Golden eyes flashing, a human stretches out her hand and unleashes the dragonfire that burns in her veins. As an inferno rages around her foes, leathery wings spread from her back and she takes to the air.
Long hair whipped by a conjured wind, a half elf spreads his arms wide and throws his head back. Lifting him momentarily off the ground, a wave of magic surges up in him, through him, and out from him in a mighty blast of lightning.
Crouching behind a stalagmite, a halfling points a linger at a charging troglodyte. A blast of fire springs from her finger to strike the creature. She ducks back behind the rock formation with a grin, unaware that her wild magic has turned her skin bright blue.
Sorcerers carry a magical birthright conferred upon them by an exotic bloodline, some otherworldly influence, or exposure to unknown cosmic forces. One can't study sorcery as one learns a language, any more than one can learn to live a legendary life. No one chooses sorcery; the power chooses the sorcerer.
Raw Magic
Magic is a part of every sorcerer, suffusing body, mind, and spirit with a latent power that waits to be tapped. Some sorcerers wield magic that springs from an ancient bloodline infused with the magic of dragons. Others carry a raw, uncontrolled magic within them, a chaotic storm that manifests in unexpected ways.
The appearance of sorcerous powers is wildly unpredictable. Some draconic bloodlines produce exactly one sorcerer in every generation, but in other lines of descent every individual is a sorcerer. Most of the time, the talents of sorcery appear as apparent flukes. Some sorcerers can't name the origin of their power, while others trace it to strange events in their own lives. The touch of a demon, the blessing of a dryad at a baby's birth, or a taste of the water from a mysterious spring might spark the gift of sorcery. So too might the gift of a deity of magic, exposure to the elemental forces of the Inner Planes or the maddening chaos of Limbo, or a glimpse into the inner workings of reality.
Sorcerers have no use for the spellbooks and ancient tomes of magic lore that wizards rely on, nor do they rely on a patron to grant their spells as warlocks do. By learning to harness and channel their own inborn magic, they can discover new and staggering ways to unleash that power.
Unexplained Powers
Sorcerers are rare in the world, and it's unusual to find a sorcerer who is not involved in the adventuring life in some way. People with magical power seething in their veins soon discover that the power doesn't like to stay quiet. A sorcerer's magic wants to be wielded, and it has a tendency to spill out in unpredictable ways if it isn't called on.
Sorcerers often have obscure or quixotic motivations driving them to adventure. Some seek a greater understanding of the magical force that infuses them, or the answer to the mystery of its origin. Others hope to find a way to get rid of it, or to unleash its full potential. Whatever their goals, sorcerers are every bit as useful to an adventuring party as wizards, making up for a comparative lack of breadth in their magical knowledge with enormous flexibility in using the spells they know.
The most important question to consider when creating your sorcerer is the origin of your power. As a starting character, you'll choose an origin that ties to a draconic bloodline or the influence of wild magic, but the exact source of your power is up to you to decide. Is it a family curse, passed down to you from distant ancestors? Or did some extraordinary event leave you blessed with inherent magic but perhaps scarred as well?
How do you feel about the magical power coursing through you? Do you embrace it, try to master it, or revel in its unpredictable nature? Is it a blessing or a curse? Did you seek it out, or did it find you? Did you have the option to refuse it, and do you wish you had? What do you intend to do with it? Perhaps you feel like you've been given this power for some lofty purpose. Or you might decide that the power gives you the right to do what you want, to take what you want from those who lack such power. Perhaps your power links you to a powerful individual in the world—the fey creature that blessed you at birth, the dragon who put a drop of its blood into your veins, the lick who created you as an experiment, or the deity who chose you to carry this power.
Quick Build
You can make a sorcerer quickly by following these suggestions. First. Charisma should be your highest ability score, followed by Constitution. Second, choose the hermit background. Third, choose the Light, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, and Shocking Grasp cantrips, along with the 1st-level spells Shield and Magic Missile.
Class Features
As a sorcerer, you gain the following class features
Hit Points
- Hit Dice: 1d6 per sorcerer level
- Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + your Constitution modifier
- Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + your Constitution modifier per sorcerer level after 1st
- Armor: None
- Weapons: Daggers, darts, slings, quarterstaffs, light crossbows
- Tools: None
- Saving Throws: Constitution, Charisma
- Skills: Choose two from Arcana, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Persuasion, and Religion
The Sorcerer
Level | Proficiency Bonus | Sorcery Points | Features | Cantrips Known | Spells Known | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | 7th | 8th | 9th |
1st | +2 | - | Spellcasting, Sorcerous Origin | 4 | 2 | 2 | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — |
2nd | +2 | 2 | Font of Magic | 4 | 3 | 3 | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — |
3rd | +2 | 3 | Metamagic | 4 | 4 | 4 | 2 | — | — | — | — | — | — | — |
4th | +2 | 4 | ASI/Feat, Prof. Versatility | 5 | 5 | 4 | 3 | — | — | — | — | — | — | — |
5th | +3 | 5 | -- | 5 | 6 | 4 | 3 | 2 | — | — | — | — | — | — |
6th | +3 | 6 | Sorcerous Origin feature | 5 | 7 | 4 | 3 | 3 | — | — | — | — | — | — |
7th | +3 | 7 | -- | 5 | 8 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 1 | — | — | — | — | — |
8th | +3 | 8 | ASI/Feat, Prof. Versatility | 5 | 9 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 2 | — | — | — | — | — |
9th | +4 | 9 | -- | 5 | 10 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 1 | — | — | — | — |
10th | +4 | 10 | Metamagic | 6 | 11 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 | — | — | — | — |
11th | +4 | 11 | -- | 6 | 12 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 1 | — | — | — |
12th | +4 | 12 | ASI/Feat, Prof. Versatility | 6 | 12 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 1 | — | — | — |
13th | +5 | 13 | -- | 6 | 13 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 1 | — | — |
14th | +5 | 14 | Sorcerous Origin feature | 6 | 13 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 1 | — | — |
15th | +5 | 15 | -- | 6 | 14 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | — |
16th | +5 | 16 | ASI/Feat, Prof. Versatility | 6 | 14 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | — |
17th | +6 | 17 | Metamagic | 6 | 15 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
18th | +6 | 18 | Sorcerous Origin feature | 6 | 15 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
19th | +6 | 19 | ASI/Feat, Prof. Versatility | 6 | 15 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
20th | +6 | 20 | Sorcerous Restoration | 6 | 15 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 |
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- (a) a light crossbow or (b) any simple weapon
- (a) a component pouch or (b) an arcane focus
- (a) a dungeoneer's pack or (b) an explorer's pack
- Two daggers
An event in your past, or in the life of a parent or ancestor, left an indelible mark on you, infusing you with arcane magic. This font of magic, whatever its origin, fuels your spells. See chapter 10 of the Player’s Handbook for the general rules of spellcasting and the end of this document for the sorcerer spell list.
