Class - Factotum

by Rory Morgenstern

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An armored dwarf stands near her wounded friend, watching two armed thugs ready to kill them. One of them is able to pass the dwarf's guard and attempts an attack on the wounded man but a single movement is all the dwarf needs to block it, giving the opportunity to her friend to smite him. Liking what she saw, the dwarf tries to do the same. She gathers her arcane power in her hammer and smites the other guard first try.

A slender dragonborn puts reluctantly on a silk, night blue dress, regretting not asking more details on his new cover identity. Sighing resigned, he morphs his form to match the appearance an elven woman and equips himself with some stilettos and vials of poison, ready to kill.

The day of the blacksmith keeps getting worst by the minute. After spending the entire night awake to finish a special order for a noble he has to deal with a snob warcaster trying to haggle for an halberd. The angered magician sprays a jet of fire at the human who shrugs it off easily while his fist almost cracks her jaw, knocking her unconscious.

None of these people were trained in the traditional sense, they had to survive on their own without any particular skill or knowledge to help them, at least at first. They are called factotum, people who can do a little of anything without ever mastering it in the common sense.

Skilled Universalist

Factotum are the quintessence of versatility, using their ingenuity to succeed immediately in tasks requiring intense training and experience to be accomplished by a normal person. Even if they can cover any role they shine in using skills and tools.

One of the most impressive traits of factotum is their ability to get around magical restrictions in a way no one else can. A quick enough one can see a Spellbeing cast one moment and cast it themselves the next, no matter the origin of the magic being used. They can also use most magic items instantly without bonding.

Master of None

Not everyone knows what they want to become. Many start as apprentices but are never truly good at their craft, so they leave and try again and again to find something they are good at. But even if they are still looking, they learn from their failed attempts. This is why anyone can become a factotum but not everyone wants to.

Usually factotum are viewed as incompetents, at least before they start following their own path. Factotum can become basically everything they want, and when they decide where to focus their energies they quickly become experts, using their past knowledge to push the boundaries of their craft to the extreme.

Level Proficiency Bonus Features Max Spell Level Imitations Known
1st +2 Adaptability, Autodidact, Pragmatic Knowledge
2nd +2 Arcane Dilettante, Spell Mimicry, Imitations 1st 2
3rd +2 Focus 1st 2
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 1st 3
5th +3 Reliable Skill 2nd 3
6th +3 Limited Tuning, Lucky Dodge 2nd 3
7th +3 Focus feature 2nd 3
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 2nd 4
9th +4 3rd 4
10th +4 Ability Score Improvement 3rd 4
11th +4 Focus feature,
Arcane Proficiency
3rd 4
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 3rd 5
13th +5 4th 5
14th +5 Focus feature 4th 5
15th +5 Improved Tuning 4th 5
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 4th 6
17th +6 5th 6
18th +6 Crushing Offense 5th 6
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 5th 6
20th +6 Focus feature 5th 6

Creating a Factotum

If you want to create a factotum, consider the nature of the activities you tried but failed at. Where did you study? Were you good but wanted something else or everything was too difficult for you to continue? Or maybe it was more forceful and imposed by someone? Maybe you have chosen yourself to leave before completing your training.

Considering the varied nature of your skills you could have had many teachers. If they are still alive, are you in good relations? You might be self-taught, watching carefully more skilled people doing something and trying to do the same on your own. This doesn't mean you were alone. Did you have companions? Did you learn form them or with them?

Quick Build

You can make a factotum quickly by following these suggestions. First, Intelligence should be your highest ability score, followed by Strength or Dexterity, depending on whether you want to focus on melee weapons or on archery (or finesse weapons). Second, choose the urchin background. Third, choose the minor illusion Cantrip, along with the Bastion training, if you chose Strength, or the Duelist training, if you chose Dexterity.

Class Features

As a factotum, you gain the following Class features

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d8 per factotum level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution Modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution Modifier per factotum level after the 1st


  • Armor: None
  • Weapons: Simple weapons
  • Tools: Two tools of your choice

  • Saving Throws: Dexterity, Intelligence
  • Skills: Three skills of your choice


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) one simple weapon or (b) one martial weapon (if Proficient) of your choice.
  • (a) a shortbow and a quiver of 20 arrows, (b) a light crossbow with 20 quarrels or (c) 5 javelins.
  • If Proficient, choose (a) leather armor or (b) scale mail.
  • One equipment pack of your choice, a dagger and one tool you are Proficient with.


1st level Factotum feature

As a factotum, you probably had to learn what you know by watching someone and trying to copy them.

This experimental and wide arsenal is represented by a pool of Adaptability Points equal to your Factotum level + your Intelligence modifier. You can use these Points to activate some of your Factotum Class features.

You regain a number of Adaptability Points equal to your Proficiency bonus when you finish a Short Rest and all your Points when you finish a Long Rest.

When you reach 10th level, your maximum Adaptability Points increase to your Factotum level + double your Intelligence modifier and you recover a number of Points equal to your Proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier when you finish a Short Rest.

Pragmatic Knowledge

1st level Factotum feature

Relying only on yourself has taught you to use your head in every situation so that you can end up always on top.

Using your Bonus Action, you can spend 1 Adaptability Point to gain a bonus to the next Ability Check, Attack Roll or Damage Roll you make equal to your Intelligence modifier. This bonus cannot be applied more than once on a single roll.

Also, you can spend 2 Adaptability Points using your Reaction to apply this bonus to a Saving Throw, if you are aware of its source and are not surprised.

You can spend an additional Point to target an ally within 9 m (30 ft), provided you can see each other.


1st level Factotum feature

The world is dangerous and you know it. Being able to do something is the difference between life and death, so you trained in both combat and magic, just to be safe.

Choose one of the following combat training:


Getting hit less means you are able to hit your opponents more. You are Proficient in light and medium armors. You are also Proficient in shields and you can use them as a weapon that uses Strength and deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage. On a Critical Hit, you can decide to not inflict double damage and knock prone the target instead, if they are no more than one size larger than you.


They can't hit you if you knock them out first. You are Proficient in light armors and martial weapons. Also, you can use Dexterity instead of Strength for attack and damage rolls made using any weapon that lacks the Heavy property.


They can't kill you if they can't reach you. You gain Proficiency with 4 martial weapons of your choice. While you are not wearing armor or using a shield, your movement speed increases by 3 m (10 ft) and your AC equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Intelligence modifier.

Furthermore, you know 1 Cantrip of your choice from the Spell list of any Class of your choice. You learn a new Cantrip at 4th level and again at 11th level.

