Way of the Champion
Within the monasteries of champions some of the best Monks are made. Monk who follow this path share very similar martial training to that of a fighter. While still precipitating in martial arts, the Champion monks can use there KI to vary their arsenal of attacks and defense. Weapons to these monks are just as important as Martial arts, weapons are an extension of themselves.
Level | Ability |
3rd | Martial Prowess |
6th | Vital Strike |
11th | Enhanced Martial Arts |
17th | Unbreakable |
Martial Prowess
Starting at 3rd level, you have become familiar with one martial weapon, it must that lack the heavy and other special properties, of your choice. You also gain proficiency with this weapon, if you do not already have it. this weapon counts as a monk weapon for you. When you are wielding one of these weapons, or using your Martial arts you can produce one of the following effects:
You can spend 2 Ki points to force a creature to make a dexterity saving throw, Dc 10 + Dexterity + Strength, upon failure they are knocked prone.
You can Spend 1 Ki point to defend you or an ally, within 5ft of you, while doing this the target gets +2 to their Ac Until the beginning of your next turn.
If you hit an enemy with a ranged attack, you can spend 1 Ki point you can force a dexterity saving throw, Dc 12 + Dexterity, upon failure the target can't make reaction and their speed is reduced by half, until the end of your next turn.
Before you roll you can use 2 Ki points to gain a +4 to an attack roll, additionally if the attack is successful the weapon deals an extra 1d4 of its damage type.
Before you roll you can spend 1 Ki, that attack becomes critical on 19 or 20.
You can spend 1 Ki points to force a strength saving throw, Dc 10 + Dexterity + Strength, on a failure the target is pushed back 10ft.
Vital Strike
Starting at 6th level, You have learned to strike most creatures in vital areas, once per short rest you can spend 3 Ki points to make an attack. If the attack is successful the target takes an extra 2d6 slashing damage, additionally the target takes 1d6 bleeding damage for 1d4 + dexterity turns. Constructs, and undead are immune to this affect.
Enhanced Martial Arts
Starting at 11th level, Though long use and practice you have learned to use your martial arts more effectively, you gain the following benefits:
You gain your martial arts perks whilst in light or medium armor.
You gain proficiency in martial weapons, light & medium armor, and constitutions saving throws.
You become Resistant to one of the following damage types: slashing, piercing, bludgeoning, cold, fire, or poison.
Starting at 17th level, In battle your Ki sustains you, When you are below half health you can spend 5 Ki points to Regain health equal to 10 + Constitution.