The author would like to make a disclaimer for any dishonorable actions the characters may suffer from which can rouse the anger of the kami and bring their wrath down on them.
Well, here is my second attempt at a Plane Shift, this time in the more content rich plane of Kamigawa. This plane is a Japanese-themed plane seen in the sets of Champions of Kamigawa, Betrayers of Kamigawa, and Saviors of Kamigawa.
Although the mechanics of Kamigawa were not the most popular in MTG cards, the lore is actually very rich and provides a backdrop to a lot of D&D style adventures which can bring more fans and attention to Kamigawa itself and maybe, just maybe, bring the world back into the limelight for MTG players.
Part of the problem with a Plane Shift for Kamigawa is that the events outlined in the Kamigawa block happened over a thousand years before the modern MTG storyline. For some players, that's not much of an issue since they may only play in Kamigawa. For others, it may be a hurdle since they wish to connect other MTG worlds for a larger campaign (like I do) and such a time shift may not be plausible for the storyline.
For the kami, this is not such an issue since the kami themselves exist so long as the people worship them and despite the Kami War, the people did not stop praying to kami. The rituals may have changed, the traditions may have changed, but the worship of the kami themselves likely would not have changed.
For the races themselves, they would have likely changed drastically. The human empire was crushed, their command and a huge portion of their army destroyed by O-Kagachi. The Soratami were humbled and bloodied, but they may have also suffered discrimination if their plans to take over Kamigawa were revealed. The Kitsune, Akki, Orochi, and Nezumi all may have suffered greatly from the plots and assaults by the kami or the Soratami. Since we have not seen Kamigawa in mainstream MTG save for some Commander cards, we cannot be sure what the social structure is.
As much as I hated to consider it, being general and vague likely was the way to go. Focus on the base foundation and let aspiring DMs wishing to visit Kamigawa go from there. Still, a lot changes over a thousand years, so I decided on creating note blocks which detail potential cultural points concerning locations or races over the centuries and let the DM choose the ones they wish to use. Maybe not a perfect solution, but as a DM I like to have the details in case I need them. Something I'm sure other DMs like to have as well.
So with a plan in mind, please enjoy this glimpse into a potential campaign setting of Kamigawa. Read it, enjoy it, and if you like it enough, comment on it and leave a review for it.
The World of Kamigawa
On the plane of Kamigawa, the people exist in a balance with their gods, the spiritual kami. The land itself shows a sign of balance as the sources of land with mana are balanced and organized. The people themselves are strong believers in a sense of honor, a code of conduct which they ascribe themselves to. Some ascribe to the code of bushido, others to a sense of freedom, and others to high high standings of behavior. Honor is the most sacredly held rule, even if not everyone has the same interpretations of it when they conduct themselves. Honor drives many people and many often come to blows over it, all under the watchful gaze of the kami who guide and protect the people.
The Kami War
Perhaps the defining moment in Kamigawa history is the Kami War. It was started when Emperor Takeshi Konda, in a fit of extreme hubris and the whisperings of Soratami conspirators, stole the core essence of O-Kagachi, the kami which governed the barrier between the material and spiritual worlds. Enraged, O-Kagachi rallied the kami and began attacking the material world, searching for That Which Was Taken. Konda grew arrogant, believing himself immortal and powerful with his prize. After twenty years of battle, O-Kagachi discovered the location of his stolen divinity and proved Konda very wrong. O-Kagachi razed Eiganjo, Konda's unbreakable castle to the ground, shattering Konda's kingdom.
Kamigawa reached a dark point. O-Kagachi was tearing Kamigawa apart in his search and the Soratami were attempting to subjugate the rest of Kamigawa in an arrogant belief in their superiority and the patronage of their kami, the Smiling Kami of the Crescent Moon. It seemed if the entire world wasn't destroyed, the Soratami would subjugate whatever was left by force with their pure arrogance.
The end came by the hands of a ronin named Toshiro Umezawa who stole That Which Was Taken and brought it to Konda's daguhter, the princess Michiko. Together, the pair became The Sisters of Flesh and Spirit, who defeated O-Kagachi and took his place, reorganizing the powers of magic in Kamigawa, ending the Kami War.
Even after the Kami War ended, the land of Kamigawa is not peaceful. Ogres continue to worship their oni patrons and sacrifice people to them. Nezumi and ronin continue to raid and swarm in the Takenuma. Bandits and Akki cause chaos in the Sokenzan Mountains. The Soratami plot and watch imperiously from their cloud city of Otawara over Kamitaki Falls. Even the Orochi slither through the Jukai forests, hunting any and all within. Humans struggle to survive and rebuild in Towabara with the aid of the Kitsune. All the while, many rogue kami would still seek to punish mortals for their hubris and disrespect even with the Sisters restoring balance.
It is a world rife with adventure and glory waiting to be found for those brave enough to journey through it.

Every few moments, Itsu-Itsu poked her head above the outcropping of rocks she'd hidden herself behind, eagerly checking for any sign of her friend, Jin-Jin. Itsu-Itsu knew the other akki would be coming around the bend in the mountain path any moment, back from a recent hunting trip, and she had the perfect prank ready for him. It was so perfect in conception that the idea of pulling it off almost made Itsu-Itsu's mouth water.
The little akki goblin's revelry was interrupted by the faint pitter-patter of goblin footsteps echoing off the canyon walls, and Itsu-Itsu quickly dived back behind the cover of rock, grabbing up the nearby fuse and match. As she waited, the fooststeps began to grow louder, but with them came the dull stomping noises of something far, far bigger than a goblin, as well as Jin-Jin's panicked shouts.
As Itsu-Itsu peeked over the rock again to see what the fuss was about, Jin-Jin rounded the curve of the mountain road, his thin legs just barely keeping him apace of the enormous oni chasing him down. Seeing this, Itsu-Itsu leapt up and began to wave at her friend, frantically calling him over. She then bent back down, struck the match, and put it to the fuse, watching as the spark raced down its length.
Since Jin-Jin had left three days ago, Itsu-Itsu had spent almost every waking moment of her time out here at the mountain pass, digging. Getting the materials she needed for her ultimate prank had taken even longer, several weeks, and burying it all almost felt like a waste. But Itsu-Itsu knew it would be worth it. Now, as she watched the spark of the lit fuse rush into a small hole in the ground she'd carefully concealed, Itsu-Itsu just hoped her timing was right.
Jin-Jin had just barely made it past the focal point, and the oni was almost right on top of it, when the dozens of pounds of explosive black powder Itsu-Itsu had buried ignited. The resulting explosion flung both Itusu-Itsu and Jin-Jin headlong over the side of the road and down a small ravine, their hard shells bumping and scraping against the jagged rocks the whole way down.
It took them nearly an hour to climb back up to the road, during which time Itsu-Itsu explained the prank to Jin-Jin who was forced to admit that, yes, it sort of seemed like the ultimate akki prank. When the two finally made it back to the road to find a still-smoldering crater, topped by the legless remains of the oni's torso, both couldn't help but smile at each other in awe, and begin to think up a way to lure another oni into a similar prank. Though this time, Jin-Jin suggested, perhaps Itsu-Itsu could be the bait. Itsu-Itsu suggested they take turns.
Little Monsters
Akki are a special race of goblins, native only to Kamigawa, which look like a blend of goblin, tiefling, and turtle. The Akki have skin that comes in a variety of red hues, with a pair of tiny horns on their head, and bumpy rock-like shells on their backs. Their faces resemble those of devils as well, with long, pointed noses, and a grin full of razor-sharp teeth
Akki live almost entirely in the Sokenzan mountain range, a fact for which much of the rest of Kamigawa is thankful. Akki goblins are viciously territorial, ready to fend off anything that comes into their home without permission unfortunately, the akki definition of home is fairly liberal, ranging anywhere from a small, sheltered cave to the whole of the Sokenzan range. When akki do encounter trespassers, they don't always immediately move into a fight, but rather begin by trying to ward away the offender with small-time pranks, which slowly escalate in danger and insanity if the first few don't do the trick.
Dangerous Pranks
When someone in Kamigawa references the idea of "humor like an akki," it often means someone whose sense of humor is mean-spirited, aggressive, or outright dangerous. Akki consider themselves to have an excellent sense of humor, measuring the quality of their jokes by the number of injures that it causes.
An akki goblin seems to take the most joy in life from pranks, usually played on other akki, but sometimes on humans, moonfolk, or even the occasional ogre. The only creatures akki never dare to risk pranking are the kitsune and the kami- the kami for obvious reasons, and the Kitsune because if the joke doesn't kill a Kitsune, the fox-folk is sure to come back and play a practical joke on the Akki in turn, and any joke played by a kitsune is usually more terrifying than anything an akki could come up with.
Over hundreds of generations, akki pranks combined with natural evolution has caused the shells that grow on the back of the akki goblins to steadily become harder, tougher, and more resistant to damage. Without these shells, the akki tendency to play pranks involving fire and explosions, their second and third-favorite things in the world, would have led to them blasting themselves into oblivion. The downside to this evolutionary tactic is that akki have never learned any reason to be careful, and their pranks over the centuries have only been limited by the resources they can get their hands on.
Water Cousins
Long ago, the akki were not the only race of goblins to walk the earth beneath Kamigawa's skies. The kappa, a race of waterborne goblins, also called Kamigawa home. Like the akki, they had a devilish appearance and turle-like shells on their back, though the myths claim they had a deep bluegreen skin, quite unlike the fiery red of the akki.
Little is known about what happened to the kappa, and how they eventually became extinct, but many assume they eventually killed themselves off through the same sorts of pranks the akki like to pull. Other say the kappa were pushed to extinction by the humans when they arrived on Kamigawa, hunted for the magical properties of their shells, and tricked into going to their deaths to satisfy human greed. The only evidence of such a story is the Shell of the Last Kappa, an ancient relic kept in a temple near Minamo Academy, whose magical properties attest to the at least some sliver of truth in the myth.
Akki Names
All akki names consist of a single word, repeated twice, with no differentiation given for gender. Each akki is given their name on birth, and carry it with them their whole lives. Some akki, upon accomplishing a great deed, are given the honor of an altered name, in which one letter in the second-half of their previous name is changed.
Akki Names: Ai-Ai, Gura-Gura, Hop-Hop, Ishi-Ishi, Itsu-Itsu, Jin-Jin, Ju-Ju, Kikki-Kikki, Lim-Lim, Rin-Rin, Tok-Tok, UppoUppo, Zo-Zo
Akki Traits
Every member of the akki race holds the following traits in common.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 4, and your Intelligence and Wisdom scores each decrease by 1.
Age. Like many goblins, akki mature quickly, reaching adulthood in 5 years. Most akki live short lives due to the nature of their pranks, but the oldest akki are known to live up to 90 years.
Alignment. Most akki are neutral, while a few tend towards evil, and the rare akki might be of good alignment. Almost every akki is chaotic, and no one has ever heard of a lawful akki.
Size. Akki are small and light, usually between three and four feet high, and weighing around 150 pounds with their shell. Your size is Small.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages. You know Common and Goblin.
Akki Prank Training. You've spent your whole life learning the masterful art of pulling akki pranks, and the skills needed to pull off the best ones, through an extensive process of trial and error. You are proficient with Alchemist's Tools, and can use your Constitution modifier in place of other ability scores when asked to make an ability check involving them.
Natural Armor. Finding armor sized for you is almost impossible as an akki. However, your tough skin and hard shell provide adequate protection. While unarmored, you have a base AC of 15 + your Dexterity modifier, as well as resistance to fire damage. You can wield a shield and still gain this benefit.
Quick Reflexes. You are used to dodging out of the way of explosions and fireballs. You take half as much damage on a failed Dexterity saving throw, and no damage on a successful one.

Michiko began to walk, marking the trees she passed with the short knife she carried. She walked for hours without seeing another living thing. She shouted herself almost hoarse with no reply but a ghostly echo among the trees. She felt she was moving farther from her friends, but she kept walking, leading her docile steed behind her.
The lost princess marked more trees and expanded her circle, thinking of her friends and their joint decision to travel to the Academy. Where Riko had been passionate about Michiko's opportunity to effect change in Kamigawa, Choryu had been militant about her responsibility to do so. His eyes flashed when he spoke about it, and the sheer force of his personality was at least as powerfula s his arguments.
She came to an unfamiliar clearing, paused to look around, and sighed. Her search must have covered more than a mile, and there was still no sign of the wizards. She faced northeast, orienting herself against the sun, and mounted her horse.
- Scott McGough, Outlaw: Champions of Kamigawa
Out of all of the races in Kamigawa, humans are certainly the most diverse and at one point were the ones who ruled Kamigawa. Not as long-lived as other races, humans pursue many different fields to achieve as much as they can before those short lives ends. With a drive that is not seen as much in other races, even building an empire in Kamigawa, they are not to be underestimated simply because they do not have the advantages of other races.
A Broad Spectrum
The humans of Kamigawa have a number of different facets to their people. They hold martial power in Towabara, hold wisdom in Kamitaki, have raw strength in Sokenzan, commit grave crimes in Takenuma, and find peace in the Jukai. Their forms vary from height, to weight, to statue. They have also incorporated elements of philosophy from the others races into their own, making social groups among the humans as unique as each individual human.
Adaptability over All
Humans have a great strength in adapting to their surroundings. They have survived the rotting Takenuma, the harsh Sokenzan, and even braved the deep Jukai, carving out homesteads for themselves. From those homes, villages, and then even cities have sprung up. Many humans focus on living in the present and plan for the future, wishing to create legacies for their descendants and to be remembered. An ambition the mad damiyo Takeshi Konda was all too willing to pay any price for.
Humans Names
Kamigawa humans have a number of different names, all of them derived from the kanji or combinations of kanji representing aspects of the world.
Male Names: Akio, Daisuke, Jun, Kenshin, Osamu, Tadao
Female Names: Aika, Bunko, Funio, Masako, Rei, Yuriko
Human Traits
With the variety among the different human cultures in Kamigawa makes it hard to generalize them. Still, there are some traits all Kamigawa humans share.
Ability Score Increase. Your ability scores each increase by 1.
Age. Humans reach adulthood in their late teens and live less than a century.
Alignment. Humans can be the very worst to the very best of people. They range across the entire spectrum.
Size. Humans vary in shapes just as much as they do their culture. In Kamigawa that is true, but your size is still a medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one extra language of your choice. In Kamigawa, a human can learn the grunts and squeaks of the akki, the silky whispers of the kitsune, the subtle hissing tones of the orochi, the musical chimes of the Soratami, or the guttural snarls of the nezumi.

Plink. Plink. Plink. Plink.
Long-Tails studied the falling water droplets with intense concentration, watching the shape of each one as they fell through the air, and the pattern they made in the small bowl beneath.
It had been hours since she started, and the water droplets were beginning to slow in their approach, the seconds between them stretching to minutes. But Long-Tails didn't seem to realize this, or if she did, it wouldn't have shown to an outside observer.
Finally the last droplet fell, and Long-Tails blinked, immediately rising to her feet, stretching herself out to her full height with a satisfying pop from her shoulders. She'd seen quite as bit this time around, and the visions had been far more vivid than usual, even for a seer of her power.
War, battle, destruction, death, disease... If Long-Tails didn't know better, she'd almost think she'd peeked back in time to the Kami War, rather than ahead to the future. It seemed that interesting times lay ahead for Kamigawa...
The kistune, also known as the fox-folk, are notorious among the rest of Kamigawa's people for the stories of their habitual trickery and mischief. When a kistune has nothing better to do, it seems like they're always willing to turn their skill in magic towards making trouble for others. Some kitsune claim that every action they take has a reason, a greater purpose hidden behind their imnmediate action, but the victims of their pranks aren't quite sure they believe that.
Servants of the Kami
The kitsune are very different from the other mortal races of Kamigawa, being able to trace their heritage back thousands of years to the leader of the kami, O-Kagachi. The supreme being created the kitstune long ago to act as heralds and servants for the kami, trusted with carrying out tasks that the other mortal race, each created by separate patron kami, couldn't be trusted with. Because of this, the kitstune have always felt a powerful connection to the kami, and their near immortality has always distanced them from Kamigawa's other races.
During the Kami War, the kitsune suffered greatly, though they tried desperately to hide it. Many of the fox-folk felt torn between their loyalty to the kami and their loyalty to the physical world they inhabited, leading to divisions among their race. Following the end of the war, the Sisters of Flesh and Spirit used this division to physically separate the kistune as well, creating two new subraces from the fractured people- the spirit kitsune, and the material kitsune.
Mischief Makers with a Purpose
After the division of their people, the kitsune we entrusted once more with serving the whims of the kami, but now under the orders of the Sisters of Flesh and Spirit, rather than O-Kagachi. Kyodai, the Sister of Spirit, commands the spirit kitsune, who often act as her arbiters in disputes between minor kami, and help mortals ensure their guardian and patron kami are properly cared for and worshipped. The material kitsune serve under Michiko, the Sister of Flesh, and arbitrate on her behalf in disputes between mortals
Together, both types of kitsune work to settle issues that arise beteween the kami and the mortals, working to make sure a situation like the Kami War never again has the chance to occur. The kitsune take to their work well, happily serving their purpose, but the boredom of arbitration can quickly become a grind. To help alleviate this, the kitsune usually try to work systems of fun into their jobs, doling out ridiculous punishments or performing their investigations with a certain impishness.
Call of the Forest
As Kamigawa grows, so too do the issues between its people, both material and immaterial. Because of this, the kitsune often spend a majority of their time traveling from place to place, far away from their beloved homeland, the Jukai Forest. In return for their service and time spent away from their homes, for every 25 years a kitsune actively serves the Sisters of Flesh and Spirit, they are given 30 years to spend for themselves at home, whiling away their time as they prefer
Most kitsune take this opportunity to relax, feasting and celebrating with their fellows, finding romance, and treating their time off as an extended vacation. On the other hand, some kitsune take well to traveling, finding in themselves a strong sense of wanderlust. These fox-folk use their time off to continue traveling, but on their own terms, moving where they want whenever they'd like, spending as much time as they prefer in the locations that most capture their interest.
Spiritual Growth
While kitsune do innately seek out entertainment, this stems from the strength of their minds, rather than a strength of desire. Kitsune are highly intelligent creatures, capable of seeing patterns and wisdom hidden from members of other races. As they grow older, many kitsune turn more and more towards inward contemplation as a reflection of outward contemplation, growing in power as they do.
Each time a kitsune approaches and overcomes a powerful emotional, mental, or spiritual obstacle, their long, elegant tail splits and grows, leaving them with one more than they had previously. While a good indicator of age, the number of tails a kitsune sports is not directly related to how old they are, and even the youngest of kitsune are shown great respect by those with fewer tails. The number of tails a kitsune has is always a good sign of how powerful and wise it is.
Kitsune Names
When a kitsune is first born, it often spends the first few days in contemplation of itself, and the next few in contemplation of how it interacts with the world. After about a week of life, a kitsune chooses a name for itself, based on a criteria only it fully understands.
These names are always hyphenated, and often fixate on some physical quality. As a kitsune grows spiritually, gaining more tails, it may often choose to change it's name to reflect it's new understanding of the world and itself.
Kitsune Names: Calm-Voice, Charm-Speaker, Forest-Walker, Golden-Tail, Half-Moon, Long-Tail, Pearl-Ear, Red-Fur, Sharp-Ear, Silk-Eyes, Silver-Foot, White-Eyes
Kitsune Traits
All kitsune, regardless of their subrace, share the following traits.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2, and your Charisma score increases by 1.
Age. All kitsune, regardless if they are spirit or material kitsune, are full-grown from the moment of their birth. A kitsune's lifespan seems connected to its tail-growth, as kitsune seem capable of living for up to two hundred years per tail they have.
Alignment. Though most would expect the kitsune to fall on the chaotic side of things, this is only because of their need for stimulation. Kitsune themselves are very dedicated to lawfully serving the kami, making them tend towards neutral. Most kitsune are good, but some that serve evil kami eventually turn towards evil themselves.
Size. Kitsune are the same size as humans, though slightly thinner and lighter. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. Kitsune have eyes like a fox, with an astounding sense of vision that lets them see easily in the dark. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Shapechanger. All kitsune have the ability to change forms at will between their true selves and the guise of a mundane fox. You can use an action on your turn to transform into a fox and back again. When you do, your stats are replaced with those of a cat, except that you retain your hit points, alignment, and mental ability scores. Any equipment you are carrying or wearing melds into your new form. If you are killed or knocked unconscious while in the shape of a fox, you immediately revert to your normal form.
Worldly Awareness. The mind of a kitsune is uniquely adapted to studying the world around them. You are proficient in the Insight skill.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Celestial. Each kitsune quickly learns the language the kami use among themselves.
Subrace. The kitsune race is split into two, perfectly balanced hlaves: the material kitsune and the spiritual kitsune. Choose one of these subraces.

