Starting at 10th level you have advantage on any creature you have recognized with your dungeoneering skill and is a member of your lair encyclopedia against its racial features and ability rolls.

Master chef At 18th level your interest in foreign cultures takes a dark turn and its not enough just the knowledge and admiration of their culture. You gain proficiency with the cook's utensils and you can cook any creature without any harmful effect from that meal's consumption. Once per long rest if you ate a meal that has as main ingredient a creature you may once as an action mimic one of his features for 1 min. You can benefit only by one feature in such a way and you can't activate more than one either by eating different meals or some other consumption method.

You also gain immunity to acid and poison and you prolong your lifespan by double your normal lifespan.


Your happiest hour is not when you solve crimes or examining scenes and conspiracy theories, thats trivial after all, neither is the consumption of any kind of indulgences, thats temporary. Your happiest moments is when you leave free your abstract mind to connect the dots and when you surrender yourself to the flow of existence, you don't care if that flow is a divine game or a game of chance, neither if its destiny, faith or will, you care about understanding it. Holistic investigators investigate what the existence brings in front of them, they are super optimistic but careful and always see connections that other people find stupid illogical or that are just like a card of the draw.

Level Features specialized expertise entropy
3rd Intuition, entropy intuition, arcana, abilities
6th nick of time - defence
10th Abstract mind history, religion, saving throws
18th all are conected universal

Intuition At 3rd level you gain access to the unique holistic skill of intuition, the power to see the connections and the greater scheme behind all causes and effects, the universal flow. The ability roll for intuition is your wisdom modifier + double your proficiency bonus ( because of expertise) + the overflow modifier . Overflow modifier is when your logical mind cant handle anymore the overflow of information that you can access through you abstract mind and is explained in the entropy feature. You can roll Intuition to find connections and direct yourself with a specific purpose. You can't however direct the outcome and this connections doesn't mean that will make sense or that it will fulfill your expectations.

Entropy Through the surrender to the flow you can effectively serve it and let it protect you. Beginning at 3rd level you can substitute rolls and stats with your intuition ability roll as indicated in the Holistic table.

  • abilities : you can substitute any skill roll and instead of the usual skill ability roll or craft or tool you roll intuition.

  • defence : you subbstitute your ac for 10+intuition roll modifier as a reaction to an attack

  • saving throws: when you roll for saving throws instead of the usual saving throw you roll intuition.

  • universal : you can now substitute any d20 roll with your intuition roll. Also you can substitute your damage outcome as you substitute your ac in a successful attack roll before resistances and reductions applied.

Overflow :Each time you use entropy add +2 to your dc for the next roll of intuition as -2 to ac when you use the Entropy's defence feature and - 2 to damage when you use the universal substitution for damage rolls. This is cumulative.

Nick of time You arrive when you must starting at 6th level. When you could alter a situations outcome with your presence you arrive at the right moment you may use the following features:

  • When someone died in your absence from a lost saving throw (even death saving throw) or by being at 0 hp and his body does'nt miss a vital part like a heart or head , you can roll intuition and bring him to life the dc is 10 per hour that died, as much as you consider he wasn't dead just shocked
  • When a creature you want to protect is surrounded by enemies through random word and gestures you taunt all the enemies. They run towards you and or attack you, if they are able, for 1 round and the creature gains +20 feet to speed and ignores attack of opportunities, The enemies gain no save but they gain +2 on any attack and damage rolls against you. -in a non combat situation you can turn the table, all the participants roll a saving throw versus 10+your wisdom modifier+ you proficiency bonus or become charmed for the duration of a conversation.
  • You arrive in a situation before escalate to the worst, you can delay an outcome by your wisdom in hours, at your dm's discretion until you arrive, examples include a raid, a natural earthquake, a rituals completion etc Each use of those traits can be used once until you take a long rest and it adds an Overflow.

abstract mind You can use more efficient the flow and less random. Beginning at 10 level you may target a number of creatures that you can see equal to your intelligence modifier and each one must succeed a wisdom saving throw of 10+your wisdom modifier+ you proficiency bonus or fall prone and if they are able,

make an attack roll to another creature that was target of this ability within their weapon's range. If the only weapon that a target holds is melee it gains the thrown and finesse property with a 20/60 range for the purposes of this attack. If they are unable to make an attack they make a special range attack roll which with are proficient and a damage of 1 + dexterity modifier, the weapon of this attack is a random environmental object like a button of their shirt, a peddle from the ground etc.

You can't use this feature until you complete a short or long rest.

all are connected Starting at 18th level you see nothing as random anymore you are a master of the flow. You cannot be restricted in any way and no creature may gain an advantage with attack rolls against you.


Lets give an example:- Lets say that you need money to over up a debt and with intuition you start to looking for a way to get money this may or may not direct you somewhere that there is a lost pouch, it may or may not also direct you in a thug's nest or in something logical irrelevant like a ballet, in the ballet you may or may not find a lovestruck person by you, or a lost child, or go to prison through an accident and in prison may find a cell mate that is a horror and he dies of something and as he dies he gives you as his last words the location of his secret stash just in case his rivals found it.- The dm has full discretion to the dots but success guarantees you a progress. Usually the randoms event's and challenges are equal to a cr of challenges equal to your level, but again dm's has the final say and the only guarantee is that at some point and in some way the purpose will be fulfilled.

art by Carlo Bolmida

Legend scholar

You are fascinated by artifacts and masterpieces of magical items or any kind of items, you don't bother to learn in detail all the knowledge or techniques behind their construction but you devote yourself to find them and learn how to use them.

Legend scholar
Level Features specialized expertise Always focused
3rd appraise. always focused history, appraise research
6th see the past - riddles
10th the right path arcana, religion forgotten secrets
18th Mythical practise unknown secrets

appraise Starting at 3rd level you gain access to the appraise skill this is an intelligence based skill used for 2 purposes : 1st to identify the value of an item in general and in a specific area. 2nd to identify properties and features of a magic item as follows : roll a appraise skill for the following uses and the following dc as shown in the appraise table.

always focused Beginning at 3rd level you have advantage on knowledge checks about magical items that involve specific characteristics or actions as indicated in the Legend Scholar table.

see the past Beginning at 6th level you can connect deeply with an items existence. You can roll an investigation roll while you are attuned to an item and relive significant moments of its existence or from previous owners it had the dc is 10 + 5 for each 100 years the moment happened. You can use this ability o number of times equal to your intelligence modifier per item.

the right path Starting at 10th level you can ignore class and racial restrictions about attuning and using magical items.

