d20 Modern Conversion: Gear

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This section describes items that have special rules or require further explanation. Some items use rules from the Player's Handbook, and are included for an easy price reference.

Battery-Operated Gear

Many of the objects in this section are battery-operated. Any device that uses batteries comes with them. As a general rule, ignore battery life for mundane objects — assume that you recharge or replace batteries between adventures, and that the batteries last as long as needed during adventures. Don't do this for items which use batteries to gain a set number of uses for a special effect, such as a stun gun.

If battery life is important in your game, roll a d20 every time a battery-operated item is used. On a result of 1, the batteries are dead and the object is useless. Batteries can be changed as an action.

Acid. See the Player's Handbook.

Antitoxin. See the Player's Handbook.

Arcane Focus. See the Player's Handbook.

Bag. Bags come in a range of varieties and sizes. Regeardless of their type, they can hold 1 cubic foot or 30 pounds of gear.

Ball Bearings. See the Player's Handbook.

Ammo Bandolier. This simple leather cross-belt features 50 leather loops suitable for holding bullets, enabling easy access to them. A character can wear up to two bandoliers.

Explosives Bandolier. This heavy leather cross-belt features 6 leather loops suitable for holding grenades enabling easy access to them. A character can wear up to two bandoliers.

Battery. A battery can be used to power certain devices. Generally, assume whatever battery you have is appropriate for the item you wish to power.

Binoculars. Objects viewed through binoculars are magnified to twice their size.

Rangefinding Binoculars. In addition to the benefit of standard binoculars, rangefinding binoculars include a digital readout that indicates the exact distance to the object on which they are focused.

Box Magazine. Stores bullets for weapons which use them. A box magazine bought for one type of weapon cannot be used for another type of weapon.

Caltrops. See the Player's Handbook.

Charger. A charger recharges batteries or a device which uses them over an hour. To do so, the battery charger must be connected to an electricity source — a vehicle, an electrical generator, or an electrical outlet.

Climber's Kit. See the Player's Handbook.

Component Pouch. See the Player's Handbook.

Computer. A computer is a powerful tool for information gathering and research. While anyone can use a computer to make Intelligence (Investigation) checks to discover information, those who are proficient with these tools can create programs, navigate complex network structures, and issue administrative commands while hiding their presence and covering their tracks. See "Using Electronic Devices" for more information regarding the use of computers.

Typically, desktop computers are more powerful than laptops, which are more powerful than tablets, which are more powerful than smartphones. Smartphone and tablet batteries usually last for about 24 hours, whereas laptop batteries typically last for roughly 8 hours.

Crowbar. See the Player's Handbook.

Digital Scale. A digital scale can accurately give the mass of small objects up to 10 pounds.

Druidic Focus. See the Player's Handbook.

EMP Device. An EMP device has 5 charges. As an action, you can expend one charge to disable an electronic device within 10 feet for 1 minute. You can also expend one charge as an action to deal 1 lightning damage to a robot within 10 feet with it.

An EMP Device can be recharged to 5 charges using a battery.

Fake ID. Purchasing a falsified driver’s license from a black market source can produce mixed results, depending on the skill of the forger. When you purchase a fake ID, the GM secretly makes an Intelligence (Forgery Kit) check for the forger. The result of this check serves as the DC for the check when someone inspects the fake ID. Generally, the DC is at least a 12.

Fire Extinguisher. A fire extinguisher has 10 charges. As an action, you can expend one charge to extinguish a 5-foot cube of fire.

First Aid Kit. This kit is a small pouch or box containing bandages, antiseptic wipes, and splints. AS an action, you can expend one use of the kit to stabilize a creature that has 0 hit points, without needing to make a Wisdom (Medicine) check.

Fishing Tackle. See the Player's Handbook.

Flashlight. A flashlight projects bright light in a 30 foot cone, and dim light for an additional 30 feet. You can use a bonus action to turn a held flashlight on or off.

Flashlight, large. This powerful handheld spotlight projects bright light in a 60 foot cone, and dim light for an additional 60 feet. You can use a bonus action to turn a held flashlight on or off.

Flashlight, small. This compact flashlight is small enough to be held on a keyring. It projects bright light in a 15 foot cone, and dim light for an additional 15 feet. You can use a bonus action to turn a held flashlight on or off.

Gas Mask. This apparatus covers the face and connects to a chemical air filter canister to protect the lungs and eyes from toxic gases. While wearing the mask you are immune to inhaled poisons and airborne diseases. The mask comes with one installed filter and one spare. The filter lasts for 12 hours of use, and changing a filter is an action. Additional spare filters can be purchased for $40.

Ghillie Suit. The ultimate in personal camouflage, a ghillie suit is a loose mesh overgarment covered in strips of burlap, to which other camouflaging elements can easily be added. A figure under a ghillie suit is nearly impossible to discern.

