Ship to Ship Combat Mechanics

by SorcusSonOfTheStars

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Ship to Ship Combat

So, you wish to be a naval commander, a pirate captain, or maybe you just wish to sail the ocean blue like a cliche grizzled old man. Good for you, unfortunately there are those who would want to A: Rob you, B: Enslave you, C: Kill you, or D: All of the above. There are several types of weaponry that have adapted very well to naval combat

At the beginning of combat, you roll initiative for each ship rather than each party member. Ship initiative is modified by the initiative of the character at the Helm, and any addition that the crew provides. If combat becomes hand-to-hand, roll for character initiative normally. A combat round lasts 1 minute (60 seconds) in ship-to-ship tactical combat. Hand-to-hand combat rounds last 6 seconds.

Critical Hits

Crewed siege weapons often have a chance of inflicting a Critical Hit to enemy vessels on a roll of 20. Other events (Ramming, Spells, Crashing, turbulence from storms and violent sea winds) may also cause a Critical Hit. When a vessel is reduced to 50% of its Hull Points, it suffers a Critical Hit. When you score a critical hit, instead of doubling the damage dice, you will roll on the following table:

Critical Hit Table
d10 Roll Effect
1 Fire!
2 Ship Shaken!
3 Hull Holed!
4 Speed Loss!
5 Random Ship Weapon Damaged
6 Deck crew Damage!
7 Interior crew Damage!
8 Speed Loss!
9 Fire!
10 Reroll twice, applying both effects and ignoring additional rolls of ten.

Fire!- A fire starts somewhere in or on the ship, determined by the DM. If a fire is unable to start (all lights are magical, there is hull is made of stone, no sails, etc) then roll again. Fire may damage the sails, burn passengers and cargo, and cause chaos amongst the crew. Fires aboard a ship deal 1d6 Hull Points of fire damage per ship combat round. This damage isn't negated by the Damage Threshold.

Hull Holed- The attack punches a sizable hole in the ship. DM decides location. If three total holes are scored on any vessel of 50 tonnes or less, it's internal structure is destroyed and the vessel starts to break apart. For vessels larger than 50 tonnes, the number of holes needed to break apart a vessel is 1 per 15 tonnes of the ship, rounded down.

Ship Shaken- All PC’s not otherwise secured (Helmsman is considered secured) must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone.

Deck crew Damage- One creature on deck is struck and suffers either the same damage as the ship or 2d10, whichever is lower. Choose the target randomly from all above-deck. All creatures within 5ft (generally members of the same group) must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or suffer the same damage.

Interior crew Damage- Same as a Deck crew Damage Critical Hit, but everyone not on deck is a potential target, including Helmsman, passengers, and prisoners. This reflects not so much the attack itself, but shattered parts of the ship bouncing around during combat.

Ship weapon damaged- One ship weapon (chosen randomly) is damaged and inoperable until repaired. Duration of repair is 1d4 rounds. Any crew on the weapon is unharmed. If no weapons exist on-board the ship, roll again.

Speed Loss- Ship Speed is lowered by 1d8 for 1d4 rounds (min 1). If a ship is already at Speed 1, then roll again.

##Ship Movement Each ship has it's own movement speed, unlike characters, it takes double the normal movement to turn. If your ship was travelling south and wished to turn east, it would take 2 squares rather than the normal one. If you were turning north, it would take 3.

Ship Actions

During your ships turn, each character may perform one Ship Action pertaining to their role on the ship. After Ship Actions are resolved, each character may take one normal round of combat actions. If a character is not assigned a ship role, they may only take one normal round of combat actions. You may use your ship action and/or normal round of combat actions to cast spells, perform attacks, dance, talk, or any number of other actions that could normally take place in combat.

Ship Actions are declared at the beginning of the combat round, before individual combat actions, and take place simultaneously - If a ship doesn't have enough members to crew the siege weapons and repair damage, while also repelling invaders, then priorities will have to be decided. Many ship actions are listed below for each station on a ship, but this is not an exhaustive list.

