Followers of Mystra and Shar compete to rebuild the weave for their respective goddesses.
Each side fights to reclaim shrines of power rebuilding the weave and attuning it to the respective deity.
This adventure is designed for four 10th level characters and is at the time of this writing, imagined as a series of adventures.
This adventure was written with the intent of entertaining high level characters with gods and their champions.
The material in this adventure assumes the presence of a village, town or city with a range of rocky heights within a reasonable distance. It could as easily be placed in the underdark, a mountain range or a rocky desert valley.
This adventure is designed to provide a stage and introduce Mystra, Shar and their motivations through their respective actors. It aims to provide enough material that the players can choose to work for either side or neither side, even subverting the plot to prevent the weave from being remade.
Adventure Outline
The characters are provided destiny in the form of a champion, a vision, or both, appearing to them to deliver a mission: to seek out nexus points of power upon the material plane that will allow someone "to bind the weave and allow magic to flow as it once did."
They face opposition from an evil force known as The Shar who aim to take victory in a "Weave War". The titular goddess Shar wants the weave for herself, and her followers aim to give it to her.
The adventurers journey takes them searching for an arcane anchor or shrine of the weave and along the way they will encounter strange and wild etheric flux as the weave flexes and ripples around the untethered shrine.
The path is fraught with ruined and forgotten terrain, interlopers from The Shar, and the wild magics of the weave unleashed upon the material plane.
Each shrine is an objective in a war of factions vying for the power of all powers.
Who is Mystra?
The fallen goddess of magic, spells and the Weave, Mystra was once a great deity responsible for the balance of magic.
Who is Shar?
The fallen goddess of dark magics and the Shadow Weave, Shar was always in conflict with and vying for Mystra's role as caretaker of the weave.
What is the (Shadow) Weave?
The weave is a blanket of arcane power that affords raw access to magical power, to practitioners of Mystras faith.
Likewise, the shadow weave is the arcanic power found in the negative space of the weave and provides access to dark magical power.
Why does Mystra or Shar want control of the weave?
Controlling the whole weave means raw magical power for the followers of whichever deity controls it.
The Church of Shar wants total control of the weave. They cite the fall of Mystra as reason for Shars rise and fight fanatically against Mystrean followers to ensure their queens gain.
The Mystreans wish to ensure that Mystra controls the shrines, "for the safety of all." They cite her fall as reason for their work towards her "necessary return".
What is an Arcane Anchor?
Read about Shrines on page 8 under WeaveWar.
Adventure Hooks

Both Mystra and Shar require the shrines activated so the weave can be empowered and tethered to the material plane again.
You may choose to present the players with a champion to guide them, a vision they must solve, or both, as described in the section below.
An otherworldly affair.
A champion of Mystra approaches the characters and asks them to accompany her.
Lumiere, is a Mystrean cleric known as one of Mystras Chosen tasked by Mystra to strengthen the weave.
She is not shy and will approach them when she first sees them.
Lumiere is seeking out magically capable individuals and promises them a boon from Mystra for their assistance.
If the party groans at this, Lumiere rolls her eyes and with a genuine smile pays each of them 20 platinum coins up front and says they can expect 10 more coins per day of service.
Lumiere knows the route to take and ritual to conduct at a shrine.
Voices in my head made me do it.
If you don't wish to chaperone the characters with an NPC, you can opt to have magically capable characters visited by Mystra who offers a boon in exchange for their service.
She asks them to travel a route, which she provides them in a vision and a poem.
This shared vision is seen by all the magic users in the group.
As you soar downward in a hurtling dive, you slowly level out to find yourself gliding from the foothills at one end of the valley.
Following a thick and overgrown path way, you see odd caves dotting its forested length as it sprouts upwards out of the trees and winds up a cliffside.
You come to an imploded summit where within a deep crater sits a single decorated crystal column surrounded by rubble from where it sprouted from the ground and some distance away sits a squat stone tower.
You feel an affinity, a familiarity, and a sense of attraction to this place, although you've never seen it before.
The poem is as follows and echoes at the back of the mind as the vision is seen.
Walk with the light in the morning when clear.
Until nightfall when the brow star will bring you to here.
The pass through the stone, through the eye of Ao.
Will mark the entry to your gauntlet and goal.
Be warned of shadows that block your path.
To scourge your efforts with their wrath.
In plain, the poem says:
Walk east (rising sun) from morning light until night fall, while it's a clear day out, then head north (the 'brow star' is the Faerun-ian equivalent of Earths Polaris, or north star).
The eye of Ao isn't a formal landmark of any sort, but describes a dragon head shaped rock, and the mountain "path" that leads through the eye.
Gauntlet and goal are the path and the first shrine respectively.
The shadows that block the path are The Shar, Mystras number one fan club.

On Lady Mystras secret service.
Double whammy. Mystra is recruiting new members for her Chosen and sends Lumiere to confront and recruit the group for her purposes. She appears in a shared vision to all the magic using characters while they sleep or meditate.
If you feel inspired to develop the adventure, this is the suggested route to take for a proper foundation to the campaign elements.
Your mind aches for a moment as you feel yourself suddenly experiencing a flight without movement. In a moment you suddenly see a pathway through the wilderness to a shrine situated some distance from where you stand. As you stare into the light, your pupils dilated to microscopic specks, it begins to fade, and a moment later you are staring blindly at each other.
A single phrase echoes after in the back of your mind, "let my light guide your path."
From here, continue with An Otherworldly Affair.
The Chosen

