D&D 5e Homebrew Rogue Subclass - Butler

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Roguish Archetype: Butler

The butler's specialty is their skill to serve. You have chosen a liege to pledge your loyalty to, and focus all your training on keeping them safe. You are unforgiving to your enemies, and you are always working to ensure your liege will stand victorious on the battlefield, even if it means risking your own safety, and perhaps even your life, to achieve that end.

By Your Side

Starting at 3rd level, you must pick a liege to offer your services to. This needs to be a sentient creature, and it must be someone you can keep physical proximity to. You cannot offer your services to objects, constructs, or other butlers, and you cannot have a long-distance liege.

If you are ever travelling away from your liege, or must pick a new liege for any reason, you must wait at least one long rest period before you are able to offer them your services. You cannot return to an old liege a second time once you've picked a new one.

Once your loyalty is pledged, being near your liege bolsters both of your senses. If you and your liege are within 10 feet of each other, both of you gain advantage on saving throws. In the case of a dexterity saving throw, if you have the Evasion feat, both of you benefit from it, reducing damage to 0 as long as both of you make the save. If either of you fail, you still get to benefit from Evasion, but your liege does not.

Additionally, you can use your Bonus Action to get in a protective stance. As long as you are within 10 feet of your liege, they gain a +2 AC bonus, and all attacks against you are at disadvantage. If either of you move further than 10 feet from each other, your stance is lost.


Your alert nature means you are always keeping an eye out for danger. Starting at level 9, you cannot be surprised, and during enemy surprise rounds, you get to take your turn first. During surprise attacks, enemies attacking you roll at disadvantage, and you can also use a reaction to impose disadvantage on surprise attacks aimed at your liege. Once the surprise round is over, you get to roll your initiative with advantage.

Additionally, you are equally adept at keeping an eye on things outside of combat situations. You get advantage on all Perception and Insight checks.

Not On My Watch

At level 13, as a reaction, you can choose to take a hit aimed at your liege. You must be within 5 feet of them or the attacking creature to trigger this ability. The creature attacking must make an attack roll for whoever has higher AC between you and your liege.

If it hits, you get a chance to roll an athletics or acrobatics check. If you meet or exceed the attack roll, you take no damage. If you roll lower, you take half damage. If you roll a 1, you take full damage.

Additionally, if your liege takes lethal damage, you can choose to automatically take half of that damage. You must be within 5 feet of them or the attacking creature, and you can only use this ability if taking the damage won't reduce you to 0 hit points. You do not need a reaction to use this feature, but you can only do it once per long rest.

Eternal Servitude

At level 17, your loyalty to your liege gives you a surge of strength that enables you to remain standing where you would otherwise fall. Once per long rest, you can use this feature to return to 1 hit point upon taking damage that would otherwise make you fall unconscious.

This feature cannot be used when receiving damage that will exceed your maximum hit points. It can only be used if your liege is participating in or observing the battle, but if they're participating, they do not have to be conscious for this ability to trigger. Following the use of this ability, all attacks against you have disadvantage until the start of your next turn.

At level 19, you regain this ability once per short rest instead of long rest. Additionally, instead of returning to 1 hit point, you get to roll your hit dice and regain the number you roll plus your constitution modifier. This does not reduce your number of available hit dice

Part 2 | Your Introduction

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