LuckyRed's Custom Items V.1.0

by LuckyRed

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Custom Items

by Luke Ritchie (LuckyRed, RitchieRitch62)

Magic Items A-Z

Magic items are presented in alphebetical order. A magic item's description gives the items name, its category, its rarity, and its magical properties.

Aarokocra Leathers

Armor (leather), very rare (requires attunement)

You have a +1 bonus to AC while attuned to this armor. It has a braided leather mid section to cover the abdomen. The pectorals are covered by U-shaped crest of white and silver feathers. Similar feathers can be found decorating the shoulders as well. On the back is a thick, dense, leather pack that is covered with a thick coat of white feathers.

The wearer of this armor can unfurl the leather pack on the back into a pair of white and silver wings with a wingspan of 16 ft. You can fly at a speed of 60 ft per round for up to one hour; retracting and deploying your wings with a bonus action. Once you run out of time, you must wait 3 long rests before they can be used again, and the back pack is simply smooth leather. While the wings are recharging, the leathery back will slowly become feathery again until it is back to the way it was. Upon examination, the wings appear to be natural and biological, and act as additional appendages to those attuned.

Aarakocran Downy Pillow

Wondrous item, uncommon

This magical pillow is stuffed with the downy of Aarakocran fledglings and is extremely comfortable. While you have this pillow you only need 5 hours of sleep each night.


Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)

This item is a large, marble-like orb that can be used as an arcane focus. Whenever you are hit by a damaging area of effect, you may use your reaction to absorb part of the damage using Absorbitor, either halving the damage or subtracting 15, whichever is less, for all creatures within the area. After doing this, the orb contains 1 charge of a type of damage dependant upon what it absorbed. For example, if it absorbed a fireball, it contains 1 fire charge. While it is holding a charge, it cannot absorb anything else.

As an action you can expend this charge, and cause each creature within a 15 ft radius of you to make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 3d8 of the respective damage type on a fail, half on a success. After using this effect, you cannot use Absorbitor until you have completed a long rest.

Acid Thrower

Weapon (crossbow, light), rare

This light crossbow deals acid damage instead of piercing damage. After hitting a target with Acid Thrower, a pool of acid forms beneath its feet filling a 5x5 ft. area lasting for 10 minutes. The pool deals 2d6 acid damage to any creature or object that ends its turn in it. A bolt that has been fired by Acid Thrower cannot be retrieved.

Adaptive Armor

Armor (any armor), very rare (requires attunement)

This enchanted armor grants its wearer a +1 bonus to AC. Additionally, whenever you take acid, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, radiant, or thunder damage while wearing this armor, you gain resistance to the type of damage you took until the start of your next turn.

Adrenaline's Hand

Weapon (any weapon), rare

After rolling initiative, if you attack with this weapon on your first turn, and it hits, you automatically crit.

Adsertor's Lance

Weapon (lance), rare (requires attunement)

This blessed lance has a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls. Damaging enemies with this lance empowers you, causing you to heal hp equal to the number you roll on the damage die. Additionally, if an ally dies within 30 feet of you, you and your steed if you are riding one gain 10 additional movement speed for the next 10 minutes.

Aggressive Arrows

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

This quiver contains 2d8 magical arrows, each enchanted to cast Catapult at first level upon the arrow once the command word is spoken. You can use your action to speak the command word and activate the enchantment upon an arrow in your hand. When using multiple arrows at once, they all fly in the same direction and any enemies in their path only need to make a single saving throw against the total damage. An arrow is just as sturdy as a standard arrow, and retains its enchantment until the arrow breaks or the magic is dispelled.

Amicable Bracelets

Wondrous item, common (requires attunement by both wearers)

This pair of bracelets are magically attuned to be worn by a pair of friends. Once you and one other person have put on your bracelets and attuned to them, you gain a set of abilities.

Anti-magic Armor

Armor (studded leather), rare (requires attunement)

This specially enchanted and crafted leather armor is naturally resistant to magic and allows its user to better avoid magical damage. While wearing the armor you gain a +1 bonus to AC and saving throws you are not proficient in.

Additionally, once per day when you are the target of a magical effect or attack, you may choose to either halve the resulting damage or gain advantage on the saving throw.

Ape Knuckles

Wondrous item, uncommon

These large, heavy gloves cause your punches to be much more effective. You have a +1 to damage rolls with the Ape Knuckles, and creatures hit by unarmed attacks while you are attuned to Ape Knuckles must make a DC 12 Strength saving throw or be pushed 5 feet back. Creatures that fail by 5 or more are also knocked prone.


Wondrous item, common

This item is a magical squirt bottle containing a special revitalizing drink. It has 1d4 charges, and regains 1d4 charges after a short or long rest. As a bonus action, you can expend a charge and drink a squirt of Arcane-ade from the bottle to gain 1d4 hit points, and gain advantage on the next Constitution saving throw made within the next 10 minutes. As an action you may expend a charge and squirt a small amount of Arcane-ade into another creatures mouth, granting them the same benefits.

Arcanist's Gloves

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)

These gloves store arcane energy and allow for a faster casting time once per day. After each long rest, you may cast one spell that normally costs an action as a bonus action.

Autumn's Wane

Weapon (longbow), legendary (requires attunement)

Autumn's Wane is a beautifully crafted wooden bow with golden inlays that resembles the color and feel of a golden, autumn leaf. Given by the Druids of the Twilight Demesne to their chosen protector of the forest, Autumn's Wane is an item of purest natural energies. According to the legends, the first wielder of Autumn's Wane created the season of fall by striking Silvanas' incarnation with an arrow from their bow.

While wielding this bow you have a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls. While attuned to it, you may choose to cause a wane effect against any creatures you hit with arrows from this bow. A creature subjected to wane must make a DC 19 Constitution saving throw or age 1d4+1 years; plant creatures have disadvantage on this saving throw. If their resulting age is above the average age of death for their species, they must make an additional DC 19 Constitution saving throw. On a fail their constitution score decreases by 2, and their hit points adjust to reflect this, with a minimum of 1 hit point.

Additionally, this bow's power increases if it is the season of fall. In fall, Autumn's Wane's deals 1d6 additional piercing damage, and ages targets 1d8+1 years instead of 1d4+1 years.


Weapon (greataxe), legendary (requires attunement by a creature with a Strength score of at least 18)

The head of this massive axe was formed from bedrock by rock giants and is held by a dark iron rod engraved with runes in the language of giants. This legendary greataxe has a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls and deals double damage to structures and rock formations. After landing a critical hit with Axequaker, all creatures apart from you in a 15 ft. radius semicircle in front of you must succeed on a DC 18 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone and take 2d4 additional bludgeoning damage.

Once per day you may make a special attack with Axequaker called the Axequake. You slam your greataxe into the ground and create a tremor along the ground in a 30 ft. cone starting at you. All creatures inside must make a Strength saving throw or take 3d12 bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone as the ground gives out beneath them and flies into the air. Creatures that succeed take half damage and are not knocked prone.

Balancing Act

Weapon (any versatile weapon), rare (requires attunement)

Whenever a creature dies within 100 feet of you while you wield this weapon you may choose to take a +1 bonus to attack rolls with this weapon and a -1 bonus to damage rolls with this weapon for the next minute.

Band of Advantage

Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)

While attuned to this item you may benefit from multiple applications of Advantage. Anytime you would gain advantage, increase the number of d20's you would roll by 1 and take the highest of all of them. For example, if you are attacking a prone target and someone has used the Help action on you, you may roll 3 dice and take the highest of all 3. Additionally, if you were to have advantage from two sources and disadvantage from one, you would still roll 2 dice and take the higher of the two.

Band of Bonus Action

Wondroust item, very rare (requires attunement)

While attuned to this magical band, you can cast spells other than cantrips that cost 1 action on the same turn as spells that cost a bonus action.

Band of Concentration

Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement)

While attuned to this magical band, you can concentrate on as many spells as you can cast. If your concentration is broken, however, you lose concentration on all spells currently cast.

Band of Proficiency

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

While attuned to this magical band, you may add your proficiency bonus to a roll as many times as items, features, or attributes call for it, rather than only once. Additionally, if more than one source says to double your proficiency bonus for an effect, you may double it as many times as you are told to rather than just once.

Band of Resistance

Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)

While attuned to this magical band, if you receive resistance to the same type of damage from multiple sources, you may apply the resistance that amount of times.

Band of Rounding

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

While attuned to this magical band, you may choose whether to round up or down after any effect that would halve a roll, including those that effect other creatures.

Band of Temporary Hit Points

Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)

While attuned to this magical band, your temporary hit points are cumulative, however they cannot exceed your max HP.

Barbed Mace

Weapon (morning star), uncommon

This specially constructed morning star deals an additional 1d6 piercing damage on any natural attack roll greater than 15, provided the total attack roll exceeds the targets armor.

Battleaxe of the Bull

Weapon (battleaxe), rare (requires attunement)

This magical battleaxe has a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls. Additionally, once per day you may make a charge attack in a 60 ft. long, 15 ft. wide area as you dash from one end to the other running among a stampede of spectral bulls. All creatures caught in the area must make a DC 16 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone and take 4d8 bludgeoning damage as they are trampled. On a success a creature takes half damage and is not knocked prone.

Berserker's Serum

Potion, uncommon

The bright, red liquid, once consumed, increases your Constitution and Strength scores by 2 each, and your current and maximum hit points change accordingly. After 20 minutes the effects wear off, your maximum hit points are reduced to normal, and you must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or take a point of exhaustion.

Beshaba's Offering

Weapon (greatsword), uncommon (requires attunement)

This magical weapon allows you to reroll 1's on damage dice. Additionally, whenever you hit an enemy with this weapon they lose 2d10 gold pieces as they vanish from their person and supposedly into Beshaba's possession.

Binding Serpent

Wondrous item, uncommon

As an action, speak the word of power and identify a target. The 6 foot rope will then spring to life as a 6 foot constrictor snake and will attempt to bind its target. The snake can move 40 feet a round, has an AC of 10 and 5 hp. The target must succeed on a DC 14 Strength or Dexterity Saving throw or be restrained. A creature can use an action to try to break free by making a Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check against the same DC. Every round a creature starts its turn restrained by the Binding Serpent it takes 1d4 bludgeoning damage. If the snake fails to restrain its target or is killed, it will turn back into a rope.

Bladestrike Spear

Weapon (spear), rare (requires attunement)

This spear increases your battle prowess whenever you are injured. If your current hit points are less than half of your maximum, whenever your natural attack roll is 15 or higher, all creatures in a 20x5 ft area behind your target take 3d8 piercing damage from a rain of various weaponry. These weapons disappear 2 seconds after hitting the ground.

Blessed Blade

Weapon (any sword), uncommon

This sword has been blessed by a high priest, and deals 1d4 additional radiant damage once per round. A fiend or undead that starts its turn holding the Blessed Blade takes 2d6 radiant damage.


Weapon (dagger), very rare (requires attunement)

This magical weapon has +2 to attack and damage rolls. Once a short or long rest, the blades user can choose for it to automatically hit and 'seek' out its target provided its path is less than 60 feet.


Weapon (any finesse weapon), uncommon (requires attunement)

After rolling initiative, you can use a reaction to start tracking how many kills you get during the next 30 seconds. At the start of each turn, so long as you have 1 hit point, you heal a number of hit points equal to the number of enemies you have killed during this duration. After using this ability you cannot use it again until you complete a long rest.

Bloodthirsty Wand

Wand, uncommon (requires attunement)

After landing a critical hit on a target with a weapon attack, your next ranged spell attack will count as a critical hit if it hits.

On critical hits, Bloodseeker deals an additional 2d6 necrotic damage and you gain the additional damage dealt by Bloodseeker as full temporary hit points that last until your next short or long rest.

Book of Ceremony

Wondrous item, common

This magical book allows paladins and clerics to cast the first level spell Ceremony once per day, for free, without using a spell slot. Other classes may use this book if they are devoted to a deity, but the ritual takes twice as long.


1st-level evocation (ritual)

  • Casting Time: 1 hour
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V,S,M (25 gp worth of powdered silver)
  • Duration: Instantaneous (see text)

You perform one of several religious ceremonies. When you cast the spell, choose one of the followin ceremonies, the target of which must be within 10 feet of you throughout the casting.

Atonement. You touch one willing creature whose alignment has changed, and you make a DC 20 Wisdom (Insight) check. On a success, you restore the target to its original alignment.

Bless Water. You touch one vial of water and cause it to become holy water.

Coming of Age. You touch one humanoid old enough to be a young adult. For the next 24 hours, whenever the target makes an ability check, it can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the ability check. A creature can benefit from this ceremony just once.

Dedication. You touch one humanoid who would willingly convert to your religion or who wishes to be dedicated to your god's service. For the next 24 hours, whenever the target makes a saving throw, it can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the save. A creature can benefit from this ceremony just once.

Funeral Rite. You bless one corpse within 5 feet of you. For the next 24 hours, the target can't become undead by any means short of a wish spell.

Investiture. You touch one willing humanoid. Choose one 1st-level spell you have prepared and expend a spell slot and any material components as if you were casting that spell. The spell has no effect. Instead, the target can cast this spell once without having to expend a spell slot or use material components. If the target doesn't cast the spell within 1 hour, the invested spell is lost.

Marriage. You touch adult humanoids willing to be bonded in marriage. For the next 24 hours, each target gains a +2 bonus to AC and saving throws while they are within 30 feet of each other. A creature can benefit from this ceremony just once.

Boots of Readiness

Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement)

These leather boots are inscribed with runes and seem to almost vibrate to those not attuned to them.

Once per long rest, roll two initiative rolls at the beginning of combat. For the first round, you use both initiative rolls and can take two turns. For the following rounds use the higher of the two.

Boots of Reconstitution

Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)

These boots are built for runners. If you have been hit by an attack between your last turn and the start of your current turn, every 5 ft you move during your turn heals you for 1 hit point.

Bow of the Damned

Weapon (any bow), rare (requires attunement)

Once per day, when you kill a humanoid with this bow, they turn into a Zombie. The zombie can understand and will obey basic commands that you give it. This effect lasts for 10 minutes from the time they died, once expired the zombie becomes truly dead. Each dawn, this ability recharges.

Bow of the Ruined King

Weapon (any bow), very rare (requires attunement)

This magical bow has a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls. Additionally, once per round when you deal damage with this weapon, you gain hp equal to 1/4 of the damage dealt. Finally, you can take a bonus action to empower your next strike and make it a crippling strike. Force your target to make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, losing half their movement speed until the end of their next turn on a failure.

Bow of the Sun

Weapon (any bow), uncommon (requires attunement)

All arrows fired by this bow act as if under the effect of the light cantrip. Additionally, once per day you may make a special attack and attempt to blind the target hit by your attack. If it hits, you deal an additional 1d8 radiant damage, and the creature must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be blinded for 1 minute.

Bull Boots

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)

While attuned to these magical boots, your push/pull capacities are doubled. Additionally, when you take the Dash action you may move 10 additional feet.


Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

While attuned to this bracelet, your weapon attacks no longer use a d20. When rolling an attack, use 2d10 and take the sum. If you have advantage, roll 3d10 and take the sum of the highest two. If you have disadvantage, roll 3d10 and take the sum of the lowest two. If your roll sums to 20 it counts as a critical.

Cardshark's Deck

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)

This magically enchanted deck of cards appears just like a normal deck of cards, and Intelligence (Arcana), Intelligence (Investigation), or Wisdom (Insight) checks to determine if they are magical are made at disadvantage. When you attune to this item, pick a card in the deck. Whenever you draw, flip, or are dealt a card, you may choose for it to be the card you chose. You can change which card you are connected to during a short rest.