Where ever you have based the adventure, these characters are provided to act as background and support to Lumiere and the movement in Mystras name.
Lumiere is a small framed, broad shouldered female Elf Archmage and cleric of Mystra.
She sports a mountain climbers kit, 17 Strength, a penchant for wine and jewelry (wearing several silver rings on both hands) and she wields a thick wooden staff with iron ends; it does not have a sapphire upon it. She wears a chain with a large metal disk of an amulet showing Mystras crest with several small glyphs spelling SpellSavant carved in Celestial script.
As proof of Mystras power and boon, Lumiere can restore a characters highest level spell slot once per long rest and makes statements such as: "This is the sort of gift you can expect to receive for unfettered service in her name."
Her boon manifests as a silver flare of flames wreathing Lumiere before transferring to the recipient; it represents pure energy sourced from the weave. It illuminates brightly in a 5 foot radius when used.
Lumiere can use her clerical status for a bed and hot meal, and is not above using a Charm spell in the face of any antagonism.
If the players stay around an area for an extended period of time, she finds work scribing, conducting clerical services and telling stories for alms while waiting for the players.
If the players sight her doing these things, she has always accrued quite a bit of wealth. Depending on the magic level in your world, she will disperse the coins to beggars and children or if you have magic shops and schools, paying for magic students goods and implements.
She wishes to achieve the goal and will continue on her way without the characters if they stay in one area for more than two tendays.
If implored about her history, she divulges that she is from the city of Bezantur, also known as the City of a Thousand Temples, and the Citadel of Thieves.
Silus Traddock. A tall and slender male Tiefling Archmage from Waterdeep. He has traveled across Torril on Merchant ships and learned how to appreciate the turn of coin. He joined the Chosen as a librarian / book trader and treasurer.
If the players speak to him and tell him of their quest, he excitedly provides them the ritual for their currently targeted shrine stating.
He stays at fine inns and wanders marketplaces looking for and selling books of interest.
Gerrllux'Ommarr. A robust female Tiefling Archmage born on a Githyanki ship. She fought in several formal tours against Illithids across astral space until she sought higher calling in championing the goddess' return.
She can have their slashing and piercing weapons specially sharpened and inscribed with runes providing a +1 magical bonus to damage.
She keeps a workshop off a beaten path outside town or in a low rent area if in a city.
Marcella, aka Lady Luster. An aged muscular and pot bellied female Human Archmage born to a dying mother and a drunk father in Luskan. She traveled across the northern wastes with barbarian tribes as a medicine woman and dresses functionally in furs and leather. She is well spoken and says city folk are the real savages.
She can provide a medicine bag +1 and 1d8+3 greater potions of healing every 2d4+6 days as shipments or alchemy affords.
She stays at fine inns and conducts small miracles in churches.
Benicio Mourne aka Master Shade. A portly male half-elf Archmage born in Cormyr to a quiet Widower cobbler. He is bookish with a love for engineering and construction. He is part of an effort to build a church to Mystra if one doesn't exist, or lives at the church if it does.
He provides influence for Clerics if players implore for options through the church.
He appreciates quality footwear and compliment fine shoes.
He sleeps under the stars on city rooftops, or if the weather is bad, sneaks into empty rooms at fine inns.

Following the Light
If Mystras messenger Lumiere is involved, she suggests leaving at first light, she has the route ready to go.
If Lumiere is not involved, the players can attempt the journey with their understanding of the poem.
If they try to trace the route on a map, they find they can do it surprisingly easily, all the way to a mountain pass nearby their current location. Attempts to trace the route further result in hand aches, arm numbness and momentary muscle spasms.
The players can research to know more about the valley using a few methods.
Silus Traddock can provide them with a map of the valley.
As examples, they could Investigate (DC 15) the local library, try to recount the local History (DC 20), or Persuade (DC 10-20) some townfolk to talk about the area in question. When persuading, provide bonuses for good role play or actions such as buying the drinks, or offering to help out for some information. Alternatively, provide a +1 to the die roll for every gold piece spent.
If the players talk to towns folks, provide information based on the table below. The dungeon master can decide what sort of NPC is delivering the statement; suggestions include porters, traveling merchants, or militia members.
d20 | Legwork |
1-10 | "Yes, I've passed by there, but no, I've never traveled it. Folk say there's magical doings about that valley; and besides, I'm afraid of heights." |
11-15 | "I once took a wrong turn down that valley. The air's cold and a thick fog covered everything. Knew I was going the wrong way when my horse nearly went off a cliff side! Narrow path, wound its way away into the fog. It was as beautiful a sight as it was a frightening experience." |
16-20 | "That valleys ridden with strange magics. I know there's a path that follows the cliff side and leads to the summit. I was ambling out there in my travels and started hearing whispers on the breeze. That didn't deter me, but the sight of some strange apparitions caused me enough of a start that I hurried away back home. Ghostly figures, I daren't approach." |
Darkness falls
At the Dungeon Masters discretion, The Shar may hunt down and attempt to assassinate the players and Lumiere (if present), citing that "the fates demand it!"
1d4+1 Cultists of Shar and a Dark Justicar ambush the party anytime before they begin their journey.
If the players are on the verge of losing the battle, Marcella (see Getting Political) can make an appearance to assist the players with Mass Heal for 700 hitpoints divided between the adventurers. Marcella will prioritize Lumiere if present.
If the players successfully defeat The Shar, Marcella can approach them in the after math and offer to provide them healing.
If the players ask Marcella to join them, she declines stating Lumiere is the better choice to see them through their destiny. If the players haven't yet met Lumiere, she can introduce them.
The Shar will reach the shrine in 1d4+1 days, requiring that much time to discern its exact location.
They will require an additional 1d4+1 days to set up and then conduct their ritual upon the shrine.
This gives the players from 4 to 10 days to reach the shrine before The Shar do.
There are 5 known shrines and 5 legendary shrines.
The Chosen of Mystra, are rebuilding the weave and rekindling Mystra. Her followers seek champions whom they can entrust to become new WeaveWrights and continue the work to replenish the weave. Working against her are the followers of Shar, the goddess of the night, loss, and secrets kept secret.
As the players venture towards the shrine, The Shar will attempt to subvert them, or stop them outright, from reaching their goal. They will attempt to activate shrines for Shar if they reach the shrine before the players.
The Church of Shar does not typically work out in the open. In this adventure, they are in pursuit of that which the players are seeking. Their goal is to reach the shrine before the players and activate the shrine for Shar.
Each shrine is a magically sprouted spire of blue crystalline substance spiking out of the earth. Each is covered in gold and silver filigree spiral patterns coiling up and crackling with etheric energy.
If Lumiere is present, she will conduct the ritual in Mystras name while the party protects her.
If you are including the characters from Getting Political, then the party can learn Mystras ritual from Silus Traddock.
If a character has Mystra as their deity, they may roll a DC 14 History or Religion check to know the ritual. The ritual may be researched at any church that has a library.
Characters can research the ritual from a church or public library given a number of hours equal to 20 - the characters intelligence score to review books. No roll is necessary.
The Ritual
The ritual requires 6 hours of Concentration while remaining within 100 feet of the shrine.
Before beginning, the entity to benefit from the shrine must be chosen. Lumiere will always choose to bind the shrine to Mystra, but a player character could choose to bind themselves or any other creature.
The magic user gains regeneration (+10hp per round) and does not need to eat, drink, sleep or meditate during this time.
They may move at half speed around the platform. If they attempt to move faster than this, they must make a check for Concentration DC 12 + 1 for every 5 feet moved. Physically leaving the 25 foot circle immediately breaks the ritual.
While conducting the ritual, the magic user performing it should be treated as if they're under the effects of a Shield and Blink spell.
If the magic user performing the ritual is knocked unconscious, the ritual is paused, but not canceled. The magic user is still a conduit until they are officially dead. They may make death saving throws as usual.
If the caster regains consciousness the ritual continues unabated.
Completing this ritual successfully binds the shrine to the entity of the individuals choice. The remaining magic users involved each gain 1 spell slot of 1 level for each shrine they have tethered.
Ex: Attuning the first shrine gains a 1st level spell slot. Attuning a second shrine gains a 2nd level spell slot.
The ultimate sacrifice
If the caster dies, the ritual fails and must be restarted.
If resurrected or raised from death in the service of Mystra, their body has a 6 inch tattoo showing the crest of Mystra upon their back over their heart and they permanently gain an extra first level spell slot. This boon is only bestowed once.
With the ritual failed, the shrine darkens showing twinkling lights dancing inside as it begins to emit sparkles in an evaporating cloud around the shriveling shrine that retracts into a glowing and receding puddle on the ground.

