Wilder 5e

by Amellwind

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5e Wilder

The Wilder

Class Features

As a Wilder, you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d8 per Wilder level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per wilder level after 1st


Armor: Light armor, shields
Weapons: All simple weapons, shortswords, and whips
Tools: None

Saving Throws: Constitution, Charisma
Skills: Choose two from Arcana, Deception, History, Insight, Persuasion, and Religion


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) a quarterstaff or (b) a whip and a dagger
  • (a) a sling and 20 stones or (b) 20 darts
  • (a) leather armor
  • (a) an explorer's pack or (b) a scholar's pack
Class Name
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Talents Known Powers Known Power Points Maximum Power Level Known
1st +2 Power Manifestation, Surge bond 4 2 4 1st
2nd +2 Psychic Enervation, Wild surge 4 3 6 1st
3rd +2 Surging Euphoria, 4 4 14 2nd
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement, Wild surge +2 5 5 17 2nd
5th +3 ------------------------------------------- 5 6 27 3rd
6th +3 Surge bond feature 5 7 32 3rd
7th +3 Wild surge +3 5 8 38 4th
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 5 9 44 4th
9th +4 ------------------------------------------- 5 10 57 5th
10th +4 Surging Euphoria Improvement 6 11 64 5th
11th +4 Wild surge +4 6 12 73 6th
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 6 12 73 6th
13th +5 ------------------------------------------- 6 13 83 7th
14th +5 Surge bond feature 6 13 83 7th
15th +5 Wild surge +5 6 14 94 8th
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 6 14 94 8th
17th +6 Surging Euphoria Improvement 6 15 107 9th
18th +6 Surge bond feature 6 15 114 9th
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement, Wild surge +6 6 15 123 9th
20th +6 Perfect Surge 6 15 133 9th

Surge Bond⁠

The Wilder’s choice of emotional surge, which describes the way your psionic powers manifest for you. Choose between Infusion Surge, Chaotic Surge, Efficient Surge, Free Surge, Healing Surge, Leader's Surge, Pain Surge, Raging Surge, Student Surge, or Warrior Surge detailed at the end of the class description..

Your choice grants you features when you choose it at 1st level and again at 6th, 14th, and 18th level.

Power Manifestation

As one who has honed their mental strength beyond the perceived limits of the mind, you manifest psionic powers, which are similar to spells, but are quite different. Some spellcasters have managed to create a small bridge between the two in psychic spells, but you, use the power of the brain to its true potential.

Manifestation Level

Some powers and features will refer to your manifestation level. You manifestation is equal to your total levels you have in psionic classes, such as the wilder, or mystic.


At 1st level, you know 4 talents of your choice from the wilder power list. You learn additional wilder talents of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Talents Known column of the Wilder table.

Psionic Powers

As a Wilder, you manifest psionic powers much like a sorcerer or wizard casts spells, but instead of using spell slots, you use Power Points. A wilder’s ability to manifest powers is limited by the power points you have available. The number of Power Points you have at each level is shown in the Wilder table. You regain your Power Points at the end of a Long Rest.

Powers of 6th level and higher are particularly taxing to manifest. You can use power points manifest one of each level of 6th or higher. You can't use another power of the same level until you finish a long rest.

Power Level Cost
1st 2
2nd 3
3rd 5
4th 6
5th 7
6th 9
7th 10
8th 11
9th 13

Powers Known of 1st Level and Higher

You know two 1st-level powers of your choice from the wilder power list.

The Powers Known column of the Wilder table shows when you learn more wilder powers of your choice. Each of these powers must be of a level equal to or less than your Maximum Power Level. For instance, when you reach 3rd level in this class, you can learn one new power of 1st or 2nd level.

Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the Wilder power you know and replace it with another power from the wilder power list, which also must be of a level equal to or lower than your maximum power level.

Power Manifestation Ability

Charisma is your Power Manifestation ability for your Wilder Powers, since the power of your magic relies on your ability to project your will into the world. You use your Charisma whenever a power refers to your Power Manifestation Ability. In addition, you use your Charisma modifier when settin⁠g the saving throw DC for a wilder power you manifest and when Making an Attack roll with one.

Power Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +

your Charisma modifier

Power Attack modifier = your proficiency bonus +

your Charisma modifier


Many of the powers that you are able to learn can be augmented, enhancing its power beyond normal limits. Some augmentations allow you to increase the number of damage dice, while others extend a power’s duration or modify a power in unique ways. Each power that can be augmented includes an entry giving how many power points it costs to augment and the effects of doing so. However, you can spend only a total number of points on a power equal to your manifester level.

Unless otherwise noted in the Augment section of an individual power description, you can augment a power only at the time you manifest it as a free action.

Wild Surge

A wilder can let their passion and emotion rise to the surface in a wild surge when they manifests a power. During a wild surge, a wilder gains phenomenal psionic strength, but may harm themselves by the reckless use of their power.

At 2nd level, whenever you manifest a power you can choose to invoke a wild surge and roll on the wild surge table (found at the end of the class). When you do, you gain +1 to your manifester level with that power and gain 1 temporary power point that can be used to augment the power. This temporary power point cannot be stored or saved, it can only be used on the power you invoked the wild surge on.

At 3rd level, when you invoke a wild surge you can choose to boost your manifester level by 2 and gain 2 temporary power points instead of 1. At 7th level, you can increase it up to 3; at 11th level, up to 4; at 15th level, up to 5; and up to 19th level, up to 6.