At 1st level, you know the Prestidigitation cantrip (this cantrip does not count against your cantrips known) and four cantrips of your choice from the sorcerer spell list. You learn additional sorcerer cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the Sorcerer table.
Cantrip Versatility
Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can replace one cantrip you learned from this Spellcasting feature with another cantrip from the sorcerer spell list.
Spell Slots
The Sorcerer table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these sorcerer spells, you must expend a slot of the spell's level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest.
For example, if you know the 1st-level spell Burning Hands and have a 1st-level and a 2nd-level spell slot available, you can cast Burning Hands using either slot.
Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher
You know two 1st-level spells of your choice from the sorcerer spell list.
The Spells Known column of the Sorcerer table shows when you learn more sorcerer spells of your choice. Each of these spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots. For instance, when you reach 3rd level in this class, you can learn one new spell of that or 2nd level.
Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the sorcerer spells you know and replace it with another spell from the sorcerer spell list, which also must be of a level for which you have spell slots.
Spell Versatility
Whenever you finish a long rest, you can replace one spell you learned from this Spellcasting feature with another spell of the same level from the sorcerer spell list. The new spell must be the same level as the spell you replace.
Spellcasting Ability
Charisma is your spellcasting ability for your sorcerer spells, since the power of your magic relies on your ability to project your will into the world. You use your Charisma whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Charisma modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a sorcerer spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier
Psionic Focus
When you first take a level in this class you can chose to use your Intelligence modifier instead of your Charisma modifier as your primary ability score. When you do so you replace any reference to your Charisma ability score with your Intelligence score in features you gain from the sorcerer class.
Spellcasting Focus
You can use an arcane focus (found in chapter 5) as a spellcasting focus for your sorcerer spells. Alternatively your body may count as a spellcasting focus for your sorcerer spells if you wish.
Sorcerous Origin
Choose a sorcerous origin, which describes the source of your innate magical power from one of the origins listed:
- Divine Soul
- Draconic Bloodline
- Fey Touched
- Scion of the Undying Pyre
- Shadow Magic
- Star Touched
- Storm Sorcery
- Wild Magic
All of the origins are detailed at the end of the class description.
Your choice grants you features when you choose it at 1st level and again at 6th, 14th, and 18th level.
Origin Spells
Each sorcerous origin has a list of associated spells. You learn these spells at the levels specified in the origin description. Origin spells do not count against the number of spells you know.
If you gain an origin spell that doesn't appear on the sorcerer spell list, the spell is nonetheless a sorcerer spell for you.
Font of Magic
At 2nd level, you tap into a deep wellspring of magic within yourself. This wellspring is represented by sorcery points, which allow you to create a variety of magical effects.
Sorcery Points
You have 2 sorcery points, and you gain more as you reach higher levels, as shown in the Sorcery Points column of the Sorcerer table. You can never have more sorcery points than shown on the table for your level. You regain all spent sorcery points when you finish a long rest.
Flexible Casting
You can use your sorcery points to gain additional spell slots, or sacrifice spell slots to gain additional sorcery points. You learn other ways to use your sorcery points as you reach higher levels,
Creating Spell Slots. You can transform unexpended sorcery points into one spell slot as a bonus action on your turn. The Creating Spell Slots table shows the cost of creating a spell slot of a given level. You can create spell slots no higher in level than 5th and the spell slots vanish at the end of a long rest.
Creating Spell Slots
Spell Slot Level | Sorcery Point Cost |
1st | 2 |
2nd | 3 |
3rd | 5 |
4th | 6 |
5th | 7 |
Converting a Spell Slot to Sorcery Points. As a bonus action on your turn, you can expend one spell slot and gain a number of sorcery points equal to the slot's level.
At 3rd level, you gain the ability to twist your spells to suit your needs. You gain two of the following Metamagic options of your choice. You gain another Metamagic option at 6th and 14th level and two additional metamagic options at 10th level.
You can use only one Metamagic option on a spell when you cast it, unless otherwise noted.
When you gain a level in the Sorcerer class, you can chose one of your known Metamagics and replace it with a different Metamagic.
Careful Spell
When you cast a spell that forces other creatures to make a saving throw, you can protect some of those creatures from the spell's full force. To do so, you spend 1 sorcery point and choose a number of those creatures up to your Charisma modifier (minimum of one creature). A chosen creature automatically succeeds on its saving throw against is unaffected by the spell.
Distant Spell
When you cast a spell that has a range of 5 feet or greater. you can spend 1 sorcery point to double the range of the spell.
When you cast a spell that has a range of touch, you can spend I sorcery point to make the range of the spell 30 feet.
Alternatively, you can spend 3 sorcery points to move the point of origin of a spell up to any point within 30 ft. of you.
Empowered Spell
When you roll damage for a spell, you can spend 1 2 sorcery points to reroll a number of the damage roll a number of additional damage dice up to your Charisma modifier (minimum of one). You must use the new rolls.
You can use Empowered Spell even if you have already used a different Metamagic option during the casting of the spell.
Enlarge Spell
When you cast a spell that has an area of effect, you may spend 2 sorcery points to increase the dimensions of a spell using one of the options below:
- Increase the radius of a sphere or cylinder by 10 ft.
- Increase the height or length of a cone, cube, cylinder or line by 10 ft.
- Increase the width of a line by 5 ft.
You can enlarge a spell multiple times by spending the required cost again for each increase to the area of effect.
