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# *The Adventure Zone: Balance*, Magic Items Revised ### Items A-Z Items are presented in alphabetical order. An item's description gives the item's name, its category, its rarity, and its properties. #### Adamant Spanner *Weapon (mace), uncommon (requires attunement)* This large, black metal wrench has four emeralds placed around the head. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. The mace has 4 charges for the following properties. It regains 1d4 charges daily at dawn. **Mending.** While holding this mace, you can use an action to cast the cantrip *mending*. **Repair.** While holding this mace, you can use an action to expend 1 charge to fully repair a broken object no larger than 15 feet in any dimension. All broken parts of the object must be present within 60 feet. #### Alchemist's Ring *Ring, uncommon (requires attunement)* While wearing this ring and imbibing a *potion of healing*, you regain an additional 1d4 hit points for each level of potion rarity. For example, a *potion of healing* will recover 3d4+2 hit points, and a *potion of greater healing* will recover 6d4+4 hit points. #### All-or-Nothing Coin *Wondrous item, rare* This duplicitous coin can spell fortune or ruin for its owner. When making an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can flip a coin in place of rolling a d20. Heads is treated as a 20, while tails is treated as a 1. The coin cannot be used again until the next dawn. #### Anti-Gravity Sphere *Wondrous item, uncommon* This fist-sized glass ball is filled with silvery smoke. You use an action to throw the sphere up to 60 feet, where it shatters and casts *levitate* (spell save DC 15) on all creatures and objects within a 15 foot radius, lasting for 1 minute with no concentration required. #### Arcane Trickter's Glove *Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster with the mage hand cantrip)* While you wear this blue leather glove, the hand summoned can by the *mage hand* cantrip can be invisible, and can be used to stow or steal an object worn on a creature, and can be used to pick locks with thieves' tools. To do this stealthily, you make a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check, contested by a creature's Wisdom (Perception) check. \columnbreak #### Astral Shell *Wondrous item, rare* This conch shell allows you to interrogate the souls of the deceased. You can use an action to cast the spell *speak with dead* without expending a spell slot. The targeted corpse does not require a mouth, as the voice of the deceased is heard from within the shell. Once cast, the shell cannot be used again until the next dusk. #### Awareness Frames *Wondrous item, very rare* While wearing these thick-framed spectacles, you have advantage on all Wisdom (Perception) checks and Intelligence (Investigation) checks that rely on sight. #### Bag of Necessity *Wondrous item, legendary* This small leather bag is locked closed, and the lock cannot be picked or forced open by any means. The bag weighs 5 pounds, but the shape inside is formless. At the precise time the object inside is needed, a key appears at your feet, and the bag can be unlocked and opened as a bonus action. >The *bag of necessity* is a plot device, to be used to give a specific object to a player at the precise time that they need it. #### Band of Projected Thought *Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)* While wearing this headband, you can telepathically communicate with any creature that speaks at least one language within 30 feet. #### Bearface Helm *Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)* While wearing this helmet, you can use an action to unleash a powerful roar. Each creature of your choice within a 20 foot radius must make a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw, or become frightened of you. A frightened creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of its turn, ending the effect on a success. This property of the helmet cannot be used again until the next dawn. #### Bear-Tooth Necklace *Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)* This necklace is the totem of a powerful bear spirit. While wearing this necklace, you gain a +1 bonus to all Constitution ability checks and Constitution saving throws. \pagebreak #### Book of Eavesdropping *Wondrous item, very rare* This unmarked book's pages are blank. When you use an action to speak the book's command word, its begin to fill with words. Any messages sent magically, such as through *message* or *sending*, within a 1-mile radius of the book within the last 24 hours are transcribed onto the book's pages. The message includes the names of the message's sender and receiver, as well as any correspondence from the receiver. The book does not stop any message from reaching its intended target. The messages remain transcribed for 10 minutes, after which they disappear. #### Billow Branch *Wondrous item, common* This wooden pipe is shaped like a natural branch. When smoking from it, you can use an action to shape the smoke in any way you wish, so long as it fits within a 1-foot cube. The shape persists for 1 minute, or until you dismiss it as a bonus action, after which it becomes an ordinary puff of smoke. #### Chance Lance *Weapon (spear), very rare (requires attunement)* This spear resembles a large, ornate minute