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Martial Archetype
Warriors and trackers, manhunters seek a single target to destroy them. Unaided by magic, they rely on their keen insight and indomitable determination to hunt down the unfortunate souls in their sights. Many manhunters are bounty hunters, while others are mercenaries, bandits, or soldiers who eliminate priority targets on the field.
Mark Target
When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you can mark a creature when it misses you with a melee attack or you hit it with a melee attack. You can also mark a creature whose identity you know if you take 10 minutes to gather and ruminate upon information about it. You can have a creature marked indefinitely, and you gain insight into that creature's thoughts, beliefs, and style of combat.
You can have a number of marks equal to your Wisdom modifier at any one time (a minimum of 1). You can remove any number of marks at the end of a short or long rest, and a creature is no longer marked when you see its corpse.
When a target is marked, you gain the following benefits:
- You have advantage on Wisdom (Insight) and Charisma (Intimidation) checks against it.
- If a mark misses you with a melee attack, you can use your reaction to make one weapon attack against it.
- You have advantage on opportunity attacks against it.
- When you take an opportunity attack against it, you can attempt to grapple it instead of making a weapon attack.
Gut Feeling
At 7th level, you gain proficiency in Insight. If you are already proficient in it, you gain proficiency in one of the following: Intimidation, Perception, Survival, or Thieves' Tools, instead. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses Insight. You receive this benefit regardless of the proficiency you gain from this feature.
Going Underground
Also at 7th level, you can spend 1d4 hours whenever you enter a city or other urban area to gather information about a mark. This includes entering taverns, interrogating their allies, or retracing their steps. Afterwards, roll 1d20 to determine the results of your research. You can only gather information about a single mark at a time.
Roll | Result |
20 | You know its exact current location, where it plans to go next, and when and how it plans to get there. |
14-19 | You know its exact current location, and have a few ideas about its future plans |
8-13 | You know its general location, and have a few ideas about its plans. Some might be wrong. |
2-7 | You have a few ideas as to what the mark plans to do next. Some of them might be wrong. |
1 | Your mark's own contacts discover your efforts and inform it. You have disadvantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma checks against your mark for 24 hours. |
No Escape
At 10th level, every time you hit a mark with a melee weapon attack, its speed is reduced by 5 ft until the end of its next turn.
Out of My Way
Starting at 15th level, you can predict your marks' actions and use that knowledge to protect others. When a mark makes a melee attack against an allied creature within 15 feet of you, you can use your reaction to move towards the target, entering your ally's space and shoving them into the nearest unoccupied space. You then become the target of the mark's attack. If that attack misses you, you can make one melee weapon attack as part of the same reaction you used to move.
Starting at 18th level, your ability to recognize incoming attacks and counter them—to wade into a brawl and emerge unscathed—is unparalleled. The first melee attack a mark makes against you each turn has disadvantage. You no longer require a reaction to attack when a mark misses you. You can only attack after a mark misses you once on any creature's turn, even if a mark misses you more than once.
Marks and the Order of Operations
Your marks are separate from the variant action described on page 271 of the DMG and do not gain the benefits of that action. In order to use mark-based features against a creature it must already be marked. If an unmarked enemy misses you and you mark it, you cannot use your reaction to counter, because it wasn't a mark when it missed. Similarly, if you hit a creature and mark it, its speed is not reduced, because it was not a mark when you hit it.
Neva and Chicco, SIXMOREVODKA Studio