Choose a type of terrain when you purchase the suit: arctic, cavern, coastal, desert, forest, grassland, mountain, or swamp. While wearing the suit in the appropriate terrain, you can attempt to hide by pressing yourself against a solid surface, such as a tree or wall, that is at least as tall and wide as you are. You gain a +10 bonus to Dexterity (Stealth) checks as long as you remain there without moving or taking actions.

Glow Sticks. This disposable plastic stick, when activated as a bonus action, uses a chemical reaction to create light for 1 hour, shedding bright light in a 5-foot radius, and dim light for a additional 5 feet. Once activated, it can’t be turned off or reused.

Item Cost Weight
Acid (vial) $90 1 lb.
Airhorn $12
Antitoxin (vial) $55
Arcane Focus
    Crystal $20 1 lb.
    Orb $30 3 lb.
    Rod $12 2 lb.
    Staff $12 4 lb.
    Wand $20 1 lb.
Bag $40 5 lb.
Ball bearings (bag of 1,000) $20 2 lb.
Bandolier, ammo $30 1 lb.
Bandolier, explosives $30 1 lb.
Battery $1
Binoculars $40 1 lb.
Binoculars, rangefinding $275 1 lb.
Bottle (glass) $12
Bottle (plastic) $5
Box magazine $12 0.5 lb.
Briefcase $40 2 lb.
Burner phone $20
Caltrops (bag of 20) $20 2 lb.
Camcorder $150 1 lb.
Camera $200 2 lb.
Charger $5 0.5 lb.
Climber's kit $120 12 lb.
Component pouch $30 2 lb.
Computer, desktop $500 10 lb.
Computer, laptop $350 2 lb.
Computer, smartphone $200
Computer, tablet $275 1 lb.
Crowbar $20 5 lb.
Digital scale $12 1 lb.
Druidic focus
    Sprig of mistletoe $5
    Totem $5
    Wooden staff $12 4 lb.
    Yew wand $20 1 lb.
Emergency blanket $12
EMP device $200 1 lb.
Fake ID $40
Field rations (1 day) $12 2 lb.
Fire extinguisher $30 2 lb.
First aid kit $20 3 lb.
Fishing tackle $90 4 lb.
Flash drive $12
Flashlight $12 1 lb.
Flashlight, large $30 2 lb.
Item Cost Weight
Flashlight, small $5
Flask $12
Gas mask $120 3 lb.
Ghillie suit $70 5 lb.
Glow sticks (5) $5 1 lb.
GPS $70 1 lb.
Grappling hook $30 4 lb.
Handcuffs $20 3 lb.
Holster, concealed $20 0.5 lb.
Holster, hip $20 0.5 lb.
Holy symbol
    Amulet $12 1 lb.
    Emblem $12
    Reliquary $12 2 lb.
Holy water (bottle) $20 1 lb.
Hunting trap $70 25 lb.
Infrared goggles $200 1 lb.
Ladder (10-foot) $55 25 lb.
Lighter $5
Lock $12 1 lb.
Lock release gun $40 1 lb.
Magnifying glass $5
Mess kit $12 1 lb.
Metal detector $70 2 lb.
Oil (bottle) $20 1 lb.
Padded case $30 5 lb.
Painkillers, standard (pack of 8) $5
Painkillers, strong (pack of 4) $20
Pepper spray $20 0.5 lb.
Poison, basic (vial) $90
Pole (10-foot) $5 7 lb.
Pouch $12 1 lb.
Rope, hempen (50 feet) $20 10 lb.
Rope, paracord (50 feet) $12 5 lb.
Shovel $20 5 lb.
Signal flare $12 0.5 lb.
Signal jammer $120 1 lb.
Sleeping bag $20 2 lb.
Speedloader $12 0.5 lb.
Spike strip $150 22 lb.
Stopwatch $5 0.5 lb.
Sunglasses $5
Tent, large $120 10 lb.
Tent, single $55 3 lb.
Two-way radio $20 1 lb.
Vial $5
Watch $12
Zip-ties (bag of 20) $5 0.5 lb.

GPS. A GPS provides accurate location information while you are on Earth with an unobstructed line of sight to the sky.

Handcuffs. These metal restraints can bind a Small or Medium creature. Escaping the handcuffs requires a successful DC 20 Dexterity check. Breaking them requires a successful DC 20 Strength check. Each set of handcuffs comes with one key. Without the key, a creature proficient with thieves' tools can pick the handcuffs' lock with a successful DC 15 Dexterity check. Handcuffs have 15 hit points.

Holster, Hip. This leather or canvas container is used to protect a firearm from the elements, and holds the weapon in an easily accessed — and easily seen — location.

Holster, Concealed. A concealed carry holster is designed to help keep a weapon out of sight. In most cases, this is a shoulder holster (the weapon fits under the wearer’s armpit, presumably beneath a jacket), but some weapons can be carried in waistband holsters (often placed inside the wearer’s waistband against his or her back). Smaller weapons can also be carried in ankle or boot holsters. Concealed carry holsters are only available for one-handed weapons. While a weapon is in a concealed carry holster, you have advantage on Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) checks to conceal it.

