Chained Hunting Trap

by Admiralflapplak

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Chained Hunting Trap

Martial Ranged Weapon, Uncommon

Weapon Cost Damage Weight Properties
Chained Hunting Trap 20gp 1d6 piercing 25lb Thrown (range 15/30), Loading, Two-Handed, Special

Special: A chained hunting trap comes attached with 15ft of chain (15lb). If an attack with the chained hunting trap hits, the creature must succeed a DC 10 + Damage Dealt(Max 15) Dexterity Save or become tethered.

You may attempt to shove a tethered creature, but the creature moves towards you instead of away.

A tethered creature cannot move more than 15ft away from you unless it succeeds a DC 13 Strength Check to remove the hunting trap.

If you are attempting to attack a creature at a distance greater than the length of chain attached resolve the attack without the tethered effect.


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