Spiderkin Race


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Spiderkin have evolved in many locations where spiders have existed for long periods of time near the untamed magic of the Weave. Despite their savage appearance, they are an industrious and civilised race with a biological caste system similar to that of insects.

Web Weaving

The origin of the spiderkin explains their natural affinity and draw to the Weave. They buidt their colonies where the Weave is strongest, and tap into its magic for knowledge and power. The most learned of the spiderkin can manipulate the weave to empower their magi,c and aid in the defense and development of their colonies

Food Chain

Spiderkin are carnivores, consuming their food much like their spider relatives by injecting their venom to dissolve their food then eating the results. Their typical diet is limited to large insects and small mammals, though in times of desperation or famine, they have been known to consume larger creatures, even resorting to consumption of sentient creatures, though this is very rare.

Spiderkin are considered a delicacy by Lizardfolk, who can recognise their scent and are actively hunt them. Due to their perceived similarities in appearance, they are also extremely cautious around kobolds and dragonborn.

Spiderkin are also wary around Aarakocra and Aven, due to the historically predatory relationship between birds and insects.

Spiderkin Names

When it comes to names, spiderkin do not differentiate between genders, and instead, a parent will construct their child's name from amongst a wide range of words including the hissing and clicking prevalent in the spiderkin language. For efficiency, these names will never be more than 4 syllables long.

Name Components: Cha, Chassa, Chata, Chi, Clack, Kiss, Som, Ta, Tak, Taliss, Tessa, Tik, Tsk

Spiderkin Traits

Your Spiderkin character possesses a number of traits from both birth, and spiderkin society.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity increases by 2.

Age. Spiderkin reach adulthood in their early- to mid- teens and rarely live beyond the age of 60.

Alignment. Spiderkin can be any alignment, though life in spiderkin society often leans them towards lawfulness.

Size. Spiderkin vary greatly in height and build, from warriors and weavers as small as 5 feet tall to widowmakers almost 7 feet tall. Regardless of your position in that range, your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Poison Immunity. You are immune to poison damage, and the poisoned condition.

Spiderbite. Your bite is a natural weapon, with which you're proficient. It has the finesse property, and when you hit with it, the target takes piercing damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength or Dexterity modifier.

When you hit a creature with your bite, you can choose to inject them with your venom. The creature must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or take 3d6 poison damage. The DC for this saving throw equals 8 + your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus. This damage increases to 4d6 at 6th level, 5d6 at 11th level, and 6d6 at 16th level.

After you inject your venom, you can't do so again until you complete a short or long rest.

Spiderkin Magic. You know the speak with animals spell and can cast it at will, though only to communicate with spiders. Once you reach 3rd level, you can cast the spider climb spell once per long rest, targeting only yourself. Once you reach 5th level, you can also cast the web spell once per long rest. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

Web Walker. You ignore movement restrictions caused by webbing.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Spiderkin.

Subrace. The three main kinds of spiderkin, warriors, weavers, and widowmakers, are immediately identifiable from birth due to their physical differences. Choose one of these subraces.

Warrior Spiderkin

Warrior spiderkin typically make up the core of a spiderkin military, though they also account for a large portion of the labouring members of spiderkin society, such as builders and smiths.

They are immediately recognisable by the growths that are present on three of their four arms. These chitinous growths are soft and malleable at birth, but harden over time to become weapon- and shield- like in appearance. The spiderkin archives state that this birth defect has been selectively bred into spiderkin society so that defense of the colony is not resource dependent. The main drawback to this selective breeding is that the warriors are left with only one free hand, making some aspects of day-to-day living more difficult, and making some more acute object manipulations near impossible.

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution increases by 1.

Chitinous Growth. You always count as being armed, and can't be disarmed of your chitin weapon. The growth is a natural weapon, with which you're proficient. When you hit with it, the target takes bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage (depending on the nature of the growth) equal to 1d6 + your Strength.

Chitin Shield. You always count as wielding a shield, and can't be disarmed of your chitin shield.

Weaver Spiderkin

The smallest of the spiderkin, weavers are the acedemics, scholars, and magicians of spiderkin society. Thanks to their more acute senses, they are often appointed as advisers to the Grand Widow. They search out the best sites for a colony to be positioned, prioritising locations with a strong connection to the Weave.

Weavers have been known to leave the the safely of their colony in search of knowledge, industrial development, or a new location for the. I long itself. The weaver’s connection to the Weave wanes the further they move from it, and consequently, wandering weavers must rely on their wits and less unique forms of magic for survival.

Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence increases by 1.

Tremorsense. You have tremorsense out to a range of 10 feet.

Widowmaker Spiderkin

The largest of the spiderkin subraces and uniquely quadrupedal, widowmakers often serve as military leaders, or guards to the Grand Widow, providing a last line of defense against would-be invaders. Despite these valuable abilities, widowmakers are offered a unique freedom of movement within the colony, and are able to take up whichever job or role in society they choose, within reason.

Very occasionally, widowmakers with wanderlust will venture beyond the colony in search of adventure or fame. Their striking and unique appearances often garners renown, and enables them to make a name for themselves very quickly. As their default societal role in the colony is one of protection, most widowmakers find themselves becoming heroes, or occasionally, mercenaries. The recognition and respect these creatures receive in the wider world means that most - if not all - wandering widowmakers never return home to their colony.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength increases by 1.

    Powerful Build. You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.

Sturdy. You can use your reaction to gain advantage on a Strength or Dexterity saving throw made to avoid being shoved or knocked prone.

Created by u/1d6Adventurers for /r/MonsteraDay

Artwork by Skulldixon


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