These Cantrips can be chosen from different Class lists but your Spellcasting Ability is always Intelligence. You can change one of your known Cantrips with another using the Spell Mimicry feature detailed below.

Arcane Dilettante

2nd level Factotum feature

You watched enough magic and spells to understand a little of how they work. Choose a Class that has the Spellcasting or Pact Magic feature. This is the main type of magic you understand. You are considered as being part of that Class for the purpose of items and effects that account for it.


You have a Spellbook containing three 1st-level Spells of your choice from the list of the Class you chose. These are considered Factotum Spells for you. Your Spellbook is the repository of the Factotum Spells you know, except your Cantrips, which are fixed in your mind.

Preparing and Casting Spells

The Factotum table shows the maximum level of Spell you can cast. To cast one of these Spells, you must expend an amount of Adaptability Points equal to 1 + its level. You can't cast your Spells at a level higher than their base level.

You prepare the list of Factotum Spells that are available for you to cast by choosing a number of Factotum Spells from your Spellbook equal to half your Factotum level + your Intelligence modifier. The Spells must be of a level equal or less than the maximum Spell level you can cast. Casting a Spell doesn't remove it from your list of prepared Spells.

You can change your list of prepared Spells when you finish a Short or Long Rest. Preparing a new list of Factotum Spells requires time spent studying your Spellbook and memorizing the incantations and gestures you must make to cast the spell: at least 1 minute per Spell Level for each Spell you want to prepare.

Spellcasting Ability

Intelligence is your Spellcasting Ability for your Factotum Spells, since you learn your Spells through observation and logical analysis. You use your Intelligence whenever a Spell refers to your Spellcasting Ability.

In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a Factotum Spell you cast and when making an Attack roll with one.

Spell Save DC = 8 + your Proficiency bonus +
your Intelligence modifier

Spell Attack Modifier = your Proficiency bonus +
your Intelligence modifier

Spellcasting Focuses

You can use a Spellcasting focus for your Factotum Spells, but you have to use a different focus based on the Class list you learned it from, eg. an arcane focus for wizard Spells or a druidic focus for druid Spells.

If you learned a divine Spell from a worshiper of a specific deity or pantheon, you have to use the symbol of that deity or pantheon to cast that Spell.

Learning Spells of 1st Level and Higher

Each time you gain a Factotum level, you can add one Spell of your choice to your Spellbook for free. This Spell must be from the list of the Class you chose when you gained this feature, and be of a level equal to or less than your maximum Spell level.

On your Adventures, you might find other Spells that you can add to your Spellbook (see “Your Spellbook” from the Wizard Class). These Spells can come from other Spellbooks and magic scrolls or learned using the Spell Mimicry feature.

Spell Mimicry

2nd level Factotum feature

You can try to learn a Spell from another caster regardless of their Class. To do so, you must see the Spell being casted or be taught how to cast it.

Make a check using the skill linked to the type of magic you want to learn: Arcana for arcane magic, Religion for divine magic and Nature for primal magic.

The DC is equal to 20 (or 15 if someone is teaching you) + twice the level of the Spell. If someone is teaching you, it takes 2 minutes per Spell level of explanations for you to learn how it works, otherwise it requires your Reaction.

On a success, you consider that Spell prepared until you take a Long Rest. Until then, you can inscribe the Spell on your Spellbook as normal. You can have a maximum number of Spells prepared this way equal to half your Proficiency bonus rounded down and they don't count against the maximum number of Spells you can have prepared.


2nd level Factotum feature

You are constantly studying everyone around you to learn new ways to survive. You are not as skilled as them but you can do more things than anyone else. This is represented by Imitations, abilities that mock the ones from other classes.

You gain two imitations of your choice. Your imitation options are detailed at the end of this document. When you gain certain Factotum levels, you gain additional imitations of your choice, as shown in the Imitations Known column of the Factotum table.

Additionally, when you gain a level in this Class, you can choose one of the imitations you know and replace it with another imitation that you could learn at that level.

If an imitation has prerequisites, you must meet them to learn it. You can learn the imitation at the same time that you meet its prerequisites. A level prerequisite refers to your level in this Class. You cannot learn the same imitation twice.


3rd level Factotum feature

Doing a little bit of everything doesn't mean you can't focus on mastering your own thing.

You choose the area of expertise that will become your Focus, some of which are detailed at the end of the Class description. Your choice grants you features at 3rd level and again at 7th, 11th, 14th, and 20th level.

Ability Score Improvement

4th level Factotum feature

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 10th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Using the optional feats rule, you can forgo taking this feature to take a feat of your choice instead.

Reliable Skill

5th level Factotum feature

By now you know how to succeed in spite of the odds.

When you make a roll using a d20 you can spend any number of Adaptability Points. If you do, you can substitute the result of the roll with double the number of Points you spent. For example, if you decide to spend 5 Point you can use 10 as the result of the roll.

Once you reach 15th level, you can use four times the number of Points instead of double.

Limited Tuning

6th level Factotum feature

You have grown to know enough about magic to get around some of its boundaries.

If you want to use a magic item with prerequisites you can spend 1 Adaptability Point (no Action required) to ignore one of them, including attunement. This features only works with Common, Uncommon and Rare magic items and the effect of the item lasts a maximum of 1 minute. You can activate only one magic item in this way at any one time.

For example, if you want to use a dwarven thrower without attuning to it you can spend 1 Point to use it for 1 minute as if you were attuned. If you are not a dwarf you have to spend 2 Points to ignore both attunement and species restriction.

In case an item uses a Class resource consisting of Points, like Ki and Sorcery Points, or Spell Slots and you don't have it, you can use your Adaptability Points instead.

Activating a cursed item with this feature triggers the curse but doesn't end it when the minute passes.

When you reach 10th level, you can use this feature on Very Rare magic items.

Lucky Dodge

6th level Factotum feature

You know ingenuity is the best weapon but you learned luck sometimes can be the best armor.

If you would reach 0 Hit Points due to an Attack or a failed Saving Throw and you are not incapacitated or restrained in your movements, you can use your Reaction to spend 4 Adaptability Points. If you do, you ignore the damage as if you were never hit, dodging at the last second.

You can use this feature once and you regain its uses after you finish a Long Rest. You gain an additional use at 11th level and again at 17th level.

Arcane Proficiency

11th level Factotum feature

After countless days of trial and error you have reached a level of mastery over the arcane similar to a skilled initiate.

You can spend Adaptability Points to cast a Spell at a level higher than its base level. To do so, you have to spend a number of Adaptability Points equal to 2 + the level you want to cast the spell at.

Improved Tuning

15th level Factotum feature

Only the most powerful item can discern your deceiving attempt at using them.

