The Mad Transmuter's Lab

by ianjsikes

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The Mad Transmuter's Lab

A D&D dungeon for 5th-level adventurers

Written by Ian J. Sikes


The Mad Transmuter's Lab

Amidst the hilly chaparral of the Virtan wilds, bizarre monsters roam the land. Cruel hawks with scorpion tails, wolves with many heads, and other abominations. Most horrifying of all are the humanoids, twisted beyond recognition, shrieking in rage or in pain. Foul transmutation magic taints this land.

The party has learned of this blight, and its source: Ralen, the Mad Transmuter. Decades ago, something caused Ralen to snap. After cursing the land with his abominations, he's rumored to have holed up in a cave, never to be seen from again.

Adventure Hooks

Here are a few example hooks to introduce the party to this dungeon:

Chimera Hunt

Rumors of a mythical beast lying dormant in the lab have reached the ears of a certain individual. They might be a taxidermist looking to expand their collection, a chef with a strange new recipe, or an alchemist in need of a particular reagent. They have enlisted the party's help to locate the laboratory and bring them the Chimera.

Purify the land

The local government seeks to put an end to the monstrosities that roam their lands. Although Ralen is presumed dead, some dormant power lies within the lab, mutating the surrounding wildlife. The party is enlisted to venture into the lab, find the source, and destroy it.

Curiosity killed the mutant cat

A different group of inexperienced adventurers set out to find Ralen's lab, in hopes of finding great treasures. They returned to town, bloodied and fewer in number. Stranger still, the survivors were all mutated in horrible ways. Roll negative effects on the mutation table for their looks. Hearing of these tales, the party can't help but wonder what treasures they might find, provided they fare better than their predecessors.

Room descriptions

1) Waterfall Entrance

A narrow river plummets over a cliff's edge into a small lake. Behind the waterfall, there is a low opening in the cliff face. A water-filled cave extends into the earth.
The cave is mostly submerged, with about a foot of space for breathing. A few **Swarms of Quippers** might be lurking below.

2) Entryway

The water-filled tunnel leads into a round cavern room. A set of smooth stone stairs lead out of the water to the room's floor. Opposite the tunnel entrance is a simple wooden door. On either side of the door are two large columns made of shimmering gold, carved in a twisting, braided pattern.

If the columns are touched or disturbed in any way, the pattern of both columns will unravel and form animated snakes. Each column forms one Giant Constrictor Snake and one Swarm of Poisonous Snakes. When killed, the snakes turn to ash. However, if the magic animating these snakes is disturbed (via Dispel Magic, Moonbeam, etc.), they instantly turn back to solid gold. The constrictors are worth 125gp each, and the swarms are worth 45gp each.

3) Knock-Knock Room

This is a square room with perfectly smooth walls. In the center of each wall is a metal door with a knocker in the shape of a beast's head. To the left, a bronze door with a goat's head. Across, a silver door with a dragon's head. To the right, a gold door with a lion's head. The doors have no handles, keyholes, or other means of opening. A Detect Magic spell will reveal the beast heads to glow with an enchantment. Aside from the doors, the room is empty and completely unlit.

When the knocker of one of the doors is knocked, the beast head comes alive, and booms, "Who's there?". It glares towards the character who knocked and awaits a response.

If the character responds with a knock-knock joke, the beast chuckles, and the door swings open. It is up to the DM to determine what is a "valid" knock-knock joke.

If the character responds with anything other than a knock-knock joke, the beast glares angrily, opens it's mouth, and blasts a beam of magic at the character. The goat deals 1d4 ice damage, the dragon deals 1d4 fire damage, and the lion deals 1d4 lightning damage.

If another character other than the knocker attempts to speak to the beast, it will ignore them and await a response from the character who knocked.

4) Fast and Slow

The air in this room has a staticky quality to it, and a low buzz can be heard. It is a long rectangular room with a door at the far end. There is an iron chest on the floor near the entrance. The room is lit by iron-sconced torches in the corners.

The floor near the exit door is trapped. A creature that steps on it and fails a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw falls down into room 5. The stone floor slides shut afterward, rearming the trap.

Anyone entering the room feels the hair on their body stand on end. The air feels thick. An outside observer will notice they are moving unusually slowly.