Psychic Enervation

Pushing oneself by invoking a wild surge is dangerous. Immediately following each wild surge, you may be overcome by the strain of your effort, the effect of which is detailed in the specific surge bond. The chance of suffering psychic enervation is equal to 5% per manifester level added with the wild surge.

Surging Euphoria

Starting at 3rd level, when you invoke a wild surge, you can gain the effects of surging euphoria for 1 minute, or until you are overcome by psychic enervation. While under the effect of surging euphoria, you gain +1 to damage rolls, and saving throws.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your maximum wild surge level. You regain any expended uses when you finish a short or long rest.

This bonus is increased to +2 at 10th level and to +3 at 17th level.

Perfect Surge

The wilder has mastered the untamable and can now use a blindingly powerful version of wild surge, albeit at great cost.

At 20th level, you may add +10 to your manifester level when manifesting a power as if through wild surge. In addition to this increase, the power also receives +3 to its save DC, +3 to any attack rolls involved. A power manifested with a perfect surge has the radius and intensity of its associated displays doubled; such displays cannot be hidden normally. You exude light as if the target of the daylight spell while using a perfect surge, and anyone who makes physical contact with you before the start of your next turn takes 1d6 points of fire damage.

However, this extreme example of wild surging has its price. You are struck by psychic enervation afterwards without fail, except you suffer your associated effects for 1d4 rounds and loses a number of power points or hit points (dependent on path) equal to your manifester level +10.

Chaotic Surge

The chaotic wilder unlocks ways to increase their manifester level beyond the dreams of most wilders, but doing so is even more dangerous.

Surge Features
Wilder Level Feature
1st Chaotic surge, Chaotic mind
6th Endowed mind
14th Turbulent thoughts
18th Infuse armor

Chaotic surge

At 1st level, you unlock your wild surge ability a level earlier than other wilders due to your chaotic nature. When you invoke a wild surge, roll a d4.

  • If the result is a 1, your power manifests at one manifester level lower than normal. If this would result in a manifester level too low to manifest the power, you have disadvantage on attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks until the start of her next turn and the power fails, although the chaotic wilder does not spend any power points.
  • If the result is a 2 or 3, your manifester level is increases by 1.
  • If the result is a 4, your manifester level is increases by 2.

When your wild surge improves (3rd, 7th, 11th, 15th, and 19th levels) or when using perfect surge, treat each bonus the same way. For example, at 7th level, a result of 1 would mean the manifester level is reduced by 3, a result of 2-3 would mean the manifester level is increased by 3, while a result of 4 would mean the manifester level is increased by 6. Because you have less control over your wild surge than most wilders, you have a 25% chance of triggering psychic enervation.

Chaotic Mind

Beginning at 1st level, the turbulence of your thoughts prevents others from gaining insight into your actions, granting you the following benefits:

  • Creatures have disadvantage when they make a Wisdom (Insight) check again you.
  • When you are attacked by a creature within 30 feet of you that you can see, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll, before the attacker before it hits or misses. An attacker that can't be frightened is immune to this feature. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (a minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

psychic enervation effect

When the chaotic wilder triggers psychic enervation, they are affected based upon their wild surge roll.

  • On a 1, they can't take an action, bonus action, or reaction until the start of their next turn
  • On a 2-3, they can't take an action, bonus action, or reaction until the end of their next turn and loses a number of power points equal to her manifester level.
  • On a 4, they can't take an action, bonus action, or reaction until the end of their next turn and loses a number of power points equal to twice her manifester level. The increase in manifester level from her wild surge does not increase the number of power points lost.

Endowed Mind

Beginning at 6th level, you increase the save DC of any power you manifest by 1 for every 2 power points you spend augmenting the power, provided the augmentation does not already increase the power’s save DC. You may even spend 2 power points to increase a power’s save DC even if the power does not have any augment options.

Turbulent Thoughts

Starting at 14th level you have advantage on saving throws when you are targeted by a mind-affecting power or spell.

Unstable Surge

At 18th level, your power grows more out of control creating more chaos around you. When you roll for your chaotic surge, you roll an additional 1d4 and take the higher of the two rolls.

Additionally your manifester level you would gain or lose from your chaotic surge feature is doubled.

Efficient Surge

An efficient wilder has learned to control their emotions and use the surge of energy in a more efficient manner, rather than as a huge blast of power.

Surge Features
Wilder Level Feature
1st Metapsionic
6th Enervation Fortitude, Potent Surge
14th Additional Metapsionic
18th Controlled Psychic Enervation


At 1st level, you gain greater control of your psionic energy allowing you to mold it to suit your needs. You gain one of the following metapsionic options of your choice. You gain another one at the 14th level.

You can use only one Metapsionic option on a power when you manifest it, unless otherwise noted.

  • Burrowing Power
    You can manifest your powers against targets that are sheltered behind a wall or force effect. To do so, you spend 2 power points. and your power briefly skips through the Astral Plane to bypass the barrier ignoring any cover the target(s) might have.
    If you cannot see the target and the power requires a range power attack roll, you make the roll at disadvantage.
  • Empower Power
    When you roll damage for a power, you can spend 1 power point to reroll a number of the damage dice up to your Charisma modifier (minimum of one). You must use the new rolls.
    You can use Empower power even if you have already used a different metapsionic option during the manifesting of the power.
  • Widen Power
    You spend a number of power points equal to the powers level, altering the area of effect range of a power (Powers that do not have an area of effect are not affected by this feat). You can increase the powers area by double its normal area of effect or reduce it to a 5-foot radius.
  • Unconditional Power Your mental strength is enough to overcome some otherwise disabling conditions. You can manifest an power when you are confused, paralyzed, petrified, or stunned. Only powers that affect your person can be manifested as unconditional powers. To do this you must spend an additional number of power points equal to the powers level.
  • Delay Power
    You can manifest a power as a delayed power. To do so, you spend 2 power points. A delayed power doesn’t activate immediately. Only area and Self targeted powers can be delayed. When you manifest the power, you choose one of three trigger mechanisms:

psychic enervation effect

When an efficient wilder suffers psychic enervation, they lose a number of power points equal to their manifester level and can only take a single action or bonus action, but not both on their next turn.