hand of a clock. You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. After making a thrown attack, it immediately reverses its path through time and flies back to your hand. #### Champion’s Belt *Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement by a barbarian or fighter)* This belt has 3 charges, and regains all charges daily at dawn. While wearing this belt, you can expend 1 charge to substitute your Strength score when making a Wisdom or Charisma check. #### Defender’s Dial *Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)* This belt buckle has a dial with three images, a flame, a snowflake, and a lightning bolt. You can use a bonus action to activate the dial and gain resistance to either fire, cold, or lightning damage (your choice) for 1 hour. This property cannot be used again until the next dawn. #### Diadem of Fabulous Truthiness *Wondrous item, uncommon* You can use an action to target one creature within 15 feet. The creature must make a DC 15 Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, the creature can’t speak a deliberate lie for 10 minutes. An affected creature is aware of the effect and can thus avoid answering questions to which it would normally respond with a lie. Such a creature can be evasive in its answers as long as the effect lasts. This property cannot be used again until the next dawn. \columnbreak #### Extreme Teen Bible *Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement by a cleric or paladin)* This book features a rad skateboarder on its cover. You can use this book as a holy symbol and gain a +1 bonus to your spell save DC and your spell attack modifier for your cleric and paladin spells. While holding this book, you have advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks made to convert teenagers to your religion. #### Feather Fall Duster *Wand, uncommon* This pink feather duster has 4 charges, and regains 1d4 charges daily at dawn. When holding the feather duster, you can use your reaction to expend 1 charge and cast *feather fall*. #### Featherweight Cuirass *Armor (breastplate), very rare (requires attunement)* This breastplate has a ruff of black feathers around its mantle. You gain a +2 bonus to AC while wearing this armor. You also have advantage on Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks. #### Fishglobe *Wondrous item, rare* This fist-sized glass ball is filled with water, and contains a live goldfish. The *fishglobe* magically keeps the goldfish fed, and the water remains clean. You can use an action to throw the *fishglobe* up to 30 feet, where it shatters and summons a merrow. The merrow is friendly to you and your companions, and it acts on your turn. You can use a bonus action to command how the merrow moves and what action it takes on its next turn, or to give it general orders, such as to attack your enemies. In the absence of such orders, the merrow defends itself from attackers. After 1 hour, or it is reduced to 0 hit points, it disappears. #### Flaming Poisoning Raging Sword of Doom *Weapon (longsword), legendary (requires attunement)* This longsword features a gigantic blade wreathed in flames with a crooked, oozing scorpion’s stinger affixed to its point. You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. On your turn before taking the Attack action, you can use a bonus action to activate an effect, choosing one of the options below. **Flaming.** Fire erupts from the blade and deals an additional 3d10 Fire Damage per attack until the beginning of your next turn. **Poisoning.** The blade becomes coated in poison and deals an additional 3d10 Poison Damage per attack until the beginning of your next turn. **Raging.** A wave of fury washes over you. You gain one use of a Barbarian’s Rage. This command word cannot be used again until the next dawn. \pagebreak #### Gilly *Weapon (club), uncommon (requires attunement by a nature cleric or a druid)* You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. While holding the club, you can use a bonus action to cast *shillelagh*. Additionally, *Gilly* can be used as a holy symbol or a druidic focus. #### Glasses of Lightning Comprehension *Wondrous item, common* While wearing these glasses, you can read and comprehend written information in a language you understand ten times as fast. #### Glutton’s Fork *Wondrous item, rare* This golden fork has 3 charges, and regains all charges daily at dawn. You can use an action to expend 1 charge to target a non-magical object within 5 feet that weighs no more than 1 pound. The object is magically transformed into food, and can be consumed as a bonus action to regain 1d6 hit points. #### Haunted Doll *Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)* While this 6 inch porcelain doll is on your person, your third failed Death saving throw will cause the doll to die in your place and be destroyed. Failing your next Death save will still cause you to die. #### Heavy Bean *Wondrous item, rare* This small bean weighs 1 pound. You can use your reaction to put the bean in your mouth, or spit into your hand. While in your mouth, your weight increases by a factor of 10, giving you advantage on ability checks and saving throws made to resist being shoved, knocked prone, or otherwise moved against your will. When the bean's property has been used for a total of 1 minute, it cannot be used again until the next dawn. If