GM Screen

by NobbynobLittlun

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Hit Points and Damage

Object Resilience

Substance AC DR
Cloth, paper, rope 11 --
Crystal, glass, ice 13 --
Wood, bone 15 --
Stone 17 5
Iron, steel 19 10
Mithral 21 15
Adamantine 23 25
Gromril 25 30

Improvising Damage

Dice Examples
1d10 Heavy blow, burned by coals, hit by falling bookcase, pricked by poison needle
2d10 Struck by lightning, stumbled into fire pit
4d10 Hit by cave-in falling rubble, dropped in vat of acid
10d10 Submerged in lava, struck by crashing flying fortress
24d10 Tumbling in Elemental Plane of Fire vortex, crushed in jaws of a moon-sized monster

Object Hit Points

Size Fragile Sturdy
Tiny 2 (1d4) 5 (2d4)
Small 3 (1d6) 10 (3d6)
Medium 4 (1d8) 18 (4d8)
Large 5 (1d10) 27 (5d10)
5'Cube 22 (2d20) 110 (10d20)

Damage Severity

Level Setback Dangerous Deadly
1st-4th 1d10 2d10 4d10
5th-10th 2d10 4d10 10d10
11th-16th 4d10 10d10 18d10
17th-20th 10d10 18d10 24d10

System Shock (DC 15)

d10 Effect
1 Drop to 0 hp
2-3 Drop to 0 hp, but stable
4-5 Stunned until end of its turn
6-7 No react's, disadv. atks/chcks
8-10 No reactions

Grouping Effects

Gridless Area Effects

Area Number of Targets Hit
Cone Size ÷ 10 (round up)
Cube, Square Size ÷ 5 (round up)
Cylinder Radius ÷ 5 (round up)
Line Line ÷ 30 (round up)
Sphere, Circle Radius ÷ 5 (round up)

Rolling en Masse

d20 roll needed Success Rate
1-5 1 in 1
6-12 1 in 2
13-14 1 in 3
15-16 1 in 4
17-18 1 in 5
19 1 in 10
20 1 in 20

Setting General DCs

Modifier Evenodds Limit Description Reference
+0 10 20 Commoner Commoner
+3 13 23 Apprentice Acolyte, Cultist, Guard, Thug
+5 15 25 Adept Noble, Priest, Scout, Veteran, Bard
+7 17 27 Master Assassin, Champion, Master Thief
+11 21 31 Hero Archmage, Favored Consort, Warlord
+14 24 34 Superhuman Dragons, Empyrean, Archfiends
+20 30 40 Superhero Player shenanigans

Light Sources

Source Bright Dim Duration
Dancing Lights 0 ft. +10 1 minute
Candle 5 ft. +5 1 hour
Sun/Moon Item 15 ft. +15 Indefinite
Lamp 15 ft. +30 6 hours
Torch, Light 20 ft. +20 1 hour
Sunbeam spell 30 ft. +30 1 minute
Hooded Lantern 30 ft. +30 6 hours
Bullseye Lantern 60 ft. +60 6 hours
Daylight spell 60 ft. +60 1 hour

Audible Distance

Noise Dice (ft.) Range (ft.)
Quiet 2d6 x 5 10-30
Normal 2d6 x 10 20-60
Loud 2d6 x 50 100-300
Explosive 2d6 x 100 200-600

Encounter Distance

Terrain Distance (x10 ft.)
Open 6d6
Forested 2d8
Hills, Wasteland 2d10
Jungle 2d6
Mountain 4d10
Underdark 1d20

Visible Distance

Visibility Max Distance
Clear 2 miles
Rain 1 mile
Fog 300 ft.
Height mod x 20
Clear water, bright 60 ft
Clear water, dim 30 ft
Murky water 10 ft

Encounters (4d6 - 4)

Highs Lows Encounter
1-2 23-24 Deadly adversary
3-4 21-22 Lost
5-6 19-20 Weather/hazard
7-8 17-18 Adversary
9-10 15-16 Scenery
11-12 12-14 Difficult terrain
Highs Lows Encounter
13-14 11-12 Local fauna
15-16 9-10 Friendlies
17-18 7-8 Minor Discovery
19-20 5-6 Weird Things
21-22 3-4 Major Discovery
23-24 1-2 The gods favor you

Major Discoveries

d10 Discovery
1 Lost city of a legendary race
2 Creature mutation
3 Invention/technology/magic (Helpful, Destructive)
4 Deity or planar entity
5 Artifact or religious relic
6 New land (island, continent, lost world, demiplane)
7 People (race, tribe, civilization)
8 Plant (miracle herb, fungal parasite, sapient plant)
9 Resource or wealth (gems, precious or magical metals)
10 Otherworldly object (planar portal, alien technology)