Caster's Blade

Weapon (any sword), rare (requires attunement)

While attuned to this sword, after killing a creature with a spell, you gain advantage on your next attack made with the sword. Additionally, after casting a spell, your AC increases by 1 until the start of your next turn.

You can use your action to change the type of damage the sword deals, choosing between Slashing, Fire, Cold, Force, Lightning, and Poison.

Cat Eye Crossbow

Weapon (any crossbow), rare

This magical crossbow comes with an included scope and grants you the following benefits while you have it equipped.

  • You gain a +1 bonus to Wisdom (Perception) checks if using its scope.
  • You gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with this crossbow
  • Natural attack rolls of 19 with this crossbow also count as critical hits.


Weapon (flail), rare (requires attunement)

This magical flail has a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls. Once per long rest, as a bonus action, you may assume the form of a lion for 1 minute. During the duration you have all the stats of a lion and cannot cast spells or use your abilities. Your appearance is slightly altered however, as the lion's tail is, in fact, your flail. In lion form you may make a tail attack using the attack and damage bonuses as if your normal form were using Cattail. If you are dropped to 0 hit points while in the form of a lion, you transform back into your normal form, and any damage beyond 0 is carried over.

Chalk of Teleportation

Wondrous item, very rare

These pieces of chalk are inscribed with dozens of tiny, intricate runes and sigils. You can use this chalk one time over the course of 1 hour to create a Teleportation Circle (as if casting the spell) that lasts for 1 year. This circle has its own sigil sequence and can be used to get to another Teleportation Circle that you know the sigil sequence of. You automatically know the sequence of this circle after you create it. After you create a circle, the chalk is expended.

Chaos Focuser

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement by a Wild Magic Sorcerer)

This magical ring allows you to manipulate the wild surges of magic that encapsulate your arcane powers. Whenever you must roll on the Wild Magic Table, you roll one additional time and choose which effect you would like to take place.

Charged Shield

Armor (shield), common

While you hold this shield, you have resistance against all types of damage until after you take damage for the first time each day. This ability resets each dawn.

Chill Stone

Wondrous item, common

This 4lb., smooth dark gray stone is very cold to the touch. It has a singular rune inscribed upon it. This stone can be used as a fridgerating artifact when placed in a sealed container. It is constantly at a temperature slightly above freezing. It doesn't cause any harmful effects to players or npc's.

Chitinous Coating

Wondrous item, legendary

This elixir of strange fluid can be applied to armor to give it a stronger finish. During a short or long rest you may spend 1 hour applying this fluid to one set of armor of your choice. When you do so this elixir is expended, but gives the following benefit to the armor. The armor reduces all incoming bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage by 1d4 for Light armor, 1d6 for Medium Armor, and 1d8 for Heavy Armor.

Clockwork Goggles

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

Two glass lenses of different sizes are set in this ornamental brass frame. The right lens is considerably thicker than the right, and has several thicker bands around it as well as bracers strengthening its attachment to the frame. Upon speaking the activation word, the right lens will transform and release a small automaton with 4 legs. After it has been released the glasses look like normal brass goggles. This automaton can be given a single word order, but must stay within 120 feet of you or it will attempt to return to its rightful place on the goggle frame. During the next 10 minutes you may use your action to see through the automaton. After 10 minutes have elapsed, the automaton returns to the goggles if it is able. The automaton cannot take actions, has an AC of 12, and has 10 hp. If it falls to 0 it must be repaired by a DC 14 Dexterity (Tinker's Tools) check.

Additionally, while you are wearing these goggles, you have a +2 bonus to Wisdom (Perception) checks


Weapon (warhammer), rare (requires attunement)

This magical warhammer's head appears to be made of coal and dark iron, and is mounted on a long mahogany rod. You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with this weapon. While attuned to this hammer you may reduce fire damage by your Constitution modifier.

Additionally, the hammer's head seems to absorb heat. As a bonus action you can place the head of the hammer in a burning area and quench a 5 foot by 5 foot flame. After quenching flame, the Coal-Hammer becomes hotter, and will deal 1d4 additional fire damage on its next attack.

Coin Pouch of Holding

Wondrous item, common (requires attunement)

This coin pouch can hold up to 1000 coins before becoming too full. It only weighs 1 lb. despite its immense volume. If someone other than you attempts to reach inside, they feel the insides of a seemingly empty pouch.

Coral Trident

Weapon (trident), uncommon (requires attunement)

This trident is made of colorful, hardened coral formations. While attuned to this you have a swim speed equal to your walking speed.

Additionally, when you throw the trident, rather than it leaving your hand, a razorsharp trident made of water is flung from the Coral Trident instead, hitting any targets the Coral Trident would normally hit.

Corbor's Shield

Armor (shield), rare (requires attunement)

This shield is a circular, spiral-shaped buckler shield. You gain a +1 bonus to AC while you wield this shield in addition to the shield's normal bonus to AC.

This shield can be thrown (30/60) and deals 1d6 plus your strength modifier in bludgeoning damage. If you are proficient with any sort of martial weapon, you may add your proficiency modifier to attack rolls made to throw the shield. On a reaction, you can throw the shield to an ally under attack and grant them +3 AC. If the shield causes the attack to miss, the ally can choose to catch it if they have a free hand. If the attack still hits, the shield is knocked aside. The shield stays where it lands after being thrown.

If the shield hasn't been in your possession for more than 30 minutes, it teleports to your arm provided it is on the same plane as you.

Curled Cobra

Weapon (rapier), uncommon

This beautiful rapier's hilt and handle resemble a king cobra that appears to wrap around your hand when you hold it. While holding this rapier you have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls.

Additionally, once per long rest you may make a special attack that causes limbs to go limp. A creature hit by this attack must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or lose use of a limb of your choice for 1 minute. If you miss this attack, the ability is wasted.

The Darksister Stiletto

Weapon (dagger), legendary (requires attunement)

This magical dagger is passed down by the Darksisters to the strongest assassin in their ranks. It has +3 to attack and damage rolls. Whoever is attuned to it can control it as if using a minor form of the telekinesis spell.

Using this special property of the dagger, its user can gain advantage on an attack roll for free once per short or long rest. This also means the dagger deals 1d8 damage rather than 1d4, as you can inflict more force and more accurately aim your attacks to hit critical arteries and muscles.

The stiletto also has the following unique property: whenever a blood pact is made using the stiletto, the name of the requested target and the buyer are emblazoned onto the blade until the hit is complete.

Debonair Cuffs

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)

These enchanted cufflinks can be worn with any formal attire. While worn they give you +2 to Charisma checks but -2 to Stealth (Dexterity) checks. Once per long rest while wearing these cuffs you can cast Charm Person without spending a spell slot.

Debonair Necklace

Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement by a Bard)

This magical necklace is extremely fashionable. While you wear it people can't help but stare. There's just something about you; its as if you've become twice as classy. Your words and actions are more impactful. As such, whenever a creature expends one of your Bardic Inspiration dice, if the result on the die is less than the die's average, it becomes the average.

Demon-Touched Pommel

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)

This horned adornment can be attached to the end of a hilted weapon. While attuned to it, you gain a unique, but costly, benefit. After making an attack, you may add 1d6 to the result of the attack roll, but take 2d4 necrotic damage. If this damage drops you to 0, you automatically fail your first death saving throw.

Detective's Spectacles

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

While you are attuned to these glasses and are wearing them, you gain the Investigator feat.

  • Increase your Intelligence score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You gain proficiency in the Investigation skill. If you are already proficient in the skill, you add double your proficiency bonus to checks you make with it.
  • You can take the Search action as a bonus action

The Devastator

Weapon (greatsword), uncommon

The Devastator is a giant blade that resembles an oversized butcher knife. It is extremely unwieldy, but as such causes large amounts of collateral damage. Any time you deal damage to an target, all creatures and targets within 5 feet of your original target takes damage equal to your strength modifier.

Devil's Blackjack

Weapon (club), rare (requires attunement)

This small club is magically enchanted to be used by casino bouncers and dealers. You gain advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) and Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) checks made to conceal it.

Additionally, after making an attack with it, flip the top card in a deck of cards. If it is a club, you may attack again.

Diplomat's Cloak

Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)

While wearing and attuned to this regal cloak, you appear more diplomatic and higher class. People are more likely to react positively toward you. You gain the Diplomat feat.

  • Increase your Charisma score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You gain proficiency in the Persuasion skill. If you are already proficient in this skill, you add double your proficiency bonus to checks you make with it.
  • If you spend 1 minute talking to someone who can understand what you say, you can make a Charisma (Persuasion) check contested by the creature’s Wisdom (Insight) check. If you or your companions are fighting the creature, your check automatically fails. If your check succeeds, the target is charmed by you as long as it remains within 60 feet of you and for 1 minute thereafter.

Doorsbane Boots

Wondrous item, rare

These boots were magically enchanted by a wizard who hated doors. While wearing and attuned to these boots, you may obliterate and kick down any non-magical wooden door. Additionally, once per day, you may make a DC 17 Strength (Athletics) check to destroy a non-magical door made of something other than wood.

Double-Headed Glaive

Weapon (glaive), uncommon (requires attunement)

This special glaive has blades at either end of the polearm. It can be split apart into two battleaxes as a bonus action. Additionally, when you are flanked by a creature, you may make a free attack against a creature behind you while the weapon is in glaive form.

Drawmij's Magical Cloak

Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement by a magic user)

This magical cloak is designed to aid and protect its user, giving you a +2 bonus to AC. It is composed of 2d4 patches of magical fabric. Once per day, when you are dropped to 0 hit points, one of the patches' enchantments is consumed. Roll on the magical patch table below to determine what effect takes place. Once all the patches are consumed, they take 2d10 long rests to recharge.

Magical Patch Table
d8 Effect
1 The cloak moves to reflect the damage that would drop you to 0, causing your attacker to take the damage instead.
2 The cloak forms a rock-hard cocoon with 50 hp around your body. Any damage that would affect you affects the cocoon instead. The cocoon disintegrates away when you become stable again.
3 Each enemy within 15 ft of you must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw as fiery explosion erupts from your body, dealing 10d6 fire damage on a failed save, half as much on a success.
4 At the start of your next turn, the cloak wraps around your body tightly, heals you to 1 hp, and gives you a fly speed of 30 ft. for 10 minutes
5 A stone golem is summoned and will fight to protect you and follow your commands for 1 hour.
6 Every creature within 40 ft. of you must make a DC 18 Strength saving throw or be pushed 40 ft. away from you, half as far on a successful save.
7 The cloak wraps completely around you, turns invisible for 10 minutes, and teleports you to a safer location within 100 ft. During this time you have advantage on death saving throws.
8 You and all allies within 20 ft. of you are immediately healed 4d8 hp.

Dryad's Elixir

Potion, uncommon

Dryad's Elixir, once consumed, increases your Dexterity score by 2 and your movement speed by 10. After 20 minutes the effects wear off and you must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or take a point of exhaustion.

Duelist's Dignity

Weapon (rapier), legendary (requires attunement)

This legendary rapier is only wielded by the most proficient of duelists. It is perfectly balanced and those who have held this blade are ashamed to wield any other rapiers.

This sword has +4 to its attack rolls and +1 to its damage rolls.

As a reaction you may assume a parrying stance and add your Dexterity modifier to your AC. If doing so causes your opponent to miss you may make an attack against them if they are in melee range.

While wielding this sword you are better at pressing your advantage. Whenever you make an opportunity attack, you do so with advantage.

Duelist's Manual

Wondrous item, very rare

In order to gain the benefits of this manual you must spend 40 hours over the course of one week reading its contents. Once completed you may make 1 additional attack each time you take the attack action, so long as you are the only creature within 10 feet of your target.

Eagle Feather Cloak

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

While wearing this soft, downy cloak, you gain a +1 to your AC and have a falling speed of 30 feet.

Additionally, the cloak is water tight and gives you advantage on Constitution saving throws made to stay warm. Because the cloak consists of feathers willfully given away, you have advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks with eagles, because they view you as trustworthy in the eyes of another eagle.

Earth Elemental Plate

Armor, very rare

This powerful armor grants you an AC of 19 and counts as heavy armor. While wearing it you may reduce all bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing damage you take by your proficiency modifier.


Armor (breast plate or plate mail), very rare (requires attunement)

This magical armor has the outer appearance of a beautifully crafted armor that was badly charred and blackened. While attuned to it, you gain an additional +1 bonus to AC. Additionally, whenever you take fire damage, you reduce the damage by 10. If you are burning while you wear the plate, you may put out the flames as a bonus action.

Enchanted Pack

Wondrous item, common (requires attunement)

This enchanted backpack is watertight, fire resistant, cold resistant, and acid resistant. It is magically connected to its wearer and will return to its back after being separated from him for more than 8 hours so long as it is still on the same plane.

Ent's Arm

Weapon (greatclub), common

This greatclub is the severed limb of a young Ent, extremely durable and slightly magical.

The limb grows a small goodberry plant near its pommel, and acts similar to the goodberry spell, however you may eat a berry with a bonus action. The goodberry plant is replenished once a week.

Ethereal Net

Weapon (net), uncommon

You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with this net, and the escape DC is increased by 1. This magical net is created of both natural string and ethereally enchanted strands. As such, creatures belonging to the ethereal cannot pass through the net or into the ethereal when bound by this net. Additionally, creatures cannot teleport out of this net.

Executioner's Edge

Weapon (any heavy weapon), very rare (requires attunement)

While you are attuned to this weapon, your Strength and Dexterity scores are both increased by 1.

Additionally, any time you deal enough damage to drop a creature to 0 or less hit points, it instantly dies, and you may take another attack for free on your turn.

Eye of Helm

Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement by a servant of Helm)

This magical, white glove is emblazoned with the symbol of Helm's eye, the iris of which is made of a brilliant blue sapphire. The gauntlet itself cannot ever become dirty, and seems to almost be made of pure marble, though it fits you perfectly and is quite flexible.

While you are attuned to the gauntlet, it will always mimic the motion of your left hand. The gauntlet can fly out from you in a range of 30 feet, holding up to 10 lbs of weight. It has a movement speed of 20 feet but requires your actions to perform tasks. Any objects or creatures the gauntlet touches while you are within 30 feet of it count as within the range of touch.

You may make a weapon attack with the gauntlet against a creature within 30 feet of you, dealing 1d8 + Strength radiant damage on hit as the gauntlet flies out from your hand and pummels your target.

If there is a weapon or item in the gauntlet's hand when you cause it to fly off of your hand, you can use it as if it were still in your hand, to make attacks, turn keys, pull ropes, etc.

Additionally, while you are attuned to the gauntlet, you gain proficiency in all saving throws you are not already proficient in.

Falcon's Wing

Weapon (any bow or crossbow), uncommon (requires attunement)

While attuned to this, your arrows magically wrap around corners and bends. You ignore cover that is 5 feet wide or smaller. Additionally, the bow has 1 charge that can be spent to cast feather fall on yourself. Every dawn roll a d6; on a 6 Falcon's Wing is recharged.

Faultless Trident

Weapon (trident), very rare (Requires attunement)

This magical trident enhances its user with greater accuracy, and hones its swings to the desired target.While attuned to it, you gain a +4 bonus to your Wisdom (Perception) checks.Additionally, once per short rest you can add 1d8 to all attack rolls on your turn with this weapon.


Weapon (warhammer), uncommon (requires attunement)

This magical hammer has a plume of large feathers behind the hammer-head. After landing an attack against a living creature with Featherhammer, you gain a flying speed of 10 ft for 1 minute. Landing attacks after the first increases your flying speed by 10 for the rest of the duration, up to a maximum of 60 ft. When you fly it feels more like your weight has decreased and the hammer is pulling you around, rather than you flying of your own accord.