Turning from the Light
If the players choose instead to work for Shar, destroy the shrine or subvert both parties in other ways, the Chosen will become antagonists, aiming to prevent the players success.
The goal becomes venturing to the shrine to perform their own actions upon the shrines.
The players may and should research locations and their choices of action (and of course repercussions) towards the shrines.

The Valley
The adventure takes the players (and Lumiere if attendant) to a valley where magic and spirits are known to become dangerous. A cliffside path forms against the foothills of a mountain, leading to the summit where sits a shrine that destiny calls towards.
The valley is rife with fauna and flora, and the air is thick with etheric flavour.
The cliffside path is roughly 30 miles in length ranging from 8 feet to 26 feet in width, gradually changing every few miles. The path climbs a few hundred feet along the stretch and reaches a massive dragon head shaped outcropping where the path leads through a roughly hewn eye hole into The Undercommons.
Random Encounters
Once the players have entered the valley, roll 1d20 every 1d6 miles traveled. The Shar only attack once and each encounter only occurs once otherwise. If The Shar, or an encounter is rerolled, treat it as no encounter.
d20 | Encounter |
1-2 | Nothing but still air or calm winds |
3-4 | Arcanic Storm |
6-8 | Arcanic Fissure |
9 | Arcanic Wellspring |
10-12 | Old ruins |
13-15 | Strange Animals or Plants |
16 | 1d6 Wraiths + 1d4 Ghosts |
17 | 1d6 + 1 Cultists of Shar & 2 Wyverns (without saddles) |
18 | 1d4 Cultists of Shar & a Dark Justicar |
19 | 1d6 Cultists of Shar, 1d4 Guard Drakes & a Dark Justicar |
20 | 1d4 Cultists of Shar & 1 Dark Justicar, each riding a Wyvern |
Nothing. The air is calm, or a bit of a breeze might blow through. Twinkling multi coloured sparkles can be seen in the distance, beckoning wanderers forth.
Arcanic Storm. A sudden burst of arcanic energy washes through the valley and against the mountainside. Roll on the table below.
d6 | Arcanic Storm |
1 | Static electricity build up. Everyone's hair stands on end. Anyone wearing conductive material receives 1d6 lightning damage. |
2 | Powerful crackling energy explodes across the party. DC 15 Constitution saving throw vs 4d10+20 lightning damage. Half damage on successful save. Anyone wearing conductive materials receives double damage. A spell caster may attempt a DC20 Arcane or Nature check to quell the storm, reducing the damage by half. This may only be done once. |
3 | 1d4 Will-o'-Wisps are conjured within 20 feet of the party and immediately make a surprise attack. |
4 | The storm restores the highest spell slot spent on any character with a spent spell slot and grants every character the Light cantrip as an innate ability for 8 hours. |
5 | The storm brings an arcanic mist that acts as an antimagic field for 1 hour. |
6 | The storm spawns 1d4 Ghosts who accompany and fight with the characters for 1 week. The ghosts appear dressed in Mystrean vestments. |

