Luck Domain

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Luck Domain

Fortune favors the bold. Fortune favors the brave. Fortune favors the strong. A bearer of good fortune can accomplish imcommensurable feats. A harbinger of misfortune can also reshape the world at their chosing. Dieties, such as Beshaba and Tymora affect the fates of mortals with subtle influences and changes that constantly transforms the cycle of life. Together, they form the paradigm that guides the flow of existence. People who worship them are adventurers, merchants, gamblers, thieves, risk takers and wanderers. Followers of these gods rarely make plans and prefer to have their faith dictate a path that will lead them to the unknown. They understand the inherent duality that guides the lives of every living being. For these believers, faith and fate are intertwined, spreading good or ill wherever they end up.

The Other Side of the Coin

Sometimes, luck can be in your favor or against you. The same can be said for your enemies. When you finish a long rest, flip a coin. If the result is heads, you are invigorated with the power of the Lady Luck, having an expended list of options for buffing your allies and reshaping the battlefield in your favor. If the result if tails, you gain additional powers to rain chaos over your enemies, imbuing you with occult abilities and debilitating spells from the Lady Doom. You flip a coin at the end of each long rest and must follow the result.

You cannot cast spells from the opposite domain spell list until you flip the corresponding side of the coin. You cannot cast these spells even if they are present in the cleric spell list or if you obtain them from other classes spell lists.

Lady Luck (Heads)

Cleric Level Spells
1st Bless, Heroism
3rd Aid, Enhance Ability
5th Blink, Clairvoyance
7th Death Ward, Freedom of Movement
9th Dispel Evil and Good, Skill Empowerment

Lady Doom (Tails)

Cleric level Spells
1st Bane, Hex
3rd Blindness/Deafness, Phantasmal Force
5th Counterspell, Fear
7th Compulsion, Confusion
9th Contagion, Mislead

Bonus Proficiencies

At 1st level, you understand that life is a gamble and that the odds are in your favor. You gain proficiency with two gaming sets of you choice. You also start with an additional 10 gp, proving your mystical skills at gambling.

Lady Luck's Embrace

At 1st level, those who are healed by your powers are imbued momentarily by an aura of fortune. Whenever you use a spell to restore hit points to a creature, the creature can add your Wisdom modifier to their next ability check, attack roll or saving throw within the next 10 minutes.

Channel Divinity: Fate Bender

Starting at 2nd level, whenever a creature you can see within 60 feet would take damage, as a reaction, you can use your Channel Divinity to bend fate and alter the result of the impact. You reduce the damage the creature would take by 1d10 + your Wisdom modifier + half your cleric level (rounded down, minimum of one).

If this would reduce the damage to 0, the attacker is filled with despair, making his next attack roll with disadvantage.


Strenuous training and grueling study sessions are required to master a skill but sometimes, succeeding comes down to sheer luck. At 6th level, when you attempt to make an ability check with a skill or a tool, you can flip a coin. If the result is heads, you gain proficiency for the next ability check you make with that skill or tool. If you are already proficient, you gain expertise instead. If the result is tails, you gain nothing and you cannot try this ability again with that particular check for the next hour.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (a minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Dual Potent Spellcasting

Starting at 8th level, you add your Wisdom modifier to the damage you deal with any cleric cantrip when you have the domain spells from the Lady Doom.

If you have the Lady Luck's domain spells at you side, you can give temporary hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier to one creature within 30 feet of you until the start of your next turn when you deal damage with a cleric cantrip.

Doom Bringer

At 17th level, you bring forth an avatar of the Lady Doom that seeps into your enemies, causing them to become targets of your wrath. As a bonus action, you can target a creature within 30 feet of you to receive a random effect from the Doom Bringer Table. Roll a d8 and the generated effect will take place by the will of the Lady herself.

You cannot target the same creature twice in a row but you can target another creature within 30 feet of you on each of your subsequent turns while the ability lasts, which is 1 minute.

Once you have used this feature, you must finish a long rest before using it again.

Doom Bringer Table
d8 Effect
1 You cast Slow on the target. This doesn't use your concentration and lasts until the end of the Doom Bringer ability. The target can still save from this effect at the end of each of its turn against your spell save DC.
2 The next weapon attack that the target receives before the start of its next turn is considered a critical hit if the attack succeeds.
3 The next attack roll against the target has advantage.
4 The target has disadvantage on its next attack roll or ability check, until the end of the Doom Bringer ability.
5 The target has to make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC or being knocked prone.
6 The target has to make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC or becoming frightened until the end of its next turn.
7 You cast Mind Spike on the target. This doesn't use your concentration and the effects related to the spell if the target fails its saving throw last until the end of the Doom Bringer ability.
8 The target has disadvantage on its next saving throw before the end of its next turn.

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