the bean is eaten, it looses its magical properties. #### Hole Thrower *Weapon (sling) rare (requires attunement)* This wooden slingshot has intricate etching carved across the handle. You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls with this magic weapon. Any bullets shot from this sling deal an extra 1d6 force damage. You can use an action to create a cylindrical hole into any non-living, non-magical barrier. Roll a d10 to determine the width and depth of the hole in feet. This property cannot be used again until the next dawn. #### Jar of Bees *Tiny object* A literal jar of bees. The jar has an AC of 10 and 2 hit points. You can use an action to throw the jar up to 30 feet and break it. When broken, it unleashes a Swarm of Bees (using the stat block of a Swarm of Wasps, pg. 338 of the *Monster Manual*). Roll initiative for the bees. On their turn, they move up to their speed towards the nearest creature and attack. \columnbreak #### Krebstar *Weapon, rare (requires attunement by a sorcerer, warlock, or wizard)* The *Krebstar* resembles a 5-pointed star with blades. It is a magic, martial weapon with the light, finesse, and thrown properties. On a hit, it deals 2d4 slashing damage. While attuned, you are proficient with this weapon, gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it, and when you make a thrown attack, it flies back to your hand. Additionally, the *Krebstar* can be used as an arcane focus. #### Lens of Straight Creepin’ *Wondrous item, very rare* While looking through this magical magnifying glass, you can use an action to hilight any footprints, tracks, or markings left by any creature that traveled through the area, giving you advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks made to track creatures. This effect lasts for 1 hour and cannot be used again until the next dawn. #### Magnetic Charge *Wondrous item, rare* This fist sized glass ball has a blue button on the top. You can use an action to press the button and throw the ball up to 60 feet away. The ball then creates a 10 foot radius magnetic field. Unsecured metal objects within this radius are flung up to 10 feet away to the edge of the radius. A creature holding a metal object must make a DC 15 Strength saving throw, or the object flies from its grip. A creature wearing metal armor must make a DC 15 Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is flung back up to 10 feet away to the edge of the radius and is knocked prone, or half as far on a success and isn’t knocked prone on a success. A Large or larger creature has advantage on these saves. Once used, the charge cannot be used again for 24 hours. #### Mathias, the Living Grimoire *Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement by a wizard)* Mathias is a clockwork owl that has been owned by many wizards throughout its lifespan. While attuned, Mathias can act as a familiar, as with the *find familiar spell*. It uses the owl stat block (pg. 308 of the *Player’s Handbook*) with the following changes:
It is Construct instead of a Beast.
It is immune to poison damage and the poisoned condition.
When used as a familiar, Mathias can recite arcane knowledge on command, granting you advantage on all Intelligence (Arcana) checks. You can also use its stored knowledge to prepare one spell from the wizard spell list that you do not have in your spellbook. This spell does count against the number of spells memorized per day, and you must have a spell slot of the required level to cast the spell. You must finish a long rest before you can use this property again. \pagebreak #### Mockingbird Gum *Wondrous item, uncommon* These green and blue speckled minty sticks of chewing gum are typically found in packs containing 1d10 sticks. As an action, you can eat one stick of gum and gain the ability to imitate another creature’s voice for 1 hour. A creature that hears you can tell that the voice is an imitation by making a DC 20 Wisdom (Insight) check. #### Mystery Powder *Wondrous item, uncommon* This bag contains 1d8+8 handfuls of dust. You can use an action to throw a handful at a creature within 15 feet. Make a ranged weapon attack against the creature and roll a d100, consulting the Wild Magic Surge table (pg. 104 of the *Player’s Handbook*). On a hit, the target of the effect is the creature. On a miss, the target of the effect is you. #### Nitpicker *Wondrous item, uncommon* This 4 inch bronze statuette of a garden gnome is holding a set of thieves’ tools. The Nitpicker has 2 charges, and regains all expended charges daily at dawn. As an action, you can expend 1 charge and hold the Nitpicker up to a lock, whereupon it animates and picks the lock. While working and for 1 minute afterwards, the Nitpicker criticizes all present creatures within a 10 foot radius. The Nitpicker’s criticisms can be heard from 150 feet away. #### No-Sodium Salt Shaker *Wondrous item, common* This salt shaker contains 2d10+10 pinches of salt. When you use an action to apply one pinch to a meal or drink, the salt will become bright pink if the food or drink was poisoned. The salt also makes non-poisoned food or drink taste delicious. #### Phantom Fists *Wondrous item, uncommon* While wearing these gauntlets, your unarmed strikes deal an additional 1d4 force damage. On a hit, you can force a creature of the size Large or smaller to make a DC 10 Strength saving throw. On a