Your Limited Tuning feature works with every magic item, except Artifacts and similar objects, and you no longer trigger curses which activate upon attunement, though you still become aware of them. You can also keep 2 magic items active for 10 minutes each instead of 1 for 1 minute.

Crushing Offense

18th level Factotum feature

You know the best defense is a good offense so giving the opponent no chance to act is the best strategy to survive.

You can take two turns during the first round of combat. You take your first turn at your normal initiative and your second turn at your Initiative roll minus 10, but you can do so only when you are not surprised.


After trying and failing so many times, factotum finally find something they are good at. These focuses are usually very peculiar occupations that combine mundane careers with everything factotum learned in the past. But even if two factotum choose the same focus they can be as different as day and night in how they use their knowledge.

Blade Guardian

Secondary Ability Score: Strength or Dexterity.

According to a legend, there an Armory buried deep in the earth, hungry for new weapons to add to its collection.

Maybe you didn't believe it in the past, but now you have constant dreams of a gargantuan cave like a monstrous mouth, open and waiting for you to feed it. In exchange, you are now able to summon some of its weapons from thin air.

Mystical Armory

3rd level Blade Guardian feature

You can focus enough conjuring magic to summon a weapon from the ancient Armory in the depth of the earth.

Using your Bonus Action, you can spend one Adaptability Point to summon a weapon to one of your free hands. You are Proficient with this weapon and it deals bludgeoning, piercing or slashing damage on a hit (your choice when you summon it). It disappears after 1 minute, if you dismiss it earlier (no Action required) or if you die.

When you conjure a weapon choose one from this list:

  • Balanced. This weapon deals 1d8 damage on hit and has the Versatile (1d10) property.
  • Massive. This massive weapon deals 1d12 or 2d6 (your choice) damage on hit and has the Two Handed property.
  • Nimble. A quick and handy weapon that deals 1d6 damage on hit and has the Light and Finesse properties.
  • Ranged. Ammunitions shot with this weapon deal 1d8 damage. It has a range of 30/120 m (100/400 ft) and your choice between the Two Handed and Loading properties.
  • Reaching. This weapon has a reach of 3 m (10 ft) and deals 1d8 damage on a hit. It has the Two Handed property.

You can summon a second weapon using the same Action by spending an additional Adaptability Point, provided they both lack the Two Handed property and you have two free hands. Other creatures can use the weapons you summon.

You can also store in your armory weapons you find during your adventures by performing a 1 hour ritual, provided the target weapon remains within 3 m (10 ft) of you. The number of Stored Weapons cannot be greater than half your Proficiency bonus. When you use this feature you can choose to summon a weapon you previously stored instead of choosing from the list above. All other restrictions apply.

If you want to sever this bond you have to pay a price to the Armory: you take a number of d6 equal to your Proficiency bonus in necrotic damage and you cannot summon new weapons until you finish a Short or Long Rest.

Adept of the Blade

3rd level Blade Guardian feature

To defend your allies is to defend yourself. You learn the following techniques:

  • Distraction. You can sacrifice one of your attacks to make a Strength (Deception) check against the target's Wisdom (Insight). If you succeed, the target cannot make opportunity attacks against creatures other than you until the start of your next turn or until you are incapacitated.
  • Feinting. You can sacrifice one of your attacks to feint, giving your next attack advantage to hit. Alternatively, you can give this advantage to an ally if you are both within 1,5 m (5 ft) of the same enemy. You can do this only once per turn.
  • Parry. If a creature hits you or an ally within 1,5 m (5 ft) of you with a melee attack, you can use a Reaction to add your Proficiency bonus to the AC of the target for that attack, potentially causing the attack to miss you. You cannot use this Reaction if you have no weapon.

Eye of the Warrior

7th level Blade Guardian feature

During a fight knowledge can be the difference between life and death. If you spend at least 1 minute observing or interacting with a creature outside of combat, you learn their Creature Type (or if there is an effect that hides it) and up to 3 pieces of information chosen from the following:

  • Strongest saving throw,
  • Weakest saving throw,
  • One Resistance or Immunity,
  • One Damage Vulnerabilities (if any),
  • One hint about their goal,
  • One hint about their bond or flaw.

Weapons of Wonder

7th level Blade Guardian feature

You can now draw more power from the Armory. All the weapons you summon are +1 magical weapons.

Also, when you use Mystical Armory one of the weapons you summon has a magical effect chosen from the following:

  • This weapon deals 2d6 additional damage of a type of your choice between cold, fire or poison.
  • This weapon deals 1d8 additional damage of a type of your choice between acid, lightning or thunder.
  • A creature hit by this weapon must succeed a Constitution Saving Throw or become poisoned for one minute. They repeat the Saving Throw at the end of their turn, ending the condition on a success.
  • A creature hit by this weapon must succeed a Wisdom Saving Throw or become frightened for one minute. They repeat the Saving Throw at the end of their turn, ending the condition on a success.

This feature does not apply to Stored Weapons.

Dancing Blades

11th level Blade Guardian feature

The secrets of the Armory are now within your reach.

You no longer have to spend Adaptability Points when using Mystical Armory to summon weapons to your free hands and they don't disappear after one minute.

Additionally, when you use Mystical Armory you can summon up to 4 additional melee weapons by spending 1 Adaptability Point each. These weapons are summoned floating in midair around you, provided there is enough space, and do not impede your movement.

They use one of the types of weapon detailed in the Mystical Armory feature (your choice when you summon them) and use your Intelligence modifier for attack and damage rolls. They disappear after 1 minute, if you are incapacitated or you die.

When you use the Attack Action, you can use one of the following special attacks:

Dancing Strike

By spending 2 Adaptability Points you can make additional attacks using half of your floating weapons. You can choose to target one creature or up to one creature per weapon used.

Make a separate attack roll for each target, using your Intelligence modifier + your Proficiency bonus.

Metal Rain

Choose any number of weapons that are floating around you. You can spend 1 Adaptability Point for each of the chosen weapons to unleash them on your enemies.

Each creature in a 4,5 m (15 ft) cone must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 1d8 piercing damage for each weapon you chose on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

If a creature tries to grab one of your floating weapons they must succeed on a Strength (Athletics) check contested by your check. You use your Intelligence modifier + your Proficiency bonus for this check.

If they succeed, you cannot use that floating weapon until that creature lets it go. You can still dismiss the weapon.

Keen Observer

14th level Blade Guardian feature

You can now use the Eye of the Warrior feature using your Action during your turn. You can try to use it as a Bonus Action by making a Perception check against the target's Intelligence or Charisma score, whichever is the highest.