Extended Spell
When you cast a spell that has a duration of 1 minute or longer, you can spend 1 sorcery point to double its duration, to a maximum duration of 24 hours. If the duration of the spell is 1 round, you may spend 2 points to extend the spell an additional round.
Flux Spell
When you cast a spell that inflicts acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage, you can spend 1 sorcery point to switch the damage to another type from that list.
Heightened Spell
When you cast a spell that forces a creature to make a saving throw to resist its effects, you can spend 3 sorcery points to give one target of the spell disadvantage on its first saving throw made against the spell.
Lingering Spell
When you cast a spell that has a duration of Instantaneous and affects an area, you can spend 2 sorcery points to make its effects linger until the beginning of your next turn. Any creature that enters the area for the first time or starts its turn within the area are subjected to the lingering effects of the spell and must make a saving throw to avoid the effect as if the effect had been cast again. Spells that deal damage deal half of their regular damage in the lingering area.
Quickened Spell
When you cast a spell that has a casting time of 1 action, you can spend 2 sorcery points to change the casting time to 1 bonus action for this casting.
Ricochet Spell
When you cast a spell that targets only one creature or object and it has no effect on the target (whether due to AC, a successful saving throw, or some other effect), you can spend 2 sorcery points as a reaction to redirect the spell at another target within range of the first. If the spell involves a spell attack, make a new roll against this second target.
You can use Ricochet Spell even if you have already used a different Metamagic option during the casting of the spell.
Subtle Spell
When you cast a spell, you can spend 1 sorcery point to east it without any somatic or verbal components. You may cast a spell without material components if the material component does not have a listed gold cost and is not consumed by the casting of the spell.
Twinned Spell
When you cast a spell that targets only one creature and doesn't have a range of self, you can spend a number of sorcery points equal to the spell's level to target a second creature in range with the same spell (1 sorcery point if the spell is a cantrip).
Ability Score Improvement / Feat
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Alternatively, you can chose to take a Feat from one of the options found here.
Proficiency Versatility
Whenever you gain the Ability Score Improvement feature from your class, you can also replace one of your skill proficiencies with a skill proficiency offered by your class at 1st level (the proficiency you replace needn’t be from the class).
This change represents one of your skills atrophying as you focus on a different skill
Sorcerer Supreme
At 20th level, whenever you spend sorcery points on a metamagic, reduce the cost by 1 to a minimum of 1.
Additionally you gain access to all Metamagic options.
Sorcerous Origin
Different sorcerers claim different origins for their innate magic. This origin shapes how your power manifests and confers special abilities embodying the source of your power.
Divine Soul
Sometimes the spark of magic that fuels a sorcerer comes from a divine source that glimmers within the soul. Having such a blessed soul is a sign that your innate magic might come from a distant but powerful familial connection to a divine being. Perhaps your ancestor was an angel, transformed into a mortal and sent to fight in a god’s name. Or your birth might align with an ancient prophecy, marking you as a servant of the gods or a chosen vessel of divine magic.
A Divine Soul, with a natural magnetism, is seen as a threat by some religious hierarchies. As an outsider who commands sacred power, a Divine Soul can undermine an existing order by claiming a direct tie to the divine.
In some cultures, only those who can claim the power of a Divine Soul may command religious power. In these lands, ecclesiastical positions are dominated by a few bloodlines and preserved over generations.
Divine Soul Features
Sorcerer Level | Feature |
1st | Divine Magic, Origin Spells, Favored by the Gods |
6th | Empowered Healing |
14th | Otherworldly Wings |
18th | Unearthly Recovery |
Divine Magic
Your link to the divine allows you to learn spells from the cleric class. When your Spellcasting feature lets you learn or replace a sorcerer cantrip or a sorcerer spell of 1st level or higher, you can choose the new spell from the cleric spell list or the sorcerer spell list. You must otherwise obey all the restrictions for selecting the spell, and it becomes a sorcerer spell for you.
In addition, choose an affinity for the source of your divine power: good, evil, law, chaos, or neutrality. You learn an additional spell based on that affinity, as shown below. It is a sorcerer spell for you, but it doesn't count against your number of sorcerer spells known. If you later replace this spell, you must replace it with a Spell from the cleric spell list.
Affinity | Spell |
Good | Cure Wounds |
Evil | Inflict Wounds |
Law | Bless |
Chaos | Bane |
Neutrality | Protection from Evil and Good |
Origin Spells
You gain Origin spells at the sorcerer levels listed in the Divine Soul Spells table. See the Origin Spells feature for how Origin spells work.
Divine Soul Spells
Spell Level | Spell |
1st | Detect Evil and Good |
2nd | Augury |
3rd | Revivify |
4th | Death Ward |
5th | Dispel Evil and Good |
Favored by the Gods
Starting at 1st level, divine power guards your destiny. If you fail a saving throw or miss with an attack roll, you can roll 2d4 and add it to the total, possibly changing the outcome. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
Empowered Healing
Starting at 6th level, the divine energy coursing through you can empower healing spells. Whenever you or an ally within 5 feet of you rolls dice to determine the number of hit points a spell restores, you can spend 1 sorcery point to reroll any number of those dice once, provided you aren't incapacitated. You can use this feature only once per turn.
Otherwordly Wings
Starting at 14th level, you can use a bonus action to manifest a pair of spectral wings from your back. While the wings are present, you have a flying speed of 30 feet. The wings last until you're incapacitated, you die, or you dismiss them as a bonus action.
The affinity you chose for your Divine Magic feature determines the appearance of the spectral wings: eagle wings for good or law, bat wings for evil or chaos, and dragonfly wings for neutrality.
Unearthly Recover
At 18th level, you gain the ability to overcome grievous injuries. As a bonus action when you have fewer than half of your hit points remaining, you can regain a number of hit points equal to half your hit point maximum.
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.
Draconic Bloodline
Your innate magic comes from draconic magic that was mingled with your blood or that of your ancestors. Most often, sorcerers with this origin trace their descent back to a mighty sorcerer of ancient times who made a bargain with a dragon or who might even have claimed a dragon parent. Some of these bloodlines are well established in the world, but most are obscure. Any given sorcerer could be the first of a new bloodline, as a result of a pact or some other exceptional circumstance.