Material Kitsune
The material kitsune are the personal servants of Michiko, the Sister of Flesh and Spirit in charge of maintaining balance in the physical world of mortals.
These kitsune are still strongly connected to the spirit world, but their magical abilities are more adapted to use in the material world.
Denizens of the World. You are born with an intuitive sense of how the natural world works. You have proficiency in the Nature skill.
Fox-Folk Magic. You know the druidcraft cantrip. At 3rd level you can cast the faerie fire spell once per long rest, and at 5th level you can cast the locate object spell once per long rest. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells

Spiritual Kitsune
The spiritual kitsune are the personal servants of Kyodai, the Sister of Flesh and Spirit in charge of maintaining balance in the spiritual world of the kami.
These kitsune have a powerful connection to the world of the kami, though they are still mortal. Their abilities reflect their tendency to focus on spiritual matters over physical ones.
Denizens of the Heavens. You are born with an intuitive sense of how the spiritual world works. You have proficiency in the Religion skill.
Fox-Folk Magic. You know the sacred flame cantrip. At 3rd level you can cast the detect magic and protection from evil and good spells once per long rest each. Beginning at 5th level, you can also cast the augury spell once per long rest.

Stub-Nose crawled on his belly along rooftop, his furred belly sliding noiselessly along the shingled tiles. The night sky was covered by thick clouds, shielding him from the prying light of the moon and stars. The darkness didn't bother Stub-nose- he could see just fine, either way.
Stub-nose pulled up close to the frame of a window, peeking his head up just enough to see through it, his short snout just barely pressing against the glass. He sat for several minutes, waiting and watching to see if any of the gaurds below would come into the room as part of their patrols. He'd mapped out the routes earlier, but it never hurt to make sure. Satisfied, Stub-nose took out his tools, and used them to jig open the window's lock. Sliding it up just enough to let himself slip through the crack, the nezumi closed it again behind him, to make sure it wouldn't catch the light in a way that might catch someone else's attention.
Tying a rope to the roof beam he stood on, Stub-nose carefully slid down its length to let his feet touch the ground, his small claws making only the barest clacking sound on the tiled floor. Quickly, but with superb care, Stube-nose crept over to the altar, grabbing the mirror that sat on it's surface. And just like that, Stub-nose was back up the rope, back out the window, and back down the roof and over the walls that surrounded the temple complex, with his largest payday yet stuffed into his bag.
Nezumi are a race of large, anthropomorphic rats, discernable only by their size, ability to speak, and their tendency to stand on two legs rather than four. Most of Kamigawa's other races once viewed the nezmui with open disgust, seeing them as nuisances and criminals, but in recent years the feelings toward the nezumi have softened. Now they are an accepted part of Kamigawan society, their skills letting them play important roles in labor, sanitation, and craftsmanship.
Bogs of Takenuma
Nezumi are native to the swampy areas surrounding Takenuma, and claim to have been living in the forests of the area for centuries before the arrival of humans. Because Takenuma's humid air quickly rots conventional paper, few records of such a time exist, and many in the past believed the idea of a grander nezumi civilization to be ridiculous. But recent archaeological surveys of the bogs themselves have turned of dozens of artifacts supporting the claim, perfectly preserved in the airless peatlands, providing gratification to the nezumi at last.
Before the Kami War of ages past, nezumi were contained almost entirely in Takenuma, and occasionally found in the outskirts of major human cities. Following the war, and the role the nezumi played in rebuilding the mortal lands, the ratfolk slowly began to trickly outwards from their traditional home, and now occupy every territory of Kamigawa.
Defense Against Disease
One of the benefits the nezumi carried with them on their exodus from Takenuma was a natural resistance against nearly every disease found on Kamigawa. In ancient times, when first contact between the nezumi and the rest of Kamigawa was made, settlers quickly took notice when their villages would fall ill, but nearby nezumi settlements would remain healthy. This caused them to blame the nezumi as vectors for the diseases, hunting them down or scaring them away in hopes of driving out the sickness.
As it turns out, nezumi are incredibly healthy in general, and generations of living in the toxic Takenuma swamps have given them incredible immune systems. Some members of older generations still hold on to the belief that nezumi are all dirty or disease-ridden, but as the ratfolk spread through Kamigawa, the idea is quickly falling to the wayside in light of recent discoveries and research.
Master Carpenters
After the Kami War ended, when the nezumi began to spread from Takenuma, they also brought with them a surprising affinity for carpentry and architecture. With the help of the nezumi, several historically important buildings lost in the Kami War were rebuilt, with added structural support in the case of future disasters. Nezumi building techniques, once used to quickly erect flexible, light-weight huts in the Takenuma swamps, were applied to helping build shelters for those left homeless after the Kami War. Now the nezumi serve as some of Kamigaw'as finest craftsmen, hired by up-and-coming nobles to design intricate and beautiful places and manor homes.
Nezumi Names
Nezumi each have names in their own language, given at birth and known only to them and their loved ones. The names which nezumi use for public association are fluid, changing over time and from group-to-group, and the most well-known or celebrated nezumi might hold dozens of names over a lifetime. These common names are based on physical traits of the nezumi in question, or in rare cases are derived from their personalities, and are almost always hyphenated.
Nezumi Names: Beam-Carver, Bone-Cruncher, Fear-Claw, Grace-Hopper, Herb-Fingers, Lash-Tail, Loose-Coins, RockSkipper, Sharp-Fang, Shine-Eyes, Stub-Nose
Nezumi Traits
Nezumi share a few common traits amongst themselves, regardless of where or who they grow up with.
Ability Score Increase. Nezumi are light and nimble, but also hardy and resistant to danger, though physically they are not very intimidating. Your Dexterity score increases by 2, and your Constitution score increases by 2. Your Strength score decreases by 1.
Age. Nezumi reach adulthood at roughly 13 years old, but also have shorter lives, generally living to be about 65 years of age.
Alignment. Most of the perception of all nezumi as petty criminals comes from being forced into crime to support themselves. In truth, nezumi do perfectly well in lawful societies, though their shorter lifespans do tend to lead them to seek out new experiences and adventures, making them slightly more chaotic.
Size. Nezumi are much lighter and skinnier than the average human, standing between 4 and 5 feet on average, and weighing only a little over 100 lbs. Your size is Medium. Speed. Nezumi are slightly more fleet of foot than most races, making your speed 35 feet.
Craftsman's Paws. Nearly every nezumi is trained at an early age in the craft of their parents or clan. You have proficiency in one set of artisan's tools of your choice.
Darkvision. Nezumi are well-adapted to the dark environment of their homelands, the Takenuma Swamp, letting them see as easily in darkness as out of it. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Slight in Shadow. Nezumi are naturally adept at hiding themselves from sight when needed, especially in the dark. You have proficiency in the Stealth skill, and advantage on all Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide in dim light or darkness.
Swampborn. Your body's immune system is primed to fight off any natural infection it encounters, as well as unnatural sources. You are immune to disease, and have advantage on Constitution saving throws made to avoid being poisoned.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Nezumi. At your DM's discretion, you may also know the Thieves' Cant language.

Sitsusuro sat, legs crossed, at the edge of the pond, staring placidly across the water as he meditated. Dappled sunlight fell across his scaled face, and each of hishands formed one of the four sacred signs of the forest, helping to focus his mind. It was a habit that every shaman was taught, but most grew out of as they found other ways to achieve inner focus. But Sitsusuro had never quite grown out of the habit. The warmth of the sun and the smell of the pondwater were both comforting to Sitsusuro, and he was finding it easy to let his mind open and wander freely.
Rather than being startled, Sitsusuro was unsurprised when his meditation was interrupted by someone shaking his shoulder. Lowering his arms, which were faintly sore from being raised for so long, he looked up to see Shinose standing over him, her tongue flicking in and out in amusement.
"Falling asleep during your meditations again? What would your teacher say if she could see you?" Shinose reached down and grabbed Sitsusuro's outstretched arm, helping to pull the shaman up to his feet. Even when both were standing, Shinose towered over Sitsusuro- as most members of the Kashi Tribe did when compared to the Sakura Tribe.
"She would say that a restful mind is the first secret to true enlightenment," Sitsusuro replied, dusting off his robes. "Andthen she would probably ask me to recite the other 107secrets." Without waiting for a reply, Sitsusuro turned andbegan to walk the path that followed the pond's shore,making his way to the temple on the other side. "But thankfully, she's not here today, which means we can skip straight to having some tea instead."
Reminiscent in appearance to large snakes, the orochi of Kamigawa have called the Jukai Forest home for thousands of years. Living on its Western edges, they spend their timefostering the growth of their people in coordination with thegrowth of the forest, carefully to always keep both in balance. Split into three distinct tribes- Kashi, Matsu, and Sakura- the orochi nevertheless work to maintain a strong peace among themselves, and with the few other races that regularly interact with them.
Part of the Forest
The lifestyle of the orochi has seen little change over the past few thousand years. They still make their homes in the Jukai Forest, and still rarely venture East except when necessary. They work daily alongside the kami that also call the forest home, and avoid those which prefer solitude. They study the tales of their ancestors and the kami, and give thanks to Jugan and worship at the Okina Temple.
Few other races on Kamigawa could claim to be so in-tune with nature. As it stands, the orochi are now as much involved in the natural cycle of the Jukai Forest as it's cedar trees and wild animals are.
Serpentine Features
All orochi, no matter their Tribe, are united by an overall reptilian appearance. Similar to the yuan-ti of other worlds, the orochi are roughly the size of a human, but unlike the yuan-ti all orochi are covered head to toe in smooth scale like the skin of a snake, and all orochi grow hair from their head similar to that found on a human. Orochi also have a markedly pointed, snake-like face whose features vary between the Tribes, and an additional pair of arms growing from their shoulders, which most orochi can use to manipulate objects as easily as their main hands.
Members of the orochi race are sometimes referred to as snake-people outside of the Jukai Forest, especially by those who see the orochi as somehow inherently selfish or sly. The serpentine features of the orochi can sometimes cause concern among those who have never seen one before, but this fear is often quickly overruled. Overall the orochi tend to be genial and polite, and members of the Sakura Tribe are especially seen as friendly and peaceful.
Three Tribes as One
The orochi people are actually made up of three separate tribes, each of which plays an important role in the orochi lifestyle. From the Kashi Tribe comes the warriors of the orochi people, trained in close-combat and martial defense. The rangers, lookouts, and scouts of the Orochi are born from the Matsu Tribe. And finally, the Sakura Tribe is the source of the orochi shamans, the spiritual leaders of their people and the ones that communicate with the kami of the Jukai Forest.
Without the organization of the three tribes to guide them, the orochi people and their way of life would be lost.
Kashi Tribe
The orochi of the Kashi Tribe all grow to be staunch defenders of their people, alert for threats both from within the Jukai Forest and without. These orochi stand taller than others, particularly large against members of the Sakura Tribe, and also tend to be thicker and heavier, with naturally developed physical strength. Their heads seem more similar in shape to that of a viper, broad and with eyes set slightly off center, affording them a higher range of vision. Not every member of the Kashi Tribe learns to wield blades in all four of their hands, but those that do can be devastating in battle, looking like beautiful and deadly whirlwinds.
Matsu Tribe
If the Kashi Tribe are the soldiers of the orochi, the Matsu Tribe are the scouts, and the first line of defense against any threat from outside of the Jukai Forest. Rarely seen in the interior lands of the orochi, Mastu Tribe households life furthest to the egdes of the Orochi homeland, where they can more easily watch for threats. Compared to the Kashi and Sakura Tribes, the orochi of the Matsu Tribe are much thinner, and more flexible, with faces like that of a python, and tongues that are long compared even to other orochi.
Sakura Tribe
While the Matsu Tribe is tasked with watching for threats from the rest of Kamigawa, the Sakura Tribe is responsible for watching the Jukai Forest itself. In its branches and brush live thousands of different kami, each with their own goals and desires, and the Saskura Tribe must communicate with them to work out systems that allow the orochi to leave in peace with the rest of the forest. While the Sakura Tribe orochi receive little combat training, they are instead taught as shamans, religious leaders and eventually elders who provide advice to the other orochi.
The Sakura Tribe is smaller in stature than the other two, with some members several feet shorter than warriors of the Kashi Tribe, and their bodies often grow hunched with age, making the difference even more remarkable. Sakura Tribe arms are thin, more suited to quickly forming complicated hand signs, which they do with all four arms, and their bodies grow hunched with age. Their heads are usually flatter and wider than other orochi, like that of a cobra, and some Sakura Tribe even have hoods, though displaying these freely is often considered rude.
Orochi Names
Each orochi is given a name upon birth, just like a human, though some choose to change their names when they reach a certain age. Almost all orochi, except those raised away from the Jukai Forest or those deliberately braking from tradition, have names that begin with a hard 's' sound, and often contain more than one in the rest of the name. Unlike humans and many other races, the orochi do not have last names, instead using their clan as a designating title among themselves.
Male Names: Sadao, Satoshi, Senichi, Seshiro, Sitsusuro, Shizuko, Shoichi, Sosuke
Female Names: Sachiko, Sakiko, Sasaya, Sayuri, Setsuko, Shidako, Shisato, Shinose

Orochi Traits
Your orochi character, no matter their Tribe, has a few qualities which they share with all other orochi.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Age. Orochi mature more quickly than humans, considered fully-grown at about 10 years, but live for much longer at an average of 175 years.
Alignment. Because of their respect for nature and the kami, most would expect the orochi to be of lawful alignment. However, the orochi themselves know that nature adheres to no laws but its own, and can change in an instant. Because of this, orochi tends towards any alignment that contains some aspect of neutrality in it, such as Neutral Good, Lawful Neutral, or even Chaotic Neutral and, in rare cases, Neutral Evil.
Size. Most orochi are the same size as Humans, standing at roughly the same height and weighing only slightly more. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. In the Jukai Forest, the overhanging trees can sometimes make even midday look like the dark of night, and the orochi have adapted to this fact. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
One with Nature. Many orochi spend their whole lives in the Jukai Forest, never leaving it, and are trained almost from birth to see its hidden signs. Your are proficient in the Nature skill.
Serpentine Brethren. As many would predict, your people are naturally adept at dealing with snakes, and can even communicate with them directly. You can talk to snakes and similar animals as if under the effects of the speak with animals spell.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Orochi. In settings other than Kamigawa with a larger number of races, you might instead speak Common and Draconic.
Subrace. The orochi race is split into three tribes: the Kashi, the Matsu, and the Sakura, all of which are different enough from each other to be considered its own subrace. Choose one of these subraces.
Kashi Tribe
As a member of the Kashi Tribe, you are taller and stronger than other Orochi, and you have been trained from the moment you could swing a sword. For you, the defense of your friends and family is most important.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2.
Dual-Handed. You can use your second set of arms to hold and fight with an additional weapon. The weapon must be a melee weapon and it must have the light quality. While wielding a weapon in this way, you can use a bonus action on your turn to make a single attack with it.
Orochi Combat Training. You have proficiency with the blowgun, net, scimitar, and shortsword.
Matsu Tribe
As a member of the Matsu Tribe, you are leaner and quicker than other Orochi, and your keen eyes are trained to pick out hidden threats. For you, the defense of your home and the people within is most important.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2.
Dual-Handed. You can use your second set of arms to hold and fight with an additional weapon. The weapon must be a ranged weapon and can not have the heavy quality. While wielding a weapon in this way, you can use a bonus action on your turn to make a single attack with it.
Keen Sight. You have proficiency in the Perception skill,and advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks made to see creatures hiding in the forest or jungle.
Sakura Tribe
As a member of the Sakura Tribe, your destiny has always been to be a shaman, in tune with the kami of the forest and a guide for your people. For you, the balance of nature and the role you play in it is most important.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom modifier increases by 1, in addition to the increase given to all orochi.
Dual-Handed. You can use your second set of hands to make special shamanic gestures, which help to focus and sharpen your mind. This allows you to maintain concentration on up to two spells at once. While concentrating on two spells, you must make a Constitution saving throw at the start of each turn that you intend to maintain concentration, with a DC equal to 10 + the level of the highest level spell you are concentrating on. If you fail the saving throw, you lose concentration on both spells. If you would lose concentration on either spell, you instead lose concentration on both spells. You can not concentrate on more than one spell if you are grappled or restrained, or if your second set of arms is bound in any way.
Innate Spellcasting. You know the druidcraft cantrip. Once you reach 3rd level, you can cast the goodberry spell once per long rest. Once you reach 5th level, you can also cast the barkskin spell once per long rest.
The Shaman's Path. You are proficient in the Religion skill, and you know the Druidic language.

Tamiyo watched as the light flurry of snow silently fell to the ground, coating her garden in a sheet of white. In one hand she held a scroll, notes on a story she had recently heard, while the other held a piping hot cup of tea, keeping the chill from the open paper door at bay. Tamiyo's white hair, normally done in an elaborate style, was loose and hanging down, covering the ends of long ears and helping keep them from freezing.
Though she struggled and tried her best, Tamiyo found she just couldn't keep her attention on the scroll. The dazzling play of the snow flakes under the moon's light kept drawing her away. Finally she gave in, settling down to watch the show with her tea, thinking of everything she had experienced recently in her travels, and the mysteries left in their wake.
Tamiyo's introspection was interrupted with the sounds of pealing laughter, and she watched as three of her children ran past her view, followed by her husband, Genku, all of them tossing snowballs at each other. When Genku turned to look at her, smiling, Tamiyo couldn't help but feel at peace. And when he we caught a snowball in the face, she couldn't stop herself from bursting into laughter of her own. Setting down her scroll and tea, she stepped out of the door and scooped up a handful of snow, joining in the fun.
Sometimes known as moonfolk, the soratami are one of Kamigawa's strangest races. Masters of learning and knowledge, the soratami are second only to the kami themselves when it comes to an innate grasp of magic. Using this power, the moonfolk prefer to live in the clouds rather than on the ground, developing floating cities from which they watch the daily events that unfold across Kamigawa. Sometimes this physical distance can breed an emotional distance in the Soratami as well, making them deaf to the plights of Kamigawa's other people. But some soratami still remember well the lessons learned following the Kami War, and make distinct efforts to remain involved in life below the sky.
From Moonlight Born
In addition to their love of knowledge, the soratami are also well-known for their enjoyment of stories and legends, particularly those drawn from history. Some soratami dedicate their lives to collecting such stories, memorizing as many as they can, and keeping them safe for future generations.
But in spite of this love for history, no soratami alive today remembers where their people came from. The birth of the soratami is one of Kamigawa's oldest and strangest mysteries, an unusual dark spot in a world whose records otherwise stretch back to the very beginning. The only remaining legend on the topic is an ancient one, which says the soratami came to Kamigawa on floating ships that hovered just above the water's surface, and that suddenly appeared from beams of moonlight falling on the ocean.
Rabbit in the Moon
While no one alive, except for maybe the kami themselves, can speak to the truth of such a legend, there are phsyical connections between the Soratami and the moon of Kamigawa. A famous myth of Kamigawa's moon deals with the shapes seen on it, which are thought to resemble a series of rabbits, dancing as the moon changes its phases.
The Soratami themselves have pale skin and almost translucent white hair, both of which could be said to glow in the light from a full moon. Further, the moonfolk have very long ears, which continue to grow longer as they age, and have been pointed to as looking similar to the long ears of a rabbit, though inversed so that they dangle rather than stand straight up.
Soratami Names
While the moonfolk strictly differentiate their names by gender, it is not a soratami's gender that determines their name, but rather the other way around. A member of the Moonfolk with a name that ends in -"yo" is considered female, while those with names ending in "-ku" are seen as male, no matter the physical traits of the soratami in question.
In this way each soratami is free to determine their identity on their own terms, changing their name when they reach adulthood to fit who they are. Some soratami even vary their names between social groups and situations, taking on a different identity with each one.
Soratami do not use familial names, instead relying on mononyms, and differentiating those with similar names through their actions and deeds. In rare cases a soratami might hold a title that is recognized among their people, and used to differentiate them from others with the same name.
Male Names: Eitoku, Genku, Hiroku, Isaroku, Kiku, Meloku, Saku, Toku, Yasashiku
Female Names: Akiyo, Chiyo, Fumiyo, Hoshiyo, Rumiyo, Shizuyo, Tamiyo, Uyo
Soratami Traits
All soratami are similar in not only physical, but some mental qualities as well, and your character shares these with them.
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence scores increases by 2 , and either your Wisdom or your Charisma score increases by 1.
Age. While the soratami mature at the same rate as Humans, reaching adulthood in their late teens, they live slightly longer on average, to about 110 years, though soratami that use magic to live longer than this aren't uncommon.
Alignment. Just like Humans, the soratami as a whole do not tend towards any one alignment.
Size. Soratami are the same size and shape as Humans. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your speed is 30 feet.
Eidetic Memory. Your memory is so sharp that you can automatically store and recall up to 5 pages of writing or 5 minutes of speech and music. Information memorized in this way remains perfect in your memory for up to a week, after which you do not lose the stored information, but it becomes as fallible as other memories.
Keen Intellect. The soratami love to study and learn, but each has a specialized area they focus on. Choose one skill from the following list: Animal Handling, History, Medicine, Nature, or Religion. You become proficient in the chosen skill, and have advantage on all ability checks made using the chosen skill.
Spellcasting. All soratami are trained in some basic forms of magic when they are young, and though not all of them grow to be spellcasters, it is something they never forget. At 1st level, you know one cantrip of your choice from the Wizard spell list. At 3rd level, you can select one additional cantrip. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
Trained Researcher. Not every soratami grows up to spend their time in a classroom or library, but every soratami spends their childhood learning their way around one. You have advantage on Intelligence (Investigation) checks made to find specific information in places such as libraries, records, or other places where information is stored and catalogued.