Fighter's Manual

Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement by a Fighter, Paladin, or Ranger)

In order to attune to this manual you must spend 40 hours in one week reading it. To stay attuned you must spend 5 hours a week reviewing its contents. This manual allows you to choose one additional Fighting Style from your class. You gain the benefit of this Fighting Style so long as you are attuned to the manual.

Fire-tip Javelin

Weapon (javelin), rare

This javelin's tip has been primed with an explosive material that you can light with a bonus action. After throwing the lit javelin, all creatures in a 20ft radius of wherever it lands must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take 8d4 fire damage, half on a success. If you hit a creature with the javelin after lighting it, it takes the normal attack damage in addition to the fire damage, and automatically fails its saving throw.

The javelin is destroyed after it explodes.

Fog Cleaver

Weapon (any sword), rare (requires attunement)

You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.

Once per long rest you can cast Misty Step for free using the sword. Creatures attuned to this blade can see through fog, smoke, and mist as if it were normal air. Once per week, you can clear a dense area of natural fog, smoke, or mist consisting of up to 300 cubic feet of air using your action.

Forearm Blade

Weapon (shortsword), uncommon

This enchanted blade contracts into a compartment that fits flat along your forearm. When you draw this weapon you contract your hand in a special way to cause the blade to fly forward in the compartment and out above the back of your hand. While the blade is contracted you have advantage on Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) checks made to conceal it.

Additionally, you may add 1d6 piercing damage to damage rolls against surprised targets.

Gem of Absorbtion

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)

The Gem's of Absorbtion may be used as a reaction to reduce the damage taken from specific damage types by unique amounts. Each gem has its own type of damage. These Gem's must be on your person and attuned to for them to take effect. Your DM can roll on the following table or choose which gem you recieve.

Gem's of Absorbtion Table
1d8 Gem Damage Type Damage Reduction
1 Jade Force 11
2 Blue Sapphire Thunder 9
3 Ruby Fire 8
4 Topaz Acid 12
5 Pearl Lightning 10
6 Emerald Poison 8
7 Rose Quartz Bludgeoning 9
8 Diamond Piercing, Slashing 6

Genasi Steel

Armor (medium or heavy, but not hide), very rare (requires attunement)

This magical armor serves as +1 armor. It grants magical bonuses based upon its type and where it was made.

Types of Genasi Steel
Type Magical bonus
Fire Its wearer gains resistance to Fire damage
Earth Its wearer gains resistance to Bludgeoning damage
Air Its wearer gains resistance to Thunder and Lightning damage
Water Its wearer gains resistance to Cold damage and can breath in water

Giant-Slayer Sling

Weapon (sling), very rare (requires attunement)

You have advantage on attacks against creatures taller than you. Whenever you crit with the Giant-Slayer Sling, roll another d20. If you roll above a 15 on the second roll, you deal 4d10 additional bludgeoning damage as the sling manages to find a critical point on the creature's body. This damage is not doubled.

Glass Blade

Weapon (any sword or a dagger), uncommon (requires attunement)

This enchanted glass blade is so clear it is nearly impossible to see for anyone not attuned to it. It magically stays clean.

You have a +1 bonus to attack rolls. When spells that create light radii are cast on this weapon, the radius of light is doubled.

You have advantage on Dexterity (Sleight-of-Hand) and Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide this weapon.

Goblin Venom

Wondrous item, common

This vial of venom is used by goblin assassins and is very potent. It has 10 uses.

On a bonus action, you can apply it to a small weapon (crossbow bolts, arrows, darts, daggers, and similar items). It requires an action to apply to larger items. For a minute after applying the poison, the next target hit by an attack must make a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or take an additional 2d6 damage and be poisoned for 1 minute. On a success they take half damage, are not poisoned, and automatically succeed on the next saving throw against Goblin Venom for the next minute. When applied to items that deal bludgeoning damage, the poison has no effect.

Golden Horn Cap

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement by a creature with horns)

This golden cap can be placed on any horn. Upon attunement it grants its wearer a +2 bonus to Charisma (Persuasion) checks. Additionally, you have a magical affinity to find deposits of gold. When making Intelligence (Investigation) checks to determine the composition of ore, you may add 1d8.

Goodberry Plant

Wondrous Item, common

This small potted plant has 2d10 berries growing on it. Eating a berry restories 1 hit point, and the berry provides enough noursihment to sustain a creature for one day. Each morning the plant grows 1d10 berries, up to a total of 20. The plant requires watering and 5 minutes of care each day or else the 1d10 is rolled at disadvantage.

Grain Reaper

Weapon (sickle), common

This sickle is capable of clearing any thin plant, that grows straight from the ground, down to ankle height. Once per day you may use the Grain Reaper to clear an area 60 ft by 60 ft. Any plants or objects Grain Reaper wouldn't normally be able to cut remain untouched. The cleared material falls to the ground and instantly dries up.

Additionally, this sickle deals 1d6 additional slashing damage to any creatures made of plant matter.


Weapon (morningstar), uncommon (requires attunement)

This enchanted morningstar is made of cast iron and has rusted tips, but its enchantment keeps it from breaking. It deals an additional 2d4 damage on the first attack after each long rest. On criticals, you may make an additional attack for free, at disadvantage, immediately after.

Gauntlets of the Tide

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement by a Monk, Cleric, or Druid)

These gauntlets give you advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) and Charisma (Intimidation) checks made to calm situations. They also grant you a +2 bonus to Wisdom saving throws.

Hammerhead Maul

Weapon (maul), uncommon (requires attunement)

This maul is just a big ol' hammerhead shark skeleton that has been reinforced by steel rods into a sturdy form. While attuned to it you have a swim speed of 60 feet. Additionally, any Wisdom (Survival) check made to track a creature that is bleeding is made with advantage.

Hammock of Watch

Wondrous item, common

This sealable and watertight hammock allows you to cast Alarm centered on the hammock once a long rest.

Healing Flask

Wondrous item, uncommon

Contains 4 charges of the common level Potion of Healing (2d4+2). Regains 1d4 charges after a week. You can burn 1 charge to use it yourself as a bonus action or feed it to another as an action.

Healer's Pendant

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement by a Bard, Druid, or Cleric)

This wondrous necklace empowers your ability to heal creature. Whenever you cast a healing spell of 5th level or lower that requires a die roll on a creature, if you roll maximum on any of the dice, you gain the spell slot used back.

Heaven's Boon

Weapon(s) (greatsword), legendary (requires attunement)

Heaven's Boon is a greatsword, the blade of which is a perfect mirror, with a hilt of silverwood vine that forms to its wielder's hand. The blade is so pure, that on a clear night, the blade shines with the light of all the stars in the sky. During a solar eclipse, the runes of the blade shine on the blade's edge, filling the mirror.

Heaven's Boon is a +2 greatsword that deals 2d6 additional radiant damage. Using a bonus action, the greatsword can be split in half along the center into two longswords called the Sun and Stars, each with a grooved edged toward where they combine together. While split into the Sun and Stars, they have different bonuses.

As Sun and Stars, each longsword has a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls, and deals 1d6 additional radiant damage. You may also add both your Strength and Dexterity modifier to damage rolls with the longswords. As a bonus action, you can slam the two longswords together to form Heaven's Boon once again.

Once per day, when you slam the Sun and Stars back together to form Heaven's Boon, you may use a special ability called Sungleam. All creatures in a 30 ft line out from Heaven's Boon must make a DC 19 Constitution saving throw or take 4d6 radiant damage and be blinded for 1 minute, remaking the save at the end of each turn. Creatures that succeed on their saving throw take half damage and are not blinded.

Hero's Journal

Wondrous item, rare

This journal is from an old friend and is full of sage advice. Writing in it each night allows you to roll a DC 19 Wisdom saving throw against any active charms, madnesses, or mental diseases afflicting you. On a success, the disease is removed.

Additionally, reading through the journal grants you advantage on Wisdom (Insight) checks as to how to determine the appropriate action to resolve a moral dilemma.

Hollowpoint Javelin

Weapon (javelin), rare

Ranged weapon attacks with this weapon deal 1 additional damage die.

Horned Helm

Wondrous item, common

This is a bronze helmet with a large spiraling horn above the forehead. It straps in the back of the head and under the neck.

While you are wearing this helmet and take the Dash action, you can make a charge attack at the end of your movement provided you moved at least 15 feet in a straight direction. Make an attack roll using your Strength modifier and proficiency bonus. The charge attack deals 1d8 + your Strength modifier on hit.

Hunter's Knife

Weapon (dagger), uncommon (requires attunement by a ranger)

After hitting a creature with this knife you may choose to leave it inside the creature. Doing so enhances the effect of further attacks, allowing them to deal 1d6 additional piercing damage. Against favored enemies, the damage is increased to 1d8 piercing damage.

A creature with the knife inside of them must use its action and succeed on a DC 11 Strength check to pull the knife out.

Hunt's End

Weapon (longbow), very rare (requires attunement by a Ranger)

This longbow is a recurve bow, and uses a d10 instead of a d8 for its damage die. A creature with a Strength score of less than 12 has disadvantage on attack rolls with this weapon. Additionally, it has a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls.

This bow excels when a ranger uses it against their Favored Enemies. Whenever you roll an attack roll against a Favored Enemy and the roll is lower than your Wisdom modifier, you may treat the natural roll as your Wisdom modifier.


Weapon (rapier), rare (requires attunement)

This magical rapier has +1 to attack and damage rolls and deals 1d6 additional psychic damage. Once per day you can force a target who takes damage from this weapon to make a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure they are paralyzed with laughter until the end of their next turn and take 1d6 psychic damage.

If you deal damage with the rapier, you begin to uncontrollably laugh for 1 minute, stacking each time you deal damage. Every turn you spend with more than ten minutes of laughter you must make a DC 2 + (minutes of remaining laughter) Wisdom saving throw or become paralyzed with laughter until the end of your next turn. If you fail this saving throw by 5 or more, you become afflicted with a lesser madness for 24 hours.

Iceberg Rapier

Weapon (rapier), common (requires attunement by a Bard, Sorcerer, or Wizard)

Within a minute after casting a spell, your next attack with the Iceberg Rapier causes its target's movement speed to be cut in half during its next turn.

Ice Stone Bracelet

Wondrous item, common (requires attunement)

This slightly enchanted stone on an iron banded bracelet grants you a unique defiance of cold. Thrice per day when you take cold damage, you may reduce it by 1d10.

Icicle Staff

Staff, rare (requires attunement)

This staff has a large, sharp, knife-shaped icicle that magically never melts at its tip that allows you to deal both bludgeoning and piercing damage when using the staff as a melee weapon.

Additionally, this staff has 9 charges. You may spend 1 charge to cast Ice Knife, flinging the icicle off the top at a target within 60 ft, after which it regrows. For each additional charge you spend you may cast it at a higher level.

Each morning the staff regains 1d8 charges. When the staff runs out of charge, roll 1d6. On a 1, the staff breaks.

Key of Arcanum

Wondrous item, uncommon (Requires attunement)

The wielder of this key can use it to cast Arcane Lock once per day. The spell is cast by placing the key in the lock and turning the key, thus requiring the object being locked to have a key hole. Casting Arcane Lock using this item ignores the cost component.

Ki-Focused Knuckles

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement by a Monk)

These enchanted iron knuckles make your punches more potent when you focus Ki through them. When you use Flurry of Blows, if either of your unarmed attacks are critical hits you gain 1 ki point.

Killing Spree

Weapon (any versatile weapon), very rare (requires attunement)

This weapon increases in power the more lives it ends. After rolling initiative track your kills for the next minute. During this time, the minimum natural attack roll required to land a critical hit is decreased by the current number of kills you have.

Additionally, this blade has advantage on damage rolls.

King's Claws

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

These leather gloves have the claws of large lions attached to the knuckles. While wearing these gloves you may add your Strength and Dexterity modifiers to your unarmed attacks. Additionally, you can choose to deal slashing or bludgeoning damage when making an unarmed attack. When you crit with an unarmed attack, you automatically deal maximum damage.

In addition to its combat bonuses, feline beasts will be submissive to you by default. Attacks against them will cause their demeanor to change. You may also cast Speak With Animals on a feline creature once per long rest.

Last Rites

Weapon (any heavy weapon), legendary (requires attunement by a Paladin)

This powerful weapon has been handed down by the executioners among Tyr's followers. It was enchanted not by mages, but by decades of use by paladins, focusing their divine powers through it.

You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls when attacking with Last Rites. Once per long rest you may reroll a 1 on an attack roll with this weapon. Additionally, you may reroll 1's on Divine Smite damage dice while using this weapon.

If you kill an enemy after using this weapon to hit them with a Divine Smite you gain a Paladin spell slot back of a size smaller than the one you expended on that Divine Smite. If there is no spell slot smaller than the one expended or you have your maximum spell slots of that level, it has no effect.

Lionskin Cloak

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)

This long cloak has the head of a lion, fangs, mane and all, as its hood. It's paws hang over the shoulders down toward the belt. It has a silver chain that connects it around the neck. While you are attuned to this cloak you gain a +3 bonus to Charisma (Intimidation) checks and a +1 bonus to Constitution checks and saving throws.


Wondrous item, uncommon

This small handheld device is able to quickly snap onto any rope, tether, or cable. Once attached, it quickly moves forward down the line in the direction of your choice at a speed of 60 feet. It takes a free action to attach or un-attach the Line-zip.

Leaping Ladder

Wondrous item, uncommon

This magical rope ladder is 30 feet long and can magically stretch up to that distance vertically or horizontally and attach to surfaces when its word of power is spoken. It can hold up to 600 pounds at a time. Speak the word of power again and it will wrap back up to whichever end you hold. It weighs about 5 lbs, and is stored in a 1 foot long cylindrical sleeve.

Lover's Foil

Weapon (dagger), very rare (requires attunement)

This magical dagger has a +2 bonus to attack rolls and a +1 bonus to damage rolls. Those attuned to this pearl blade gain a +1 bonus to Charisma checks. Addtionally, if the user of this dagger engages in consented acts of affection while attuned to it, it gains additional effects.

Cause Effect
Flirting Advantage on next Charisma check
Kissing The blade does an additional 1d4 lightning damage for 24 hours
3rd base You can cast Lightning bolt at 3rd level within the next 24 hours using the sword. (DC 15)
Making Love For the next 24 hours, the dagger's blade extends into that of a rapier, and you gain advantage on Charisma checks while near your lover.
Getting Married You gain the benefits of Kissing, 3rd base, and Making Love, refreshing every 24 hours, while you are married

Lucky Darts

Weapon (dart), very rare (requires attunement)

This small belt comes with 2d10 Lucky Darts. Once per day after landing an attack against a creature with a Lucky Dart, within the next hour you may reroll any d20 roll and take either outcome. Doing so consumes the dart, choosing not to use your reroll causes the dart to teleport back into the dart belt after the hour has expired.


Wondrous item, uncommon

Once per day you can speak the orbs word of power and Daylight will be cast centered on the orb. Additionally, whenever you deal radiant damage, you may choose to reroll each die once.

Mace of Mind-Changing

Weapon (mace), uncommon

This mace is especially good at getting people to change their mind. Once per day, you may make a special attack against a creature that deals no damage but boops them right on their noggin. If you land the attack, the target must succeed on a DC 13 Charisma saving throw, or have their mind changed to your point of view for the next hour. After the hour is up, it is able to make its own decision again. If it succeeds or you miss your attack, its mind cannot be changed on this subject and it will exclaim "What the heck man?".

