Witch Themed Warlock Patrons MK II

by arcanist

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The Coven

You have chosen or been chosen by a coven of hags who share their power with you so that you can exert their will in places they cannot easily go. For some, this contract is very literal; in this case, you have a direct relationship with your patrons. In other cases, your patrons will be but a source of distant whispers and unsettling dreams. In all cases, though, the coven empowers their client warlocks so to further the coven’s mysterious goals.

Expanded Spell List

The Coven lets you choose from an expanded spell list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.

Spell Level Spell Name
1st identify, ray of sickness
2nd alter self, locate object
3rd bestow curse, counterspell
4th phantasmal killer, polymorph
5th animate objects, modify memory


When you select this patron at 1st level, you are empowered by a hag coven. You count as a hag for the purposes of forming a coven, and whenever else it would be advantageous for you to do so. Additionally, you gain a special hag eye for your personal use. This hag eye functions as described on page 176 of the Monster Manual, but you do not take damage if it is destroyed. You know the ritual to recreate this eye, which can be done during a long rest.

Bonus Cantrips

At 1st level, you learn the minor illusion and vicious mockery cantrips. They count as warlock cantrips for you, but they don’t count against your number of cantrips known.

Hag Form

At 6th level, you take upon some of the characteristics of a hag.

  • Your fingernails grow long, sharp, and hard as iron. You gain a melee claw attack. It has a 1d6 damage die. You are proficient with this attack. When you take an Attack action with a claw or one handed weapon, you can use your bonus action to make a second claw attack with your other hand, provided that hand is free.
  • You have darkvision 60 ft.

Additionally, you can use your action to adopt a more horrendous, hag-like form. You select a type of hag, and gain its listed benefits based for 1 minute. Regardless of your choice, you gain advantage on Charisma (deception) and Charisma (intimidate) rolls for the duration of this feature.

  • Green Hag - you can use the Green Hag’s Mimicry feature, using your spell save DC. Once per use of this feature, you can use your reaction after being damaged to turn invisible until the end of your next turn.
  • Night Hag - you have magic resistance, gaining advantage on saving throws against spells and other magic effects. Your darkvision increases to 120 ft.
  • Sea Hag - you are amphibious, and can breath air and water. Once per use of this ability, you can use the Sea Hag’s Horrific Appearance feature, using your spell save DC.

Once this feature ends, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Witch's Brew

At 10th level, you can brew one of your warlock spells into a physical form. As part of a short or long rest, you can expend a warlock spell slot or chose to recover one fewer warlock spell slots. If you do, pick one warlock spell that you know of the 1st level or higher with a range of self or touch, or that directly targets a creature. You create a consumable or applicable version of this spell, and bottle it if necessary.

If you create a consumable spell, often as a potion, piece of fruit, or pastry, a creature can consume the spell as an action, gaining the effects of the spell. If it has a duration, it lasts its maximum duration without the need for concentration. If you create an applicable spell, often as an oil, poison, or paint, a creature can apply the spell to a object or willing, paralyzed, or unconscious as an action. If applied directly to a valid target, it immediately takes effect. If applied to a weapon, the first creature damaged by this weapon in the next minute is affected by the spell. If applied to an object, the first creature to touch the object with bare skin or equivalent is immediately affected. If the spell has a duration, it lasts its maximum duration without the need for concentration. Creatures roll saving throws against these spells as normal, using your spell save DC.

Your Witch’s Brew lasts until used, or until you complete a long rest. If you complete a short rest while you have an unused Witch’s Brew, you may choose to recover one fewer spell slots than your maximum. If you don’t, your Witch’s Brew becomes inert. Once you create a Witch’s Brew, you may not do so again until you complete a long rest.

Hag's Dwelling

At 16th level, you can create a magical mobile dwelling. As an hour long ritual, which can be done as part of a short or long rest and which you can cast even if you can’t otherwise cast rituals, you create a hut that fills 10 feet by 10 feet by 20 feet of apparent space. It is bigger on the inside than it appears on the outside. You can create any floor plan you like, but it cannot exceed 20 cubes, each cube being 10 feet on each side. It is furnished appropriately for a modest lifestyle, though you can acquire and bring in better furnishings if you chose. It contains sufficient food and drink to support you and up to 10 other medium sized creatures according to a modest lifestyle, which refresh each morning at dawn. Any furnishings or unconsumed nourishment created by this spell vanish into smoke if removed from the hut.

The hut is permanent and mobile. As long as you and your hut are on the same plane of existence, you can use your action to cause it to sprout legs according to your aesthetic preferences. The hut then moves 120 ft. each round until it is within 30 ft. of you. The hut is mindless but magically aware enough to determine when it cannot easily reach you, at which point it hides and waits in the outskirts or wilderness closest to you. If you are in the hut, you can cause the hut to move in this way in the direction you chose. Once it’s moving, you can issue new directions as a bonus action.