Everything in this room is subject to the effects of the Slow spell (no saving throws).

If the iron chest is touched, an arc of static electricity jumps to the nearest creature. Two bolts of lightning strike down on the far side of the room, and two Blitzorn appear. They have the appearance of tigers made of electricity, with lightning bolt patterns in their fur. Tendrils of static arc off of them as they move. They are unaffected by the Slow field, and they attack immediately.

Inside the chest is a small velvet pouch containing three Time Crystals.

5) Riddle Pit

A 20 ft. pit drops into a small 10 ft. square room, lit only by the glowing green eyes of an iron skull. The skull is attached to an iron door, the only other way out of the room. Upon falling into the room, the skull animates, stating the following riddle:

*What species has forearms, foreheads, and over four feet?*

Obviously, this riddle only works when spoken aloud, so don't show this to your players in text. If a player states any humanoid race that meets this criteria (Human, Elf, Dragonborn, etc.), the skull cackles and the door swings open outward.

6) Garsden's Last Stand

A large, dark room. Broken furniture and miscellaneous junk is strewn across the floor, giving the impression that this was once a sort of lounge or common room. One wall contains the mouth of a wide natural tunnel, blocked off by a rusty iron gate which is chained shut. In the opposite corner, tables and chairs are arranged in an ineffectual barricade.

If the party enters this room immediately from room 3, they hear a bloodcurdling scream of anguish from the corner with the barricades. From a distance, the source of the screams appears to be a writhing mass of tentacles. Upon closer inspection, you can see a number of creatures swarming around a humanoid, attacking it.

Four chokers are attacking Garsden, a fledgling gnome adventurer. Upon detection, 2-3 of them will peel off to attack the party. Garsden starts restrained, with 10 hit points.

If the party saves Garsden, he is incredibly grateful. He only has 24gp to offer, but will remember this kindness forever. He may tell the party that he came here with five friends, looking for treasure. They were in over their heads. Two died to strange spider things in huge cavern. The survivors tried to rest in this room, but they were attacked and Garsden did not escape with the rest of them. Looking shaken, he wishes the party well and flees the dungeon as fast as possible.

If the party enters this room later, they enter a quiet, apparently empty room. The four chokers are hiding on the ceiling, coiled in empty barrels, and behind tables. They spring into action if the party illuminates the room or spends any amount of time investigating. After combat, they may discover the recently dead body of Garsden. On him, they find 32gp, a rapier, and a locket with a picture of a young gnome woman, engraved with the name "Breena".

7) Experiment Holding Cells

A low-ceilinged natural tunnel. Rusty iron gates cover both entrances. Along the walls are eight wooden cell doors. The room was used to hold Ralen's more successful experiments. If the party is not very quiet, a Girallon bursts through one of the cell doors and attacks. He is followed by a Yuan-ti Malison (Type 1) and two Chokers. If the cells are inspected, the remaining four contain crumbling statues of humanoids. If any of the statues are touched, they all come to life and attack as Stone Cursed.

8) Raw Materials

A cacophony of moans, screeches, and squelches can be heard before entering. This room contains a pit full of writhing limbs and howling faces. The wretched creatures are piled on top of each other and packed so tightly that the ground is not visible. From the ledge above, they pose no danger. Falling into the pit, however, is almost certainly lethal. The pit serves as a stockpile of test subjects for Ralen's experiments.

9) Pillar trap room

This long, low-ceilinged room is apparently empty, with a door at the end. Numerous spots along the floor are trapped, casting the spell Bones of the Earth when activated by at least 10 pounds of force, with a save DC of 12. Walking straight across the room might activate 3-4 traps.

Casting Detect Magic illuminates the trapped zones. Moving very carefully might give advantage on the Dexterity save to avoid the traps.

10) Altar of mind mutations

A cliff separates this room with a 60-foot drop. On the lower half is a pedestal of red stone. When anyone steps onto the lower half of the room, a hole opens in the ceiling and a Braniac Ogre drops onto the pedestal and attacks. At the same time, two Intellect Devourers stealthily emerge from the wall in the upper half of the room.

11) Chasm crossing A

This room opens up into a ledge along an enormous chasm. It extends downward into darkness, and an item dropped into it seems to fall forever, making no sound. The chasm is about 30 feet across at this point.