Draconic Bloodline Features
Sorcerer Level | Feature |
1st | Dragon Ancestor, Draconic Resilience, Origin Spells |
6th | Elemental Affinity |
14th | Dragon Wings |
18th | Draconic Presence |
Dragon ancestor
At 1st level, you choose one type of dragon as your ancestor. The damage type associated with each dragon is used by features you gain later.
Draconic Ancestry
Dragon | Damage Type |
Black | Acid |
Blue | Lightning |
Brass | Fire |
Bronze | Lightning |
Copper | Acid |
Gold | Fire |
Green | Poison |
Red | Fire |
Silver | Cold |
White | Cold |
You can speak, read, and write Draconic. Additionally, whenever you make a Charisma check when interacting with dragons, your proficiency bonus is doubled if it applies to the check.
Draconic Resilience
As magic flows through your body, it causes physical traits of your dragon ancestors to emerge. At 1st level, your hit point maximum increases by 1 and increases by 1 again whenever you gain a level in this class.
Additionally, parts of your skin are covered by a thin sheen of dragon-like scales. When you aren't wearing armor, your AC equals 13 + your Dexterity modifier.
Origin Spells
You gain Origin spells at the sorcerer levels listed in the Draconic Bloodline Spells table. See the Origin Spells feature for how Origin spells work.
Draconic Bloodline Spells
Spell Level | Spell |
1st | Absorb Elements |
2nd | Dragon's Breath |
3rd | Fear |
4th | Stoneskin |
5th | Legend Lore |
Elemental Affinity
Starting at 6th level, when you cast a spell that deals damage of the type associated with your draconic ancestry, add your Charisma modifier to that damage. At the same time, you can spend 1 sorcery point to gain resistance to that damage type for 1 hour.
Dragon Wings
At 14th level, you gain the ability to sprout a pair of dragon wings from your back, gaining a flying speed equal to your current speed. You can create these wings as a bonus action on your turn. They last until you dismiss them as a bonus action on your turn.
You can't manifest your wings while wearing armor unless the armor is made to accommodate them, and clothing not made to accommodate your wings might be destroyed when you manifest them.
Draconic Presence
Beginning at 18th level, you can channel the dread presence of your dragon ancestor, causing those around you to become awestruck or frightened.
As an action, you can spend 5 sorcery points to draw on this power and exude an aura of awe or fear (your choice) to a distance of 60 feet.
For 1 minute or until you lose your concentration (as if you were casting a concentration spell), each hostile creature that starts its turn in this aura must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be charmed (if you chose awe) or frightened (if you chose fear) until the aura ends. A creature that succeeds on this saving throw is immune to your aura for 24 hours.
Fey Touched
You have been touched by the chaotic powers of the feywild, and imbued with magic by this connection. This influence may be the result of an ancient elven bloodline vested with magic, a stay in that sylvan realm, or perhaps you are the result of a union between a fey and a mortal. The fey magics flowing through your body grant you an otherworldly aspect, your enhanced emotions spilling out into the world around you.
Fey Touched Features
Sorcerer Level | Feature |
1st | Fey Feelings, Origin Spells, Sylvan Influence |
6th | Trickster's Feint |
14th | Beguiling Spells |
18th | Evoke Feywild |
Fey Feelings
The feywild is a realm of extreme emotions, of great ecstasy and deep melancholy. At 1st level, your fey influence imparts some of these highs and lows onto your own psyche, and causes you to be acutely aware of the emotions of the creatures around you. You gain proficiency in Insight, and you have advantage on Wisdom (Insight) checks to determine the emotional state of other creatures. You also can't be put to sleep by magic, and are immune to the effects of the Calm Emotions spell or similar effect.
Additionally, you can read, write, and speak Sylvan and you can use a druidic focus as your spellcasting focus.
Origin Spells
You gain Origin spells at the sorcerer levels listed in the Fey Touched Spells table. See the Origin Spells feature for how Origin spells work.
Fey Touched Spells
Spell Level | Spell |
1st | Charm Person |
2nd | Enthrall |
3rd | Hypnotic Pattern |
4th | Charm Monster |
5th | Dominate Person |
Sylvan Influence
At 1st level, whenever you would cast a spell that would Charm a creature or otherwise influence their view of you, whenever the spell or effect ends you can cause the creature to make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC, if the creature fails the saving throw they are unaware of the spell or effect, even if the spell or effect states the creature is aware when the effect ends.
Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
Trickster's Feint
At 6th level, when you are hit with an attack you can use your reaction to make an illusory duplicate of yourself appear in your space. Roll a d20. If you roll an 11 or higher, the attack hits the duplicate instead, destroying it. If you roll a 10 or lower, the attack hits you. The duplicate lasts until the start of your next turn or until it is hit with an attack.
Beguiling Spells
Starting at 14th level, when a creature within 60 ft. of you fails the initial saving throw imposed by one of your spells, you can choose for them to become charmed by you until the end of your next turn.
Evoke Feywild
Starting 18th level, your mere presence can warp the world around you into something resembling the feywild. You are immune to being charmed, and as an action you can spend 6 sorcery points to emanate an aura of fey-like power in a 60-foot radius around you for 10 minutes or until you lose concentration (as if you were casting a concentration spell):
The terrain in the area can be reshaped as if by the Mirage Arcane spell. As a bonus action, you can modify one aspect of your surroundings, such as changing the types and locations of trees in the area. This effect can be used to create or modify any natural object, structure, or terrain, and when the spell ends the effects persist.
You can use 5 feet of movement to enter a tree within the area, moving from inside it to another tree of your choice within the area. You appear in a spot of your choice within 5 feet of the destination tree, using another 5 feet of movement. If you have no movement left, you appear within 5 feet of the tree you entered.
When a creature starts their turn in the area, it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against your sorcerer spell save DC or be charmed by you until the start of their next turn. Once a creature succeeds on the saving throw they are immune to the effect until they finish a long rest.
Once you use this feature, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest.
