### Blood Tunic
##### Wondrous, Light Armor, Requires Attunement
*Credit: John Gruber*
*A soft and luxurious looking tunic colored blood red with trimming of black. This object, while it appears to be a simple tunic, is in fact forged from the blood of a dying titan.*
This tunic gives a +4 to your AC and you are considered unarmored and wearing no armor for all features, traits or items which require you be unarmored or wearing no armor. Additionally while wearing this armor you have resistance to all bludgeoning, slashing and piercing damage. This items shape, form and design can be changed as a bonus action by the wearer but it may not take the functions of any kind of armor. If you ever equip armor this suit slides off of your body into a puddle of blood on the ground before reforming into it's original shape, form and design.
*designed for the "Blood Forged" prompt*
### Displacer Bow
##### Ranged, Ammunition
*Credit: [Aikurisu](https://www.deviantart.com/aikurisu)*
*This bow is carved from the dark wood of some unknown tree. A fine grip of black leather made from a displacer beasts hide wraps around the center. Intricate runework up the spine of the bow glimmer slightly as each arrow is loosed from it's maw.*
Attacks made with this bow have +2 to hit and damage. When arrows are fired from this bow they instantaneously teleport from it into the targets body. Any parts of the body which would share space with the arrow are rapidly and violently displaced as the arrow forces them outwards and away, embedding itself perfectly in the body. Attacks with this bow do not trigger reactions.
## Homebrew Review
Every week we review homebrew content from the top of the week on r/UnearthedArcana *or* from viewer submitted content. Below is a list of what we reviewed this week with links to the content and credit to the creators.
*Monster |
[The Winged Laser Eyed Bear](https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bygci-XSkQzzbGdWN0tKNTJHcnc/view) by u/darude11
*Race |
[The Faceless ](https://www.gmbinder.com/share/-LKujBH6dj8O6G109Q8k) by u/darude11
*Feats/Item |
[Blood Magic Feats](http://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/HkbyoceoDX) u/GrandLordBuramu
*Monster |
[Mimic Variants CR 1-8](http://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/HkbyoceoDX) by u/BannerwoodStudio
*Spells |
[The Spellsword's Armory](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gDdvWj_ph5ABW7ODDH5b9U2lFteJFCbA/view) by u/FlatSoda7
*Race |
[Goblin Quest Goblins](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dHs35piyoCuFtoQuWQ87X95Q-HZhvMR9/view) u/VampireBagel
*Spell |
[Fey Road](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnearthedArcana/comments/9cr256/fey_road_a_druidranger_spell/) by u/SimpleCrow
*Background |
[Former Deity](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Uw6r395BqRt8KksyqHTyS3bgXqWbyOhW/view) by u/Clockwork_Lazy
*Monster |
[Ooze Beast, Star Spawn Gazer, Bulvyrn, Clot, Gorefast](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnearthedArcana/comments/9bw7g7/week_79_finally_a_week_of_unthemed_monsters/) by u/1d6Adventurers
*Item |
[Bloodbite Dagger](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnearthedArcana/comments/9dfi8a/bloodbite_dagger/) by u/th3ging3rsnap