failed save, they are pushed back 10 feet and knocked prone. On a successful save, they are pushed back 5 feet and are not knocked prone. #### Phone-a-Friend Scrying Bones *Wondrous item, rare* You can use an action to roll this set of scrying bones to ask the fates a yes or no question. You may receive "unclear" as an answer if the fates don't know. If a one-word answer is misleading, the DM can offer a short phrase instead. This property cannot be used again until the next dawn. #### Physician’s Pendant *Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement by a cleric)* This pendant is inlaid with a small red cross made of ruby. After casting a spell that restores hit points of 3rd level or lower, roll a d4. On a 4, the spell does not cost you a spell slot. \columnbreak #### Plastic Sheriff’s Badge *Wondrous item, uncommon* While brandishing this badge, you have advantage to Charisma (Deception) checks made to impersonate a person of authority. #### Pocket Spa *Wondrous item, very rare* This pop tent folds up to the size of a handkerchief. It unfolds into a 5 foot square tent. You can use an action to place or pick up the tent. On the inside is an extra-dimensional space 30 feet square, with spa amenities such as a hot springs pool and towels. It contains sufficient food to serve a single meal for up to 8 people. A staff of two *unseen servants* wait upon any occupants. While taking a short rest inside the spa, you regain an additional 2d8 hit points if you spend any hit dice. The interior is refreshed daily at midnight. #### Pocket Workshop *Wondrous item, very rare* The pocket workshop appears to be a battered red toolbox, 1’ x 6” x 6” in dimension. You can use an action to place or pick up the toolbox. When opened, a ladder going down appears in the opening. A medium or smaller creature can magically fit into the opening without squeezing. Inside is an extra-dimensional space 30 feet square. It is stocked with Carpenter’s, Mason’s, Potter’s, Tinkerer’s, and Woodworker’s Tools. It also contains materials to work with worth no more than 100gp, and provides snacks for up to 8 people. The interior is refreshed daily at midnight. #### Railsplitter *Weapon (battleaxe), uncommon* You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. You can use an action to fell any tree in one swing. The first strike that hits a Treant, Awakened Tree, or other tree-like creature uses this property, deals an automatic critical hit, and the creature is knocked prone. This property cannot be used again until the next dawn. #### Rickle Axager’s Pocket Guide to Adventuring (3rd Edition) *Wondrous item, very rare* You can spend 10 minutes reading a section on an associated skill check to yourself, or aloud to one creature within 30 feet that can hear you. For the next 24 hours, you or the creature has advantage on the chosen skill check. This property cannot be used again during that time. #### Ring of Frost *Ring, rare (requires attunement)* This blue steel ring with and embedded tourmaline is cool to the touch. Any beverage held in the same hand as the ring becomes frosty and refreshing. When attuned, you have resistance to cold damage. \pagebreak #### Ring of Pointing *Ring, common* This copper ring has an inlaid ruby that can shoot a laser pointer. You can use an action to shoot the laser, which travels in a continuous line until it hits an object or creature. If it hits a creature, it must make a DC 9 Constitution saving throw, or be blinded until the start of your next turn. #### Ring of Recall *Ring, very rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)* While wearing this ring, you can use an action to speak its command word and regain one spell slot up to 3rd level that was lost or expended to cast a spell that missed its attack roll. #### Ring of the Giant Slayer *Ring, rare (requires attunement)* You gain a +1 bonus to AC and a +1 bonus to attack rolls against creatures of the size Large or larger. That bonus becomes a +2 against creatures of the Giant type. #### Ring of the Grammarian *Ring, legendary (requires attunement by a spellcaster)* While wearing this ring, you can alter one letter in the title of a spell as you are casting it, to create a different effect. For example, while casting the spell *cause fear*, you can alter it to become *cause bear*. The spell’s school of magic changes to fit the nature of the new spell. The DM has great latitude in ruling the new spell, and can change the spell’s components, range, casting time, and level as they see fit. If you do not have a spell slot of the required level to cast the new spell, the spell fails, and the slot used to cast the original spell is wasted. Once used, the ring cannot be used again until the next dawn. #### Rusted Can of Cheerwine *Potion, very rare* After imbibing this cherry flavored soft drink, you regain 5 hit points, and your hit point maximum is increased by 5. A creature can only gain the benefits of this potion once. #### Scuttle Buddy *Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)* The Scuttle Buddy is a clockwork beetle that can be used as a scout or spy. While attuned, the Scuttle Buddy acts as a familiar, as with the spell *find familiar*, but cannot be dismissed into a pocket dimension. It uses the Spider stat block (pg. 337 of the *Monster Manual*) with the following changes:
It is a Construct instead of a Beast.