Minor Discoveries

d12 Discovery
1 Artwork
2 Body
3 Food or drink
4 Jewelry
5 Key
6 Letter
7 Magic herbs
8 Map
9 Monster Parts
10 Secret message
11 Signet or insignia
12 Tome

NPC Negotiation DCs

Bonus Relationship
+0 Nemesis
+10 Hostile
+15 Averse
+20 Indifferent
+25 Sympathetic
+30 Friendly
+40 Allied
Threshold Effect
10 No, and extra bane(s)
20 No, simple refusal
30 No, with reservations
40 Yes, but there's a catch
50 Yes, it is agreed
60 Yes, and extra boon(s)

Source Reference

Page Resource
DMG 89 Creating NPCs
DMG 73 Goals
DMG 94 Villains
XGtE 123 Rivals
DMG 128 Downtime
XGtE 125 Downtime Revisited


d10 When Calm
1 Cheerful
2 Eager
3 Thoughtful
4 Sophisticated
5 Carefree
6 Manipulative
9 Mischievous
10 Dour
d10 When Stressed
1 Withdrawn
2 Obsessive
3 Belligerent
4 Argumentative
5 Sarcastic
6 Pushy
7 Secretive
8 Calculating
9 Angry
10 Fanatical

Approach to Conflict

d10 Personality Trait
1 Cowardly. Will surrender
2 Mercenary. Can be bribed
3 Bravado. Blusters and boasts
4 Fanatic. Prepared to die
5 Rabble. Poor discipline
6 Courageous. Stands their ground
7 Joker. Taunts the enemy
8 Hubris. Believes they can't lose

Peer Relationships

d8 Relationship
1 Rival. Wants an ally to suffer
2 Abused. Will turncoat
3 Idolized. Allies will die for them
4 Outcast. Ignored by allies
5 Reclusive. Stand-offish
6 Selfish. Only cares for self
7 Bully. Allies will betray them
8 Comrades. Mutual trust / humor

Assets Held or Desired

d6 Asset
1 Treasure. Money, gems, art.
2 Influence. Reputed, connected.
3 Knowledge. Lore, insight, wisdom.
4 Land. Subjects, resources, locales.
5 Skills. Arts, crafts, trained or gained
6 Magic. Powers, items, lore.

Group Politics and Policies

Mandate Ethos d8
Sovereignty Authoritarian 1
Seclusion Xenophobic 2
Compromise Pacifist 3
Transcendence Spiritualist 4
d8 Opposing Ethos Mandate
5 Egalitarian Liberation
6 Xenophilic Communion
7 Militarist Conquest
8 Materialist Acquisition
d8 Objective
1 Commerce. Money, trade, services.
2 Industry. Resources, production.
3 Territory. Claims, borders, enclaves.
4 Technology. Physical, magical.
5 Prestige. Respect, legitimacy.
6 Religion. Churches, cults, sects.
7 Culture. Races, ethnicities.
8 Manpower. Slaves, workers, artisans, sailors, soldiers.
d8 Method
1 Enforcement. Overt, direct action.
2 Espionage. Covert, indirect, select.
3 Crime. Illicit, duplicitous, amoral.
4 Harmony. Willing cooperation.
5 Propaganda. Emotive media campaigns for popular support.
6 Sabotage. Reduced opposition.
7 Superiority. Quality improvement.
8 Discovery. Explore, experiment.

Source Reference

Page Resource
DMG 112 Rolling Settlements
DMG 113 Rolling Buildings
DMG 73 Adventure Goals
DMG 79 Framing Events
DMG 302 Creatures by Biome
XGtE 92 Encounters by Biome
MToF 34 Rolling Cults

Sudden Twists

d8 Method
1 (N)PC seen with item
2 NPC gives information
3 Captive (N)PC(s)
4 Ally gone missing
6 Nature calls
7 Glimpse of the future
8 Enemy/ally/competitor appears

Probability Distribution of 4d6-4


Two-Die Distributions

Peaks Values Dice Peak Range
1 7 d4 + d4 [5]
1 11 d6 + d6 [7]
1 15 d8 + d8 [9]
1 19 d10 + d10 [11]
1 23 d12 + d12 [13]
1 39 d20 + d20 [21]
3 9 d4 + d6 [5, 7]
3 13 d6 + d8 [7, 9]
3 17 d8 + d10 [9, 11]
3 21 d10 + d12 [11, 13]
5 11 d4 + d8 [5, 9]
5 19 d8 + d12 [9, 13]
7 13 d4 + d10 [5, 11]
9 15 d4 + d12 [5, 13]
9 31 d12 + d20 [13, 31]
7 17 d6 + d12 [7, 13]
17 23 d4 + d20 [5, 21]
M-N+1 N+M-1 dN + dM [N+1, M+1]

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