(1) The power activates when you take an action to activate it.
(2) It activates when a creature enters the area that the power will affect (only powers that affect areas can use this trigger condition).
(3) It activates on your turn after 5 rounds pass. If you choose one of the first two triggers and the conditions are not met within 5 rounds, the power activates automatically on the fifth round.

Any decisions you would make about the delayed power, including attack rolls, designating targets, or determining or shaping an area, are decided when the power is manifested. Any effects resolved by those affected by the power, including saving throws, are decided when the delay period ends.

A delayed power can be dispelled normally during the delay, and can be detected normally in the area or on the target by the use of powers that can detect psionic or spell effects.

Enervation Fortitude

Beginning at 6th level, when you suffer psychic enervation, you lose a number of power points equal to half your manifester level.

Potent Surge

Starting at 6th level, when you invoke a wild surge, you reduce the cost of a power by the half the level of the wild surge (rounded up) instead of increasing your manifester level. You cannot augment the power and the power is still treated as if you spent the full amount of power points.

Controlled Psychic Enervation

At 18th level, you have learned to control your emotions and in doing so, control your psychic enervations. When you invoke a wild surge, there is only a 5% chance for a psychic enervations to occur. Invoking a higher level wild surge does not increase this percentage.

Free Surge

The free wilder rides every emotion, taking them to heights unbelievable by others and finding their power in the moment of each encounter.

Surge Features
Wilder Level Feature
1st Psionic talent
6th Volatile mind
14th Lingering power, volatile mind improvement
18th Volatile mind improvement, wild ride

psychic enervation effect

A free wilder overcome by psychic enervation can take no actions until the end of its next turn and loses a number of power points equal to their normal manifester level (the increase in manifester level from their wild surge does not increase the number of power points lost).

Psionic Talent

At 1st level, you gain 2 additional power points and one additional power point for each wilder level after.

Volatile Mind

A free wilder’s temperamental mind is hard to affect with telepathy or enchantment.

At 6th level, you have advantage on saving throws versus mind-affecting abilities and, enchantment or divination powers and spells. If you succeed on the saving throw, the source of the power, spell or effect takes 1d8 psychic damage. This damage is increased to 2d8 at 14th level and 3d8 at 18th level.

Lingering Power

Starting at 14th level, when you manifest a power with an instantaneous duration that affects an area. You may cause the power to persist until the beginning of your next turn. Those already in the area suffer no additional harm, but other creatures or objects entering the area are subject to its effects.

A lingering power with a visual manifestation causes the area to becomes heavily obscured.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (a minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Wild Ride

Beginning at 18th level, whenever you invoke a wild surge you can double its bonus to your manifester level and temporary power points, but you also double the chance of psychic enervation.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (a minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

This feature cannot be used in conjunction with the Perfect Surge feature.

Healing Surge

A healing wilder utilizes empathy and compassion to boost their psionic power.

Surge Features
Wilder Level Feature
1st Psionic healing
6th Natural healing, psionic invigoration
14th Body purification
18th Damage transfer

Psionic Healing

Your emotional state allows you to tap into the natural healing magic around you. Because of this you are able to learn druid healing or restoration spells such as; healing word, lesser restoration, and reincarnate. When your Power Manifestation feature lets you learn a power of 1st level or higher, you can choose a healing spell from the druid spell list. You must otherwise obey all the restrictions for selecting the spell, and it becomes a wilder power for you.

In addition, choose an emotion for the source of your wilder power: compassion, empathy, joy, hope, or awe. You learn an additional spell based on that emotion, as shown below. It is a wilder power for you, but it doesn't count against your number of wilder powers known. You cannot replace this power with another.

Emotion Spell
Compassion Purify Food and Drink
Empathy Animal Friendship
Joy Goodberry
Hope Detect Poison and Disease
Awe Detect Magic

Natural Healing

At 6th level, you have learned to rapidly accelerate your natural healing ability. As an action you use 1 power point to heal 3 hit points. You can spend additional power points up to your manifester level, healing an additional 3 hit points for every additional power point spent.

Psionic Invigoration

Beginning at 6th level, when you invoke a wild surge on a power that restores hit points you may choose one ally within 15 feet of you. This ally gains a number of hit points equal to the wild surge.

psychic enervation effect

When the healing wilder suffers psychic enervation, they are poisoned until the end of their next turn, and if the power manifested with the wild surge healed another creature, that creature must make a Constitution saving throw vs the wilders power save DC or also be poisoned until the end of the wilder's next turn.

Body Purification

Starting at the 14th level, you learn to purify your body. At the start of your turn, you are cured of any blinded, paralyzed, petrified, or poisoned condition that is effecting you.