A precarious rope bridge connects the ledge with one on the other side of the chasm.

Reptilian shrieks and skittering sounds echo throughout the chasm. Two Adult Kruthiks climb down from the wall behind the near ledge, and a Kruthik Hive Lord emerges from the chasm below onto the far ledge. The Hive Lord is able to cross the bridge as difficult terrain, but the ropes are frayed and can not take much damage.

12) Chasm crossing B

This room opens onto a ledge over the same chasm from 11. The chasm is about 25 feet across at this point. On the far side are two smaller ledges. One is 10 feet above the near ledge, one is 15 feet below. Large spider webs span from the near ledge to the far upper ledge.

A Choldrith emerges from the darkness and perches on the far upper ledge. Three Chitine crawl onto the near ledge, and attack. The Chitine take advantage of the Choldrith's web to stay out of reach and lure attackers into the web.

13) The Well of Creation

A pair of large wooden doors are painted gold and carved, depicting scenes of beasts running wild. They open onto a semicircular platform hanging over the chasm. On this platform are two golden pillars identical to the ones from room 2. In the center is a pool of strange gold liquid, emanating a warm golden glow.

A strange force draws in any who looks upon the pool. A creature failing a DC 12 Charisma saving throw is charmed into entering the pool. A creature can only be affected by this charm once.

As you slip into the golden pool, you are enveloped in a comforting warmth. You fall deeper into the pool, much deeper than you thought it could be. In fact, it feels as though it stretches out endlessly in all directions.

You begin to kick your feet, hoping to swim to the surface. You do not feel the currents of liquid around your legs, and make no progress upward. Looking down, you see... nothing. Your legs are missing. You reach to touch them with your hands, but they are missing as well.

And then, you realize you have no form whatsoever. Whatever this pool is, your essence has merged with it. Panicking, you mentally reach out for your body. Shapes emerge from the liquid surrounding you, and they solidify to form the rough outline of your hands. Only... they're not quite right.

At first, you see the meaty hands of an ogre. The shapes blur, and form the claws of a lizard. They blur again, and a horrific tentacle curls in front of you. In this pool, your physical form is a product of willpower and visualization.

The submerged individual makes a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw.

On a failure:

After grasping for your own body for minutes, you are desperate to get out of the pool. You make your best effort to solidify, knowing you won't exit this laboratory quite how you entered. With this physical form, you swim to the surface and pull yourself out.

A character leaving the pool in this way emerges with one or two mutations chosen by the DM. These can be minor cosmetic changes, a full race change, or a bizarre deformity. See the Mutation Table for ideas.

On a success:

You close your eyes and visualize your body. The shapes form around you, and suddenly, there you are. You're able to wield this power to materialize anything you can imagine. As you start to swim up, a thought occurs. Why not make some... improvements?

A character leaving the pool in this way can choose to exit with their original form. They could also willingly mutate themselves in one of the ways above.

After exiting the pool, a character can enter again for another mutation. However, the Wisdom DC increases by 2 each time as the transmutative power corrupts the individual, so the risk of becoming a horrifying Cronenberg monster is ever present.

A creature must be fully submerged to experience the magic of the pool. Being partially submerged has no effect.

The liquid in the pool is bound there, and can not be removed. If a container is filled with the liquid, it will phase through it as it is pulled out of the pool.

14) Terrarium

An enormous cavern that has been transformed into a miniature savanna ecosystem. An artificial sun shines from a stalactite overhead. The Terrarium is divided into three levels by rocky escarpments.

On the upper level, a stream flows out of a crack in the rock wall. In the opposite corner, two pseudodragons nest amidst some bushes.

On the middle level, a lion stalks the acacia trees. The stream bends lazily, tumbling to the lower level.

On the lower level, two giant goats butt heads and munch on the tall grass. The Chimera nests in the large thicket of grass and acacia trees, but frequently flies overhead, blasting small birds out of the air with a plume of dragon fire. The stream ends in a deep pond.

Charred and claw-gouged boulders litter the terrarium. The beasts here have been corrupted by Ralen's foul experiments, and will attack on sight. The doors to the Terrarium are heavy, locked iron doors, built to keep the Chimera in.