Weapons of Legend

14th level Blade Guardian feature

No part of the Armory is now outside your reach. All the weapons you summon are +2 magical weapons.

You can now apply one of the magical effects of Weapons of Wonder to all your floating weapons summoned using Dancing Blades. This effect also applies to Metal Rain.

Also, damaging effects listed in Weapons of Wonder double the number damage dice dealt (4d6 and 2d8 respectively) when applied to your main weapon and the list of effects you can apply to it expands to include the following:

  • This weapon deals 2d6 additional damage of a type of your choice between force, psychic or radiant.
  • This weapon deals 3d6 additional necrotic damage and you recover a number of Hit Points equal to half the necrotic damage dealt by the attack.
  • A creature hit by this weapon must succeed a Constitution Saving Throw or become paralyzed for one minute. They repeat the Saving Throw at the end of their turn, ending the condition on a success. On a success, the creature is immune to this effect for 1d4+1 rounds.
  • A creature hit by this weapon must succeed a Wisdom Saving Throw or lose one Legendary Action until the start of your next turn.

This feature does not apply to Stored Weapons. You can only apply the effects listed in Weapons of Wonder to the weapons summoned using Dancing Blades, not the updated effects listed here.

Steel Ballade

20th level Blade Guardian feature

You have mastered your conjuring magic to the fullest. All the weapons you summon are +3 magical weapons.

Dancing Blades receives the following updates:

  • You can summon 2 weapons by spending 1 Adaptability Point and you can conjure up to 10 weapons at once, provided there is enough space to reasonably do so.
  • The cost of Dancing Strike and Metal Rain is halved.

You gain a +1 bonus to AC when you are surrounded by at least 5 floating weapons. This bonus increases to +2 if you have 10 floating weapons around you.


Secondary Ability Score: Charisma

Some people would rather be anyone else but themselves. Others know the value of the right face at the right time. There are some individual that can harness this desire of their and use it like a tool in their arsenal.

You are one of those individuals, a being with countless faces. You can do want they do and be what they are.

Bonus Proficiencies

3rd level Chameleon feature

You gain proficiency in Charisma (Deception) checks and with Forgery Kits. If you were already proficient with either of them, you double your Proficiency bonus for those checks.

Adept of Many Faces

3rd level Chameleon feature

Deceiving people kept you alive until now and will probably continue to do so as an adventurer.

You can spend one minute and 1 Adaptability Point to change your face, making you unrecognizable. You can decide the general appearance of your new face but not the details. You cannot copy the face of another creature.

If you spend 10 minutes and 2 Adaptability Points, you can transform your appearance as per the Change Appearance option in the alter self spell.

In both cases, this change requires concentration like a spell and lasts up to 1 hour. A distrustful creature can see through your deceit by succeeding in a Wisdom or Intelligence (Insight) check against a DC equal to 8 + your Proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier.

Cover Identity

3rd level Chameleon feature

Hai un'identità alternativa che a volte usi per non farti riconoscere o per entrare dove non dovresti. Scegli una delle seguenti identità:

  • Villico: Hai competenza in due strumenti da artigiano a tua scelta. Inoltre puoi trovare luoghi per nasconderti e raccogliere informazioni più facilmente tra la gente comune, che sarà disponsta ad aiutarti finché non mette a rischio la propria vita.
  • Nobile: Impari due linguaggi a tua scelta. Inoltre sai come comportarti in situazioni che richiedono una determinata condotta, sia essa una cena a casa di un conte o una cerimonia tenuta da un ordine di cavalieri.
  • Criminale: Ottieni competenza in Intuizione e impari il Gergo Ladresco come per il privilegio di classe del Ladro. Inoltre hai una conoscenza generale di come funzionano le organizzazioni criminali e hai una vaga idea degli individui da cui andare se ti serve qualcosa di illegale.
  • Forestiero: Ottieni competenza in Sopravvivenza, oppure maestria se già l'avevi. Inoltre hai vantaggio a tutte le prove di Intelligenza riguardo i luoghi da cui affermi di provenire o di aver visitato.

Indipendentemente dall'identità scelta hai vantaggio alle prove di Inganno per evitare di essere scoperto.

Cover Identity

7th level Chameleon feature

Stab in the Back

7th level Chameleon feature

Hai vantaggio ai tiri per colpire contro le creature che non ti considerano un nemico. Se ti considerano un alleato, ogni colpo a segno viene considerato un colpo critico.

Immedesimazione Perfetta

11th level Chameleon feature

Tutti gli incantesimi e gli effetti magici che tentano di rintracciarti mentre stai impersonando il tuo Alter Ego, o che bersagliano l'Alter Ego mentre non lo stai impersonando, falliscono automaticamente se l'incantatore non sa che siete la stessa persona.

Inoltre, ottieni resistenza ai danni psichici e diventi immune agli effetti che rivelano se stai dicendo la verità.

Master of Many Forms

11th level Chameleon feature

Puoi usare il privilegio Trasformista per lanciare alterare se stesso senza spendere punti. Quando lo lanci in questo modo non hai bisogno di mantenere la concentrazione e dura finché lo desideri.

Questa capacità non è di natura magica quindi incantesimi ed effetti che annullano o individuano la magia come campo anti-magia e individuazione del magico non fermano né rivelano questa capacità.

Pugnalata alle palle

14th level Chameleon feature

Spy Master

20th level Chameleon feature


Secondary Ability Score: Wisdom.

There are people not suited for the arcane, at least not as they teach it in academies. You are one of them, but that doesn't stop you from trying alternative routes.

And when a sketchy man in a pub told you that using magic is a gamble with Fate, you took that a little too seriously.

Deck of Fate

3rd level Gambler feature

When you choose to be a Gambler you discover a way to access greater arcane powers at the cost of control.

You know how to create and use a Deck of Fate. You always know the general location of every card in your Deck of Fate, as long as you are on the same plane of existence. If it gets destroyed, you can craft a new one during a Long Rest.

Deck Building

After a Long Rest, you can choose any Spell of 1st level or higher in your Spellbook to become part of your Deck of Fate. The Deck has a maximum size equal to your Wisdom modifier + your Factotum level. Each Spell you choose becomes a Spell Card in your Deck. You cannot choose the same Spell multiple times.

You also have three copies of a Cantrip of your choice from any Class. This Cantrip is in addition to the Cantrips you already know but you can cast it only through your Deck.

Drawing your Hand

You can spend 1 minute searching your Deck for a specific Card you wish to use or you can draw a Hand of Cards.

You have a Hand Size equal to your Proficiency modifier. During your turn, you can use your Bonus Action to draw a number of Cards from your Deck equal to your Hand Size. This is your Hand until your next Short Rest. You cannot draw a new Hand of Cards if you already have one in use.

