City Elf Subrace

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Subrace: City Elf

A quick glance at a City Elf would trick you into believing they have no connection to the great Sun or Moon Elves, when in fact they share the same blood. Generations of oppression, hardship and squalor has created a fundamental change in the City Elves to the point that they're almost unrecognizable when compared to their Elven brethren. Despite their hard lives, the City Elves survive using their innate talents to make the most of their situation and preserve their pride.

Elven Heritage

City Elves are a subrace of Elf and gain the appropriate racial ability score increase, features and traits as specified in the Player's Handbook.

City Elves

Your heritage as an urban-dwelling Elf grants you a number of traits. Compared to their High Elven brethren, City Elves tend to apply their intellect towards street-smarts and maintaining a low-profile rather than towards the arcane arts.

Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1.

Agile Scaler. You gain a climb speed equal to 30 feet.

Mask of the Urbane. You can attempt to hide even when you are only lightly obscured by crowds, smoke, structures, and other urban features.

Streetwise. You gain proficiency with one of the following skills of your choice: Deception, Intimidation, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth.

City Elf Names. City Elves, as an oppressed people struggling between preserving their heritage or adapting to their situation, typically name their children using High Elven names or names from the dominant culture of the city they were born in.

Author: /u/Valerion
Artist Credit: Rowan Kingsbury. Source


Special Thanks

This Homebrew was made with generous feedback from the Discord of Many Things' community.


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