- 21Social Standing
- 37Profession
- 47Stats
- 49Skills
- 61Skill Trees
- 59Leveling Up/ I.P. Rewards
- 60Reputation
- 72Weapons (WA/Effect)
- 78Armour (SP/EV)
- 83Elderfolk Armory
- 87-88Alchemical Items
- 90Armour Enhancements
- 91Transportation
- 92Tool Kits
- 93 & 97Services & Gear
- 101Mage
- 109Priest
- 114Witcher Signs
- 116Rituals
- 120Hexes
- 122Places of Power
- 123Learning Magic
- 128Crafting Components
- 130Crafting Diagrams
- 140Fixing & Dissasembling
- 249Witcher Swords/Medallions
- 255Bombs/Traps
- 143Alchemical Substances
- 146Alchemical Forumlae
- 146Witcher Potion Formulae
- 146Blade Oil Forumlae
- 146Witcher Decoction Forumlae
- 246Witcher Gear
- 247Witcher Potions
- 248Blade Oils
- 248Witcher Decoctions
- 251Mutagens
- 254Experimental Technology
- 256Runes & Glyphs
- 257Relic Items
266 - 313Bestiary
- 180North
- 186Skellige
- 189The Elderlands
- 190Mahakam
- 191Dol Blathanna
- 192The Empire of Nilfgaard
- 194Nilfgaard
- 199Beyond the Borders
- 200Zerrikani/Ofier/Far North
- 202Witchers
- 204Mages
- 205Havekar/Scoia'tael
- 206Mage Hunters/Crescent Moon
- 208Melitele/The Eternal Fire
- 209Freya/The Great Sun
- 51 & 128Foraging
- 221-223Encounter Rewards
- 226NPC Generator
- 230-231Curses
- 160 & 174Prosthetics
Always round down
Base = Stat + Skill
Cost of Living per week = ~100 Crowns
Number of Monsters = Players +2
Medium = 3 Easy
Hard = 5 Players
Roll for rewards before combat!
Rewards (p.233)Solitary = Bestiary parts
Intelligent = 1D6 random
Dens = 1D6 bodies per 3 (large = 6)
Bodies = 1D6 random
Human = 1D10 random
+ Equipment & Crowns
Home = 2D10 random
80%+ = 1x rare item or diagram
Exchange Value |
1 Redanian Crown |
1 Temerian Oren |
1/3 Nilfgaardian Floren |
3 Ducats (Kaedwen) |
1/4 Bizant (Kovir & Poviss) |
1/2 Lintar (Hengefor's League) |
Difficulty | Example | DC |
Easy | Breaking a rotten door down | 10 |
Average | Sneaking past a town guard |
14 |
Challenging | Picking a well-made lock |
18 |
Difficult | Hitting a chain with a throwing axe at 10m |
20 |
Nearly Impossible | Forcing a Fortress gate open barehanded | 30 |
Skill Modifiers
Situation | Mod. |
Don’t have the right parts | +2 |
Don’t have the right tools | +3 |
Distracting environment | +3 |
Under attack | +5 |
Drunk | +3 |
Sleep-deprived | +3 |
Hostile environment | +4 |
Tool Kit Actions
- Writing letters
- Forging documents & coins
- Crafting or modifying weapons
- Crafting or modifying armor
- Picking locks
- Alchemy
- Performing surgery
- Cooking
- Creating fine art
Without kit: -4
Vehicle/Mounted (p.169)
D10 + Ref, round
Fast Draw: +3 Initiative/-3 first Atk roll
Ambush: Stealth vs Aware, +5
Offensive Actions
- Attack, Fast: x2 attacks
- Attack, Strong: -3 Atk, x2 Dmg
- Initiate Verbal Combat
- Cast Magic
- Use Skill
- Run: Spd x3
- Active Dodge: enemy -2 Atk
- Aim: +1 Atk, round (Max. 3)
- Recover: +Sta equal to Rec
Defensive Actions
- Dodge: Miss, vs. Dodge/Escape
- Reposition: Move 1/2 Spd, vs. Ath
- Block: Negates attack, -1 SP
w/ Weapon - vs. Weaponskill
w/ Shield - vs. Melee
w/ Body - vs. Brawl (dmg to area) - Parry: Negates attack, Staggers opp
w/ Weapon - vs. Weaponskill -3
w/ Shield - vs. Melee -3
w/ Body - vs. Brawl -3 (dmg to area)
-5 thrown, N/A ranged
Special Attacks
- Charge: move up to Run, strong Atk, if Blocked roll opposed Physique to knock prone
- Pommel Strike
- Disarm: Opposed Weaponskill,
Scatter: 1D6/2m
- Trip: Aimed strike at legs,
if successful target is prone - Feint: Fast strike
1st attack: Deceit vs Awareness
if successful, 2nd attack: +3.