Classes in Kamigawa
The classes in Kamigawa are similar, but also different in other ways. The culture of Kamigawa emphasizes some classes or subclasses while others are rarer or not seen at all. Consult with the DM over details from some classes.
Although Kamigawans seek out culture and enlightenment, there are those who refuse it, finding their destinies leading them to battle and bloodshed. Most barbarians can be found in the Sokenzan Mountains, but others may be found in Takenuma or deep in the Jukai.
Even barbarians in Kamigawa look to the kami for strength and guidance. The most common Primal Paths connected to Kamigawa would be the Path of the Totem Warrior and Path of the Zealot. Other, more abstract but viable paths would be the Path of the Ancestral Guardian and the Path of the Storm Herald. Only he deepest fury would take barbarians down the Path of the Berserker.
The music of Kamigawa is enchanting on its own even without magic. Those who take magic into account can become noted musicians, such as the enchanting geisha who entertain lords, or inspire armies with taiko drums.
Bards who take more elegant music can be geisha if female, or other musicians who use the College of Glamor or the college of Lore. More battle-oriented bards would take the College of Valor. Many bards who work for crime bosses in Takenuma or deal in politics may be part of the College of Whispers.
The clerics of Kamigawa are numerous and have as many different functions in society as there are kami themselves. They deal in exorcisms, purifications, ceremonies, maintaining temples, and other duties. Their methods vary depending on the region they learn their faith from and for which kami they worship. Rather than use holy symbols, they use Ofuda, paper talismans with the kanji of their kami's names written on them to invoke their magic.
Arcana Domain clerics can be found in all corners of Kamigawa just as magic is all over the land. Depending on their patron spirit, what form their power takes can vary. Deities of the Arcane Domain clerics can be any of the five Myojins and the Sisters of Flesh and Spirit themselves as they govern magic in Kamigawa.
Death Domain clerics deal with death and funerary rights. It is not a profession many would be proud of, but it is a necessary one. Most towns or villages have one death domain cleric to deal with such issues, but Takenuma has entire shrines dedicated to death. Patrons of the Death Domain include the Myojin of Night's Reach and Kokusho, the Evening Star.
Forge Domain clerics are craftsmen who bless relics or recover holy or cursed items. These clerics come from all five regions of Kamigawa. Forge clerics from Towabara specialize in holy relics. Sokenzan Mountain clerics specialize in legendary or magical weapons. Takenuma clerics seek cursed items. Jukai clerics guard magical relics made from nature. The Kamitaki clerics look over magical non-weapon items.
Grave Domain clerics are responsible for the exorcism of lingering spirits and cleansing of homes with the malignant curses of past owners. They are most often seen in Takenuma where they constantly use their abilities to put the restless dead to rest. Their patrons include the Myojin of Night's Reach, Myojin of Cleansing Fire, Yosei, the Morning Star, and Kokusho, the Evening Star.
Knowledge Domain clerics mostly can be found ay Lake Kamitaki or even the halls of Minamo Academy. They help purify minds, dispel confusion, exorcise mind demons or spirits, and bless knowledge to their followers. Kami who connect to the domains of knowledge or arcane include the Myojin of Seeing Winds and the Sisters of Flesh and Spirit
Life Domain clerics are mystical healers who tend to the sick and wounded of Kamigawa. They can be primarily found in Jukai and Towabara although several wander to other regions where they may be needed by others. Their primary patrons are the Myojin of Life's Web and the Myojin of Cleansing Fire.
Light Domain clerics seek spiritual purification, cleansing the dark power of evil kami and oni from the lands and people of Kamigawa. They primarily begin their careers in Towabara, but move outward where they are needed. Their patrons include the Myojin of Cleansing Fire and Yosei, the Morning Star.
Nature Domain clerics protect the flow of natural energies of nature, ensuring that the energies of civilization and nature do not clash and connect in harmony. Foudn primarily in the Jukai, their patrons include the Myojin of Life's Web and Jugan, the Rising Star.
Order Domain clerics come primarily from Towabara, the centre of Kamigawa, and seek to enforce law and order in chaotic regions. Using their magic, they end chaos and bring peace where none was before. Their patron is primarily the Sisters of Flesh and Spirit, Myojin of Searing Flame, or other law spirits.
Tempest Domain clerics follow the patterns of storms and other weather to bless lands with favorable weather or appease Kami who bring too much of one kind of weather on another land. They can originate from Kamitaki Falls, or on the Sonzeken Mountains, depending on the kind of weather they specialize in. Their patrons include Keiga, the Tide Star, Ryusei, the Falling Star, or Myojin of Seeing Winds.
Trickery Domain clerics specialize on the use of trickery and traps, both in using them and dispelling them due to mischevious kami or other spirits. Most come from the Kamitaki region, since most magic tricks and mischief stem from there, but they can spread anywhere. Their patrons include the Myojin of Seeing Winds among other kami.
War Domain clerics are typically known to bless causes or use magic to enhance the abilities of soldiers. Some are even yamabushi, kami fighting priests. They exclusively begin careers near Sokenzan where fighting is constant between the ronin and the samurai. Some fight for the samurai, others for the ronin. Their patrons include the Myojin of Infinite Rage and Ryusei, the Falling Star.
Druids are not clerics who take magic from the kami for their arts. Instead, they draw magic from the land itself to keep harmony as well as purify it of negative elements such as corruption, demons, and bloodshed.
All the Druid Circles can exist in Kamigawa. In particular, druids of the Circle of Dreams would focus more on the Kakuriyo, or spirit world, rather than the Feywild.
Many people take on the roles of fighters and serve local militias or greater lords. The most common Martial Archetype to follow is the Samurai. Fighters who reach that level are expected to learn many skills, so other Fighters would be considered a samurai even if they are Battle Masters, Arcane Archers, or other archetypes. They are all considered samurai and are expected to act as such.
Monks are a well-respected and well-known path people can take in Kamigawa. The largest and most well-known are the budoka and kannushi monks who dwell deep in the Jukai. Other monks are the Yamabushi in the Sanzoken Mountains, who fight kami with their skills.
Any Monastic Order can apply to Kamigawa as different sects and monestaries can be found in any region depending on their focus and particular beliefs.
Paladins in the classical sense are not seen in Kamigawa. However, there is an equivalent. Samurai who rise above the rank and file will be empowered by their patron kami after swearing oaths and proving their own skills worthy of carrying such an oath.
Which oath is taken can depend on which kami the elite samurai pays homage to or which region they come from, as they grew up and likely trained to follow those tenants unless they traveled elsewhere.
Rangers in Kamigawa follow the same function as rangers in any plane do: they brave the wilderness and become the guardians of civilizations in the wild frontiers.
The listed Ranger Archetypes in the Player's Handbook and Xanathar's Guide to Everything can be used. Horizon Walkers would focus primarily on the Kakuriyo than any other planes. Monster Hunters and Gloom Stalkers would focus on hunting the dangerous creatures and kami in Kamigawa on behalf of their people.
Rogues are mostly the dishonorable, criminal elements who have discarded any code of honor or conduct in order to enrich themselves. Some others play a different, more honorable roles despite the implications of the word 'rogue'.
Thief, Assassin, Mastermind, and perhaps Arcane Tricksters are inherently criminal and would be considered quite dishonorable. If the characters play with the honor rules, it can hinder them outside Takenuma or Sokenzan. More honorable rogues would be Swashbucklers, Inquisitive, and Scout.
Sorcerers would be natural in a world so steeped in magic such as Kamigawa. Most, if not all, would inevitably become students of Minamo Academy, but others could exist, honing their craft through discipline and/or self-study and experimentation.
Sorcerous Origins all exist in Kamigawa, although perhaps not as they would in the Forgotten Realms. Draconic Bloodline sorcerers would more likely be descendants from priests or heroic individuals who were favored by the Ryuu. Wild magic may be descended from survivors of the Kami War where the barrier between the Kakuriyo and Utsushiyo was so thin.
The Divine Soul, Shadow Soul, and Storm Sorcery origins would possibly come from the Myojin of Cleansing Fire, Night's Reach, and Seeing Winds respectively.
With the kami coming into contact with people so readily and repeatedly, the formation of contracts between supernatural entities is a given. Some do it for power, others for reputation, or for more personal reasons.
Archfey patrons can be translated as kami related to nature such as Myojin of Life's Web, Jugan, the Rising Star, or other powerful kami of nature.
Celestial patrons would be kami of light such as Myojin of Cleansing Fire, or Yosei, the Morning Star.
Fiend patrons would be the oni the ogres revere in the Sokenzan or wander in Takenuma. Named oni include Kagemoro, First to Suffer, Kuro, Pitlord, or Shimatsu the Bloodcloaked.
Great Old One patrons would be kami of the unknown, such as Towazu, the Unspeakable, a kami of mysteries and knowledge best left unknown.
Hexblade patrons would be weapons related to obscure kami or perhaps even weapon-based kami themselves like Kataki, War's Wage.
Undying Patrons in Kamigawa are typically kami of death or rather undeath such as Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker or Horobi, Death's Wail.
Wizards are almost exclusively found at Minamo Academy where they learn the craft of magic, usually joining specific classrooms where they learn a specific school. After graduation, they go and join courts, temples, the military, or stay as scholars to apply the skills they learned.
The wizards of Kamigawa can use any Arcane Tradition listed in the Player's Handbook. Necromancy may be seen as a taboo school of magic, but it does have applications which are necessary in some regions.

The Towabara plains are the center of Kamigawa with rich fields which expand for miles. Many simple farming villages dot the landscape. Roads are easily found, traveling from place to place and markers worshiping kami of roads and travel line certain stretches to offer safe travel. Several temples are situated among the fields to offer travelers and people on the road a safe place to rest for the night.
Towabara was the worst affected by the Kami War, the government and standing army being nearly wiped out by the numerous battles and then by the final assault by O-Kagachi. Many settlements were likewise destroyed by assaults by the kami, leaving refugees to seek safety. With the assault by O-Kagachi destroying the last fortress to the humans, it left the survivors to scatter and try to rebuild all over again.
Watchtowers would remain at the edges, watching for incursion of ronin from the Sokenzan Mountains or undesirables from the Takenuma swamps or the other regions of Kamigawa.
The entire Towabara region is protected by the Ryuu, or Divine Dragon, Yosei, the Morning Star. The dragon's focus was centered on Eiganjo Castle, where the people of Towabara were centered but even that was not enough to save them from O-Kagachi.
As the Kami War continued on, much of Towabara was turned to a blasted wasteland to the numerous kami attacks. Many villages were destroyed and the people scattered to look for safety.
This region of the Towabara are the ruined battlefields where the most fighting in the Kami War took place. What was once was fine farmland, smooth roads, and peaceful settlements became blasted battlefields where nothing grew and the spirits of angry soldiers and confused villagers were left to linger among broken battlements and ruined weapons.
After the Kami War. When the Kami War ended, the people would be able to finally return to the Abara and try to reclaim the land. Priests would have to move to soothe the spirits of the dead while druids would cleanse the land of the spilled blood tainting it, allowing growth of the fields and farmland again.
Future Kamigawa. With the Araba cleansed and growing again, the formerly blasted lands would be plains and farmland once more. Once again, there would be villages and settlements with trade and commerce flowing once again.
This was perhaps one of the largest settlements in Towabara next to Eiganjo Castle and its town. Once the Kami War began and the kami turned on their worshipers, Reito was struck hard and powerfully. The people fled and Reito was left as a ghost town with only the kami and the lingering dead left behind.
After the Kami War. With the end of the Kami War, Reito can finally be resettled after twenty years of abandonment. Like the rest of the Araba, it will be a struggle for the people as they have to remove the lingering grudges of the dead and remaining hostile kami as they try to repair the damage time and the kami have done.
Future Kamigawa. With time, luck, and skill, Reito can become a proper town, or even a city once again with everything an adventurer could need to stock and supply themselves for the long road ahead.
Eiganjo Castle
This was the fortress and center of government for Kamigawa. Built and expanded by Takeshi Konda, it was supposed to be a monument to his achievements and a symbol of the empire. Then Emperor Konda in his mad arrogance tried to steal from the kami and started the Kami War. O-Kaguchi ended humankind's resistance by crushing the castle, leaving the emperor presumed dead and Princess Michiko Konda as one half of the Sisters of Flesh and Spirit.
After the Kami War. The human faction will be in chaos after their fortress and last spot of safety was smashed into rubble. There will be no government as most of Konda's court and his military officials will likely have died in the assault. People will struggle for guidance, desperately searching for someone who can take command and lead the people.
Future Kamigawa. The future of Eiganjo Castle could go in many directions. Perhaps a relative of Konda can be found and crowned as the next emperor, giving the government a new head and a chance to rebuild. Perhaps Eiganjo is torn down to have Eigan Town build into a city, ruled by a council as people wish to abandon the Konda Dynasty thanks to the mad and heretical ambitions of the last emperor. In a worst case scenario, nobles begin squabbling, dropping Kamigawa into a warring states period as nobles struggle for control.
Eigan Town
This is the largest settlement after Reito fell and it only grew as refugees sought safety in the shadow of Eiganjo Castle. It has all the goods and services of a town, although religious services were a dwindling trade as people lost faith in the kami that were attacking them. Emperor Konda didn't mind, as his arrogance saw himself as greater than the kami. Everything was geared towards the military as the soldiers were the only defense the people had against determined kami.
After the Kami War. Eigan Town would have been hit as hard as Eiganjo Castle as O-Kagachi crushed the castle and everything around it, which included Eigan Town situated at its base. The people who survived will be confused as to what to do. Some may despair, believing they were now at the mercy of the kami who they once revered. Others will be angry, wishing to fight. A sentiment which will turn to rage if the people realize what Emperor Konda had done.
Future Kamigawa. Eigan Town does have a potentially bright future. With the ruined castle, the people can rebuild using the stone and lumber. With the survivors, they may have the skills needed to rebuild their homes. If Eigan Town will accept a new emperor, a council, or will be torn apart by the squabbling nobility all over again is a question for the future.
Honden of Cleansing Fire
This is the shrine dedicated to the Myojin of Cleansing Fire, built to honor the kami which embodies all of the plains, law, honor, and purifying magic of Kamigawa. It is located in a sacred site facing where the sun rises over Kamigawa. The shrine was established as the great shrine of Towabara before the Kami War. However, it was all but abandoned when the Kami War began as kami who watched over the temple and aspects of the Myojin of Cleansing Fire began attacking their own worshipers for the crimes of Konda. People still braved it, leaving prayers and small offerings, hoping to learn why their spirits turned against them even as Konda ordered the Honden abandoned and barred from the people.
After the Kami War. As word of the end of the Kami War spreads, people will wish to return to worshiping the Myojin of Cleansing Fire. Feeling safe in their pilgrimages, people will resume tending to the Myojin's temple. it will be a slow process as people try to trust the kami again.
Future Kamigawa. As the people regain their trust in the kami, they will restore the Honden of Cleansing Fire. As the years pass, it may turn into a fully dedicated temple with dedicated priests. Inversely, it may become the rallying point of the warlord of Towabara if Kamigawa descends into warring states.