Damage Transfer

At 18th level, when an ally who is within 120 feet of you takes damage, you may use your reaction to transfer the damage to yourself or another willing ally within 120 feet of you and the ally that took the damage. This damage cannot be reduced in any way. The damage cannot be transfered to a creature that would drop to 0 hit points from this features effect.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (a minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Infusion Surge

The infusion wilder learns to channel their emotions into items, allowing them to increase the power of items as well as her own powers.

Surge Features
Wilder Level Feature
1st Infuse weapon, psionic attack
6th Infuse cloak
14th Infuse body
18th Infuse armor

Infuse Weapon

At 1st level, you can expend the cost of a 1st level power to infuse any natural weapon attack or one weapon you are wielding with psionic energy increasing the damage they deal by an extra 1d4 psychic damage. As your maximum power level known increases, you can pay the cost of a higher level power to increase the extra damage: 2nd level power (1d6), 3rd level power (1d8), and 5th level power (1d10).

This effect only functions while you are wielding the infused weapon, and lasts until you complete a short rest or choose to end it early.

psionic attack

Beginning at 1st level, once per turn, you can roll on the wild surge table (located at the end of this class) and manifest a talent on one creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage on the attack roll.

You don’t need advantage on the attack roll if another enemy of the target is within 5 feet of it, that enemy isn’t Incapacitated, and you don’t have disadvantage on the attac⁠k roll.

If the Talent you manifest can be augmented, you gain 1 temporary power point that can only be used on the talent. You gain 1 additional temporary power point that can be used in this way at 7th level, 13th level, and 19th level.

You cannot invoke a wild surge when manifesting a talent with your psionic attack.

Infuse Cloak

At 6th level, you infuse your cloak or clothing with psionic energy allowing it to adapt to your surroundings. You can make the Hide action as a bonus action. If a creatures moves into a position where it could see you, even if the location you are in has no cover, you remain hidden so long as you do not move.

Infuse Body

At 14th level, You can infuse your body by draining the essence of a Rare or lesser magical item during a long rest. The essence takes physical form on your body, it might be a tattoo, symbol, or other mark. You are considered attuned to the magical item for purposes of using its effects, but it does not count towards your maximum number of item you can attune to.

psychic enervation effect

A Infusion wilder overcome by psychic enervation can't take an action, bonus action, or reaction until the end of their next turn and loses a number of power points equal to her normal manifester level (the increase in manifester level from her wild surge does not increase the number of power points lost).  

Whenever you make use of this magical essence you must roll on the wild surge table and have a 20% to suffer from Psychic Enervation. You do not lose any power points from the Psychic Enervation, but you do suffer any additional effects it may cause.

Your body can only hold one magical essence at a time. If you drain another magical item and infuse it into your body. The previous magical essence is lost forever. You cannot infuse your body with a sentient magical item.

The magical item is drained of its power and becomes a non-magical object.

Infuse Armor

At 18th level, you infuse your armor with psionic energy, creating a thin adaptable membrane of psychic energy around you, granting you the following benefits:

  • You have immunity to psychic damage
  • When you are hit by an attack, but before damage is dealt, you can use your reaction to gain resistance to the damage type until the end of your next turn.

Leader's Surge

For the leader wilder, the rush of emotions is at its highest when amongst allies and friends. From their camaraderie, they draw renewed strength and in combat, their danger drives their emotions to almost paralyzing heights, sometimes spilling over into their aura.

Surge Features
Wilder Level Feature
1st Bonus proficiencies, guiding mind
6th Elude touch, surging aura
14th Prescience aura
18th Improved surging aura

Bonus Proficiencies

At 1st level, you gain proficiency with medium armor and persuasion checks.

Guiding Mind

At 1st level, you learn the guidance cantrip. It becomes a wilder talent for you, with Olfactory and Auditory displays.

This talent does not count against your maximum number of Talents Known.

Elude Touch

At 6th level, your intuition supersedes your intellect, alerting you to danger from melee attacks. As a reaction when you are hit with a melee attack, you can increase your AC by a number equal to half of your Charisma modifier (rounding up, with a minimum of 1), potentially causing the attack to miss you. Additionally, your movement does not provoke opportunity attacks during this effect. This effect lasts until the end of your next turn.

psychic enervation effect

A leader wilder overcome by psychic enervation is frightened of the nearest enemy for a number of rounds equal to the level of wild surge used and loses a number of power points equal to her normal manifester level (the increase in manifester level from her wild surge does not increase the number of power points lost), and each ally inside your surging aura radius must make a Wisdom saving throw vs your power save DC or be frightened by the same enemy until the end of their next turn. If the leader wilder suffers psychic enervation again while still suffering from a previous psychic enervation, the penalties do not stack, but the duration resets.

Surging Aura

Starting at 6th level, you gain a 10-foot surging aura. Whenever you gain Surging Euphoria, you can designate one ally within the aura's range to also gain Surging Euphoria's effects.

Prescience Aura

At 14th level, you are able to extend your prescience to those around you. When you succeed on a saving throw against an area of effect, such as a flame strike, the slow spell, or a dragon’s breath attack, all allies within 20-foot radius of you has advantage on their saving throw against the same effect.

Improved Surging Aura

At 18th level, your surging aura increases to 30 feet and whenever you invoke a wild surge and gain Surging Euphoria, all allies within your aura radius, also gain Surging Euphoria's effect.

Pain surge

The pain wilder draws strength from pain, but can only wild surge if they is experiencing physical pain.

Surge Features
Wilder Level Feature
1st Diehard, painful concentration
6th Precise harm, shared pain
14th Fight On
18th Pain for Power


You are especially hard to kill. Starting at 1st level, when you are reduced to 0 hit points for the first time after a long rest, you automatically stabilized.