Each 10-foot-by-10-foot section of your hut’s exterior has AC 15 and 30 hit points. It is immune to poison and psychic damage. Reducing a section to 0 hit points destroys that section, which might cause connected sections to buckle and collapse at the DM’s discretion. If four or more such sections are destroyed, the hut is destroyed and collapses. Any creature or object that entered or was brought into the hut after it was created is randomly thrown to a square it can safely inhabit within 10ft. of the hut.

You are always aware of the direction your hut is from you, how far it is, and what if any damage it has sustained. Completing another ritual will repair any damage to the hut as long as you and the hut are on the same plane of existence, or will create a new hut if it was destroyed.

Art Credit

Sam Pelle https://www.instagram.com/samus_of_all_trades/

New Invocations

Silken Words

Prerequisite: Beguiling Influence invocation

You add double your proficiency modifier to Deception checks. This does not stack with other features that would double your proficiency modifier to Deception checks.

In addition, you are immune to effects that would compel you to tell the truth or prevent you from lying. You may still make saving throws against these effects. If you succeed, you may cause the creature casting or controlling the effect to believe you failed. If you fail the saving throw, or if the effect doesn’t allow one, you are immune and the creature casting or controlling the effect knows it.

Myriad Illusions

Prerequisite: minor illusion cantrip

When you cast minor illusion and already have one or more active castings of minor illusion, the previous castings don’t end. Instead, the duration of your previous illusions refresh and the new illusion takes effect. You can maintain a number of minor illusion castings equal to your Charisma modifier. If you would exceed this limit, you chose one of the castings. It ends, and the rest have their durations refreshed.

The Evil Eye

Misfortune is everywhere. Everyone has to deal streaks of poor circumstances, bad luck, and life seeming to conspire against them. Most assume that this simply the way things are, and dwell on this as little as possible. You know the truth, though, because you are an agent of misfortune in the world. You serve the Evil Eye, the malicious font from which all bad luck springs. Fortune and misfortune are yours to command.

Expanded Spell List

The Evil Eye lets you choose from an expanded spell list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.

Spell Level Spell Name
1st bane, bless
2nd blur, dust devil
3rd bestow curse, slow
4th confusion, phantasmal killer
5th dominate person, mislead

Evil Eye

At 1st level, you can use a bonus action to affix a creature you can see within 60 feet with the Evil Eye. The Evil Eye lasts as long as you concentrate on it, remain within 60 feet of the creature, and maintain line of sight. Your Evil Eye is a curse. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier, after which point you must complete a long rest to refresh it.

The creature feels a vague sense of dread as long as you affix it with the Evil Eye, but does not know the source. It has disadvantage on saving throws to resist being frightened for as long as your Evil Eye remains on it.

While you affix a creature with the Evil Eye, you can use your reaction to impose certain effects on it:

  • If the creature has advantage before making a roll, you can use your reaction to negate that advantage.
  • If the creature is targeted by an attack, you can use your reaction to reduce its AC by 1d6. You may do this after the attack role is made, but before the DM says it hits or misses.
  • If the creature is damaged by an attack or spell and is resistant to that damage, you can use your reaction to negate its resistant for that attack.


At 1st level, you can maintain concentration on a spell and your Evil Eye simultaneously. When you use your action to cast a spell while concentrating on your Evil Eye, or to affix a creature with your Evil Eye when concentrating on a spell, you can immediately use your bonus action to cackle madly. If you do, you can maintain concentration on both your Evil Eye and the spell. You must use your bonus action each round in order to keep cackling and maintain concentration on both effects. Failing to do so causes one effect to end at the end of your turn (your choice).

If you would lose concentration, you lose concentration on both effects. While cackling, you cannot take the Hide action and the target of your Evil Eye identifies you as the source of its misfortune. It must be able to hear you for you to benefit from this feature. Cackling is not completely without breaks, and does not prevent speaking or providing verbal components.

If you cast another spell that requires concentration, you can end the first spell and maintain concentration on this one instead. One of the two effects you concentrate on must be your Evil Eye.


At 6th level, you learn the friends cantrip if you don’t already know it. When you cast the spell, you can cause it to impose a Wisdom save. If the creature fails, it is affected by the spell and does not realize this once the spell ends. If the creature succeeds, the creature resists the spell and knows something, though not necessarily you, cast a spell on it.

Additionally, you can cast charm person on a creature affixed with your Evil Eye without expending a spell slot or requiring additional concentration. Anything that causes your Evil Eye to end also causes this spell to end. You can use this feature only once per use of your Evil Eye feature.


At 10th level, you gain some new options for your Evil Eye reactions. Each of these effects allow a Constitution save to negate it. Once a creature makes a save against one of the options listed below, whether it succeeds or fails, your Evil Eye ends and you cannot affix that creature with it again until you complete a long rest:

  • If the creature makes an attack roll, saving throw, or ability check, you can use your reaction to imposed disadvantage on that roll and all attack rolls, saving throws, or ability checks it makes until the start of your next turn.
  • If the creature would move under its own power, you can use your reaction to cause the creature to stop moving at any point during its move, preventing it from moving under its own power until the end of your next turn. Creatures flying or climbing don’t fall, but hover or cling in place. Creatures swimming don’t sink, but float in place.
  • If the creature would take damage from any source, you can use your reaction to cause it to take maximum damage.