Lake Kamitaki
To the north of Towabara is Lake Kamitaki, home to the Minamo Academy and the Kamitaki Falls, the largest falls in Kamigawa. Here is the intellectual and magical center for Kamigawa. The Yumegawa River, the longest river in Kamigawa, drains into the Kamitaki Falls, emptying into the ocean where a mysterious shrine waits.
Lake Kamitaki was perhaps the place damaged almost as badly as Towabara, only in a much shorter amount of time. An ogre mage rampaged through the academy with bands of oni and enslaved yamabushi.
The Soratami who resided above were just as mauled, crippling their people and leaving them without their patron kami.
Lake Kamitaki was the second region to rally their Ryuu, Keiga, the Tidal Star. However, Keiga didn't even get a chance to fight enemy kami as she was defeated by the All-Consuming Oni of Chaos. With the destruction, Kamigawa was robbed of it's source of arcane knowledge and sage wisdom.
Minamo Academy
The academy floats on a pillar of water in the middle of Lake Kamitaki. Magic floating platforms or paths between floating islands let students or visitors approach the academy. It was a proud institution and offered much of the knowledge and techniques used to combat the kami during the Kami War.
It had patrons in the Soratami, who in the public mind shared knowledge. In truth, the Soratami controlled the academy and used it as a meeting place for their plots to take control of Kamigawa. The instructors were their vassals and were expected to obey and revere the Soratami, only to turn their backs when the academy fell.
It's downfall came when Hidetsugu, before he became The All-Consuming One, attacked the academy with bands of oni and yamabushi, determined to avenge his apprentice who was murdered by an academy student. Many died, nearly wiping out the population while the All-Consumi Oni of Chaos devoured what was left behind as well as the libraries and collected wisdom. After O-Kagachi appeared, it was a miracle that the academy was still standing.
After the Kami War. It is doubtful if there are even enough people to reconstruct the academy after so many of its instructors were killed and devoured. Still, the survivors would be determined to see it through, trying to salvage as much of the knowledge remaining as they can. Many remaining nobles would be hesitant to allow their children to be trained there since they obviously cannot properly protect the academy. If a Warring States period comes, Minamo Academy could become a state itself with a Soratami damiyo.
Future Kamigawa. It would be difficult, but with dedication and returning confidence, Minamo Academy could be restored and become a center for learning in the age after the Kami War. The academy could still be under the control of the Soratami, but it could equally fight to become independent since the Soratami of the time obviously showed no concern for it.
The city of Otawara rests on the clouds high above Lake Kamitaki. It is the capital city of the Soratami and the main base of their operations in their failed plot to take command of Kamigawa. With the aid of the Smiling Kami of the Crescent Moon, the soratami were confident in their success, blinded by their believed superiority.
They were soon blindsided when Toshiro Umezawa unleashed some oni into their city, throwing their well-ordered and beautiful city into chaos. Worse, as more soratami and their kami were attempting to subjugate the rest of Kamigawa, Hidetsugu came with his patron oni and aimed to attack their city.
Their plans came crashing down once and for all as O-Kagachi was killed and the Sisters of Flesh and Spirit took his place. The Smiling Kami of the Crescent Moon attempted to earn their favor, possibly to regroup, but was devoured by Hidetsugu the All-Consuming One.
After the Kami War. With their aura of invincibility and superiority so utterly broken, their true intentions laid bare, their capital violated, and their patron kami devoured, the power the Soratami had is well and truly gone. The people of Kamigawa would no longer trust them and may in fact consider them enemies.
Future Kamigawa. The years immediately after the Kami War likely are difficult for the moonfolk. With no cards left to play, they may have to subjugate themselves to the new government of Kamigawa. Some factions may resist, desiring to take Kamigawa by force and sieze what they believe to be the Soratami destiny. By Tamiyo's time, the Soratami may have finally integrated into Kamigawa instead of seeing themselves as above it all.
This is the palace of the soratami, located in Otawara. Here the wisest and most magically powerful rule the Soratami. One of them, perhaps one of the leaders, was the beautiful mute prophet Chiyo. Her power and direct contact with her patron kami allowed them to stir their plot to begin the Kami War and eventually take over Kamigawa for themselves.
However, their command structure was destroyed as the ronin Toshiro Umezawa used power stolen from the Yuki-Onna to freeze and shatter her power, robbing the soratami of her leadership, power, and ability.
When oni began to attack Otawara, Oboro was not spared their ravenous savagery. They lost soldiers, wisdom, their believed superiority, and their entire power base.
After the Kami War. At the end of the Kami War, the soratami may look to Oboro as a bastion of their power and leadership. With Chiyo gone, there may not be as much leadership left. It will be a time of chaos as the rest of Kamigawa will turn against them and for once, none of the soratami know what to do.
Future Kamigawa. Oboro still has significance to the soratami and they will not wish to let it go. They will rebuild and try to repair their pride. If enough of the followers of the Smiling Kami of the Crescent Moon gain power, they will try to turn Oboro into the home of their damiyo and try to fight as a warring state to claim what they believe is meant to be theirs: Kamigawa itself.
Honden of Seeing Winds
This is a shrine which is set inside one of the floating islands which rises above Lake Kamitaki and around Minamo Academy. It is dedicated to the Myojin of Seeing Winds, the patron kami to islands, the water, intelligence, deception, and cunning. Unlike other hondens or shrines, the academy already closed the honden and the soratami did not dare approach, knowing the onset of the Kami War and how the Myojin would lash out at the initial crime of Konda. The Honden fell into disrepair as it became partially flooded by the water pillars of Lake Kamitaki. Still, the Myojin's power is strong even if its shrine is not maintained.
After the Kami War. The shrine can be restored as the students and teachers of Minamo Academy slowly try to restore their once glorious institution. The people will especially wish to see it restored after they find themselves lost with the Soratami abandoning them and many in Kamigawa seeing them as traitors for being so close with the moonfolk.
Future Kamigawa. The Myojin of Seeing Winds may become more prominent as the faculty and students seek out its wisdom first to help them through their dark times, and then to thrive in the years that pass. This dependence may turn Minamo into a fusion of school and temple, incorporating the Honden into part of the school.
In the midst of the sea even further north of Lake Kamitaki is an island apparently made of crystal. There is what students of Minamo Academy called Center of the Sea, Eye of the World, and the Shrine of Enlightenment. Little is known about this beautiful island, only that by going there, travelers can find healing and the answers to all of their questions there. If anyone had gone there since the Kami War began, they likely perished in Hidetsugu's assault on Minamo Academy.
After the Kami War. It is likely Mikokoro will remain untouched for many years as the academy tries to rebuild. Only scraps of information on the island shrine would remain and no one who has been there likely survived. As the faculty tries to recover their lost wisdom, Mikokoro would remain untouched for some time to come.
Future Kamigawa. As Kamigawa rebuilds and expands after the Kami War, Mikokoro would eventually return to the minds of the people. With the incomplete knowledge, myths and legends about it may spring up. In more dire times, such as a warring state, many factions may believe a power to unite the factions may be found there and set out to claim it first from the kami which presides over the temple there.
To the west of Towabara lies the thick and festering bamboo bogs of Takenuma. It is a place where the Nezumi thrived and criminals hide themselves from the samurai who hunt them for their dishonor. It exists in perpetual gloom and even darkness in the deepest parts as wandering oni block the sun with their corruption and cults of dark wizards and ogre shamans draw power from them.
Takenuma used to be a more civilized place. It had proper villages, it had culture, it had a measure of prosperity with the herbs and plants it exported along with the bamboo which literally grew all over as a building material. It was still a swamp, but it was a place where Kamigawa's prosperity could be felt.
The Kami War changed that. As the kami attacked, the samurai rose to defend it. However, the kami of the swamp were horrifying, rotting, and diseased creatures which spread their toxins and pain. Legions fell, creating cursed battlefields. The water turned fetid and the air stank of stagnation. The oni were soon lured to the sites, spreading their darkness as their ogre worshipers followed them.
The samurai saw they were losing and Takeshi Konda ordered them to withdraw, abandoning Takenuma to the merciless kami. The people struggled to survive, turning to dark magic or criminal work. Yakuza rose up, creating an organized and even thriving criminal underworld as Konda only obsessed over his prize and proving himself superior to the kami. Takenuma was left to its own devices and somehow, it manages to keep surviving despite how it should have rotted away ages ago. Part of that reason may be its guardian kami, Kokusho, the Evening Star.
The only real settlement in all of Takenuma which can really be called a city. It used to be a prosperous place of civilization. Since the Kami War began, that swiftly changed. Many of the buildings sank into the mire as the swamps expanded. What buildings remained or built since were set up on bamboo stilts to remain out of the mire. Dry ground is a premium and mostly reserved for higher ranking yakuza groups or their bosses.
People still lived in Numai, although most of them are mercenaries or criminals. Several high ranking criminals live in an uneasy status quo, knowing that infighting would make them easy prey for the kami that was trying to slaughter them all.
The one who stood on the top of the criminal world was Boss Uramon. She ran her dark kingdom out of her manor in Numai. She employed all sorts from common criminals to Nezumi thieves, to even black jushi who contracted akuba, kami hags from the spirit world. Until she crossed Toshi Umezawa who was favored by her patron spirit, the Myojin of Night's Reach, which ended up costing her life, leaving her criminal empire without a head.
After the Kami War. Numai is firmly in the hands of criminals. Without the kami it has a chance to build into a true criminal empire. However, without Uramon, it is more likely to fall into civil war as various cutthroats fight to claim Uramon's empty throne. The fighting likely will be fierce and bloody, leaving Numai isolated once again as the rest of Kamigawa tries to rebuild.
Future Kamigawa. With Numai being left alone, and the missing head of it all being found, it is a strong possibility that Numai would become a true city of crime. A thin veneer of civility rests on the top so they can receive trade, but underneath would be every criminal venture imaginable and with the deep swamps, it will be easy to hide. For a warring states period, Numai makes an excellent defensive point.
Known as the Moaning Well, Miren has an obscure history. It is obviously a cursed place where angry souls of the dead have lingered. What is less known is how many of those spirits got there. Being a well of power, it is believed that the jushi use it to dispose of their sacrifices. Others say that the ogres get rid of the parts their oni did not eat.
What everyone can agree on is that the Moaning Well is a cursed ground which has poisoned everything around it. For those who have the knowledge of dark and evil magic, it is a potent power source. With the right knowledge, it can potentially power any kind of curse or dark spell imaginable.
After the Kami War. What happens to Miren can vary depending on the course of Kamigawa's history after the war. If Takenuma is brought back into the fold, druids and priests would work to ease the suffering of those souls and purge the land of its curse. If Takenuma becomes its own state, the people already used to using evil magic, would tap into the Miren as a power source for some of their campaigns.
Future Kamigawa. How the Miren plays into the future depends on how the people deal with it. If forces of order and good manage to deal with it, the Miren will become a tale of the past. If left to fester, it may become a major threat which needs a new band of heroes to close down and cleanse the cursed well once and for all.
When the battles in Takenuma raged, the samurai were losing, leaving their dead to sink into the mix of mud, swamp water, and blood. It added to the growing corruption of Takenuma, but the worst of it all was the battlefield called Shizo.
An expansive swamp plane which was once just another muddy ground with dark rivers and the typical swamp life. As the Kami War began, 900 samurai were sent to reinforce Takenuma and they built their camp. They were confident in their abilities and their numbers ready for any kind of rogue kami which would attack them.
The samurai were proven wrong as a powerful kami manifested from the swamps and swooped onto the samurai. The battle was fierce and devastating, with 891 of the samurai being wiped out. If they beat the kami is unknown, and with the kami simply reforming in the spirit world after being slain by mortals, it did not matter. Humanity was dealt a devastating blow with only those 9 survivors to spread the word. The dead were left behind, mummifying in the muck.
From that battlefield, a new kami formed, bearing the name Shirei. It seems like a benevolent spirit, tending to the wandering spirits left behind by the battle. However, Shirei won't let them leave either, maintaining the battlefield in all of its horror.
After the Kami War. As the Kami War ends, the kami would go back to their regular duties, reinforced by the Sisters of Flesh and Spirit. Shirei would be no exception, being a battleground kami, but may no longer be able to keep the souls of the dead detained. Of course, Shirei may not give up without a fight either.
Future Kamigawa. As the people recover from the Kami War, Shizo may be cleansed of the wandering dead and the bodies given a proper burial so those spirits may be set to rest. Shizo could become a war memorial, a warning to the hubris of ambition that Konda happily payed to make himself strong while Kamigawa burned.
Honden of Night's Reach
On a small island in the Takenuma is the only spot any of the criminals and mercenaries really take care to be respectful about. A small shrine depicting the Myojin of Night's Reach, barely a building in itself thanks to limited dry land to build on.
When the kami began to attack, the Myojin of Night's Reach was no exception. However, hers were token assaults to keep O-Kagachi's gaze off of her. The Myojin had discovered the greater multiverse and proceeded to explore.
She eventually turned her attention back to Kamigawa, claiming Toshiro Umezawa as one of her followers, and one who would change the course of the Kami War.
After the Kami War. The Honden of Night's Reach will be seen to once again. With the actions of Toshi becoming more well-known, the worship of the Myojin can grow to greater heights, as it was one of her followers who was the key to ending the Kami War once and for all.
Future Kamigawa. With this prominent role in the Kami War, the Myojin of Night's Reach will enjoy some prominence for some time. Near the modern era, worship drops as Nicol Bolas, the dragon planeswalker, searched Kamigawa for the one who sent Toshiro to Dominaria, resulting in Tetsuo Umezawa and Bolas' first death. The people turn on the Myojin thanks to Bolas' manipulations, making worship drop sharply.
Sokenzan Mountains
To the south of Eiganjo lies the Sokenzan Mountains, the true wild frontier for Kamigawa. The red, snow capped mountains hold the greatest natural dangers of Kamigawa. It is also home to some of the hardiest folk in Kamigawa.
The Sokenzan Mountains has always been a point of conflict compared to the rest of Kamigawa. Konda's armies have been combating against the forces of Godo's bandits and ronin samurai that have numerous bases and positions in the mountains. Littered in the squabbles are the annoying Akki who like to throw rocks or fireballs at the battles just to make the noises and lights more interesting.
Sokenzan is a constant state of wars as Konda tried to subdue Godo and the ronin, so the Kami War didn't really change things. It only gave them a new opponent to fight. Ogre mages were already worshiping oni, so fighting spirits were never anything new for the ronin or the yamabushi. Any battle that might get out of hand can be rerouted to keep Sokenzan from suffering too much by Ryusei, the Falling Star.
Ganzan Pass
This is a treacherous pass through the Sokenzan range. It is one of the few developed passes through the mountains, which the bandits and ronin desired. The pass is a ready staging point for bandits, ronin, and Akki in their various raids and assaults. The strategic use of the pass has been instrumental in keeping Konda's forces from going deeper into the Sokenzan than they have been.
End of the Kami War. After the Kami War ends, not much will have changed for the Ganzan Pass. With Konda's empire being smashed by O-Kagachi, there will not be as many samurai trying to subdue the mountains, instead focusing on maintaining order in their own lands.
Future Kamigawa. In the time since the Kami War, Ganzen Pass will likely remain one of the only developed roads into the mountains. Should Kamigawa descend into a warring states period, Godo and his men will ensure that the pass remains firmly in his grasp. Beyond there depends on how the war, if one comes up, went for each faction.
Many consider the ogres to be brutes and bloodthirsty monsters. On the surface, they would be right. However, the ogres do have a culture all their own and their own religion which focuses on the oni. Several ogres managed to come together and build Shinka, the Bloodsoaked Keep. It is the center of organized oni worship and where ogres teach their young the ways of oni worship.
The name Shinka was taken from the home of Hidetsugu. The ogre shaman was without a doubt one of the most powerful of his race. He was also the most ardent worshiper of the leader of the oni, the All-Consuming Oni of Chaos. The keep was built to honor the oni as well as the ascension of one of their own.
The ogres often raid and take victims back to their hermitage for their obscene rituals and to summon oni for knowledge and power. Others, such as Godo, actually seek out the ogres for their magic and rituals to see how their raids or campaigns can go. As most proper temples turn away from acts such as banditry, the ogres are tolerated by the likes of Godo for their divinations and other magics. The ogres would also follow through since it is too inconvenient if the entire forces of Godo's bandits and the ronin come down on them. They are powerful and they have the oni, but they are not arrogant enough to believe they are invincible...yet.
After the Kami War. Shinka itself, is Hidetsugu's home and would have a number of secrets. The keep could be built on the site, or someplace only the ogres would go. The actual keep would be constructed after the Kami War, as the new ways of worship and magic are formed.
Future Kamigawa. Shinka will become a shadow over the Sokenzan Mountains, a symbol of fear and power for the ogres. In times of warring states, it could become the seat of power for the ogres and their army. It could become a haunted keep with an oni cult if the ogres should lose that battle.
Tendo Peaks
The Tendo Peaks are the highest, coldest, and the most dangerous mountains in the entire Sokenzan Mountain range. The deep cold makes traveling at any time a daunting task. The uneven paths, avalanches when the sun shines brightly enough, and rock slides for the unwary make the way to the peaks almost a fool's errand.
Still, for their danger, the peaks are some of the most breathtaking sights in Kamigawa. Among them is Untaidake, the tallest mountain in Kamigawa and often plays some kind of role in old tales of legendary heroes.
Another place of beauty is the Heart of Frost, a mountain deep in the peaks which is entirely covered in snow which has never melted. This is perhaps the most dangerous mountain as patrolling it is the cold and malevolent spirit known as the Yuki-Onna, a kami of ice, cold, and death. Toshiro Umezawa managed to subdue and harness her power for a time before he realized what he had unleashed on the unsuspecting people and returned her to her mountain.
After the Kami War. Thanks to their remote positions, the Tendo Peaks were by and large unaffected by the Kami War, so the time after is relatively the same. The only exception would be the Heart of Frost, where the Yuki-Onna could be enraged over her enslavement or yearning for the lands outside her icy domain.
Future Kamigawa. As Kamigawa changes, the mountains likely will not. Untaidake will still reach into the clouds and the Yuki-Onna will continue to wander her mountain domain. Still, with so much of the Tendo Peaks unexplored, there is much for the people of Kamigawa to still discover.
Godo's Hall
This structure is a hall built with fieldstone and mountain rock in a crude imitation of a small manor. It is the base of Godo, the sanzoku bandit lord. Godo fancies himself a damiyo and as he united the sanzoku bandit gangs and forged his territory, he may be truthful in terms of ability.
This fortress is hidden inside a valley, obscured by the mountains and the path hidden from those who would pursue the leader. Godo holds court in this building and rallies his men to his campaign to expand his holdings into the rest of Kamigawa.
Despite it being a bandit base, Godo has thought ahead to ensure that he can supply his armies, using the towns who look to him for protection and what farming land he holds to keep supplied. Anything else he raids from his enemies or unclaimed territory.
After of the Kami War. Although Godo rallied an effective defense against both the kami and Konda's samurai, he was decimated after one event. He used an engraved tile which contained the Yuki-Onna to drive away the samurai. Once the samurai were gone though, the Yuki-Onna turned on him and killed just as many of his own forces. Godo himself managed to survive, but his own forces were reduced to a fraction of what they were, forcing him to take time to rebuild.
Future Kamigawa. Godo will take time to rebuild and will be quick to take advantage of the destruction of Konda's regime to try and establish his own. If he can collect his forces, he may be the one to force Kamigawa into a warring states period.
Honden of Infinite Rage
This shrine is dedicated to the Myojin of Infinite Rage, patron spirit of the mountains, war, passion, and battle among other aspects. It is a blood red metal shrine made in the image of the Myojin. Set on the flattened top of a small mountain, it has a massive stairway leading to it, forcing those seeking the Myojin's aid to push themselves through their passions and will.
Although the Myojin of Infinite Rage gladly lashed out at O-Kagachi's commands, it also gave aid to its followers who properly honored it. War and battle are parts of the Myojin's domain and it reveled in it as both sides in the Kami War clashed endlessly.
Only the most devoted, such as Godo and some of the Myojin's priests could enter the Honden without any kind of punishment. Anyone else was attacked or slain simply for the passion of it.
After the Kami War. With the end of the Kami War, the reach of the Myojin of Infinite Rage's also wanes. It may reflect in the Honden as less people desperately seek it. As with many kami though, this Myojin has its own plans. It may try to stoke the embers of resentment and battle to keep conflict with other kami going and continuing to feed it more power. The Honden is the ideal focal point for this plot.
Future Kamigawa. The Honden of Infinite Rage is still a sacred place for the Sokenzan Mountains. Many bandits, ronin, and even Akki will go there for war wisdom and other needs. While the Myojin will still seek furious battle where it can.
Jukai Forest
To the east of Towabara lies the thick and largely unknown forest called Jukai. Here is perhaps the most abundant beauty in Kamigawa, but also home to some of the most ancient powers.
The Jukai is most well-known for the order of budoka monks who meditate and learn from the ways of nature, seeking harmony and enlightenment. Living deep in the western heart of the forest are the Orochi, the enigmatic and tribal snake folk. The fringes of the west are the Kitsune, the staunch allies of humans for all of their mischief.
Jukai Forest is likely one of the most mysterious locations in Kamigawa. Much of the forest is unexplored in the eastern portions. Any excursions into exploring have failed and when the Kami War began, such projects were abandoned, leaving much of the forest to remain a mystery.
The forest is also an important location because it is where the Kami War officially ended. Michiko and Kyodai ascended there as the Sisters of Flesh and Spirit, slaying O-Kagachi and taking his place. It is also where the Mad Damiyo Takeshi Konda met his own punishment. Obsessively chasing O-Kagachi, determined to take back what he felt was his by right, he was met with the angry Kyodai. The Spirit Sister, manifested from That Which Was Taken, petrified Konda and shattered his form, leaving him aware through every piece as they were scattered in punishment.
The forest is protected by Jugan, the Rising Star. This divine Ryuu was roused early in the war. Although defeated, he passed his power onto the monks to help them defend their home from the numerous kumo and other insect kami.
Fudaiju was once a temple for the budoka monks and their training in meditation, enlightenment, and their martial arts. It was founded by a band of monks whose temple was destroyed, only their ceremonial bell being left behind. They carried the bell through the woods and found an ancient tree behind natural wooden walls and barriers. They mounted their bell and began anew, like a fallen tree giving way to new life. It soon became the spiritual center of Jukai.
After the Kami War began, the temple began being assaulted by various insect kumo, insect kami, and other such kami. Jugan rose to defend his charges. The battle was said to continue for weeks or even months before he finally fell, but not before passing his strength on to the monks who looked to him for protection.
The temple held out for six years before it finally fell. It did not fall to the kumo or the other attacking kami. Instead, as the temple inhabitants dwindled and grew more desperate, they were visiting by Ayumi, Last to Visit. A kami of endings and remembrance. She broke the siege, but then she ended the monks, leaving only two alive as Fudaiju finally fell.
After the Kami War. Fudaiju has been reclaimed by nature after fourteen years. However, that would be fine with the budoka monks who seek harmony with nature and can restore the temple. The only hurdle would be Aymui, Last to Visit and if she is still in the temple or not.
Future Kamigawa. With the budoka monks allowed to thrive once again, Fudaiju can become the center of the budoka monks once again. From that single root, the order can become organized and spread their teachings through Kamigawa once again. They can also give protection to people displaced by war, especially in a warring states period.
Perhaps the largest and most ancient tree in the Jukai. It was cared for by the monks of Fudaiju. Many people made pilgrimages to the tree to ask for blessings of protections. A belief which is firmly founded as many protection magics were able to be woven from the natural energies which come from the sacred tree.
After Fudaiju fell, Boseiju was left alone. Far from being harmed, not one kami sought out any kind of harm towards Boseiji. The grounds grew wild around the sacred tree once again as nature reclaimed what the monks cared for during their stay.
After the Kami War. As the kami are appeased by the release of That Which Was Taken, the monks will be allowed to come back to their traditional home. Boseiju can be cared for once again and its protection can be once more brought to the people of Kamigawa. The only risks would be lingering kami who are still resentful towards humanity for Konda's crimes.
Future Kamigawa. Boseiju would be a place of peace and protections, especially in times of strife. It will become a sanctuary for those in need once again. The budoka monks will protect those under Boseiju's gaze as they always have.
Okina Temple
This is a sacred site, considered the spiritual center of Kamigawa. It is also the largest temple in the Jukai, although it does not have the most buildings. It is simple and humble, a place to remind visitors of how Kamigawa began and what it used to be. It honors the ancestors, the people who had come before and lay the foundations for the lives their descendants now lead.
Yearly ceremonies were held there, one for each tribe in Kamigawa. The grounds were considered neutral and no conflict was to be held there. People often visited to honor their ancestors and ask for their guidance through their trials in life.
After the Kami War began, more people flocked to the temple, begging their ancestors and other spirits as to why they were attacking the people they once watched over. They received to response, save the pathway to the temple becoming more dangerous as more kami appeared in sacred areas.
After the Kami War. With the end of the Kami War, the people will find the way to Okina Temple safe for travel once again. Some lingering resentful kami may keep to the path for a time, but hardy heroes or special priests can lay them down to rest again.
Future Kamigawa. As Kamigawa rebuilds and expands once again, the importance of Okina Temple will increase. The grounds may expand as each of the tribes of Kamigawa have a portion for their own traditions. In times of conflict between different tribes or areas, Okina Temple can be a neutral meeting ground between factions.
Sugi Hayashi
This village is one of the typical villages built by the Kitsune near the edges of the Jukai. This one in particular serves as an important location because it is the home of two of the heroes of the Kami War. The first is Lady Pearl-Ear, a female Kitsune who served as a teacher and friend to Michiko Konda, the princess who would become one of the Sisters of Flesh and Spirit. The other is Sharp-Ear, Pearl-Ear's brother who helped crush an akki assault on his village and a protector of Michiko before her ascension.
Sugi Hayashi has the usual skills and trades for the kitsune and who can aid their human comrades. One of the noted skills of the village are their samurai and rangers who guard their borders. The other is the mystic arts of their leaders.
Pearl-Ear and Sharp-Ear were some of the few witnesses to the ascension of the Sisters. They witnessed O-Kagachi's defeat as well as the final punishment for Konda's crime.
After the Kami War. Pearl-Ear and Sharp-Ear would return to their home to spread word of what had happened. Pearl-Ear, the more politically conscious of the pair, may wish to keep the deeper secrets of the Kami War, not wishing to bring further conflict after so much damage had been done. Sharp-Ear, the more impulsive of the siblings, may reveal the information, believing the cause of the Kami War must be known to prevent further conflict in the long run.
Future Kamigawa. As a place where heroes of the Kami War were born and raised, historians, the grateful, and hopeful students may come to learn from the heroes and later about them. This may allow Sugi Hayashi to expand, perhaps allowing it to grow into a true city and a place to call home for many.
Honden of Life's Web
This temple dedicated to the Myojin of Life's Web lays in a valley, built by nature with only a wooden statue depicting the Myojin as a sign that it is sacred ground. As a patron of life, nature, and the forest, keeping in harmony in nature is a must. It was a place where Orochi and budoka offered their respects to the power of the forest and life.
The Myojin of Life's Web was the most ardent in rectifying the crime which was done against O-Kagachi. She believed that by capturing and killing Michiko Konda, the balance which kept That Which Was Taken in Konda's grasp would be destroyed and free the kidnapped kami. However, she was thwarted by Toshiro Umezawa and his new patronage under the Myojin of Night's Reach.
With her physical destruction, the Myojin is forced back to the spirit world to recover. The Honden would be the focal point of her power, where she recovered enough to lend aid to the Orochi against the Soratami.
After the Kami War. With Konda's crime avenged and balance, albeit a new one, restored, the Myojin would be appeased and allow all of her followers to return to her Honden and continue their rituals and practices. However, the Myojin will be keeping an eye on the new balance, being more zealous in keeping it than she was before.
Future Kamigawa. As the new balance is established, the Myojin will do her part to ensure it is kept. As Kamigawa expands, so will her Honden, perhaps becoming a temple which grows from the ground as her worship expands. It could become a central location of power for an Orochi faction in warring states, or a meeting place for nature-related characters.