Athletics check to throw, if fail, scatter
Brawling (non-lethal)
- Punch: fast/strong
- Kick: fast/strong
- Push Kick: Dmg x1/2, always torso, push Body/3m
- Charge: move up to Run, strong punch/kick, if Blocked roll opposed Physique to knock prone
- Disarm: Brawling vs Dodge/Escape
Scatter: 1D6/2m
Grab: take weapon, -3 Atk - Trip: Target is prone
- Grapple: Hold target, target -2 all rolls
Dodge/Escape vs Brawling to escape - Pin*: Immobilize opponent
Dodge/Escape vs Brawling to escape - Choke*: Suffocate opponent
Dodge/Escape vs Brawling to escape - Throw*: Target is prone, Dmg = Punch, Stun save -1
Dual Wielding
- Joint attack: roll per weapon, -3 Atk
- Requires 2x weapon/shield to Blk/Par
Situational Mod.
Situation | Mod. |
Target Immobile | +4 |
Out of Enemy vision | +3 |
Target Silhouetted | +2 |
Target Dodging | -2 |
Prone | -2 |
Enemy out of vision | -3 |
Target Running (Ref >10) | -3 |
Ricochet | (rng) -5 |
Fire while running | (rng) -3 |
Type | SP |
Stone Wall/Large Tree | 30 |
Brick Wall | 25 |
Steel Door | 20 |
Heavy Door | 15 |
Cart/Barrel | 10 |
Brambles/Thatch Roof | 7 |
Wood Wall/Tent | 5 |
Shield Attack
Melee, Bludgeon, Dmg = Punch (lethal)
Med Shield = Punch +2 Levels (p.48)
Heavy Shield = Punch +4 Levels (p.48)
Vehicle Combat (p.171)
Environmental Mod.
Type | Mod. |
Bright Light | -3 Aware -3 Atk/Def |
Dim Light | -2 Aware |
Darkness | -4 Aware -2 Atk/Def |
Snow & Ice | +3 Track (fresh) -3 Track (old) Att/Run, DC:14 Ath, stand check |
Extreme Heat | 2/3 Sta 1/3 if Hvy Arm |
Swamp | -2 Dodge/Esc/Ath |
Water | RoF limit: 1 -2 Atk/Blk/Par -3 Awareness Range 1/4 Dmg x1/2 Dodge is Ath Reposition, 1/2 Leap |
Ranged Targets
Range | DC | Mod. |
Point Blank | 10 | +5 |
Close 1/4 | 15 | 0 |
Medium 1/2 | 20 | -2 |
Long | 25 | -4 |
Extreme 2x | 30 | -6 |
Ranged Modifiers
Size | Mod. |
Small | +2 DC |
Medium | 0 DC |
Large | -2 DC |
Huge | -4 DC |
Armour Piercing
- Standard: Ignore Dmg Resistances
- Improved: 1/2 SP
- Human Shield: SP = Body + armour
Layered Arm. (hvy-lgt)
Difference in SP | Bonus SP |
0 - 4 | +5 |
5 - 8 | +4 |
9 - 14 | +3 |
15+ | +2 |
- Max. 3 Layers
- + Lgt/Med = +1 EV
- + Hvy = +2 EV
- x2|x1/2 Dmg from source (after arm.)