Arcanic Fissure. A portal to the ethereal realms opens up for a moment, roll on the table below. The fissure is 40 feet wide by 10 feet across and floats a 100 feet in the air. The fissure remains open for 2d4 + 2 rounds and crackles with lightning while open.
d4 | Arcanic Fissure |
1 | Countless gallons of strange gelatinous goop blasts from the fissure, raining down towards you. The party members must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, suffering 5d6 Acid damage, or half as much on a successful save. The gelatin evaporates over the course of an hour and leaves an acrid tart stench. Prestidigitation does not remove the smell, it evaporates over the course of a day. |
2 | A massive ethereal dragon form bursts from the fissure with a crack of thunder, followed by an ethereal humanoid figure riding a magic carpet. The characters must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be deafened and blinded for 1 minute. The forms fight one another in an incredible display before fizzling out of existence moments later. Breath weapons cause no damage but blind affected characters. |
3 | A giant cat like eye ball stares out, fixated on you and your fellow party members. It has an AC of 19 and if hit, the owner of the eyeball emits a beast like roar of pain, followed by a Fire Storm targeting the party members, starting with the assailant. |
4 | A sudden suction pulls you towards it. The fissure pulls creatures up to large size, within 200 feet, towards it, lifting them off the ground. Creatures capable of non magical flight may make a DC 15 Strength saving to hold onto something or be drawn towards the fissure. All affected creatures are pulled at 20 feet per round regardless of size. Creatures who reach the fissure must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or fall unconscious while remaining suspended in the air. |
Arcanic Wellspring. Several small holes in reality open up, spraying arcanic energy for 1 round. Creatures may easily avoid the effects (no save needed) however players must choose before the dungeon master applies the effect. Roll on the following table for affected creatures.
d6 | Arcanic Wellspring |
1 | Lose all hair to a cool blue fire that heals for 5d6 hitpoints. Skin is now shiny and character gains +2 natural AC (cumulative) for 1 week. Hair starts to grow back after 1d4 days. |
2 | Receive 1d6 Acid damage, while regaining their highest spent spell slot. Hair stands straight up and does not relax for 8 hours. Wearing a helmet or hat causes the scalp to ache. |
3 | Skin, scales, or feathers turn bright blue and creature gains the innate ability to cast Invisibility once per short rest, for 1 week. A successful DC 15 Arcana or DC 20 Intuition check is required by the affected creature, to discover this. |
4 | Bathed in sparkling light, creatures suddenly appear to be erased from existence. It is a Greater Invisibility spell effect that lasts for 8 hours or until dispelled. |
5 | Gain Celestial as a language for 1 month. A character may learn it permanently at the dungeon masters discretion. |
6 | Gain the effects of both Giant Strength and Feeblemind for 8 hours or until dispelled. |

Old ruins. Forgotten and destroyed, these relics may hold treasures and answers to question.
Roll 1d4 and consult the table to see what the players encounter.
d4 | Old ruins |
1 | A foundation with debris scattered about. The headless statue of a woman in robes juts from under a carpet of moss and several nearly destroyed books can be found covered in rocks and entangled in weeds at her feet. A successful DC 15 Arcane, Religion or History check can discern the books to be texts and and the temple to have driven Mystras teachings once upon a time long ago. |
2 | Headstones with their faces all but worn by time sprawling over a small clearing. The head stones all exhibit a series of etched glyphs. A successful DC 15 Arcane or Religion translates the etchings to, "In service to her ladyship." |
3 | Cottages torns apart by storms covered in overgrowth of years gone by. Each one is more desolate than the last with broken furniture, caved in roof tops, sunken muck ridden floors and otherwise destroyed structures. A DC 18 Perception or DC 16 Investigation finds a lockbox with an amulet of Mystra made of silver and emeralds. When attuned to a magic user, the wearer gains an extra level 1 slot each day. |
4 | The rubble of several destroyed floors piled where must have once stood a tower. Several shards of glass and crystal can be found strewn about the over growth of the area. A successful DC 18 Perception or DC 16 Investigation check finds 1d4 large shards. A successful DC 18 Arcane check finds these crystalline shards able to store spells of up to 1D4 level or less until used. Once used, the shard shatters completely. |
Strange Animals or Plants. The valleys magic attracts and sprouts oddities from other worldly places.
Roll 1d4 and consult the table to see what the players encounter.
d4 | Strange Animals or Plants |
1 | Ravens watch the characters from the nearby trees. They caw rapidly as the characters approach and stop abruptly when the characters look at them. They continue cawing to each other instantly as the characters look away. If the players attack the ravens, the ravens attack as a swarm until half the swarms hitpoints are depleted, at which point they fly away. |
2 | The path becomes strewn with Shrooks, mushrooms with red caps covered in white spots (aka fly agaric mushrooms except the spots don't wash off) that when stepped on or plucked burst with etheric spores that smell acrid when breathed in. Eating a Shrook has no ill effect and they are ever so slightly tart. Eating several Shrooks turns the skin a slight shade of blue. Eating a few pounds of Shrooks will turn the vision blue and the skin an almost Drow like blue. The effects wear off after 1d6+2 hours |
3 | The area grows thick with vinery and flowers all around. The vines hanging have fresh sprouted sweet grapes. The flowers are white with large yellow snouts protruding forth. A successful DC 14 Nature check reveals the flowers' pollen to have energizing effects. A character proficient with Alchemical tools can produce potions to combat sleep, both natural or magically induced. A potion takes 3 hours to produce with proficiency, a kettle and mortar and pestle, and can awaken a sleeping creature from magically induced unconsciousness or restore a creatures energy as if they had just had 8 hours sleep (this does not counts as a long rest, but does combat exhaustion). The grapes from the vine will turn water to a sweet wine when dropped in; they shrivel to raisins a week from harvest. |
4 | A pack of 5 owlbears and 3 owlbear cubs crosses paths with the party. If left alone, they walk past without incident. If they're attacked, two adults fight while the other adult and cubs attempt to escape. If the owlbears are followed, or with a successful DC 18 Nature check to track their trail, the party can find their lair. If the lair is searched with a successful DC 16 Perception or Investigation check there can be found a suit of +2 leather and a +2 cutlass. |
The Undercommons
The valley leads to the cliffside path which takes the adventurers to the Undercommons Entryway and the tunnels within the mountain. The old halls eventually lead up to the summit where the shrine resides. Among these halls are etchings, and scrolls upon shelves alongside ancient hanging tapestries with old arcanic formula for the various magic spells, diagrams of large constructs soaring among star charts that depict the nearby planes surrounding the material world; ageless wisdom archived for any who care to pore its contents.
Must and dust floats freely and foot prints appear easily in the caked layers of dirt, rubble and overgrowth that carpets the tunnels.
A dank black tunnel writhing into the mountain, the smell of moss and cold stone are heavy.
Characters must succeed on a DC 15 Nature or Survival check to find the right way through the tunnels else they encounter an Umberhulk drilling through the mountain.
It immediately attacks the adventurers and attempts to escape when low on hitpoints.
The characters find the way up after making a successful check or completing the encounter.
The tunnels run alongside a waterfall pouring off into an open chasm.
Creatures falling into the waterfalls waters are pulled under and must make three Athletics (Strength) checks before failing three Athletics (Strength) checks to successfully pull themselves out of the water and climb up. A rope thrown or other assistance provided, may bear advantage at the DMs discretion.
A spire of thick webbing sprouts from the ceiling as stalactites stretch 100 feet down from 50 feet over head to 50 feet beyond the chasms edge. 4d4+4 Giant Spiders reside with thousands of egg sacs. The spiders do not attack anyone unless disturbed.
If players short rest here, they see fish land in the webbing from the river waterfall whereupon the spiders lazily snatch and consume them.
If the Umberhulk from the Entryway is still alive it attempts to ambush the adventurers.
Old City
Several large metal posts sprout from the ground and upon each sits a glowing stone emitting a pale blue light all around the cavern space.
You can see the outline of corpses, macabre and forgotten, some sitting upright and staring, some laying in the dark dirt of the street.
The metal posts are each 18 feet tall with a 4 foot glass dome mounted with a light spell illuminating a 60 feet area around the post. They are fragile, warm to the touch and lose their magic when tampered with.
11 Zombies litter the city street as corpses, rising to attack anyone who comes within 15 feet.
Searching the ruins of the buildings (DC 12 Perception) reveals an old apothecary that was spared some of the surrounding chaos. The interior, although mostly destroyed has cupboards still holding 2 Potions of Superior Healing, a Potion of Fire Giant Strength and 2 Potions of Vitality.
Searching further (DC 15 Investigation) reveals the remains of a domed building with training dummies smashed outside and old fencing equipment littering the area. A heavy wooden door leads to a mostly caved in foyer where 6 Ghosts stand in a circle, ready to attack anyone who disturbs the chamber. At the walls of the foyer are bits of broken furniture. Amid the furnishings sits a suit of +2 Chainmail Armour and two +2 Leather Armour jerkins.
A 30 foot diameter tower is carved into the back of the cavern. An open door way leading to a simple stair case that winds upwards.