The rule is that if a player can perform the action and explain how their described Ship Action would help the ship, crew, or situation in any way, and would reasonably take under one minute, it can be considered their Ship Action for the turn. Players are encouraged to come up with new and unique solutionss. DM's are encouraged to say "yes, and".

A ship combat round, with each character performing a ship action and a normal round of combat actions, lasts for one minute. If a player wishes to cast a spell with a one minute casting time, then no Ship Action can be used that round for that character, as they are busy casting a spell.

Several Ship Actions reference and target a group of crew members. This group includes a number of crew members and the ship role overseeing that group. For example, if three crew members are needed to operate a siege weapon, and an incoming attack scores a Deck Crew Damage critical hit, then the group targeted in this way would be those three crew members at that siege weapon and the party member assigned to the Gunner ship role.

Ship Actions and who may use them are including, but not limited to:

The First Mate

may order crew to specific spots on the ship to attack or defend in hand-to-hand combat, or to avoid incoming attacks. This role also generally performs Medicine checks to diagnose wounds or diseases, create healing potions using an Herbalism Kit, administer healing potions to one group of crew members (such as the crew assigned to one siege weapon, or the crew assigned to repairing damage to the ship), or cast healing spells. Instead of ordering crew to specific stations, the First Mate may Mass Stabilize or Lend a Hand.

  • Mass Stabilize
    When this action is performed by the First Mate during the Ship Action phase, you may stabilize any number of creatures on board that have been brought to zero hit points and with the unconscious condition as a result of damage. Those creatures stabilized in this way lose the unconscious condition, are at 1 HP, and are prone.

  • Lend a Hand
    The First Mate jumps into action helping out where they can to bolster a specific group of crew members assigned by one ship station (such as the crew assigned to one siege weapon, or the crew assigned to repairing damage in a specific area of the ship).

This functions as follows for each ship station, and the crew assigned to various tasks throughout the ship:

  • Cook - The Cook may administer meals to two groups instead of one with the Short Order ship action. This action must be used during both the preparation and the serving.
  • Magic Officer - The Magic Officer obtains two pieces of information with the Spyglass ship action. Instead of obtaining extra information, the Magic Officer may roll with advantage on Charisma checks with the Hail! ship action.
  • Helmsman - The Helmsman may reduce the cost of maneuvers by one stunt point.
  • Gunner - The Gunner may roll with advantage on the next siege weapon attack roll.
  • Engineer - The Engineer reduces number of Hull Holed critical hits by two instead of one. Instead of reducing number of Hull Holed critical hits, the Engineer may reduce the time to Douse Flames! on the vessel by one ship combat turn, minimum one turn.

The Cook

provides both long- and short-term benefits through the use of magical ingredients and special preparation. With a cook on-board, all foodstuffs aboard a Spelljamming vessel last twice as long. The ingredients themselves are found at ports and harvested far and wide. The Cook can provide quick benefits during a heated battle using the Short Order ship action. Long-term benefits can be granted by the Cook through the Daily Special ship action.

  • Short Order
    The Cook whips up a quick, magical meal that can provide a limited benefit to a group of crew members assigned to a task (such as the crew assigned to turning the sails, or the crew assigned to repairing damage to the ship). It takes one Ship Action to prepare the meal and one Ship Action to serve the meal to a group of crew members. A group of crew members can only be under the effects of one Short Order at a time.

    • Fortunate Cookies: A wafery snack with an philosophic quip wrapped inside. Until the end of their next ship combat turn, any crew that eats the Fortunate Cookies may roll a d6 and add the number rolled to one ability check, attack roll, or saving throw it makes. The creature can wait until after it rolls the d20 before deciding to use the Fortunate Cookie die, but must decide before the DM says whether the roll succeeds or fails. Once the Fortunate Cookie die is rolled, it is lost. A creature can have only one Fortunate Cookie die at a time.

