Arcane Tradition : Prismic Magic

by Kokolokoli

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Prismic Magic

Prismic Magic

The term 'prismic' often refers to light manipulating magics, wizards of the school of prismic magic understand it's true reference and functioning : they study the weave to use it as a magical prism, which lets them reshape their spells through decomposition and recomposition of studied magical processes. This school requires intense study, advanced understanding of the arcane, as well as a very flexible and resilient mind.

Concentration Savant

Beginning at 2nd level, the gold and time you must spend to copy a spell that requires concentration into your spellbook is halved and You have advantage on Constitution saving throws made to maintain concentration on a spell.

Spell Morphing

Starting at 2nd level, you can perform prismic operations on your spells allowing you to slightly change their nature. Whenever you deal slashing, piercing, bludgeoning, acid, poison, fire, cold, radiant, necrotic, thunder or lightning damage with a spell, you can use this feature to change the spell's damage type to another one of those listed above.

Prismic Alteration

At 6th level, your affinity with magical processes grants enhanced modularity to your spells. You can use this feature as an action while you are concentrating on a spell. You choose another concentration spell you have prepared that is of a level equals to or lower than the one you are concentrating on.

The spell you are concentrating on ends as you start to concentrate on the spell you've chosen. If the new spell targets one or many creatures, you can only target creatures that suffered the previous spell's effects If it targets an area, it originates from a point you choose within the previous spell's area of effect or from a target suffered it's effects.

You ignore the range of the chosen spell, but any other limitations still apply. When a creature that suffered the previous spell's effect is targeted by the new one, it suffers it's effects as if the spell hit or the creature failed it's saving throw.

You can use this feature 2 times. This scales with your Wizard level, becoming 3 at 10th level. You regain all expended uses when you complete a long rest.

Durable Magic

Beginning at 10th level, the magic you channel helps ward off harm. While you maintain concentration on a spell, you have a +2 bonus to AC and all saving throws.

Advanced Prismic Alteration

Starting at 14th level, you harness prismic magic processes with ease. You now regain expended uses of your Prismatic Alteration on a short or long rest.


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