The Kami
The kami of Kamigawa are the source of divine power in the plane. They are the beings worshiped by the people as the protectors and bringers of all things. Unlike other planes, where there are either one god which looks over all, or a pantheon who look over clearly unique domains to differentiate between them, the gods of Kamigawa are different. The kami are conceptual in nature, each kami governing a different aspect of the world, many overlapping. From the large to the small, from the natural to the artificial, there is a kami who governs those things. Some kami are simple folk spirits who are honored for good luck. Others are major spirits who are have entire temples dedicated to them and can instill change in Kamigawa simply because they are properly honored or not.
Conceptual Appearance
No one is sure what the kami look like in their natural world of the Kakuriyo. No human goes there and returns in a state of telling anyone what they look like. Instead, the only appearances of the kami are when they enter the Utsushiyo, the realm of the humans.
When a kami enters human realm, their appearance becomes bizzare and strange. Some are more pleasing to the eye while others look horrifying. It is impossible to tell what domain the kami holds in most cases. In some cases it can be easier, such as elemental kami whose bodies are compased of their domain, but unless the kami decides to speak it cannot be determined what the kami governs. The only common element between all of the kami is when they appear, they have small tokens of their power, usually something connected to their domains, orbiting around them.
Range of Alignments
Although not evil in the true sense of the word, there are kami who are often selfish and take advantage of their worshipers. Others enjoy playing tricks on humans. Others can be sources of benevolence while more are simply neutral and do not care and do nothing to their followers unless they are somehow provoked to act as such.
This makes worshiping the kami a serious task. Priests are often trained to watch for signs of their patron kami and interpret them so they can impart prayer, ceremonies, or offerings at the proper times. These can help soothe a kami's anger or extend their good moods to ensure their favor still watches over their followers.
Enternal Spirits
The kami themselves are not physical in nature. They are spirits and their bodies are simply condensed spiritual power rather than flesh. During the Kami War, this was a fact which put mortals on the disadvantage. When the kami emerged into the mortal world, they would eventually be cut down. However, this did not mean the kami died. Instead, their bodies would vanish into the aether and they would return to the Kakuriyo and eventual step back into the war.
The only way a kami can truly be killed is if they are struck down by another spiritual entity. This can be another kami, but it is more likely to be an oni, the enemy of the kami and their natural predators. This was the unfortunate fate of Mochi, the Smiling Kami of the Crescent Moon after he led the Soratami to try and take Kamigawa for themselves. He was devoured by Hidtsugu the All-Devouring One.
It is hard to say if a kami destroyed in such a way remains dead, or a new kami is born to replace them if worship continues. The nature of the kami is still mysterious and much of it remains unknown.
Patrons of Many
The kami are the source of all magic power in Kamigawa. Mana may be the fuel source for spells, but the kami are the ones who govern magic and impart knowledge of how to practice it. As such, it is kami who clerics draw power from, who paladins recieve power for their oaths, who charge a sorcerer's bloodline, and who warlocks make pacts with to gain power.

Myojin of Cleansing Fire
Alignment: Lawful Good - Domain: Light, Life, Order
The Myojin of Cleansing fire is the patron kami of white mana. Their domain consists of many concepts related to the power and magic related to the plains. Such domains include the law, healing, honor, protections, and other aspects which are seen and believed to be connected to what people of Kamigawa think of when they study and practice with white mana.
The Myojin of Cleansing fire was not seen during the Kami War. Only when people attempted to ask them for answers did the Myojin lash out and strike down the people who sought guidance or favor from them. The Myojin knew very well the crime which Takeshi Konda, perhaps once the Myojin's champion, had committed in the name of his own hubris. As such, the Myojin abandoned his followers for the dishonor, punishing those who placed themselves in front of them, but doing nothing else.
Paladin Oaths. The elite samurai of Kamigawa often swear the Oath of Devotion to the Myojin of Cleansing Fire. The oath is a reflection of the Myojin's aspects of honor and fighting evil. Other samurai swear the Oath of Vengeance, but the Myojin only grants power for this oath if the one swearing it is seeking justice in their vengeance and acting honorably. If the Oath of Vengeance is sworn to this Myojin, consult with the DM on the character's backstory. Due to the Myojin's military stance, rarely the Oath of Compassion is taken in the Myojin's name, despite their healing and life aspects. As a Kami of law, it is not unusual for the Oath of the Crown to be taken in this Kami's name.
Sorcerous Origins. Sorcerers who claim ancestry of people who were the Myojin of Cleansing Fire's champions often find the power flowing through their very blood. Such people can become Divine Soul sorcerers.
Warlock Patron. Since Kamigawa does not host angels, the Myojin of Cleansing Fire is the closest thing to a celestial the people know. With this, the Myojin can act as a patron of the Celestial. The Myojin can infuse their subject with holy power, granting them status as a Celestial warlock.

Yosei, the Morning Star
Alignment: Lawful Good - Domain: Light, Life
Yosei is the patron dragon spirit of the land of Towabara. Where the plains reach is all his domain. He is the benevolent protector of those who call Towabara their home. When times are dire, Yosei will answer the cry for help and emerge from the Kakuriyo to do battle with what threat his little ones face.
Yosei played a prominent role in the Kami War when Konda, fed up with the kami who would not recognize his greatness and conspiring to steal his prize, summoned the dragon to defend Eiganjo. Although knowing that Konda was indeed guilty, Yosei still appeared to protect the people rather than just Konda. Yosei was an effect protector until O-Kagachi appeared and with frightening ease, ripped the dragon in half. Still, Yosei refused to return to the Kakuriyo and with Eiganjo razed, moved to the borders to protect Towabara from invaders from Sokenzan.
Paladin Oaths: Elite samurai swear the Oath of Devotion in Yosei's name, although these samurai are more compassionate than the more militant samurai devoted to the Myojin of Cleansing Fire. More samurai swear the Oath of Redemption to Yosei for his compassionate nature.
Sorcerous Origins. Sorcerers who are touched with Yosei's power are either Divine Soul sorcerers, or Draconic Bloodline Sorcerers. These Draconic Bloodline sorcerers are likely to have an equivalent to blue or bronze draconic ancestry
Warlock Patron. Yosei is not above hearing the pleas of people in Towabara, so long as their pleas are honest and honorable. He grants such people power, allowing them to become Celectial Patron warlocks.

Patron of the Kitsune
Alignment: Chaotic Good - Domain: Life, Trickery
This kami is the patron of the kitsune race as a whole. This is the kami the kitsune people look to when they wish for the safe birth of their children, protection of their people during disasters, and who their leaders look to for wisdom. Of course, just as many look to this kami for the successful pulling of a prank.
What rituals, offerings, and even this kami's true name are unknown. The kitsune hold such secrets close to their hearts, something only another kitsune should know. What is believed that in times of great strike, kitsune martyrs would sacrifice themselves to summon the Patron of the kitsune to manifest in the Utsushiyo, using that kitsune as a vessel. It was said that this act would kill the kitsune who undertook the ritual, but their names would be remembered by the other kitsune for their valiant sacrifices.
Paladin Oaths. The Patron of the kitsune is more of a trickster god than one who seeks things such as justice or gratification so not many elite samurai swear oaths in his name. Still, the Patron watches over the kitsune and if one seeks to bring justice for a crime against the kitsune, it will empower those who take the Oath of Vengeance, although such elite samurai usually take a mischief stance in their revenge.
Sorcerous Origins. As a trickster in nature, the Patron of the kitsune is rather chaotic in their actions. As such, sorcerers who can link their power to him, exclusively kitsune, are Wild Magic sorcerers.
Warlock Patron. While not an archfey in themselves the Patron of the kitsune in their mischief-loving ways has all the hallmarks of one. Warlocks, almost exclusively kitsune, often take their Patron's power to become an Archfey warlock.

Myojin of Seeing Winds
Alignment: Neutral - Domain: , Arcana, Knowledge, Tempest, Trickery
The Myojin of Seeing Winds is the patron kami of blue mana and all the things which come with it. Knowledge, water, cunning, storms, and deception. This kami embodies everything about the islands, the seas around them, and the magic which come with it. Often this kami is depicted as the patron of Minamo Academy.
The Myojin of Seeing Winds was not seen during the Kami War. This was in part because the Soratami and the Minamo wizards involved in the conspiracy knew the Kami War was coming as they helped Konda steal That Which Was Taken. As such, they sealed the Honden of Seeing Winds, knowing the kami would be angry. Another reason was because as a kami of intellect, the Myojin took a slow and observing stance to their actions in the Kami War, playing the slow game with their strategies and empowering only a few individuals.
Paladin Oaths. As a kami of knowledge, not many elite samurai make oaths directly to this kami. However, as the Soratami approached their endgame and some may still pursue the goal, they swear the Oath of Conquest, hoping for the kami's wisdom to achieve victory.
Sorcerous Origins. Some great jushi were subjects of the Myojin of Seeing Winds. This blessing has come through their bloodlines as Storm Sorcerer bloodlines, embodiying the tempest powers of blue mana.
Warlock Patron. The Myojin of Seeing Winds is primarily a kami of intellect and as such, favors those who seek knowledge rather than power. With their focus on cunning, warlocks for this Myojin are similar to Archfey patrons, focusing on trickery and illusion rather than nature and beauty.

Keiga, the Tide Star
Alignment: Lawful Neutral - Domain: Knowledge, Tempest
Keiga is the Ryuu, or divine dragon, who protects the lands of Kamitaki from those who would try to harm it. Known as a spirit of ancient wisdom and intellect, Keiga follows those ideas as she is slow to act, but when he does, it is precise and devastating. Elegant and wise, she is often depicted in art of dragons in Minamo Academy.
During the Kami War, Keiga was summoned much like Yosei was by the Soratami and the Minamo wizards to defend the academy from attackers. An assault which soon came at the hands of Hidetsugu and his forces of yamabushi and oni. Keiga fought, but struggled before finally falling against the might of the All-Consuming Oni of Chaos. It was an oddly poor showing compared to Yosei who still fought despite being torn in half and Jugan who fought for months without rest, leading many to believe that Keiga was perhaps coerced or did not wish to fight, knowing the roles her charges had in Konda's crime.
Paladin Oaths. Keiga is more an intellectual than a fighter despite her power. As such, not many elite samurai swear their more martial oaths in her name. As some humans were siding with the Soratami in their quest for conquest, or conquer the Soratami in turn, they may ask swear the Oath of Conquest in her name rather than a Soratami kami.
Sorcerous Origins. Keiga has blessed select mortals in the past. Their descendants remain even ages past and still hold the power. Such individuals have Draconic Bloodline sorcerous origins, similar to the silver or white dragons.
Warlock Patron. Keiga is a thinker and sparingly passes power on to mortals, carfully considering their goals and character before doing such. Instead of some massive sign of power, Keiga is more likely act as a Hexblade patron, giving their contractor's a powerful tool connected to her power and forcing the warlock to focus on skill rather than overwhelming power.

Patron of the Moon
Alignment: Lawful Neutral - Domain: Knowledge, Light
Aloof and cold, this rabbit/moth creature is the patron of the soratami. Mysterious in movements, not many outside of Otawara and other soratami cities even know the soratami have a tribal kami. The soratami wish to keep it this way, seeing their patron kami as nobility and treat it as royalty.
As the soratami first appeared in Kamigawa, they would invoke their Patron to aid them in times of dire need. In a ritual in conjunction with the moon, a soratami would exhaust their magic to the point of death to summon their Patron to aid them. It is a ritual the soratami wish to keep secret, not wishing to hve their Kami bothered by their troubles unless they are dire.
In the time of the Kami War, the Smiling Kami of the Crescent Moon slowly became the patron of the soratami, setting aside the Patron for the civilians and traditionalists. This may have cooled the Patron's favor until years later for the soratami, alienating one more important being in their self-believed superiority and arrogance.
Paladin Oaths. The Patron looks after the soratami and their interests. It easily accepted their wish to rule over Kamigawa. As such, soratami elite samurai would swear the Oath of Conquest or the Oath of Devotion in that time and beyond, focuing on soratami rule, or spreading benevolent soratami moonlight.
Sorcerous Origins. Sorcerers of the Patron's line are exclusively Soratami. They hold the power of the Patron's divine moonlight, taking on the abilities of a Divine Soul sorcerer.
Warlock Patron. Imperial and cold, the Patron acts much like a ruling monarch rather than a beast in its Utsushiyo form. Because of this, the Patron acts as an Archfey for a warlock looking for a patron.

Myojin of Night's Reach
Alignment: Neutral Evil - Domain: Death, Grave, Trickery
This is perhaps the most famous of he kami in the Kami War. Embodiment of black mana, the Myojin holds concepts of ambition, death, decay, swamps, and disease in her sway.
The Myojin only made token attacks on the mortals when O-Kagachi began ordering the Kami War to begin. With O-kagachi's focus elsewhere, the Myojin discovered the greater multiverse. She only returned when she sensed the climax of the Kami War was about to begin and she wished to play a role.
She became the patron of the hero Toshiro Umezawa, granting him new powers and abilities. This action earned her more worshippers as the patron of a hero. After the war, she sent Toshi to Dominaria to expand her influence. Partially as hubris, partially as punishment.
This action led to her later downfall as Toshi's descendant killed the dragon Planeswalker Nicol Bolas. After he revived, Bolas desired revenge on the one who allows Toshi's bloodline to exist in Dominaria. Finding the Myojin responsible in Kamigawa, he destroyed her worship, turning the people against her in his master manipulations and making her the weakest she has ever been. Her recovery may take centuries.
Paladin Oaths. As a patron of ambition and cruelty, elite samurai often swear dark oaths to her such as the Oath of Vengeance and the Oath of Conquest.
Sorcerous Origins. The Myojin is a kami of darkness, and her chosen champions reflect that. Sorcerers connected to that bloodline are often Shadow Sorcerers.
Warlock Patron. Although not a demon herself, the Myojin does embody some aspects of demonic influence due to their common connection with black mana. Such warlocks seeking her out can be Fiend warlocks. Others, seeking her death aspects, take the abilities of an Undying patron.

Kokusho, the Evening Star
Alignment: Chaotic Evil - Domains: Death, Trickery
Kokusho is the Ryuu responsible for the protection of Takenuma and the elements within. He views Takenuma as his personal property, everything good about it a treasure of his own and anything bad an ayyoance someone else can deal with.
As a dragon of black mana, Kokusho is often ambitious and greedy. He hears prayers of those in Takenuma, but often ignores them unless there is something substantial in it for him. Prayers to the dragon are often made along with offerings of riches and other valuables, hoping to get the dragon's favor. It is possible that the reason the ogres and their oni patrons hold so much sway in Takenuma is because they bribed Kokusho to look the other way.
If or when some threat which can endanger all of Takenuma appears, the dragon will rise to deal with it. Since O-Kagachi never came to Takenuma, Kokusho never had a reason to rise up and fight in the Kami War. Still he sits, content to watch Takenuma and rake in the rewards of a guardian.
Paladin Oaths. Kokuso doesn't give power freely, but indentured servants are appealing. He only offers power for self-serving oaths such as the Oath of Vengeance or the Oath of Conquest. He even accepts Oathbreaker paladins if they broke oaths for their own goals.
Sorcerous Origins. The few who earned Kokusho's power, or just bribed him for it, have the blessing of having that power continue in their bloodlines. Such sorcerers are Draconic Bloodline sorcerers focused on black or copper dragons. They can also be Shadow Sorcerers with his connection to black mana.
Warlock Patron. Kokusho is only an enemy of demons so long as they fail to pay him off. His greed and demonic allies make him much like a Fiend patron himself for warlocks.

Patron of the Nezumi
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral - Domains: Grave, Trickery
This squat, ratlike creature is the patron of the nezumi people. Only the oldest and wisest nezumi know the deepest rituals and keep them a secret, so most nezumi only know the bare bones of its worship. They do know the kami promotes survival and that death is final and should be put off as long as possible.
The Patron of the nezumi preaches survival, born during the days where the nezumi were still tribal and struggling to survive against against all of the dangers of Takenuma. As such, when the nezumi were in dire need, one of their priests would enact a ritual which would sap their life energies to summon the Patron into the Utsushiyo. Usually the practitioner dies, showing a great sacrifice to let the other Nezumi survive another day. In the Kami War, this did not change as the Patron was invoked to protect the ratfolk from Soratami, Oni, and other dire threats.
Paladin Oaths. Unlike most black-aligned Kami, the Patron does not promote conquest, but revenge is something it considers important. It always grants power to Nezumi making the Oath of Vengeance.
Sorcerous Origins. The Patron teaches the nezumi to stick to the shadows as stealth is their gift. Nezumi sorcerers who claim their power from the Patron always become Shadow Sorcerers.
Warlock Patron. Trickery and subterfuge are all points which the Patron passes on to their followers. With this emphasis the Patron acts more as an archfey for an aspiring warlock.

Myojin of Ifinite Rage
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral - Domain: Forge, Tempest, War
This kami is the embodiment of red mana, holding the concepts of war, bloodshed, chaos, willpower, and fire in his grasp. Every warrior worthy of the name offers at least a token prayer to this Myojin before they go to battle.
The Myojin of Infinite Rage was a big player in the Kami War. He gleefully send his subordinate kami against the mortals, caring little for the reason for the war and just basking in the chaos of battle and bloodshed. In fact, it is hard to say if he or his minions even tried to find That Which Was Taken. However, the Myojin played both sides of the war. His favored worshipers such as Godo and several bands of Akki all received support from him in their campaigns and battles against mortal and kami alike. Many priests who worshiped the Myojin still found their magic working, unlike many elsewhere during the Kami War. When the Kami War finally ended, it is likely the Myojin will try to fan the flames as long as he possibly can to milk it for every last drop of blood.
Paladin Oaths. The Myojin seeks battle and expects his followers to do the same. He only empowers elite samurai who seek the same, having them swear the Oath of Vengeance, Oath of Conquest, or even Oathbreakers who seek battle and bloodshed.
Sorcerous Origins. The Myojin thrives in chaos and that much is obvious in those he touches. Sorcerers connects to him all are Wild Magic sorcerers
Warlock Patron. The Myojin seeks bloodshed and battle in ways even many Oni do not. Fire and brimstone are his bread and butter, making him a find Fiend Patron for warlocks who seek him out.

Ryusei, the Falling Star
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral - Domain: Tempest, War
Ryusei is the dragon protector of Sokenzan, calling the mountain ranges his kingdom. Unlike the other dragons, Ryusei is more chaotic than neutral and does not like being told what to do. He appears when he wants to and only gives when he feels like giving. He only appears if Sokenzan is endangered or when an aspiring mortal finds him to give a good (and quick) proposal for his support.
Surprisingly, he did not make an appearance in the Kami War despite all the battle at the borders of Sokenzan. Konda even had plans to raise him to fight the kami after Sokenzan was subjugated. Those plans fell through as Eiganjo was razed and Konda lost the empire he built over his obsession over That Which Was Taken. Even when the crippled Yosei was at the border, battling kami to protect Towabara's samurai, Ryusei did not appear. Perhaps he knew Sokenzan was in no danger, or he simply did not care.
Paladin Oaths. Ryusei is a dragon of passion and chaos, so the orderly oaths of the elite samurai do not appeal to him. Only the hot-blooded ronin Oathbreakers or those who take the Oath of Vengeance earn a sliver of his power.
Sorcerous Origins. Chaos and draconic power run through the blood of Ryusei's very few champions. Periodically, sorcerers of these lines spring up as either Wild Magic sorcerers, or of a Draconic Bloodline similar to red or gold dragons.
Warlock Patrons. The natural of contracts which warlocks undertake is anathema to Ryusei's chaotic nature. Rather than follow through, he will instead infuse a weapon with his power as a Hexblade patron and simply let that warlock run wild until it's time to pay Ryusei back for his 'generosity.'

Patron of the Akki
Aignment: Chaotic Neutral - Domain: Trickery, War
This sepentine creature cague resembling an Akki is the patron of the Akki race as a whole. This kami is the one who inspires the Akki in their explosive, literally so, pranks and hijinks. When the Patron wishes to fight, the Akki fight. When the patron says it is time to prank, the Akki go on a pranking spree all according to this kami.
The akki practice rather brutal rituals when they honor their patron. During dire times, the Patron will appear, but will demand a sacrifice to fully manifest. The akki usually will take another akki who committed a crime, a rare thing considering what the Akki get up to, and toss that sacrifice down the Patron's gullet. Using the flesh and spirit, the Patron fully manifests and goes to deal with whatever crisis is threating its subjects.
The akki are not particularly secretive about how they worship their patron. They'd happily talk about it if asked. However, due to their own nature and reputations, there are not many who are interested in finding out.
Paladin Oaths. The Patron does not truly support Paladin Oaths since why make a fancy show to make a promise? In a pinch, the Patron will empower any paladin oath, but using the power will make them appear silly or ridiculously dramatic and explosive.
Sorcerous Origins. Chaos runs through the Akki from their patron and exclusive to Akki sorcerers, they without fail become Wild Magic sorcerers.
Warlock Patron. The Patron of the Akki loves a good prank and mischief just as much as it does battle. So any warlock asking for power will find the archfey patronn qualities instead of any other.