If you have a Hand at the start of your turn, you can draw a Card from the top of the Deck and add it to your Hand. This does not require Actions.

At the end of your turn, if you have more Cards than your Hand Size, you put Cards from your Hand to the bottom of the Deck until you reach your Hand Size.

Using the Cards

During your turn, you can choose one of the Cards in your Hand and use it. After that, the Card returns in your Hand as a Blank card and loses its effects until you finish a Long Rest. The only exception are Cantrip Cards which are placed directly at the bottom of your Deck without becoming Blank.

When you use a Spell Card, you can cast the associated Spell without spending Adaptability Points.

Influencing Fate

You can bend Fate a little by spending Adaptability Points at the start of your turn instead of drawing a Card:

  • Using 1 Point, you can draw two Cards instead of one.
  • If you spend 2 Points, you can shuffle the Deck OR put your Hand at the bottom of the Deck and draw the same number of Cards from the top.
Spell Cards per Level
Factotum level 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
3rd 1
5th 1 1
9th 2 1 1
13th 2 2 1 1
17th 3 2 2 1 1

Fate has Spoken

3rd level Gambler feature

You know how to get a glimpse of the future using your Deck.

You can cast augury as an Action without spending Adaptability Points. You do so by drawing one card from the top of your Deck and interpreting it as for the spell, then placing it at the bottom of your Deck. The chances of getting a random reading using this feature cannot go above 50%.

Gamble Cards

7th level Gambler feature

You discovered a way to bend Fate, even if just a little.

During Deck Building, you can create and add to your Deck a number of Gamble Cards equals to twice your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 3). There are three types of Gamble Cards, each one tied to a type of roll: Ability Checks, Saving Throws and Attack Rolls. You can have multiple copies of the same type of Gamble Card in your Deck, but you must have at least one copy of each type.

You can activate a Gamble Card using a Bonus Action to target a creature within 9 m (30 ft) of you. When you do, you bet on their success or failure in the next roll they make before the start of your next turn. The type of roll depends on the type of Gamble Card you activated.

If you win the bet, you can recharge a Blank Card in your Hand, making it usable again, then place the Gamble Card at the bottom of the Deck without it becoming Blank.

If you lose the bet or the creature doesn't make that type of roll before the start of your next turn, the Gamble Card becomes Blank until you rebuild the Deck.

Doom Card

11th level Gambler feature

You find out that gambling on someone's life is very dangerous but also very rewarding.

During Deck Building, you can create a special Gamble Card called Doom Card. You can have only one copy of this Card and it doesn't count towards the maximum number of Gamble Cards you can have in your Deck.

When you activate this Card using your Bonus Action, you can target any one creature you can see within 9 m (30 ft) of you. The target must roll a Wisdom Saving Throw against your Spell DC.

If they succeed, Fate is by their side: the next time the target drops to 0 Hit Points they drop to 1 Hit Point instead. This effect ends if they take a Short Rest.

If they fail, they are destined to Doom: until the end of your next turn, every time the target takes damage they suffer 1d10 additional necrotic damage.

After it's used, the Doom Card is placed at the bottom of your Deck without becoming Blank.

Up the Ante

14th level Gambler feature

You become experienced, or reckless, enough to take on even bigger wagers with no regard for the wellbeing of others or even your own.

When you use a Gamble Card, you can spend 3 Adaptability Points to Up the Ante. When you do, you can wager one of the following statistics against the target:

Life Force

You can wager up to a quarter of your total Hit Points, or up to your current Hit Points minus 1, whichever is lowest. The one who loses the bet will take damage equal to the amount wagered. This damage cannot be reduced or avoided.

Magic Power

You can wager one Spell slot of a level you can currently cast. Alternatively, you can wager 6 Adaptability Points against a single use of a spell-like ability.

If the target wins, you lose the Adaptability Points (or the Spell slot, if you have it) you wagered. Otherwise, the target loses the Spellslot or one use of a spell-like ability of your choice. If they cannot pay they will take 8d8 force damage as the Weave claims its due.

Defensive Power

You can wager up to 4 Points of your AC. The one who loses the bet will have their AC lowered by the amount wagered for 1 minute. They can use their Action to make a Wisdom Saving Throw, ending the effect with a success.

This effect ends early if they are targeted by a remove curse Spell or similar effects.


You can wager any amount of your movement speed. The one who loses the bet will have all their movement speeds reduced by the amount wagered for 1 minute. They can use their Action to make a Dexterity Saving Throw, ending the effect with a success.

This effect ends early if they are targeted by a remove curse Spell or similar effects.


You can wager up to 5 Points of an Ability Score of your choice. The one who loses the bet will have the chosen Ability Score reduced by the amount wagered for 1 minute. They can use their Action to make a Saving Throw using the chosen Ability, ending the effect with a success.

This effect ends early if they are targeted by a remove curse Spell or similar effects.

Art and Destiny

The cards in your Deck of Fate can be of any design and material of your choice. Of course, ask your DM if your chosen material and design fit the style of the campaign.

It is strongly recommended to make the cards similar to tarot cards as it is fitting for the theme of fortunetelling of the Gambler, especially for the Fate Has Spoken feature.

Precise Predictions

14th level Gambler feature

Your cards can predict the future with even more precision. When you use the Doom Card, it has the following additional effects:

  • If Fate is by their side, they gain a +2 bonus to their AC until they drop to 1 Hit Point or they take a Short Rest,
  • If they are destined to Doom, they take 2d10 necrotic damage instead of 1d10.

Also, you can spend 4 Adaptability Points to cast the divination Spell as per the Fate has Spoken feature.

Fate Warper

20th level Gambler feature

You finally grasp the infinite possibilities of Fate and you can partially manipulate them to make your survival a certainty.

Using your Bonus Action, you can spend any number of Adaptability Points to open your Third Eye completely. While it's open, your Third Eye gives you advantage on Attack Rolls, Ability Checks and Saving Throws. Additionally, other creatures have disadvantage on Attack Rolls against you.

Your Third Eye remains open for a number of minutes equal to ten times the number of Adaptability Points you spent when you activated this feature.