Scion of the Undying Pyre
Contained within your very essence exists a spark from the Elemental Plane of Fire, instilling in you an unbridled potential for overwhelming destruction. Maybe you can trace your lineage back to an entity from the Plane of Fire such as an Efreeti, or perhaps you were exposed to the fiery energy of that burning plane of existence and rather than being destroyed by it you learned to harness it.
Scion of the Undying Pyre Features
Sorcerer Level | Feature |
1st | Essence of Fire, Overwhelming Explosions, Origin Spells |
3rd | Essence of Fire Upgrade |
6th | Endless Flames |
14th | Consuming Flames |
18th | Beacon of Fire |
Essence of Fire
Your power comes from the natural source of all fire, the Elemental Plane of Fire. You can speak, read, and write Primordial. Knowing this language allows you to understand and be understood by those who speak its dialects: Aquan, Auran, Ignan, and Terran.
Additionally, you know the Control Flames cantrip and it doesn't count against your number of cantrips known.
Overwhelming Explosions
You are able to imbue your fire spells with tremendous force. When a creature fails a saving throw from one of your spells that deal fire damage and has an area of effect, it must make a Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check against your spell save DC, if it fails the check the creature is knocked prone. Unattended objects that weigh less than 5 lbs within the area are pushed to the edge of the spells effect.
Origin Spells
You gain Origin spells at the sorcerer levels listed in the Scion of the Undying Pyre Spells table. See the Origin Spells feature for how Origin spells work.
Scion of the Undying Pyre Spells
Spell Level | Spell |
1st | Burning Hands |
2nd | Pyrotechnics |
3rd | Melf's Minute Meteors |
4th | Fire Shield |
5th | Immolation |
Essence of Fire Upgrade
At 3rd level, you have fanned the spark within yourself into what will become a blazing inferno. Whenever you would learn a new spell by leveling up you can choose to learn any spell that deals only fire damage or that deals fire damage and no more than one other type of damage.
Endless Flames
At 6th level, even the smallest of embers is linked on some level to the source of all fire, the plane of elemental fire. You have learned how to tap into that link and manipulate it to your advantage. Whenever a source of non magical fire is within 60 ft. of you, you can tap into that link and use the fire as the point of origin for any spell you cast that manipulates fire or deals fire damage.
Additionally, your fire spells grow in power and intensity. When a creature takes fire damage from one of your spells, it takes additional fire damage equal to your spellcasting ability modifier.
Through the Flames
At 14th level, whenever you cast a spell that deals fire damage, you can use your bonus action to teleport to any location that the fire spell affects or passes through within 120 ft. When you teleport in this way you are not affected by the spell and you leave behind a cloud of smoke that heavily obscures a 10 ft. area and lasts until the end of your next turn.
Alternatively you can target any source of non-magical fire within 120 ft. to teleport to.
Beacon of Fire
At 18th level you can spend 6 sorcery points as a bonus action to create a link between your physical body and the Plane of Fire, igniting yourself in a fiery inferno. While you are in this state of immolation you gain the following benefits:
- Any spell you cast that deals fire damage is treated as though it had been cast using a slot of one level higher, up to 9th level
- You can cast the Burning Hands and Aganazzar's Scorcher spells at 2nd level without expending a spell slot
- You deal fire damage equal to your Charisma modifier to any creature that hits you with a melee attack
- You are immune to fire damage
- You shed bright light in a 30 foot radius and dim light in a 60 foot radius.
You remain in this form for 1 minute. It ends early if you are incapacitated, if you die or if you dismiss it as a bonus action.
Once you use this feature, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest.
Shadow Magic
You are a creature of shadow, for your innate magic comes from the Shadowfell itself. You might trace your lineage to an entity from that place, or perhaps you were exposed to its fell energy and transformed by it.
The power of shadow magic casts a strange pall over your physical presence. The spark of life that sustains you is muffled, as if it struggles to remain viable against the dark energy that imbues your soul. At your option, you can pick from or roll on the Shadow Sorcerer Quirks table to create a quirk for your character.
Shadow Sorcerer Quirks
d6 | Quirk |
1 | You are always icy cold to the touch. |
2 | When you are asleep, you don't appear to breather (though you must still breathe to survive). |
3 | You barely bleed, even when badly injured. |
4 | Your heart beats once per minute. This event sometimes surprises you. |
5 | You have trouble remembering that living creatures and corpses should be treated differently. |
6 | You blinked. Once. Last week. |
Shadow Magic Features
Sorcerer Level | Feature |
1st | Eyes of the Dark, Origin Spells, Strength of the Grave |
3rd | Eyes of the Dark (Darkness) |
6th | Hound of Ill Omen |
14th | Shadow Walk |
18th | Umbral Form |
Eyes of the Dark
Starting at lst level, you have darkvision with a range of 120 feet.
When you reach 3rd level in this class, you learn the Darkness spell, which doesn't count against your number of sorcerer spells known. In addition, you can cast it by spending 2 sorcery points or by expending a spell slot. If you cast it with sorcery points, you can see through the darkness created by the spell.
Origin Spells
You gain Origin spells at the sorcerer levels listed in the Shadow Magic Spells table. See the Origin Spells feature for how Origin spells work.
Shadow Magic Spells
Spell Level | Spell |
1st | Dissonant Whispers |
2nd | Silence |
3rd | Hunger of Hadar |
4th | Shadow of Moil |
5th | Walk of Ungoliant* |
* Homebrew spell
Strength of the Grave
Starting at lst level, your existence in a twilight state between life and death makes you difficult to defeat. When damage reduces you to 0 hit points, you can make a Charisma saving throw (DC 5 + the damage taken). On a success, you instead drop to 1 hit point. You can’t use this feature if you are reduced to 0 hit points by radiant damage or by a critical hit.
After the saving throw succeeds, you can’t use this feature again until you finish a long rest.
Hound of Ill Omen
At 6th level, you gain the ability to call forth a howling creature of darkness to harass your foes. As a bonus action, you can spend 3 sorcery points to magically summon a hound of ill omen to target one creature you can see within 120 feet of you. The hound uses the dire wolf’s statistics (see the Monster Manual or appendix C in the Player’s Handbook), with the following changes:
- The hound is size Medium, not Large, and it counts as a monstrosity, not a beast.
