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Project Red Handbook

Welcome to Shatterfall

It’s been five hundred years since The Fall. The large city states that made the backbone of the empires that populated this land have been all but destroyed. Their ruins still linger but their inhabitants have become desperate. With each person trying to eke out a meager existence, the people of Shatterfall have banded together to form a loose collective. This tiny burgeoning town is where our tale begins.

What You Know

Everyone grew up on stories of what the world used to be like, though no one who lived through The Fall remains to tell them. Passed down through the generations, they speak of powerful magic harnessed to build great cities and instantly travel between them. Mystic portals that gave access to realms beyond our own material plane. A great empire that ruled the world and a time of plenty for its people. There are also stories about what caused it to fall, but the reasons - and who was to blame - vary wildly. Whatever happened, life today is very different. As the cities fell and resources dwindled, disease and violence was all too commonplace. Survivors banded together in fortified communities within their ruined cities, doing their best to endure. One thing was certain, outside the safety of those walls - here be monsters.

You grew up in the outpost of Shatterfall, built among the ruins of the city of Kerduun in the Shattered Isles. The bravest among you venture out into the ruins beyond the walls. For wealth or renown? To salvage old technology, or perhaps reclaim more of the old city from the dangers that lurk there? Your reasons are your own, but one truth unites you all. The call of adventure is in your bones. You choose where to go and what to do. You will make your own destiny.

The adventure is in your hands.

About Project Red

At Project Red, we strive to provide for the players. We’re here to create a game that involves player agency and story advancement from those decisions. As well, we want the game to feel personal and as if each player can have an impact in the world somewhere. We strongly believe that D&D 5e is about forming a narrative that weaves your character and the world together. We want the games to feel as if each one is a home game; where the DM has reign to create a fun and interesting narrative without feeling constrained. With these things, it necessitates that we have a strong, trusting relationship from players to DMs and DMs to players.

These will be the hallmarks of our game: trust, interpersonality, and fun.

Getting Started

How to Join

The number of players in Project Red is limited to balance the number of players with the number of scheduled weekly games. Please check the New Player Application Status in the Project Red subreddit or contact a subreddit moderator. If new players are being accepted, details on how to apply will be posted.

Player Responsibilities

The difference between a West Marches style game and home campaigns is how the community interacts with each other between games to achieve goals or explore the wilderness together. In a game with a large number of DMs and players, communication is key. In order to do this the players are in charge of creating and joining games as well as making After Action Reports to keep other players up to date. As a player you are expected to do this:

  • Follow the code of conduct.
  • Join the discord and engage with the community there.
  • Be active on the subreddit .
  • Create or join Games on the subreddit by contacting the DMs.
  • Write AARs after games to inform your fellow players of your adventures.
  • Update the Player Wiki


The Project Red subreddit is restricted. You must be an approved member to post.


We use Discord for our voice communications while in game. In addition to that, Discord allows for the sharing of information quickly and easily for our players. Beyond that, we also have between session RP channels for hopping into the RP scene to meet your fellow characters and develop your character. Most people format their RP for ease of use.

  • Type a Message with an Asterisk (*) on either side to italicize your message. This is usually used to indicate narration
  • Type a message with two asterisks on either side or quotation marks around it to bold your text. People usually use this to indicate speech.

RP is in no way required for the purposes of advancing your character.

Code of Conduct

You must be at least 13 years of age to participate in the Project Red. As a volunteer-run community, we do not have the capacity to make exceptions via parental/guardian authorization.

Personal Conduct

Wheaton's Law is the Golden Rule. Don’t be a dick.

An online community is bound to contain a variety of viewpoints and opinions. While it can lead to a richer overall experience, it can and will lead to conflict if you don’t follow Wheaton’s Law. Examples can include cyber-bullying, passive-aggressive behavior, direct flaming, amongst others. We’re all adults here, if you have an issue, handle it like an adult. While the DM team will try it’s hardest to monitor for individual instances of rule infractions, it falls upon our users to conduct themselves in a way that encourages a frank and fair exchange of views in a fun and friendly atmosphere.

Respect the DM team: our staff of DMs are volunteers who love this game and who spend a great deal of time attempting to maintain and develop an engaging setting for everyone to play D&D in. That being said, if you have a complaint or a concern, come to us. Ultimately, we’re all friends here playing a game. We will listen to your complaints and provide as much info as possible. We believe in transparency whenever possible, and will provide not just answers and judgements, but the reasoning behind them. Sometimes though, a decision will be made that you don’t agree with. It’s important that we be able to discuss this as adults without it harming the game.

Minor Infractions

Committing minor Infractions, either in Discord, on the sub-reddit, or in-game will result in a first warning, followed by a suspension. If the issue becomes chronic, a permanent ban will be considered.

Minor infractions will accumulate via a 3 strike policy. A first offense results in a warning. A second offence results in a one week suspension and a third offence results in a lengthy and possibly permanent ban. Warnings and bans remain active for these purposes for 3 months. Note that severe offenses may receive stronger action, even on first or second offenses.

Language Policy

Excessive use of strong language will not be tolerated. Ex: The odd swear word is fine. A profanity laced rant, on the other hand, is not. Discretion will rest with the DM team.

Flaming and Personal Attacks

We do not tolerate personal attacks on other users. Please keep your arguments and posts on topic, and argue the ideas and topics of the thread instead of insulting other users.

Example: Telling someone that you disagree with their argument is tolerated, while calling someone inappropriate names is not.


Posting excessive negative comments or baiting others to respond in a negative manner is considered trolling.

Example: If there is one game that you did not enjoy, voicing your opinion to a DM, either through the anonymous reporting forms available, or by direct PM, is encouraged. Posting this opinion in every thread concerning that game to the point that it disrupts all other conversation is not tolerated.

Non-Consensual Surveillance

Creating a unique record of another user’s speech or activity without their consent.

Example: Asking permission if you can stream a game, or screenshotting messages in Discord are fine. Recording the voice channels without permission from all who are recorded is not.

Major Infractions

Committing Major Infractions will result in an immediate and permanent ban from the subreddit and Discord, even with no previous warnings or infractions.

Hateful Content

Hateful content includes, but is not limited to, discriminating comments about: race, ethnicity, religion, age, gender, sexuality, socioeconomic status and political beliefs. The DM team holds complete and total discretion to decide what is hateful.

Sexual Harassment

Our community has members of all ages and beliefs. Posting any pornographic content, or aggressively soliciting other users (publicly or privately) will not be tolerated.