- x2|x1/2 duration of effects
- -2|+2 to Resistance
+1d6 Dmg to Monsters
If lodged, acts as Poison to monsters
Hit Location, Human
Roll | Location | Aim | Dmg |
1 | Head | -6 | x3 |
2-4 | Torso | -1 | - |
5-6 | Arm* | -3 | 1/2 |
7-10 | Leg* | -3 | 1/2 |
Hit Location, Monster
Roll | Location | Aim | Dmg |
1 | Head | -6 | x3 |
2-4 | Torso | -1 | - |
5-9 | Limb* | -3 | 1/2 |
10 | Special | -3 | 1/2 |
*Odd = Right, Even = Left
Reflex Atk Fumble
6: Weapon glances off, become staggered
7: Weapon stuck, 1 round to free
8: 1D10 reliability Dmg
9: Hit self, roll for location/Dmg
10+: Hit ally, roll for location/Dmg
Reflex Def Fumble
6: +1D6 Reliability Dmg
7: Disarmed, scatter 1D6m
8: Prone, stun save
9: +2D6 Reliability Dmg
10+: Hit self, roll for location/Dmg
Dexterity Atk Fumble
6-7: Missile breaks
8-9: Weapon misfires, 1 round to fix
10+: Hit ally, roll for location/Dmg
Dexterity Def Fumble
6: Staggered
7: Prone
8: Prone, disarmed, scatter 1D6m
9: Prone, 1D6 non-lethal Dmg, stun save
10+: Prone, 1D6 Dmg, Stun save
Will Fumble
1-6: Spell works, -X HP
7-9: Spell fails, suffer Elemental fumble
9+: Spell fails, suffer Elemental fumble
focus item explodes, 1D10 bomb Dmg,
2m radius
Elemental Fumble
Mixed: -X HP, random effect from below
Earth: -X HP, Stunned
Air: -X HP, thrown back 2 x Xm
Fire: -X HP, set on Fire
Water: -X HP, Frozen
Hex Fumble
50% chance hex effects caster
Ritual Fumble
Components used
-X HP, where X = Vigor used
Ritual Crafting Save
Situation | DC |
Shaken, bumped, yelled at, or had something tossed at you |
15 |
Attacked and physically harmed | 18 |
Removed from the ritual area (must return in 1 round) |
16 |
Stun Save
Roll below Stun/10
Death Save
- 0HP, enter Death State (p.162)
- All stats 1/3 (doesn't effect Stun value)
- Stun save or die, round
- -1 Stun value, save. Hit = save.
- Stabilize, set 1HP, leave Death State
Spectre/Elementa Crit
Simple +5 Complex +10
Difficult +15 Deadly +20
(beats roll by X+/+Dmg/Stabilising DC)
Simple (7+/+3/12) (p.158)
Roll | Location | Result | Effect | Stabilised |
12 | Head | Cracked jaw | -2 Mgc/Ver | -1 Mgc/Ver |
11 | Head | Disfiguring scar | -3 Emp Ver | -1 Emp Ver |
9-10 | Torso | Cracked Ribs | -2 Bdy (HP stay) | -1 Bdy |
6-8 | Torso | Infected Wound | Rec/Crit Heal 1/4 | Rec/Crit Heal 1/2 |
4-5 | Arm | Sprained | -2 action that arm | -1 |
2-3 | Leg | Sprained | -2 Spd/Dod/Ath | -1 |
Complex (10+/+5/14) (p.159)
Roll | Location | Result | Effect | Stabilised |
12 | Head | Minor Head Wound | -1 Int/Dex/Stun | x4 Dmg Head |
11 | Head | Lost Teeth | -3 Mgc/Ver | -2 Mgc/Ver |
9-10 | Torso | Ruptured Spleen | Stun, 5 Bleeding |
Stun, 10 |
6-8 | Torso | Broken Ribs | -2 Bdy, -1 Ref/Dex | -1 Bdy/Ref |
4-5 | Arm | Fracture | -3 action that arm | -2 action that arm |
2-3 | Leg | Fracture | -3 Spd/Dod/Ath | -2 Spd/Dod/Ath |
Difficult (13+/+8/16)
Roll | Location | Result | Effect | Stabilised |
12 | Head | Skull Fracture | -1 Int/Dex, x4 Dmg Head, Bleeding | -1 Int/Dex, x4 Dmg Head |
11 | Head | Concussion | -2 Int/Ref/Dex, Stun save, 1D6 |
-1 Int/Ref/Dex |
9-10 | Torso | Torn Stomach | -2 All Actions, 4 Dmg, round |
-2 All Actions |
6-8 | Torso | Sucking Chest Wound | -3 Bdy/Spd, Suffocate | -2 Bdy/Spd |
4-5 | Arm | Cmp. Fracture | Arm useless, Bleeding | Arm useless |
2-3 | Leg | Cmp. Fracture | 1/4 Spd/Dod/Ath, Bleeding |
1/2 Spd/Dod/Ath |
Deadly (15+/+10/18) (p.160)
DC: (Target #/-HP) - First Aid/Healing
Healing Hands 2/4/6/8 Turns
- Crits force Stun saves