- It appears with a number of temporary hit points equal to half your sorcerer level.
- It can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. The bound takes 5 force damage if it ends its turn inside an object.
- At the start of its turn, the hound automatically knows its target's location. If the target was hidden, it is no longer hidden from the hound.
The hound appears in an unoccupied space of your choice within 30 feet of the target. Roll initiative for the hound. On its turn, it can move only toward its target by the most direct route, and it can use its action only to attack its target. The hound can make opportunity attacks, but only against its target. Additionally, while the hound is within 5 feet of the target, the target has disadvantage on saving throws against any spell you cast. The hound disappears if it is reduced to 0 hit points, if its target is reduced to 0 hit points, or after 5 minutes.
Shadow Walk
At 14th level, you gain the ability to step from one shadow into another. When you are in dim light or darkness, as a bonus action, you can magically teleport up to 120 feet to an unoccupied space you can see that is also in dim light or darkness.
Umbral Form
Starting at 18th level, you can spend 6 sorcery points as a bonus action to magically transform yourself into a shadowy form. In this form, you have resistance to all damage except force and radiant damage, and you can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. You take 5 force damage if you end your turn inside an object.
You remain in this form for 1 minute. It ends early if you are incapacitated, if you die, or if you dismiss it as a bonus action.
Star Touched
Your control of the weave of magic stems from a connection with the celestial bodies that dot the night sky. Perhaps you were born at the moment of a rare cosmic solstice, perhaps a cosmic traveler imbued a touch of their magic within you, or perhaps you were raised by a cult that worships the moon who taught you how to tap into lunar or cosmic magic. No matter the source, the powers of the cosmic expanse yours to use.
Star Touched sorcerers are gifted with the ability to read the lines of fate that are written in the stars as well as the ability to tweak the lines of fate to their allies benefit while bending the powers of light and illumination to their will.
Star Touched Features
Sorcerer Level | Feature |
1st | Origin Spells, Gift of Light, Cosmic Guidance |
6th | Arcane Starlight |
14th | Stellar Attunement |
18th | Constellation Spell |
Origin Spells
You gain Origin spells at the sorcerer levels listed in the Star Touched Spells table. See the Origin Spells feature for how Origin spells work.
Star Touched Spells
Spell Level | Spell |
1st | Starsee* |
2nd | See Invisibility |
3rd | Melf's Minute Meteors |
4th | Shooting Star* |
5th | Legend Lore |
* Homebrew Spell
Gift of Light
The arcane magic you command stems from the celestial bodies that stretches across the sky. You learn the Dancing Lights cantrip and it doesn't count against your number of cantrips known, additionally when you cast this spell it does not require concentration and you can cast it as a bonus action.
Cosmic Guidance
Your connection to the cosmos has granted you the ability to glean small glimpses of fate. Whenever a friendly creature within 30 ft. of you makes an attack roll or ability check you can use your reaction to add a d4 to their roll.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Arcane Starlight
At 6th level, the light of the stars is yours to command. Whenever you successfully hit a creature with a spell attack roll or a creature fails a saving throw against a spell you cast, you can use your bonus action to cause the creature or creatures to radiate starlight until the beginning of your next turn. While the creature radiates this starlight it is considered to be under the effects of the Faerie Fire spell. You can potentially target a number of creatures up to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1) with this effect per spell cast.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Stellar Attunement
By 14th level, you have gained the ability to imitate the strength of heavenly bodies. When you finish a long rest, you can choose one of the following abilities, which lasts until you finish the next long rest:
Sun’s Warmth: You gain resistance to fire damage, and you are immune to the blinded condition.
Moon’s Grace: You gain resistance to cold damage, and you are immune to the charmed condition.
Star’s Brilliance: You gain resistance to radiant damage, and you are immune to the frightened condition.
Planet’s Might: You gain resistance to bludgeoning damage, and you cannot be knocked prone.
Constellation Spell
At 18th level, you can connect others through your spells like stars connected through a constellation. Whenever you cast a spell of 1st level or higher that affects a single target and requires a spell attack roll and successfully hit a target, you can choose to direct the same spell at another target within the spell’s range, using the first target as the starting point for the spell. Roll another spell attack roll. If the spell successfully hits the second target, you can continue to repeat this process up to a number of creatures equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1). If you manage to hit a number of creatures equal to your Charisma modifier, you regain a spell slot equal to half the level of the spell slot used, rounded up (minimum of 1). You cannot target a creature with the spell using this feature more than once.
Once you have used this feature, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.
Storm Sorcery
Your innate magic comes from the power of elemental air. Many with this power can trace their magic back to a near-death experience caused by the Great Rain, but perhaps you were born during a howling gale so powerful that folk still tell stories of it, or your lineage might include the influence of potent air creatures such as djinn. Whatever the case, the magic of the storm permeates your being.
Storm sorcerers are invaluable members of a ship's crew. Their magic allows them to exert control over wind and weather in their immediate area. Their abilities also prove useful in repelling attacks by sahuagin, pirates, and other waterborne threats.
Storm Sorcery Features
Sorcerer Level | Feature |
1st | Wind Speaker, Origin Spells, Tempestuous Magic |
6th | Heart of the Storm, Storm Guide |
14th | Storm's Fury |
18th | Wind Soul |
Wind Speaker
The arcane magic you command is infused with elemental air. You can speak, read, and write Primordial. Knowing this language allows you to understand and be understood by those who speak its dialects: Aquan, Auran, Ignan, and Terran.
Additionally you know the Gust cantrip and it doesn't count against your number of cantrips known.
Origin Spells
You gain Origin spells at the sorcerer levels listed in the Storm Sorcery Spells table. See the Origin Spells feature for how Origin spells work.
Storm Sorcery Spells
Spell Level | Spell |
1st | Fog Cloud |
2nd | Gust of Wind |
3rd | Call Lightning |
4th | Storm Sphere |
5th | Control Winds |
Tempestuous Magic
Starting at 1st level, you can use a bonus action on your turn to cause whirling gusts of elemental air to briefly surround you, immediately before or after you cast a spell of 1st level or higher. Doing so allows you to fly up to 10 feet without provoking opportunity attacks.