The Tower
Winding up a 30 foot diameter, 200 foot tall cylinder of rotting bricks, an old stone staircase leads to the summit of the mountain winding a full revolution every 50 feet. The floor of the tower has a circle etched with what magic users recognize as arcane symbols representing flight and the element and plane of air.
With a DC 16 Arcana check, a wizard or sorcerer can activate this Circle of Levitation providing creatures within the circle the benefits of a Levitate spell. Creatures are able to raise or lower themselves 20 feet per turn at will. Creatures may move horizontally within the circles constraints to land on the staircase at any time. The circle remains activated for one minute after the last character leaves the circle.
Parts of the staircase crumble underfoot as it is ascended. If a creature of medium size or larger runs (moves twice or more) or is hit by an attack while upon the staircase, there is a 1 in 4 chance (roll a 1 on 1d4) that the stairs breaks underfoot requiring a DC 12 Dexterity save. Failing the save, the creature falls to the next section of stairs if available. Resolve accordingly.
The walls from about 100 feet up are dotted with 3 foot diameter holes from which 1d4+1 of a total 24 Giant Centipedes will attack creatures and attempt to pull them into their holes.
A Stealth check DC 13 can avoid detection by the monsters.
A Nature check DC 13 can bait the creatures out of their holes. Note failure on this check causes a surprise attack from 1d4+1 centipedes.
Centipedes attempt to pull their victims with a grapple check. Multiple centipedes will cooperate to grapple a creature while one A creature pulled into a hole must make an escape check at disadvantage. A creature can be pulled free with a successful strength check opposing the centipede. Medium creatures and larger will get stuck at the entrance of the hole whereas small creatures can fit through and into the tunnels.