Multiple Accounts

If the DM team discovers that a user is creating and/or using multiple accounts, that user, and all accounts, both past and present, will be permanently banned.

Reporting Another User

Our team takes any and all reports of rules violations very seriously. You may submit a report either through the anonymous reporting form, or you may contact a us directly through Discord or Reddit. We encourage reporters to include as much detail concerning the alleged incident as possible, since this will allow us to more accurately investigate potential rules violations. This includes related chat logs, images etc. People accused of rule violations will also be given the opportunity to provide their own evidence prior to the disciplinary measure being imposed.

Disciplinary Process

Upon receiving reports concerning a user’s behavior, the process will be as follows:

  1. Collation of evidence from aggrieved party (or parties).
  2. The user in question will be contacted by a DM to make them aware of the claims against them, as well as to ask for any evidence or counter-arguments in response. This information, as well as that of the complainants, will be stored in a DM access-only repository.
  3. Upon receiving evidence from both sides, the DM will come to a decision within 24 hours.
  4. The decision will be communicated to the user, and any disciplinary action will be imposed promptly.
  5. In the case of major infractions, the mod team will make a public announcement concerning the action taken on the Discord server.

Appealing a Decision

If you have have received a form of disciplinary action from our team that you believe is unwarranted, please send a message to the DM team via the ‘message the moderators’ button in the Project Red sub-reddit. This will trigger a review process:

Group Review Process

The DMs will enter a chat session with the affected user, and present their case to enforce a warning or ban. The user will have a chance to respond and to present any supporting materials that they might have (screenshots, files etc) to support their case. Once both sides have been presented, the team will make a decision within 24 hours whether or not to retract or proceed with any action. Regardless of the outcome, the user will receive a written explanation of any decision made.

Lodging Complaints Against a DM

If you have a complaint against a DM, the process is as follows:

DM Group Review Process

DMs will enter a chat session to discuss the evidence presented. As in the regular group reviews process, the accused person will be given an opportunity to present any supporting documentation. Once both sides have been presented, the mod/dm team will make a decision within 24 hours whether or not to retract or proceed with the warning/ban. In the case where action is taken against a DM, their suitability as a community leader may also be re-examined.

Any DM who is found to be guilty of a rules violation will be subject to the same penalties as any user (warning > suspension > permanent ban). In the case where a scheduled game may be impacted by disciplinary action, the game will be rescheduled with an alternative DM, or cancelled (the decision will be up to the original game convener).

Character Creation

There is a moving level cap within Project Red with a hard cap at level 14. Currently, each character will start at level 2 with 300 XP. We are treating the UA/custom content as a play test. If any of these races/classes/subraces are found to be overpowered we may ask you to rebuild your character. Please keep that in mind. At the end of the section, there will be instructions on submitting your character.


Players are allowed to select from all published subraces of the allowed races EXCEPT winged tiefling:

  • Aasimar
  • Changeling
  • Dragonborn (including Variants)
  • Dwarf
  • Elf
  • Feral Tiefling
  • Firbolg
  • Genasi
  • Gnome
  • Goliath
  • Half-Elf
  • Halfling
  • Half-Orc
  • Human
  • Kenku
  • Kobold (Tinker Kobolds and Volo's Den Kobolds) - The Urd Wings feat is not allowed at this time.
  • Lizardfolk
  • Tabaxi
  • Tiefling
  • Triton
  • Variant Human1
  • Warforged
1 Variant Human Feat Restrictions

These feats are not allowed when selecting your level one feat:

  • Blade Mastery
  • Crossbow Expert
  • Fell Handed
  • Flail Mastery
  • Lucky
  • Polearm Master
  • Sentinel
  • Shield Master
  • Spear Mastery


We currently allow subclasses from the PHB, Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide, Xanathar's Guide to Everything. UA Revised Ranger is allowed for all subclasses. Subclass race restrictions do not apply. For example, you can play a Gnome Bladesinger.

Barbarian: Ancestral Guardian, Battlerager, Berserker, Storm Herald, Totem Warrior, Zealot

Bard: Glamour, Lore, Sword, Valor, Whispers

Cleric: Arcana, Forge, Grave, Knowledge, Life, Light, Nature, Order, Tempest, Trickery, War

Druid: Dreams, Land, Moon, Shepherd, Spore

Fighter: Arcane Archer, Battle Master, Cavalier, Champion, Eldritch Knight, Purple Dragon Knight, Samurai

Monk: Shadow, Drunken Master, Four Elements, Kensei, Long Death, Open Hand, Sun Soul, Remastered Four Elements Monk

Paladin: Conquest, Devotion, Redemption, Ancients, Crown, Vengeance

Ranger: Beast Master, Gloom Stalker, Horizon Walker, Hunter, Monster Slayer, UA Revised Ranger

Rogue: Arcane Trickster, Assassin, Inquisitive, Mastermind, Scout, Swashbuckler, Thief

Sorcerer: Divine Soul, Draconic Bloodline, Shadow Magic, Storm Sorcery, Wild Magic2

Warlock: Archfey, Celestial, Fiend, Great Old One, Hexblade, Undying

Wizard: All the Schools, Bladesinger, War Magic

Hit Points

Players start with maximum hit points for level 1. For all further levels, players will roll for HP under observation of a DM, taking average if they roll lower.


The Lucky feat is not allowed. Some other feats are disallowed for level one Variant Humans. All other officially published feats are allowed. We are also allowing the following Unearthed Arcana feats, as well as Firearm Specialist.

Weapon: Fell Handed, Blade Mastery, Flail Mastery, Spear Mastery

Skills: Acrobat, Animal Handler, Arcanist, Brawny, Silver-Tongued, Historian, Empathic, Menacing, Investigator, Medic, Naturalist, Perceptive, Performer, Diplomat, Theologian, Quick-Fingered, Stealthy, Survivalist

Tools: Alchemist, Burglar, Gourmand, Master of Disguise

We are treating the UA/custom content as a play test. If we see that any of these races/classes/subraces are deemed to be overpowered we may ask you to rebuild your character.


Backgrounds from SCAG, PHB, and Tomb of Annihilation are allowed. A few of the backgrounds have been changed slightly, to view the changes or if you would like your background to be connected to Shatterfall's lore, check the examples here. If you decide to go with the listed examples you can read up on the lore in the lore section. Custom backgrounds are also allowed as seen in the PHB (pg.125).


All spells in the PHB, Xanathar's Guide to Everything, and SCAG are allowed to be used in game.