Death Curse

At 16th level, you can curse the target of your Evil Eye with death. As an action, you cause the creature affixed with your Evil Eye to make a Wisdom save. If it succeeds, it resists this effect, your Evil Eye ends, and the creature cannot be affixed by your Evil Eye again until you complete a long rest. If it fails, it gains one level of exhaustion and you affix it with your death curse. As long as the Evil Eye remains on the creature, you can use your action to activate this curse. If the creature has 50 hit points or fewer, it dies. If it has greater than 50 hit points, it instead makes a Constitution save or take 10d10 necrotic damage. On a successful save, it takes half damage. Your Evil Eye ends when you activate the death curse, regardless of the outcome.

Art Credit

Sam Pelle https://www.instagram.com/samus_of_all_trades/

The Ominous Beast

Your patron is a beastial spirit of ill-omen that haunts the fringes between inhabited and wild spaces. It exists in a state of delicate balance among fostering the wilds, disrupting civilization, while ensuring that enough civilization still exists to disrupt on a later date. Your patron uses you as an instrument of this disruption and as a protector for the physical form it takes to accompany you in your adventures.

Expanded Spell List

The Evil Eye lets you choose from an expanded spell list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.

Spell Level Spell Name
1st animal friendship, speak with animals
2nd animal messenger, beast sense
3rd conjure animals, feign death
4th dominate beast, polymorph
5th awaken, insect plague

Pact of the Ominous Beast

When you select this patron at 1st level, you gain a modified version of the Pact of the Chain. This functions in all ways as the Pact of the Chain Pact Boon feature, except you select from creatures allowed by the find familiar spell, and your familiar has the monstrosity type rather than the types allowed by that spell.

At 3rd level, instead of picking a Pact Boon, you gain the Voice of the Chain Master warlock invocation. This does not count against your normal invocation limit.

Bonus Cantrip

When you select this patron at 1st level, you gain the primal savagery cantrip. When you cast this cantrip, you chose to deal slashing, piercing, or bludgeoning damage rather than acid damage. It counts as a warlock cantrip for you, and does not count against your number of cantrips known.

Art Credit

Sam Pelle https://www.instagram.com/samus_of_all_trades/

Fell Beast

At 6th level, you can now cast a warlock spell, you can cast it as though your familiar cast it. If the spell has a range of self, you may cast it on your familiar. If the spell requires the familiar to make a spell attack, it must use its reaction and uses your spell attack, as though delivering a touch spell as per find familiar. For all other ranges, you, your familiar, and any targets must be within the spell’s range of each other.

In addition, you familiar can cast bane without having to expend a spell slot. It must complete a long rest before it can do so again.

Beast Eye

At 10th level, you can use your action project your senses into any beast you can see within 100 feet. This effect requires you to concentrate on it, and while you do so, you sense everything the beast does, as the beast does. You cannot control the beast’s actions. Your body’s senses do not function while using this feature. While using this feature, you can use your action to project your senses into another beast you can see within 100 feet of the beast you are currently sensing.

There is no maximum limit to how far your senses can travel, either because the beast moves away from you or because you transfer your senses from beast to beast, though the effect ends if you and the beast are on different planes of existence. You can cease using this feature as a free action, returning to you own body’s senses instantaneously. You can use this feature for 1 minute for each Warlock level you have. These minutes need not be consecutive, and you don’t need to end this feature exactly on the minute, but you must spend these in full minute increments. You refresh these minutes after completing a long rest.

Cursed Transformation

At 16th level, you can cast polymorph without expanding a spell slot. When you do so, you may not do so again until you complete a long rest.

Whenever you cast polymorph using this feature or a warlock spell slot, if you maintain concentration for the full duration, the creature must make a Wisdom saving throw. If it fails, the spell ceases to be a spell and becomes a permanent curse. You can use an action to change the creature from its new permanent beast form and its original form. The creature retains its original form’s mental ability scores regardless of which form it’s in, but is otherwise limited as though still affected by polymorph. Reducing either form to 0 hit points simply renders it unconscious and dying.

You can only have one permanent curse active at a time. If you maintain concentration on a polymorph spell long enough to curse a second creature and chose to do so, the first curse ends immediately and the creature returns to its original form. If something would prevent the creature from returning to its original form safely, it is harmlessly deposited in the nearest square that can safely contain it, back in its original form. You must actively chose to curse a second creature; if you don’t, the polymorph spell on the second creature simply expires as normal at the end of its duration.

New Invocations

Savage Blow

Prerequisite: 5th level, primal savagery cantrip

When you cast primal savagery, you add your Charisma modifier to the damage it deals on a hit. If you critically hit with the spell attack, you also knock the target prone.

Bestial Minions

Prerequisite: 7th level, Beast Speak invocation

You can cast conjure animals and dominate beast using warlock spell slots. Once you cast one of these spells, you cannot cast that spell this way again until completing a long rest.


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