Slay the Spire Potions

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Magic Items

The magic items in this section are based on relics and potions found in Slay the Spire. Most of these items are mechanically as close as possible to the original relics and potions, while some of them have had to have their properties somewhat changed to reflect the differing nature between D&D and StS.


While not all of these are drinkable potions, they are all consumable concoctions made using alchemy.

Artifact Potion

Potion, rare

When you drink this potion, you become filled with mechanical energy for 1 hour. Once during that hour, when you fail a saving throw, you can choose to succeed, instead. After doing so, the potion's magic immediately fades from you.

Attack Potion

Potion, rare

When you drink this potion, your muscles and joints become quicker, for the next minute. When you take the Attack action on your turn for the duration, you can make one more attack than you normally could.

Block Potion

Potion, uncommon

When you drink this potion, you become hardier. For the next 10 minutes, you have 4d6+6 temporary hit points. At the end of the duration, the temporary hit points fade if you have any remaining.

Blood Potion

Potion, common

When you drink this potion, your natural healing speeds up for just a few moments, and you regain hit points equal to your Constitution modifier + your level (a minimum of 1 hit point).

Dexterity Potion

Potion, uncommon

When you drink this potion, you become more agile, for the next minute. You gain the benefits of the haste spell, except you cannot take an additional action normally granted by the spell, and when the potion's effect ends, you can act normally on your next turn.

Energy Potion

Potion, rare

When you drink this potion, you gain a surge of energy. On your next turn, you can take two actions, instead of only one.

Entropic Brew

Potion, very rare

When you drink this potion, you immediately become filled with alchemical energy. Roll 3d20, rerolling all duplicate results. You immediately gain the benefits of the potions you rolled for the numbers of on the table below.

d20 Potion
1 Artifact
2 Attack
3 Block
4 Blood
5 Dexterity
6 Energy
7 Essence of Steel
8 Fairy in a Bottle
9 Fruit Juice
10 Gambler's Brew
11 Ghost in a Jar
12 Liquid Bronze
13 Power
14 Regen
15 Skill
16 Snecko Oil
17 Speed
18 Steroid
19 Strength
20 Swift

Essence of Steel

Potion, rare

When you drink this potion, your skin hardens like steel for the next minute. At the start of each of your turns, you gain 2d6+6 temporary hit points.

Explosive Potion

Potion, uncommon

Instead of drinking this potion, you can throw it at a point within 30 feet of yourself. All creatures within 10 feet of the point must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, or take 4d6 fire damage, taking half the damage on a successful save.

Fairy in a Bottle

Potion, rare

When you drink this potion, you gain the benefits of the death ward spell, for the next 24 hours.

Fear Potion

Potion, very rare

Instead of drinking this potion, you can throw it at a creature you can see, treating it as a thrown improvised weapon with a range of 20/60. On a hit, the creature becomes vulnerable to all damage until the end of your next turn.

Fire Potion

Potion, uncommon

Instead of drinking this potion, you can throw it at a creature you can see, treating it as a thrown improvised weapon with a range of 20/60. On a hit, the creature takes 6d6 fire damage.

Fruit Juice

Potion, very rare

When you drink this potion, delicious energy courses through you, filling you with power. Your maximum hit points increase by 10.

Gambler's Brew

Potion, rare (can only be consumed by a caster that prepares spells)

When you drink this potion, you can quickly change your magic to match your current situation. You can immediately swap out up to 5 spells you have prepared with an equal amount of spells from the list you prepare spells from.

Ghost in a Jar

Potion, rare

When you drink this potion, your body becomes more intangible, for the next minute. The first time you take damage for the duration, you reduce that damage to 1. Afterwards, the potion's magic immediately fades from you.

Liquid Bronze

Potion, rare

When you drink this potion, your skin becomes as sharp as bronze needles, for the next minute. Whenever a creature hits you with a melee attack for the duration, the creature takes 1d6 piercing damage.

Poison Potion

Potion, uncommon

Instead of drinking this potion, you can throw it at a creature you can see, treating it as a thrown improvised weapon with a range of 20/60. On a hit, the creature takes 1d6 poison damage, and must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for the next minute. While a creature is poisoned in this way, it takes 1d6 poison damage at the start of each of its turns.

A creature can repeat its saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success.

Power Potion

Potion, rare (can only be consumed by a creature that can cast spells of 1st level or higher)

When you drink this potion, magical energy flows through you, for the next minute. The first time you cast a spell of 5th-level or lower using a spell slot after drinking this potion, you do not expend the spell slot. Afterwards, the potion's magic immediately fades from you.

Regen Potion

Potion, very rare

When you drink this potion, healing energy constantly washes over you, for the next minute. At the start of each of your turns for the duration, you regain 1d6 hit points.

Skill Potion

Potion, rare (can only be consumed by a creature that has a feature or trait restoring on a short or long rest)

When you drink this potion, powerful energy flows through you, for the next minute. The first time you use a feature or expend a resource that you would regain on a short or long rest (such as Action Surge or ki points), you do not expend the usage or resource. Afterwards, the potion's magic immediately fades from you.

Smoke Bomb

Potion, uncommon

Instead of drinking this potion, you can throw it at a point within 30 feet of yourself, mimicking the effects of a 1st-level fog cloud spell centered on the point for the next minute.

Snecko Oil

Potion, very rare (can only be consumed by a creature that can cast spells of 1st level or higher)

When you drink this potion, your mind becomes confused but powerful, for the next minute. You immediately regain 2 expended spell slots of 5th-level or lower (you choose the slot levels). Then, at the start of each of your turns for the duration, roll a d6-1; all of your spells of 5th-level or lower cost a spell slot of that level or higher to be cast.

Speed Potion

Potion, rare

When you drink this potion, your ability to dodge is vastly increased, until the end of your next turn. Your AC increases by 10 and you have a +10 bonus to Dexterity saving throws for the duration.

Steroid Potion

Potion, rare

When you drink this potion, your strength is vastly improved, until the end of your next turn. Your weapon attack damage rolls have a +10 bonus to them for the duration.

Strength Potion

Potion, uncommon

When you drink this potion, you become more powerful, for the next minute. Your weapon attack damage rolls have a +3 bonus to them for the duration.

Swift Potion

Potion, common

When you drink this potion, you become faster, for the next 10 minutes. Your movement speed increases by 10 feet for the duration.

Weak Potion

Potion, uncommon

Instead of drinking this potion, you can throw it at a creature you can see, treating it as a thrown improvised weapon with a range of 20/60. On a hit, the creature has disadvantage on attack rolls until the end of its next turn.


Made using GMBinder

Created by /u/Dingo_Chungis, aka Blackbando.

Original potions from Slay the Spire.


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