Starting Gold / Equipment

We use the normal rules for starting gold. You can either take starting class equipment and background equipment OR roll for gold.

A note on extreme character optimization, aka min-maxing

Death happens. It will not be sought out specifically. It will not be planned for. This does mean that lucky crits or poor decision making in game could result in your death but they will not be the focus of games. This is meant to emulate a home game in feel and pacing. Players should not feel the need to minmax in order to survive - in fact, they may find that lessens the challenges and therefore the fun of the game.


We ask that you guys keep your characters 18+ (or their racial equivalent).

Starting Locations

Characters can be from the following locations:

  • Shatterfall
  • Forge Kaldel
  • Dusted Scale Saloon
  • Haven

Mains and Alts

Players are allowed one character. If a player wishes to start a new character, their current character will become retired. While retired, they can not use their spells or abilities to affect the world at large. However, these characters can continue to be played in RP channels. You can unretire one retired character with each HoH upgrade (however your current character will then be retired).

Death and Resurrection

With the unretirement rules and changes, we also began talking about death in a bit more details. We built this game to emphasize player interaction and the connection their character has to the world. In an effort to continue this, we will be using Matt Mercer’s resurrection rules. We hope this drives that emphasis further, even into death and beyond.

Long Term Goals

We like making your characters matter, and including personal storylines into the game. In order to keep the workload reasonable, we will be doing this for designated mains only. Please fill in the Long Term Goals Form when you designate a main.


When experimenting with characters, you may find after a while that something just doesn’t work the way you intended. Perhaps the fighting style you chose is not to your liking, or now that you’ve tried it you really wish you’d put that extra point into Dex instead of Str. Or perhaps you misread a spell and it really doesn’t work the way you thought it did. In these cases, if you are truly unhappy, you can speak to a DM and request permission to respec that aspect of your character. We want you to be happy playing your character. That being said, this is not a way to make a new character while preserving your XP, or switching races/classes because something fun and new has been unlocked, or as a way to get around the usual class progression restrictions (such as a bard being able to replace only one spell when leveling). Players who abuse this will be warned, and if they continue they will find this privilege permanently revoked.

Narrative Respeccing would be use when someone makes significant changes to their character/their story that it warrants these changes. This would be something like fighter -> paladin upon making an oath or paladin -> warlock after forsaking their god and finding a new patron. Or going from oath -> oathbreaker. Changing subclasses like Necromancer -> War Wizard. etc etc. This would be for when people make massive character changes over time and furthers the narrative.

Mechanic Respeccing would be someone choosing a feature, fighting style, or other such class/subclass feature and then figuring out that it's actually terrible.

Organizing Games

Weekly Roll Over

Game weeks will rollover at 00:01 GMT Monday morning. (i.e. midnight GMT between Sunday and Monday).

Creating a Game

The DMs will post their availabilities in the DM Availability Calendar. Notice that all the times are listed in MST. Clicking the "Google Calendar" button in the bottom right corner will open up the calendar and convert it to your time zone. The times listed here are considered a window for a game. This doesn't mean your game is going to go on for 10 hours. Ideally, games should run for 3 - 5 hours. If you need to start a bit earlier or go slightly over, talk to your DM about it! As always verify with the DM that the time you pick is going to work. Once you have a time slot that works for you, message the DM in Discord and work together to get a game set up. You should message a DM with a hook and an approach.

Advertising a Game (LFG)

Once you have agreed on an adventure and time you should post an LFG (Looking For Group) on the subreddit. There is a template available.

When you post an LFG you are not allowed to apply to any games for that week (because you already have one). This does not affect your ability to apply to games in any other week, or asaps during the week that you have an LFG. To allow a variety of players to create LFGs/book DM time, you can only have one game booked at any time (i.e. you can only own one LFG).

Applying For a Game

Players are allowed 1 scheduled game per week. You can apply to as many LFGs as you want (please include priority), but once accepted please remove your applications from the other LFGs as a courtesy to others.

ASAP Games

Sometimes a player needs to drop out, or a game cannot be filled. In this case, the DMs will post an ASAP announcement in Discord. Players are allowed 1 ASAP game per week, on top of their one scheduled game as listed above.

If a game cannot be filled because all available players have already met their asap cap, at the DMs discretion the game can be set to ‘free for all’ and will not count for any cap.

Weekly Game Caps

We can’t guarantee that every player will get a game every week, but that is our goal. With that in mind, we will be restricting the number of games each player can play per week to the following:

  • 1 scheduled game per week. You can apply to as many LFGs as you want* (please include priority), but once accepted please remove your applications from the others.

  • 1 asap game per week.

  • If a game cannot be filled because all available players have already met their asap cap, at the DMs discretion the game can be set to ‘free for all’ and will not count for any cap.

Pausing A Game

If a game runs long, the party has the option of pausing, and picking back up at that point for a second game. The following rules will apply:

  • Only one pause per 'expedition' is allowed. At the end of the second/resumed game, the party must return to town.

  • While paused, the location is locked and no other games can be run in that location.

  • While paused, the game is considered 'in progress' and players are not allowed to talk about it (i.e. 'no talking about games until you are back in town' rule applies).

  • While paused, player RP is still allowed, but should be assumed to be before the party left on expedition (i.e. the 'timey wimey rule').

  • Except for exceptional circumstances (which will require the approval of the entire DM team) the game must be resumed in the next two game weeks with the same DM and the same party. At the weekly rollover of the second week, if the game has not resumed, it will be assumed the players chose to return to town, and the location will be unlocked for play.

After Action Reports (AAR)

Sharing information with the other players about what happened on an expedition is a very important part of a campaign of this style. Mission debriefings have their own special channel in Discord. Feel free to make this an "In Character" report or an "Out of Character" report. Common things to include are: locations visited, NPCs encountered, monsters encountered, points of interest, events of interest.

AARs will be rewarded with Action Points and a 50 XP bonus.
Qualifying AARs will be listed at the end of each weekly mega. Spending an action point allows a player to add a bonus d4 to any d20 roll, possibly changing an outcome. You can decide to spend the point after making your roll, but it must be announced before you learn the outcome of the roll. Only one action point can be added to any roll. Unlike inspiration, action points are not a binary system. You can have more than one at a time, but can only earn one per week.

During the Game


Adventuring in Project Red follows several tenets:

  • The town is surrounded by a large wall and is considered safe with the exception of special events that the players will know of in advance.
  • Adventures will not take place in town. Explore the wilds and find your story.
  • The wilds generally grow more dangerous the further you travel, this is not always true and remember: running is always an option.
  • The players have persistent effects on the world and it will dynamically change around them.