Mythical practice Reaching 18th level you are a master to bonding and bypass dangerous of any magical items. You ignore cursed magical items negative abilities, you may attune to an extra magical item and your dc for the see in the past feature changes to 10+1 for each 100 years the moment had happened , additionally you may use the see the past feature a number of times of double your intelligence modifier.

base dc effect negative modifiers positive Modifiers
13 gain detect magic effects for an item that you can see none none
15 gain identify effects for an item that you can see +3 for each level of rarity above common none
15 gain locate object effects for an item none none
18 gain divination effects for a question relevant to a specific item +10 if for each question you have asked before through this ability or divination spell for that item -15 if you are attuned to the item
20 gain legend lore's effects for an item that you can see +5 for each rarity above common -10 if you are attuned to the item
15 gain detect find the path towards an item that you have the locate object's spell effects +10 for each previous attempt to locate the item -3 if you have a map of the area that its located
15 establish a telepathic communication with a sentient magical object +5 for each alignment difference you have (for example + 10 if you are cg and the item is ln ) roll opposing charisma check if the item is unwilling -5 if you are attuned

Mixer Brewer

You like mixing things and experiment with that. Part alchemist and part crafter of liquids and recipes you found enjoyment in mixing and understanding ingredients.

Mixer Brewer
Level Features specialized expertise Potions
3rd mixing, Potions arcana, mixing common 1 per 2 months
6th Fringe taster - common 1 per 1 month, uncommon 1 per 2 months
10th exploding mixing nature, medicine common 1 per 1 weeks uncommon 1 per 3 weeks rare 1 per month
18th Dr Hide 2 per 1 long rest uncommon 2 per week rare 1 per 2 weeks very rare 1 per month

MixingAt 3rd level you gain the specialized expertise for mixing. that means that under the mixing you gain expertise for Alchemist’s supplies, Brewer’s supplies and Cook’s utensils. Mixing gives access to transfer and integrate properties of one type of crafting to another and as well making unique crafts. From example you could make a soup ale without any of the soup's ingredients go bad as if it was pure ale or a chocolate flavored healing potion. The use for these mixing tools crafts can be used as a unified craft roll that is called mixing. You still need to have access to each individual's craft's tools you are using its properties in the use of the mixing skill. For example in the soup ale you still need to have access to both the Cook’s utensils and Brewer's supplies for you to attempt this unique craft.

Potions You are part alchemist as the mixer brewer. You don't search the Philosopher's stone and you don't go in such a depth in your researchers but you learn some things as you evolve in Mixing brewing.

Starting at 3rd level along the experiments you do you gain some good surprises and later you are in good control of the pace. Provided that you spent 10 gp per your investigator level each month you produce potion brews of potions as per the Potions feature shows in the Mixer Brewer table.

You must at least devote 8 hours in one day per month to produce that amount and in cases that the potions requires more than a month to be produced then if you don't spent the require amount of hours per day per month the brew goes bad and you don't make the potion. Potions are categorized through their rarity and can be any potion with that rarity from any book material that is used for your campaign (such as the dmg), you don't choose what kind of potion you produce that way but your dm's through randomness or whim or in any of your dm's that works in a mysterious way do it for you. However After you have made a type of potion you may spent an additional amount of half its value each month to make an additional type of that potion.

Fringe taster Starting at 6th level you can mix all your artisan tool's you are proficient with in the mixing. For example you can make a leather armor with caramel properties and smell with Leatherworker’s tools and Cook’s utensils with a mixing roll. The same rules as your starting mixing artisan tool's are applied. Additional by spending 1 hour in a long rest you can mix potions by sacrificing already potion in your possession and make a new potion with all the properties ( for example by sacrificing a potion of climbing and a potion of healing you make one new potion (you can add chocolate flavor if you wish) that heals you and provide you with the benefits of a climbing potion as if you had drink the 2 potions separately. )

exploding mixing Beginning at 10 level you can turn any nonmagical consumable craft you have made into a exploding device, you do that by injecting if its a non liquid or by adding a powder and shaking it if its a liquid as a bonus action, you can then throw it as a thrown weapon with the special tag that does a damage or effect as described in the exploding mix table without you ability modifier. Your dc if its required a saving throw for this is 8 + your intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus

You don't need to throw it for its effects to be triggered you can use other methods such as to serve it or making a creature consume it, the powder or injection is harmless on its own. Depending on the kind of adding material it has different effects as shown in the exploding mix table. You can prepare a number of adding materials up to 1 quarter of your investigator level (round up) after each long rest, if at any time you have more than that in your possession all the materials explode and you take damage equal to your levels.

Dr Hide You can prepare a special mixture at 18th level a potion of passion, after each long rest. you can posses only one such potion at anytime and it looses its effects when you take a long rest. for 1 minute you gain the following benefits :

  • +10 movement
  • you can't use any non physical skill but you have advantage in physical abilities rolls
  • your strength, dexterity and constitution scores are set in the same amount as your intelligence score
  • you gain an unarmed attack of 1d8 + strength
  • you deal +1d4 to any weapon damage rolls
  • your carrying capacity is increased by one step
  • you gain your constitution score in temporary hit point
  • you jumping limits are equal to your strength
  • you reduce non magical damage you receive by 3
Mixing potions

for example if your gm provide you with a potion of climbing (common, dmg) through this feature then when you spent the next month's money you (say 30 gold if you are 3rd level investigator/2 level rogue (10x3 ) ) you add 25 gold to that expenses (50 for common item) and you have another random potion plus a potion of climbing (with the examples above 55 (25 from the potion of climbing and 30 from your months standar expenses) ).

Exploding mix
name color type receiver sustainability after adding the substance Effects saving throw duration
Pleasant rainbow powder or injection any nonmagical until is used charmed constitution if succeeds negate its effects 2 rounds
Exploding Boiling red powder potions 1round or else explodes in 5 feet radius 5 d4 per potion rarity (5d4 common 10d4 unccommon etc) dexterity for half if the target succeeds instant
Sticky Grey powder any nonmagical until is used the target is under the effect of a slow spell strength, if succeeds negate its effects 4 rounds
Poisonous Deep pale Green injection any nonmagical until is consumed (cannot be activated as a thrown weapon) poisoned constitution 1 day
energetic Bright red with small harmless dicharges of yellow lighting powder any liquid until is consumed gives haste's spell effects none 2rounds
weird black with multiple colored spots injection or powder any nonmagical material until is used deals a random condition Constitution 5 rounds


You have great ambition or a great plan thats simple: total domination. While others try to make a name for themselves or are trapped in behaviors of idealism, you serve a pure purpose and you make it a reality by changing and manipulating the already formed society. If the purpose is an ideal or pure lust for power and domination the means are the same and all means are justified.

Level Features specialized expertise Connections
3rd connections, Networking networking, persuasion neighborhood
6th profits and prices - town
10th Your turf deception, intimidation nation
18th Kingpin world

Networking Beginning at 3rd level you gain access to the unique intelligence skill of networking, the art of creating non pyramidial structures of organization. You use this role to recognize in habitual areas structures of organizations as well as individuals and tactics that use. You can also use it to made one such structure and to conceal it as well, but most importantly to find the right persons that will fit in specific groups. To perceive a structure's tactics is usually opposed by their leader deception, to recognize an individual it works as an insight roll and opposed by the targets deception roll or if has some sort of recognizable feature associated with a group as a knowledge roll. To make a group or connect it with another group you roll networking and it takes +10 dc if you wish to conceal and remain unnoticed and anyone that investigates it takes +15 on his dc to connect the dots.

connections Also at 3rd level you can scout and build your reputation, infamy or just your touch with to any place you pass by making contacts that are called connections. After you take a long rest in a place and spend 3 hours of scouting you are considered native to a cycle of your choice. You can then learn informations or by paying a courier to bring them to you and to keep in touch with the locals if you are away.