It has a +3 bonus to Wisdom (Perception) checks, and a passive Perception of 13.
It is immune to poison damage and the poisoned condition.
#### Shield of Heroic Memories *Armor (shield) rare* This perfectly round silver shield initially has a mirror finish. You gain a +1 bonus to AC in addition to the shield’s normal bonus. As you defeat creatures in battle while holding this shield, you gain a further +1 bonus to AC on any subsequent battles with those creatures while holding this shield. The events of the battle are intricately engraved onto the shield’s surface. You may also attempt to recount past battles, both real or imagined, to the shield. Upon a successful DC 10 Charisma (Persuasion) check if truthful, or a DC 15 Charisma (Deception) check if deceitful, you gain a +1 AC bonus against creatures described while holding this shield. 3 failed attempts causes the shield to be cleared of all of its memories. The engravings disappear as it reverts to its mirror finish. All additional bonuses are lost. #### Slicer of T’pire Weir Isles *Wondrous item, very rare* This magical stone, despite having seemingly no other properties, draws the eye of all who come across it. You can use an action to affect one creature within 10 feet that can see you with its magic. The creature must make a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw, or be charmed by the holder of the *slicer of t'pire weir isles* for 1 hour. While charmed, the creature is compelled to trade their most valuable possession for the *slicer of t’pire weir isles*, and Charisma checks made to convince it to do so are made with advantage. #### Slippers of Haste *Wondrous item, rare* These house slippers have small wings attached to the heels. While wearing these, you have advantage on Initiative rolls. #### Soulwood Prosthesis *Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement by anyone missing a limb)* This sparsely leafed plant is constantly writhing in place. As part of the attunement process, you drink a potion brewed from the sap of this plant. The plant then forms itself into the shape your missing limb, which you can then control. The prosthesis wraps itself firmly in place around you. As an action, you can remove the limb and control it remotely, as though using the *mage hand* cantrip. The limb can also be used to make attacks. The limb has a movement speed equal to half your movement speed. #### Sphere of Reversal *Wondrous item, legendary* This fist sized glass sphere is filled with swirling sand. You can use an action to smash the sphere, causing time to reverse back 6 seconds, or 1 round. All actions, movement, hit points, and conditions are reverted to what they were in the previous round of combat, at the beginning of your last turn. \pagebreak #### Stone of Farspeech *Wondrous item, rare* *Stones of Farspeech* typically come in pairs. Other *Stones of Farspeech* can be attuned to each other by expending a level 3 spell slot to add it to the network. You can remove a stone from a network as an action if you can cast at least one spell. While you touch one stone, you can use an action to cast the *sending* spell from it without expend a spell slot and with no restriction to word count. It targets all the bearers of the other stones. If no creature bears one or all of the other stones, you know as soon as you use the stone. #### Stronmaus’s Laughing Amulet *Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)* This amulet features a stylized face, mouth open in laughter. After you reduce a creature to 0 hit points, you can use a bonus action to activate the amulet and deliver a taunting joke or victorious one-liner. If Stronmaus (the DM) approves, you regain 1d10 hit points. If Stronmaus is displeased, you are struck by lightning, dealing 1d6 lightning damage. #### Tankard of Potent Drink *Wondrous item, common* When drunk from this tankard, alcoholic beverages are twice as potent. Water drunk from this tankard will cause you to immediately become sober. #### Thief's Compass *Wondrous item, legendary* This compass, rather than pointing north, points towards the most valuable object within a 1-mile radius of itself. #### Throwing Shield *Armor (shield), uncommon* While holding this shield, you have a +1 bonus to AC in addition