    • Hearty Noodles: A hot cup of wiggly noodles with rejuvenating broth. Until the next long rest, any group of crew members that consumes a cup of Hearty Noodles gains an additional 1d10 + Character level temporary hit points.

  • Daily Special
    The Cooks training can provide lengthy benefits that can help your adventuring party. More ingredients than listed here may be found throughout the ocean, and their effects may vary. To gain the benefit of the Daily Special, the crew must eat at least one meal per day prepared on a ship with an active helmsman and with the special ingredients. This must occur for two weeks before effects begin, and the effects last for two weeks from the time the last meal was consumed.

  • Chillgreen Leaf: Found at the bottom of the deepest rivers across the oceans; when this briny, green, perfumed leaf is sun-dried and included with your crews' meals, characters are able to hold their breath for twice as long. Additionally, a character that becomes unconscious in a body of water while under the effects of this ingredient floats to the nearest source of air at a moderate pace, and is positioned to face the air when the unconscious character reaches it. This is generally the surface of a body of water, but this may be different under other circumstances.
  • Obsidian Salt: An onyx colored, salt-like substance that increases the vibrance of all food. When this ingredient is included with meals, characters are able to withstand environments of either extreme hot or extreme cold much easier and roll with advantage on exhaustion checks in those environments. At the time of cooking, the Cook chooses either an environment of extreme hot or extreme cold, but not both. may order crew to the siege weapons systems onboard to fire at enemy vessel(s). The Gunner may Fire Ship Weapons, Fire at Will, or Grapple.
  • Load. . . Aim. . . Fire!
    A normal siege weapon attack includes loading and aiming the weapon. All siege weapons are mounted on rotating turrets.

  • Fire at Will!
    The Gunner commands the crew to fire all siege weapons on-board at all enemy vessels (maximum of three targets). One attack is made at disadvantage per siege weapon, per target.

  • Grapple
    This ship action is used in conjunction with the helmsman. This is a contested roll used with grappling hooks manned by the crew or the grappling ram; Both ships participating in the grapple are required to roll 1d20 + Ship Speed. Degrappling is automatic if both vessels desire it, otherwise it’s resolved as a contested grappling roll. See Grappling on page 195 of the Players Handbook. Can only be used when targets are within one adjacent hex.

The Helmsman

may move the vessel up to the ships Speed. Additionally, the Helmsman may initiate one Stunt.

  • Stunt
    In addition to ordinary movement, a Helmsman can attempt Stunts with her ship. Several stunts affect your starship’s Armor Class (AC), siege weapon attacks, and movement abilities. Listed below are several stunts that can be performed by all Helmsman, using properties of the helm.

    • Ramming
      If the ship is equipped with a Ram, the Helmsman may Ram another ship. When ramming, the attack modifier used is that of the Helmsman’s spell attack bonus. If the helmsman does not have a spell attack bonus, then the modifier is +1. If a hit is scored, damage is equal to the damage of the ram. Ships without a ram installed, or ships which attempt to Ram vessels more than twice their size in tonnage Crash instead. The ship must move in a straight line for at least three consecutive hex spaces to perform a Ramming Ship Action.

    • Shearing
      The Helmsman may Shear another ship. Ships equipped with rams may attempt to shear away the rigging of the opposing vessels. This is treated as a ram attack, except no damage is done to the opposing ship. Instead, for each successful shear attack, rigging, ships weapons, and even crew can be targeted. The ship must move in a straight line at least three consecutive hex spaces to perform a Shearing Ship Action. A successful Shearing attack causes the "Speed Loss" Critical Hit.

    • Crash
      A truly desperate move, a Helmsman may intentionally crash her ship into the opposing vessel, creature, or planetary body. To crash into another ship intentionally, treat this attack as a Ramming action. On a hit, deal 5d10 damage to all ships involved in the Crash. This damage is not reduced by the Damage Threshold. A successful Crash will cause the Spelljammer Shock to all helmsman, and two Hull Holed Critical Hits to all ships involved in the crash. Roll 1d10. On a roll of 1, any Alchemist Fire casks on-board any ship involved in the crash explode, dealing damage to the ship they were on.