The circle you make contact with it has a variety of information to give you that considers an area as indicated on the networker table.

profits and prices Starting at 6th level you can use your contacts in many ways. You can use them for the following acts:

  • To find a buyer for a magical or hard to sell item or product.
  • To find a seller for a specific minor magical item or product with a rarity of uncommon at this level, rare on 10 level and very rare in 18th -To find shelter and connections in a place you know anyone before you arrive -to establish a false identity -to start a business of trading legal or otherwise

your turf beginning at 10th level when you have spent 8 or more hours (resting hours and idle actions doen't count) in a habitual area as big as a town you gain the following benefits:

  • ignore nonmagical difficult terrain
  • +5 to any abilities rolls
  • your level in temporary hit points
  • +5 edges when you roll initiative
  • you cannot be surprised

Kingpin Starting at 18 th level you become a mastermind evil or not. You gain if you wish a alternate identity as the head of your organization and get +10 on disguise rolls and deception rolls when you use it to opposed rolls from actions that trying to see through it. More importantly you gain the following benefits:

  • a second of command of a level equal to your level-5. Its always on your hideout or building of operations and cannot be used as an adventuring companion.
  • a number of guards equal to your level.
  • profits of 1000 gp per month
  • +5 on any social rolls when someone is aware of who you are.


Your hobby is the arcane and divine secrets. While you don't bother to learn how to use it properly you try to become a master of its understanding and how to be protect by it.

Level Features specialized expertise Ritual casting
3rd Esoterica, ritualistic caster esoteria, arcana, 1st level
6th magic user - 2nd and 3rd level
10th warding religion, persuasion 4th level
18th Absorb 5th and 6th level

esoterica Beginning at 3rd level you gain use of the unique intelligence based skill esoterica. With esoterica you can cast a scroll as an action and a successful roll of **20 + the scroll's level casting **

ritualistic caster Also at 3rd level you gain the ability to cast spells as rituals with the ritual tag, your spell casting ability is intelligence and the speak with dead spell, zone of truth and legend lore spells gain the ritual tag for you. You gain a spell book for that purpose and you can cast spells or a level or lower as the Occultist table indicates, your spellbook starts with 1 spell of your choice and you add 1 additional when you take an occultist feature, you can add ritual tagged spells as normal for spells and spellbooks,

magic user Starting at 6th level you count as wizard for attuments purposes on magic items.

warding Beginning at 10th level you may spend 100 gp to make an occultist's bag. By spending 10 minutes on an location you may ward an area of 100 feet or smaller by drawing symbols. While warded this area counts as an antimagic field and no creature may have advantage on rolls against you or a number of allies equal to your intelligence modifier inside the warding area. The ward may be broken by someone if its perceived with a wisdom (perception roll) against your deception, and as an action with an arcane roll with dc equal to your investigator level+ your intelligence modifier

for each of your ritualistic sigils. your ritualistic sigils are five one to the center and 4 in the edges of the area , each broken sigil reduces the area affected by one quarter.

You may have only one such a bag at a time and it contains materials for 5 sigils when you make it.

master occultist You ve become a master of arcane manipulation even if you will never be a caster. Starting at 18th level as a reaction when a creature targets you with spell you forfeit your saving throw roll if it has one, and roll an esoterica roll opposed by the caster's arcana roll, if you succeed you may either redirect the spell on the caster (as if he had targeted himself) or cancel its effects and damage and cast a spell from your ritualistic spells of equal or less level, you must spend an edge to use this feature.

Rising star

Indulgences and passions are not enough for you, Aesthetic and the recognition for it is more important. Royalism and any form of power lies into the skills of he individual and the acting to fulfill the play, offcourse if this means that you intend to influence, destroy or expose the stupidity of the current political situation, to awaken and help people or to fix injustices or even if that is just the means to enjoy the privileges of the few, thats totally on your ideals and you as a person.

Rising star
Level Features specialized expertise Pedigree
3rd pedigree, favors etiquete, Performance, respected civilian, half etiquete gp/month
6th servants - high noble etiquete gp/month
10th royal swordmanship deception, persuasion courtier master half level x etiqute gp/month
18th Royal asset royal family 100x etiquete gp/month

pedigree Born into nobility or recognized as such or even with forgery create one has little meaning since you now are rising star into the powerplay stage of your area. Starting at 3rd level you gain a status and additional funds per month as shown in the rising star table. Depending on the current form of power and authority this opens new doors and maybe even forgives certain acts.

favors also beginning at 3rg level you gain access to the unique skill of etiquete, this equals to 10+ your charisma modifier + double your proficiency bonus, is never used to roll to an act or to oppose a roll, Its used as passive perception to determine your pedigree's income and to ask a favor from someone of lower status, you don't need offcourse to keep your end of the bargain since you are of higher status but that doesn't mean that once in a while someone wouldn't be daring enough to try to punish you for it.

When you ask for a favor someone of lower status your dm sets an opposed skill and rolls versus your passive etiquete skill. If he fails you have a bargain, offcourse he isn't obligated to roll for every creature its in his discretion, this isn't a god's power to awe and dominate others. A good indication is when someone to roll or not is when someone would roll a social skill to oppose you.

servants You have gained enough prestige to have your own mansion, title, and a number of servants as a reward for your efforts, be either heroic, political or romantic in nature. Starting at 6th you have a Mansion, you may work the details with your dm, and a number of servants equal to your level, this are not combat (you may offcourse hire henchmen spending your gold) oriented or skilled artist servants but they can still cook, maintain your mansion and help you with your daily life.

Royal swordmanship Duels and secret martial styles are additional gains that the upper class or royalship has, while not strong as someone trained in the field is a powerful trait for duels as sport. Starting at 10th level you gain proficiency with all martial weapons, heavy armors shields and one exotic weapon of your choice, choose up to your intelligence a number of weapons and you gain the following feature when you holding them:

  • If there is no other creature or medium sized object (walls count) in 5 foot of you than the target of your attack or a creature other than you in 5 foot of your targets attack then you may either take the dodge action and attack him as part of the dodge action or take the attack action and make a weapon attack and a shove attack as part of each weapon's attack.

Royal asset You are ready to rule the kingdom or to be lost for your rest of your life into intoxications and passion pursuits without any social cost. If you however decide to continue your adventuring life or do a noble quest now and then or be the target of your enemies, starting at 18th level a creature before kills (if for example you are bleeding or attacks with a lethal weapon) he must roll a charisma save versus your etiquete, if he fails he tries to render you unconscious instead to profit by kidnapping you to sell you in a rival kingdom of that you belong, ask for money or use you for political reason. Offcourse in a case that those are not in the best interest of the creature he is immune to that feature (likely if its an aberrant, a beast or a ancient lich etc) You also gain a palace and your number of servants changes to 100.