Travel within Project Red is different from normal DnD travel. The traveling day is split into hours, not distance traveled. Since the areas that you will be traveling are so much smaller, we feel that having gradients that modify distances travelled doesn’t work well within our world.

Instead, players will choose to travel at a fast, normal, or slow pace. These paces change how many hours you can travel. A normal day of travel is 8 hours. A slow pace takes 6 hours but you can stealth or forage along the way. A fast day of travel is 10 hours however you are oblivious to your surroundings and take a penalty to Passive Perception.

Then, different terrains will modify the amount of hours you have for travel. This is to represent the difficulty in moving through those areas.

Groups will then travel at a consistent 3 miles per hour. This should make calculating the distances that are travel easier.

Travel Speeds
Pace Time Effect
Fast 10 hours -5 penalty to Passive Perception
Normal 8 hours
Slow 6 hours Able to use stealth or forage
Terrain Modifiers
Difficulty Modifier
Normal -0 hours
Minor -2 hours
Moderate -3 hours
Major -4 hours
Impassable -all hours
Water Crossings

Crossing water safely takes time. Getting people and gear across can take hours, and some are so large they are impassable by normal means. The DM will tell you how long it takes to safely cross a body of water.

During winter some waterways may be frozen over, and rivers are often running low. The especially frigid water and the extreme cold of the air can pose their own challenges. After every crossing of an unfrozen waterway in winter conditions, each player must make a Constitution saving throw or suffer 1 level of exhaustion. Players who fail this check by 5+ suffer 2 levels of exhaustion.

Travel in Roll20

When travelling, the players declare their travel pace and, use the ruler tool to measure out the distance they can travel - taking terrain into account - and draw their desired route on the map. If they’re unsure of the entire route at first, they can draw part of it, and then wait until instructed by the DM to move the party token and give them any new information. At the end of the game if players want to preserve any new information that was added to the world map during the game, they should screenshot it. Players are responsible for maintaining a player copy of the map.

Foraging in the Wild

During your travels, you may find yourselves wanting to forage for food. To forage, you must travel at a slow pace for the entire day. A character who forages successfully finds 1d6+their Wisdom modifier in pounds of food and potable water. Foraging can be abundant, moderate, scarce, or unavailable. Depending on availability, finding enough food to feed a person for a day may be more difficult. The table below describes what each of these terms mean:

Availability Forage DC
Abundant 10
Limited 15
Scarce 20
Unavailable Impossible

House Rules

Many of the features within our setting have been homebrewed or changed in order to fit our setting. This list is subject to change as time goes on so be sure to keep an eye out for any changes. No ruling is ever final. If the DMs and/or players find a ruling just isn’t working, we may revisit them to try to find something else that does.


Beastmaster Ranger

We’ve taken a look at Beast Master ranger for balance and player enjoyability. We’ve found that the beast companion is lacking in health and versatility. To combat this, we’re changing the wording of the Revised Ranger Beast Master Pet Companion section to this:

With 8 hours of work and the expenditure of 50 gp worth of rare herbs and fine food, you call forth an animal from the wilderness to serve as your faithful companion. You normally select your companion from any animal that is up to CR 1/2 and up to size category Large. For Beastmasters that are looking for something more in depth, they can choose a beast up to CR1 and up to size category Large. For Beastmasters that choose this option, they will have to talk with the DMs to create a game to track and tame their animal of choice….

Revised Ranger

To work with our travel system, Favored Terrain in the Revised Ranger reduces the nearby terrain by one difficulty level.

UA Artificer

With the recent release of Artificer UA by Wizards and with the amount of player interest for the class, we’re going to be doing some play testing for Artificer! There are some changes that we’ll be making for Artificers to make them work better within the constraints of a West Marches game.

The “Replicate Magic Item” Infusion is being restricted at the moment. The creation of PHB magic items is something we’re very wary of and would like to playtest the actual class first.

Additionally, the Enhance Weapon infusions are being slightly changed. We felt that being able to create a +1 Weapon of Returning at lvl2 to be pretty powerful but also extremely flavorful. Because of that, Enhanced Weapon and Returning Weapon’s Infusions now say this:

  • Enhanced Weapon
    Item: A simple or martial weapon.
    The affected weapon becomes a magic weapon.
    This bonus increases to a +1 when you reach 4th level in this class.
    This bonus increases to a +2 when you reach 12th level in this class.

  • Returning Weapon
    Item: A simple or martial weapon.
    The affected weapon becomes a magic weapon and it returns to the wielder's hand immediately after it is used to make a ranged attack.
    This bonus increases to a +1 when you reach 4th level in this class.


After taking a long look at Artificer and seeing playtest results, we’ve recognized how invulnerable the turret is. With high AC, scaling HP, temporary hit points or a knock back shot on a Bonus Action, the turret is a beast. On top of all that, because it’s a magical object it’s immune to nearly every single spell. We think that that’s stepping over the line. There’s no reason that they should have their tanking abilities and be unaffected by spells such as Fireball and Shatter.

Turrets from Artillerist will be considered creatures for AoE spells.

Falling Speed

Falling is done at three speeds, changing per round. On the first round, you fall 500 ft. On the second round, you fall 1000 ft. On the third round. and every round there after, you fall 2000 ft. The falling damage is still capped at a maximum of 20d6.


Cosmetic reskinning familiars is allowed. Please use this form to submit your request to the DMs. Please note, mechanical familiars are not allowed at this time.


Heavy/Medium Armour Master

If you take either of these two feats you can ignore the down sides of sleeping in that size armor.

Great Weapon Master

You've learned to put the weight of a weapon to your advantage, letting its momentum empower your strikes. You gain the following benefits:

  • +1 Strength
  • If you drop a monster to 0 hit points, you can spend a Bonus Action to Attack with a Heavy weapon.
  • On your turn when you make an attack with a Heavy weapon, you can take a -5 to your attack roll and select an enemy within your Reach. If the attack roll, after modifiers, surpasses the AC of one enemy adjacent to your target (of your choice if multiple), that enemy takes damage equal to your strength modifier.


You have mastered ranged weapons and can make shots that others find impossible. You gain the following benefits:

  • +1 Dexterity
  • Your ranged weapon's normal range is doubled.
  • You treat half cover as if there was no cover and three quarters cover as half cover.

Grappling Allies

To grapple an ally who is not resisting, it is the same as grappling an enemy, except you don’t need to make the check.

