
by Desmon Arnold

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Created from magic, oozefolk are the result of wizards or other powerful arcanists awakening the minds of the cave dwelling creatures known as Oozes. These creatures often do their best to fit into mortal society, but often fail. Treated as outcasts and monster for their appearance, oozefolk are usually quite solitary. Sticking only to themselves, or to small groups they have grown comfortable with.

Monstrous Past

Oozefolk are very commonly hunted, or chased off, once people become aware of their existence. The thought of the normal mindless murderous monster that normally dwells in the depths of dungeons with sentience scares many folk, and for good reason. This mind set though often causes oozefolk to go into hiding, or their companions to try and hide them.

Oozefolk Names

Oozefolk often take on the names that their creators give them, or are simply given names by their creator's. Oozefolk do not have special naming schemes, but instead could really have any name dependent on their upbringing.

Oozefolk Traits

Your oozefolk character has an assortment of inborn abilities, due to it's monster heritage and innate magical nature.

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2.

Age. Oozefolk do not age. Much like their ooze counter-
-parts, they will live as long as they have adequate nourishment to sustain them.

Alignment. Oozes normally do not have alignments. They are often not intelligent enough to have that deep of a personality to have any form of moral struggle. Oozefolk can be any alignment, but are more often than not a similar alignment to their creator.

Size. The spell that awakens oozefolk his a minimum, and maximum size that must be considered during the awakening or else the spell will fail. An oozefolks volume is within the range of 80 and 200 gallons. You are a medium sized ooze.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.

Amorphous. You can move through spaces as narrow as 1 inch without squeezing, and cannot be knocked prone. Items that could not fit through these gaps cannot go with you.

Blindsight. Oozes do not have eyes, and neither do oozefolk, even if some alter their outward form to appear as                                           they do. You can perceive your
                                    surroundings without relying on sight,
                                      within a radius of 60 feet. You are
                                  considered to be blind beyond that radius.                           You are also immune to the blinded condition.

                                          Magical Dependency. Oozefolk
                                                      are naturally dependent on
                                                  magic to keep their minds, and
                                                  because of the nature of your
                            creature, your intelligence is reduced to 1,
                            and your dungeon master takes control of
                            your actions whilst inside of an Antimagic
                            Field or similar effect. Your dungeon master
                            should make the decisions they would
                            normally make for a hungry ooze.

                          Pseudopod Acidity. Your unarmed strikes
                          deal additional acid damage equal to your
                        Constitution modifier.

                    Shape Control. Though mostly liquid, oozefolk
                    have control over their body in ways that most
                creatures do not. This control allows you to take a
           vaguely humanoid form, allowing you to walk, run, and
      do things that would require hands and arms like wear shields, wield weapons, and operate machinery. You can alter your form in other visible ways, as long as you remain a medium creature.

 Languages. You know common, and one other language
    of your choice. This second language is more often than
                                  not the language of the creature that
                               created you.

                         Subrace. There are three common kinds of
                          oozes that are turned into oozefolk. Gelatinous
                         cubes, gray oozes, and ochre jellys. Choose one
                          of these subraces.

Gelatinous Cube

As a gelatinous cube oozefolk, you retain your previously transparent form, as well as your mass. Your substance is more outwardly acidic as well as more easily malleable than most of your kind, and those you hold feel that full burn of that potency.

Acid Grasp. Your form burns those that touch, as your acidic body corrodes the flesh of those you come in contact with. If a creature starts its turn whilst grappling or grappled by you, it takes 1d6 acid damage. This damage increases to 2d6 at 5th level, to 3d6 at 9th level, and to 4d6 at 13th level.

Transparent. Your body is entirely transparent, allowing light through without issue as long as you are still. Even when you are in plain sight, and wearing and holding nothing, it takes a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check to spot you if you have neither moved nor attacked. A creature that tries to enter your space while unaware of you is surprised by you.

Elastic Form. Your base walking speed increases to
35 feet.

Gray Ooze

Once stone, turned liquid by chaos, the gray oozefolk functions much like it's ooze counterpart, often forming a snake-like tail as apposed to legs as a way of moving around, slithering like a liquid snake.

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases
by 1.

Corrosive Acid. When you hit a target that is wearing nonmagical metal armor with an unarmed strike, its armor is partly corroded and takes a permanent and cumulative -1 penalty to the ac it offers. You can only reduce an armors AC in this way once per round. Armor reduced in this way is destroyed if the penalty reduces its AC to 10.

False Appearance. While you remain motionless, you are indistinguishable from an oily pool, or wet rock. If you are in a creature like shape, you instead look like a wet statue.

Ochre Jelly

These yellow blobs are much more cunning than other brands of oozefolk, utilizing their liquid form to it's fullest potential in situations other oozefolk may hesitate in.

Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1.

Sticky Form. Your body is a natural adhesive. You have a climbing speed equal to your walking speed. Additionally, you can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check.

In addition to the movement capabilities of this, you are unable to be unwillingly disarmed.

Racial Feat

Ooze Heritage

Prerequisite: Oozefolk
You have adapted to your new mind, as well as your form, and become capable of utilizing your amorphous and acidic being more than you were previously able to.

  • Your unarmed strikes can deal 1d6 acid damage. If your unarmed strikes ever change, or you ever gain any natural weapons, regardless of the damage dice the damage type remains acid.
  • You become resistant to acid and slashing damage.
  • You can now eat and organic material for sustenance, and are unable to gain diseases from food.  

Art Credit

Oozefolk P1: "Elora the Slime Knight"
Oozefolk P2: "Flesh Eating Ooze"


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