Monastic Tradition: Way Of The Luchador Jaguar

by CakeSlayer

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Monastic Tradition: Way Of The Luchador Jaguar

There are rumors about a man with a jaguar's head, spreading through the streets. A ringed fighter like nothing ever seen before. Some say he can only speak in Cat. Others say he only climbs the corners and sleeps on top of them. All that is known is he goes by the name King.

Level Monastic Tradition Feature
3 Superior Wrestler, Jaguar Techniques
6 Body Check
11 King Of The Jungle Techniques
17 Rolling Death Cradle

Superior Wrestler

When you choose this tradition at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in Athletics, if you are not already proficient in it. You can also use your Strength Modifier rather than your Dexterity Modifier when determining your AC and when using the Deflect Missile class feature.

Jaguar Techniques

Also at 3rd level, you gain access to new techniques as you stay quick on your toes in combat:

Reverse Jaguar Step. As a reaction to an attack, you can use 2 Ki point to move 5 feet in any direction and the attack is taken at a disadvantage. If the attack missed, as part of your reaction you can make a grapple attempt against a creature within 5 feet of you.

Shining Wizard. If you move in a straight line for at least 20 ft towards a target and then hit it with a melee attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra Martial die of damage.

Tombstone Piledriver. As a part of your attack action, you can attempt to slam your opponent into the ground. By spending 1 Ki points and you can have a contested Strength check against a creature. If you roll higher than the creature, you Tombstone the creature and it takes damage equal to two of your Martial dice and the creature is prone.

Body Check

At 6th level, you can body check your opponent, opening up their defenses. In place of one of your attacks or in place of one of your flurry of blows, have a contested Strength check against a creature. If you roll higher than the creature, the creature has disadvantage on the next Strength, Dexterity or Constitution saving throw or ability check it makes.

Also at 6th level, all your techniques count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistances and immunity to non-magical attacks and damage.

King Of The Jungle Techniques

At 11th level, you gain access to new moves in combat:

Shoulder Tackle. As a reaction to an attack, you can attempt to shoulder tackle your opponent. Roll an Strength check against the creature's AC. If successful, you can choose to shove the creature up to 10 feet back. The creature's attack occurs before the shoulder tackle takes effect.

Giant Swing. Whilst you have a creature grappled as an action, you may spend 2 Ki Point to perform a Giant Swing on a creature. To be able to do this you must have space of 5 feet surrounding you if the creature is Medium size or smaller and 10 feet of space if the creature is a Large size. By spinning the creature around yourself around in a circle you may choose a place to throw the creature within 15 feet. The creature takes damage equal to 3 times your Martial Dice. If the creature hits a wall, it takes an additional 1d6 damage. If the grappled creature is thrown into another creature both creatures take 1d6 damage and the second creature must make a Strength Saving Throw against your Spell Save DC, on a failure that creature can either be knocked prone or pushed back 5 feet. The thrown creature is knocked prone after the action.

Arm Whip. Whilst you have Patient Defense active or when you have taken the Dodge action, if a creature attacks you within melee range and hits you, you may spend 1 Ki points and attempt to flip the creature. Have a contested Strength check against the creature. If you roll higher, you take no damage and knock the creature prone behind you. If the creature rolls higher, you take half damage instead.

Rolling Death Cradle

By 17th level, you begin to truly understand the Way of the Jaguar King. As an action, you can spend 4 Ki points to perform a Rolling Death Cradle on a grappled creature. You slam their arm with your shoulder, and twist their arm behind their back. Then start to wrap yourself around the creature and begin to roll around, the creature takes 10d10 damage. This disarms the creature of any weapon they were holding, ends the grapple and leaves the creature prone at the end.


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