Painful Concentration

Beginning at 1st level, when you would make a concentration check from taking damage, you can invoke a wild surge reducing the DC by a number equal to the level of the wild surge.

Precise Harm

At 6th level, you can determine exactly how much damage you wish to inflict on a paralyzed, incapacitated, willing, or unconscious creature with a weapon or power. For     example, you attack a paralyzed creature with a                dagger. You may choose to any amount of damage                between 1 and 4 plus any additional modifiers.

This can make the you an expert surgeon or an                expert torturer. You gain proficiency with Medicine                checks. If you are already proficient you double your proficiency with this skill. Likewise, if you make any                use of intimidation that involves inflicting pain on a                target, you have advantage on the Intimidation check.

psychic enervation effect

When a pain wilder suffers psychic enervation, she is poisoned until the end of her next turn and loses a number of power points equal to their normal manifester level (the increase in manifester level from her wild surge does not increase the number of power points lost).

Shared Pain

At 6th level, you learn the share pain: forced power. It is automatically prepared and does not count against your number of prepared powers.

Fight On

Starting at 14th level, as an action, you gain a number of temporary hit points equal to your Constitution modifier. You can activate this feature as an reaction when reduced to 0 hit points. These temporary hit points last for 1 minute.

Once you use this feature, you must finish a Long Rest before you can use it again.

Pain for Power

At 18th level, you have learned to convert the pain of dying creatures into power. The first time you reduce a creature to 0 hit points in a round you regain 1 power point.

Raging surge

A raging wilder unleashes pure, raw rage to boost their psionic power.

Surge Features
Wilder Level Feature
1st Able-Bodied , bonus proficiencies, psionic rage
6th Manifest Rage
14th Eater of Magic
18th Disruptive Mind

psychic enervation effect

When the raging wilder suffers psychic enervation, they loses hit points equal to their normal manifester level (the increase in manifester level from their wild surge does not increase the number of hit points lost).


At 1st level, you gain proficiency with martial weapons and medium armor. Additionally, your hit point maximum increases by 1, and it increases by 1 every time you gain a level.

Bonus Proficiencies

Psionic Rage

At 1st level, you gain the rage class feature, as the barbarian, except as follows:

  • You can only use your wild surge feature while raging.
  • Unlike spellcasters, you are able to manifest powers and concentrate on them while raging.

Manifest Rage

From 6th level, whenever you enter a rage, your rage manifests into a incorporeal weapon matching the weapon in your main hand. Whenever you take the Attack action on your turn, you make an additional attack with this incorporeal weapon. This weapon uses the same damage dice and modifier as your main hand weapon, but deals psychic damage.

Eater of Magic

Starting at 14th level, when you fail a saving throw against a spell or ability (such as a dragons breath attack) while raging. You can reroll the saving throw against this effect. If you succeed on the second saving throw, you are not affected by the spell or ability and gain a number of temporary hit points equal to the effect's caster level or the creatures challenge rating for 1 minute.

Once you use this feature, you must finish a Long Rest before you can use it again.

Disruptive Mind

Start at 18th level, your rage manifests in the mind of your enemies in a 30-foot radius around you. Enemies that start their turn within that area and are concentrating on a power, spell, or spell like ability must succeed on a Concentration check vs your spell save DC or lose their concentration.

Additionally a creature that attempts to cast a spell within the area, must succeed a Intelligence saving throw vs your spell save DC or their spell fails, but the spell slot is not used.


Student's surge

A student wilder has received some formal training in psionics, but still uses raw emotions to empower their abilities. The student wilder uses any emotion much like a free wilder, but with more focus and control.

Surge Features
Wilder Level Feature
1st Psicystal, expanded knowledge
6th Improved psicystal, psicrystal personality
14th Mantle of ardor improvement, psionic clave
18th Hardened Body


At 1st level, you obtain a psicrystal. A psicrystal is a fragment of a psionic character’s personality, brought into physical form and a semblance of life. A psicrystal appears as a crystalline construct about the size of a human hand. The psicrystal can move on your turn, A psicrystal stat block can be found at the end of this surge bond. Your psicrystal gains a variety of benefits while it is linked to you.

  • The crystal obeys your will. It acts on your turn, but you determine its actions, decisions, attitudes, and so on. If you are incapacitated or absent, your psicrystal acts on its own.
  • Your psicrystal's hit points are equal to half yours and its Hit Dice are equal to your Hit Dice (counting only levels in psion or wilder).
  • When you psicrystal must make saving throw or makes a skill check, it uses yours.
  • Its passive Perception is equal to yours.
  • As an action, you can will your psicrystal to form spidery, ectoplasmic legs that grant the psicrystal a movement speed of 30 feet and a climb speed of 20 feet. The legs fade into nothingness after one day (or sooner, if you desire).
  • You can manifest a power, that has a range of Touch, while touching the psicrystal. The power has no effect, other than to be stored in the psicrystal. The psicrystal can then deliver the touch power just as you could as an action. If you manifests another power before the touch is delivered, the touch power dissipates.
  • At the your option, you can have any power you manifests on yourself also affect your psicrystal. The psicrystal must be within 5 feet of you at the time of the manifestation to receive the benefit. If the power has a duration other than instantaneous, it stops affecting the psicrystal if it moves farther than 5 feet away, and will not affect the psicrystal again, even if it returns to its owner before the duration expires.

