Paladin - Oath of Silence

by Halogen

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Oath of Silence

The Oath of Silence summons softly the select few who can withstand its severe code of adherence and unorthodox practice. These silent agents skulk in the shadows, waiting and listening, coaxing ignorant and less observant targets into freely sharing the key to their own downfall. Their methods are ambiguous, and their motives even more so, as they move about with mouths closed and ears open.

Paladins who swear this oath may be disciples of a ponderous master who desires to know the secrets of others, or serve a paranoid king who wishes to silence dissent against them. They even could be fulfilling the will of an inscrutable deity, who selectively decides which voices must be silenced for ends unknown to mortal minds.

Tenants of Silence

The tenants of the Oath of Silence are nebulous, but generally designed to inform a paladin of how to hold oneself, and achieve their goals unseen and unheard.

Keep Quiet and Observe. The undisciplined will speak without reserve, but you must hold your tongue. Stay silent, keep your eyes wide open, take note of everything spoken.

Wait and React. One mistake is all it takes for someone to be on their guard, and for your cause to be dashed. You must wait for your time, and be ready to move as soon as you have the information you need.

Spare No Secrets. The only secrets worth keeping are yours. The weak and uninitiated will always reveal their secrets, but yours must always remain unknown. Cover your tracks, and keep attention to detail.

Oath Spells

You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed.

Oath of Silence Spells
Paladin Level Spells
3 disguise self, silent image
5 blindness/deafness, detect thoughts
9 clairvoyance, nondetection
13 divination, greater invisibility
17 mislead, Rary’s telepathic bond

Channel Divinity

When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options.

Shroud of Subterfuge. You can use your Channel Divinity to completely hush your speech and movements.

For 1 minute, no sound can be created within or pass through a 10-foot radius sphere centered on yourself that moves with you for the duration. Any creature or object entirely inside the sphere is immune to thunder damage, and creatures are deafened while entirely inside it. Casting a spell that includes a verbal component is impossible there. You and any creature of your choice within the sphere leave behind no tracks or other traces of passage.

Suppress Discord. You can use your Channel Divinity to silence those who may disrupt your plans. When you hit a creature with an attack, you can choose to impose silence on the target and prevent it from producing any sounds for 1 minute. As an action, the creature can make a Constitution check against your spell save DC to find its voice and end the effect.

Aura of Guile

Beginning at 7th level, your commitment to silence alters the perception of light and sound around you. You can ignore the verbal components of your paladin spells. Additionally, you and friendly creatures within 10 feet of you can choose to add your Charisma modifier to any Dexterity (Stealth) check (with a minimum bonus of +1) .

At 18th level, any creature of your choice that benefits from this aura can also choose to ignore the verbal components of any of its spells.

Status Enigma

Beginning at 15th level, you are always under the effects of a nondetection spell.

Additionally, it is impossible to magically read your thoughts or sense your emotions. and all Wisdom (Insight) checks against you are made at disadvantage.

Become Void

At 20th level, as an action you can shroud yourself in an illusory haze and conceal your movements and intent completely. You gain the following benefits for 1 minute:

  • You are completely invisible.
  • All of your movement and actions are silent.
  • If a creature would rely on truesight in order to perceive you, you are invisible to it.
  • You can see out 30 feet into the Ethereal Plane.
  • You can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. If you end your turn inside a creature or object, you are forcibly shunted to the nearest unoccupied space, and take 1d10 force damage for every 5 feet you are moved.

Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.