Mage's Torch

Rod, rare (requires attunement by a caster)

The ally of any traveling mage, this enchanted torch is a stealthier option for those traveling alone to deal damage unexpectedly. The torch can be turned off an on in an instant with a command word.

While attuned to the Mage's Torch, you gain a ranged attack with the rod. When attacking, make a ranged spell attack against a target within 60 feet. On hit, the target takes 2d6 fire damage. Additionally, while attuned, you learn the Fireball spell. If you can cast it, you always have it learned and prepared, it does not count against your spells known or spells prepared lists, but does cost a spell slot to cast.

Magic Bolt

Rod, uncommon (requires attunement by a caster)

This rod comes to a spiraling point at the bottom end; its top end is adorned with a set of feathers like a magnificent fletching. Anytime this rod is not in your hand, you can will it back to you as a free action. It has a movement speed of 120 ft when calling it back to you. This rod has 6 charges, recharging 1d6 each dawn. You can spend 1 charge to cast Catapult on the rod. For each additional charge you expend, you can cast it at one level higher.

Magical Syringe

Wondrous item, common

This reusable magical syringe allows you to put any potion inside of it. Once inside the syringe, it now only takes a free action to imbibe the contents of the potion into your body.

Mana Pact

Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement by a Warlock)

This magical blue orb swirls with cloudy white and indigo spirals of fluid. In order to attune to it you must choose one of your Eldritch Invocations. So long as you are attuned to this item, you cannot gain the benefits of your chosen invocation.

While you are attuned to this item, whenever you expend a spell slot, you gain a spell slot of one level lower. For example, if you cast a 5th level spell, you gain a 4th level spell slot. If you cast a 1st level spell, this effect does not trigger. This effect can only occur an amount of times each long rest equal to your Charisma modifier.

Mechanic's Hammer

Weapon (light hammer), uncommon (requires attunement)

This weapon gives its user proficiency with Carpenter's Tools, Smith's tools, and Woodcarver's tools.

Additionally, once per day you may use it to cast the Mending cantrip.

Metal Shredder

Weapon (war pick), uncommon

This enchanted war pick has a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls against creatures wearing metal armor. Additionally, once per day you may attempt an attack that will reduce an armored creature's AC by 1, if you miss this attack the ability is wasted.

Midas' Gambit

Weapon (any heavy weapon), rare (requires attunement)

This magical weapon grants you advantage on damage rolls. Before you attempt an attack with this weapon, you may spend 100 gp to gain one of the benefits from the list below. You may choose to spend up to 1000 gp, gaining as many benefits as increments of 100 you spent. You may choose different benefits for each 100 gp.

  • +1 to attack roll
  • +1 to damage roll
  • -2 to attack roll, +1d4 damage
  • On hit, enemy's movement speed is decreased by 5 feet until the end of their next turn
  • On hit, enemy's AC is decreased by 1 for next attack roll made against it.

Mimic Wand

Wand, very rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)

This magical wand is sentient, it is telepathic and can see out to a 120 foot range. The wand has a chaotic alignment. As an action you may release the wand and cause it to float within 5 feet of you. The wand follows you, staying within 5 feet. The wand has an AC of 20 and 5 hp, if it drops to 0 hp, it falls to the ground and can be picked up again and reactivated in the same manner.

While floating, if you cast a spell that targets a single individual, you may use your bonus action to command the wand to cast a duplicate of that spell at a different individual using your spell save DC and attack bonus. The wand can only focus limited amounts of magic, however, and the total level of spells cast through this wand any long rest must be less than or equal to your proficiency bonus.

Miser's Armor

Armor (any light or medium), uncommon (requires attunement)

This armor was specially designed to protect its wearer's coin purse and belongings. All Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) checks to take objects from your person are made at disadvantage.

Additionally, creatures that succeed in taking coins from your purse must succeed on a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw or take 2d6 piercing damage as barbs in your purse catch their hand.

Momentum Launcher

Weapon (heavy crossbow), rare (requires attunement)

This heavy crossbow is enchanted to transpose movement and momentum. The Momentum Launcher has 6 charges of momentum. Before making an attack, you may decide to expend a charge of momentum to apply a new effect to the attack. When using a charge of momentum on an attack, the target of your attack must succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving throw, or be moved a number of feet equal to how many feet you have already moved on your turn, in the same direction that you moved. This number of feet of movement is relative to the ground, so if you were traveling 60 ft a round on board a train, and move 30 additional feet, targets would be affected by both movements.

For example; if you move 20 feet North and 10 feet East before firing Momentum Launcher at an ogre running South toward you, and the ogre fails his saving throw, he is pushed North 20 feet and East 10 feet.

Monacle of Focused Flame

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunemment by a small sized creature)

This enchanted monacle allows you to magically attack enemies within sight. It has 10 charges, gaining 1d10 back each dawn. While wearing it you gain +1 to Intelligence (Investigation) checks. Additionally, you can spend a charge to fire a beam of focused flame that deals damage to whatever you are looking at. The beam automatically hits so long as you are not blinded and have line of sight, and deals (1d4 + Wisdom (Perception) modifier) fire +damage.

Mordenkainen's Mess Kit

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)

This magical item is a small metal box that seems like a standard mess kit. However, after opening it up, you can pull any kitchen utensil or dish you can think of out of the box. Many of the items inside have special properties:

  • Cups: Automatically chill any liquid inside
  • Mugs: Automatically warm any liquid inside
  • Pots and Pans: Can heat up to cooking temperature without a fire.
  • Plates: Keep your food at its desirable temperature

Because of these enchantments, you have advantage on any checks made to cook or prepare meals. Additionally, once per day after using this mess kit to prepare a meal, your Max HP increases by your level until your next long rest.

Mordenkainen's Spice Belt

Wondrous item, uncommon

This magical belt has two pockets with unique properties. When its user reaches into the left pocket, they can pull out a small portion of any spice they desire. When they reach into the right pocket, they pull out a small vial of any condiment they desire. The wearer can only use enough spice or condiment combination to prepare 5 rations a day. Using these to spice up your food grants those who consume it advantage on their first saving throw in the next 24 hours. If not used on food, the spice or condiment disappears after 1 hour.


Wondrous item, common

While you are using this tool to attempt ability checks that make use of a tool proficiency, you may add 1d4 to your roll.

Nora's Lyre

Wondrous item, legendary (Requires attunement by a Bard)

This magical Lyre was made for Bart Yarltongue by his partner Nora Whitehart. It is beautifully crafted and has small inscriptions and carvings on its body with depictions of adventures the two have been on. The lyre is magically enchanted to ward against wear and damage. It also has a beautiful sound. Its user gains advantage on all Charisma (Performance) checks made with this lyre.

This lyre was imbued with enchantments to protect its user, once per day its user may gain advantage on a saving throw.

In addition to its historic and instrumental value, the lyre has a special property. Any time you inspire an ally you may cast a spell costing 1 action for free, see the chart to determine what level of spell you may cast.

Bard Level Max Spell Level
1st Cantrip
8th Level 1 (Uses spell slots)
14th Level 2 (Uses spell slots, First level spells you cast with this perk do not cost a spell slot)
20th Level 3 (Uses spell slots, first and second level spells you cast with this perk do not cost a spell slot)


Weapon (handaxe, spear, halberd), legendary (requires attunement)

This legendary weapon was created for the King of Centaurs, and granted him great flexibility in battle. As a bonus action you may cause the weapon to change to any of its forms, granting you new abilities and attributes. In each of its forms, the weapon grants you a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls. Nynestorn's blade is composed of pure magical force, allowing it to pass through objects. Nynestorn deals force damage instead of piercing or slashing.

Handaxe. The polearm shortens and the tip retracts; you now hold a handaxe. While in this form the axe will return to your hand when thrown, and deals damage to all creatures it passes through when thrown. When making such an attack, roll one attack roll and deal damage to each creature whose AC is lower than your roll.

Spear. The magical force of the axe blade shifts to elongate the tip of the weapon; you now hold a spear. While in this form you may call Nynestorn back to your hand as a bonus action so long as it is in within 120 feet of you. Additionally, after throwing Nynestorn, it deals 2d6 additional force damage to all creatures within 10 feet of its target.

Halberd. The polearm elongates and the axe-head lengthens; you now hold a halberd. While in this form, Nynestorn passes through creatures you attack, dealing half damage to creatures within 5 feet of your target.

Nystul's Downy Bed

Wondrous item, rare

This magical bed is stuffed with the downy of Aarakocran and Giant Eagle fledglings and is one of the most comfortable beds known to man. As an action you can speak the bed's command word to cause it to disappear into a pocket dimension, leaving only a magical, fluffy feather behind. While holding the feather you may speak the command word to summon it from that pocket dimension into an unoccupied space within 10 feet.

After spending a long rest on the bed, roll two dice of equal size to your hit dice and add the total as temporary hit points.

Opeia's Mantle

Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)

This porcelain mantle covers ones shoulders and is attached to a pure white mask with only holes for eyes. The mask has two large golden fangs protruding from where a mouth hole would be.

The mantle grants its wearer a +1 bonus to AC and Constitution saving throws. While attuned to the mantle, Once each long rest you may make a unique magical attack. You call upon the mantle's power and it sprays a toxic blast of magic poison from the mask. All enemies in a 20 foot cone originating from you must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or take 4d6 poison damage. Enemies that fail their saving throw by 5 or more will begin to petrify and are slowed. At the end of their next turn if they fail their saving throw they are petrified.

Owl's Decoction

Potion, uncommon

A cloudy, particulate liquid, once consumed, increases your Wisdom score by 2 and grants you Darkvision out to 60 feet. After 1 hour the effects wear off and you must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or take a point of exhaustion.

Paladin's Prayer Glove

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement by a Paladin)

While wearing this item you may use your action to extend a prayer of healing over all creatures within 30 feet of you. You may choose to grant any creature in this radius healing from your Lay on Hands pool. After using this ability you must complete a long rest before you may use it again.


Wondrous item, common

This is a small pouch of pebbles inscribed with runes. On a bonus action, you can remove a handful of pebbles and throw them to cast the Grease Cantrip. The pouch has 10 charges before you run out of pebbles. Pebblegrease is very common and simple to enchant.

Pendant of Ilmater

Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement)

This large golden pendant holds a 2 inch diameter spherical ruby. Attuned creatures regenerate health equal to their Constitution modifier at the start of each of the turns provided they are conscious. Upon being worn by the same individual for 2 weeks, the ruby shows a faint glow that pulses with its wearer's heartbeat.

Upon the wearer of this pendant dying, provided they wore it for 2 weeks preceeding, they immediately spring back to life at full hit points and can take their turn. Following this round they take their turns in the normal initiative order. The pendant loses its magical capabilities after this and the ruby shatters.

Pendant of Karma

Wondrous item, common

Once per day you may add 1d6 to an attack roll or ability check. After doing this, your DM can ask you to subtract 1d4 from an attack roll or ability check.

Persistent Greatsword

Weapon (greatsword), uncommon

Each time you miss a target, you gain +2 bonus to attack the same target on your next roll. Additionally, you may reroll 1's on damage rolls.

Phantom Handaxe

Weapon (handaxe), uncommon

This handaxe has a glass blade that occasionally goes incorporeal and emits a wispy fog. You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with this weapon. Having this handaxe grants you a -3 penalty on Charisma (Persuasion) checks with Will o' Wisps.

Additionally, once per day you may use the incorporeal nature of the axe to throw it through creatures, hitting all creatures in the line that you throw it in. Roll one attack roll, and deal damage to each creature whose AC is less than its result. Afterwards it lands at the end of its max range.

Pocketwatch of Saved Dates

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)

This brass pocketwatch has a two-foot chain and can tell you the year, month, day of the month, hour, minute, and season. Once per long rest you may use an action to press the stopwatch button on the pocketwatch. After doing so, within the next minute you may press the button again as a free action to take an extra action.

Porcelain Scimitar

Weapon (scimitar), uncommon

This weapon gives you a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls. The Porcelain Scimitar is precision crafted and enchanted to be extremely sharp and balanced, however it is not durable. Whenever you roll a 1 with this weapon, roll a d10. If you roll a 1 on the d10, the Porcelain Scimitar cracks and is destroyed.

Portable Wardrobe

Wondrous item, rare

This magical item is 8 small rods, that when connected to form a 2x2 square form a magical set of doors that open into a pocket dimension. Inside the pocket dimension are 50 different outfits, to fit any occasion you may desire. It takes an action to build the doors and about 1 minute to change outfits.

Portable Window

Wondrous item, uncommon

This small, mirror-like object can be placed on walls and will act as a window. It is circular with a 1 foot radius. It can be applied to walls up to 2 feet thick. If you break the window, it will remain permanent and cannot be removed, but acts as a normal broken window. Once broken, it is large enough for a small creature to crawl through.

Potion of Fortitude

Wondrous item, rarity varies

This potion is a bright glowing red liquid that seems almost metallic. After drinking it, whoever drinks it gains permanent additional maximum hit points dependent upon the potions rarity. Each creature can only benefit from this potion once, regardless of rarity.

Rarity Additional Max Hit Points
Common 1d4+1
Uncommon 2d6+2
Rare 3d8+3
Very Rare 4d10+4
Legendary 5d12+5

Potion of Tongues

Wondrous item, uncommon

This clear potion has what looks to be soot floating in it and tastes extremely salty. After drinking the potion, you understand any spoken language that you hear. You also understand any written language that you see, but you must be touching the surface on which the words are written.

Pre Cooker

Wondrous item, common

This magical item can attach to the lid of a pot and will automatically safely pluck, de-bone, and cook one animal or animal part inside the pot. Can be used once a day. Takes 30-120 minutes depending upon the size of the pot.

Protective Pectorals

Armor (breast plate), rare

This magically enchanted armor can sense threats and acts to protect its wearer. After rolling initiative, roll 1d8. At the start of each of your turns, all enemies within 5 feet of you take force damage equal to whatever you rolled on the 1d8 to start combat.

Raging Spear

Weapon (spear or javelin), rare (requires attunement by a Barbarian)

This magical weapon appears normal, but when you go into a rage it changes appearance. While raging this weapons's tip glows red hot and deals 1d6 additional fire damage. Additionally, both of its throwing ranges are doubled. When your rage ends the weapon returns to you.

Ravager's Resin

Potion, rare

This magical elixir is consumed by the barbarians in the Endworld mountains. After consuming this elixir your fury becomes insatiable for the next minute. During this duration, anytime you kill an enemy your maximum and current hit points are increased by 1d8. Once the duration ends, you return to your original hit point maximum, and any hit points that would be lost are turned into temporary hit points.

Ravinger Lance

Weapon (lance), uncommon

This lance has +1 to attack and damage rolls. As a bonus action, once per short rest, you can empower an attack to knock a target prone in addition to damage. The target must succeed on a Dexterity or Strength saving throw, the DC of which is equal to the natural attack roll. Even if the attack does not deal damage, they still must make the saving throw.

Relentless Halberd

Weapon (halberd), very rare (requires attunement)

This magical halberd locks onto the location of a specified target. As an action, speak the name of your target into the blade of the weapon. From that point on, you have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) or Intelligence (Investigation) checks made to determine your targets location. You also gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls against your target. This effect persists until you speak a new name to the blade or your target is killed.

Reactive Wand

Wand, rare (requires attunement)

While wielding this wand, you gain a ranged attack from the wand. Make a ranged spell attack against a creature within 80 feet. On hit, the creature takes 2d8 force damage.

After casting a spell that deals damage, the next attack you make with the Reactive Wand deals damage of the same type as that spell. Additionally, if you cast a 1st level spell that deals damage, you may make an attack with the Reactive Wand as a bonus action.