Myojin of Life's Web
Alignment: Lawful Neutral - Domain: Life, Light, Nature
The Myojin of Life's Web is the embodiment of green mana. Her power encompasses forests, beasts, strength, vitality, and all other aspects which connects to green mana.
The Myojin of Life's web is a spirit who seeks the perfect balance in both the material world and the spiritual world. When an imbalance happens, she is quick to deal with it lest it devolve into destructive chaos.
This trait she showed during the Kami War. She learned that the theft of That Which Was Taken happened when Princess Michiko Konda was born. With the theft balanced with her birth, the Kami believed that if Michiko was sacrificed, whatever magic was keeping O-Kagachi spawn imprisoned would unravel and release it, allowing the proper balance to return. Only Toshiro Umezawa's interference with the Myojin of Night's Reach saved the princess life.
When The Sisters of Flesh and Spirit appeared to strike a new balance, she was one of the first to accept it, happy the status quo, albeit a new one, was now firmly in place.
Paladin Oaths. The Myojin of Life's Web only has one concern: the balance of nature. Any paladins swearing oaths in her name will only receive power for the Oath of the Ancients.
Sorcerous Origins. The Myojin empowers only a select few who truly believe in her values. One of her rules of nature is that nature cannot be contained It reflects in her sorcerers whose Wild Magic is barely controlled.
Warlock Patron. The Myojin of Life's Web crefully considers her acts in a balancing act of all nature. When she chooses someone petitioning her for power she empowers them with the majesty of nature, giving the the fetures of an Archfey Warlock.

Jugan the Rising Star
Alignment: Lawful Good - Domain: Life, Nature
Jugan is the Ryuu guardian looking over the Jukai forest. Unlike the other aloof dragons, Jugan is more accessible to the people in his care. It is believed his philospophy is that to understand life, one must live in it, and so Jugan often appears and speaks to his followers.
Jugan appeared early in the Kami War, making for the first of many heroic stands for those who fought it in. He appeared as the kumo, spider kami, appeared from the deepest Jukai to attack the monestary of The Order of the Sacred Bell. Called the Battle of Silk, Jugan fought the kumo endlessly for months before exhaustion and numbers finally brought him down. Before he died, he passed his strength on to the monks, allowing them the power to fight back and defend themselves.
Jugan appeared a second time near the end of the Kami War. As the Soratami attempted to subjugate Jukai, the Orochi heroes Sosuke and Sachi summoned him to aid them, giving credence that Kami struck down by other Kami could one day return.
Paladin Oaths. Jugan respects strength, but only grants it when it wil be used to help someone else. As such, elite samurai who swear oaths such as the Oath of Devotion and the Oath of the Ancients in his name will earn his power in return.
Sorcerous Origins. In giving so much power to so many during the Kami War, many people bear marks of Jugan's generosity. Many become sorcerers of the Draconic Bloodine focused on green dragons Others have difficulty controlling the power of a dragon and devolop Wild Magic instead.
Warlock Patron. Jugan is genrous with his strength, but harnessing it can be difficult. Warlocks who do so manage to claim traits of an Archfey patron. Others who do not have the strength instead have Jugan's power infused into a weapon, usually a wooden one, to become Hexblade warlocks.

Patron of the Orochi
Alignment: Lawful Neutral - Domain: Knowledge, Nature
Soft-spoken and wise, this spirit is the patron of the orochi, reflecting their quiet wisdom and predatory natures.
As expected of their secretive ways, the orochi do not let much information about their patron escape their communities. Some of the whispers which have been heard by the Budoka is that for the Patron to manifest in times of need, an orochi must sacrifice themselves. THe one undertaking the ritual allows themselves to be swallowed by wellsprings of green mana, their mind, body, and soul vanishing into the mana and allowing the pAtron to manifest fully. It is not a ritual done lightly and has only been invoked a handful of times, the latest possibly being done sometime in the Kami War.
While a predatory kami, the Patron of the orochi is also a wise one. It gives lessons and wisdom to Orochi who try to commune with it in prayer, or find that moment of perfect stillness while on the hunt. It was perhaps this wisdom which helped the Orochi return Jugan to the world when the Soratami attempted to subjugate their people.
Paladin Oaths. The Patron of the orochi is at its core, a kami of nature. It responds favorably to the Oath of the Ancients.
Sorcerous Origins. With such an exclusive following, only the orochi benefit from the Patron's power, taking on the might of Wild Magic and if they are lucky, the wisdom to temper it.
Warlock Patron. The orcochi view the Patron as a spiritual emperor to their people and treat it as such. The Patron replies to that honor in full, granting Archfey patron abilities to the ones who contract with it.

The Sisters of Flesh and Spirit
Alignment: Lawful Neutral - Domain: Arcana, Knowledge, Order
If there is a head of the Kamigawa pantheon of the kami, it is The Sisters of Flesh and Spirit who govern the barrier between the two worlds and administer the ritual knowledge of kami worship and invocation.
Their origins were mired in tragedy Michiko Konda, the Sister of Flesh, was born to the mad damiyo Takeshi Konda the same night he invoked his ritual which stole the Kyoudai, the Sister of Spirit, from the heart of O-Kagachi, the previous ruler of the kami. Their births were meant to be a balance and keep Kyoudai trapped in Konda's arrogant and increasingly deranged hands
Many long years passed before Michiko decided the Kami War had to end and sought out answers. With Toshiro Umezawa and other loyal friends, they discovered Konda's crime and the source of the war. When brought together, Kyoudai took on her sister's image, granting the both of them the power to overcome O-Kagachi and take his place, ending the Kami War and punishing Konda for his hubris.
Paladin Oaths. The Sisters desire order and peace above all. As such, the empower those who take the Oath of Devotion or the Oath of Redemption. If the cause is just Kyoudai may empower those who take the Oath of Vengeance.
Sorcerer Origins. With Michiko's divine descent as an emperor's daughter, and Kyoudai's draconic lineage from O-Kagachi, sorcerer lines from their chosen champions can be Divine Soul or Draconic Bloodline sorcerers.
Warlock Patron. The sisters are duality of heaven and earth. Warlocks who seek to make pacts with them either take a Celestial patron to represent heaven in Kyoudai, or a Hexblade patron to represent Earth with Michiko.
Other Kami of Kamigawa
Kami | Alignment | Domains | Paladin Oaths | Sorcerous Origins | Warlock Patron |
Adamaro, First to Desire | CE | War | Vengence, Oathbreaker | Wild Magic | Fiend |
Akuta, Born of Ash | CN | Death | Conquest | Wild Magic | Fiend |
Arashi, the Sky Asunder | CN | Tempest | Ancients | Wild Magic, Storm Sorcerer | Archfey |
Ayumi, the Last Visitor | N | Nature, Knowledge | Ancients | Shadow Sorcerer | Archfey, Great Old One |
Azamuki, Trechery Incarnate | CE | War | Oathbreaker | Wild Magic | Fiend |
Chisei, Heart of Oceans | LN | Knowledge, Arcana | Devotion | Storm Sorcerer | Archfey, Great Old One |
Hikari, Twilight Guardian | LN | Light | Devotion | Divine Soul, Shadow Sorcerer | Celestial |
Hokori, Dust Drinker | N | Nature | Ancients | Storm Sorcerer | Archfey |
Horobi, Death's Wail | NE | Death | Vengeance | Shadow Sorcerer | Fiend, Undying |
Ichiga, Who Topples Oaks | LG | Nature, Life | Ancients, Devotion | Wild Magic | Archfey |
Iname as One | LG/CE | Life, Death | Ancients | Wild Magic | Archfey, Fiend |
Jaraku the Interloper | CG | Trickery | Oathbreaker | Wild Magic | Archfey |
Jiwari, the Earth Aflame | CN | Forge | Ancients | Wild Magic | Hexblade |
Kaiso, Memory of Loyalty | LG | Light | Devotion, Redemption | Divine Soul | Celestial, Hexblade |
Kataki, War's Wage | LN | Forge | - | - | Hexblade |
Kira, Great-Glass Spinner | LN | Knowledge, Trickery | Devotion | Storm Sorcerer | Archfey |
Kiyomaro, First to Stand | LG | Light | Devotion, Crown | Divine Soul | Celestial |
Mannichi, the Fevered Dream | CN | Trickery | - | Wild Magic | Great Old One |
Masumaro, First to Live | LG | Light, Life | Devotion, Ancients | Divine Soul | Celestial |
Smiling Kami of the Crescent Moon | LE | Light, Trickery | Conquest | Divine Soul | Celestial, Archfey |
Oyobi, Who Split the Heavens | LN | Life, Nature | Ancients | Wild Magic | Archfey, Celestial |
Sekki, Seasons' Guide | LN | Nature | Ancients | Wild Magic | Archfey |
Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker | LE | Death, Grave | Vengeance | Shadow Sorcerer | Fiend, Undying |
Soramaro, FIrst to Dream | LN | Knowledge, Arcana | Redemption | Wild Magic | Archfey, Hexblade |
Towazu, the Unspeakable | CN | Knowledge, Arcana | - | Wild Magic | Great Old One |
Yomiji, Who Bars the Way | LN | Life, Death, Order | - | Divine Soul, Shadow Sorcerer | Celestial, Undying |
Adamaro, First to Desire
Adamaro was first known as a great warrior in life. However, his story turned tragic as he lost himself in battle and growing envious of his comrades who had something else besides battle while he only ever found himself in it. Envy turned to jealousy as he began to fear his own lover seeing another man while he was away. He abandoned his men, overcome with the delusion and returned to his home and killed his lover in a fit of jealous and envious rage. Soldiers guarding the village tried to stop him, but he killed them too, drowning in delusional rage. Finally he was cut down, but his spirit was pulled into the Utsushiyo, becoming a kami of anger, envy, and pain. He is worshiped by samurai and ronin so they can abandon their pain, anger, and other disharmonious emotions.
Akuta, Born of Ash
Akuta is a kami of destruction and ruin, born when a sign of civilization was destroyed for the first time, Akuta has gone on to do nothing but destroy. Appearing as a lava-spewing millipede/worm, it tunnels through the world, causing destruction as it goes. Survivors of disasters make offerings to it, praying the kami will stay away while warriors pray for its aid so they may destroy their enemies.
Arashi, the Sky Asunder
Arashi is a kami of nature who governs storms of thunder and lightning. They are primarily worshipped by farmers and other people who work agricultural trades. They pray to this kami for rain during dry spells. They also pray to Arashi for when they do create storms over their homes, the storm will be gentle and not threaten to wash them away.
Ayumi, Last to Vist
Ayumi is an enigmatic kami who wanders through the wild spaces of nature. She is also a kami of memory and reclamation. When there is ruin and destruction, Ayumi arrives to oversee the land taken back by nature. She took a more violent role during the Kami War as she came to the Monestary of the Sacred Bell during the Battle of Silk after Jugan fell and killed almost everyone to reclaim the temple sooner.
Azamuki, Treachery Incarnate
Azamuki is the kami of betrayal who is believed to possess random targets and force them to betray everything they stand for and everyone they hold dear. It was an act which was proven true as in conflicts with the kami, he forced numerous soldiers and defenders to turn on one another, only to be cut down themselves. Soldiers, generals, and other leaders make offerings to him in hopes it would turn him away. Others usually leave protections or talismans to bar his path.
Chisei, Heart of Ocean
Chisei is a kami of abstract thought and patterns, commonly associated with water and nature as patterns of the sea often predict journeys and weather patterns. Scholars often pray to Chisei, hoping for insight, wishing to see a pattern or a trail they can follow in their pursuits. Inquisitive Rougish Archetypes usually pay at least some homage to this kami in their investigations.
Hikari, Twilight Guardian
Hikari is the kami who guards the border between day and night, ensuring that both pass without fail or disruptions. People often pray to Hikari out of fear, praying for the daylight so the darkness and their fear can be cast away. They also pray for the dark so they can rest and ease their wearied minds and bodies. Both Hikari provides, but only when it is time for such.
Horoki, Dust Drinker
Horoko is a kami of dust and drought, taking away water and moisture wherever he goes. Many either wish for his attentions, or do everything they can to keep him away. He is prayed to in places suffering floods, hoping he will drain the waters faster so that the people can repair their lives. Others try to ward him away, not wishing to suffer painful droughts at the worst possible time. Storm Sorcerers connected to him usually associate with dust storms rather than a tempest.
Horobi, Death's Wail
Horobi is a kami of the dying, suffering pain and despair as their life drains from their bodies. She was born during the massacre of Reito, rising from the death cries of the people. From then on, after every battle, Horobi would arrive, collecting the sounds of death from the people who lingered and were not yet dead.
Ichiga Who Topples Oaks
Ichiga is a kami of strength and invigoration. He is worshiped primarily in the Jukai although people from other regions who visit may pick up some of the folk rituals to revere him as well. He is prayed to primarily for strength and endurance to overcome adversity. Many warriors also wish for strength from him to fight their enemies. Mythology often states that he would infuse himself into a particulary pious or wothy mortal and grant them incredible strength for some trial ahead.
Iname as One
Iname is a kami with two identities, one of life and one of death. During the daylight, Iname is kind and promotes verdant growth. He governs life in this state and is kind and generous. When night falls, Iname grows jealous of all the plenty the others have and lashes out, becoming his Death Aspect. In this form, Iname governs death, rot, and decay, angry at all the things people have that he does not. When dawn comes, he grows remorseful at his actions and returns to his life aspect to replace what he has taken. Only in dawn and twilight is he balanced as his true self, a kami representing the cycle of life and death itself.
Jaraku the Interloper
Jaraku is a kami of mischief and trickery, often playing multiple pranks on mortals for the fun of it. He travels across Kamigawa, looking to see where he can find his next bit of fun. It is often believed that when a random accident happens which is more embarrassing than painful, it is Jaraku's work. His favorite targets are the serious and stoic people such as the Jushi of Minamo. His favorite trick is to secretly hide within his target and let his very presence cause personal disaster. Children often pray to him for fun, but institutions and organizations constantly look for ways to keep him away.
Jiwari, the Earth Aflame
Jiwari is a kami of earthquakes and fire, constantly breaking the earth open and unleashing blasts of spirit fire when he does so. Oddly, for all the destruction this causes, some have seen it as an inspiration to create. For when the earth breaks open in his passing, new possibility appears. It is also known that in fire, something new can be forged. It is not a well-known following outside of Sokenzan, but some people view Jiwari that way, hoping for something good to come from his travels.
Kaiso, Memory of Loyalty
Kaiso, before the Kami War, was a strong kami who embodied loyalty. With the ranks of samurai loyal to Konda and the people faithfully keeping to the rituals to revere the kami, Kaiso was as strong as he ever was. When the Kami War began and the samuri abandoned their lord to defend their homes and the kami lashed out at the people who revered them, Kaiso dwindled to a shadow of his former self. He was forced to inhabit select bushi who showed great loyalty. After the Kami War, it would take time for him to heal, offering token boons such as weapos infused with his essence before he could return to his full power.
Kataki, War's Wage
Kataki is the kami which smiths look to as they make their weapons and who samurai whisper to when they sharpen their swords. He governs the creation and maintenance of weapons and armor. He brooks no disrespect of warriors or smiths who misuse or insult their arms. Some have done so recklessly he personally hunts them down. He personally hunts down any offenders and turns on anyone who gets in his way or robs him of his purpose. Unlike many kami, he does not grant magic outside of those who make a link to his domain from worship. Instead, he grants steel, a magic in itself which channels the power of the one holding it rather than some fancy words or hand gestures.
Kira, Great Glass-Spinner
Kira is a kami of magic, knowledge, and has a minor domain in delicate technique, often exemplified by the glass woven around itself. Kira has great knowledge in magic, but primarily focuses on how to undo magic rather than cast it. Priests and other who specalize in breaking curses and spells often take Kira as their patron. A sign of Kira's magic is the use of glass talismans and tools to conduct curse breaking ceremonies.
Kiyomaro, First to Stand
Kiyomaro was the first to become emperor of Kamigawa and is the ancestor to both Takeshi Konda and his daughter Michiko. He first united the lands of the humans, creating the empire which would spread to almost every corner of Kamigawa through his descendants. It was believed that he had have some divine power to be able to win so many battles and unite such a diverse group of people. As such, after he died, the people venerated him and that worship brought his soul to the Kakuriyo where he became a kami of royalty and kingdoms.
Mannichi, the Fevered Dream
If there is a proverbial rags to riches story among the kami, it is Mannichi, the Fevered Dream. Once considered a mischievous kami who visited strange dreams to the sick and feverish, it changed in the years of the kami war. Takeshi Konda took ill early in his reign and Mannichi sent him a vision. Claiming he saw a spirit child with the key to ensuring his eternal kingdom in its eyes, it set the road to Konda's astonishing crime which sparked the Kami War. As the truth of what Konda had done after the war spread, so was Mannichi's role in it. Now Mannichi enjoys greater offerings and even small shrines as people fear he may inspire madness in their sick ones, or ask he inspire them to feats of greatness with his dreams.
Masumaro, First to Live
Masumaro, in life, was a pioneer who delved into the secrets of the strange spiritual creatures which would pop into and out of Kamigawa. He was the first to commune with them, finding them sentient and powerful in a myriad of different ways. It was him who first discovered the kami were in fact gods and worship granted boons as well as a harmonious world. He was the one who determined that a worshipped kami was a strong kami and a strong kami made for a healthier world. His wisdom began the kami worship and after his death, he joined the spirits he learned to revere as one of their own governing worship itself.
Smiling Kami of the Crescent Moon.
Called Mochi by those he considered in his inner circle, or those he wished to trick, the Smiling Kami of the Crescent Moon was a disarmingly humble kami in appearance, but it hid a cunning and ruthless mind. Patron of the soratami of the time, who revered the moon in all its phases, Mochi helped support Konda's mad bid to steal from O-Kagachi. He knew the plan would ultimately fall apart and Konda's empire would be crushed by the angry kami. When the human empire would be crushed, Mochi would have his soratami go out and subjugate Kamigawa, making the soratami it's rulers and himself a major Kami, possibly equal to the Myojins. His plans fell apart as the soratami captial was sacked by Hidetsugu's oni. Then after O-Kagachi was killed and replaced, he tried to curry favor with the new Sisters of Flesh and Spirit. Sadly for him, they saw through his deciet and remembered all his plots before and fed him to the newly born Hidetsugu the All-Consuming One. Although considered dead at the time, its possible he may regenerate after a time like Jugan did.
Oyobi Who Split the Heavens
The kami who governs the sky and all the creatures that live in it, Oyobi has one of the largest domains just under the Myojins. During the Kami War, Oyobi was also the larget kami incursion before O-Kagachi. Slow to manifest, Konda recieved word and send mothriders to deal with it since Oyobi was manifesting at his borders. The mothriders arrived and were wiped out as Oyobi manifested as a massive bird and sent hordes of spirt birds at them. Not one survived survived. It reaffirmed that despite the sky being gentle most days, it can be just as fierce and deadly as the ground can be.
Sekki, Seasons' Guide
Sekki is the kami who regulates the seasons, ensuring that winter does not last too long or that spiring gives way to autumn at the appropriate times. People often pray to him for short winters or long springs for a lengthy growing season. Sekki hears, but like the seasons come when they are needed, Sekki remains steady in those duties. The seasons will always come and go, but only when it is time for them to do so. No sooner and no later. Only when the need is overwhelming, such as in the Kami War, will that change.
Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker
Shirei is a new kami who was born during the massacre of Shizo. He was born from the cries of confusion and despair of the newly dead, many not even sure if they were even dead. Shirei governs all of the land of Shizo and everything that stands on it, living or dead. He tends to the dead, some who despair over the demise while others may not be aware they are even dead, unable to see the passage of time. Like a good shepherd though, Shirei does not let the spirits leave lest it is necessary. He is the shepherd of the dead and none of his flock shall be taken.
Soramaro, First to Dream
Soramaro was once the fruit of a union between a human and a soratami, a concept thought taboo at the time of the imperious soratami. Despite this, Soramaro dreamed of rising above his position and accumulated knowledge and skill in magic to the point that even the pureblood soratami were forced to acknowledge him as he took a respected post in soratami society. He became a figure of an ideal to the downtrodden, proof that one can rise above their origins to become something great.
Towazu, the Unspeakable
Sometimes, there is knowledge best left alone. Towazu embodies this as the kami of knowledge unspeakable. How people even learned of him is unknown, but the knowledge of his existence exists. How to summon him is a mystery, but Lady Azami of Minamo Academy left clues, purposefully letting foolish students try to summon him so to try and gain knowedge for their exams or other reasons. Those that do are driven mad left gibbering wrecks that Azami would hide away to try and parse Towazu's knowledge from their insanity. After the Kami War, it may be possible to treat with Towazu, but still at great risk to one's sanity.
Yomiji, Who Bars the Way
Yomiji is the final kami a mortal shall meet after they die. He is the one who decides when a mortal soul is to pass onto the next life. When he says a mortal shall die, so they do. When he says they live, no matter what brought them to his attention be it sickness, assault, or even other kami, they shall live. People pray to him as much as they do the other kami, asking for long life, quick death, or to be saved from a deadly situation. Yomiji hears them all and carefully considers each one before declaring a verdict. He cannot be swayed although he can be gentle or firm in his decisions depending on how he is honored.
A Kami for All Occasions
These are just the Kami who appear as legendary creatures in the Kamigawa block. There are numerous more kami who govern many things in Kamigawa. Don't see one you like? You can make one up to fit the domain and character you create. You can use the other kami cards in the Kamigawa block for inspiration.