- Aimed attack: 1-4 Lesser, 5-6 greater
Verbal Combat (p.176)
Resolve = ((Wil +Inf)/2)x5
- Establish goal for conversation
- Successful att/def reduces Resolve
Empathetic Attack
Name | Skill | DMG | Effect |
Seduce | Seduction | 1d6+Emp | Cumulative +2 damage from each Seduction. |
Persuade | Persuasion | 1d6/2+Emp | You have convinced them to agree with you. |
Appeal | Leadership | 1d10+Emp | Cumulative +1 damage from each Appeal. |
Befriend | Charisma | 1d6+Emp | You have made a friend of your opponent. |
Antagonistic Attack
Name | Skill | DMG | Effect |
Deceive | Deceit | 1d6+Inf | You have convinced the defender of the lie. |
Ridicule | Social Etiquette | 1d6+Wil | Lower their Reputation by 2 for each successful Ridicule. Duration one day. |
Intimidate | Intimidation | 1d10+Wil | Afraid of you and takes a cumulative +4 damage from Intimidation |
Verbal Defense
Name | Skill | DMG | Effect |
Ignore | Resist Coercion | 1d10+Emp | Defender will not budge on views. |
Counter-argue | Varies | Varies | Make same kind of attack. If > opponent’s roll, negate attack and apply damage. |
Change Subject | Persuasion | 1d6+Inf | Conversation moves to new topic. |
Disengage | Resist Coercion | None | Ends the argument |
Empathetic Tools
Name | Skill | Effect |
Romance | Charisma | Defender loves Romancer. Defender -3 against the Romancer. If fails, defender gets +3 against attacker’s empathetic attacks. |
Study | Human Percept | Roll against their Inf x3. If succeed, +2 to Verbal Combat for one round. |
Antagonistic Tools
Name | Skill | Effect |
Imply | Persuasion or Deceit | Opp def -4, Once per combat |
Bribe | Gambling | If successful, 50 Crowns = +1 Ver |
Torture & Torment
Harming a defenseless target gives you a -3 to empathetic attacks/ +3 to Intimidation.
Bringing a target down to their wound threshold gives you a -10 to empathetic attacks/ +10 to Intimidation.
Verbal Outcomes (p.176)
Status Effects (p.161)
Type | Mod. |
Bleed | 2 Dmg, round DC: 15 First Aid/Heal |
Blinded | -3 Aware -3 Atk/Def 1 turn, remove source |
Fire | 5 Dmg, area, round Arm soak, -1SP 1 turn extinguish |
Freeze | -3 Spd -1 Ref DC: 16 Physique |
Hallucinate | False Perception DC: 15 Deduction, per |
Intoxicate | -2 Ref/Dex/Int -3 Verbal Combat Body-12 hours Wive's tears/Magic |
Nausea | Save vs Body, 3 rounds Dry heave if fail, round Situational |
Poison | 3 Dmg, round DC: 15 End |
Stagger | -2 Atk/Def Auto recover start of round |
Stun | Immobilized Def is 10 Stun save or if hit |
Suffocate | 3 Dmg, round Situational |
Magic Gestures (p.167)
Skill | Requirements |
1-6 | All magic requires spoken words and hand gesture. |
7-8 | Spells/invocations only require hand gestures. |
9+ | Spells/invocations only require minor gestures, which can be made with any part of the body. |
Dimeritium (p.167)
Every unit in 5m lowers Vigor by 1
Vigor=0, make endurance check, 30 mins
Roll | Effect |
≥18 | Skin itches. |
≥16 | Above + feel queasy. |
≥14 | Above + body spasms, 1d6 turns, DC:15 End or staggered. |
≥12 | Skin burns. Nauseated. |
≥10 | Skin on fire. Unable to focus. Stun save, round. |
≤10 | Boils the magic in your system. 1d6 damage, round while touching dimeritium. |
Healing (p.173)
- Regain HP = Rec, day
- If day was active, HP = 1/2 Rec
- If Healing Hands used, +3 HP, day
- Swallow potion, DC: 18 End
- Number of days to recover treated penalty, pg. 174
Healing Spells
Critical | Uses | DC |
Simple | 4 | 14 |
Complex | 6 | 16 |
Difficult | 8 | 18 |
Deadly | 10 | 20 |