to the shield’s normal bonus. You can use the shield to make a thrown attack, acting as a martial weapon with the thrown property with a normal range of 15 feet and a long range of 30 feet. The shield deals 1d8 bludgeoning damage. The shield returns to your hand at the beginning of your next turn. If you have no hand free, it lands at your feet within 5 feet. #### True Heart Clasp *Wondrous item, rare* While wearing this heart-shaped earring, you have advantage on Wisdom (Insight) checks. #### Tarantula Bracelet *Wondrous item, rare* You can use an action to cast the spell *spider climb* on yourself without expending a spell slot or requiring concentration. For the duration, your movements are silent, granting you advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks. This property cannot be used again until the next dawn. #### Unlimited Pasta Pass *Tiny object, rare* This card can be used at any participating Olive Garden restaurant for free unlimited pasta for the owner of the pass and free soft drinks for their guests. #### Umbra Staff *Staff, very rare (requires attunement by a sorcerer, warlock, or wizard)* This staff resembling a red umbrella can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. While you hold it, you gain a +2 bonus to spell attack rolls and to your spell save DC for your sorcerer, warlock, or wizard spells. **Feather Fall.** While holding the staff, you can use your reaction to cast the spell *feather fall* at will. **Siphon Magic.** Whenever you reduce a creature that can cast at least one spell to 0 hit points while holding the staff, you can use your reaction siphon their magical power, and recover a number of spell slots with a combined level equal to the highest level spell of the defeated creature (maximum 5). **Retributive Strike.** You can use an action to break the staff over your knee or against a solid surface, performing a retributive strike. The staff is destroyed and releases its magic in an explosion that expands to fill a 30-foot-radius sphere centered on it. You have a 50 percent chance to instantly travel to a random plane of existence, avoiding the explosion. If you fail to avoid the effect, you take 12d12 force damage. Every other creature in the area must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes the same amount of force damage. On a successful save, a creature takes half as much damage. #### Vest of Resilience *Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)* This black vest fits comfortably underneath any armor. While wearing this vest, you can use your reaction to cast the spell *otiluke's resilient sphere* on yourself. Once used, the vest cannot be used again until the next dawn. #### Wand of Switcheroo *Wand, rare (requires attunement)* This wand has 3 charges. While holding this wand, you can use an action to target a creature your size or smaller within 100ft. If the creature is willing, you and the creature switch places. If the creature in unwilling, it must make a DC 16 Charisma saving throw to remain in place. The wand regains 1d3 charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand’s last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand switches places with a regular stick, and is lost. \pagebreak >##### Omitted Items > The following items from The Adventure Zone: Balance were omitted from this list, for the reasons specified for each item. >* ***Button of Machine Animation:*** Too complicated to be written in a concise format. >* ***Grand Relics:*** *Artifact* quality items, to complicated to be written in a concise format. >* ***Grappling Hook:*** It's a mundane item already present in the *Player's Handbook*. >* ***Fletcher's Mit:*** An inferior version of a *glove of missile snaring*. >* ***Null Suit:*** The ability to completely cancel a school of magic is far too powerful and exploitable for normal play. >* ***Port Wand:*** Too complicated to be written in a concise format. >* ***Virtuoso's Mask:*** Identical in function to a *hat of disguise*. >* ***Vroom Broom:*** Identical to a *broom of flying*. > > The following items from The Adventure Zone: Balance were taken directly from the *Dungeon Master's Guide*. >* ***Boots of Striding and Springing*** >* ***Cloak of the Manta Ray*** >* ***Immovable Rod***