You have practised so much with ideas and hypothetical scenarios that through arcane studies you have discovered a way to make them into somewhat realities, ephemeral as the action itself.

Level Features specialized expertise ShadowBlade
3rd shadowcraft, shadowblade a tool set, arcana simple weapon
6th apprentice crafter - nice form
10th shadow shortcut stealth, sleight of hand masterpiece
18th the creator ideal form

shadowcrafting Starting add your 3rd level you gain access to shadowcraft, This can be used only in total darkness. Using this feature it creates a link to shadowfell and gives you access to create any kind of objects provided that you are proficient in the particular tools or kit that required normally for that objects craft. you gain access to shadow material for shadow crafting, the material is weightless and absorbs all light but it dissipates in your intelligence modifier + half your investigator level hours, half that time if exposed to bright light or radiant damage. You gather the material and takes 1 minute per cubic meter but the craft roll for the item is instant. You may create only tiny and small items using that skill and you cant create magical or unique objects (like art or improvised weapon), shadows only mimic after all.

Shadowblade: You have a work on progress a work that is your connection with the shadofell itself, as you level up it evolves until it reach perfection. Shadowblade is a unique weapon that you are proficient with and you must attune to gain access to it. It takes 24 to be made and in the end of that time you become attuned to it. If you can't or at some point you loose this attune then the weapon dissipates in 1 hour and is absorbed to shadowfell as material, then you must make a new one if you want to have access to it again. While attuned to shadowblade you gain acess to the following features and in later levels as shown in the shadowcrafter table.

simple weapon: As long as you are attuned to your shadowblabbe you can summoning it at your hand as an interaction with an object if it's away from your person it dissipates into shadows, Your shadowblade its a light weapon melee with the finesse property and does 1d8 + your dexterity modifier necrotic damage. It can be used as a thrown weapon with 30/60 range

nice form: You are a bit closer to your ideal form of the shadowblade and no more it needs to be bound totally to the mimicry of others forms. you can as a reaction to transform the blade into a shield or into a nine tails like whip with shadowlike tendrils. Also in either form it gains +1 bonus to attack and damage or provide you with +1 to ac (your choice), you can swap those bonus by switching form

masterpiece: Your shadowblade is complete and its bonuses gain +1 each, additionally when you make 2 or more successful attacks with it in your turn you may as part of the second attack make a shove attack

Ideal into form: Now your shadowblade is in a ideal legendary form, its bonuses raise to +3, it gains an additional reach of 5 foot, its damage raises by one die and gains an additional split form of 2 shadowblades without reach and with 1d6+ dexterity each damage, additionally it can be used as tools for any craft you are proficient with.

apprentice crafter starting at 6th level you can create items with your shadowrafting of medium or smaller size that last for half the normal time.

shadow shortcut Beginning at 10th level you may sacrifice some or all of your movement to teleport an equal distance, usable only once per turn.

the creator Beginning at 18th level you have become a master shadowcrafter, you may create crafts of large or smaller size, your shadow shortcut is usable at will and you have a permanent Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion spell effect accessible by creating a door in any total darkness area, additionally you may travel to shadowfell by creating a different door but you can't return if the door is destroyed.


Justice is not always present in laws and the ruling authority or the punishment its not fit the crime, either way you must take matters into your own hands instead of have faith in rules made by lower intellect men.

Level Features specialized expertise Parkour
3rd parkour, hidden identity acrobatics, stealth jump
6th gadgets - climb
10th vanish athletics, intimidation No obstacles
18th All are tools MMa parkour

Hidden Identity You gain proficiency with the disquise kit and create a number of identities up to half your intelligence modifier, while you are in this identities you choose a background for each one and gain its feature when using the identity associated with that background, also when using one of those identities for people to make the connection with your normal or other personas they must have met them and must succeed on a investigation roll with a dc of 10+your intelligence + double your proficiency bonus.

Parkour through intense training and coordination of body and mind you have discovered an effective way to make your body a tool flexible and endurable to move you to any place possible. As shown in the vigilant table you gain the following feature at their respective levels.

jump by running at least 10 feet before jump you may triple your jumping distances.

Climb gain a climb speed equal to your speed if you have already a climbing speed add 10 to your movement. you always jump even vertically as if you ve had a jumping start.

No obstacles ignore difficult terrain and gain a swimming and burrow speed equal to your movement

MMa parkour You may be occupy the same tile as a creature of your size or bigger without a penalty and you dont provoke attack of opportunities


Starting at 6th level you gain proficiency with the tinkers and smiths tools, you can use them to make minature gadgets and small items of the following, you may with your dm's discretion work with him/her to make additional such items:

smoke bomb you can throw an egg or oval shaped like object made of glass that when it breaks creates a smoke screen.

grappling crossbow this hand crossbow has a metallic cord linked to a metallic bolt and when it hits a wall a mechanism can instantly draw you to the surface as a bonus action.the range is 200 feet.

hand gauntlets these spiky leather gloves alow you to inflict 1d4+dexterity modifier slashing damage with unarmed strikes.

Vanish Starting at 10th level you may use stealth as a reaction and even when someone see you if you use your smoke bomb or if you are in dim light and has no darkvision.

Gliding cape You may use feather fall when you fall from more than 40 feet height.

all are tools Beginning at 18th level you see only mean to use. You gain the following benefits:

  • triple your speed movement bonus when using the dash action.
  • When using a thrown weapon it returns to you if there are objects (other than the floor) between 20 feet of you and the target
  • Gain 60 feet darkvision or +30 if you already have darkvision
  • you can move your full speed without disadvantage when you are stealhty
  • when you are grappling a creature you may use it as a strength weapon that deals 1d4 for each size category above tiny plus your strength modifier.



Adrenaline control At the beginning of your turn may spend as many as your intelligence modifier edges (minimum 1) and gain twice as much temporary hit points plus your intelligence modifier.

Among the mess As a reaction provided there is more than one hostile creature in 5 foot from you, you may take an ac bonus equal to the number of creatures that are in 5 foot from you and if an attack misses you it targets a different hostile creature if its in range. This edge cost 4 edge

Bluff When taking the attack action you may roll at disadvantage and give as high as your charisma modifier bonus on all your attack rolls until the end of your turn by spending 2 edge.

Blurring senses Spent 1 edge to give disadvantage to an enemy attack roll when it hits you but before makes any damage.

By all means By spending 3 edge you may reroll a saving throw you ve just made before be affected by any results from it

Change the scenery By spending 3 edges as an action you may create or dismiss the difficult terrain condition for a 5 foot area next to you provided there is an object of medium size or larger in an area 5 foot of you.

Charging tactics Spend 3 edge. If you have one free hand and you move at least 20 feet you may grab or draw a weapon then you move and make an attack as part of your move, you may use this edge once per turn.

