The Gods' Tools

by u/Durins_Cat

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The Gods' Tools - A Magic Item Compendium

Foreword: Introduction and Balance

Everything made within this compendium has been made with the ideas that they will be used as Artifacts within a DM's world. As such, the DM should only put them within the players' reach if they want the group to be able to get them.
Most of these items are also made with the mind that the players will be able to gather either parts of the set, or the whole set. Why else would I make them give cool benefits when you get all three? By themselves, each item was made to be cool and unique, but not overly powerful (hopefully).
Also, each of the sets are intended to allow the owner to emulate the power of the god it represents from Norse mythology. Take note that the actual god, if they exist in your campaign, might already have some of the named items. In that case, just change the name of the item, and always assume that the god either has a more powerful version of the item, or has abilities that make them better.

Foreword: Secrets, Myth, and Sacrifice

A couple items in here give certain bonuses for missing body parts. An Eye or a hand. The DM has final judge on whether or not a player is able to gain those benefits. I strongly encourage the DM to take it as RAI and not RAW ("Read as intended" and "Read as written", respectively). It wouldn't be in the intended spirit to have players removing their hand for a mechanical bonus, rather than because the story needed it.

I give some guidelines on this for each item that has it.

Now, the Identify spell. It can cause some problems if you let it tell the players that a certain item will gain specific abilities if they get the whole set. Rather I would just tell them that the certain aspect of the item gets better. These are artifacts, and shouldn't, in my opinion, be an open book to a 1st level spell.

Foreword: Letters

I use some letters that aren't in the English alphabet in this compendium. I'll list some and rough pronunciations as a guideline.
  • Þ --- This is the lowercase "Thorn" letter, examples are: The "Th" in "Thor" or "This".
  • ð --- This is the lowercase "Eth" letter, examples are: The "Th" in That.
  • ó --- The "o" in "rode" vs "wrote"
  • ǫ --- Say "Aw", but round your lips.
  • á --- Long version of ǫ

If you want to hear these letters I strongly recommend Dr. Jackson Crawford. He's made a video on this very topic of Old Norse pronunciation.

Here's the link:

If you don't trust that link, the video is called "Pronunciation of Old Norse (Medieval / Reconstructed)"

Table of Contents

  1. Þórr's Trinity
  2. Þórr's Trinity cont.
  3. Týr's Unifiers
  4. Týr's Unifiers cont.
  5. Óðinn's Knowledge
  6. Óðinn's Knowledge cont.
  7. Óðinn's Knowledge cont.
  8. The Úlfhéðnar
  9. The Úlfhéðnar cont.
  10. Heimdallr's Sight
  11. Non-Paired Items
  12. Non-Paired Items cont.
  13. Spells
  14. Statblocks
  15. References & Credits
  16. Versions

þórr's Trinity

The Hammer of Thunderbolts is designed to work with two magic items. To unlock the Hammer's full potential you'll need to be attuned to "Járngreipr The Gauntlets of Thunder" and "Megingjörð the Belt of Lightning". Like-wise, to unlock the full potential of Járngreipr and Megingjörð, you must also be attuned to the remaining two items.

If you attune to all three items, Járngreipr and Megingjörð use only 1 attunement slot. In other words, 2 attunement slots will be used instead of 3.

Hammer of Thunderbolts Revised (Maul) (Artifact)

To attune to the Hammer of Thunderbolts, you must be wearing either a pair of "Gauntlets of Ogre Power" --or-- "Járngreipr The Gauntlets of Thunder", --and-- either a "Belt of Giant Strength" (Any variety) --or-- "Megingjörð the Belt of Lightning".