Rod of Cantrips

Rod, very rare (requires attunement by a caster)

When you attune to this rod you learn 2 additional cantrips of your choice from any class list.

Additionally, when you deal damage with a cantrip while attuned to this rod you gain hit points equal to your constitution modifier.

Rod of the Crazed Druid

Rod, rare (requires attunement)

This magical item can be used as an arcane focus and has 4 charges, gaining 1d4 charges each dawn. If you spend 1 charge, you may cast Polymorph on a creature of your choosing, but instead of choosing a form, roll on the table below. Additionally, using the rod to cast Polymorph ignores the target's level or CR. If you spend 3 charges, you may roll twice and choose which roll takes effect. If they are not willing, they must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw. The transformation lasts until dispelled, their form drops to 0 hit points, an hour passes, or you lose attunement with the rod. When the rod drops to 0 charges, roll a d20. On a 1 or 2, the rod is destroyed and you must roll on the table and become the creature determined. You remain in that form until the spell is dispelled.

Rod of the Crazed Druid
d100 Beast
1 -2 Baboon
3-5 Sea Horse
6-8 Rat
9-11 Owl
12-14 Lizard
15-17 Hyena
18 - 21 Octopus
21-23 Giant Fire Beetle
24-26 Frog
27-29 Eagle
30-31 Deer
32-33 Crab
34-36 Cat
37-38 Badger
40-42 Bat
43-44 Elk
45-46 Pony
47-48 Mule
49-50 Mastiff
51-52 Giant Crab
53-54 Flying Snake
55-56 Camel
57-58 Blood Hawk
59-60 Panther
61-62 Giant Lizard
63-64 Giant Frog
65-66 Giant Bat
67-68 Giant Badger
69-70 Draft Horse
71-72 Constrictor Snake
73-74 Boar
75-76 Giant Goat
77-78 Crocodile
79-80 Black Bear
81-82 Ape
83-84 Lion
85-86 Giant Hyena
87-88 Brown Bear
89 Giant Boar
90 Giant Constrictor Snake
91 Giant Elk
92 Rhinoceros
93 Saber-Toothed Tiger
94 Killer Whale
95 Giant Scorpion
96 Elephant
97 Giant Shark
98 Mammoth
99 Giant Ape
100 Tyrannosaurus Rex

Rod of Mental Control

Rod, very rare (requires attunement)

While wielding this silver rod, you can choose to make it extremely sticky, staying on whatever surface it is attached to unless more than 1000 lbs of force are applied or you choose for it to release. If you are knocked unconscious, stunned, petrified or die, the rod becomes unsticky. Once per day while it is attached to a creature or object in this way, you can speak the command word and affect the rod for 10 minutes as if casting Telekinesis on it so long as it is within 120 feet of you.

Rod of Wincing

Rod, uncommon (requires attunement)

Once per day, after being hit by an attack, you can use your reaction and choose to either raise your AC by 1d4 or reduce the damage by 1d10. After using this ability, your weapon attacks are at disadvantage during your next turn.

Rogue's Coin

Wondrous item, common

This magical coin looks exactly like a standard gold coin, except the 'tails' side of the coin is inverted. This coin will always land heads up. Whenever you make a Charisma (Persuassion) check and this coin is visible to the target of your check you may add 1d4 to your roll.


Weapon (longsword), rare (requires attunement)

You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with this weapon. The blade of this longsword has 1d10+1 glowing runes carved into it. When you first attune to Rubefang, roll on the Wild Magic Surge table (PHB pg. 104) once for each rune on the blade. If the effect pertains to a class ability you do not possess, you may reroll it. You may use a bonus action to expend one of the runes and have that effect take place. Once you have used a rune, you cannot use it again. When you expend all the runes, roll a d20. On an 11 or higher the runes all reactivate and you may roll a new effect for each. 10 or lower and the sword becomes a simple +1 longsword.

When a creature attunes to Runefang and some of the runes have already been used, they do not reactivate.

Sailfish Cloak

Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)

This shimmering, scaly cloak provides a +1 bonus to AC while on land. While underwater, the cloak provides an additional +1 bonus to AC for a total bonus of +2 to AC. Additionally, you can breathe underwater and gain a swim speed of 60 ft. while wearing this cloak.

Second-Life Studs

Armor (studded leather), rare (requires attunement)

While wearing this armor you have a +1 bonus to AC. Additionally, once per long rest, after dropping to 0 hit points you regain hit points equal to your Constitution score.

Shadow's Fang

Weapon (longsword), very rare (requires attunement)

This slender, slightly curved longsword is forged from Dark Steel, a special alloy of steel that barely reflects light, making it invisible in darkness even to creatures with Darkvision. You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls with this magical weapon.

Additionally, each time you deal damage with the sword and take no damage from the end of a turn to the start of your next turn, your weapon deals 1d6 additional necrotic damage. The first time this effect occurs the shadows around you are pulled into and cloud the air around the blade, causing it to look smoky and hazy. Once you either take damage or deal no damage with the sword on your turn, the additional damage is lost.

Shadow Stalker

Weapon (any bow or crossbow), rare (requires attunement by a Ranger)

This magical weapon grants you a +3 bonus to your first attack roll against a creature you have been tracking. It also gives you a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls against your favored enemies. Additionally, Dexterity (Stealth) checks while undiscovered have advantage.

Shapechanger's Earings

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement by a Druid)

These magical earings are golden studs with small rubies. While wearing and attuned to them you gain 1 additional use of Wild Shape per long rest.

Shieldmaster's Pike

Weapon (pike), common

This pike was built for those who are accustomed to the typical defensive nature of a shield, and has a large metal buckler built into its pole. While wielding this pike, you have a +1 bonus to AC.

Shimmering Sandcloak

Wondrous item, rare (Requires attunement)

This cloak is constantly moving and adjusting itself, but does not inhibit your movement. Its adjustments in addition to its magical enchantments cause it to randomly absorb damage.

While attuned to this cloak, when you take non-magical damage, you may reduce it by 1d6.

Silent End

Weapon (any finesse weapon), very rare (requires attunement by a Rogue)

This enchanted weapon was fashioned for assassins and swashbucklers alike, designed to bring sudden and whispering end to their quarries.

You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with this weapon, have advantage on damage dice, and may reroll 1's on Sneak Attack damage when you use this weapon.


Weapon (shortbow), uncommon (requires attunement)

This shortbow is dripping with mud and slime at all times, giving its wielder a -2 to Charisma (Persuasion) checks while it is out. After hitting a creature with an arrow from Sludge-Slinger, it is covered in grime and thick mud spewing from where the arrow hit them, reducing their movement speed by 10 feet for 1 minute. If a creatures speed becomes 0 they are restrained as the goop hardens. A creature restrained by Sludge-Slinger must succeed on a DC 14 Strength check to break the caked mud, and then cannot be affected by Sludge-Slinger in this way for 24 hours.


Weapon (rapier), very rare (Requires attunement by a Bard)

This magical rapier has a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls and deals 1d4 additional slashing damage. When you become attuned to this you gain 1 additional inspiration die.

After killing a creature with Soarheart, you gain a flying speed of 40 feet for 1 minute.

Sonic Longbow

Weapon (longbow), uncommon

Your attacks deal both Thunder and Piercing damage, your choice. Additionally, whenever you critically hit a creature, Thunderwave is cast centered on your target at no extra cost, at a DC of 13, in addition to the critical hit damage. The damage from Thunderwave is not doubled.

Sorcerer's Focus

Wondrous item (any arcane focus), very rare (requires attunement by a Wizard)

This arcane focus has been passed down by Sorcerers for generations, becoming adept at manipulating magic in ways similar to how its masters would. When you attune to this item, you may pick one Metamagic ability from the Sorcerer class and gain its benefits. You can use this Metamagic ability once per long rest.

Sore Loser's Dice

Wondrous item, uncommon

This set of six-sided dice are perfect for those who hate losing. Whenever you roll snake eyes on these dice you may roll on the Wild Magic Table. If an effect from the table affects a creature, it affects a creature, other than you, at random.

Soul Burner

Weapon (shortsword), rare (requires attunement by a creature of chaotic or evil alignment)

This magical shortsword is of demonic creation. It has a dark obsidian blade that's shine has been sanded away. It has bloodstone marbled into the blade.

This shortsword has a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls. Upon its user killing a creature, the sword ignites with a dark flame and deals an additional 1d6 fire damage on subsequent attacks for the next minute.

Evolution of the Soul Burner

The sword gains different effects as it slays more foes.

Kills Effects
15 The shortsword extends into a Longsword
30 The marbled bloodstone veins expand, the sword now deals 2d6 fire damage upon ignition.
45 Soul Burner extends once more into a Greatsword that deals both Slashing and Fire damage. The blade now ignites when it draws blood.
60 The marbled bloodstone veins warp once more, and the blade's matte finish smooths into a glassy tone. The blade deals an additional 3d6 upon ignition and is now has a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls.

Soul Searcher

Wondrous item, very rare

This magical item has the appearance of a normal compass, however it is magically enchanted otherwise. The compass has a small compartment in the back. When an item is placed in the compartment, it will point you in the direction of whomever it belonged to. The compasses accuracy varies based on the object used. Once it gets within a close range, it simply points north. If its quarry is not on the same plane, it spins rapidly. Certain objects have greater accuracy, for example:

  • A piece of flesh, such as a toenail or hair: accurate to an area within a 1 mile radius of the target.
  • A prized item, such as a necklace, their weapon, or frequently worn armor: accurate to an area with a 2 mile radius of the target.
  • A former possession such as old clothing, a tinderbox, or a frequently used quill: accurate to an area with a 3 mile radius of the target.
  • A common item that they used in passing, such as a quill or a handkerchief: accurate to an area with a 4 mile radius of the target.


Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

These Dargonian steel gauntlets can absorb and transfer tremendous amounts of heat without harming their user. While attuned to them, each time you take fire damage, you gain a charge of spark. You can hold up to 10 charges, and may spend them as a bonus action to add 1d4 fire damage per charge of spark to your next unarmed attack.

You can also use a charge of spark to light flammable objects. The more charges of spark you have, the warmer the gauntlets feel to the touch.

Spearman's Gloves

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)

While wearing these leather gloves, whenever you throw a non-finesse weapon you may increase both of its range increments by 15.


Staff, common (requires attunement by a caster)

This staff is a large bamboo staff with a quartz polyhedron at the end of it. It can be wielded as a quarterstaff.

Contains 10 charges . You can spend a charge to cast Light on the end of the staff. You can also spend 5 charges to cast Color Spray. Restores 1d10 charges at dawn.

Staff of the Battlemage

Staff, uncommon (requires attunement)

This magical staff can be used as a quarterstaff. When making melee attacks with it, you may use your Spell Attack modifier for attack rolls and Spellcasting modifier for Damage rolls instead of Strength.

Staff of Centuriox

Staff, rare (requires attunement by a Sorceror, Warlock, or Wizard)

This quarterstaff has dozens of tightly woven, tiny chains spiraled around its steel body. This staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff and adds +1 to your spell DC. This staff has a special ability called Void Prison that allows you to restrain a medium or smaller enemy within 60 feet of you once a long rest. Void Prison acts as a concentration spell for up to 10 minutes.

It creates a 5 by 5 prison that restrains a single target of medium or smaller size. The creature must make a Dexterity saving throw against your spell DC or be affected by the spell. If they succeed the cage doesn't form. A caged creature can re-attempt its saving throw at the end of each of its turns. If it succeeds, it breaks your concentration.

Staff of Magus

Staff, very rare (requires attunement)

This staff can be used as a quarter staff. When making melee attacks with it, you may use your Spell Attack modifier for attack rolls and Spellcasting modifier for Damage rolls instead of Strength. Additionally, you gain a unique ranged attack while using the staff. Make a ranged spell attack against a target within 30 ft. On hit, the target takes 1d8 * Spellcasting modifier force damage. For example, if your spellcasting modifier is 4, it takes 4d8 damage. If you don't cast a spell on your turn, you may make this ranged attack as a bonus action.

Staff of Misleading Weight

Weapon (quarterstaff), uncommon (requires attunement)

This staff appears normal, but to anyone not attuned to it, the staff feels like it weighs 80 lbs.

Once per day you may nonchalantly hand your staff to someone who is not aware of the staff's properties and gain advantage on a Charisma (Intimidation) roll against them.

Additionally, after hitting a creature with this staff you may choose to throw it at them. Using the staff in this way causes the creature to make a DC 16 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone until it can succeed on a DC 16 Strength check to lift it off of oneself.

Staff of the Necromancer

Staff, rare (requires attunement by a Wizard, Warlock, or Sorcerer)

This staff can be wielded as a magic quarter staff.

Each time you cast a necromancy spell, you regain hit points equal to double the spell slot used. If the necromancy spell also damages you, this benefit does not apply.

Static Shield

Invention (shield), unique

The static is a powerful invention that transfers the kinetic energy in an attack into electrical energy. When you are attacked, as a reaction you may use the shield to increase your AC by your Dexterity modifier against this attack. If this causes the attack to miss, your shield begins to shoot out electrical bolts until the end of your next turn, dealing 1d8 lightning damage to anyone that attacks you in melee range.

Stormbeard's Resolve

Armor (studded leather), very rare (requires attunement by a Sorceror or Wizard)

While wearing this studded leather armor, the wearer gains an additional +2 to AC. Additionally, those attuned to this armor add +2 to their Constitution saving throws. Once a long rest, those wearing this armor can use an action to cast Stoneskin through the armor at no cost and without having to maintain concentration, but it only lasts 1 minute.

Storm's Crown

Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)

This magnificent band is shaped like two lightning bolts that circle together and crash into each other. The crown is made of cloud steel, and has a cloudy gray texture that appears to move and flicker like storm clouds. While attuned to the Storm's Crown, you are resistant to Lightning and Thunder damage.

Additionally, once per day when in stormy weather, you may use a bonus action to control the storm, and cast Call Lightning at a fourth level with a DC of 17.

Sentient. Storm's Crown is a sentient item, imbued with the spirit of an elemental being composed of wind and lightning. The crown can see and hear what you can. The crown desires to experience the raw power of the storm, and actively persuades its wearer to find the stormiest and most dangerous places.

If the wearer of the Storm's Crown is struck by lightning and survives, the spirit within the crown gains respect for its wielder, and grants the user further abilities by transforming Storm's Crown into the Ascended Storm's Crown.


Weapon (blowgun), common (requires attunement)

This magical blowgun also works as a special drinking device. As an action you can suck one gallon of any liquid into the Strawgun, where it is magically stored. The Strawgun can hold up to ten different liquids and ten gallons of each different liquid. As an action you may shoot one gallon of any liquid in the Strawgun at a target within range.

Sympathy Lamp

Wondrous item, uncommon

This magical item is a small disk with a one side made of glass, the other of silver and iron. The glass illuminates its surroundings in direct response to the heat applied to the back; the more heat, the more light. The heat of someones palm is enough to create a beam of light that is 30 ft in radius, similar to a torch. The iron ring around the glass can be moved forward to create a spotlight effect, shifting it from a radius of light to a beam of light.

Tabaxi Tail

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)

This magical item looks like a tail severed from a Tabaxi or other large feline beast. When attuned to, it attaches to your rear and operates like a normal tail. You can feel and control it as a beast would be able to. While attuned to it your Dexterity score increases by 2 up to a maximum of 22. Additionally you cannot be surprised.

Despite its cute nature, the tail is repulsive to many, expecially Tabaxi. You gain a -2 penalty to Charisma (Persuasion) checks.