The Summit
Breaching the summit
When the characters arrive at the summit, read the following:
If Lumiere is present, read the following:
The spires light pulses as Lumiere nestles in front of the spire, placing hands and knees on the ground and beginning to speak, the words echoing all about the crater.
Follow the rules described in The Ritual on page 6 and read the following when someone begins the ritual.
Defending the Summit
The players are ambushed by Yorrick the Old, 1 Dark Justicar, 2 Cultists of Shar and 4 Guard Drakes.
They are seeking to prevent the ritual and take the spire in Shars name.
"My mistress will not be out done by your weak willed attempt. We will put an end to you today and see this holy place secured for Shar. Give up now! Your deaths will be quick and painless."
If the tower is still intact, Yorrick and his party arrive via the same route the players followed.
If the players have destroyed the tower entry way, either caving it in or barring it, he may blast his way through with a fireball if it makes sense contextually. If there's no simple method, Yorrick uses teleport once the beacon is lit.
Yorrick attempts to target the ritual caster while his Justicars and Guard Drakes keep the attendant defenders busy.
Yorrick cannot be reasoned with. If asked why people must die, he retorts that "We must lessen the chance of another attempt against my mistress. By example and reductive action!"
If asked to join Mystra he scoffs and says, "You should join Shar! In the Plane of Shadow!"
Yorrick fights to the bitter end and does his best to focus attacks on whomever is casting the ritual, calling out orders to his team and making it known his disdain for the adventuring party.
We're too late!
If the players arrive after The Shar have reached the shrine, they are greeted by Yorrick the Old, the remaining Dark Justicars, and 10 Cultists of Shar.
Read the following:
Yorrick cannot be reasoned with but does not attack the players arbitrarily.
If the players attack, The Shar ready actions to intercept incoming assailants while Yorrick shouts commands to his team.
Yorrick has devoted 3 Cultists of Shar to the ritual but 2 cultists are required to conduct the ritual.
Yorrick will fight to destruction, shouting to his cohorts to retreat while he distracts the assailants; Infrerra and Aiden (if alive and present) will refuse at which point Yorrick will devote himself to using his Teleport scroll to send them away. They will not resist this.
Stopping the ritual
When a participating magic user is killed during the ritual, the magical imbalance causes 3d10 psychic damage to any creature with an active concentration spell within a 60 foot radius of the shrine. The cultists conducting the ritual are unaffected.
When all the participating cultist are dead the ritual fails, the shrine resonating and shriveling away as described in the ultimate sacriface.
If Yorrick is within 30 feet of a cultist when it dies, he can spend a reaction to convert the Cultist to an undead (treat as new Cultist of Shar, but now has the Undead properthy).
Completing the ritual
Whomever completes the ritual, the spire strikes a height of 60 feet, growing in thickness to 20 feet at its base. The energies swirling about come to a rest as veins pulsating and smoothening the surface of the shrine as the stone darkens with a sudden beam of energy that fires upwards, its wide expulsion arcing slowly into a focused beam. The shrine chisels itself down, shaving each side smooth as moments later the spire of black sits pointed upwards.
If The Shar successfully conduct the ritual, the shrine pulsates with darkness and an antimagic field bubbles out from the shrine in a 200 foot radius centering on the shrine. Any magic user not aligned with Shars purpose suffers 10d10+50 psychic damage and loses the ability to cast magic for 1 year.
If present, Lumiere will succumb to the intense psychic pain, fall to her knees screaming as blood trickles from her left ear. She stares upwards with a wild desperate look in her eyes, crumpling on the spot, unconscious a moment after she hits the floor.
If she survives the damage and is allowed to rest she recovers consciousness in 1d4 days time but remains in a state of catatonia for 2 weeks. Suffering muscle seizures and stuttering severely, she slowly regains the ability to speak, move and conduct herself during this time.
She recovers completely with Greater Restoration although she still suffers physical shakes and muscle tension for 2 weeks after the event. She can restore any lost magical ability through her connection with Mystra.
Coming in contact with another shrine or an unbroken black obelisk can restore a magic users magical ability before a year has passed.
If the players successfully secure the shrine for Mystra, successfully completing the ritual, any creatures within line of sight of the shrine receive 10d10+50 subdual psychic damage by a sudden wave of etheric power that immediately grants the effects of a Greater Restoration upon those following Mystras goal.
If Lumiere is present and alive, she is overtaken with a bright light and intense magical energy that she immediately uses to completely and brutally destroy any remaining Shar cultists with a chain of magical lightning strikes rapidly blasting down from the sky.
If Lumiere has died, she is resurrected by the shrines power and performs the activities described above.
If the players are without chaperone, Mystra sends an image of herself to speak to the characters.
In the wake of the adventures events, the Shar and the Chosen will go quiet while they search for the next shrine.
Regardless of whichever side won over the first shrine, both sides are diligently targeting their next opportunity to expand and entrench their power upon the material plane.
The characters may choose to assist either side in locating and attaining the next shrine.
The Shar

The Cult of Shar is small but strong and well knit, with motivated individuals working to rebuild the weave and the shadow weave, preventing Mystras rise and ensuring Shars position as the new queen of all magic. The cult is colloquially referred to as The Shar.
Operating as a church, they maintain ranks of clerics, paladins, and fanatics. They, unlike the followers of Mystra, are not able to communicate with their goddess, hence they work to rebuild the weave and the shadow weave, researching the locations of shrines so they can reactivate them and attune them to Shar.
They keep incognito as they operate, watching the players and working towards discovering the location of the shrine.
They promise food, wealth, prosperity, anything to those in need to get what they want and use charm spells to influence where the aforementioned fail.
The Dark Justicars
The elite guard and front line action of the cult is made of the Dark Justicars, a regiment of agents who work to carry out the hard side of the cults work.
They dress in black, show a lot of skin, style their hair so its hanging over one side and carry large swords or wield flashy magics. Also: eye liner, lots of eye liner.
Dark Justicars are soldiers in the service of The Shar who have fulfilled the macabre requirement of having murdered a cleric or paladin of Mystra.
They receive orders directly from Shar herself through meditation. After meditating for 6 hours, they may know the location of an adversary or a Mystrean shrine within 500 miles.
Dark Justicars are competitive, seeking favor from their queen. Although competition can be stiff and downright ugly, outright murder is frowned upon as resources are tight.
If an encounter calls for Dark Justicars, select Aiden or Infrerra to replace one of the Dark Justicars in the attacking party.
The Dark Justicars will attempt to escape if defeat is obvious.
Yorrick the Old. This plated soldier of 6 feet and human descent, is a Revenant of frightening will who was once Lord Yorrick Hawkwinter of Waterdeep. His soul fell into Asmodeus' ownership for a bargain he doesn't remember, and was bought by Shar to lead the Dark Justicars or teams of the cultists through basic warfare. He is cunning, and capable as a field marshal, speaking with a deep voice that resonates with the hiss of escaping gas as it leaves his ancient lungs.
He believes his soul bound to Shar in devout responsibility and trains himself and his people rigorously as "to be god worthy."
Aiden Gargistol. A young and emotionless man, Aiden is a special sort of Warlock bound to Zehir, whose pact demanded a piece of his soul be replaced by his patrons will.
He is a Dark Justicar with a scaly appearance to his olive skin and a bit of a divet in the tip of his tongue, making it appear slightly forked.
He speaks with a monotone devoid of raw emotion, his speech cadence quickening and slowing down at strange times as he speaks over the voice of his patron.
He keeps a pet Gecko named Rexy that he adores and can be seen stuck to his shoulder. Rexy hisses at opponents during combat and warns Aiden of impending danger.
Infrerra Yollomay. A middle aged woman with a positive demeanor and very cat like eyes, Infrerra may have some tabaxi in her lineage, or her patron is feline, or both.
She is a deadly swords woman and magic user who is as playful as she is dangerous, and she approaches her play with a smile, guile, and her horrifying etheric blade Soul Reaver.
Churches of Shar
There are a number of titled church locations around Faerun for dungeon masters to choose from.
The Cult of the Shadow (Tsurlagol)
The Dark Embrace (Small Teeth Mountains)
The Darkhouse (Saerloon)
The Hall of Shadows (Shade)
The Temple of Old Night (Calimport)
Ibrandulian Temples
Dark Gateway (Waterdeep)
Deep Temple of the Dark Hope (Beneath Waterdeep)
The Protector's House (Memnon)
Appendix A