15) Magic supply room

The iron door to this room is locked (DC 12 to lockpick). The key can be found in Ralen's bedroom (22).

This is a stockroom filled with magical supplies used in Ralen's experiments. Parchment, wax, vials of all sizes, and various scientific instruments. Small glass containers full of bizarre spell components line the walls. A small wooden case holds three Antitoxins and three Potions of healing. An iron chest on the floor contains 5 bricks each of gold, silver, and copper.

Two glass cases are mounted to the wall, each containing a scroll sealed with wax. They are labeled "For Emergencies Only". The cases have no doors, so they need to be broken to retrieve the scrolls. One is a Sealed Scroll of Reincarnation, sealed with golden wax stamped with a feather. The other is a Sealed Scroll of Disintegration, sealed with black wax stamped with a skull.

A narrow passage leads to 16.

16) Mundane supply room

The iron door to this room is locked (DC 12 to lockpick). The key can be found in Ralen's bedroom (22).

This is a stockroom filled with various mundane supplies used in Ralen's experiments. Ropes, chains, and shackles were used to restrain beasts. Basic tools sit on a workbench, surrounded by broken chairs, doors, etc. A lantern, some locks, a bucket, cleaning supplies, etc.

A narrow passage leads to 15.

17) Pantry

A wooden door leads to a stockroom filled with various foodstuffs. Sacks of animal feed, hay, seeds. A couple of cured meats hang from the ceiling. Flour, dried beans, etc.

18) Water puzzle room

Attempting to enter this room from 19 before solving the puzzle is not possible. The iron door is sealed.

In this room, there is a small ledge to stand on, with the rest of the room filled with murky water. As the group enters, a watertight door slides shut behind them.

From one corner of the room, a steady rush of water comes through a metal grate in the ceiling. In the center of the ceiling is an orange metal valve.

The water is dark, but if lit up somehow, or if someone dives in, they may see a matching valve and grate on the floor, along with a sealed iron door.

Despite the water flowing from the ceiling, the water level remains constant. Both grates have a LOW flow rate. Turning the lower valve gives the upper grate a HIGH flow. Turning the upper valve gives the lower grate a HIGH flow. If the upper grate has a higher flow than the lower grate, the water level rises, and vice versa.

The quickest solution is to dive down and turn the lower valve, causing the water to rise. Then, wait until the upper valve is in reach and turn it, stabilizing the water level. Finally, dive back down and turn the lower valve the other way, causing the water to drain from the room.

When the water is drained from the room, the doors re-open.

19) Gravity puzzle room

As you turn the doorknob, you feel a force pulling the door away from you.
In this large chamber, the direction of gravity is altered by 5 buttons on pedestals. Initially, the gravity is pointing toward the right wall (if you are facing the door to **20**), so anyone entering the room will fall to the right. The gravity is reduced such that no fall damage is taken.

Each side of the room (up, down, left, and right) has a pedestal containing 5 buttons, and a strip of 6-foot high razor wire. Falling into the razor wire inflicts 7 (2d6) slashing damage. The strip of wire is 10 feet wide, and movement through it deals an additional 4 (1d6) slashing damage per 5 feet.

The buttons on the pedestals each depict an animal, and correspond with one of five walls. The buttons are: Snake (down), Lion (back), Wolf (up), Elephant (right), Hawk (left). Pressing a button changes gravity to point to the corresponding wall. The pedestals and wire are positioned such that standing at the pedestal for one wall and falling towards the previous wall will land you in the razor wire.

The quickest solution is (standing on the right wall): Snake, Wolf, Hawk, Wolf. This will allow you to enter the door to 20.

Pressing Lion will point gravity toward the back wall. On this wall, there is a small pedestal with a single Elephant button. Pressing this resets gravity to the right wall.

It is possible to get stuck on the far side of the razor wire, with no pedestal in reach. If this happens, gravity will shift toward the back wall after a few seconds.

20) Twisted corridor

A narrow, circular tunnel extending into darkness. The walls are rough rock, in a spiral pattern of striations. Anyone walking through this tunnel feels dizzy. A character who fails a DC 10 Constitution saving throw becomes very nauseous, and needs to rest for a minute. The subtle spiral pattern makes it difficult to notice that gravity gradually rotates 180° throughout the corridor.