Teapot of Tea Time

Wondrous item, common

A teapot that will, every day at 4 o'clock, whistle loudly and make piping hot tea, regardless of where it is. There is no way to prevent this. It’s good tea though.

Thaumoturge's Golden Tooth

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)

In order to attune to this tooth, you must remove a tooth and insert this tooth in its place. While attuned to it, you may change the sound of your voice to mimic any creature you have listened to for at least 1 minute.

Additionally, you may use it to greatly control the volume of your speech, allowing you to cast the Message and Thunderclap once per day, each. Your spellcasting modifier is Charisma for these spells.

Thrawl's Hammer

Weapon (warhammer), uncommon (requires attunement)

This meteorite-steel hammer was wielded by a powerful dwarven blacksmith named Thrawl. Once per day, as an action, you can slam the hammer into the ground and create a bed of coals in a 10 foot radius around the place you slammed. Creatures apart from you that end their turn in the bed of coals take 1d8 fire damage. When you deal damage with Thrawl's Hammer while you are standing on the bed of coals you heal an amount equal to half the damage you deal.

Thymor's Gauntlet

Wondrous item, uncommon

This steel gauntlet is beautifully crafted and fits very well. Once per long rest you may flex the gauntlet into a fist and cause a wave of healing energy to extend outward in a 30 foot radius for the next minute. During this minute all allies in the radius that have more than 0 hp heal 1 hp at the start of their turn.

Token of the Dove

Wondrous item, uncommon

As an action, you can speak the command word to this small porcelain dove to cause it to transform into a live dove. You may then cast Animal Messenger at 3rd level on the dove without expending a spell slot.

Tome of Shadows

Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement)

This item can only be read and attuned to by a creature touched by shadow or evil, which can be left to the discretion of your DM.

The Tome of Shadows is an extensive novel dating back to the first known creatures to have entered or traveled through the Shadowfell. It is the ultimate source on Shadowfell knowledge. When you attempt to recall information about the Shadowfell, you do so automatically while the book is with you and make checks to do so with advantage when the book is not with you.

Once attuned to the Tome of Shadows, you emit wavy, smoke-like shadow at all times and gain advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks when you are not in bright light. When you are standing in darkness you gain resistance to all non-magical damage as the shadow envelops and protects you.

Once per long rest you can perform a ritual contained in the book to determine the exact location and route to the nearest Shadow Crossing.

Transposition Whip

Weapon (whip), uncommon (requires attunement)

This magical whip is capable of hitting creatures in the ethereal plane. In addition, whenever it hits an undead, fiend, celestial, or fey, it deals 1d6 additional psychic damage.


Weapon (any crossbow), common (requires attunement)

After hitting a creature with Troubleshooter, you can choose to have the attack deal no damage, and roll on the Troubleshooter Effects table for a minor effect to be inflicted upon your target. Any attempts to resolve the issue will prove unsuccessful, and will only end when they take a short rest.

Troubleshooter Effects
d12 Effect
1 Your target's mouth fills with canker sores
2 Your target's socks become warm and soggy instantly
3 Your target's shoes come untied
4 Your target gets a mildly annoying wedgie
5 Your target gets a hair in the back of their throat
6 Your target gets blisters on their heels
7 Your target becomes slightly bloated and gassy
8 Your target becomes hungry and thirsty
9 Your target feels like they need to sneeze but never does
10 Your target loses their train of thought
11 All proper nouns are forgotten by your target, but they're right on the tip of their tongue
12 Your target gets an itch in a place they can't reach

Tsunami's Peak

Weapon (lance), very rare (requires attunement)

You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls with this weapon. While attuned to this weapon, once per long rest you may summon a wavehorse as if casting the Find Steed spell. A wavehorse has the same statistics as a warhorse, but counts as an elemental as it is made entirely of water and ice. A wavehorse also has a swimming speed equal to its movement speed, cannot drown, can run on water, and is immune to cold damage. When you first summon it, you must be standing in a body of water, and a saddle forms on its back made of smooth ice.

Additionally, once per long rest you may make a Tsunami Charge, as the wavehorse gathers a great wave behind it and tramples over enemies. When you do this, use your bonus action to move up to the wavehorse's full movement in a straight line, dealing 1d8 bludgeoning damage to each creature you pass through. You may make attacks as normal against any creatures you run past.

Twitching Gloves

Wondrous item, rare

These leather gloves each have one large rune on the back of each palm. They magically fit whoever attunes to them.

While you are wearing these gloves, you have a +4 bonus to your initiative rolls, but a -4 penalty to Dexterity (Sleight-of-Hand) checks.


Armor (any armor with stealth disadvantage), rare (requires attunement)

So long as your current hit points and maximum hit points are equal, this armor will empower your attacks and grant you a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls.

Valdyr's Lucky Polearm

Weapon (any weapon with reach), very rare (requires attunement)

This polearm weapon has a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls and deals an additional damage die on natural 18's, 19's, and 20's. These damage dice are also doubled upon critical hit.

Once a short or long rest, this polearm grants you an additional bonus action on your turn, provided it is a different bonus action than your first. For example, a rogue could attack with his offhand and take Cunning Action, or a barbarian could rage and then still use the attack granted by frenzied rage.

Vaulter's Longbow

Weapon (longbow), common

This bow stands completely straight like a large pole when an arrow is not notched. As a part of your movement, you may make a DC 13 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to use the pole as a pole-vault and jump up to 15 feet in any direction. If you fail your check you fall prone and lose the rest of your movement.

Vengeance's Sabre

Weapon (any sword or rapier), legendary (requires attunement by a creature of Chaotic Alignment)

This magical weapon becomes empowered as you take more damage. Each time you land an attack with this blade you may choose to roll 1d100. If the result is less than your missing hit points the attack becomes a critical hit.

Veteran's Blade

Weapon (any weapon with a blade), rare (requires attunement by a Battle Master Fighter)

This magical weapon has a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls, and damage rolls may be rolled with advantage. Additionally, while attuned to this weapon you gain 1 additional Superiority Die.


Weapon (morningstar), legendary (requires attunement by a creature of chaotic alignment)

Voidstar is a miniature black hole bound by a magical rod. When first attuning to this weapon, you must succeed on a DC 20 Strength saving throw to grasp its handle without being ripped apart, taking 4d8 force damage and dropping it on a failed save. Once you have attuned to it, you can cause the black hole to subside to a more tolerable amount, becoming the shape and size of a typical morningstar.

You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls with this weapon, and deal an additional 1d8 force damage. Once per short rest, as an action you may cause Voidstar to flare in strength for 1 minute, immediately pulling all creatures within a 30 ft radius 5 ft closer. During the duration, all creatures within 30 ft of Voidstar must make a DC 18 Strength (Athletics) check when moving away from Voidstar or have their movement speed halved. Additionally, any creature that ends its turn within 5 ft of Voidstar while this effect is active takes 1d8 force damage.


Weapon (any bow or crossbow), common (requires attunement)

While attuned to this weapon, once per day you may add 1d4 to any Charisma (Deception) check. This ability recharges each dawn.

Wand of Arcane Conduction

Wand, very rare (requires attunement)

This wand can tap into the latent magics of magical items, other than this one, that you are attuned to. Whenever you cast a damaging cantrip with this wand, it deals additional force damage based on the rarest item you are attuned to. This additional damage manifests as a series of arcane bolts that spring from the wand and hit their targets.

Item Rarity
Rarity Effect
Common 1d4
Uncommon 2d4
Rare 3d4
Very Rare 4d4
Legendary 5d4

Wand of Minor Magics

Wand, rare (requires attunement by a Sorcerer, Warlock, or Wizard of at least level 8)

While attuned to this wand, you may learn 2 more cantrips of your choice from your class list. Additionally, you gain two more level 1 spell slots. You may also learn one new level 1 spell from any list.

Warcaster's Wand

Wand, very rare (requires attunement by a Warlock, Sorcerer, or Wizard)

Whenever you damage an enemy with a spell cast using this wand, you heal 1 hit point for each enemy you damage.

Warden's Watcher

Armor (any heavy armor), rare (requires attunement)

While wearing this armor, whenever you take damage that is greater than 1/4 of your maximum hit points, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Constitution score as the armor seeks to protect you from further harm.

Watcher's Shield

Shield, rare (requires attunement)

This magical shield grants you a +1 bonus to your AC and passive perception while you wield it. Additionally, while you are attuned to it you gain darkvision out to 60 feet. Once per long rest you may use your action to bang the shield, and create a magical effect that awakens all creature's of choice within 30 feet of you. When awoken in this way, a creature may use its reaction to stand from prone without expending any movement.

Whitehart Cloak

Wondrous item, rare

While you are wearing this magical cloak and are conscious you heal 1hp at the start of each turn. If you are unconscious you remove one failed death saving throw at the start of each turn. You can use an action to put the cloak onto a creature within 5 ft of you, but it has 1 round of delay before it's effects take place.

Wight's Edge

Weapon (any sword), very rare (requires attunement by an evil character)

This sword has a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls, and deals necrotic damage rather than slashing damage. Additionally, the sword has an ability called Life Drain that can be used once per dawn. A creature hit by Life Drain must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or its hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken. This reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0. A humanoid slain by this attack rises 24 hours later as a zombie under your control, unless the humanoid is restored to life or its body is destroyed. If you lose attunement to Wight's Edge, the zombies perish. You may only control 3 zombies at a time; if a new one is brought to life, the oldest dies.

Wind's Bite

Weapon (dagger), uncommon (requires attunement)

This dagger cannot be lost, as it will always be found at your side 1 hour after being misplaced. Additionally, once per dawn you may cast Gaseous Form on yourself.

Winter's Ward

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)

While attuned to and wearing this necklace, you gain resistance to cold damage. In addition, your appearance slightly changes. Whenever in a cold climate, all hair on your body gains a white frosted tip.

Wrist Crossbow

Weapon (hand crossbow), uncommon

The wrist crossbow is a crossbow that attaches to your forearm and hand. While it is attached, you may hold an item in that hand and still fire the crossbow as you normally would. Additionally, you have advantage on Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) checks made to conceal the crossbow.

Zhentarim Knife

Weapon (dagger), rare (requires attunement)

This magical dagger has a +2 bonus to damage rolls (not attack rolls). The user of this blade can make a special attack to cause its target to bleed uncontrolably, using the blade to target key blood vessels and arteries. The target of this ability must be within melee range, and must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or take an additional 1d12 piercing damage at the start of each of its turns until it succeeds on its saving throw.

This blade is also keen for crippling its victims. Rather than causing the target to bleed profusely, the wielder can choose to cripple the target. They must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or their movement speed is cut in half.

You can make two special attacks a long rest, choosing between a cripple effect or a bleeding effect.


These inventions are not magical but still require a specific mastery to use. They are the pinnacles of innovation in their time, and can rival even the most potent magical items.

Some of these creations require Training, which simply means spending 40 total hours learning how to use, clean, maintain, and carry your item. After these 40 total hours are completed, you may use the item at will, and have advantage on Intelligence checks made to determine problems with it, fix it, or improve upon it.


Invention, unique

A Battery contains 1 charge of power, and can be used in any invention that requires a charge of power.


Invention, unique (requires training with firearms and a Strength score of 12 or higher)

This wide-barreled flintlock fires an array of shrapnel and debris in a cone shape. When making an attack with this weapon, use your Dexterity modifier, if you have completed training, you may add your proficiency bonus. On hit, it deals 2d8 piercing damage. If the target is in melee range it auto-crits on hit. If the target is 10 feet or further away, it also deals 1d8 damage to each creature or structure within 5 feet of your target. You can fire this gun once per turn, requiring an action to reload, or a bonus action if you are trained in firearms.

Charge Thrower

Invention, unique

The Charge Thrower is an arcaneered ranged weapon that will throw bolts of electricity after being charged. It can use a Battery, or can draw 1 charge of power from an Electric Dynamo or Crackle Gauntlets. The Charge Thrower deals 3d6 + Dexterity lightning damage, and a creature hit by it must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the end of their next turn. A creature is proficient with the Charge Thrower if they are proficient with heavy crossbows. The Charge Thrower has the loading property when using batteries.

Crackle Gauntlets

Wondrous item, unique (requires training)

These metal gauntlets go all the way up to the shoulder. While wearing these guantlets, your unarmed attacks deal 1d4 additional damage and your Strength score is increased by 2 up to a maximum of 22. Attacks that land with these gauntlets create a charge of Power, up to a max of 10, filling completely on criticals. If not connected to the Electric Dynamo, the charges fade after a short or long rest.

Eagle Eye Rifle

Wondrous item, unique (requires training and a Strength Score of 12 or higher)

The makings of a ballistics prodigy, the Eagle Eye Rifle is the first of its kind to make the most of gunpowder and steel. It is fitted with a powerful scope, granting its user advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks before making an attack. The rifle has 3 range increments, each with different specifics for firing. It is a Dexterity based weapon, but requires someone strong enough to manage its recoil. After you have completed your training, you may add your proficiency bonus to attack rolls made with it, and can use the medium and long ranges.

Short Range (0 ft - 200 ft). At its shortest range increment, you may make as many attacks as your class allows each time you take the attack action. These attacks are made with disadvantage if you spend any movement on your turn. The rifle does 2d12 + Dexterity. After 6 shots, you must spend your action reloading the rifle.

Medium Range (200 ft - 800 ft). At its average range, the Eagle Eye Rifle requires more time spent aiming. You can only fire once per attack action, similarly reloading after 6 shots.

Long Range (800 ft - 2000 ft). At this range, you must be prone and must spend 2 actions aiming down the scope and slowing your breathing and heartrate, firing on the 2nd action. The target must stay within line of sight and range after both action.

Headshot. This ability can only be used at Long Range. When you spend 1 minute aiming at the same target, and it stays within a 30 ft radius area, you may attempt to make a Headshot attack. You have advantage on the attack roll due to the length at which you focused on your target. On hit, it deals an additional 2d12 piercing damage. If it drops your target to 0, your target must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be instantly killed.

Electromatic Breastplate

Invention (breastplate), very rare

This arcaneered breastplate is built to convert kinetic energy into electrical impulses. Each time you take bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage, you gain a charge of power up to a maximum of 5. This charge can be used, if properly set up, in other items that require power. However, its main function is in creating an electric explosion by releasing charges. As a bonus action, you may release any number of charges stored in the Electromatic Breastplate to deal damage to all creatures within a radius equal to five times the charges spent. All creatures in the radius musts succeed on a DC 12 + charges expended Constitution saving throw or take 1d6 lightning damage per charge expended and be pushed to the radius' edge.

Electric Dynamo

Armor (+1 breast plate), unique (requires training)

This masterpiece of arcaneering grants you a +1 bonus to your AC, and is covered in conduits, glass tubing, and wires. On its back are two large cylinders that store the charges of Power that the Crackle Gauntlets create. While the Dynamo has more than 5 charges of Power, you create an electrical field like a tesla coil, and any creatures within 10 feet of you at the end of every turn take 1d10 lightning damage. Once per long rest, you may choose to overcharge the batteries and unleash a 15 ft. radius electric blast centered on you, dealing 1d6 lightning damage to all creatures within the radius per remaining charge of Power. You also take this damage when overcharging. After overcharging, you must take a short rest before the Electric Dynamo will store charges.

While using the Crackle Gauntlets you gain some additional abilities. You may expend charges of Power to cause your next unarmed attack to deal an additional 1d6 damage lightning damage per charge. You may also expend 5 charges to make an Electrocution Attack. This attack deals an additional 5d6, and the target must succeed on a Strength Saving Throw (DC = 8 + Proficiency + Strength Modifier) or be stunned for 30 seconds, making the saving throw again after each round.