  • The Hammer of Thunderbolts is a +1 weapon.
  • Your Strength score goes up by 4, and can exceed 20, but not 30.
  • When you roll a 20 on an Attack roll made with this weapon against a giant, the giant must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or die.
  • The Hammer also has 5 Charges. While attuned to it, you can expend 1 charge and make a ranged weapon Attack with the Hammer, hurling it as if it had the Thrown property with a normal range of 20 feet and a long range of 60 feet. If the Attack hits, the Hammer unleashes a thunderclap audible out to 300 feet. The target and every creature within 30 feet of it must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or be Stunned until the end of your next turn. The Hammer regains 1d4 + 1 expended Charges daily at dawn.
Attuned with Járngreipr / Gauntlets of Ogre Power --or-- Megingjörð / Belt of Giant Strength.
  • The Hammer of Thunderbolts becomes a +2 Weapon.
  • Your Strength maximum becomes 32, instead of 30.
  • The Hammer of Thunderbolts becomes a thrown weapon, with a range of 60ft/120ft.
  • You can call the Hammer of Thunderbolts to your hand. (No action required) The Hammer of Thunderbolts flies at speed of 60ft per turn to your hand. If you throw the Hammer of Thunderbolts and elect to call back immediately after it hits or misses your target, the Hammer immediately returns to your hand.
Attuned with Járngreipr / Gauntlets of Ogre Powerr --and-- Megingjörð / Belt of Giant Strength.
  • The Hammer of Thunderbolts becomes a +3 weapon.
  • Your Strength maximum becomes 34, instead of 32.
  • The Hammer of Thunderbolts does an additional 2d6 Thunder damage, and an additional 2d6 Lightning damage.
  • The thrown range of the Hammer of Thunderbolts becomes 80ft/140ft.
  • The rate at which the Hammer of Thunderbolts flies to your hand becomes 120ft per turn, instead of 60ft.
  • The Hammer of Thunderbolts can now dig through all natural materials when called to your hand. This digging can only happen when the hammer is called to you.
  • You may use the following properties, each of which is described at the end of this item; each may be used once per day: Lightning Strike, Thunderclap, Thunder and Lightning, and Storm Bringer
  • Lightning Stike: You can use an action to cause a bolt of lightning to leap from the Hammer of Thunderbolt’s head in a line that if 5ft wide and 120ft long. Each creature in that line must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw, taking 9d6 lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.
  • Thunderclap: You can use an action to cause the Hammer of Thunderbolts to issue forth a deafening thunderclap, audible out to 600ft. Each creature within 60ft of you (not including you) must make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 2d6 Thunder damage and becomes deafened for 1 minute. On a successful save, a creature takes half damage and isn’t deafened.
  • Thunder and Lightning: You can use an action to use the Lightning Strike and Thunderclap Properties at the same time. Doing so doesn’t expend the daily use of those properties, only the use of this one.
  • Storm Bringer: You can cast Control Weather without concentration. You can only go up in steps, not down. You use this ability 3 times a day.

Járngreipr The Gauntlets of Thunder.

  • You ignore the effects of High Altitude and Cold Climate.
  • You have advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks to climb stone objects.
  • If you are Small sized you may ignore the penalty for wielding weapons with the Heavy property.
  • You gain advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks related to Grappling
  • You gain resistance to Thunder damage.
  • You may hurl large objects just like a giant. Objects the size of boulders gain a range of 40/70 and do 1d8 bludgeoning damage.
Attuned with The Hammer of Thunderbolts --or-- Megingjörð / Belt of Giant Strength.
  • You gain the ability to choose to be immune to the Deafened condition, at will. (No action required)
  • Your strength increases allowing your hurling to be more effective. You may throw boulders at a range of 80/140, dealing 2d8 bludgeoning damage.
Attuned with The Hammer of Thunderbolts --and-- Megingjörð / Belt of Giant Strength.
  • You gain immunity to Thunder damage.
  • You may change the form of the Hammer of Thunderbolts. The forms available are Mauls and Warhammers. Because of the weight of the Hammer of Thunderbolts, it will always have the Heavy property regardless of form.


This mighty belt is emblazoned with depictions of mighty Thunderbolts. Combined with the other two parts of þor's trinity, the belt empowers the other pieces.

  • You gain the ability to cast Thaumaturgy.
  • Your Strength becomes 24, unless it is higher.
Attuned with The Hammer of Thunderbolts --or-- Járngreipr The Gauntlets of Thunder / Gauntlets of Ogre Power.
  • Your Strength becomes 28, unless it is higher.
  • You gain resistance to Lightning damage.
Attuned with The Hammer of Thunderbolts --and-- Járngreipr The Gauntlets of Thunder / Gauntlets of Ogre Power.
  • Your Strength becomes 30, unless it is higher.
  • You gain immunity to Lightning damage.

Týr's Unifiers

Spell Casting

Any spell cast using items from Týr's Unifier uses your Wisdom modifier or your Charisma modifer as you spell casting modifier. Calculations:

  • Spell Save DC: 8 + Your Proficiency bonus + Your Wisdom Modifier or your Charisma Modifier.
  • Spell Attack bonus: Your Proficiency bonus + Your Wisdom Modifier or your Charisma Modifier.

