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The caprini are a headstrong and protective race of peoples, fueled by a strong desire to remain undisturbed by the goings on of others. Much like other beastfolk such as tortles and tabaxi, caprini have distinctive markings of their bestial heritage; cloven hooves, thick coats, horns, and a tendency to stick in familial groups is reminiscent of their goat, sheep, and ibex roots.

Sheltered Societies

Caprini generally keep themselves separate from the hustle and bustle of other societies, living in small villages as simple farmers, following a strict "live and let live" mantra. Never in caprini history have they involved themselves in any extended skirmishes or battles, unless protecting their mountain and hillside homes from invaders.

Caprini rarely travel, and on the rare occasions that they do, they travel in small trader caravans, offering wares and services for food and shelter. Few scenarios cause caprini to uproot from their homesteads: disease, imminent danger, or infiltration by those that would lead the village astray.

Some caprini do grow bored of their simple farming lives, choosing to pick up the mantle of adventurer and discover the hidden wonders of the world. Some caprini adventure due to necessity, such as friends in peril, their village under tyrannical rule, or duty to protect the world from imminent disaster.

Caprini are a generally friendly race, but individuals can often be aggressive and confrontational to those who have even slightly wronged them in some way. But when a caprini makes a friend, they make a friend for life; caprini are very protective over those who treat them like kin.

Lost Origins

Caprini do not know their creators or why they were made different to their bestial counterparts. Some scholars suggest a benevolent fey lord created the caprini with love and care, while others believe they were spawned by the horned demon lord Baphomet as evil foot soldiers, much like minotaurs. Due to the absence of historical texts surrounding caprini origin, there is nothing to suggest either theory is correct.

For the caprini themselves, most care not for the solving of this mystery, preferring to live in the moment. However, some caprini go against the grain, hoping to gain favour with the entity which created them.

Herd Mentality

Caprini are followers, not leaders. They will rally around the loudest and most leader-like individuals, looking to them for guidance and knowledge. Due to this, caprini villages can be infiltrated or overrun by outsiders, leading them down a path against their nature.

A strong orc tribe could kill a caprini elder, turning the confused villagers into a troop of violent warriors loyal to Gruumsh, while a charismatic charlatan could con a caprini village into a devious plan, framed as a beneficial arrangement for the caprini, all the while lining the charlatan's pockets with their hard-earned gold.

While these situations are more common than many caprini would like to admit, in the end a particularly virtuous caprini will lead the village back to their old ways of neutrality. It is these situations which lead caprini society to close itself off from other races, to prevent further incidents.

Caprini Names

Caprini often pass on their names to their offspring, leading to a long line of identically named caprini, sometimes even between siblings. As a result, caprini often develop a nickname over time to differentiate between their kin.

Male Names: Aidan, Arfon, Bleddyn, Bryn, Cadfan, Dawyd, Deiniol, Glyn, Gruffydd, Hywel, Ieuan, Lloyd, Madog, Paul, Rhys, Shaun

Female Names: Ariana, Bethan, Bronwyn, Caryl, Eryn, Ffion, Gwyneth, Lili, Lynne, Morgaine, Myfanwy, Nia, Rhiannon, Shan, Sulwyn, Wynne

Nicknames: Bumper, Brawn, Charge, Dash, Fluff, Headbutt, Highclimb, Longhorn, Spindle, Tiny, Weaver, Wheeze

Agricultural Heritage

While not a significantly devout species, caprini villages often have small shrines dedicated to various nature and agricultural deities, such as Chauntea in the Forgotten Realms, Ulaa in Greyhawk, Habbakuk in Dragonlance, and Boldrei in Eberron. Those who believe caprini are fey in origin may worship the sylvan god Skerrit, while evil caprini may worship the demon lord Baphomet.

Caprini Traits

Your caprini character has the following traits, common amongst all other caprini.

Ability Score Improvement. Your Wisdom score increases by 2.

Age. Caprini reach maturity at 10, living to approximately 70 years of age.

Alignment. Most caprini are neutral, keeping together in close-knit communities who are willing to trade with outsiders, but generally keep out of the turmoil and politics of other races. Caprini are easy to manipulate, however, so a strongly aligned leader can lead caprini to more chaotic and potentially evil tendencies.

Size. Caprini grow to about 4 to 5 feet in height, weighing around 170 pounds. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Horns. Your horns are natural melee weapons with which you're proficient, which deal 1d6 bludgeoning damage on a hit.

Cliff Dwellers. Due to acclimating to rocky cliff faces and mountains, you ignore difficult terrain caused by rocky mountainous areas.

Farming Lineage. You gain proficiency in the Animal Handling skill and can convey simple ideas with farm animals.

Languages. You can speak, read and write common and Caprini. The Caprini language is made up of various bleats and grunts.

Subraces. Choose one of the following subraces: Cliffside, Highland, or Woolly Caprini.

Cliffside Caprini

Cliffside caprini have long, curving horns, and are faster than other caprini.

Ability Score Improvement. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.

Bleat of Foot. Your base walking speed is increased to 35 feet.

Ever Watchful. You gain proficiency in the Perception skill.

Highland Caprini

Highland caprini are sturdy and headstrong, with short, curly horns.

Ability Score Improvement. Your Constitution score increases by 1.

Charging Headbutt. If you move at least 20 feet towards a target, you can use your bonus action to attempt to shove them with your horns.

Woolly Caprini

Woolly caprini are covered with thick woolly coats and are friendly and open to trade with outsiders.

Ability Score Improvement. Your Charisma score increases by 1.

Thick Wool. You have a thick coat of wool covering your body, giving you resistance to cold damage.

Skilled Tradespeople. You are familiar with the skills and tools of trading. You gain proficiency in the Persuasion skill and one artisan's tool of your choice.


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