The Breast Plate can get quite hot, and requires 1 gallon of water once per day or it will not run. It also requires a short rest to repair any broken circuits or tubes, which require's doffing the armor. If not maintained, it will not store charges of Power.

Kinetic Javelin

Invention (javelin), unique

The kinetic javelin is an arcaneered melee weapon that behaves like a javelin, but has an additional ability. The Kinetic Javelin can draw charges of power from an Electric Dynamo, Crackle Guantlets, or a Battery. While it is charged, the next time you throw it will cause it to explode in a 15 ft radius around its target. All creatures in the radius must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take 1d8 lightning damage per charge of power in the javelin. Creatures that fail by 5 or more are stunned.


Armor (studded leather), unique

This set of studded leather armor features a unique back compartment. After using a bonus action to trigger the wings via a cord by the lower ribs, the back compartment rapidly expands into a sturdy, wing-shaped glider. While extended, you can control your fall speed, any where from 200 ft to 10 ft.. During this time, your horizontal speed is equal to 200 minus your falling speed. This item largely requires a large amount of the DM's discretion, due to the low rules on falling in the PHB. As an action you can retract the wings into the suit.

The glider is not magical and can be broken. It has 20 hp and an AC of 10. If the glider takes 10 or more damage your fall speed is set to 60 ft., if it drops to 0, you free fall.

Tesla Spear

Invention (spear), unique

The Tesla Spear is an arcaneered melee weapon that behaves like a spear does, but has an additional ability. The Tesla Spear can draw charges of power from an Electric Dynamo, Crackle Gauntlets, or a Battery. Consuming a charge of power, the tip of the Spear becomes electrified and deals 1d8 additional Lightning damage for the next round.


Wondrous item, unique (requires training)

This tension-based weapon is a highly accurate, miniature ballista. It requires 1 minute to set upon its tripod and ready a shot, an attack to aim and fire 1 bolt, a bonus action to reprime, and an action to reload the magazine. It is highly accurate and deadly, firing bolts the size of javelins, and can hit a bullseye from 100 yards. It can fire 10 bolts before needing to reload the magazine.

This device has a range of (300/900) and uses Dexterity for attack rolls. Once you have completed your training, you may add your proficiency bonus to your attack rolls.

Targets hit by Windpiercer take 3d10 + 10 piercing damage and must succeed on a DC 16 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.


These magical artifacts have been imbued with the power of the mages who created them. Their pages are filled with enchantments and knowledge to be taken advantage of by casters. They can be used as arcane focuses by sorcerers and wizards. Some enhance a caster's ability, while others unlock unique and powerful spells, otherwise unlearnable. A wizard can add a spell that is found in a tome to his own spellbook. A caster that cannot use the tome as an arcane focus must hold it in his hand to cast the spell inside.

A tome can be an extremely powerful item to give to a player, and are generally meant for characters of 10th level or higher.

Gaining Comprehension

In order to use a tome and the abilities it offers, each tome requires you to gain comprehension of its secrets. This is a similar mechanic to attuning to an item, however the method for gaining comprehension might differ from tome to tome. Once you have gained comprehension, you can unlock and learn the tomes secrets and spells. Before you gain comprehension, you have no access to its unique abilities, but you may use it as an arcane focus.

In order to use a tome's spells, you must hold it in your hand, have copied the spell into your own spellbook, or use it as your focus. A character with no spell slots cannot gain comprehension of a tome.

Tome of Allied Magic

Tome, unique (requires comprehension)

Casters who use this tome excell at buffing their allies. Once per long rest, when casting a spell on an ally, you may cast it as if it were being cast at one level higher than the spell slot expended. Additionally, whenever you cast a spell on an ally, they gain temporary hit points equal to the spells level + your spell casting modifier.

Gaining Comprehension. The Tome of Allied Magic requires 14 (minus your Intelligence modifier) hours of reading before you can unlock its secrets. Additionally, you must spend 30 minutes each day refreshing yourself on its contents. \columnbreak

Tome of Blood

Tome, unique (requires comprehension)

Once per day, you may choose to expend hit points instead of a spell slot to cast a spell. You must expend hit points equal to 5 times the level the spell is cast at. Once you cast a spell in this way, you must complete a long rest. Additionally, after casting a spell from the school of necromancy, your next weapon attack gains a +2 bonus to hit.

Gaining Comprehension. The Tome of Blood is written in Infernal, requiring whoever wishes to unlock its secrets to be proficient in Abyssal or Infernal. You must spend (15 - your Intelligence modifier) hours reading it, and upon finishing must complete a blood pact ritual taking 1d4 hours to complete.

Tome of the Charming Tongue

Tome, unique (requires comprehension)

Used by diplomatic magic users, the Tome of the Charming Tongue makes for very persuasive casters.

Magic users who use this tome as their arcane focus add a +2 bonus to their Charisma (Persuasion) rolls. Additionally, the DC of your spells involving charming effects is increased by 2.

Gaining Comprehension. The Tome of the Charming Tongue requires (15 - your Intelligence modifier) hours of reading and hands on experience. Every day you read the book, you must successfully charm one creature, until you have finished reading.

Tome of the Dancing Mage

Tome, unique (requires comprehension)

This tome was written by a wizard famous for his quick movements around the battlefield. Once you have gained comprehension of the tome, you may cast the following spells at will without spending a spell slot: Expeditious Retreat and Longstrider.

Additionally, while using this tome as your arcane focus, after casting a spell, your movement speed increases by 10 until the start of your next turn. You may also use your bonus action to take the Disengage action.

Gaining Comprehension. The Tome of the Dancing Mage requires (10 - your Intelligence modifier) hours of reading and (20 - your Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) modifier) hours of training to full unlock its secrets.

Tome of Elemental Knowledge

Tome, unique (requires comprehension)

Wizards and Sorcerers who use this tome as their arcane focus find their evocation spells enhanced. Whenever you cast an evocation spell that deals fire, cold, thunder, or lightning damage, you may cast it as if it was cast at 1 level higher than the spell slot expended. Additionally, after casting and resolving a spell that deals fire, cold, thunder, or lightning damage, you gain resistance to that damage type until the start of your next turn.

Gaining Comprehension. The Tome of Elemental Knowledge requires (14 - Intelligence modifier) hours of reading and requires you cast 1 evocation spell each day you spend time reading it.

Tome of Enhancement

Tome, unique (requires comprehension)

Wizards and Sorcerers who use this tome as their arcane focus are adept at enhancing the physical form. In addition to adding the Enhance Ability spell to their spells known list, they may also cast the unique spell: Greater Enhancement.

Gaining Comprehension. In order to gain comprehension of the Tome of Enhancement, you must spend (20 - Intelligence modifier) hours studying its contents, and (20 - Wisdom (Medicine) modifier) studying anatomy.

Greater Enhancement

4th-level transmutation

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: touch
  • Components: V, S, M (a small piece of hide or a handful of scales)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

You touch a creature and bestow upon it a magical enhancement. Choose one of the following effects: the target receives that benefit for the duration.

  • Dragon's Hide: The target has advantage on Constitution saving throws and gains 4d10 temporary hit points
  • Lion's Ferocity: The target gains a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls. They have advantage on Strength checks.
  • Aarokocran Agility: The target has advantage on Dexterity checks and saving throws and doesn't take falling damage.
  • Silverback's Strength: The target gains advantage on Strength saving throws and their carrying capacity tripples.

Tome of the Flaming Hand

Tome, unique (requires comprehension)

This tome allows you to add Burning Hands and the unique spell Incendiary Palm to your spells known list. While attuned to this tome, you may cast Burning Hands at will, and your unarmed attacks deal fire damage.

Incendiary Palm

3rd-level Evocation

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Self (40 foot cone)
  • Components: M, S, V (a handful of ashes)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You interlock your fingers before releasing them outward in a 90 degree cone from yourself, unleashing a whirlwind of flame from your palm. Creatures caught in the cone must make a Dexterity saving throw or take 4d12 fire damage, half on a success.

Creatures that fail their saving throw by 5 or more are set ablaze, as are flamable materials, and take 1d6 fire damage on your turn each round for 1 minute or until they use an action to put out the flames.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the range of the cone increases by 10 ft per level.

Gaining Comprehension. In order to gain comprehension of the Tome of the Flaming Hand, one must spend 15 hours studying its contents and 15 hours training near a source of extreme heat. For each hour of training, make a DC 12 Intelligence check. On success, the hour counts toward your 15.

Tome of Plentiful Mana

Tome, unique (requires comprehension)

Created by a sorcerer who studied the practices of wizards, this tome allows its reader to implement a sorcerer's magical efficiency to a greater effect.

After gaining comprehension, you gain 5 Mana Points. These points can be used to cast spells. Each Mana Point is worth 1 spell slot, so if you spend 5 Mana Points you can cast a 5th level spell. Spells cast using Mana Points do not consume spell slots. Each dawn your Mana Points reset to 5. Sorcerers cannot convert Mana Points to Sorcery Points.

Gaining Comprehension. In order to gain comprehension of this tome, your Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, or Wizard level must be at least 10, or your Eldritch Knight, or Arcane Trickster level must be at least 18. You must spend (25 - Intelligence modifier) hours reading the tome, and must complete 3 days of training in which you spend no spell slots at all in order to expand your mana pool.


An artifact is a unique magic item of tremendous powper, with its own origin and history. An artifact might have been created by gods or mortals of awesome power. It could have been created in the midst of a crisis that threatened a kingdom, a world, or the entire multiverse, and carry the weight of that pivotal moment in history.

Ascended Storm's Crown

Wondrous item, artifact (requires attunement)

While attuned to the Ascended Storm's Crown, you are resistant to Lightning and Thunder damage. Additionally, storms are twice as likely to occur around you, but being in a storm does not affect you or any creatures of your choice within 30 feet of you.

Spellcasting. The spirit of the crown gives you the ability to cast the following spells.

Spell Level Frequency
Shocking Grasp Cantrip At will
Call Lightning 4th level Once per day
Lightning Bolt 5th level Once per day
Chain Lightning 6th level Once per week

Spell Save DC = 19

Spell attack modifier = +11

Storm's Power. While in a storm, the crown's power increases and grants you new abilities.

  • You gain a flying speed of 40 ft.
  • Any attacks you make with weapons containing metal deal 1d6 additional lightning damage.
  • You have minimized control over the storm, such as wind direction, creating gaps in rainfall, and avoiding lightning strikes.

Carius' Staff

Staff, artifact (requires attunement by a Wizard)

This legendary staff was created and imbued with power by Carius Starspeaker over a period of 500 years.

This staff grants you a +3 bonus to your spell attack bonus and you can prepare 3 additional spells. This staff has 10 charges. For each charge you spend, you can cast a spell up to a level equal to the number of charges expended as a bonus action. You must have prepared the spell and it must normally cost an action. You are immune to the damage from spells you cast in this way. The staff gains back 1d10 charges each dawn. You may spend 10 charges to cast True Polymorph through the staff.

While attuned to this staff, you may add 1d8 to your Constitution saving throws made to maintain concentration.

When a creature attuned to the staff dies, its consciousness is transferred to the staff, rather than moving to the afterlife. It replaces any current sentience in the staff when this happens.

Cloud Reaver

Weapon (glaive), artifact (requires attunement by a wizard)

This powerful ancient artifact was created by the ancient dragon Volrex to help him focus his strength. Its blade is one of his hind claws, finely sharpened. When he magically protected his soul from death, he ensured that the only thing that could break the spell was his own weapon. Thus, Cloud Reaver is the only blade that can permanently kill Volrex.

This artifact grants you a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls. It can act as an arcane focus. The staff of the blade can be used defensively and grants you a +2 bonus to AC if you do not take the attack action on your turn. While attuned to the staff, all concentration checks you make have a maximum DC of 15.

The staff has 10 charges, which recharge 1d10 each morning. You can expend 1 charge for a level 2 Thunderwave, 4 charges for a Call Lightning, 6 charges for Destructive Wave, 8 charges for 7th level Lightning Bolt, and 10 charges to cast Storm of Vengeance.

Those attuned to the staff are resistant to Thunder and Lightning damage. After the first time a creature attunes to Cloud Reaver, they gain the Curse of the Hurricane whenever they are not attuned to it.

Curse of the Hurricane

You cannot gain the benefits of rest during a storm, bad weather is more likely to occur around you, you are more likely to be struck by lightning, and need twice as much water to drink as normal.

Cyric Leathers

Armor (leather), artifact (requires attunement)

This magical set of black leather armor is one of the Artifacts of the Gods, belonging to Cyric. The Darksisters currently possess it and give it to the strongest assassin of their members.

This leather armor adds +3 to AC and has several unique effects.

  • The wearer gains +3 to all Dexterity checks.
  • The wearer can take a short rest and change the appearance of the clothing to anything of the wearer's choosing within reason. When changing the appearance in this way, it holds up to inspection. A DC 20 Arcana check can reveal it is an illusion
  • The wearer has advantage on Deception checks.
  • Using the armor, you may cast Disguise Self once per long rest.

The Exalted Defender

Weapon (greatsword), artifact (requires attunement by a follower of Helm)

Created once an individual is deemed worthy enough to wield both The Defender and The Eye of Helm, and the gauntlet is absorbed into the greatsword in a blinding flash of light. After the flash subsides, the once nearly chromatic greatsword is now filled with beautiful waves of white stone that emit a bright light out to 30 feet at all times. This bright light can shine through magical darkness created by a spell of 5th level or lower.

While you are holding the sword, the sword creates a gauntlet on your left hand from chromatic and pure white tendrils of metal. Any creatures that are within the bright light emited by the Exalted Defender are considered within touch range when using abilities or casting spells.

You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. The first time you attack with the sword on each of your turns, you can transfer some or all of the swords bonus to attack to your Armor Class, instead of using the bonus on any attacks that turn. For example, you could reduce the bonus to your attack roll by 2 and gain a +2 bonus to AC, while still retaining the +3 bonus to damage rolls.

When you increase your AC in this way, tendrils of shining metal coil from the gauntlet, around your body in a layer of protective armor. If you transfer all of the bonus to your AC you are covered completely in a metal, woven suit of armor that covers your current armor and does not inhibit you. This suit of armor grants you resistance to all slashing, piercing, and bludgeoning damage and immunity to necrotic damage from spells of 5th level or lower.

You may also, as a reaction, transfer the attack bonus of the sword into the AC of another creature within range of touch, as the metal tendrils shoot from the sword to envelop and protect whomever you choose. A creature who recieves all of the attack bonus from the sword also recieves resistance to all slashing, piercing, and bludgeoning damage and immunity to necrotic damage from spells of 5th level or lower.

Exalted Tenacity. While you are holding the greatsword you gain proficiency in all saving throws you are not proficient in, and all creatures, including yourself, within the sword's light gain advantage on saving throws against poison, disease, madness, or being charmed.

Dunedori's Spear

Weapon (spear), artifact (requires attunement by a bard, cleric, or druid)

The head of this spear was created from the severed horn of the fallen Unicorn demi-god Dunedori. Due to his connection with it, when you attune to this weapon, Dunedori will begin to follow you around. Dunedori is a highly intelligent creature, and will persuade you to do good deeds with the spear. If you build a raport with Dunedori, he will eventually serve as an ally and allow you to use him as a mount.

The spear has a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls. In addition, it magically reappears in your hand after throwing it. While attuned to the spear, healing spells that have multiple targets heal for the maximum amount, and all dice rolled for healing can be rerolled once.

Dunedori's Spear has 9 charges. For 1 charge, you may cast Cure Wounds, for 3 charges you may cast Revivify, for 5 charges you may cast Mass Cure Wounds, and for 9 charges you may cast True Ressurection. Casting spells using the staff incurs no cost componenent. The staff regains 1d8 charges each dawn.