The Helmsman has Stunt points equal to their Dexterity modifier + their wisdom modifier + 1/4 of their level rounded down

  • Tactical Regroup
    • One Stunt Point

The ship moves up to half its speed in the direction of the aft (rear) edge without changing hex facing. This doesn't count toward ship movement.

  • Turn in Place
    • 2 Stunt points

The ship does not move forward but instead can turn to face any direction. This doesn't count toward ship movement.

  • Hard Turn
    • 2 Stunt points

The ship moves forward up to half its Speed and rotates 180 degrees to face the aft hex side at the end of the movement. This doesn't count toward ship movement.

  • Catch the Wind
    • 5 stunt points

The ship moves forward one and a half times it's total Speed without changing hex facing. This doesn't count toward ship movement.

  • Flyby
    • 5 stunt points

The ship moves as normal, but may move through 1 hex threatened by an enemy ship or creature without provoking an attack of opportunity.

The Magic Officer

may view any maps or activate other devices that the ship has installed on-board to identify threats or escape routes, target foes, and navigate hazards. The Magic Officer may make a Spyglass, Hail!, or Train Aim ship action.

  • Spyglass
    The Magic Officer scans the enemy vessel to obtain one piece of information about one other vessel:

    • Ship size class and tonnage; Number of Crew; Stations assigned on-board other vessel; Flags or markings displayed by the vessel; Current Hull Points (described in a general sense); Ship weapon(s); and any other interesting characteristics per DM discretion. A character may need to roll an associated ability check to discern meaning out of their observation.
  • Hail!
    Through a series of flags, lights, or other means, the Magic Officer may attempt to hail or send any message to the oncoming vessel that could be sent in one minute. The Magic Officer may perform a Deception, Intimidation, Performance, or Persuasion check with the associated message, per DM discretion.

  • Train Aim
    The Magic Officer scans the enemy vessel to find likely weak spots to attack the enemy ship or specific stations more effectively.

    • This action may only be used the turn after a Spyglass ship action was used. The next attack made by your vessel that hits the enemy ship scores a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.

The Engineer

may order crew to repair damage to the vessel or it's weapons, put out fires, perform repairs herself, or cast spells that repair or bolster the defences of the ship. Additionally, the Engineer may perform a Rush Job, Brace for Impact, and Douse Flames.

  • Rush Job!
    The Engineer orders up to five crew members to begin quickly repairing the ship. This ship action reduces the number of Hull Holed Critical Hits by one, or can repair any sheared rigging.

  • Batten Down the Hatches!
    The Engineer orders the crew to tie ship's belongings down to avoid jostling, and to brace for impact. Any rolls on the Critical Hits table that target your ship are negated until the beginning of your ships next turn.

  • Douse Flames!
    The Engineer orders up to five crew to begin dousing all flames aboard the vessel. Roll 1d4. This Ship Action douses all non-magical flame aboard the ship including torches, candles, and flame created by the Fire! Critical Hit in 1d4 Ship combat rounds. Crew must continue dousing flames until all fire is put out. Fires aboard a ship deal 1d6 fire damage per ship combat round. This damage is not reduced by the Damage Threshold of the ship.

Ship Weapons
Weapon Damage/Effects
Light Cannon (200 GP) 2 shots, 1d8 damage, range 20 squares
Heavy Cannon (500 GP) 2d12 Damage
Grapple Ballista (900 GP) 1d8 damage + ship hit can't move any further away w/o crew str check to detach, range 5 squares
Shrapnel Shot (50GP each) 1d6 damage to ship, all crew on deck must make a DC 16 dex save or take 4d6 piercing damage
Carcass Shot (150GP each) 1d6 damage to ship, all crew on deck must make a DC 16 con save or be poisoned for 1 ship to ship round, apply disadvantage on all rolls related to utilizing the ship and rendering special role abilities unusable for the duration

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