Concentrating strike As part of your attack action you may spent 1-5 edges and add a bonus to weapon damage as high as the edges spent with maximum bonus your wisdom modifier until the end of your next turn.

Creating an opening When taking the attack action after it ends you may immediately use your bonus action to make an additional weapon attack by spending 3 - the number of successful attacks that dealt damage in your attack action edges.

Cruel exploitation When you taking the attack action you may spend 4 edges. If you use your bonus action immediately after your attack action to make an attack (through two weapon fighting action or some other feature), you make as part of the same action a number of

additional attacks equal to the number of successful attacks you did in the attack action you took before this bonus action.

Effort and result You may take the dash action as bonus action by spending 1 edge as part of that action.

Expectated Agressivnes When you make an opportunity attack with a melee weapon you may pay 1 edge and make an additional attack as part of the same action if the first one hits.

Failed deflection By spending 1 edge you may reroll one missed attack roll as part of the same action, you can you use this edge talent only once per action.

Lithe movements By spending 2 edges you may as a bonus action end the prone or grappled condition.

Meat shield By spending 4 edge as a reaction after a creature of your size or smaller dies or after you make a successful grapple check, any attack the damages you as long as the creature has the grapple condition inflicted by you you reduce any damage taken by half your intelligence +strength modifier and the grappled creature takes as much damage or half if he wears a medium armor or has natural armor and none if he has heavy armor.

Nerve strikes In the start of your turn you may spend 5 edges, you deal 1 damage per attack for this round and you cannot use the benefits of a critical hit until the end of your turn. If you hit with any weapon attack your target gets the effects of a slow spell for a number of rounds equal to half to your intelligence modifier + the number of successful attacks that you had against him.

Predictable When a creature targets you with an action and he is with your weapons range you may as a reaction make a weapon attack against it before you suffer any effect

Other forms of bleeding When you take the attack action you may spent edges equal to the number of attacks you make (any extra attacks that round are free bonus), when you hit with an attack roll you may forfeit your damage to give one of the following effects until the end of your next turn to the target:

  • Disadvantage or any attack rolls he makes against you
  • -1 penalty to ac, saving throws and attack rolls

Outwitted Deflection As a reaction when a creature targets you with a weapon attack and has a disadvantage on his attack roll and misses you may spend 3 edges , the creature's weapon is stuck in a rock or a similar object in the environment or if there is no such object (where are you?) or if the weapon that attacks you with is ranged then its disarmed and the weapon travel you intelligence score in feet in a random direction.

Pain's advantage After you succeed with a weapon attack spent 1 edge, In addition to the damage this attack roll is used to shove the creature as well. You may spend 2 edges instead to both knock prone and push the creature as part of this attack (with two separate athletics and resisted rolls)

Practiced defender When you take the dodge action you may spend as much edge as your Wisdom modifier and again additional movement equal to 5 feet per edge spend.

Preparation on spot When a target targets you with an action and he is withing you weapons range you may spent 1-3 edges and an ammunition if your weapon is ranged he then takes a penalty to ac against your attacks equal to double the edges spend and as high as your intelligence modifier until the end of your next turn.

Richotchet If a creature has cover and you could ignore it if you attacked from a different position you may spent 1 edge for a range attack or 2 edges for a melee, you may attack the creature ignoring the cover but instead of the normal damage you deal a damage of your intelligence modifier+ your wisdom modifier in a critical hit add a 1d4 instead of the weapon's dice.

Ready for anything You may take the ready action by spending 2 edges without to specify any condition and you may take your turn after an enemy's declared action and before its effects resolved

Redirected attack When a creature hits you wih an attack you may spend 3 edges and choose another target that he could hit within its weapon range then the attack targets that target.

Reserved energy By spending 5 edge points if you have not moved in your last turn you may, as a reaction to an attack targeting you or an area effect that you are in its effect range, move and take +1 bonus to your ac or saving throw for every 10 feet you move until the effect is resolved.

Smoke and mirrors Spent 2 edges to give advantage to your attack roll when making an attack.

Splash If you have some small items of glass or metal with edges (like caltrops or knives) you may throw it as part of the attack action for one attack by spending 1 edge. You make your attack roll and damage as normal but instead of a creature target an area of 10 feet radius your attack deals half the damage rolls to any creature that hits in that area.

Sudden effort Spent 3 edges when you deal damage with an attack but before you roll damage dices, maximize you damage die for this attack.

art by Yefim Kligerman


All shadows meet in darkness prerequisites: shadowcrafter ,18th level When you are at shadowfell you can always craft a door to your home plane or your Mansion or from your mansion to your home plane, home plane is consider the plane to which you are native, you can also use demiplane spell when you are in your mansion.

Calm spotter You may add your intelligence modifier instead of your dexterity or strength modifier to determine your attack and damage rolls, you choose one weapon that this talent applies when you take this talent and another at 11th level. You may take it an additional times for extra wepons.

Careful calculations You may choose when you roll initiative for the duration of the combat to take edges when an attack that targeted you misses instead of when taking damage. At 10th level you also gain edge when a spell targets you and miss a saving throw, at 15th you may take edge when you heal and at 20 you take edge when both an attack miss you or hits you.

Control the body You ignore the 1st level of exhaustion at 5th level and an additional one for every 5 thereafter levels (2 at 10th 3 at 15th 4 at 20th) you still die at 6 levels of exhaustion, you also take advantage on saving throws that would cause you to take exhaustion levels

Controlled chance prerequisite: holistic , luck feat You gain 1 additional luck point, at 15th level you may use a result of 10+intuition roll modifier instead of roll an additional dice when using a luck point.

Cover artist You ignore non magical difficult terrain at 6th level you also no leaving any traces when walking at 11th level you leave no traces at all times and at 15th level you may cover up a scene and remove all your traces except blood for you or another person that participated by 1 taking hour of activity.

Defensive calculations When you take the dodge action you take an edge this increases to 2 at 11 level and you instead of that may take edges equal to half your intelligence modifier (rounded down) at 17 level.

Dietary You gain extra hit points equal to your investigator level when you get this talent and 1 when you gain a level afterwards.

Digger prerequisite: dungeoneer You gain proficiency with the masons tools if you haven't already.

At 10thlevel you gain a burrow movement equal to your movement, in 15 you may even dig stone and in 20th you may dig through any nonmagical material

Dream of a burden *prerequisite: rising star 20th level You gain a significant amount of land ownership and you become the next heir to rule the kingdom. Offcourse this means that you become also the target of many others in line but hey you may become king or queen before that, work the details with your dm how this is happening and why.

Escape artist You take +5 to any rolls to break a grapple and to pick a lock from bounds that restrain you at 6th level you may attempt an escape roll even if you hold no tools on you at 11th level you escape automatically from any nonmagical restrains, at 15th level you can't be restrained by any means and at 17th level you may even return with an action to the exact location you were from an effect that transported you before one hour or less.

feign mastery You may use your feign death feature as a reaction to cancel any spell that targets you after rolling your saving throw (if any) but before you see if its a success or a fail. after you loose your feign death feature's use using feign mastery talent the first time that you are reduced unconscious or tto 0 hp or less you return to 1 hp, you cannot use this feature until you take a long rest.