If the charges of the staff are spent completely, the staff is destroyed. After 1 hour, Dunedori will lose the remainder of the godly powers he was blessed with and will become a normal horse. If you are able to convince Dunedori that the utility of the spear justified Dunedori's sacrifice, he will become a noble and loyal steed after his death. If you destroy the spear and Dunedori feels you have doomed him needlessly, he will curse you with his final breath.

Unicorn's Dying Curse
  • Your Wisdom and Intelligence scores are decreased by 2
  • Any healing spells you cast on yourself will take no effect, and you will take necrotic damage equal to the amount healed
  • You cannot be resurrected except by an act of a god


Large beast, Chaotic Good

  • Armor Class 12
  • Hit Points 105(14d10 + 28)
  • Speed 50ft.

18 (+4) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 18 (+4)

  • Proficiency Bonus +4
  • Damage Immunities poison
  • Condition Immunities charmed, paralyzed, poisoned
  • Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
  • Languages Celestial, Elvish, Sylvan, telepathy 60 ft.
  • Challenge 7 (2900 XP)

Demi-god. Dunedori cannot fail death saving throws or die while the spear is intact. If he falls to 0 hit points he is unconscious until healed or until 1 hour passes, at which point he returns to 1 hit point. Dunedori regains all of his hit points every short or long rest.

Innate Spellcasting. Dunedori's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 16). Dunedori can innately cast the following spells, requiring no components:

At will: detect evil and good, druidcraft, pass without trace

1/day each: beacon of hope, calm emotions, dispel evil and good, entangle, moonbeam

Magic Resistance. Dunedori has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Magic Weapons. Dunedori's attacks are magical


Hooves. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 11 (2d6 + 4)

Buck. Dunedori attempts to remove any creature from its back. Creatures that wish to stay on Dunedori must make a DC 16 Strength saving throw or be knocked off and prone.

Healing Touch. Dunedori touches another creature with his muzzle. The target magically regains 17 (2d8 + 8) hit points. In addition, the touch removes all diseases and neutralizes all poisons.

Teleport. Dunedori magically teleports itself and up to three willing creatures it can see within 5 feet of it, along with any equipment they are wearing or carrying, to a location the unicorn is familiar with, up to 1 mile away.

Shimmering Shield. Dunedori creates a shimmering, magical field around itself and its rider, or another creature it can see within 60 feet of it. The target gains a +2 bonus to AC until the end of the unicorn's next turn.


Weapon (recurve longbow), lesser artifact (requires attunement by a ranger or druid)

Once the weapon of the first protector of The Icewood, and the reason for its cold nature, Hailstorm is a powerful and ancient bow passed down to those who are worthy of character, mind, and body to wield it. It is the living embodiment of the cold within the Frostvale.

Hailstorm is a recurve longbow (1d10 piercing), and has a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls. It deals an additional 1d10 cold damage on hit. Its ironwood bowstring grants you a range of (210/630), and grants you an additional +2 bonus to attack rolls while in the Feywild. You also learn the unique spell Ice Shard, and cast it using the bow. After casting the spell, roll a d6. On a 1-5, you cannot cast it again until the next dawn.

While attuned to Hailstorm, you gain resistance to cold damage and cannot be frozen. Additionally, you are immune to disease. Hailstorm also physically repairs your wounds; when you start your turn you heal 1d6 hitpoints as long as you have at least 1 hit point.

Hailstorm, however does have two detrimental properties. While attuned to it, you have disadvantage on saving throws against poison, and your appearance is changed. All hair on your body has bright white frosted tips.

Ice Shard

3rd-level evocation

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: a target within range of Hailstorm
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

A large icicle forms on your arrowhead. Roll a ranged attack against your target with Hailstorm. On hit, the target and all creatures within a 15ft radius centered on your target must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, all creatures within the radius take 8d6 cold damage, halved on a success. If your target fails by 5 or more, he is frozen for 1 minute, remaking his saving throw at the end of his turns. Large creatures roll their saving throw with advantage, and huge or larger creatures are immune to this effect.

Mask of Masters

Wondrous item, artifact (requires attunement)

The Mask of Masters is one of the oldest and most powerful relics known to the people of Sylvana. It was created by the Masters Four, the Master of Puppetry, the Master of Manipulation, the Master of Lies, and the Master of Commands. It has been the cause of many wars, deaths, and conflicts throughout history and was thusly hidden away.

The mask is carved from marble and has a closed mouth and nostrils, with two glass eyes when in its normal state. It has a slender face and a blank expression on its face.

The mask is sentient, and the first time a creature attunes to it they must succeed on a DC 15 Charisma saving throw and a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw to both intimidate and deceive the mask's voices and avoid the curses they wish to place on you. For each failed saving throw roll once on the Greater Madness table in the DMG.

The Mask of Masters allows you to roll an additional d8 whenever making Charisma (Deception) or Charisma (Persuasion) checks and add it to your roll. Additionally, once per day you may cause a creature to automatically fail a Wisdom (Insight) check contesting your Charisma (Deception) check.

The Mask grants you True Sight out to 120 feet. Additionally, you may change the face of the mask to any appearance, and cause it to look as if it were a normal face. You also may be understood by any creature that speaks a language, as the mask will translate your words for you.

Mental Manipulation. Once per day you may issue any command to a creature. The creature must succeed on a DC 19 Wisdom saving throw or be compelled to complete this command until the spell over it is broken. The spell is only broken when the creature succeeds on a DC 21 Wisdom saving throw. It may make additional saving throws after any of the following actions:

  • A creature makes a DC 25 Charisma (Persuasion) check to convince the creature it is being magically controlled
  • You deal damage to the creature
  • Before it takes an action that could bring harm to itself
  • A Greater Restoration is cast upon the creature
  • A DC 18 Dispel Magic is cast on the creature

Whenever a creature makes a saving throw against the mask, its expression falls blank and its eyes glaze a glowing green color.

The spell is broken when the creature dies, completes its task, or by use of a Wish spell or successful Divine Intervention.

Sentience. The mask is a Chaotic Evil item that contains the consciousnesses of each of the masters who created it. It has hearing and truesight out to a range of 120 feet. The masters will constantly attempt to persuade you to take actions in their interests via telepathic communication. The Master of Puppetry tries to convince you to control others. The Master of Manipulation wants you to turn others against each other. The Master of Lies desires you to deceive at every opportunity. The Master of Commands wants you to force others into subservience. Together then have a Wisdom of 16, an Intelligence of 14, and a Charisma of 20.

Spells. You can cast the following spells at will without expending a spell slot: Friends, Charm Person, Dissonant Whispers, Enthrall, Crown of Madness, and Suggestion. You can cast 3 spells from the following list once per long rest: Confusion, Compulsion, Dream, Geas, and Mass Suggestion.

Your spell casting modifier for these spells is Charisma.

Sahib's Staff

Staff, lesser artifact (requires attunement by a creature of evil alignment)

Makes use of player-created supplement called the Dark Arts Player's Companion.

Sahib's Staff is a powerful weapon crafted by the dark mage Carius Starspeaker. It allows you to purchase or obtain the souls of other individuals and then cast hemomantic spells using their lifeforce rather than your own. Creatures whose soul's belong to you become a part of your soul-bound. You can choose to draw hit points from soul-bound creatures that are within 60 feet of you instead of yourself.

This staff also acts as a spear with a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls that deals 1d10 additional necrotic damage. After one of your soul-bound creatures dies due to your casting of a hemomancy or necromancy spell, you may make a melee attack as a bonus action.

Additionally, each time you cast a hemomancy spell while using the staff as a focus, you gain temporary hit points equal to the spell's level. These hit points can stack upon already existing temporary hit points.

Finally, every time you strike a soulbound creature with your spear, you may reduce its maximum hit points by the necrotic damage dealt and heal for the same amount.

Sanity's Bane

Weapon (Rapier), lesser artifact (requires attunement by the champion of Trelos)

This rapier has a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls. Any time you roll more than a natural 15 on attack rolls with this weapon, roll on the Wild Magic table. If you critically hit a creature with Sanity's Bane, roll on the lesser madness table for that creature.

The weapon is invisible to all creatures not afflicted by a form of madness. If they are inflicted by madness, they see the rapier as a long rapier dripping with bright red blood. Its wielder views it as a mirror blade.

Additionally you gain resistance to psychic damage and this weapon does not count toward your attuned item count.

Whenever you kill a creature with Sanity's Bane, your Intelligence score increases by 1 to a maximum of 20. If at any point you become unattuned to Sanity's Bane your Intelligence score becomes 4.

Shadow Sword

Weapon (longsword), artifact (requires attunement)

The Shadow Sword is an ancient weapon gifted to the Herald of Darkness by Dominus during the first god war. It can only be destroyed by a goddess of light. If the sword's bearer is slain by a Herald of Light or servant to a goddess of light, the sword disappears for 100 years.

This item appears to be a longsword hilt made of dark iron and hardened, black dragon leather, and is constantly emitting shadowy waves of darkness. When a creature grasps the hilt for the first time it must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or teleported to the Shadowfell. If you are already in the Shadowfell, the blade absorbs your body into the darkness that ebbs from it, and you can only be released by a Wish spell or something of equal power. A successful save causes you to immediately attune to the blade and increase a size category. Additionally, your Strength and Constitution scores both increase by 2 up to a maximum of 24, your hair becomes shadowy, black waves, and your eyes turn dark purple.

While grasping the hilt, you can use a bonus action to cause a blade of pure shadow and darkness to spring into existence, or make the blade disappear. While the blade exists, this magic longsword has the finesse property. You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls with this weapon and it deals 2d8 additional necrotic damage. If you are proficient with shortswords or longswords, you are proficient with the Shadow Blade.

After an hour of holding the sword, you must make a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or your alignment changes to neutral evil as the sword's dark influence seeps into your mind. Creatures that succeed instead realize the sword has a poisoning effect on their conscience, which may be accompanied by nightmares and visions. This saving throw is repeated after each hour you are attuned to the sword until you fail, becoming the Herald of Darkness in your heart.

Darkness' Herald. If your alignment is Neutral Evil, you begin to receive visions and dreams from the god of darkness, compelling you to do his deeds. A Herald of Darkness is not automatically compelled to complete the tasks given to them, but finds most meaning in doing so.

Corrupting Touch. If your alignment is Neutral Evil, you may use the sword to corrupt items. You can destroy any wooden, leather, copper, iron, or paper object by touching it as a bonus action. A mundane item is destroyed automatically as it disintegrates into ash and shadow; a magical item survives if a creature in possession of it and makes a successful DC 16 Dexterity saving throw.

Gift of Darkness. If your alignment is Neutral Evil, you can use the sword to transform any fey or humanoid into one of the shadow fey, if the target willingly accepts this transformation.

Shadow Form. While attuned to the sword you can become incorporeal as a shadow as a bonus action. In this form, you have a fly speed of 20 feet; you can enter and occupy spaces occupied by other creatures; you gain resistance to all non-magical damage; you have advantage on physical saving throws; you can pass through any gap or opening; you can't attack, interact with objects, or speak. You can also return to your corporeal form as a bonus action.

Spine of Asmodeus

Weapon (Spear), artifact (requires attunement by a creature of evil alignment)

This magical spear has a staff made of Infernal Steel welded into the shape of vertebrae and a blade that is a dark glass and appears to have some form of smoke trapped in the glass. It has +4 to damage rolls and +2 to attack rolls. While attuned, you gain proficiency in Charisma (Intimidation) checks, if you are already proficient, double your proficiency bonus when you make the checks.

When a creature first grabs the spear, he must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or his soul is absorbed by the spear. A greater restoration spell or remove curse spell can free his soul from the spear, but requires the spine be destroyed. During the curse removal, the glass edge is pierced into the body and the glass breaks against the skin of the victim.

After the glass blade is broken, the entire spear becomes surrounded in a shroud. The glass reforms within a week, at which point the shroud returns to the inside of the spear. The spear will remain destroyed so long as it is on a celestial plane.

Those whose souls have been removed from the spear suffer extreme emotional pain and are plagued with nightmares, visions, and hallucinations for 3 weeks. Additionally, roll a d20, on an even number the creature gains a point of lesser madness.

Those killed by the Spine of Asmodeus are absorbed into the spear and their bodies are set ablaze. For 24 hours after death, those slain by the Spine of Asmodeus can be heard in the mind of whoever is attuned to the spear.

Devilish Transformation. Once per long rest you may use the Spine of Asmodeus to transform into a black Bone Devil (pg. 71 of the Monster Manual) as a bonus action. Your physical ability scores become that of your new form and you learn any languages it may know, but your Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores remain the same. In this form you cannot cast spells or use abilities other than those belonging to the Bone Devil. You transform back when you use your bonus action to do so or you drop to 0 hit points; any damage beyond 0 is carried over to your normal form.

Sword of Destiny

Weapon (longsword), artifact (requires attunement by a creature of good alignment)

The Sword of Destiny was a powerful artifact created by Gond, the god of craft, and given to Savras, the god of fate. Savras ensures it only lands in the hands of those purest of heart and mind, those who can embrace an epic fate to save the world. A hero who spends his life in service to the destiny the sword calls him to will inhabit the sword as a sentient spirit after death, until the next hero completes his destiny and takes his place.

This magical longsword has a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls. On critical hits, it deals an additional 2d8 weapon damage. Additionally on criticals hits, roll another d20, if the result is 18 or higher, you have a vision related to your future.

While attuned to this weapon, increase your Strength by 4 points and your Dexterity by 2 points up to a max of 24. If you land an attack on your turn, you gain an additional 20 feet of movement. This effect can only occur once per round. If you land an attack on your reaction, you gain the bonus on your next turn.

This sword has a special ability called Sword's Calling. As an action, you can choose a point 60 feet away. The area between you and the chosen point form a zone 5 feet by 60 feet. You may make attacks against each enemy caught in the zone, blinking near them, and striking them before rapidly blinking to the next. You land with the Sword of Destiny in hand at the chosen final destination. If there is no creature in the zone, you simply teleport to the chosen location. This ability does not provoke attacks of opportunity. This ability can only be used once; recharging after a short or long rest.

Fate's Reckoning. If your alignment ever changes away from a good alignment, commit an act your DM deems powerfully evil, continuously use the sword for acts other than those you are called to, the sword will leap from your hand and vanish. You cannot ever re-attune to the Sword of Destiny should this happen.

Sentience. The Sword of Destiny contains the consciousness of the last great hero to have completed the task the sword destined them for. Your DM can decide the personality or identity of this previous hero, but it must be of good alignment as well. This spirit serves as a guide for the new wielder, advises their decisions, and encourages righteous actions.

The spirit communicates telepathically with its wielder, however it has no hearing, or sight, and relies upon what its wielder tells it. The spirit of the sword might desire the hero to complete its destiny so it may continue on to the glorious afterlife promised to those who use the sword for good.

Destiny's Completion. Upon completing the act the sword deems your destiny, the spirit of the sword congratulates you and moves on to the afterlife and the sword loses its sentience. You are then tasked with finding the next worthy hero to wield the sword. Upon your death you will become the spirit of the sword until the next user completes his task, making it very important to find a worthy successor.

Note to DM's

Typically the Sword of Destiny is only given to younger characters who are still pure of heart and ideals. Due to its immense power, it tends to choose characters who have low Strength and Dexterity scores. If you wish to put this in your game, work with a character who is willing to play with low ability scores until he obtains the item, or create a current non player character who will test your characters of their worthiness to obtain the sword once he passes it on.


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