Name Prerequisites Effect
Combat Versatility Learn one Fighting Style of your choice
Martial Arts Adept Str 13+ Unarmed strikes are light, finesse weapons that deal 1d6 damage
Skillful Strike Spend Points to add d6 to one damage roll, max Proficiency bonus
Bulette Fighting Stance 5th lvl, Str 15+ Enter an offensive stance inspired by the furious Bulette
Quick Strike 5th lvl Attacks two times using the Attack Action
Improved Critical 5th lvl Increases critical range of weapons
- Vicious Critical 9th lvl, Improved Critical Adds additional damage dice when you score a critical hit
Name Prerequisites Effect
Cunning Defense Con 13+ Spend 1 Point to gain Temporary Hit Points
Danger Sense Wis 13+ Adv. on Dexterity Saving Throws from effects you can see
  Evasion 9th lvl, Danger sense Take less damage from all Dexterity Saving Throws
Evasive Maneuvers Dex 13+ Spend one Point to Dodge or Disengage as a Bonus Action
  Burst of Speed 5th lvl, Evasive Maneuvers Spend Points to increase movement speed
  Unstoppable 9th lvl, Burst of Speed Spend Points to cast Freedom of Movement spell
Brace for Impact 5th lvl Spend Points to lessen damage taken, 1d6 per Point
- Body of Steel 13th lvl, Brace for Impact Take less damage from all Constitution Saving Throws
Couatl Fighting Stance 5th lvl, Dex 15+ Enter a defensive stance inspired by the elusive Couatl
Mental Fortress 9th lvl Resistance to charmed, frightened and stunned conditions
Name Prerequisites Effect
Animal Form Transform in an harmless animal, 1/Short Rest
- Beast Shape 9th lvl, Animal Form Transform in a Small beast, 1/Short Rest
Arcane Reserve Gain Spell Slots of 1st, 2nd and 3rd level
- Superior Reserve 9th lvl, Arcane Reserve Gain Spell Slots of 4th and 5th level
- Advanced Arcanum 15th lvl, Superior Reserve Learn to cast a 6th and 7th level spell
Arcane Versatility Learn two Cantrips of your choice
Divine Protection Wis 13+ Weaken enemies using a sacred symbol, 1/Short Rest
- Divine Conduit 5th lvl, Divine Protection Channel Divinity using a sacred symbol, 1/Long Rest
Restoring Touch Cure a creature you touch for 1d6 Hit Points per Point spent
Ritual Training Learn to cast Spells as Rituals
Name Prerequisites Effect
Expertise Double Proficiency bonus in two skills you are Proficient with
Favored Prey Learn informations about one type of creature
- Mask of the Prey 7th lvl, Favored Prey Disguise yourself as your Favored Prey
Languages of Secrets Learn Druidic, Thieves' Cant and an exotic language
Hunter Instinct 5th lvl Spend one Point to detect one type of creature
Cunning Surge 9th lvl Take one additional Bonus Action, 1/Short Rest


When a Factotum reaches 2nd level, they learn to take in as many skills as possible in order to ensure their survival. This arsenal of knowledge is represented by Imitations.

If an imitation has prerequisites, you must meet them to learn it. You can learn the imitation at the same time that you meet its prerequisites. A level prerequisite refers to your level in this Class.

Advanced Arcanum

Prerequisite: 15° level, Superior Reserve.

Choose one Spell of 6th level from any Class. You can cast this Spell once without spending Adaptability Points. You must finish a Long Rest before you can do so again.

When you reach 17th level, you can choose a 7th level Spell from any Class. You can cast it in the same fashion.

Animal Form

Using your Action, you can spend any amount of Adaptability Points to magically assume the shape of a beast that you have seen before. You can use this feature once, regaining expended uses when you finish a Short or Long Rest.

You can stay in this form for a number of hours equal to the number of Points you spent, then revert to your Normal Form. You can revert to your Normal Form earlier by using a Bonus Action on your turn. You automatically revert if you fall unconscious, drop to 0 hit points, or die.

While you are transformed, the following rules apply:

  • You can transform into any beast that has a challenge rating of 1/4 or lower that doesn’t have a flying speed.
  • Your game statistics are replaced by the statistics of the beast, but you retain your alignment, personality, and Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma Scores.
  • Your Animal Form has a number of Hit Points equal to the number of Points spent times your Constitution Modifier (minimum of 1). When you revert to your Normal Form, you return to the number of Hit Points you had before you transformed. However, if you revert as a result of dropping to 0 Hit Points, any excess damage carries over.
  • You cannot use any feature from your class, species or magic items.
  • You can’t cast Spells, and your ability to speak or take any Action that requires hands is limited to the capabilities of your Animal Form.
  • You choose whether your equipment falls to the ground in your space or merges into your new Form. Equipment that merges with the Form has no effect until you return to your Normal Form.

Arcane Reserve

Choose one Spell of 1st level from any Class. You learn this Spell and gain one 1st level Spell Slot. You gain new Spells and additional Spell Slots as you reach certain Factotum levels: at 4th level you gain a 2nd level Spell and again at 7th level you gain a 3rd level Spell.

You recover these Spell Slots when you finish a Long Rest.

Arcane Versatility

Choose two Cantrips from any Class. You learn this Spells in addition to those you learn with the Autodidact feature and can change them when you finish a Short or Long Rest.

Beast Shape

Prerequisite: 9th level, Animal Form.

When you use your Animal Form Imitation, you can now transform into any beast that has a challenge rating of 1 or lower you have seen before with no other restrictions. Your Hit Points in this Form are double previous amount but are otherwise calculated the same way.

You also retain the benefit of any features from your class, species, or other source and can use them if the new form is physically capable of doing so. However, you can’t use any of your special senses, such as darkvision, unless your new form also has that sense.

Body of Steel

Prerequisite: 13th level, Brace for Impact.

You can resist and shrug off certain area effects, such as an ancient black dragon’s poisonous breath or a finger of death spell. When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Constitution saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.

Brace for Impact

Prerequisite: 5th level.

When you take damage from a source you can see, you can use your Reaction to spend any number of Adaptability Points. If you do, you reduce the incoming damage by 1d8 for each Point spent.

After using this feature once you have to take a Short or Long Rest before using it again.

Bulette Fighting Stance

Prerequisite: 5th level, Strength 15 or more.

As a Bonus Action, you can spend a number of Adaptability Points up to your Proficiency bonus. You gain a +1 bonus to your attack and damage rolls for every 2 Points you spent when entering this stance. This bonus stacks with other bonuses of the same type. However, attack rolls against you have advantage as long as you remain in this stance.

This stance lasts for one minute. It ends early if you are knocked unconscious or if you use this feature again. You can end your stance earlier on your turn (no Action required).

Burst of Speed

Prerequisite: 5th level, Evasive Maneuvers.

Once per turn, you can spend a number of Adaptability Points up to your Proficiency bonus. For each Point spent, your movement speed increases by 1,5 m (5 ft) until the start of your next turn. You cannot use this Imitation if your movement speed is 0 or you are unable to move.