Heart of the Storm
At 6th level, you gain resistance to lightning and thunder damage. In addition, whenever you start casting a spell of 1st level or higher that deals lightning or thunder damage, stormy magic erupts from you. This eruption causes creatures of your choice that you can see within 10 feet of you to take lightning or thunder damage (choose each time this ability activates) equal to half your sorcerer level.
Storm Guide
At 6th level, you gain the ability to subtly control the weather around you.
If it is raining, you can use an action to cause the rain to stop falling in a 20-foot—radius sphere centered on you. You can end this effect as a bonus action.
If it is windy, you can use a bonus action each round to choose the direction that the wind blows in a 100-foot-radius sphere centered on you. The wind blows in that direction until the end of your next turn. This feature doesn't alter the speed of the wind.
Storm's Fury
Starting at 14th level, when you are hit by a melee attack, you can use your reaction to deal lightning damage to the attacker. The damage equals your sorcerer level. The attacker must also make a Strength saving throw against your sorcerer spell save DC. On a failed save, the attacker is pushed in a straight line up to 20 feet away from you.
Wind Soul
At 18th level, you gain immunity to lightning and thunder damage.
You also gain a magical flying speed of 60 feet. As an action. you can reduce your flying speed to 30 feet for 1 hour and choose a number of creatures within 30 feet of you equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier. The chosen creatures gain a magical flying speed of 30 feet for 1 hour. Once you reduce your flying speed in this way, you can’t do so again until you finish a short or long rest.
Wild Magic
Your innate magic comes from the wild forces of chaos that underlie the order of creation, You might have endured exposure to some form of raw magic, perhaps through a planar portal leading to Limbo, the Elemental Planes, or the mysterious Far Realm. Perhaps you were blessed by a powerful fey creature or marked by a demon. Or your magic could be a fluke of your birth, with no apparent cause or reason. However it came to be, this chaotic magic churns within you, waiting for any outlet.
Wild Magic Features
Sorcerer Level | Feature |
1st | Wild Magic Surge, Tides of Chaos, Origin Spells |
6th | Bend Luck |
14th | Controlled Chaos |
18th | Spell Bombardment |
Wild Magic Surge
Starting when you choose this origin at 1st level, your spellcasting can unleash surges of untamed magic. Immediately after you cast a sorcerer spell of 1st level or higher, the DM can have you roll a d20. If you roll a less than or equal to the level of the spell cast, roll on the Wild Magic Surge table to create a random magical effect. A surge can happen once per turn. If a surge effect is a spell, it’s too wild to be affected by Metamagic. If it normally requires concentration, it doesn't require concentration in this case; the spell lasts for its full duration.
Tides of Chaos
Starting at 1st level, you can manipulate the forces of chance and chaos to gain advantage on one attack roll, ability check, or saving throw. Once you do so. you must finish a long rest before you can use this feature again.
Any time before you regain the use of this feature, the DM can have you roll on the Wild Magic Surge table immediately after you cast a sorcerer spell of 1st level or higher. You then regain the use of this feature.
Origin Spells
You gain Origin spells at the sorcerer levels listed in the Wild Magic Spells table. See the Origin Spells feature for how Origin spells work.
Wild Magic Spells
Spell Level | Spell |
1st | Chaos Bolt |
2nd | Rope Trick |
3rd | Blink |
4th | Confusion |
5th | Animate Objects |
Bend Luck
Starting at 6th level, you have the ability to twist fate using your wild magic. When another creature you can see makes an attack roll, an ability check, or a saving throw you can use your reaction and spend 2 sorcery points to roll 1d4 and apply the number rolled as a bonus or penalty (your choice) to the creature's roll. You can do so after the creature rolls but before any effects of the roll occur.
Controlled Chaos
At 14th level, you gain a modicum of control over the surges of your wild magic. Whenever you roll on the Wild Magic Surge table, you can roll twice and use either number.
Spell Bombardment
Beginning at 18th level, the harmful energy of your spells intensifies. When you roll damage for a spell and roll the highest number possible on any of the dice, you may roll those dice again and add that roll to the damage. You can use the feature only once per turn.

Sorcerer Spell List
Cantrips (0 Level)
- Acid Splash
- Aural Decoy
- Blade Ward
- Booming Blade
- Cast Light
- Chill Touch
- Chilling Blade
- Control Flames
- Create Bonfire
- Dancing Lights
- Fire Bolt
- Flashbolt
- Friends
- Frostbite
- Green-Flame Blade
- Gust
- Infestation
- Light
- Lightning Lure
- Mage Hand
- Magic Dart
- Mending
- Message
- Mind Sliver
- Minor Illusion
- Mold Earth
- Poison Spray
- Prestidigitation
- Primal Savagery
- Ray of Frost
- Shape Water
- Shocking Grasp
- Sword Burst
- Thunderclap
- True Strike
1st Level
- Absorb Elements
- Age
- Arctic Breath
- Bad Blood
- Bone Storm
- Burning Hands
- Catapult
- Chaos Bolt
- Charm Person
- Chromatic Orb
- Color Spray
- Comprehend Languages
- Crashing Wave
- Detect Magic
- Disguise Self
- Earth Tremor
- Expeditious Retreat
- False Life
- Feather Fall
- Fog Cloud
- Grease
- Ice Knife
- Jump
- Mage Armor
- Magic Missile