The Oni
If the kami are the divine of Kamigawa, then the oni are without a doubt the infernal. Although they come from the Kakuriyo much like the kami, the oni come from its deepest depths and seek nothing but carnage and bloodshed on mortal and kami alike. They embody greed, destruction, gate, and malevolence in all of its form. Conceptual to some extent like the kami, their common origins in the same concepts have them appear similar to one anothr with common features, namely their horns and three eyes. Worse, as the kami began to be worshiped, so to were the oni who took their battles and desire for kami blood to the Utsushiyo.
Horrifying Visage
Unlike the Kami who are always different from one another in appearance, mortals are unfortunately more likely to know the true appearance of the oni. Only the ogres may be able to say for sure, but they have no desire to speak, lest it somehow lesson the horror and fear their enemies have for the oni.
Despite coming in their own variations of shape and size, all of the oni have common features to their appearance. This can be swiftly identified by the pair of sharp horns which raise from their heads and the third eye which rests in the middle of their foreheads. These are indicative of an oni and a symbol the ogres and other oni worshippers have taken as their 'holy' symbole. The second identification of an oni is the orbiting points of their power, indicative of their spiritual nature, much like the kami.
Harbingers of Evil
The Oni live to only do one thing, devour all that is good and living with their thirst for blood. Some oni are more subtle about this than others, but the need to devour everything in the name of chaos remains the same.
Many mortals feel the same, primarily the ogres who worship the oni deep in the Takenuma swamps or high in the Sokenzan mountains. They believe in strength and worshipping oni is only for the strong of body and will. The ogres try to spin their worship as something virtuous, in so much as murder and chaos are a virtue, but to everyone else it is worship of demons who wish to do nothing but corrupt mortals and devour everything and their kami.
Dark Gifts
Although most of the oni are mere beasts who answer summons to particlarly powerful, or stupid, magic-users, there are several who hold great intelligence and with it great cunning. When mortals seeking power come into contact with them, these Oni promise much return for sacrifice. Some oni wish for humans, others desire kami to devour. In return, these oni grant dark knowledge, magic power, or mighty relics to those who pay their prices.
Insidious as this is, the oni know now they have these mortals in their grasp. The desperate become addicted to this power and knowledge, desiring more to continue the feelings of might the oni's gifts imparted. To get it though, they must often pay the oni's increasing prices. And so the mortals continue, comitting increasingly dark crimes until they can pay the oni's price no longer. That is when the oni strikes, taking the mortal's flesh and spirit to devour like fine cuts of meat and decadent wine, seasoned with the taint of evil.
Ogres, the Oni Devout
Ogres of Kamigawa have a strange relationship with the oni. Unlike other mortals who fall into desperation and contracts with the oni for power like most do with devils or demons on other planes, the ogres enjoy a different system. They in fact have built a religion around worshiping the oni with prayer, sacrifice, and ritual. It is still a bloody and dark affair, but the ogres enjoy oni patronage much like humans enjoy kami patronage.
How this affair came to be is not known, as the ogres keep their history close to themselves. Many suspect that since ogres are some of the few creatures able to fight and beat common oni without tricks or magic, but with their brute strength and rage, it made the oni favor them for their ferocity and bloodthirst. The ogres saw that favor and turned it into their religion, spreading through the mountains and swamps like blood on a blade.

Kagemaro, First to Suffer
This oni shares a special relationship with humans rather than ogres. The reason for this is that Kagemaro used to be a human himself before his transformation.
No one is sure why Kagemaro sought out the oni while he was a human. Some believe as the kami began to influence Kamigawa, the oni sought to do the same and simply reached out to him first. Other believe he was a brother or relative to Masumaro and was jealous of his brother's fame and honor. Seeking the same, he delved into unexplored regions of the kami and stumbled onto the oni, eager to inflame his dark emotions.
Kagemaro learned from the oni and created rituals to give them power in return for knowledge and greater power. He spread the word to the other desperate and downtrodden. They created cults dedicated to the worship of the oni, comitting murder and blasphemy in their name and giving the oni their foothold into Kamigawa. However, greed and arrogance soon came to his downfall as his cult was discovered and then cut down before Kagemaro himself was executed for his blasphemies.
In death though, Kagemaro recieved a higher calling. Pleased with what he had done for the oni, his soul was drawn into the dark corners of the Kakuriyo and he was transformed into an oni himself.
Ogres denounce Kagemaro as an oni, calling him an upstart and refuse to worship him as one of their pantheon. No human, in their minds, could achieve something which no ogre could even with their faith and devotion. Human cults on the other hand are almost always dedicated to Kagemaro, feeling him to be a safer oni to worship than the others. However, whatever humanity is left in Kagemaro is just enough to lure in more humans and send them on the path he once walked.

Kuro, Pitlord
If there is a king among the oni, Kuro claims to be that entity. As part of his name, Kuro is an only who claims to be the ruler of the pits into the Kakuriyo. His followers believe it, thinking they are under the patronage of the king of the oni, or simply see him as the king as opposed to other sects of oni worship.
Kuro's role as a ruler among oni actually comes on the tail of the legendary oni called Yukora being sealed away. With the vacuum of power in the oni's portion of the Kakuriyo now open, many oni scrambled to be the one to take hold of it. After much bloodshed and many oni being struck down, Kuro was the one that took the throne.
Kuro did not take his throne on just power alone, although he has that in spades. Kuro prizes cunning, using his mind just as much as his might in order to claim what he wants. With it, he created a network of oni minions in the Kakuriyo to cement his power. A skill he used to collect followers in the Utsushiyo.
In the mortal world, Kuro's worshipers focus primarily on the Nezumi and their own cunning attributes. Although he does not lack for ogre worshippers, Kuro favors Nezumi thanks to their subtle tactics and able to slip in and out of places to deal with obstcles to his cult. He managed to do this to great success with Nezumi like Ink-Eyes.
However, in the midst of the Kami War in what should have been the height of his power, he recieved a severe setback. The seals which contained Yukora, the Prisoner broke and the legendary oni finally escaped his imprisonment to reclaim what was his. Kuro had to pull back his plans in the mortal world and focus on keeping the kingdom he had forged, leaving many of his followers to fend for themselves in the process.

Kyoki, Sanity's Ecplipse
Where most oni prefer to seek to claim death and bloodshed of the body, Kyoki prefers to attack victims in their minds.
Kyoki's followers in his cult seek knowledge more than they do power. Knowledge is something which Kyoki specializes in, although the knowledge he possesses is the kind which no one should know. Unlike Towazu whose knowledge mortal minds are just not ready to know, Kyoki holds knowledge that no mortal should know. Knowledge which can only be found in the dark and should never see the light of day.
The knowledge that Kyoki imparts usually breaks down the minds of the people who ask him for it. Some take longer than others, but eventually Kyoki's whispers break down their minds to little more than savage murderers. Many cultists of Kyoki force minions to hear Kyoki's whispers before they transcribe them. It is usually a race against to time to write what they have heard before they are driven insane.
Cults dedicated to Kyoki are often more evasive than the more savage cults dedicated to other oni. With a value on intelligence, the cunning of the cutlists is likewise greater than the others. Many of the cult leaders create webs of associates, each of them entrusted with portions of Kyoki's knowledge they consider harmless.
Kyoki does not mind what mortals do with his knowledge. Anyone who holds even a portion of his knowledge slowly find their minds eroding relative to how much of Kyoki's knowledge they learned. Each moment of mental degradation is like sipping fine sake to the oni of malevolent knowledge. More enjoyable are the fools who try to treat directly with him. Simply gazing into Kyoki's eyes is enough to see the spark of his knowledge and will immediately drive a person into insanity.

Seizan, Perverter of Truth
To deal with an oni is to deal with the real possibility of being deceived and sent to their own destruction. With Seizan, that promise is a guarantee.
Seizan lives to deceive others and enjoys sending mortals into spirals of despair and destruction. Every word he speaks is a lie and every lie he speaks is a trap to send whoever hears it into their own deaths. His best lies are the ones which slowly send mortals on long and painful journeys only to find their goals to be nothing more than lies as they lay in pools of their own blood as they breathe their lasts breaths.
Despite this, Seizan has a following of cultists, although they are mostly humans and ogres who are short-sighted and eager for quick power. Seizon constantly whispers promises of power and glory to them in return for rituals and other dark acts. He offers tastes of power, forming warlocks and other contracted powers and keeping his followers on the hook for more of his schemes. They keep following his whims and orders, believing that once they achieve Seizan's goals, they will receive the true power that Seizan whispers he holds.
Seizan does offer some true favor to those who can actually see through his lies, but also sees them as a greater challenge to enjoy. If a mortal does see through a lie, he rewards them with boons, but he soon begins feeding them more complex and dangerous lies. The more lies they see through, the more they are rewarded, but the more dangerous the lies become if they believe it.

Shimatsu, the Bloodcloaked
Shimatsu exists as the kind of oni which the common person thinks of when they hear of them. Feral, brutish, and throwing themselves into blood and murder for the sake of their own enjoyment. It is a label which Shimatsu wears with pride, calling himself the mightiest of the oni.
Shimatsu is exclusively worshiped by the ogres of Sokenzan. To them, he is their god of battle who they ask for blessings before they go on raids against their enemies or for more victims for their rituals. A blessing which Shimatsu happily gives, as he does not care if it is ogres or their enemies who end up spilling their blood.
A lesser aspect of Shimatsu's domain is the use of blood in rituals. Many ogre shamans who worship Shimatsu use blood rituals to divne the proper time to fight or seek answers to issues which need 'divine' answers. Shimatsu accepts this, often sending messages which drive the ogres to go forward and fight and kill in his name.
It is a simple task to see which ogres follow worship of Shimatsu. They are the ones who adorn themselves in the blood of their enemies as they go into battle, screaming feral war cries as they charge with their red weapons raised high.

Urami, Oni of Insatiable Hunger
Urami is perhaps one of the oni which has the fewest worshippers, but is one of the most infamous in their doctrine.
Urami existed in perpetual boredom
in the Kakuriyo. Once the way to the Utsushiyo was open, Urami stepped through to find new foods in which to satiate his eternal hunger. He quickly found a group of ogre-magi who were quick to show reverence. Seeing an opportunity Urami quickly struck a deal with them. In return for allowing him to devour everything he could get his hands on to satiate his hunger, he would spare the ogres and give them forbidden knowledge in return.
The ogres agreed, building a gate so Urami could step through in physical form and devour everything he could reach. Rather than come through with his end of the bargin, Urami stated he was not satisfied, keeping the ogres on the hook with paltry rewards and boons before going back to the Kakuriyo waiting for his next meal from them.
Nature was able to restore itself form Urami's voracious eating, but the humans which were Urami's favorite food moved away from his evil. The ogres, knowing they needed people to feed Urami, quickly remade Urami's gates as a tomb and spread the lie that Urami had died and was entombed with his material riches. It was a bad lie that many see thorough, but some are foolish enough to search, becoming Urami's next meal, and keeping hope to the ogres for their promised secrets.

Yukora, the Prisoner
There was once an oni so dark and powerful, he was hailed as the king of the oni. Ruling the pits, he sought to conquer the world of mortals and add it to his kingdom. Weapon in hand, and his infernal power at its peak, this oni named Yukora broke through the barrier between the worlds and set about creating a bloody path through Kamigawa to mark it with his colors.
The people, and the kami, were quick to take up arms in fighting this oni. The battle was long and it took an army to match this terrible oni's power. As the battle went on, the kami created a plan, empowering ninety-nine priests with powerful magic and the knowledge of how to bind Yukora. As the oni was lost in the joy of battle and bloodshed, he did not notice the ritual happening, encircling him with powerful magic. At the apex of the ritual did Yukora realize what was happening, but it was too late. Yukora found himself bound before being banished to a gap between the Kakuriyo and the Utsushiyo, freeing both from his shadow.
The seal held for years, as the priests who conducted the ritual passed on their duties to successors. So long as all ninety-nine survived, Yukora would never see the light of day again. Sadly, this came to an end during the Kami War. Either through kami attacks, accident, or assassination from Yukora's cultists, all ninety-nine of the priests were slain. The moment the last priest died, Yukora's bindings broke and the terrifying oni emerged back into the Utsushiyo.
Although Yukora did lash out at everything around him at first, he soon disappeared back to the Kakuriyo. With so many years gone from his kingdom, others had torn it apart to claim it for themselves. Yukora had to return to reclaim is power and authority. Once he has defeated the pretenders to his throne, many who know of him do not doubt he will return to get his revenge.

Hidetsugu, the All-Consuming One
He began life as another of Kamigawa's ogres, but soon became one of the most powerful shamans in the patronage of the All-Consuming Oni of Chaos. His rise to power, and devouring of those who tried to stop him, had several other powers such as Boss Uramon to try and kill him after rejecting an alliance.
Only one survived such an attempt, the kanji mage Toshi Umezawa. A quick tongue and threat of a damage reflection rune had the pair form a new gang of mercenary reckoners, although they shared a tense bond.
Near the end of the kami war, Hidetsugu finally came to the scene as his apprentice, his most promising at that, was coldly murdered by a Minamo student. Enraged, even when he found the murderer, Hidetsugu took his revenge to the Minamo Academy and the city is the sky, Otawara. He unleashed his oni hoards and coerced yamabushi wizards to destroy everything they came across. At the apex of it all, he summoned the All-Consuming Oni of Chaos to devour it all.
It was here as he and Toshi, who fell to the patronage of the Myojin of Night's Reach, broke their partnership and did battle. In several clashes, Hidetsugi was blinded, but his power remained. However, as Toshi brought That Which Was Taken with him, so too did he bring O-Kagachi. The two forces, kami and oni, clashed, but O-Kagachi simply cut the oni in two before it fled for its life, breaking Hidetsugu's fury.
Despondent, Hidetsugu asked his former bond brother to take him to the Honden of All-Consuming Chaos so he could seek the reason for his patron's cowardice. While there, by some universal force perhaps brought by the birth of The Sisters of Flesh and Spirit, Hidetsugu fused with the remains of his patron, becoming the successor to the All-Consuming Oni of Chaos. Devouring Mochi, he pledged his allegiance with the sisters, showing a more harmonious partnership than those who came before did.

The Kakuriyo
The Kakuriyo, otherwise known as the Reikai, is the world of the Kami. Here the gods of Kamigawa exist and look over the material world. No one knows what the Kakuriyo truly looks like. The few tried to enter it only ended up becoming the type of kami known as a zubera.
The denizens of the Kakuriyo are called kami. These spirits are the embodiments of nature, items, concepts, and even of the people of Kamigawa themselves. Some kami used to be humans, whose strength of spirit and the reverence of the people for the extraordinary or infamous acts, allows their spirits to transform into kami themselves.
The people revere the kami and usually give prayers or offerings to specific kami for specific purposes. A blacksmith would pray to kami of the forge or metal to make a great sword. Fishermen would pray to kami of the rivers for bountiful catches. Scholars would pray to kami of knowledge for wisdom. If there is anything in the world a mortal wishes for, there is a kami that governs it.
Although rare, kami do cross over into the material world, taking on a material form. Usually the form they take has some resemblance to the domains they look over. These manifestations are unstable, making the kami appear monstrous in most cases, but also small objects related to their domain orbiting them.
If a kami is slain in the material world, that does not mean the kami is dead. Rather, their essence is returned to the Kakuriyo to recover and eventually reform. How long this process takes is unknown, but may be reliant on how powerful and/or massive the kami itself is.
The akuba are kami of bad fortune, death, and evil magic. They take the vague appearance of women dressed in rags. Often these kami are invoked by evil wizards or dark priests in order to inflict curses and other dark rituals. Often a blood sacrifice is required depending on the severity of the curse and if an akuba is involved, a high price will be needed to pay for that dark magic.
During the Kami War, Akuba were seen working with humans as much as they were targeting them. Several were invoked in the service of Boss Uramon in Takenuma. The time of hate, blood, and death made it a golden age for such Kami who enjoyed acts of bloodshed.
Akuba can be represented by a Hag statblock. What kind of hag used can depend on the area in which the akuba was summoned or has appeared in, using the ambient energies to help create it's material form.

Baku are usually benevolent kami who feed on dreams, usually the bad dreams of children. They usually take an odd form with lion-like legs. Their main body varies though. Most baku have a jade sphere for a body, which most people identify them as. However, as a baku eats more certain kinds of dreams, their bodies change to reflect that. It's not unknown for baku to appear which had blades, a mass of flowers, bundles of scrolls, a mass of candles, or even a pile of bones for bodies depending on which kinds of dreams they eat.
During the kami war, baku would try to infiltrate places where That Which Was Taken might be found by devouring the minds of their victims, rather than just their dreams, and using them to try and spy for knowledge which can help find O-Kagachi's spawn.
Although some baku are known to change their size, it does not change their true abilities. Use an Intellect Devourer to represent a baku.
When some creatures or even people die, sometimes their entire spirit is not strong or revered enough to become a kami. Rather, portions or qualities which they were so well-known for split off from their main spirit and become minor kami in themselves. These are minor spirits, perhaps destined to become greater kami or subservient to a greater one. They are small and annoying compared to greater kami, but can be dangerous in groups.
A DM can use a Sprite, Fairy, for regular bunrei. A Mephit can also be used if an important NPC is brought down to make a bunrei.
Genju are powerful kami that embody an aspect of the very land so many tread upon. They collect portions of the land to create their bodies and properly manifest. These genju can come in a variety of sizes, although many take larger forms if they are in the mindset to punish trespassers on their sacred grounds or have brought some kind of insult.
Genju can be represented by Elementals both in the Monster Manual and Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes.

Goryo are the spirits of those who died in anger and were not buried with proper rites. Their spirits haunt the area of their death, or wander aimlessly in search of vengeance.
A goryo can be represented by a Ghost, Specter, or a Revenant.
Kaijin are the kami of the waters, rivers, and lakes. Where water flows, these kami hold their domains. These kami take the forms of amalgams of different kinds of fish, crustaceans, and even bits of the plants which grow underwater.
These kami can be represented by Giant Crabs, Giant Seahorse, Giant Frog, and Giant Shark. Kaijin from the oceans can be represented by a Dragon Turtle or Kraken.
Kirin are the celestial horses which ride across the heavens. While the Ryuu represent the great stars which hang in the sky over each of the five regions of Kamigawa, Kirin represent the other stars. Their forms vary, depending on which region they loom over. They look over the humans who still revere them, but keep an eye on things as a whole instead of pieces, which can make them appear aloof or uncaring. Still, they do care about watching over the mortals, even the dark kirin who look over Takenuma.
Kirin can be represented by the Ki-rin found in Volo's Guide to Monsters.
While the kami are the gods who watch over the people of Kamigawa, oni are the spirits which seek to exploit them. They are primarily worshipped by the ogres of Kamigawa, making deals and accepting sacrifices in return for power or dark wisdom. Some oni are intelligent, brokering these deals or whispering promises of power to those in their sway. Others are little more than supernaturally powerful beasts. While the oni take many forms, they are all identifiable by their two sharp horns and their three eyes.

A typical oni can be represented by a Devil in the Monster Manual. Lesser, beastial oni can used as a Hellhound while greater oni who are more than masses of flesh with mouths such as the All-Consuming Oni of Chaos, can be represented by a Beholder with mouths instead of eyes. Other higher ranked oni can use a Demon statblock depending on their power.
Like many planes, Kamigawa also plays host to powerful dragons. Unlike many planes though, the dragons are also kami. The most famous are the five divine dragons who watch over the five regions of Kamigawa. They are not the only dragons though, although the five which guard the regions are the most powerful.
Each dragon is different dependong on their regions. Towabara dragons can be White Dragons which deal radiant damage. Kamitaki dragons can be Blue Dragons which deal cold damage. Jukai dragons can be Green Dragons, Sokenzan dragons can be Red Dragons, and Takenuma dragons can be Black Dragons.