Yorrick the Old
Medium, Lawful Evil
- Armor Class 15 (leather armor +2)
- Hit Points 136 (16d8 + 64)
- Speed 30 ft.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 18 (+4)
- Saving Throws Str +7, Con +7, Wis +6, Cha +7
- Damage Resistances necrotic, psychic
- Damage Immunities poison
- Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, poisoned, stunned
- Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13, blind sight 30 ft.
- Languages common, elven, abyssal, celestial
- Challenge 12 (8,400 XP)
Regeneration. Yorrick regains 20 hit points at the start of his turn. If Yorrick takes radiant damage, this trait doesn't function at the start of Yorrick's next turn. Yorrick dies only if he starts his turn with 0 hit points and doesn't regenerate.
Rejuvenation. When Yorricks body is destroyed, his soul returns to the Plane of Shadow. After 24 hours, his body reconstitutes and regains all its hit points.
Turn Immunity. Yorrick is immune to effects that turn undead.
Vengeful Tracker. Yorrick knows the distance to and direction of any creature he seeks, even if the creature and him are on different planes of existence. If the creature being tracked by Yorrick dies, Yorrick knows.
Legendary Resistance (1/Day). If Yorrick fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.
Magical Resistance. Yorrick has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
Magical Attacks. Yorricks weapon attacks are magical.
Inspiring Presence. Cultists that can see Yorrick have advantage on attack rolls and saving throws.
Multiattack. Yorrick makes two attacks. These can be a mix of longsword and fist.
Fist. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage and Yorrick grapples the target (escape DC 14) provided the target is Large or smaller.
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage + 1d6 lightning damage.
Scrolls Yorrick maintains an inventory of scrolls and may use one once per turn, thus casting the spell and expending the scroll: teleport, globe of invulnerability, fireball, expeditious retreat.
Field Marshall Yorrick commands up 2 allied creatures to take an action.
Legendary Actions
The monster can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. The monster regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
Tactical maneuvers. Yorrick moves 10 feet. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Aiden Gargistol
Medium humanoid (human), Lawful Neutral
- Armor Class 16 (leather armor +2)
- Hit Points 155 (20d8 + 64)
- Speed 30
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 0 (+0) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 20 (+5)
- Saving Throws Wis +7, Cha +9
- Skills Arcana +13, History +13
- Senses passive Perception 10
- Languages Common, Elven, Dwarven, Celestial, Ignan, Abyssal
- Challenge 12 (8,400 XP)
Legendary Resistance (1/Day). If Aiden fails a saving throw, he can choose to succeed instead.
Magical Resistance. Aiden has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
Magical Attacks. Aidens weapon attacks are magical.
Inspiring Presence. Cultists that can see Aiden have advantage on attack rolls and saving throws.
Rexy. Aidens pet gecko alerts him of danger. Aiden is immune to flanking, and sneak attacks.
Multiattack. Aiden makes 2 Dragontail attacks
Dragontail. melee: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 1d8 + 3 slashing damage plus 7 (2d6) fire damage.
Trip. melee: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: If target is medium or smaller, target is prone unless otherwise specified.
Choke. melee: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: Target is pulled 5 feet towards Aiden and restrained until the start of their next turn.
Disarm. melee: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: Target drops anything it is currently holding, unless otherwise specified.
Firebolt. ranged: +7 to hit, range 60ft., one target. Hit: 22 (4d10) fire damage.
Innate Spellcasting. Aiden's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma. Aiden can innately cast the following spells (spell save DC 17), requiring no material components:
At will: alter self, false life, levitate (self only), mage armor (self only), silent image
1/day each: feeblemind, finger of death, plane shift
Spellcasting. Aiden is an 18th-level spellcaster. His spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 17, +9 to hit with spell attacks). Aiden can cast disguise self and invisibility at will and has the following wizard spells prepared:
Cantrips (at will): eldritch blast, toll of the dead, prestidigitation, mage hand, infestation
1st–5th level (4 5th-level slots): banishment, burning hands, flame strike, fireball, fire shield, scorching ray, scrying, stinking cloud, suggestion, wall of fire
- Aiden casts these spells on himself before combat.
Legendary Actions
The monster can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. The monster regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
Flick of the Wrist. Aiden uses Trip, Disarm or Choke.
Tiny beast, unaligned
- Armor Class 20
- Hit Points 2 (1d4)
- Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 2 (-4) 19 (+5) 10 (+0) 8 (-1) 8 (-1) 3 (-4)
- Senses darkvision 30 ft., passive Perception 9
- Languages —
- Challenge 0 (10 XP)
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +0 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1 piercing damage and the target must make a DC 13 Constition save the target. If the target fails the save, the target is stunned for 1 turn.
Pester. Rexy leaps onto a small, medium or large creature within 5 feet, biting and crawling upon it causing disadvantage on attack rolls, ability checks and saving throws.
Pest. Rexy cannot be solely targeted and struck while crawling upon a creature. If Rexy is targeted while crawling upon another creature, that creature must choose to allow itself to be hit, in order for Rexy to be targeted and hit.
Infrerra Yollomay
Medium human, chaotic neutral
- Armor Class 17 (shiny skin)
- Hit Points 97 (15d8 + 30)
- Speed 30 ft.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 18 (+4)
- Senses passive Perception 10
- Languages Common, Celestial (shared with her bonded weapon)
- Challenge 15 (13,000 XP)
Hexblade. Infrerra is bonded to a sentient weapon, for which it uses her Charisma modifier for her attack and damage rolls. Infrerra and her weapon can communicate telepathically. Infrerra can use her bonus action to teleport her bonded weapon into a free hand, or a bonus action to temporarily dismiss the bonded weapon into a pocket dimension.
Legendary Resistance (1/Day). If Infrerra fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.
Magical Resistance. Infrerra has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
Magical Attacks. Infrerras weapon attacks are magical.
Inspiring Presence. Cultists that can see Infrerra have advantage on attack rolls and saving throws.
Spellcasting. Infrerra is a 5th level spellcaster. Her spellcasting ability is Charisma (+9 to hit with spell attacks, spell save DC 17). She regains her expended spell slots when she finishes a short or long rest. She knows the following warlock spells:
Cantrips (at will): eldritch blast, true strike, thunderclap (EE)
1st-3rd level (3 slots): hex, blur, shield, misty step, shatter, wrathful smite
Weapon Bond: Infrerra's bonded weapon is Soul Reaver, a neutral evil sentient greatsword (Int 21, Wis 17, Cha 25). Soul Reaver is a legendary +3 magic weapon.
Multiattack. Infrerra makes three attacks with Soul Reaver.
Soul Reaver. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (2d6 + 7) slashing damage, plus 14 (4d6) necrotic damage. If a critical hit is scored with Soul Reaver, the wielder rolls damage dice three times, instead of twice. If a creature is reduced to 0 hit points by this weapon, it dies; its body is destroyed, its soul is absorbed by the Soul Reaver, and the wielder gains 54 (12d6) temporary hit points.
Legendary Actions
The monster can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. The monster regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
Reave. Infrerra makes a melee attack using Soul Reaver.
Misty Step. Infrerra casts misty step.
Soul splash. A creature of Infrerras choice that she can see within 30 feet regains Hit Points equal to 6d4 + 4. This spell has no effect on Undead or Constructs.

