Gnoll race 5e

by Arron

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Physical Description

Gnolls mostly have a body type like a muscular man. Though depending on the species, tend to be larger in size. But, can also be close to a human's normal size and stature as well. Their fur also ranges from a small set of patterns, ranging from spotted, striped to a fine solid color, typically brown. Their eyes come in a number of colors, from being a solidly colored yellow or green, to being human like and in an array of colors from blue, brown, green among others. Gnolls also have human like hands with strong claws on the ends of each finger. Their jaws are strong just like a Hyena's, gnolls being basically humanoid hyenas. They can even manage to snap bone with their bite and sharp teeth.


Gnolls have always been nomads, living on the plains, the grasslands of the Savannah or in the desert, usually in small groups. Though there are some that can be found even living in large tribal villages in yurts or tents of various sizes. Usually living with or even having a clan of Hyenas nearby or in said group with them. For the longest time, most gnoll culture was unknown.

But, eventually enough friendly clans of them have been found to learn that most favored strength above all else. Their armors consist mostly of leather and bone. Yet some are capable of crafting metal. Their hierarchy consisting of a sort of tribal royal family the 'chief' is in charge. There are also groups of outcasts that have either lost their clans or were thrown out of them. These groups are sometimes known to be slavers, bandits or raiders, which is what has bred plenty of the distrust in the gnoll race. While others have fallen under the rule of the demon lord Yeenoghu, becoming a ravenous horde.

It is only recently that gnolls have been having positive relations with what is considered 'civilized' society. Being not only allowed to enter cities, but also live within them if they desire, even if under a bit of scrutiny and mistrust. Though there is still fear of what they could do.

New Gnoll Life

These gnolls have cut themselves from being tied to Yeenoghu, Though they could still choose to worship them if they choose...... In addition they're capable to make more of themselves like any normal mammalian species, instead of the formerly gruesome way more of them came into being.

This change for them is considered extremely new. So they're ways are still considered animalistic in a sense (Like a lizardfolk.) They haven't had proper time to develop any other way of being. Of course they've formed clans and tribes a civilization of their own. There is on rare occasion what some conider a 'civilized' gnoll the kind that wouldn't mind wearing cloth or suit, something fancy rather than the usual leather and bone most gnoll prefer.

Gnoll Traits

A race of humanoid hyenas who pride themselves on strength, battle strategy and hunting prowess

Ability score increase: your constitution increases by 1

Age: Gnolls reach Adulthood at 16 and can live to be around 67 to 73

Alignment: Their nature makes it possible from them to range from Lawful evil, to Neutral evil. Though in recent years with some leaving their tribe and adapting to 'city life', it is not unheard of for them to be chaotic neutral or even Neutral good.

Size: Medium (Height ranging from 4'6" to a sizable 8' even.)

Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet

Darkvision: As a species that was once completely nocturnal, you have the ability to see normally in darkness out to 60 feet as if the area was in dim light and in dim light as if the area was bright light.

Gnoll Bite: You have strong jaws and sharp, solid teeth, giving you a 1d6 +strength piercing bite attack. and you are proficent with such.

Strong stomach: Nothing non-magical you eat can make you sick. (Poisonous things still act as normal.)

Sharp senses: You have advantage on perception checks involving smell and hearing.

Rampage: When the gnoll reduces a creature to O hit points with a melee attack on its turn, the gnoll can take a bonus action to move up to half its speed and make a bite attack on another enemy.

Language: You can speak read and write common and speak gnoll

The Gnoll's language consists mainly of cackling, whines, growls and barks with a mix of gestures and expressions. There is no record of written gnoll language.

Subraces: you may choose from one of the following subraces

Spotted Gnoll

These are the largest of the known species of gnolls, dark colored fur with even darker spots along the body. They're the strongest of them

Ability score increase: Your strength score increases by 2

Simply Savage: You can spend 10 minutes either walking or doing light activity while eating something considered 'Edible' in sufficient quantity, Cooked, Raw, freshly hunted (your choice) so long as it has edible parts to it, the bar of whats 'Edible' is pretty low, and regain or expend one hit die. Once you use this trait you must make a long rest before doing so again.

Striped Gnoll

Possibly the smallest, lithest of the gnoll race. They've the same kind of dark fur like any other gnoll. Save that instead of spots, they have a multitude of stripes all along their bodies, they're somewhat wirey in body shape.

Ability score increase: Your Dexterity score increases by 2

Blood sense: As a reaction. You may make a bite attack on your turn against an enemy that has already been damaged and has the ability to bleed.

Gnoll Racial Feat


Prerequisite: Gnoll

Your jaws can crush bone and bite through armor. Your jaws unarmed attack deals 1d8 piercing damage instead of 1d6 and gains the grapple trait.

Art by TouchOfSnow Character belongs to Me(Arron)