Should your psicrystal be destroyed, you can form a new one after a long rest.

psychic enervation effect

A student wilder overcome by psychic enervation is blinded for a number of rounds equal to the level of wild surge used and loses a number of power points equal to her normal manifester level (the increase in manifester level from her wild surge does not increase the number of power points lost). If the student wilder suffers psychic enervation again while still suffering from a previous psychic enervation, becomes blinded until they finish a short or long rest.  

Expanding knowledge

At 1st level, you learn one 1st level power or spell of your choice from any class, including powers from another discipline’s list. If you choose a spell, it becomes a power that has all 5 displays (auditory, material, mental, olfactory, and visual). This power does not count against your maximum number of powers known.

You learn one additional power of any level up to one level lower than the highest-level power you can manifest at 6th, 14th, and 18th level.

Psicrystal Personality

Starting at 6th level your psicrystal gains a distinct personality. Its owner typically gets a feel for a psicrystal’s personality only through occasional impulses, but as the owner increases in level the psicrystal’s personality becomes more pronounced. At higher levels, it is not uncommon for a psicrystal to constantly ply its owner with observations and advice, often severely slanted toward the psicrystal’s particular worldview. The owner always sees a bit of himself in his psicrystal, even if magnified and therefore distorted. Choose your personality below;

Personality Benefit
Artiste You gain proficiency with the artisan’s tools of your choice
Bully You have proficiency in the Intimidation skill.
Friendly You have proficiency in the Persuasion skill.
Liar You have proficiency in the Deception skill.
Meticulous You have proficiency in the Investigation skill.
Observant You have proficiency in the Perception skill.
Sage You have proficiency in the History skill.
Sneaky You have proficiency in the Sneak skill.
Sympathetic You have proficiency in the Insight skill.

Flawless psicrystal

Starting at the 6th level, your psicrystal gains more of your personality its abilities expand. Choose 2 of the following options;

  • Alertness. The presence of a psicrystal sharpens its master’s senses. While a psicrystal is within arm’s reach (adjacent to or in the same square as its owner); its owner can't be surprised, and Other creatures don't gain advantage on attack rolls against you as a result of being hidden from you.
  • Flight. As an action, you can will your psicrystal to gain a fly speed of 50 ft.(hover). The psicrystal drifts gently to the ground after one day (or sooner, if the owner desires).
  • Natural Armor. The psicrystal gains +2 AC.
  • Sight Link. You can remote view the psicrystal (as if manifesting the remote view power) once per day.
  • Psionic Transference. Choose one talent you know. You forget this talent and your psicrystal learns it. This does not count as a stored power for your psicrystal.
  • Telepathic Link. You gains a telepathic link with your psicrystal out to a distance of up to 1 mile. You cannot see through the psicrystal’s senses, but you can communicate telepathically as if the psicrystal were the target of a mindlink power. For instance, a psicrystal placed in a distant room could relay the activities occurring in that room.
  • Telepathic Speech. The psicrystal can communicate telepathically with any creature that has a language and is within 30 feet of the psicrystal, while the psicrystal is also within 1 mile of the owner. The psicrystal and the creature can understand each other even if they do not speak the same language.

Perfect Psicrystal

At 14th level, the psicrystal becomes internally and externally flawless becoming a complete extension of your mind. You learn to manifest powers through the psicrystal to a distance of up to 1 mile. The psicrystal is treated as the power’s originator, and all ranges are calculated from its location.
When channeling a power through your psicrystal, you pay its power point cost. You are still subject to attacks of opportunity and other hazards of manifesting a power, if applicable (for instance, you becomes visible when manifesting an offensive power if invisible, as does the psicrystal).

Student becomes the Teacher

At 18th level you have gained mastery over your emotions. You choose 2 powers that you know, a 1st-level power and a 2nd-level power. Whenever you manifest one of these powers at their given level, you do not expend any Power Points.

Additionally, whenever you invoke a wild surge you can add or subtracts your manifestor level to your wild surge roll. (the increase in manifester level from your wild surge does not increase the number you add or subtract). You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (a minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.


Tiny, Construct

  • Armor Class 16
  • Hit Points determined by your hp and hit dice
  • Speed 0 ft.

1 (-6) 15 (+2) 10 (10) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)

  • Condition Immunities exhaustion, paralyzed, poisoned, stunned
  • Senses Blindsight 40 ft., passive Perception 14
  • Language Understands all languages its master knows, but can only speak one of them.

Psionic Barrier Any critical hit against the psicrystal becomes a normal hit.

Evasion. When the psicrystal is subjected to an effect that allows it to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, it instead takes no damage if it succeeds on the saving throw, and only half damage if it fails.


Deliver Power. The psicrystal delivers a power you stored within it to a creature it touches.

Warrior's surge

A warrior wilder embraces the surge of adrenaline, the rush of combat and melee and thus their connection to their body is far more intense. When they ride the wave of their combat-driven emotions, rage and fear foremost, the strain can sometimes be too high for their body to bear.

Surge Features
Wilder Level Feature
1st Body & mind, Mantle of ardor
6th Extra attack, psionic
14th Mantle of ardor improvement, psionic cleave
18th Hardened Body

Body & Mind

At 1st level, you gain proficency with martial weapons and Wisdom saving throws. Additionally, your hit point maximum increases by 1, and it increases by 1 every time you gain a level.

psychic enervation effect

A warrior wilder overcome by psychic enervation can only take either its action or bonus action on its next turn and loses a number of hit points equal to their normal manifester level (the increase in manifester level from her wild surge does not increase the number of hit points lost).