Focused on offense You may take an additional edge talent.

Full dodge When you take the dodge action you have advantage to saving throws if you can perceive the source until the start of your next turn

Gold contract prerequisite: bounty hunter When you take a contract you may make a persuasion and an intimidation roll.If you succeed on persuasion roll you add a gold bonus of your charisma modifier x 100 gold pieces and if you succeed on the intimidation no one beyond your level would take this contract. I you succeed on both you gain an additional 1000 gp if you complete the bounty before a number of days equal or lower to your intimidation roll.

Intellectual Movement Your ac is calculated By 10+ Intelligence modifier + wisdom modifier when you are not wearing armor or hold a shield. you gain +1 bonus to ac at 11th level and +2 at 17th level

Instant tactics prerequisite: Alienist Hobby When you create an edge pool from your familiarization feature and you spend edges against to or from actions relative to the creature you ve gained the familiarization edge pool,

you may spend 1 additional edge that doesn't count for your edge limit. at 8th level the additional edges that dont count to your edge limit may be as high as 2,at 12th level may be half your intelligence modifier and at level 17th as high as your intelligence modifier.

Jigsaw chess prerequisite: detective 8th level You may roll a combined knowledge roll of insight, investigation and perception if you have previously rolled at least one roll that included those skills for the same subject (combined knowledge counts as if you had rolled separate rolls for each skill it includes). The dc is 20. If you succeed, you make connections and gain informations you couldn't normally as if you had successfully had cast a augury spell, at level 11th you ignore the 25 percent miss chance at 15th you gain the effects as if you had successfully cast a legend lore spell. All the information you gain from this feature must be towards the subject of your combined knowledge roll and you can use this feature only once per subject even if new information comes to light.

Loyalty prerequisite: networker, 17th level Your reputation reaches beyond the material plane, you have additional connection to a number of planes equal to your intelligence modifier to a town size like the connections feature. apons.

Magical materialist prerequisite: legend scholar You may use your legend scholar's features for magical constructs.

Master of disquises You gain the vigilante's hobby Hidden identity at 14th level the number of identities you may have are equal to your intelligence modifier. If you have the vigilante hobby and you are 20th level you may create by spending 8 hours one new identity

Master of skills You choose 2 skills and become proficient with them at 15th level you also add double your proficiency bonus.

Mind Eyed 3rd eye prerequisite: detective You gain true sight of 1 inch this increases to 5 feet at 13th level, 10 feet at 15th, 20 at 18th and 30 at 20th level

Plasteline prerequisite: mixer brewer You may make a paste instead of an injection or powder or potion, you may apply that pasta on weapons as a bonus action and the effect then triggers when you damage the target, you may have a number of 1 quarter your level (round down) on such pastes applied or not to weapons.

Practiced Walker You take 5 feet extra movement at 1st level level this bonus increases in 10 at 6th level 15 at 11th and 20 at 16th, you also gain advantage

in forced march rolls

Psychic Inteprentation prerequisites :Detective, medium background level 10th You may relive the scene of the crime. You may relive a scene of a location as if you had time traveled there or the memory of an individual if you know he had lived, all the details that are unknown to you manifested as grey shadows and unknown sounds as blurring white noise, you cannot interact or change anything in the memory and vice versa. However you can add a small detail a number equal to your wisdom modifier, small details include but not limited to: the gender of a stranger, the color of a liquid, the odor of something, the clarity of a sound, a sentence of a dialog etc

Scholar Learn additional languages equal to your intelligence modifier, double that at 15th level.

Small gifts prerequisite: occultist You learn one cantrip from the sorcerer's list, at 6th level you learn 1 1st level spell from the same list ,At 11th a 2nd level spell and at 15th a 3rd level spell , you may cast each once and intelligence is your spellcasting ability. You regain the uses of this feature after you complete a long rest.

Small practice Choose a tool or kit you become proficient with it and add double your proficiency bonus. you may choose an additional one at 15th level.

Something 's n't right prerequisite: detective, Level 20 No creature may gain advantage on attack rolls against you.

Temple of body Choose a saving throw you are not proficient with you gain +1 on rolls with it this increases to half your proficiency bonus at 6th level and in 11th level you gain proficiency with it.

Unsacred footstep When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points you mays make an acrobatics or athletics roll of 15 dc. If you succeed you may jump 10 without provoking attack of opportunities. the jump that you can move increases at half you movement at 6th level and at 11th level to your movement. At 17th level you can also crawl up to an edge or hand of a wall after the movement provided you have at least one free hand

Understanding over muscle and wits prerequisite: 10th level You may use your intelligence modifier in place of your strength modifier for strength saving throws, at 15th level you may do the same for either charisma or wisdom and their relative saving throws.


Bohemianism Artist

You are an anticonformist element of your time, an eccentric intellectual passive antiauthoritan. You carry this attitude on all aspects of life and even if in some its more near to the daily life and values of the common people is never identical. You may live in a house or in a tent next to a river but if you have a house your house is weird decorated to the eyes of the guy next door a subtle protest to the chains of tradition. You may have many lovers or be devoted to one or both but you are always devoted to some specific attitude and known to you form of love. You may gain money as an artist or not but you will play whenever and however you like.

Skill proficiencies: Persuasion, Performance

Tool Proficiency: any one artisans tools

languages: one of your choice which might be undercommon

Equipment: A set of tools or musical instrument which you are proficient with,a set of fine clothes (although usually worn up), a set of traaveler's clothes, a costume, A book, a pen, a memoir journal, a ink jar, a blank book, 50 silver or 500 copper coins in pouch

Feature: Beat

You don't need wealth to live and survive, you don't need libraries to find knowledge and schools or universities to expand your mentality , your philosophy or to understand yourself. Whenever you go in a civilized environment you seem eccentric but non threatening, you can use your art have social encounters and find food, shelter and materials by scavenging, without fear for your life, in the low class parts.