You make a grapple action as an attack action like you normally would to an enemy. This means you can grapple as part of an attack action or as your full attack.

Item Attunement

When trading attuned items, there is a week long cool down before the items is able to be used.

Learning Languages

The ability to learn languages will become available after certain buildings have been constructed. The number of languages that a character can learn is limited to their INT modifier + 1. Languages known at character creation do not count towards this total.

Potions during Combat

While in combat, a potion can be consumed by a creature as an action, "feeding" them to another creature is still considered an action. Additionally, throwing potions to others is considered an action with a range of 20 feet. Throwing potions at other creatures (alchemist fire, acid, etc) is considered an action with a range of 20/60 feet. The creature retains its AC. Throwing a potion in this manner is considered an improvised weapon.

Retirement and Reactivation

Retirement in Project Red takes a prominent role in construction and town growth. When you retire, your character becomes a Follower in town. These Followers will be used in the manning of high tier buildings. Depending on the Follower, the town may gain additional benefits from the Follower’s in game history and the things they’ve learned.

However, because of the use of Followers and how that interacts with reactivating and playing your beloved characters again, we’ve put a limit on how these characters can be reactivated for play. It is a major downer to retire your character for the town and not be allowed to play them again because they are being used in the buildings - however, we also want retirement to matter and for each player to play only one character at a time (rather than swapping between several), especially since we use XP as a currency (more on that with Construction). If you have one beloved character that is your favorite in the world, even if you retire them, you will still be able to bring them back and play. However, reactivating a character will only be allowed once per Tier upgrade on the Hall of Heroes. Whenever an upgrade to this building is completed, everyone has the option to retire their current character and bring back one other character from retirement.

Note: You can be a non-Follower and that bars your character from aiding the town.

Retired wizards stationed at the library can now add a number of spells equal to their proficiency bonus to the community spellbook (once it is unlocked) for free. If the retired wizard is reallocated away from the library or unretired, those spells go with them as well.


We follow Xanathar's sleeping rules which are as follows:

A creature that is naturally sleeping, as opposed to being in a magically or chemically induced sleep, wakes up if it takes any damage or if someone else uses an action to shake or slap the creature awake. A sudden loud noise — such as yelling, thunder, or a ringing bell — also awakens someone that is sleeping naturally. Whispers don’t disturb sleep, unless a sleeper’s passive Wisdom (Perception) score is 20 or higher and the whispers are within 10 feet of the sleeper. Speech at a normal volume awakens a sleeper if the environment is otherwise silent (no wind, birdsong, crickets, street sounds, or the like) and the sleeper has a passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 15 or higher.

Sleeping in light armor has no adverse effect on the wearer, but sleeping in medium or heavy armor makes it difficult to recover fully during a long rest. When you finish a long rest during which you slept in medium or heavy armor, you regain only one quarter of your spent Hit Dice (minimum of one die). If you have any levels of exhaustion, the rest doesn’t reduce your exhaustion level.


In a world such as ours, where going out into the city/wilds to find resources is such a thematic part of the adventure, we wanted to develop a system for harvesting monster parts (aka skinning), while avoiding the possibility of severely unbalancing the game if players encounter large numbers of easily fought critters with valuable skins. We also wanted something that would not take too much time at the end of the game to tally things up. We have hopefully developed a system that is simple, scalable, and easy to calculate - something that will scale not only with monster difficulty, but also with the growth of the town.

  • In order to make different skills useful in different circumstances, this will not be purely Survival based. Harvesting will require either a Survival, Nature, or Leatherworking Tools check, with Arcana or Religion being possible in special circumstances (such as magical or mythical creatures).

  • Skinning takes an hour; therefore Guidance, Bardic Inspiration, and Knowledge of the Ages are not applicable because the duration of these spells/abilities is less than that. Help action to grant advantage is allowed.

  • Encounters are always possible during short rests, and the smell of blood may attract predators.

  • Shatterfall is a small outpost and does not have the resources to spend large amounts of gold on hides/skins/etc. The maximum amount of gp receivable from harvested parts per expedition/game will be tied to the tier/upgrade level of the relevant building(s) in town.

  • The hides/talons/parts of some rare or magical creatures may be harvested as exotic or legendary materials that can be used to create exotic or legendary armours, weapons, potions, or other items. The ability to craft these exotic or legendary items will be tied to the tier/upgrade level of the relevant building(s) in town.

This system has not yet been tested out in the field, but if we find balance issues or other problems once games begin we may need to make changes to keep things in line with our original goals. As always, we will do our best to keep you all informed on what the perceived problems are, and your input on how to correct this will be taken into consideration.


Conjuring and Summoning Spells

The biggest concern we had with these spells was that the additional creatures could lead to significantly longer combats. We’ve decided to trust you. These spells will work RAW, for now. Please be prepared to run any conjured/summoned creatures efficiently. If combat time/etc. becomes a problem, we will revisit this ruling in the future.

Gentle Repose

Resurrection magic will work RAW with one exception. Gentle Repose will not be recastable on the same body/part. (Note: If a player is reposed, and then resurrected, and later dies again, for the purpose of this ruling this will count as a new body and can be reposed again. Our intention is not to prevent dead players from being successfully returned to town and resurrected, even multiple times, but we do want to prevent the possibility of a ‘collection of fingers’ resurrection farm scenario).

Identify and Attunement

As it stands in 5E, Identify is a useless spell for Identifying items, as the properties of an item can be learned during a short rest. For Project Red, we would like to use the following ruling: Identify will work RAW and also reveal if an item is cursed (but not the curse itself). Players are required to take a 24-hour rest to discover the properties and/or attune to an item, but this will not reveal the presence of curses. Items that have had identify cast upon them do not require 24-hours to attune, but instead can be attuned on a 15-minute short rest.

Produce Flame

The flame in your hand can also be used as a melee spell attack.

Wild Magic

We have modified Wild Magic slightly. After a player casts a non-cantrip level spell, they will roll a d20. If the number rolled is equal to or below the level of the spell, a Wild Magic Surge is triggered. Using Tides of Chaos always results in a Wild Magic surge.

Table Rulings

To avoid the pitfalls of exhausting waits between DM team decisions, if a DM needs to make a ruling during a game they will do so. We want to cut down on DM ruling time overall and to have each DM feel empowered to make these calls at their tables. These rulings could then go on to be permanent rulings, however there are some things that will always be up to DM call.