Mantle of Ardor

At 1st level, as an action, you shroud yourself in a thin membrane of psychic energy. While your mantle is active, for 8 hours your base AC is 10 + your Constitution modifier + your Charisma modifier and your swimming and climbing speed are equal to your walking speed. This effect ends when you don armor or a shield.

While your mantle is active, as an action, you invoke a wild surge absorbing the mantle, ending its effect, and regaining hit points equal to your manifestation level (including the bonus manifester level from the wild surge).

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

At 14th level, as a bonus action, while your mantle is active, you can Augment yourself. The effect lasts for 1 minute and only one effect can be active at a time.

Bulwark (2 psi). You increase the AC of your mantle by 2.

Dilute Energy (4 psi). You gain resistance to acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, or thunder damage.

Mental Fortitude (6 psi). You have advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws.

Extra Attack, Psionic

At 6th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the attack action on your turn and the second attack deals psychic damage instead of its normal damage type

Psionic Cleave

At 14th level, as a reaction, when you reduce a hostile creature's hit points to 0 with a power that targets a single creature, you can pay half the cost of the power to target an additional creature within 30 feet of your target with the same power. You must make a ranged discipline attack or the additional creature must make a saving throw, as the power allows. When a power is manifested in this manner, you roll on the wild surge table.

You can’t use this feature again until you complete a short or long rest.

Hardened Body

Beginning at 18th level, a warrior wilder’s deep and intense connection to her body means that when your mind surges with power, your body grows more powerful. You gain 10 temporarty hit points whenever you gain the benefits of surging euphoria. These temporary hit points last until the surging euphoria ends.

Wild Surge Table

d100 Effect
1 A 5th level Wall of Force appears horizontally in front you. The wall is centered infront of you and lasts for its duration.
2 You can hear the thoughts and intentions of the target
3 When target dies, small harmless animals/critters gather to pay their respects
4 Roll 4 more times. All effects happen
5 Your's whole body glows as per a light spell for 1 hour
6 You and each creature within a 30 feet of you become the target of the power.
7 A huge rainbow hangs over you, a chorus of white voices plays in the background and illusory perfumed petals and sparkling glitter shine everywhere
8 Your tails double in length briefly or you grow a permanent one if you don't have one.
9 You are placed in a psychic cage, nothing can get in or out until the end of the manifester's next turn
10 Power activates normally but is coupled with a banshee-like scream out to 1000 feet
11 You develops allergy to their magical items. You uncontrollably sneeze until all magical items are removed. While sneezing, you have disavantage on all attack rolls, ability checks, and you cannot concentrate on a spell or power. The allergy lasts for 1d6 minutes
12 Will-o-wisps appear around your waist and then disappear
13 Your favorite food falls from the sky and it rains across the area for 1d4 days
14 Your mind snaps unexpectedly. You are confused for one minute, as though you were affected by the confusion spell.
15 The power lasts for its maximum duration and cannot be ended early
16 You and the target are affected by the Share Pain power for 1 minute (damage is split evenly between the two)
17 When target dies, the area explodes in psionic crystal shards dealing 2d8 piercing to everyone in a 10ft radius
18 Random enemy or ally in the area is affected by Crown of Madness spell for its duration
19 Pyrokinetic flames encircle you in a 5 foot radius. Any creature that enters the area or starts its turn in the flames takes 1d4 fire damage
20 The target's gains temporary hit points equal to its current hit points for 1 hour
d100 Effect
21 You become the target of your power in addition to your target
22 You levitate 20 feet in the air for 1d4 minutes
23 Panick strikes all creatures within 60 feet of you. Each creature in that area, except you, must succeed on a DC 15 wisdom saving throw, or becomes frightened of you for 1 minute.
24 You instantly gain the effects of a long rest
25 You repeat the same action on the next turn
26 You temporarily gains +2 AC until the end of the battle
27 Creatures within 15 feet of you cannot speak as if under the silence spell. A creature that moves out of the area is no longer effected by the silence at the start of their next turn.
28 A 10 foot wide by 10 foot long and 5 feet deep pit appears immediately under you. The pit is 5 feet deeper for every manifester level you have
29 Ice covers the ground in a 20-foot square centered on you. It's becomes difficult terrain for 1 day. When the ice appears, each creature standing in its area must make a Dexterity check vs your spell save DC or fall prone. A creature that enters the area or ends its turn there must also make this save.
30 A grand image of Death appears behind the ally with the lowest HP, taps on their shoulder, chuckles when they turn around and then he vanishes
31 You are cured of any condition except incapcitated
32 You becomes invisible as if they cast the spell
33 The next power you manifest that deals damage, deals its maximum damage
34 Stream of fairies pour from your mouth
35 The target is duplicated, gaining only half the original's current HP. This duplicate last for 24 hours or until killed
36 d20 gems, shoot from your fingertips. Each gem is worth 1d6 x 10 gp.
37 All flammable objects in a 60 foot radius of the target burst into flames
38 Random ally gains nine tails and vulpine ears temporarily for 1d10 minutes
39 Target is placed in a Otiluke’s Resilient Sphere until the end of its next turn. During this time the target can hear the your thoughts. If you are farther away from the target than 30 feet, they cannot move while the target is in the sphere.
40 A force explodes out in a 25 foot radius around you, Each creature in the area must make a DC 14 Strength saving throw or be knocked back 10 feet

