**Nib:** Copper coin about the size of a thumbnail (1 nib = 1 common copper coin)
**Shard:** Silver coin, slightly smaller than the nib (1 shard = 10 nibs)
**Toal:** Brass coin, about two inches square with a hole large enough for a nib to fit in (1 taol = 200 nibs)
**Dragon:** Gold coin, half again as large as a nib (1 dragon = 100 nibs)
**Sun:** Platinum coin, twice as large as a nib (1 sun = 1,000 nibs)
**Harbor Moon:** platinum crescent inset with electrum, about three inches long with a hole large enough for a nib to fit in (1 harbor moon = 5,000 nibs)
## Day to Day Life in the City
### A Normal Day in Town
On days that aren't pressed for time, the days will be split up mainly into five periods:
* Morning (8am to noon)
* Afternoon (noon to 4pm)
* Late Afternoon (4pm to 8pm)
* Evening (8pm to midnight)
* Night (midnight to 8am)
This is for ease of tracking. During a period other than Night (unless you plan on not sleeping), you can each choose a few things that would take the better part of a period.
You can set aside two of the periods to do some work in the current tenday you are in (see Downtime section). Each *normal* day, you'd have to set aside two periods.
Random encounters will be rolled once per period that you are out and about, and due to a period being 4 hours, a vast majority of encounters won't affect your current errand.
### Downtime
Downtime will be using tendays. Workweeks will have 3 day weekends, therefore 7 days on & 3 days off. We will be using the Downtime Revisited (XGE) rules with the following changes:
* Magic item prices will be using [Sane Magical Prices](https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8XAiXpOfz9cMWt1RTBicmpmUDg/view), along with some changes based on persuasion.
* **Buying a Magic Item** will use an Investigation check to find items, and a Persuasion check for the prices.
* **Selling a Magical Item** will have a few more tiers to it.
* **Work** will use the following modified table:
| Check Total | Wages |
| 9 or lower | 3sp / day |
| 10 – 14 | 1gp / day |
| 15 – 20 | 3gp / day |
| 21 or more | 7gp / day |
### Resting
If sleeping in an area exposed to the elements, such as the city streets, characters don't regain hit points at the end of a long rest. Instead, a character can spend Hit Dice to heal at the end of a long rest, just as with a short rest.
In addition, not that it is illegal, but sleeping in the streets *may* cause the Watch to entertain themselves with you. Other less-than-savory characters may also take interest in you, but for different purposes, hopefully just for your purse.
### Tracking Resources
We will be using the Living Expenses detailed in the *Player's Handbook*, on page 157 (page 147 of the PDF). The Drink Budget column in the table below refers to how much a drink can cost before it costs something.
For example ordering a 1 gold drink at a Wealthy level will cause you to pay for that 1 gold drink, whereas ordering it at an Aristocrat level will not.
| Lifestyle | Food Quality | Drink Budget |
| Poor | Low quality | 5 copper |
| Modest | Medium quality | 2 silver |
| Comfortable | High quality| 6 silver |
| Wealthy | Very high quality | 15 silver |
| Aristocrat | Gourmet quality| 5 gold |
#### Ammunition
If you buy 100 at the start, you are not required to track mundane ammunition. By the time you get through the 100, including the fact that only half of arrows/bolts break upon firing, you'll have enough gold that it won't matter.
#### Weight
We will be using a somewhat different [Encumbrance rule](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1EhhC846cWdHD5DrzC0h-NYXeIVlaCGzM) for this campaign. Most of the adventure is set in the city, but if that were not the case at some point, this rule will incentivize buying horses and maybe a form of carriage or cart. Use this one if you have [Powerful Build](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1wLxHegCkquvhDPQFGJFPiyG_eKro48FT).
Being a city adventure, there are easy ways to get around that:
* For storage purposes, you can have a long-term room rented in order to store things you don't need on your person.
* For travel purposes, you can hail a Hire-Coach.
* For general purposes, you can ask the brawnier one(s) to carry your things temporarily.