Combat Versatility

You learn one Fighting Style option of your choice. If you already have a style, the one you choose must be different. You can replace this Fighting Style for another one when you finish a Long Rest.

Couatl Fighting Stance

Prerequisite: 5th level, Dexterity 15 or more.

As a Bonus Action, you can spend a number of Adaptability Points up to your Proficiency bonus. You gain a +1 bonus to your AC for every 2 Points you spent when entering this stance. This bonus stacks with other bonuses of the same type. However, as long as you remain in this stance you have disadvantage on your attack rolls and your speed is halved.

This stance lasts for one minute. It ends early if you are knocked unconscious or if you use this feature again. You can end your stance earlier on your turn (no Action required).

Cunning Defense

Prerequisite: Constitution 13 or more.

You can use your Bonus Action to spend 1 Adaptability Point to gain a number of Temporary Hit Points equal to your Factotum level + your Intelligence modifier. You can do this a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier, recovering all uses after a Long Rest.

Cunning Surge

Prerequisite: 9th level.

On your turn, you can take one additional Bonus Action. Once you use this feature, you must finish a Short or Long Rest before you can use it again.

Danger Sense

Prerequisite: Wisdom 13 or more.

You have advantage on Dexterity saving throws against effects that you can see, such as traps and spells. To gain this benefit, you can’t be blinded, deafened, or incapacitated.

Divine Conduit

Prerequisite: 5th level, Divine Protection.

Choose one Channel Divinity option available to a Cleric at 2nd level from the base Class or a Domain of your choice.

Once per Long Rest, you can spend 3 Adaptability Points to use that feature as if you were a Cleric of the same level. You must present the divine symbol of a deity which grants the associated domain to use this Imitation.

Divine Protection

Prerequisite: Wisdom 13 or more.

Once per Short or Long Rest, you can present a divine symbol and spend any number of Adaptability Points to weaken a number of creatures within 9 m (30 ft) of you equal to the number of Points spent.

These creatures must succeed on a Wisdom Saving Throw or be unable to move and to take Bonus Actions and Reactions for one minute. Affected creatures can repeat the Saving Throw at the end of their turn, ending this condition with a success.


Prerequisite: 9th level, Danger Sense.

You can nimbly dodge out of the way of certain area effects, such as a red dragon's fiery breath or an Ice Storm spell. When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.

Evasive Maneuvers

Prerequisite: Dexterity 13 or more.

You can spend 1 Adaptability Point to take the Dodge or Disengage Action as a Bonus Action on your turn.


Choose two of your Skill proficiencies, or one of your skill proficiencies and one of your tool proficiencies. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses either of the chosen proficiencies.

Favored Prey

Choose one type of creature: aberrations, beasts, celestials, constructs, dragons, elementals, fey, fiends, giants, monstrosities, oozes, plants, or undead. Alternatively, you can select two species of humanoid (such as gnolls and orcs) as favored prey.

You have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks to track your favored prey, as well as on Intelligence checks to recall information about them.

Restoring Touch

You can use your Bonus Action to touch a creature or object and spend any number of Adaptability Points. If it's a creature, they regain a number of Hit Points equal to 1d6 for each Point spent this way.

If it's an object, you repair a single break or tear no larger than 30 cm (1 ft) in it for each Point spent. Alternatively, multiple Points can be used to repair a larger break or tear in increments of 30 cm (1 ft) per Point, leaving no trace of the former damage. This Imitation can physically repair a magic item or construct, but can’t restore magic to such an object.

Hunter Instinct

Prerequisite: 5th level.

As an Action, for one minute, you know the location of any one type of Creature within 36 m (120 ft) of you but not its identity (the vampire Count Strahd von Zarovich, for instance).

You can decide to spend 1 Adaptability Point to extend this radius to 1,5 km (1 mile).

Improved Critical

Prerequisite: 5th level.

Attacks you make with weapons you are proficient with score a Critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.

Languages of Secrets

You learn your choice between Druidic, Thieves' Cant or other secret language used in your setting. You also learn an exotic language such as Draconic, Celestial, Infernal or Primordial. You can forgo a secret language to choose a second exotic language of your choice.

Your DM has the final say on what can you can learn with this Imitation.

Martial Arts Adept

Prerequisite: Strength 13 or more.

Your Unarmed Strikes deal 1d6 + Strength bludgeoning damage and are considered weapons with the Finesse and Light properties for the purpose of class features and magical effects that need the use of a weapon.

Mask of the Prey

Prerequisite: 7th level, Favored Prey.

Spend Points to:

  • You are considered to be the same type of your prey in addition to your usual creature type,
  • Your favored prey sees you as a kindred to them and will not be inherently hostile towards you without reason,
  • You can understand the language spoken by your prey,
  • When one of your favored preys damages you, you can reduce the damage taken by 1d8 for every Point spent.

Mental Fortress

Prerequisite: 9th level.

Diventi immune alle condizioni di affascinato, spaventato e stordito.

Quick Strike

Prerequisite: 5th level.

You can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Ritual Training

You can cast a Factotum Spell as a ritual if that Spell has the ritual tag and you have the Spell in your Spellbook. You don’t need to have the Spell prepared.

Skillful Strike

Spend Points to add d6 to one damage roll, max Proficiency bonus.

Superior Reserve

Prerequisite: 9th level, Arcane Reserve.

You learn a 4th level Spell of your choice from any Class and gain a 4th level Spell Slot. When you reach 13th level, you learn a 5th level Spell of your choice from any Class and gain a 5th level Spell Slot.

You recover these Spell Slots when you finish a Long Rest.


Prerequisite: 9th level, Burst of Speed.

Spend Points to cast Freedom of Movement spell

Vicious Critical

Prerequisite: 9th level, Improved Critical.

Adds additional damage dice when you score a critical hit

Wild Magic

3 - 7 - 11 - 14 - 20

Flesh Sculptor

Hai il minion mutante.

Alleato Mutevole

3° - Impari a lanciare trova famiglio come rituale e i punti ferita del famiglio sono pari a metà dei tuoi pf massimi.

Inoltre, quando lo lanci puoi scegliere due forme invece che una e puoi usare un'azione bonus per ordinare al famiglio di cambiare forma, 2/lungo.

Regeneration 7

As a bonus Action, you can spend a number hit dice equal to half your Proficiency bonus (Rounded up). You roll the hit die and add your constitution modifier to it. You regain hit points equal to the total result and regrow any severed body parts. You can use this feature again after a Short or Long Rest.

Beast Totem (familiar mutation)

7° - Choose one of the following Magical Beasts to be your Totem. You gain a +4 Circumstance bonus on saving throws vs. the listed attack form.