Travel and Resting

Fifth edition operates under the assumption of multiple encounters per day. We do not want to bog down travel with large numbers of encounters, however we also don’t like the way “one encounter or less per day” benefits some classes more than others. With that in mind, to try to balance between the two extremes, we will be using the DMG Gritty Realism variant during travel. The reason for this is to require players to carefully manage their resources. Instead of one travel encounter between long rests, they will now occur between short rests. This attempts to emulate a system where there are multiple encounters per long rest. For non-travel gametime (e.g. PoIs/dungeons) we will be using modified rest mechanics. This is to attempt to rebalance the power disparity between short rest and long rest classes in a West Marches setting. So we’re looking at dual systems, a “Travel” system and a “Dungeon” system.


The “Travel” system will use the DMG Gritty Realism. So a Short Rest will be 8 hours and a Long Rest will be 24 hours. What we’re looking at is having encounters while physically travelling spread throughout the week, so basically maybe an encounter or two per day, depending on rolls and what’s happening . Keep in mind that we’re going to try to avoid having “random” encounters for the sake of having an encounter, in general every encounter should matter. Prepared spells can be changed after a long rest can instead be changed at dawn instead if dawn comes before your long rest finishes.


Now once you get to a POI/Dungeon, we shift to a different system. This system will incorporate a three phase system. Once in a POI/Dungeon, the system will incorporate a Short Rest, Long Rest, Recuperation system.

  • Short Rest(15 Minutes): As written in the Player’s Handbook, except that the duration of the short rest needs to be at least 15 minutes long and you can only roll 1/4 of your Hit Dice (minimum: 1, rounded up). Song of Rest can be used to restore an additional dice worth of hit points to their party. You can benefit from only two Short rests per day. Abilities which “recharge” on a short rest will recharge during this 15-minute period. This change makes combat more routine, since characters can quickly recover from skirmishes and low-stakes battles.

  • Long Rest(8 Hours): As written in the Player’s Handbook, except that long rests(8 hours in length) no longer allow a character to regain hit points naturally, but you can use Hit Dice. You can only benefit from one long rest per day. Abilities which “recharge” on a long rest will recharge during this 8-hour period and exhaustion will reset. When you take a long rest, you gain the benefits of a short rest as well. Spent Hit Dice do not reset on a Long Rest.

  • Recuperation(24 Hours): This replaces the healing which a long rest would normally provide. A character must perform only non-combat downtime activities for a period of at least 24 hours to replenish their hit points and hit dice as per the rules in the Player’s Handbook for a normal, non-homebrewed long rest. When you recuperate, you can gain the benefits of a long and short rest as well. Items are only able to be Attuned during a Recuperation phase.

Tying Knots

The creature who ties the knot makes an Intelligence (Sleight of Hand) check when doing so. The total of the check becomes the DC for an attempt to untie the knot with an Intelligence (Sleight of Hand) check or to slip out of it with a Dexterity (Acrobatics) check.


Within Project Red, professions are a representation of the work that your character does through a two week period, either making gold or benefitting from some perk.

Each character will choose an Ability for their profession to be associated with. This is the Ability that they will use when making profession rolls. This choice will determine which in-game perks are available to you, however you are free to describe your profession how you’d like (within reason of the setting). You may work with fine metal engravings or cutting gems and as such will find the Dex based professions to be a better fit for you.

Profession Rolls

You may choose to make a profession roll instead of taking a profession perk that week. A profession roll is: 1d20 + Related Profession Modifier + Proficiency Bonus. This gold gained goes directly in your pocket. Upon rolling a natural 20, your character will also receive a rumor. You can make one gold roll per player per week, not per character.

Roll After Modifiers Effect
Nat 1 0 gold
2-10 2d4 x Proficiency Bonus
11-15 2d6 x Proficiency Bonus
16-20 3d4 x Proficiency Bonus
21+ 2d8 x Proficiency Bonus
Nat 20 4d4 x Proficiency Bonus

Profession Perks

You may choose to take a profession perk instead of making a profession roll that week. there are two possible perks per Ability. Note: Profession perks expire at weekly rollover, not after 7 days.

Profession Effects
Strength Honing a weapon: You spend your working hours sharpening or honing a weapon to reach its maximum potential. For the next week, on an attack roll of 20, you may choose to roll on the Critical Hit table of your weapon’s damage type. You may do this up to your Proficiency Bonus -1 times (e.g. once at level 2).
Strength Strength Training: On one game during the week, double your carry capacity. This will use your full perk for the week.
Dexterity Honing ammunition: You spend your working hours sharpening or honing a weapon or ammunition to reach its maximum potential. For the next week, on an attack roll of 20, you may choose to roll on the Critical Hit table of your weapon’s damage type. You may do this up to your Proficiency Bonus -1 times (e.g. once at level 2).
Dexterity Nimbleness Training: You may add your Dexterity modifier to a save. You may do this up to your Proficiency Bonus -1 times (e.g. once at level 2), and only once per save.
Constitution Packing a lunch: Spending your time during the week to craft a packed lunch, you can eat from your lunch Proficiency Bonus -1 times, for your (Constitution Modifier)d6 Temp HP. The temp HP lasts until a long rest.
Constitution Endurance Training: Once during one game, your party may travel 2 more hours a day for your Proficiency Bonus -1 days. (2 Hours = an extra 6 miles at normal, 8 miles at fast, 4 miles at slow)
Intelligence Magical Experimentation: During the week, you create a number of spell note sheets equal to your Proficiency Modifier-1. These note sheets allow you to alter the formula for casting a spell, changing it's damage type from one type to another elemental type (Acid, Cold, Fire, Lighting, Poison or Thunder). At the beginning of a game, declare the spell(s) you are changing the element of. For the duration of the game the spell’s damage type is the new element and the original damage type is not accessible. You must declare this change at or before the beginning of the game.
Intelligence Well Studied: You have been busy studying what books and tomes are available. For the next week, you can add your proficiency bonus (making it expertise if proficient) to an Arcana, History, Nature, or Religion check a number of times equal to your INT modifier.
Wisdom Studying the Wilds: For the next week, you can add 1d4 to Perception or Survival checks an amount of times equal to your WIS modifier.
Wisdom Medical Care: You have some training in medicine. During a short rest, you can heal someone for your (Wisdom Modifier)d6 HP. You can only use this ability once per long rest.
Charisma Smooth Talker: As an action, you can choose to gain advantage in Charisma Skill Checks for the next minute. You may do this up to your Proficiency Bonus -1 times (e.g. once at level 2) a week.
Charisma Diplomacy: Give a speech, greet people, or perform some other public speaking engagement. While doing so, you may gain expertise in one Charisma skill for one minute. You can practice Proficiency Bonus -1 (e.g. once at level 2) speeches a week.


