This has been a product of many different sources including wowWIKI, wowHead, Wowpedia, and the world of warcraft website. The art work presented in this book is not owned by me or have i been given the rights to use said art work.
This book is the pure work of fan service. In no way is this book intended to make money in any way. This was created as a guide for my personal table, just thought i would share.
I would also like to thank all the artists who's work appeared in this book.
A big shout out to u/Jihia at reddit for creating the Warcraft Hereos Handbook which inspired me to make this and inspired the layout as well. Thanks a lot man, may you go down as a hero in the lands of Azeroth.
Did you know this was all made using GmBinder? I can't stretch enough how fantastic a tool it is for creating homebrew material for 5th edition D&D.