Primal Path: Path of the Titan Mauler

by Anthony Vallozzi

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Path of the Titan Mauler

In lands overrun by giants, dragons, and other hulking beasts, entire fellowships of barbarians hone tactics and traditions with one purpose—to bring low these massive foes. While their enemies’ size makes the creatures strong, barbarians who follow the Path of the Titan Mauler are even stronger, taking up weapons from their fallen foes that no lesser warrior can lift, and using them when they hunt to grant themselves increased size and greater ferocity against their titanic foes.


When you choose this primal path at 3rd level, you develop your strength and tighten your grip, allowing you to utilize the oversized weaponry you've looted from past hunts to their utmost. You can wield an oversized weapon meant for a creature one size larger than yourself, with two hands, without incurring disadvantage on attacks, and you deal 1d6 additional damage with weapons of that size. At 6th level, your attacks with with oversized weapons deal 2d6 additional damage instead.

Additionally, when you wield an oversized weapon, it gains the reach property. If it already has the reach property, the weapon instead adds 10 feet to your reach when you attack with it, as well as when determining your reach for opportunity attacks with it.

Compensatory Rage

Also at 3rd level, the flames of your rage are stoked even further while combating massive foes. As long as your rage persists, your bonus Rage Damage is doubled against creatures that are Large or bigger.

Mighty Build

At 6th level, your physical prowess increases along with your acclimation to using oversized weapons.

Bulwark. If you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take half damage, and are wielding a oversized weapon, you can use your reaction to make a Strength saving throw in its place, interposing your weapon between yourself and the source of the effect.

Titanic Power. You count as one size larger than your current size for your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, and lift, as well as for grappling and shoving.

Oversized Weapons

An oversized weapon is a weapon meant for a creature larger than yourself. Unless stated otherwise, a player that attempts to wield an oversized weapon must do so by wielding it with two hands, the oversized weapon deals the same damage as a normal weapon of its size, and attacks made with it have disadvantage.

Climb Onto a Bigger Creature

Ask your DM if they implement this optional rule on page 271 of the Dungeon Master's Guide. If they do, you have advantage on skill checks made to climb and remain on a larger creature starting at 10th level.

Monster Hunter

Starting at 10th level, you can't be frightened by nonmagical sources, and you have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks made to track creatures larger than yourself.

Oversized Techniques

At 14th level, you learn a variety of techniques you can use only with oversized weapons, while raging. Each oversized technique enhances an attack in some way, and only one can be used per attack. You can use these techniques a number of times equal to your Strength modifier. You regain all of your expended technique uses when you finish a short or long rest. Below are a list of said techniques:

Skewer. When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack using a piercing oversized weapon, you can choose to halve the creatures speed on their following turn and give them disadvantage on their next Strength check or saving throw.

Cleave. When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack using a bludgeoning or slashing oversized weapon, you can choose to make an additional attack against a new target within 10 feet of the original target and within your reach.

Crush. When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack using an oversized weapon, you can choose to deal 2d6 additional damage and force the creature to succeed on a Strength saving throw or be knocked prone (DC = 8 + your Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus).


Created by Anthony Vallozzi, you can contact me on reddit as /u/ch33ri000z. You can find my work and follow me for updates at

Special thanks to @SwordMeow for the awesome Mighty Build feature, and to Paizo for the inspirational Titan Mauler that I've attempted to alter for 5e.

Art in Order of Appearance

"Giant slayer" by Benny Kusnoto

Anthony Vallozzi -


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