For construction in Project Red, we set out to achieve a few goals: player agency, a sense of choices in creating individual cities, making it easier to get into for the individual.

Additionally, whenever an upgrade has be completed with in a city, that city gains a population increase.

Some buildings have prerequisite buildings that must be researched AND built to fulfill the requirement.

Most upgrades also have Follower Costs. In order to operate a building, they require active Followers (the number differs by upgrade/building and is listed in the tables). Some upgrade 0 buildings (blacksmith and furrier) come with a Follower. The remaining tier 0 upgrades will require a Follower to be assigned to that building in order to make it operational. Additional Followers can be created by retiring characters at max level or persuading/befriending certain NPCs in the world. Followers can be moved between buildings. Some Followers may have special skills that will add bonuses to certain buildings. (See below for more info).

New Key Words


Exotic weapons and armor are brand new weapons and armor to the characters. These are weapons and armor that the characters do not have proficiency with and will have to train to receive proficiency with them. Exotic Materials are materials that aid in the base construction of weapons and armor. These materials can be gained by meeting new factions or creating trading caravans for these materials. An example material would be Ironwood. This material makes your normally metal weapons out of wood so that they can no longer be attacked by Heat Metal.


Legendary materials can be harvested from rare creatures, or found in the world, and can then be used for special weapons, armour, items, or potions These materials aren’t created for a specific weapon or armor in mind, rather they are general and can be used to augment weapons and armor. For example, killing a large, thunderous purple worm would allow you to craft a sword, maul, shield, or armor that gains thunderous properties.


When a player chooses to retire their character, their character becomes a Follower within the town. Followers can only be created by characters that have gone out on at least one adventure. Followers have three attributes: Hit Points, Level, Special Abilities. These Followers will be publicly tracked and show their Hit Points, Level, and any Special Abilities that they may have. Followers will then be under their player’s control and they can choose which building their Follower goes into. Some buildings will require Followers of higher levels to be useable.

A Follower’s Hit Points are determined by the Hit Points of the character when they retire. There is a direct correlation between the two Hit Point totals.

Followers are separated into level tiers that follow the player level tiers. When a Follower is created, if they have reached the max level of a player tier they are considered to be in the follower tier below. For example, a level 4 character that retires and gets turned into a Follower will be a level 0 Follower. However, one that retires at level 5 will be a level 1 Follower.

When a Follower is created, the traits and features that the character has are adopted by the Follower. For example, if your character has learned how to craft an exotic weapon from a faction, your Follower will have this trait. If that Follower is then placed in a Blacksmith, the exotic weapon will be available to purchase for the whole town.


While out adventuring in the world, you may find armor or weapons with these ancient sockets still intact. You may also find socketable gems or inscribed runes. When you socket these into an item, that item will require attunement to wear.

Small Buildings:

  • Alchemist
  • Blacksmith
  • Furrier
  • Library
  • Trading Post

Medium Buildings:

  • Church
  • Mechanics Shop
  • Stables
  • Thaumaturgical Labs

Large Buildings:

  • Castle
  • Research Lab
  • Runescribe

Building Tree

Building Name Size Building Requirement
Alchemist Small None
Blacksmith Small None
Furrier Small None
Library Small None
Trading Post Small None
Church Medium Alchemist (Minimum: upgrade 1)
Mechanics Shop Medium Blacksmith (Minimum: upgrade 1)
Stables Medium Furrier (Minimum: upgrade 1)
Thaumaturgical Labs Medium Library (Minimum: upgrade 1)
Castle Large Trading Post, Mechanics Shop (Minimum: upgrade 1)
Research Lab Large Mechanics Shop, Thaumaturgical Labs (Minimum: upgrade 1)
Runescribe Large Blacksmith, Library (Minimum: upgrade 1)

Available Building Upgrades

Hall of Heroes

(This building does not require Followers)
Upgrade Cost Unlocks
Upgrade 0 0 XP, 0 gp. Max level: 5, Max XP per game: 900, Start: Lvl 2 (0 xp).
Upgrade 1 65,000 XP, 2,000 gp. Max level: 7, Min XP per game: 900, Max XP per game: 2000, Start: Lvl 2 (300 xp).
Upgrade 2 150,000 XP, 5,000 gp. Max level: 9, Min XP per game: 1800, Max XP per game: 3800, Start: Lvl 3 (900 xp).
Upgrade 3 300,000 XP, 10,000 gp. Max level: 14, Min XP per game: 3600, Max XP per game: none, Start: Lvl 3 (900 xp).

Small Buildings


Note: Potions may not be available at all times - many will require special harvested/exotic/legendary ingredients, and will only be available if those ingredients are available to the alchemist (and will be limited in quantity to how many can be made from those items)

Upgrade Cost Unlocks
Upgrade 0 0 XP, 0 gp, One active Follower. Potions: Acid, Basic Poison, Druidic Focus.
Upgrade 1 500 XP, 500 gp, One active Follower. Potions: Common Potions.
Upgrade 2 750 XP, 750 gp, One active Follower. Potions: Uncommon Potions.
Upgrade 3 1000 XP, 1000 gp, Two active Followers. Potions: Rare Potions.


Upgrade Cost Unlocks
Upgrade 0 0 XP, 0 gp, One active Follower. Armour: Padded, Leather, Chain shirt, Scale mail, Ring mail, Chain mail (starting equipment level and below). Weapons: All weapons. Followers: One Follower is active to work the building.
Upgrade 1 500 XP, 500 gp, One active Follower. Armour: Studded Leather, Breastplate, Splint. Weapons: Silvering. Barding: Upgrade 0 armours now available as barding.
Upgrade 2 750 XP, 750 gp, One active Follower. Armour: Half-plate, Plate. Barding: Upgrade 1 armours now available as barding.
Upgrade 3 1000 XP, 1000 gp, Two active Followers. Armour: Legendary materials. Weapons: Legendary materials. Barding: Upgrade 2 armours now available as barding.


Upgrade Cost Unlocks
Upgrade 0 0 XP, 0 gp, One active Follower. Skinning: Will buy furs/hides to a max of 250 gp per expedition. Followers: One follower is active to work the building.
Upgrade 1 500 XP, 500 gp, One active Follower. Skinning: Will buy furs/hides to a max of 1250 gp per expedition.
Upgrade 2 1000 XP, 1000 gp, Two active Followers. Skinning: Will buy furs/hides to a max of 2500 gp per expedition.