Bohemian artists tend to travel, drift and be as much self absorbed as drawn to collective activities. They love peace inner and outer and value individuality except if it suppress the freedom of other, their whole existence and behavior is a charming attitude and a annoying debate to anything that has already be expressed through established cultural behavior.

d8 Personality Trait
1 I love to use mismatched items in your everyday style.
2 I always am barefoot and have a child like attitude and walk
3 I don't enjoy or participate in violent acts and ideologies
4 I Wear tribal and spiritual items of any culture
5 I always perform where there are people
6 I always listen the other and debate any strict viewpoints and attitudes
7 I would never eat meat due to respect to life
8 I always wear things i made , out of fashion or different to the casual dress code
d6 Ideal
1 Modesty Never spend or use anything more than you need, (lawful)
2 Greater Good We are all pure at our core and we need to maintain that by protect the expression of it at the whole (good)
3 Independence. I am a free spirit no one tell me what to do. (chaotic)
4 Self Knowledge. If you know yourself, there's nothing left to know. (any)
5 Egocentric Each one knowingly or not is an individual force that dances or following other individual forces, i just know it and there is not wrongdoing by being more leading and confront others individuals because of that (evil)
6 Live and Let Live. Ideals aren't worth killing over or fight for. (Neutral)
d6 Bond
1 People at the edge of social acceptance are my family
2 Isolated places is where i find the silence to hear the screams of my inner voice
3 My trinkets are a statement of my individual expression
4 My instrument is my most treasured possession since they are an aspect of me.
5 My only true home is the journey from place to place
6 My love and romantic involvements is the ones that show my true self
d6 Flaw
1 I don't want to be shackled by anyones love
2 I could never enjoy something made for the few and privileged
3 I would never accept that stability comes from any restriction and i would loudly oppose any such value
4 I am too easily open and convinced by what people saying even if they don't mean it
5 I would always be alone since i am an island in the soul
6 I would never believe that someone is pure evil but just a misunderstood mislead child at its core

Variant Bohemianism Artist: Nouveau haute bohème alternate feat

You have not made your lifestyle in acceptance of your rising but you have chosen it by declining your upper class colleagues materialistic addictions. When using the beat feature to socialize or gain materials, shelter and shelter you use your upper class raising and find all those in the upper class of a civilized environment by people of the same class.

Variant Bohemianism Artist:Frugality LifeStyle

You don't decline materialism or engage poverty totally instead you engage in the right allegation of profit and spending without need or desire for any luxury, you never buy expensive items or engage in luxurious lifestyles but you can also add to the beat feature uses the ability to find in 1/4 of the normal price regular resources or items of need.

Variant Bohemianism Artist: Zen Boheniasm

Instead of art you prefer pure spiritualism as your anchor of existential attitudes. When using the beat feature you can find trainers instead of materials and make a few friends and admirers instead of just socializing in all parts of a civilized environment.

art by MykaJelina


Appearances may or may not be everything. An empty shell with a nice aesthetic maybe it will never be whole, but it looks damn good and has value on his outside. However your goal is both, to have a deeper and outside rich and flamboyant aesthetic value, appearance is the extrovert manifestation of ones value and ethics is the inside aesthetic value of ones existence. Good manners or badass behavior is both accepted but respected gentleman behavior is required on top of that, after all if you understand the value of behaviorism you can't accept anything else but be polished in manners as anything else shining on you.

Skill proficiencies: Persuasion, Perception

Tool Proficiency: disguise kit, one gaming set

Equipment: Entertainer's Pack, clothes aristocratic (the latest fashion of nobility), 2 vials of different perfumes, a book, a diary, a walking stick, a set for taking care and styling your hair, expensive shoes, a fan, a wig of fine quality, a couple of silk tissues,2 costumes, a hat, 1 gp

Feature: Aesthetical prowess

Your stance, your style, your attitude is a force of awe an respect, even in the worst of situations you are been heard, you have respect and the best outcome in the judges of other people is made. If your party is accused of a crime without direct evidence even if the accused party is prejudiced against your companions they for you their attitude is the opposite and if they can let you go they will, if you insult someone he will never attack you without warning, offcourse an ambush from thieves is an entire different matter. You also always have an admirer of erotic interest whenever you go.


Dandies are always have a best side manners, a specific way to use language and be polite even when insulting someone,. Even in the event of a uncomfortable circumstance of being with a rug they have dignity and are not ashamed. Acceptance is what make them survive and be stylish even with a towel, they also have a gentle touch for heavy and traumatic themes of a conversation, they never loose their calmness and always found a way to express their integrity in their outlook. Offcourse a downfall of that is to never be able to express directly and in a few simple words any feeling without a descriptive narrative.

d8 Personality Trait
1 I always refer to persons near to me as mine
2 I like to hunt whenever i have some time for me
3 I spent at least 2 hours to prepare my outlook
4 I hate people that sit anywhere else that couches
5 I am always carrying perfumes and odory spices
6 I am never late
7 I will never fall to the level of expressing myself through those distasteful expressions that start with a c and end in s
8 A true friend is one that drinks and play with you
d6 Ideal
1 Stoicism I dress and be flamboyant to give taste to simple facts carved in steel (lawful)
2 Elitism I am one the few rare best breeds of a civilized food chain of social animals (evil)
3 Independence. I am a free spirit no one tell me what to do. (chaotic)
4 Eccentricity I express myself to outlooks that are symbols of my inner unique nature (any)
5 aesthetism There is only what you see and i make it clear to show my inner self and ideas to you by organizing the view to your eyes (neutral)
6 Martyrdom I sacrifice myself in a parade of intense outlook so that you can see when i do the right things for your good thst you can stand with dignity and altruism even if hell breaks loose. (good)
d6 Bond
1 My shine flask filled with expensive alcoholic liquid is my best friend.
2 I have found my true love, now i must show her that i will dare anything for her and i dare to say as graciously as possible i will too
3 My brotherhood is my traveling companions, men they are obligated to love even their stupid brethen
4 My perfect trinket with the gears, made for me and it shows my perfect self
5 I have the perfect inn and cafe and i will not eat or drink anywhere else when i can
6 My only true attachment is fashion
d6 Flaw
1 I don't want to be shackled by anyones love
2 I always are clean and be cleaned and never allow myself to be inside dirt
3 I would never work as other people
4 Never refuse a challenge, my awesome i dare to say looks sir its just my inner self value manifested
5 Women are my weak spot in the heart, After all such is the nature of man
6 I more that expressing to anyone i care for even when it costs such trivial things as my whole wallet

Variant : Dandy Bohemianism

You can find style in the lowest places, with nothing you make miracles, if you have access to materials even if there are garbage you may dress youself in style, consider that you may found a disguise kit for free in any such place, you can't use that for disguises, just for styling.

Variant : Philosophical Aesthetician

You are not fulfilled without a strong philosophy behind your aesthetics, while not so intense on your outlook you prefer a modest but specific style with a deep philosophical view, more common way to express with fine detail to stylish that show your deep and intellectual life approach. When using your aesthetical prowess feature you may not attract the same extreme goodwill attitude of other people but you are always given space to express yourself, usually as much space as a monologue from the protagonist of a dramatic stage play.

Variant : Muscadin

You are old fashioned, you mannerism comes from the seed of a necessity of ethical code from the worst animal like gangs. You are a civilized criminal while others are pure brutal beasts to survive. Your appearance is full of heavy makeup and intense shadows and eyelashes, provocative and intimidating you inspire disgust but is so intimating that no one would usually express it. While using your Aesthetical prowess you are not forgiven so easily and you dont inspire respect, you instead inspire fear and awe and you can find lackeys and create gangs and information brokers from nothing.

art by janemere


Either by traditional training in rituals either by inheritance of your racial sensitive nature or by touching too many times the pass to the other side you have a connection with the unseen and fate.