21) Living room

A substantial layer of dust covers this room. An empty cup sits on top of a small dining table. Along one wall is a countertop with various kitchen implements, and a small oven. The rest of the room is taken up by piles of textbooks, anatomical diagrams, and scattered notes.

22) Bedroom

An austere bedroom, mostly dedicated to Ralen's research. Various textbooks and grimoires overflow from the bookshelves onto the floor and bed. Opposite the bed is a large desk. Atop the desk is the Mistwalker Staff and a Scroll of Maximillian's Earthen Grasp. Further investigation into the books reveals four or five to be rare resources on transmutation magic, worth ~50gp each to a collector. There is also a ring of keys in the desk drawer. One of which opens the stockrooms (15 and 16). Another opens the Terrarium (14).


Ralen's experiments stalk the halls of his laboratory and terrorize the surrounding lands.
Many of the monsters used in this dungeon are from official sourcebooks. They are listed below along with their sourcebook and page number.


Large elemental, neutral

  • Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
  • Hit Points 59 (7d10 + 14)
  • Speed 50 ft.

17 (+3) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 6 (-2) 13 (+1) 8 (-1)

  • Saving Throws Dex +5
  • Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons
  • Damage Immunities lightning
  • Condition Immunities grappled, restrained
  • Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 17
  • Languages understands Primordial but cannot speak
  • Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Keen Senses. The blitzorn has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.

Pounce. If the blitzorn moves at least 20 feet straight toward a creature and then hits it with a claw attack on the same turn, that target must succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the blitzorn can make one bite attack against it as a bonus action.


Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) lightning damage.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage plus 3 (1d6) lightning damage.

Lightning Breath (Recharge 5-6). The blitzorn exhales lightning in a 30-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw, taking 21 (6d6) lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Ogre Braniac

Large giant, chaotic evil

  • Armor Class 13 (breastplate)
  • Hit Points 77 (9d10 + 27)
  • Speed 40 ft.

19 (+4) 8 (-1) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 7 (-2) 7 (-2)

  • Saving Throws Int +8
  • Damage Resistances psychic
  • Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 8
  • Languages Giant
  • Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)

Psionic Augmentation (10 Psi Points). The ogre braniac can spend Psi Points to use a psionic ability.


Rage Hammer (1-7 psi). A hammer of red psychic energy slams one creature within 60 feet. That target must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or take 1d10 psychic damage per psi point spent. On a successful save, it takes half as much damage.

Ego Whip (3 psi). A lash of red energy whips one creature within 60 feet. That target must succeed on a DC 15 Intelligence saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes 3d8 psychic damage, and it is filled with self-doubt, leaving it able to use its action on its next turn only to take the Dodge, Disengage, or Hide action. On a successful saving throw, it takes half as much damage.

Greatclub. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage.

Official Monsters
Name Source Book Page
Chimera Monster Manual 39
Chitine Volo's Guide 131
Choker Mordenkainen's Tome 123
Choldrith Volo's Guide 132
Giant Constrictor Snake Monster Manual 324
Giant Goat Monster Manual 326
Girallon Volo's Guide 152
Intellect Devourer Monster Manual 191
Adult Kruthik Mordenkainen's Tome 212
Kruthik Hive Lord Mordenkainen's Tome 212
Lion Monster Manual 331
Pseudodragon Monster Manual 254
Stone Cursed Mordenkainen's Tome 240
Swarm of Poisonous Snakes Monster Manual 338
Swarm of Quippers Monster Manual 338
Yuan-ti Malison Monster Manual 309

Magic Items

Time Crystal

Wondrous item, uncommon
This crystal resembles an uncut blue opal. You can use an action to crush the crystal in your hand, or throw it up to 30 feet, shattering on impact. All creatures within a 40-foot cube centered on the crystal are subject to the effects of the Slow spell. The zone lasts for 1 minute.

Sealed Scroll of Reincarnation

Wondrous item, rare
This scroll is sealed with golden wax, stamped with a feather. Breaking the seal releases the spell, allowing you to use an action to cast the Reincarnate spell once, forgoing the component cost and casting time requirements. If the spell is not cast within 1 minute of breaking the seal, the magic dissipates. Any creature may use this scroll, regardless of spellcasting ability.

