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<div style='margin-top:525px;'></div> ### Path of the Cataclysm All barbarians have powerful rage. The untamed elemental fury of those who follow the Path of the Cataclysm is a more tangible rage than most. Attuned to the greatest extremes and natural disasters, these barbarians train with druids or other wanderers in places where the reaches of civilization end. These bastions of elemental power represent the chaotic energy of the natural world at its mightiest, and wield it on the battlefield to widespread, devastating effect. #### Disaster Aura Starting at 3rd level, the power of a certain environment or phenomenon explodes from you while you rage, creating a roiling aura of elemental energy that extends 10 feet from you in every direction, though not behind total cover. The aura's radius increases to 15 feet at level 10 and 20 feet at level 14. Choose a catastrophe from the options listed below. Your aura gains features based on the type you choose, and you can change the power to which you are attuned whenever you gain a level in this class. When a creature starts its turn within your aura, you can deal magical damage to it equal to half your Barbarian level. Your aura determines the type of damage dealt. When you enter a rage, and as an action while raging, you can send power surging through your aura. \columnbreak <div style='margin-top:550px;'></div> When you do so, creatures of your choice in the area take an amount of damage equal to 1d6 + your Constitution modifier, of the same type as your aura. If your aura's effects require a saving throw, the DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier. **Volcano.** You radiate incredible heat and powerful flames. You deal fire damage and cast bright light within and 15 feet beyond the limits of your aura, and dim light for another 15. When you take damage, you can use your reaction to erupt superheated jets of flame. Creatures of your choice within 5 feet of you take an amount of fire damage equal to your Constitution modifier (a minimum of 1) and are blasted 5 feet away from you. **Flood.** You are a portal to the crushing ocean depths. Your aura deals bludgeoning damage. Creatures of your choice in your aura jump half as high and far as they could otherwise. For all creatures of your choice without a swim speed, the space in your aura is difficult terrain. **Tempest.** Wind and lightning surge from your body, casting bright light within and 15 feet beyond the limits of your aura, and dim light for another 15. You deal lightning damage. You can use a bonus action to focus the lightning on a creature or object within your aura and blast it in a straight line up 15 feet toward or away from you. If the target is composed of or wearing metal, you can move it up to 30 feet instead. <!-- Cool background image --> <img src='' style='position:absolute; top:00px; left:-150px; width:975px' /> <!-- Full page stain --> <img src='' style='position:absolute; top:0px; left:0px; width:825px' /> \pagebreakNum **Blizzard.** Winter wind and frigid snow surrounds you. You deal cold damage, and can use the plunging temperature to soothe the flames of battle. You can use a bonus action to give a creature of your choice within your aura temporary hit points equal to half your Barbarian level. **Blight.** You emanate diseased miasma. You deal necrotic damage, and creatures of your choice in your aura suffer disadvantage on Strength and Dexterity checks as plague and parasite wrack their bodies. **Earthquake.** Your blows carry the incredible power of shifting earth and falling avalanches. You deal thunder damage, and can use a bonus action to focus the tremors on a creature of your choice within your aura. That creature must make a Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. **Sandstorm.** Wind hurls sand around your body. You deal slashing damage, and the area within your aura is difficult terrain for all creatures of your choice that lack a climbing speed. You can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on a ranged attack made within or that enters your aura. **Corona.** You explode with the power of the sun. You deal radiant damage, and cast bright light within and 20 feet beyond the limits of your aura, and dim light for another 20. You can use a bonus action to intensify the glare for one creature, which must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the target is blinded until the start of its next turn. \columnbreak #### Omen of Catastrophe At 6th level, your power grants you benefits at all times, whether you are raging or not. **Volcano.** You gain resistance to fire damage, and don't suffer the effects of extreme heat. You can also set aflame any object that isn't being worn or carried simply by touching it. **Flood.** You gain a swim speed equal to your walking speed, and can breathe underwater. You also gain darkvision within a range of 30 feet. If you already have darkvision, its range increases by 30 feet. **Tempest.** You gain resistance to lightning damage, and ignore the penalties imposed by strong wind and heavy precipitation. **Blizzard.** You gain resistance to cold damage, and ignore all drawbacks of extreme cold. You also ignore difficult terrain created by ice, slush, and snow. **Blight.** You gain resistance to necrotic damage, and have advantage on saving throws against poisons and diseases. **Earthquake.** You gain resistance to thunder damage, and have tremorsense within 15 feet. **Sandstorm.** You don't suffer the effects of extreme heat or strong winds, and can survive for thrice as long without food or water. You also learn the *gust* cantrip. Constitution is your spellcasting ability for it. **Corona.** You cannot be blinded, gain darkvision within a range of 30 ft., and learn the *light* cantrip. Constitution is your spellcasting ability for it. #### Gaia's Embrace Beginning at 10th level, you can not only shield your allies from your furious aura, but protect them against similar effects. All creatures of your choice within your aura have resistance to your aura's damage type unless you have flood or sandstorm aura. Those auras grant you and your allies resistance to cold damage and fire damage, respectively. #### Channel the Apocalypse At 14th level, you can use powerful magics that personify your disaster. You learn a pair of spells determined by your aura, which you can cast only while raging. If your rage ends while you are concentrating on a spell, the spell continues. You can cast and concentrate upon these spells while raging, unlike normal spells. You also cast them without material components. You can cast your choice of one of the two spells a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier (a minimum of 1), and regain all expended castings at the end of a long rest. Your spellcasting ability for these spells is Constitution, and all are cast at 4th level if they are not a higher level. **Volcano.** *immolation,<sup>*XGE*</sup> wall of fire* **Flood.** *control water, maelstrom*<sup>*XGE*</sup> **Tempest.** *chain lightning, wind wall* **Blizzard.** *ice storm, wall of ice* **Blight.** *blight, giant insect* **Earthquake.** *bones of the earth,<sup>*XGE*</sup> earthquake* **Sandstorm.** *wall of sand,<sup>*XGE*</sup> whirlwind*<sup>*XGE*</sup> **Corona.** *dawn,<sup>*XGE*</sup> flame strike* In addition, you are immune to the damage type dealt by your aura while you are raging. <!-- Cool background image --> <img src='' style='position:absolute; bottom:45px; left:-25px; width:480px' /> \pagebreak > This content is no longer up-to-date. It exists as part of a larger document, *The Warrior's Codex*, which can be found [here](