You can learn as many languages as 1+int modifier. Basic Languages cost 150 gp and require 1 week of training. Exotic Languages cost 200 gp and require 1 week of training.

Upgrade Cost Unlocks
Upgrade 0 0 XP, 0 gp, One active Follower. Items: Spellbooks, paper, ink, arcane focus. Spell components: Material spell components up to a cost of 50 gp.
Upgrade 1 500 XP, 500 gp, One active Follower. Spell components: Material spell components up to a cost of 100 gp. Languages: Allows learning of all basic languages (int bonus still applies).
Upgrade 2 1000 XP, 1000 gp, Two active Followers. Spell components: All spell components. Languages: Allows learning of all exotic languages (int bonus still applies). Community Spellbook: You can pay to scribe your spells into the community spellbook, and pay to scribe into your own book from it. Spells scribed into the community spellbook are available to be copied even if your character retires.

Trading Post

The trading post manages and maintains trading caravans that will travel and trade with other regions once contact has been established, bringing in unique materials that will be available for purchase. These caravans will be limited in the distance they can travel, and can only access outposts in that range. The number of caravans determines the number of outposts that can be traded with in a given IRL week. PLayers will vote each week on where to send their caravan(s).

Upgrade Cost Unlocks
Upgrade 0 0 XP, 0 gp, One active Follower. Trading: The town has 0 caravans to work with at this level. Space: The town has the space to accommodate travelling caravans. These caravans can bring materials and stories of far away lands.
Upgrade 1 500 XP, 500 gp, One active Follower. Trading: The town has 1 caravan to work with at this level.
Upgrade 2 750 XP, 750 gp, One active Follower. Trading: The town has 2 caravans to work with at this level.
Upgrade 3 1000 XP, 1000 gp, Two active Followers. Trading: The town has 3 caravans to work with at this level

Medium Buildings


Upgrade Cost Unlocks
Upgrade 0 0 XP, 0 gp, One active Follower, Tier 1+ A. Items: Holy Water, Anti-toxin, Holy Symbols.
Upgrade 1 500 XP, 500 gp, One active Follower. Kerduun’s Blessing: Tapping into the magic that lingers in the Ruins of Kerduun, the Follower within the building can give a Blessing to one character in exchange for 50 gold of incense and oils. When blessed in this way, the player can add a 1d4 to any skill check or saving throw. Can only be used after their first roll but before the DM has finalized the roll. Once this has been used, it’s been spent.
Upgrade 2 1000 XP, 1000 gp, Two active Followers. Kerduun’s Spirit: The lingering magic has been focused. Kerduun’s Blessing can now be activated and used for up to 30 seconds.After that time, the blessing has been spent.

Mechanics Shop

Upgrade Cost Unlocks
Upgrade 0 0 XP, 0 gp, One active Follower, Tier 1+ Blacksmith. Items: Alchemist’s Fire, Alchemical Acid.
Upgrade 1 1000 XP, 1000 gp, One active Follower. Items: Smoke Stick, Thunderstone.
Upgrade 2 1500 XP, 1500 gp, Two active Followers. Mechanist’s Pet: Servant - 25gp. (See Stats) Research and mastery of the craft allows production of a mechanical servant. The servant is a construct that obeys simple commands without hesitation and functions in combat to protect you. Though Magic fuels its creation, the servant is not magical itself.


Upgrade Cost Unlocks
Upgrade 0 0 XP, 0 gp, One active Follower, Tier 1+ Furrier. Mounts: Allows for the renting of horses for 1 gold a day with a 50 gp deposit.
Upgrade 1 500 XP, 500 gp, One active Follower. Mounts: Allows for purchase of horses (draft, riding), ponies, and mules. Pets: Allows for the purchase of dogs (mastiff).
Upgrade 2 750 XP, 750 gp, One active Follower. Mounts: Allows for purchase of warhorses.

Thaumaturgical Labs

Unattune magic items and disenchant them into runes which can be socketed into other items.

Upgrade Cost Unlocks
Upgrade 0 0 XP, 0 gp, One active Follower, Tier 1+ Library. Peering into the Depths: You can spend 100gp on a ritual that allows you to peer into the history of one magic item. In doing so, you learn of one story or hidden component of the item.
Upgrade 1 750 XP, 750 gp, One active Follower. Disenchantment: For the cost of 250gp, you can break the soul-bound enchantment into its original runes and components. (Break down an attunable magic item into components that can then be used to enchant another item of a similar type).

Large Buildings:

Research Lab

Upgrade Cost Unlocks
Hard Research Department 3000 XP, 3000 gp, One active Follower, Tier 1+ Mechanics Shop, Tier 1+ Thaumaturgical lab. Research Projects: Unlocks the ability to work on two types of long term projects. Either a Wide or Narrow Investigation.
  • Research Projects: The players can begin two types of long term projects: either a Wide Investigation or a Narrow Investigation.

    • Wide Investigation: Requirements: Fifteen copies of the desired exotic weapon. The project’s total cost (each weapon is different price per weapon). At least five project members. Each week, the five project members may use their profession roll of the week to instead help with the redesign process. Their total roll is then subtracted from the project’s total DC. Once the project is finished, all members that contributed more than 50 points, or 5 weekly rolls, gain the ability to craft that specific weapon.

    • Narrow Investigation: Requirements: One copy of the desired exotic weapon. The project’s total cost (because of only having one weapon, the project’s cost is significantly higher). At least five project members. Each week, the five project members may use their profession rolls to instead help with the redesign process. Their total roll is then subtracted from the project’s total DC. Once the project is finished, all members that contributed more than 50 points, or 5 weekly rolls, gain the ability to craft that specific weapon.


Upgrade Cost Unlocks
Sockets 3000gp, 3000xp, One active Follower, Tier 1+ Blacksmith, Tier 1+ Library. Socketing: You can add up to 3 sockets to any weapon or item. Each socket costs [250*(The number of sockets already on the item+1)].

Special Buildings:

Special Housing

Housing does not require a building plot.

Upgrade Cost Unlocks
Kobold Warren 1000 xp, 1000 gp Unlocks kobolds as a playable race.

Player Construction

Upgrade Cost Unlocks
Small 500 gp A small custom building, such as a house or stall.
Medium 1000 gp A medium custom building, such as a large house or workshop.
Large 2000 gp A large custom building, such as a keep. This tier includes a RP channel.


Cover Page: Dubai Ruins by Jonas De Ro. www.jonasdero.be (Image cropped to fit)


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