Sealed Scroll of Disintegration

Wondrous item, rare
This scroll is sealed with black wax, stamped with a skull. Breaking the seal releases the spell, allowing you to use an action to cast the Disintegrate spell once, forgoing the component cost. If the spell is not cast within 1 minute of breaking the seal, the magic dissipates. Any creature may use this scroll, regardless of spellcasting ability. The spell is cast at 8th level, dealing 16d6 + 40 damage, with a spell save DC of 16.

Mistwalker Staff

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)
This staff is made of a dark wood, twisted around a large, cloudy quartz crystal. The clouds within the crystal are constantly shifting and swirling.

This staff has 16 charges and regains all expended charges when left to absorb the light of a full moon for at least 3 hours.

Spells. While holding the staff, you can use an action to expend some of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC and spellcasting ability: blur (1 charge), misty step (2 charges), blink (4 charges), gaseous form (4 charges), dimension door (6 charges), wind walk (10 charges), or etherealness (8th-level version, 12 charges).


The Well of Creation is Ralen's life's work. It breaks down any living creature into an amorphous blob of pure, transmutative potential. Harnessing the power of the Well is incredibly difficult, and most are overwhelmed, emerging with bizarre mutations.

Roll on this table for a random mutation. There is a mix of good, bad, and neutral mutations. You can find a larger, self-rolling list of 1,000 mutations here.

d50 Mutation
1 You cast no shadow.
2 Grow dozens of horrible warts, each with your face.
3 Reroll your race.
4 Fish tattoos that swim all over your skin.
5 You smell unappetizing. Most creatures won't consider you edible.
6 Square pupils, like a goat.
7 When you gesture with your hands, faint yellow sparks float in the air.
8 Tiny, vestigial bat wings. Can not fly.
9 When angry, your skin glows red.
10 Powerful legs. +5 movement speed.
11 Gain Sunlight Sensitivity.
12 Huge, leathery bat wings. Gain fly speed equal to your move speed.
13 Can detect magnetic north unless near a strong magnetic field.
14 Your tongue disappears. Can no longer speak.
15 A third eye appears on your forehead.
16 An evil twin leaps out of your body and runs away, cackling.
17 Your bones become dense. You sink in most liquids. +1 Strength.
18 Thick fur coats your entire body.
19 Large boar-like tusks
20 You bleed goopy, green blood.
21 Fangs. Gain a bite attack, dealing 1d4 piercing damage.
22 Your voice becomes much deeper.
23 Your voice becomes much higher.
24 Mysterious hole straight through your torso.
25 One arm becomes a tentacle. Functions normally, but slimy and flexible.
d50 Mutation
26 Large flipper feet. -10 walk speed. +10 swim speed.
27 Perfect teeth. +1 Charisma.
28 You are hungry all the time. You need to eat twice as often as usual.
29 Age 2d10 years. If your race's lifespan is over 100 years, age 4d10 instead.
30 De-age 2d10 years. If your race's lifespan is over 100 years, de-age 4d10 instead.
31 You can photosynthesize. Your skin becomes green. You can absorb sunlight for 4 hours instead of eating.
32 You lay an egg once a week.
33 Your fingernails are made of silver. Good for scratching werewolves.
34 You can not speak unless it is in song.
35 Your hair and/or facial hair becomes fire. It doesn't burn you, but does cast light.
36 Your eyes become glowing balls of flame.
37 Magnetic hands. Iron sticks to them.
38 Your fingers are coated in yellow grease. It stains everything you touch.
39 You believe you can speak with birds. You cannot.
40 Your shadow is that of a horrifying monster.
41 One finger becomes solid gold. It cannot bend.
42 You are hyperbuoyant. You can not dive beneath the surface of water.
43 You hear a voice in your head narrating your actions. +1 Wisdom.
44 You become very hesitant. -5 to Initiative.
45 You hover 2" off the ground. You can still take fall damage.
46 A circle of black flame floats over your head. Looks demonic.
47 A 2' pine tree grows from your back. It sheds pine needles.
48 If anyone within 10 miles says your true name, you can hear it.
49 You grow two large antlers.
50 Roll two more times on this table.



Version 1.0


  • First release!

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