Clear Cast Ring of the Desert Seer

by ProgZombie

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Clear Cast Ring of the Desert Seer

Legendary Magical Item

Wrapped around the mysterious gem inside this ring, a mocking face stares at you with laughter in it's eyes. Almost like it can sense your plans, your tactics. Almost like it revels in thwarting you.

As a young man, Strahd earned his fame in the Deserts of Blezan. Initially hired as a mercenary, he aided the ruthlessly evil Emperor Chelastine in consolidating his lands, and crushing any resistance that would arise. This ring was awarded to Strahd after his role in leading the massacre of a large settlement of gypsy mysticists, the slaughter that would earn Strahd the title 'The Butcher of Blezan'.

The wearer of this ring is immune to the effects of the Counterspell spell. Any attempt to cast this spell on the wearer will automatically fail, as the ring devours the arcane energy. As well as this, any spell cast with this ring worn receives the Subtle Spell benefit (Can be cast without somatic or verbal components.)


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