Totem Attack Form Totem Attack Form
Chimera Breath Weapons Krenshar Fear
Digester Acid Unicorn Poison
Displacer Beast Targeted Spells Winter Wolf Cold
Gorgon Petrification Yrthak Sonic

You may take the Magical Beast that you chose as your Beast Totem as an ‘Animal Companion’. Any Spellyou normally could cast on an Animal can be cast on your new companion. Your companion gains Animal Companion abilities based on the number of level you are above the minimum needed to summon the creature.

Lancio Reattivo

11° -

Accelerated Regeneration 14°

You regain hit points equal to your Constitution modifier plus your Proficiency bonus at the start of your turn if you have at least 1 hit point and no more than half your maximum hit points. Whenever you regain hit points as a result of a spell, potion, or Class feature (but not this feat), you regain additional hit points equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1).



Ask your Master

3° - Spendendo 2 punti puoi fare una domanda direttamente al DM. Lui può scegliere se e come risponderti quindi spero che sia buono con te. Puoi usare questo privilegio una volta a riposo lungo, mentre dal 5° livello puoi usarlo una volta a riposo corto.

A partire dal 10° livello, il DM risponderà sinceramente alle domande che poni. Questo non significa che le risposte saranno chiare o precise.

Voices of the Gods

3° - Puoi "leggere nel pensiero" dei tuoi compagni di party ascoltando quello che dicono i rispettivi giocatori al tavolo, ma solo se sei entro 9 metri dal personaggio. Questa gittata aumenta a 18 metri dal 8° livello.

Dal 12° livello, puoi sentite tutto quello che accade al tavolo. Questo ti permette di sapere sempre cosa fanno e pensano i tuoi compagni di party finché siete sullo stesso piano di esistenza. Questo limite viene rimosso nel momento in cui raggiungi il 16° livello.

Plot Armor

7° - Hai vantaggio ai tiri salvezza contro la morte e ti servono 4 fallimenti invece che 3 per morire. Inoltre, puoi spendere 2 punti per stabilizzare un alleato moribondo entro 18 metri e una volta a riposo lungo puoi usare il privilegio Schivata Fortuita su un alleato entro 3 metri.

Deus Ex Alea

11° - Puoi tentare di convincere il DM che un particolare incontro è sbilanciato e anche come rimediare a questo errore. Tira un d20.

Se il risultato è un 20 naturale, la situazione cambia in base al tuo suggerimento ma è sempre il DM a decidere cosa avviene e quanto seguire ciò che hai detto.

Se il risultato è 10 o superiore,

Se il risultato è inferiore a 10,

Se il risultato è un 1 naturale, la situazione segue lo scenario peggiore che possa avvenire come punizione per aver dubitato delle capacità del DM.

Dato che questo è un privilegio molto potente usarlo spesso potrebbe infastidire il DM, usarlo una volta a settimana dovrebbe tenerti lontano dalla sua ira.

Armatura di Trama +3

14° - Puoi usare il privilegio Schivata Fortuita su te stesso e sui tuoi alleati un numero di volte pari al tuo modificatore di Intelligenza a riposo lungo. Inoltre, la gittata entro cui puoi usarlo aumenta a 9 metri.

Sbirciata alle Statistiche

14° - Puoi spendere i tuoi punti adattabilità per scoprire il valore di alcune caratteristiche dei tuoi nemici. A seconda dei punti spesi puoi scoprire più cose come scritto in seguito:

  • 1 punto: il GS, la CD di una sua abilità o il punteggio di una caratteristica.
  • 2 punti: i suoi PF correnti, la sua CA o tutti i suoi punteggi di caratteristica.
  • 3 punti: una resistenza, una vulnerabilità, eventuali azioni leggendarie o un'azione che non ha ancora eseguito.
  • 4 punti: tutte le sue azioni o tutte le resistenze.
  • 5 punti: puoi leggere il blocco statistiche per 2 round senza restrizioni.

Privilegio Sbilanciato

20° - Privilegio scelto dal DM, alcuni esempi sono:


  • Meta. tiro dado per fare metagame

Metallic Whispers

Also at 7th level, you finally start to understand what it truly means to forge the metal, its whispers guide you to the perfect form they can achieve.

When you forge an item from metal, you can spend double the gold cost required and at least one week to grant it one additional feature of your choice from the following:

  • Lightweight. This item is the result of many attempts at balancing reduced materials and functionality. The item's weight is halved. In addition, if it is a weapon it loses the Heavy property and if it's an armor its Strength requirement, if present, is reduced by 2,
  • Masterwork. This item gains a +1 bonus to attacks and damage rolls, if it's a weapon, or to AC, if it's a suit of armor or a shield. This bonus does not stack with similar bonuses,
  • Brutal. (Weapon only) This weapon uses a damage die one size larger than normal, up to a d12 (1 > 1d4 > 1d6 > 1d8 > 1d10 > 1d12). If this weapon uses more than one damage die (e.g. 2d6) only one die is effected (i.e. 1d8 + 1d6). When using features that grant additional damage dice on a critical hit their size is always the smaller of the two dice,
  • Lethal. (Weapons only) You can roll one additional weapon damage die when determining the extra damage for a critical hit scored using this weapon,
  • Vicious. (Weapons only) Attacks made with this weapon score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20,
  • Long shot. (Ranged and Thrown Weapons) Thanks to its aerodynamic shape this weapon has an extended range equal to one and a half times its normal range,
  • Silenced. (Ranged and Thrown Weapons) Making an attack against an unknowing creature using this weapon doesn't reveal your location immediately if you succeed a Stealth check against the opponent's Perception,
  • Quiet. (Armor only) Thanks to a peculiar disposition of metal plaques and pieces of leather, this armor does not impose disadvantage on Stealth checks,
  • Sturdy. (Armor only) When the creature wearing this armor is targeted by a critical hit roll 1d6, on a roll of 5 or 6 the attack counts as a normal hit,

At 12th level, you can apply two features to the same item and at 17th level you can apply three.

Crafting: A Quick Guide

There are two official set of rules for crafting in D&D 5e: DM's Guide and Xanathar's Guide.

While it's the DM who decides which set of rules to use I suggest using Xanathar's Downtime option as it's easier to use and can present interesting challenges to the player.

A summary of Xanathar's rules is:
1) get a Formula by finding or creating it,
2) go on an adventure for the exotic materials and
3) pay the Gold Cost and spend the Required Time.

The Gold Cost is equal to half the item price and the Time Required is the Gold Cost divided by 50, expressed in workweeks of 5 days. This means that every week has a cumulative progress of 50 gp until the item's Gold Cost is reached.