Wild Surge Table Cont

d100 Effect
41 One normal item within 30 feet of you (randomly chosen) becomes permanently magical
42 All allies within 30 feet of you, have their damage is increased by +2 until the end of their next turn
43 Smoke trickles from the ears of all creatures within 60 feet of you
44 Small colorful fey wisps appear and follow the caster
45 You and the target both get an intense sense of kinship and refuse to fight each other for 1d4 rounds.
46 All normal doors, secret doors, portcullises, etc. (including those locked or barred) within 60 feet of you swing open
47 Manifester and target swap places
48 Power also affects another random creature, including allies within 60 feet of you
49 Target's weight doubles, but not altered physically
50 Cow falls from sky on target
51 Sudden change in weather (temperature rise, snow, rain, etc.)
52 Deafening bang affects everyone within 60 foot radius of the target. Each creature in the area that can hear must succeed on a DC 14 Consitution saving throw, or become deaf for 1 minute.
53 Random ally within line of sight gains +4 AC as long as they do not move
54 Gate opens to random outer plane; 50% chance for extra-planar creature to appear.
55 All allies in a 15 foot radius of the target are slowed as if under the slow spell until the end of their next turn
56 Power effectiveness (range, duration, area of effect, damage, etc.) decreases 50%
57 If the power deals damage, it heals. If it heals it deals damage.
58 The smell of cinnamon fills the area in a 30-foot radius around the caster.
59 All weapons within a 60 feet of you glow for 1d4 minutes
60 Target gains resistance to your powers until the end of your turn
61 Target falls under the effects of the Cloud Mind power
62 All magical items within 60 feet of you glow for 2d8 days
63 Your target rolls on the wild surge table with them as the target
d100 Effect
64 Five Violet Fungus sprout up from the ground and begin attacking the party when the spell is cast.
65 You grow rabbit ears that give them advantage on all perception rolls for 1 hour.
66 Darkness spell is cast centered on target and lasts for its duration
67 Links target and another random enemy's fate together (anything that happens to one, happens to the other). Roll a d20 on a 1 it will link to a player's character
68 1,000lbs. of non-living matter within 10 feet of target vanishes
69 1d8 medium sized purple tentacles rise from the ground. They are semi-sentinel and not aligned to caster nor foe. They grapple anything within range (Escape DC 14)
70 A weapon within 30 feet of caster becomes sentient, it's always grumbling about being dirty and grants disadvantage to the user if they don't spend an hour a day cleaning it.
71 Roll a 1d4. 1 = you age 1d10 years. 2 = you lose 1d10 years. 3 = the target ages 1d10 years. 4 = the target loses 1d10 years
72 Everyone within 10 feet of you receive a potion of healing in their hand, pouch, or other easily reachable area
73 Target becomes stunned until the end of their next turn
74 All silver you are carrying becomes gold
75 All gold you are carrying becomes silver
76 The target is blinded for 1 minute
77 The target is charmed by you for 1 minute
78 The entire area explodes in a burst of psychic energy sending a shockwave outward (acts as the thunderwave spell)
79 Summons a large astral hand that slams down on the target dealing 2d8 force damage
80 You choose one level 2 or lower power that you know. You can manifest the power without using power points once per long or short rest. Should you roll this option again, you forget the previous power and can choose a new one.
81 Target polymorphs into a random CR 0 creature at the start of its turn for 1 minute
82 Target is charmed and falls madly in love with caster for 24 hours
83 Random treasure is generated on the target
84 You teleport 10 feet above the target
85 The target gains advantage on all saving throws and ability checks until the end of combat.

Wild Surge Table Cont

d100 Effect
86 A large chunk of matter manifests over target. The target must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d20 bludgeoning damage on a failed save or half as much on a successful one.
87 The target suffers terrible visions. They must make a Wisdom saving throw vs your power save DC. On a fail the target falls unconscious for 1 minute, or until it succeeds on its save. The target does not regain consciousness from taking damage or from a creature attempting to wake them. The target can repeat its saving throw at the end of each of its turns, regaining consciousness on a success
88 All creatures within 60 feet of target also become targets of the power
89 Target's skin begin to feel extremely itchy and must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw to make an attack action for the duration of the fight
90 You’re feeling lucky. For the next hour, any time you make an ability check, roll 1d6 and add the result.
91 A demon whose CR is equal to half of your level appears near you. Make a Charisma saving throw against your power save DC. If you make it, the demon is subservient, otherwise, it is hostile. The demon, if not banished or defeated, vanishes after one day.
d100 Effect
92 You and a random ally swap places
93 You heal for an amount of damage you dealt to the target
94 Target's speed is doubled until the end of its turn. When their turn ends they gain one level of exhaustion
95 All nonmagical articles of clothing on target crumble to dust
96 Ethereal wisps appear around the caster, and then disappear leaving fox fires in the area
97 Four massive pillars erupt from the ground in a square around the caster. Each pillar is 10 feet wide and 40 feet high.
98 Target's nonmagical armor and clothing leaps from target and becomes a sentient
99 You suddenly witnesses a helpful or ominous memory from one of your ancestors.
00 Power effectiveness (range, duration, area of effect, damage, etc.) increases 200%




Thank you for taking the time to look at my version of the Wilder made for 5th edition. In this version I did my best to keep the wilder closer to what it once was in 3.5 instead of converting it over to a mystic style class with disciplines. I hope you choose to play this class and when you do please feel free to let me know how it worked out for you. Below you can find the links for the Art I used. Most of it has been edited in some minor way to fit with the style of the book.

If you want to see more of what I do feel free to check me out on Reddit /u/Amellwind or you can find me on twitch.tv/Amellwind


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