Týr's Arm of Judgement

This Longsword has a hilt of Mithril, God-stone, and Gold, that is decorated with various depictions of knots and crosses. The God-stone makes the sword much heavier than normal, as such, Týr's Arm of Judgement gains the Heavy property.

  • The sword is a +1 weapon.
  • The sword becomes a +2 weapon.
  • The sword has 9 charges which you can use to cast the following spells through the sword: Zone of Truth (2 charges) and Heroism (1 charge).
  • The sword regains 1d6 + 3 charges at dawn.
Attuned with Týr's Sacrifice.
  • The sword becomes a +3 weapon.
  • The sword now does an additional 1d6 Radiant.
Attuned --and-- missing a hand.
  • Gain proficiency in Insight, if already proficient gain expertise.
  • You gain Truesight within 5ft of you.
Attuned with Týr's Sacrifice --and-- missing a hand.
  • The sword now does an additional 1d6 Radiant damage. (On top of the normal benefit of attuning with Týr's Sacrifice)
  • Your Truesight range increases by 5ft, to a total of 10ft.
  • The sword now holds 27 charges, and regains 3d6 + 9 charges at dawn.
  • You can use the sword to cast the following spells; True Seeing (7 charges)

Týr's Sacrifice

These blood-stained, leather strips form a wrap around your arm, infusing you with power from the one-handed god.

  • All allies within 10ft of you gain a +1 bonus to AC.
  • The wraps have 9 charges which you can use to cast the following spells: Shield (1 charge), Shield of Faith (1 charge), and Compelled Duel (1 charge).
  • charges: 9 regains 1d6 + 3 at dawn.
Attuned with Týr's Arm of Judgement.
  • The radius in which allies gain +1 to AC increase by 10ft, to a total of 20ft.
  • You become immune the Frightened condition.
Attuned --and-- missing a hand.
  • The AC bonus granted to allies by Týr's Sacrifice increases to +2.
  • Allies within your AC bonus radius have advantage on saves against the Frightened condition. If they would gain advantage from another source, they instead gain a +5 bonus to their roll in addition to their advantage.
Attuned with Týr's Arm of Judgement --and-- missing a hand.
  • Any spells you cast using Týr’s Sacrifice are no longer concentration.
  • The amount of charges Týr’s Sacrifice holds becomes 27. The wraps recharge 3d6+9 charges at dawn.
  • You can use Týr's Sacrifice to cast the following spell: Temple of the Gods (7 charges).
  • You can spend charges to increase the DC of “Compelled Duel”. For every 2 charges, increase the DC by 1.
  • The AC bonus granting radius increases to 30ft. As an action you may increase this radius to 60ft, this lasts for two of your turns. Ending at the start of your third turn. E.G. Turn 1: Use ability, Turn 2: Do something, Turn 3: Effect ends.

The Missing Hand

If your hand was lost willingly to either aid others, uphold truths and oaths, or unify people, these items require no attunement slots to attune to. The DM may give you this boon even if you lost your hand in situations not related to the previously mentioned, if you've acted in the afore mentioned ways.

Oðinn's Knowledge

Spell Casting

Any spell cast using items from Óðinn's Knowledge uses your Wisdom modifier as you spell casting modifier. Calculations:

  • Spell Save DC: 8 + Your Proficiency bonus + Your Wisdom Modifier.
  • Spell Attack bonus: Your Proficiency bonus + Your Wisdom Modifier.

The Charms

The Charms are ancient songs known by Oðinn, they allow him mastery over certain parts of life. They are technically available to many different being at once since they are technically just knowledge. Oðinn gained this knowledge by sacrificing himself to "the runes".