- Permafrost
- Protection from Evil and Good
- Ray of Sickness
- Shield
- Silent Image
- Silvery Barbs
- Sleep
- Stone of Fist
- Tasha's Caustic Brew
- Thunderwave
- Water Blast
- Witch Bolt
2nd Level
- Aganazzar's Scorcher
- Air Bubble
- Aldebaran's Palm
- Alter Self
- Blindness/Deafness
- Blur
- Chilling Scythe
- Cloud of Daggers
- Clutch of Ice
- Cold Snap
- Crackle
- Crown of Madness
- Dancing Wave
- Darkness
- Darkvision
- Detect Thoughts
- Dragon’s Breath
- Dust Devil
- Earthbind
- Enhance Ability
- Enlarge/Reduce
- Eruption
- Flame Blade
- Flaming Sphere
- Gust of Wind
- Hold Person
- Hush
- Invisibility
- Kinetic Jaunt
- Knock
- Levitate
- Magic Weapon
- Maximilian's Earthen Grasp
- Melf's Acid Arrow
- Mind Spike
- Mirror Image
- Misty Step
- Misty Warding
- Nathair's Mischief
- Phantasmal Force
- Poison Dart
- Pyrotechnics
- Rary's Aptitude Appropriator
- Rime's Binding Ice
- Scorching Ray
- See Invisibility
- Seeking Orb
- Shadow Blade
- Shatter
- Smouldering Chains
- Snilloc's Snowball Swarm
- Spider Climb
- Star Dust
- Suggestion
- Tasha's Mind Whip
- Vortex Warp
- Warding Wind
- Web
- Wither and Bloom
3rd Level
- Acid Breath
- Aether Lance
- Ashardalon's Stride
- Blade Storm
- Blink
- Catnap
- Clairvoyance
- Counterspell
- Daylight
- Dispel Magic
- Electrocute
- Enemies Abound
- Erode
- Erupting Earth
- Fear
- Fireball
- Flame Arrows
- Flame Tether
- Flash Freeze
- Fly
- Gaseous Form
- Haste
- Hypnotic Pattern
- Intellect Fortress
- Lightning Bolt
- Major Image
- Melf's Minute Meteors
- Protection from Energy
- Sleet Storm
- Slow
- Soul Chains
- Spider Bite
- Stinking Cloud
- Thunder Step
- Tidal Wave
- Thunder Pulse
- Tongues
- Trebuchet
- Vampiric Touch
- Wall of Water
- Water Breathing
- Water Cannon
- Water Walk
4th Level
- Arcane Eye
- Banishment
- Blight
- Charm Monster
- Confusion
- Control Water
- Dimension Door
- Divination
- Dominate Beast
- Echoing Lance
- Elemental Bane
- Evard's Black Tentacles
- Fabricate
- Fire Shield
- Geyser
- Greater Invisibility
- Hallucinatory Terrain
- Ice Spikes
- Ice Storm
- Jumping Jolt
- Locate Creature
- Orbital Stones
- Phantasmal Killer
- Poison Fog
- Polymorph
- Raulothi'ms Psychic Lance
- Shooting Star
- Sickening Radiance
- Stinging Swarm
- Stone Shape
- Stoneskin
- Storm Sphere
- Transfigure
- Vitriolic Sphere
- Wall of Fire
- Watery Sphere
Sorcerer Spell List Cont.
5th Level
- Aether Storm
- Animate Objects
- Bigby's Hand
- Black Fireball
- Cloudkill
- Cone of Cold
- Control Winds
- Creation
- Dominate Person
- Enervation
- Far Step
- Field of Stars
- Fissure
- Hold Monster
- Immolation
- Insect Plague
- Monstrous Shape
- Pressure Cutter
- Seeming
- Skill Empowerment
- Sky Burst
- Sonic Shriek
- Summon Draconic Spirit
- Synaptic Static
- Telekinesis
- Teleportation Circle
- Wall of Light
- Wall of Stone
6th Level
- Acid Fog
- Arcane Gate
- Chain Lightning
- Circle of Death
- Disintegrate
- Eyebite
- Fizban's Platinum Shield
- Flesh to Stone
- Globe of Invulnerability
- Investiture of Flame
- Investiture of Ice
- Investiture of Stone
- Investiture of Wind
- Mass Suggestion
- Mental Prison
- Move Earth
- Otiluke's Freezing Sphere
- Scatter
- Sunbeam
- Tasha's Otherworldly Guise
- True Seeing
7th Level
- Crown of Stars
- Delayed Blast Fireball
- Draconic Transformation
- Dream of the Blue Veil
- Etherealness
- Finger of Death
- Fire Storm
- Plane Shift
- Power Word Pain
- Prismatic Spray
- Reverse Gravity
- Teleport
- Whirlwind
8th Level
- Abi-Dalzim’s Horrid Wilting
- Blackfire
- Demiplane
- Dominate Monster
- Earthquake
- Incendiary Cloud
- Power Word Stun
- Sunburst
9th Level
- Blade of Disaster
- Energy Drain
- Foresight
- Gate
- Mass Polymorph
- Meteor Swarm
- Power Word Kill
- Psychic Scream
- Time Stop
- Wish
Homebrew Changes
- Added Prestidigitation as a free cantrip
- Added Cantrip Versatility feature from Class Variant UA
- Added a spells known list for each Sorcerous Origin
- Added Spell Versatility feature from Class Variant UA
- Added Psionic Focus variant feature
- Modified Spellcasting Focus feature to allow the sorcerer's body to be a focus
Spell List
- See the table above; bolded items are spells that do not appear on this class's Player's Handbook Spell list, italicized items are homebrew spells.
Sorcerous Origins
Fey Touched
- Added the homebrew Fey Touched Origin
- Added the homebrew Pyromancer Origin
Storm Sorcerer - Wind Speaker
- Added Gust as a free cantrip
Wild Magic - Wild Magic Surge
- Modifies the trigger roll to be less than or equal to the spell level rather than a flat roll of 1.
- Modified level 18 feature to allow more than one die reroll.
- Allows the player to change out a metamagic on a level up, similar to spells.
- Grants two additional Metamagic options at 10th level rather than one.
- Added the following Metamagics:
- Enlarge Spell
- Flux Spell
- Lingering Spell
- Ricochet Spell
- Modified the following Metamagics:
- Careful Spell - Chosen creatures are no longer affected by the spell rather than automatically succeeding the save
- Distant Spell - Can move the point of origin up to 30 ft. away as an alternate option.
- Empowered Spell - Adds a number of dice equal to CHA mod rather than rerolling the dice
- Extended Spell - Can spend 2 points to increase the duration of a 1 round effect to 2 rounds
- Subtle Spell - Can cast without Material components that don't have a cost and aren't consumed.
Ability Score Increase / Feat
- Added the Proficiency Versatility from the Class Features UA
Sorcerer Supreme (Level 20)
- Reduces Sorcery Point cost
- Grants access to all metamagic options