Holy Symbol. See the Player's Handbook.

Holy Water. See the Player's Handbook.

Hunting Trap. See the Player's Handbook.

Infrared Goggles. Infrared goggles use various techniques to improve vision in dark conditions. A pair has 10 charges. As a bonus action, you can expend one charge to activate them. While active, a they grant their user 120-foot darkvision. However, due to the restricted field of view and lack of depth perception provided, they impose disadvantage on all Wisdom (Perception) checks while worn.

Lock. See the Player's Handbook.

Lock Release Gun. This small, pistol-like device can automatically disable mechanical locks operated by standard keys with a DC of 15 or lower.

Magnifying Glass. See the Player's Handbook.

Metal Detector. This small handheld detector provides advantage on Wisdom (Perception) and Intelligence (Investigation) checks you make to search for metal objects.

Oil. See the Player's Handbook.

Painkillers, Standard. This medication can be freely purchased and used to minimise the symptoms of minor injuries. During a short rest, you can use a dose of medicine to restore 2d4+2 hit points. You cannot benefit from this effect again until you take another short rest.

Painkillers, Strong. This medication usually requires some form of authorization for purchase, such as a doctor's note, and can be used to alleviate more severe pain. uring a short rest, you can use a dose of medicine to restore 4d4+4 hit points. You cannot benefit from this effect again until you take another short rest.

Pepper Spray. As an action, you can spray the contents of this vial onto a creature within 10 feet of you. Make a ranged attack against a creature or object, treating the pepper spray as an improvised weapon. On a hit, the target takes 1 acid damage and is blinded. A creature can end this blindness by using its action to make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw. Constructs are immune to the blindness caused by pepper spray.

Poison, Basic. See the Player's Handbook.

Pouch. This small canvas bag is designed to be worn on a belt, and can hold up to 20 bullets, four grenades, or two box magazines. For any other gear, it can hold 1/5 of a cubic foot or 6 pounds of gear.

Rope. See the Player's Handbook.

Signal Flare. Though designed for signaling, flares can be used as impromptu weapons. As an action, you can shoot the flare at a creature or object within 60 feet of you, treating the flare as an improvised ranged weapon. On a hit, the target takes 1d4 fire damage at the start of each of its turns. A creature can end this damage by using its action to make a DC 10 Dexterity check to extinguish the flames.

Signal Jammer. This simple electronic device outputs a large amount of electromagnetic white noise to increase signal interference in the surrounding area, effectively jamming wireless communications. A signal jammer has 10 charges. As a bonus action or action, you can expend one charge to all incoming and outgoing wireless communication, including phones, radio, Wi-Fi and similar within 100 feet from the signal jammer for 5 minutes. The signal jammer can be configured to exclude specific frequencies with a DC 15 Intelligence (Engineering Kit) check.

Speedloader. A speedloader holds bullets in a position that mirrors that of a particular gun or magazine, allowing you to insert all bullets at once. As a bonus action or action you can use a filled speedloader to refill an empty box magazine or reload a compatible firearm (See the Reload property for more details). You can use a bonus action or action to fill an empty speed loader.

Spike Strip. This device is designed to help end car chases. The strip comes rolled in a spool about the size of a small suitcase. As an action, you can roll the spike strip over a 1-foot by 20-foot area where it lies like a flat, segmented belt.

Any creature that enters the area must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw or stop moving and take 1 piercing damage. Until the creature regains at least 1 hit point, its walking speed is reduced by 10 feet. A creature moving through the area at half speed doesn’t need to make the saving throw. Wheeled vehicles passing over the strip are automatically hit and the tires are punctured — although vehicles equipped with puncture-resistant tires are not affected.

More advanced models may feature spikes which can be raised and lowered via electronic signal.

Sunglasses. While you wear these darkened eyepieces, you treat bright light as if it were dim light and dim light as if it were darkness. Additionally, you have advantage on saving throws against effects caused by especially bright light, such as the sunbeam spell.

Two-Way Radio. A hand-held, portable, two-way radio transceiver. Multiple radios can use a single channel, though only one radio on the channel can transmit at a time. You can communicate with someone using a two-way radio at the same frequency up to 30 miles in perfect conditions, though the typical effective range is more commonly about 5 miles.

Zip-Ties. These plastic strips can bind a Small or Medium creature. Escaping the zip-ties requires a successful DC 20 Dexterity check. Breaking them requires a successful DC 15 Strength check. Zip-ties have 10 hit points.


Document and contents by Dylan Richards (Reddit: u/Altavus , Tumblr: decision-paralysis, Blogger: Decision Paralysis)

Source Material

"d20 Modern" role-playing game by Wizards of the Coast.

Built heavily upon "d20 Modern 5e Conversion" by Edward Wilson.

Copyright © 2018
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