The Songs

1: The first is called help, | and help it can bring thee | In sorrow and pain and sickness.
2: A second I know, | that men shall need | Who leechcraft long to use.
3: A third I know, | if great is my need | Of fetters to hold my foe; Blunt do I make | mine enemy's blade, Nor bites his sword or staff.
4: A fourth I know, | if men shall fasten | Bonds on my bended legs; So great is the charm | that forth I may go, The fetters spring from my feet, Broken the bonds from my hands.
5: A fifth I know, | if I see from afar | An arrow fly 'gainst the folk; It flies not so swift | that I stop it not, If ever my eyes behold it.
6: A sixth I know, | if harm one seeks | With a sapling's roots to send me; The hero himself | who wreaks his hate | Shall taste the ill ere I.
7: A seventh I know, | if I see in flames | The hall o'er my comrades' heads; It burns not so wide | that I will not quench it, I know that song to sing.
8: An eighth I know, | that is to all | Of greatest good to learn; When hatred grows | among heroes' sons, I soon can set it right.
9: A ninth I know, | if need there comes | To shelter my ship on the flood; The wind I calm | upon the waves, And the sea I put to sleep.
10: A tenth I know, | what time I see | House-riders flying on high; So can I work | that wildly they go, Showing their true shapes, Hence to their own homes.
11: An eleventh I know, | if needs I must lead | To the fight my long-loved friends; I sing in the shields, | and in strength they go Whole to the field of fight, Whole from the field of fight, And whole they come thence home.
12: A twelfth I know, | if high on a tree | I see a hanged man swing; So do I write | and color the runes | That forth he fares, And to me talks.
13: A thirteenth I know, | if a thane full young | With water I sprinkle well; He shall not fall, | though he fares mid the host, Nor sink beneath the swords.
14: A fourteenth I know, | if fain I would name | To men the mighty gods; All know I well | of the gods and elves, Few be the fools know this.
15: A fifteenth I know, | that before the doors | Of Delling sang Thjothrörir the dwarf; Might he sang for the gods, | and glory for elves, And wisdom for Hroptatyr wise.
16: A sixteenth I know, | if I seek delight | To win from a maiden wise; The mind I turn | of the white-armed maid, And thus change all her thoughts.
17: A seventeenth I know, | so that seldom shall go | A maiden young from me
18: An eighteenth I know, | that ne'er will I tell | To maiden or wife of man,-- The best is what none | but one's self doth know, So comes the end of the songs,-- Save only to her | in whose arms I lie, | Or who else my sister is.

The Charms allow you to cast the following spells, each can be cast 3 times per day.

  • Cure Wounds
  • Disguise Self
  • Hold Person
  • Calm Emotions
  • Shield of Faith
  • Speak with Dead
  • Enhance Ability
  • Charm Person
Attuned with Gungnir --or-- the Raven Eye

The Charms allow you to cast the following spells, all spell cast through the Charms can now be cast 6 times per day.

  • Freedom of Movement.
  • Wall of Force (Effect projectiles only).
  • Divine Rebuke (see spell list).
  • Control Flames/Wall of Fire.
  • Control Water.
  • Control Wind.
  • Dominate Person.
The Charms increase the benefit of the following spells:
  • You can cast Shield of Faith on up to 3 targets.
  • Calm Emotions now bypasses any immunities to effect that would resist this spell.
Attuned with Gungnir --and-- the Raven Eye

The Charms allow you to cast the following spells, all spells cast through the Charms can now be cast 9 times per day.

  • Antipathy/Sympathy (Target 1 creature. Antipathy only. Lasts for 50 years.).
  • Invulnerability (Only Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing. Lasts until dispelled. Only one person at a time).
  • Speak Names (see spell list).
  • The Unknown 18th Song.

For the unknown 18th Song, I suggest the ability to cast True Ressurection on yourself when you die, with no material cost. I would also allow the spell to work on you if you die of old age, and allow you to be raised at any location that you have been.

The Charms increases the benefit of the following spells:
  • You can cast Shield of Faith on up to 9 targets.
DM Note:

Because the Charms are just knowledge rather than an actual item, consider making them not use an attunement slot. Also consider making the item in three parts, so that someone can have the full Charms but not have Gungnir or the Raven Eye.