Cultist of Shar
Medium, Lawful Evil
- Armor Class 15 (studded leather under robes)
- Hit Points 68 (8d8 + 32)
- Speed 30 ft.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 13 (+2) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 16 (+3)
- Saving Throws Str +6, Con +7, Wis +5, Cha +5
- Skills Deception +6, Persuasion +6, Religion +5
- Senses passive Perception 12
- Languages Common
- Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
Dark Devotion. The cultist has advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened.
Spellcasting. The cultist is a 4th-level spellcaster. Its spell casting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 11, +3 to hit with spell attacks). The cultist has the following cleric spells prepared:
Cantrips (at will): healing word, sacred flame, thaumaturgy
1st level (4 slots): command, inflict wounds, shield of faith
2nd level (3 slots): hold person, spiritual weapon
Slip. Once per turn, when attacked, the cultist may teleport, along with any equipment it is wearing or carrying, up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space it can see.
Multiattack. The cultist makes two attacks using its Flare Blade.
Flare Blade. Melee Weapon Attack: +7, 5ft, one target. Hit: 1d4+2 piercing + 1d6 fire
Teleport. The cultist magically teleports, along with any equipment it is wearing or carrying, up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space it can see.

Dark Justicar
Medium Humanoid, Lawful Evil
- Armor Class 19 (ethereal armour)
- Hit Points 86
- Speed 30 ft.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 15 (+2) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 15 (+2) 18 (+4)
- Saving Throws Dex +11, Con +9, Cha +10
- Skills Arcana +10, Athletics +8, Perception +8, Stealth +11
- Damage Resistances Any magical
- Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion
- Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 18
- Languages Common, Abyssal
- Challenge 13 (10,000 XP)
Legendary Resistance (1/Day). If the Dark Justicar fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.
Magical Resistance. The Dark Justicar has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
Magical Attacks. The Dark Justicars weapon attacks are magical.
Inspiring Presence. Cultists that can see the Dark Justicar have advantage on attack rolls and saving throws.
Multiattack. The Dark Justicar attacks four times with their Serrated Shortsword.
Serrated Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +6, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) slashing damage plus 10 (3d6) force damage
Enervate (Recharge 5-6). The Dark Justicar chooses a point within 60 feet. Each creature in a 10-foot-radius centered on that point must make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw. The sphere spreads around corners. A creature takes 35 (10d6) necrotic damage and increases their level of exhaustion by 1. On a successful save, the creature takes half damage and suffers no additional exhaustion. If a creature dies in this manner, the Dark Justicar receives the creatures remaining hitpoints (if any).
Teleport. The Dark Justicar magically teleports, along with any equipment it is wearing or carrying, up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space it can see.
Parry. The Dark Justicar adds 6 to its AC against one melee attack that would hit it. To do so, the Dark Justicar must see the attacker and be wielding a melee weapon.
Slip. When attacked, the Dark Justicar may teleport, along with any equipment it is wearing or carrying, up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space it can see.
Art Credit
Creating this adventure, I trawled the internet to find art work that suited the context of what I'd written.
If your work is in here, and I haven't reached out to you please send me a link to your profile so I may give you appropriate credit.
Known images used
Black Obelisk
by vivisektor
The Phantom Thief
by Bertuccio
Undead soldier
by GoddessMechanic
Shar - The Lady of Loss
by Thierry Van Gyseghem
Jaina Proudmoore
by unknown
Please email with a link to the artist.

Destiny calls.
Do you answer?
Every great cataclysm has brought great change to Faerûn. The strong adapt and rebuild themselves stronger.
Explore the fate of magic on Toril as destiny pulls the players in to become champions answering Mystras call to restore the weave.
This book sets the stage and conducts the first battle in a war between The Shar and the Chosen, with characters provided on both sides of the conflict.
This adventure is designed for four 10th level characters and involves a great deal of magic.
Characters should include the magically inclined.
A Dungeons and Dragons® adventure for characters of level 10.
For use with the fifth edition Players Handbook®, Monster Manual®, and Dungeon Masters Guide®
Written by Dooley P.