The ways of the spirit world often give a sense of wonder to those of the mortal world. Because of this, many scholars and wizards have sought out ways to enter and explore it. Others have received an unexpected invitation as they stumbled into it through a sudden opening or being pulled in by a kami. These people end up having their material forms stripped from them, losing their very identities, and cast adrift in the spirit world, eventually finding their way back to the material world as a faceless zubera.
Many Zubera are simply warped, faceless humanoid spirits who wander the lands, searching for the identities they lost. They often attack travelers and people they come across, attempting to steal their faces in hopes of getting their identities back.
Other zubera are humans who have earned the favor of the Myojins are drawn willingly into the spirit world. They maintain a stronger sense of self, attending the Hondens of their Myojins, taking on an elemental appearance of their Myojin patrons.
Zubera can be represented by Doppelgangers. Zubera in the service of Myojin can deal elemental damage instead of their regular damage. Poison for green, Necrotic for black, Cold for blue, Fire for red, and Radiant for white.
Other Kami
There are more than the recorded types of kami. In truth, there are countless more kinds of kami that exist in Kamigawa. They can exist in a multitude of mediums and in a variety of forms. The appearances of the kami can depend on where they appear, which can be from the deepest forest, to the middle of civilization.
Kami can come from man-made objects such as buildings, armor, swords, and even abstract aspects of it such as blacksmithing. Kami of war or weapons can take the form of Animated Armor, Flying Sword, Rug of Smothering or more powerful aspects such as Helmed Horror, or Iron Golem.
The Jukai is especially full of kami of nature and all aspects of it. Kami such as the Kumo can use Giant Spider while other insect kami can use Giant Centipede and Giant Wasp.
Other kami in the Jukai represent beasts, which can be rather abstract in themselves. Many look normal, although enlarged such as Giant Goats, Giant Lizards, Giant Eagles, or event gentler creatures like Giant Elk.
Of course, there are kami who represent the plantlife, from the smallest bushes to the tallest trees. Manifesting kami often take the form of Blights, Shambling Mounds, or Treants.
The Unknown
Despite so much being known about the world, there are still some kami who it is impossible to be really sure what they represent. Perhaps they govern something yet to be discovered, or they are a combination of aspects.
Many of the kami of this unknown type can be represented by bizzare monseters such as Otyugh, Nothic, Roper, Chimera, Grick, or even more powerful ones can be represented by an Aboleth or other creatures. A good guideline to select these bizzare kami can be monstrosities or aberrations.

The Utsushiyo
The world of the Utsushiyo, or material world, is where the mortal races of Kamigawa live. Although life in the Utsushiyo are not as powerful or mysterious as the kami themselves, it is not without its own perils an dangers. So much of it remains unexplored, leaving much to be discovered and potential adventures to be had.
Perhaps the largest pest in the Sokenzan Mountains, the Akki are red-skinned, short, shelled creatures which endlessly dig tunnels through the mountains an cause mischief for anyone they can pull their tricks on.
Some Akki, in their desire for action, destruction, or perhaps their own kind are sick of them, join with the ronin and bandits as bushi. It oddly works as the low height and trickery of the Akki make them a fine asset in their campaigns.
Akki can be represented by Goblins in the Monster Manual.
In Kamigawa, the bushi are the common footsoldiers. They serve the samurai, but are also trained and mentored by them. As the bushi earn honor and merit in battle, the samurai invest more of their time and knowledge in these bushi. With an example of honor befitting of a samurai, the bushi can make their oaths and earn the right to be called a true samurai.
Bushi can be represented by a Soldier.
Jushi are the native wizards to Kamigawa. These people are natural scholars who seek out knowledge and wisdom, although the ways they apply this wisdom can vary in as many ways as there are jushi themselves.
Most Jushi can be found as students or teachers in Minamo Academy. Almost all schools of magic are taught there. many nobles also employ wizards for their magical skill, but also for their vast knowledge on other subjects which makes them fine advisors. Other wizards appear in cults in Takenuma or independent sects, studying a unique style of magic which the academy likely frowns on.
Jushi can be represented by Mage and Archmage if they come from Minamo Academy. Jushi in Takenuma can be represented by a Cult Fanatic. Other jushi can be represented by a Druid if they come from a more nature-oriented region like the Jukai.
Monks are a common aspect of life in Kamigawa. The pursuit of enlightenment and knowledge in the world is considered a respectable path in life.
Most monks can be found among the budoka in the Jukai who focus on their enlightenment and their unity with the ways of the world. Other monks, like the yamabushi, focus on their martial arts to fight man and spirit alike.
Monks of Kamigawa can be represented by a Martial Arts Adept from Volo's Guide to Monsters.
Although Kamigawa culture does focus on honor and integrity, there are still roles needed for stealth, subterfuge, and movement in the shadows. These are the roles of ninjas, otherwise known as shinobi.
Ninjas are skilled in the arts of stealth and usually take the roles of thieves, spies, or assassins. Some are mercenaries, selling their skills to the highest bidders. Others however, are clans of trained ninjas who swear loyalty to nobility. These nobles never admit they have these dark warriors on their side, but use them in shadow politics if or when they are needed so their own hands can remain clean and their honor untarnished.
There are ninjas of different skills and abilities. These ninjas can be represented by an Assassin or a Spy.
These towering brutes of muscle that are ferocious and always seek blood and battle to earn glory in the eyes of the oni. Unlike other planes, the ogres of Kamigawa hold a developed culture, albeit a violent one, which does focus on values of battle, war, blood, and oni worship. Some oni focus on the art of battle, taking up arms and even earning skill to match some samurai while others focus on magic, taught to them by their oni patrons.
Typical ogres in Kamigawa can be represented by an Ogre but with higher Intelligence. Ogre shamans can be represented by an Oni.
Although samurai are perhaps the most well-known aspects of armies, the title of samurai means so much more than that. It is a position of honor, nobility, respect, and responsibility. Samurai are part of the noble classes and are expected to act as such, knowing arts of battle, tradition, and even politics as they achieve higher ranks. The officer ranks and higher of armies are all occupied by samurai.
On the other side of the coin are the ronin. They are samurai, but they no longer have a master to serve. It is considered a dishonorable title since most ronin are samurai who abandoned their master or were cast out for committing a crime. In the times of the kami war, there were many ronin who left Konda's rule as Konda grew more detached to the reality of the war and more obsessed with his prize. Most ronin either began making a living as bandits, mercenaries, or returned to protect their homes from the kami.
Samurai can be represented by a Knight while the more elite samurai can be represented by a Veteran.
Moonwing Moth
Gliding noiselessly through the night sky, the moonwing moth is almost impossible to see except when its shadow passes across the moon. Native only to the deepest parts of the Jukai Forest, the moonwing moths come out to dance across the skies of Towabara on the night of the full moon.
Steed of the Samurai. Moonwing moths are considered to be one of Kamigawa's most beautiful creatures, with a wide variety of multicolored markings and reflective wings that can burst into a dazzling display when they catch the light just so. Because of this, moonwings moths are highly sought after by many daimyo for their personal menageries, and are even given as rewards to samurai in exceptional circumstances.
No one is sure what clan first thought to try taming the moths and using them as mounts, but unexpectedly, the enormous insects took well to the training. Moonwing moths raised in captivity can be trained as mounts in a short time, but even freshly-captured moths only take moderate effort from a skilled beast tamer to be trained properly. Once trained, a moonwing moth almost never wavers in its duties, faithfully serving their riders even in the most dangerous of circumstances
Rarity of Rarities. As the use of moonwing moths as steeds grew in popularity, it quickly became necessary for a daimyo to have at least one contingent of moths in battle to successfully stand against their rivals. Without one, they would be at a heavy disadvantage. Unfortunately, without their native environment of the Jukai Forest, moonwing moths grow restless, and unlikely to lay eggs, making moths born in captivity a true rarity, despite the size of their egg clutches.
Because of this, beastmasters serving the daimyo were forced to capture more and more of the creatures from the wild during their monthly pilgrimages to the Towabara Plains. The number of traveling moths quickly shrunk, until one year, not a single moth appeared in Towabara on any full moon. Whether all of the moths had been captured, or altered their habits, was unknown, but only those moths raised in captivity remain. Several years have passed, and despite the emperor's institution of a ban on hutning wild moths, they have yet to return to the skies of Towabara.
Moonwing Moth
Large beast, unaligned
- Armor Class 13
- Hit Points 51 (6d10 + 18)
- Speed 30 ft., fly 50 ft.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 3 (-4) 13 (+1) 9 (+0)
- Skills Stealth +4
- Senses blingsight 60 ft., passive Perception 11
- Languages ---
- Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Moonlight Regeneration. While in direct moonlight, the moonwing moth regains 10 hit points at the start of its turn. The moonwing moth dies only if it starts its turn with 0 hit points and doesn't regenerate.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage
Wing Attack (Recharge 4-6). The moonwing moth beats its wings. Each creature within 10 ft. of the moth must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or take 6 (1d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone. Then each creature must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the start of the moth's next turn.
Optional Rule: Honor
Kamigawa is a plane which has strict rules of social conduct woven into their beliefs. Honor is a concept all of Kamigawa believe in. It drives their conduct and their behaviours. The more honorable one is, the more respect and trust the people have in them.
Characters who adventure through Kamigawa have the chance to claim honor in their actions. The more honor they have, the more advantages and perks the characters can have at their disposal in different regions of Kamigawa.
How honorable a character is reflected by how the people around them react. An honorable character may be entitled to cheaper, or even free services. They can also be able to get better information or leads in their adventures. The most honorable characters could even be entitled to special items, titles, or even other rewards.
One thing to note however, is that honor is up to interpretation among the different regions of Kamigawa. Actions which are viewed as honorable to one place, could be seen as neutral, or even dishonorable in another.
Making characters with Honor
Characters begin during their creation with an honor score, acting the same as any other ability score. It can work just like regular stat creation. It can be rolled with four dice, keeping the three highest results. If the players use the standard array of of ability scores, merely add an 11 to the list of options. If they use the point buy system, allow them another 3 points to spend.
Honor Checks are used in social situation like other ability scores. They can be used to to determine how to act with honor, surrendering while trying to save face, trying to determine another character's Honor score, trying to determine the proper etiquette in a social situation, or using their honorable reputation to influence someone else.
Honor Saving throws are used when a characters comes into a situation which may result in a breach of honor. Such situations may include avoiding accidental breaches of honor, resisting the urge to respond to goading or insults from enemies, or recognizing when an enemy is trying to trick a character into a breach of honor.
Honor is perhaps the trickiest score to maintain. It does not increase through levels, but instead through actions. If a character does an action which can be seen as honorable or dishonorable, the DM can add or deduct an honor point, changing the scores. Honor can be gained or taken away at the end of adventures, if the DM feels the characters have performed appropriately.
Regional Honor
Although most people in Kamigawa can agree that honor is important, they won't be able to agree on a universal interpretation on what honor means. A person's honor can only be judged by one person: themselves. How they interpret honor shows their strength of character.
In each region of Kamigawa, the local people have interpreted honor in different ways thanks to their different ways of life. This influences how the people of that region act around characters from a different region. Someone who is considered quite honorable in Towabara, could be seen as untrustworthy and almost dishonorable in Takenuma. The calm honor of the Jukai can be viewed as a liability to the heated honor style in the Sokenzan.
These views on honor can help or hinder characters, depending on their classes and actions. How each area's views on honor can affect character classes follow in the description of each area. If one of the appropriate classes makes an Honor Check with the people of a certain region, they can make the check with +1 added to their results.
Towabara is claimed by many to be the birthplace of true honor. Often called bushido by the locals, it outlines the code of behavior their samurai and those who aspire to become samurai, must follow in order to hold true honor.
Actions which are considered honorable are easy to do, but hard to maintain, especially in difficult times. To the people of Towabara, honorable actions include being righteous, showing heroic courage, benevolence, and honesty. Dishonorable actions to them would include cowardice, deceit, and malevolence. Being stern in punishments is one thing, but outright cruelty is not condoned.
Classes which have a bonus in Honor Checks while within Towabara include all Fighters, who are considered samurai who live the codes of honor. It also includes Paladins, the elite samurai who achieved a higher code of honor. They represent the ideal of bushido and many consider them to be honorable by default.
Lake Kamitaki
The people of Lake Kamitaki, where Minamo Academy is such a point of pride, believe that honor can be found in knowledge and wisdom. While martial ability is important, the mental ability to properly apply it is seen as much more important. Their honor is perhaps a little more vague than the others, like the mist on the waters, but they hold it as strictly as the other regions hold their own.
Gaining honor in Kamitaki would mean strict study and the application of knowledge. Discovering secrets hidden in documents, uncovering and solving mysteries, teaching strong lessons to others, and outwitting enemies all gain honor to those of Kamitaki. Inversely, hoarding knowledge, expressing ignorance, and destroying knowledge would all be viewed as dishonorable crimes.
Classes which would have a bonus to honor checks in Kamitaki would be those that focus on their knowledge. Wizards and sorcerers are those who focus the ideal of Kamitaki honor. Even wizards that practice necromancy would be accepted, if they apply their magic in the pursuit of knowledge.
Takenuma, being a place where criminals are the rule of law do not hold traditional honor like other places. That is not to say that they do not have honor of their own. Their version of honor is simply more self-serving. The people of Takenuma know they have to trust each other and loyalty to their causes and organizations are deeply important.
Loyalty to organizations is the core concept of Takenuma honor. Actions which would earn honor among Takenuma groups and people center around doing deeds for their groups. Such actions would include ferreting out traitors, completing tasks for their bosses, or even assassinating others in the name of their groups. Inversely, spilling secrets, failing tasks, and killing fellow members of your group without reason is dishonorable and can give penalties.
Ambition, the willingness to step outside the law or common morals for those goals is considered admirable in Takenuma. The classes which would have a bonus in honor checks with Takenuma natives would be rogues and warlocks. Both are seen as people who would risk much to achieve their ends and would be worthy of respect.
Sokenzan Mountains
Most view the people of Sokenzan as brutes, ronin, and bandits. While many of the people do appear as such, they do have their own sense of honor. Even Godo, the bandit warlord, has a sense of honor and adheres to it. Even he knows that a leader with no honor is no leader at all. The people of Sokenzan have honor and they react poorly to those who think otherwise.
What the people of Sokenzan respect is strength and loyalty, which reflects in their sense of honor. Honorable actions to them means defeating powerful enemies, defending their homes, and surviving deadly encounters are all actions which gain honor in Sokenzan. Weakness, cowardice, and treason are dishonorable crimes and may even be punished severely.
Classes which gain a bonus to their Honor Checks are Barbarians and Rangers. One holds a source of great strength while the others endure the untamed world and fight to be the buffer between their people and their enemies.
The mysterious and verdant forests of jukai hold a sense of mystery, but also a quiet sense of honor. The monks who hold such sway there and the tribal Orochi have created their own sense of honor as unique as the ancient trees they live amongst. They do not preach or announce it as loudly as other regions, but it is just as strong as anyone else's.
The people of Jukai find honor in harmony and peace. By showing respect to the balance of nature, subduing enemies through skill rather than outright power or overwhelming magic, and finding peaceful solutions are staples of honor in Jukai. Encouraging conflict, destruction, killing, and disrupting nature are anathema and dishonorable to them and is swiftly put down.
The classes which embody the Jukai's sense of honor can be found in monks and druids. One represents the discipline and peace of Jukai's honor while the other represents its belief in balance and harmony.

Bards and Clerics
By their nature, bards are free spirits. This is also true in Kamigawa where they travel to all corners. The nature of their class keeps them from being seen as inherently honorable.
Clerics gaining a bonus to Honor Checks depends on their divine domains as different domains are viewed as more or less important in different regions.
Towabara: Order, Light
Kamitaki: Knowledge, Trickery
Takenuma: Death, Grave
Sokenzan: War, Forge
Jukai: Nature, Life
Adventure Ideas
The plane Kamigawa is a place rich in adventure. Simply because the Kami War ended does not mean that peace will settle forever. Many factions, villains, and other events will begin to rise which needs brave heroes to deal with them in order to save the day and be written into legend.
Here are some ideas for a DM who wishes to take their players into Kamigawa.
- The pieces of Takeshi Konda's petrified form are picked up and begin influencing people to reuinite them so he may be reborn and retake his empire
- Akki goblins found a cache of destructive relics and go on a bombing spree with them. The characters are hired to stop them and claim the relics.
- The characters hear rumors of a lavish tomb to someone named Urami. Rich treasures or a powerful kami are supposedly found there. In truth, it is a trap set by ogres to feed their patron oni.
- An orchard's guardian kami has turned on its caretaker, manifesting blight-like fruit spirits. The characters must find out why.
- A sect of Soratami seek to try and undermine their government and take over as they believe is the Soratami destiny. Track the dissenters through a palace and stop the plot.
- One of the Ryuu has tasked the characters to find the legendary sword Tatsumasa and release the dragon spirit trapped within.
- A colony of previously thought extinct Kappa has been discovered. Their shells are powerful magical items and a group of jushi are hunting for them for harvesting.
- The characters must reclaim a temple from Ayumi, Last to Visit or recover a relic from within while hiding from the deadly kami.
- A strange structure has been discovered inside the Jukai. Orochi have moved in, seeking something for their patron kami.
- A legendary Oni named Yukora has returned after breaking his imprisonment. A way must be found to seal him once again.
- A lantern-lit graveyard has been cursed by an angry Goryo, becoming an endless maze filled with the hungry ghosts of her victims.
- Scrolls about the crystal island of Mikokoro speak of a powerful treasure hidden in a shrine. The characters are tasked to reach it first before other ambitious figures do.
- The characters must travel to one of the God's Eye towers in the four corners of Kamigawa to see into the Kakuriyo and speak with the kami directly.
- The Yuki-Onna has descended from her mountain, leaving a trail of ice and death in her path. What is she looking for? It is up to the characters to find out.
- The Yuki-Onna and her sisters the Haru-Onna, Kiri-Onna, Nikko-Onna, and Kemuri-Onna are causing chaos in their regions, moving to meet in the center of Kamigawa.
- An abandoned manor holds the Kami of Tattered Shoji, turning the entire manor into a manifestation of the kami as adventurers try to explore it for wealth or important relics.
- A baku has possessed a prominent figure for mysterious reasons. The characters must discern what kind of baku it is and what it's goals are.
- The characters are trapped in a repeating dream by a kami of dreams. They have to find the flaws in the illusion to break free.
- The famous onna-bugeisha ronin, Fumiko the Lowblood is targeting a village for plunder. The characters must somehow stop her, but there may be more than just plunder on her mind...
Recommended Material
For oriental-themed classes, rules, and creatures, I highly recommend Heroes of the Orient and Monsters of the Orient by Marc Altfuldisch available on Dmsguild.com
Art Credit and Thanks
Awesome Art
Eiganjo Castle - Wayne England
Final Judgement - Kev Walker
Samurai of the Pale Curtain - Christopher Moeller
Akki Underling - Franz Vohwinkel
Akki Drillmaster - Alan Pollack
Battle-Mad Ronin - Wayne England
Kitsune Diviner - Pete Venters
Eight-and-a-Half-Tails - Daren Bader
Kitsune Blademaster - Keith Garletts
Mending Hands - Douglas Shuler
Split-Tail Miko - Kev Walker
Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni - Wayne Reynolds
Locust Miser - Alan Pollack
Orochi Leafcaller - Joel Thomas
Sosuke, Son of Seishiro - Carl Critchlow
Oboro Envoy - Rob Alesander
Uyo, Silent Prophet - John Bolton
Tamiyo, the Moon Sage - Eric Deschamps
Minamo - Charles Urbach
Takenuma - Cliff Childs
Sokenzan - Brian Snoddy
Forest- Rob Alexander
Cleanfall - Daren Bader
Innocence Kami - Mark Zug
Myojin of Cleansing Fire - Kev Walker
Yosei, the Morning Star - Hiro Izawa
Patron of the Kitsune - Ben Thompson
Myojin of Seeing Winds - Kev Walker
Keiga, the Tide Star - Ittoku
Patron of the Moon - Scott M. Fischer
Myojin of Night's Reach - Kev Walker
Kukusho, the Evening Star - Tsutomu Kawade
Patron of the Nezumi - Kev Walker
Myojin of Infinite Rage - Kev Walker
Ryusei, the Falling Star - Nottsuo
Patron of the Akki - Jim Nelson
Myojin of Life's Web - Kev Walker
Jugan, the Rising Star - Shishizaru
Patron of the Orochi - Christopher Moeller
Michiko Konda, Seeker of Truth - Christopher Moeller
Yomiji, Who Bars the Way - Hideaki Takamura
Gutwrencher Oni - Hideaki Takamura
Kagemaro, First to Suffer - Adam Rex
Kuro, Pitlord - Jon Foster
Kyoki, Sanity's Eclipse - Paolo Parente
Seizan, Perverter of Truth - Kev Walker
Shimatsu the Bloodcloaked - Dave Allsop
Urami - Alex Horley-Orlandelli
Yukora, the Prisoner - Tony Szczudlo
Heartless Hidetsugu - Carl Critchlow
Ayumi, the Last Visitor - rk post
Petalmane Baku - Rebecca Guay
Goryo's Vengeance - Randy Vargas
Call for Blood - Carl Critchlow
Kataki, Wars Wage - Matt Thompson
Moonwing Moth - Franz Vohwinkel
Matsu-Tribe Decoy - Alan Pollack
Reverence - Ittoku
Tranquil Garden - John Avon
Special Thanks
I want to give special thanks to Kyle Hall who helped make the character options and the monster statblocks for this Plane Shift document. His help was invaluable to making this homebrew what it is now. Look up his Patreon page and show support here.
The Land
of the Kami
Explore the Multiverse and discover the plane of Kamigawa. A plane steeped in honor and tradition, worshipping the spirits of all things, the Kami.
Inside this document are player races native to Kamigawa, a pantheon of gods who affect a number of classes, new locations, and Honor rules which can affect player actions.
Step forward and keep your honor in mind, lest you be taken down the wrong path.
This Plane Shift contains what players need to begin adventuring through the plane of Kamigawa, a world found in Magic: The Gathering.