Skill proficiencies: Insight, Perception

Tool Proficiency: GlassBlowers tools, a gaming set of cards, quija or something similar

Equipment: Tools for omen prediction or communication tools with the other side examples are: a set of runes, a crystal ball, a deck of normal or tarrot or taroka cards, bones ect, a cloak, a cowl, a coat, a costume, traveling and common clothes, mantles, 30 gp

Feature: Sense the dead

Your gift is to sense the dead and communicate with them. By taking an hour of ritualistic progress with your tools you may sense any creature in the ethereal plane and undead in 1 mile with a general direction sense and not an accurate knowledge of its location you can also at the end of the ritual communicate with any ethereal being in 100 feet of you. If you are using the madness rules roll for a minor madness check with your dm's discretion at the end of the ritual.


Mediums are people that have an extra connection with the ethereal and astral plane, its usually more intense towards its denizens of those planes that are wondered, be trapped or travel as a result from a death or near death experience. Usually this connection has also a result for a medium to view herself as something between a human and a abomination or between a human and a resolver of issues for the dead in hopes that someone would do the same for her when mortality perishes. Due to that love and empathy is more common currency that hate and cruelty except toward transactions with malevolent beings.

d8 Personality Trait
1 I exaggerate about my gifts and experiences
2 I always talk in invisible beings i assume there are around me
3 I am distant and gloomy and morbid but this is just because i dont know any other way
4 I spent more time with the dead than the living
5 After a battle i try to resolve any issues with the victims of the conflict to have no issues later
6 I have poor hygiene since i can't know where i smell because the stench of death is always at the tip of my nose
7 I bloat about any significant dead person or place of the past i have saw with my gift
8 I often stare at living things and wonder how the decay will reach them with my imagination, my stare at that time freaks people out
d6 Ideal
1 Respect Dead or alive we all are potential traveling eternities and deserve respect (good)
2 Nihilism All leads to nothingness and disappointment, you can do not wrong by taking advantage for youself because of that (evil)
3 Order What seems chaotic can be controllable if we understand how it works (lawful)
4 Noble Obligation Its my destiny to respect, resolve and protect nobilities of the past and its denizens
5 Determinism Whatever we do and where we travel is a fated destiny that follows and direct us (neutral)
6 Control I have seen too much, to know that results lead nowhere if you wear just ethics and principles in your dictated actions (chaotic)
d6 Bond
1 I have a dead friend i always keep in touch with when i can
2 I manage a place of the dead's resting place and go there often to listen and help them to solve their between problems
3 My instruments is the only thing that keeps me from dive into terror when i use my gift
4 I have an intense lover that reminds what living is without death.
5 I keep a trophy for each of my kills in hopes to help to redeem this lost soul
6 I keep my place clean and sanctioned to be my after death place in case i stay behind
d6 Flaw
1 I can never feel truly intimate with anyone since they only true future for anything is disintegration
2 I refuse to not spend all my money, have as many lovers as possible and live my life in the fullest burst explosive way its possible, permanncy is doomed after all
3 I focus so much in the future i forgot all my needs and ignore anything related to other tenses
4 When i am in need of money i pretend to use my gifts to make profit in an act, while in truth i just say what is more desirable
5 I bring justice to persons that are still unpunished for acts that killed someone
6 I betray a dead persons trust if a necromancer offer me enough

Variant Feature: Omen reader

Your connection is with the heavy predictable action reaction of established emotional patterns and the will of higher forces. From time to time you get visions about significant changes in established order of the world or a specific nation sized or bigger area. You can also while taking a long rest to perceive omens about a random aspect of a specific individuals life.

Variant Feature: Astral connection

Your connection is to understand and absorb the tendencies and the established archetypes of those around you. When a being is emotionally aroused you get and you succeed on an insight roll against him you take additional information about his fears, hopes and dreams.

Variant Feature: Psychometry

Your connection is with a place's resonance of ethereal and astral kind. You may roll a insight roll on a place and gain information about its history and a specific even that you are aware of, the longer away the hardest to get information, the more significant to the current time the event is the easier.

art by MykaJelina


A common occupation in these times, you ressurect the dead not through magic but with a shovel. Similar its not to raise them and conquer the world with your minions but to sell them and make good pouches of coins from them. Not always a legal or noble education but makes good money.

Skill proficiencies: Medicine, Perception

Tool Proficiency: Gravidigger's tools (used to minimize the damage and carriage of a dead body,) , Forgery tools, Thieves tools

Equipment: All kits you are proficient with, rugs and cheap clothes, a shovel and a carriage

Feature: The weird , the wicked and the trader

You may recognize if a place of the dead's resting has been invaded, looted as well which such part of it has been used recently and to navigate your self inside such a place. You may also find persons of interest to sell your second hand products, usually scientists, physicians and the occasional necromancer apprentice. For each such body you sell you take 5 gold piece if its legal and 10 if its illegal specific requests add +5 gold to these prices.


Usually its just a job nobody want to do and very few respect, but some view it as a necessity for the progress of the civilization, either way money are good and easy, you may charge extra if you find undeads though.

d8 Personality Trait
1 I never bother to try and to have clean clothes
2 I talk to corpses as if there were alive
3 I am always a bit crazed eyed, they say
4 I have excellent taste of humor but people call it ghoolish
5 I am never disgust by insects and guts and gore but i enjoy to share my knowledge about those topics
6 I am always prepared for the worst so i keep my shovel and stakes for the worst case scenario near me, but people mistaken me for a vampire hunter
7 You found useful thing in graves and tombs and i share them with my friends
8 In my work it helps to whisper melodies soothe but cause i work a lot i forgot that i am not in the work and i do it in moments of silence
d6 Ideal
1 Progressive Most people wouldn't distinct Head from toe if it wasn't for people like me to be devoted to the sacrifice for progress (good)
2 Greedy Its weird what that many people show their value after death even if there were beggars (Neutral)
3 Hymbris Most gods can't even keep their dead rested and they are mad for mah trying make a coin, well i am happy to steal from them (evil)
4 Nihilist A dead is a dead and many times is better at some weird basement that in a grave that someone may raise them (chaotic)
5 Honor I am a profession and i never leave an unsatisfied customer if i can (any)
6 Lawful I would never do my profession as a common criminal to add extra weight to the few they do it
d6 Bond
1 I never leave my tools far away from me
2 I have some insect friends that i recruit from the job
3 I do my own research on dead bodies
4 I love to help the investigators and the local authority by sharing anything i have noticed in the job
5 I have my favorite resting place to hang on and think
6 I love to keep trinkets of no value as respect to those whom bodies i sell
d6 Flaw
1 I have a necromancer client that takes a lot of merchandise and he plots something large, however it pays too well to betray him
2 I love my job and the dead a lot.
3 I loot anything from the corpses before i deliver them and then i lie if someone asks
4 Fresh corpses have good meat for cooking and i can make a sidejob from that
5 Illegality is more profitable so out of necessity i practice it more often
6 I love to chop anything that the client hasn't specified he needs from a corpse, it makes it lighter

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