  • Gungnir becomes a +1 weapon.
  • As a free action you can cause the runes on Gungnir to come to life, producing 40ft of bright light and 40ft of dim light in a radius around it.
  • When thrown Gungnir flies at its target. Gungnir has a range of 60/120 ft.
  • Gungnir will return to its wielder's hand in a flash of radiant light when called as a free action.
  • Gungnir has 9 charges which you can use to cast the following spells: Detect Magic (1 charge),
  • Gungnir regains 1d6+3 charges at dawn.
Attuned with the Charms --or-- the Raven Eye
  • Gungnir becomes a +2 weapon.
  • You may use your Wisdom modifier instead of Strength for the attack and damage rolls of Gungnir.
  • Gungnir gains 9 charges, for a total of 18. You can cast the following spells: Conjure Barrage (3 charges) and Lightning Arrow (3 charges) (Lightning Arrow does Radiant damage).
  • Gungnir regains 2d6+6 charges at dawn.
  • Gungnir does an additional 1d12 Radiant damage.
Attuned with the Charms --and-- the Raven Eye
  • Gungnir becomes a +3 weapon.
  • Gungnir gains the ability to cast the following spells, each can be cast 3 times: Dawn, Daylight, and Conjure Volley.
  • Any oath sworn on Gungnir can only willingly be broken with a DC 30 Charisma saving throw.
  • Gungnir does an additional 1d12 Radiant damage.
  • Gungnir gains 18 charges, for a total of 36. Recharging 5d6+6 at dawn. You may cast the following spell through Gungnir: Heroes' Feast (6 charges)
  • Gungnir can cast Guards and Wards twice per day. The spell becomes permanent if you use both uses in one casting.

The Raven Eye

This gem is small and dark. It's roughly the size of an eye.

  • You gain proficiency with the Perception skill. If you already have proficiency in the Perception skill, you or the DM can choose a replacement skill.
  • You gain proficiency with the Insight skill. If you already have proficiency in the Insight skill, you or the DM can choose a replacement skill.
  • The Eye has 9 charges, and recharges 1d6+3 charges at dawn. The Eye can cast the following spells: Comprehend Languages (1 charge), Identify (1 charge), and Find Familiar (1 charge).
Attuned with Gungnir --or-- the Charms
  • You can add double your proficiency bonus to the Perception skill.
  • You can add double your proficiency bonus to the Insight skill.
  • The Eye gains 18 charges, for a total of 27. The Eye recharges 3d8+3 charges at dawn. The Eye can cast the following spells: Arcane Lock (2 charges), Detect Thoughts (2 charges), and Knock (2 charges).
Attuned with Gungnir --and-- the Charms
  • The Eye gains the ability to cast the following spells 2 times per day: See Invisibility, and Counterspell.
  • The Eye gains the ability to cast the following spells once per day: Telepathy and Legend Lore.
The Missing Eye:

If your eye was sacrificed in the pursuit of powerful knowledge, the Raven Eye can be placed in your eye socket, gaining the following benefits:

  • The Raven Eye will turn into smoke as long as it is in your eye socket and attuned to. The smoke stays in your eye as long as you are attuned to it, and the smoke is only faintly perceptible. This effect will negate any penalty gained from missing an eye.
  • The Raven Eye no longer requires an attunement slot.
  • The Raven Eye grants you 2 Raven familiars.
  • You gain the ability to see through any ravens' eyes, no matter where they are, as long as you can either see them or know of them. This works across different planes as well. Per the Find Familiar spell
  • Your Wisdom score is increased by 10, up to a maximum of 30.

Example: Óðinn sacrificed his eye as payment to Mímir as payment for a drink from the Well of Urd.

The Ultimate Knowledge

If you have the 18 Charms as well as have the Raven Eye, and are missing your eye. You gain the option to undertake a journey or trial to gain even more knowledge. Talk with your DM about this journey. If you succeed, you gain the following benefits:

  • Your Wisdom score goes up by 10, to a maximum of 40.
  • Whenever you make an Arcana, History, Investigation, Religion, Insight, Perception, or any check to recall knowledge, you can spend charges, from any item that you have to add a bonus to your roll. For every 5 charges you expend, you gain a +1 bonus to your roll.

Example: Óðinn hung from Yggdrasil for 9 days and 9 nights, on the edge of death. He refused all help, and banned the gods from helping him. During his hanging, he was also stabbed by his own spear. At the of this ordeal, the Runes or Charms (I think they're the same thing sort of) revealed themselves to him.

The Úlfhéðnar

Úlfhéðnar Pelt – Attunement

This wolf's pelt is said to grant the user protection in the heat of battle.

Barbarian Benefits

If you are a Barbarian of any level, you can gain the following benefits:

  • If you have at least 1 level in the Barbarian class, you gain an additional use of your Rage.
Berserker's Hide.
  • If you have at least 3 levels in the Barbarian class, once per day, while raging, you may spend 2 of your rages to become immune to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage until the end of your next turn.

  • You gain an additional use of your Rage.

Blessed Resistance
  • If you have at least 5 levels in the Barbarian class, your rage damage goes up by 1.

  • You gain resistance to Fire damage while raging.

  • You gain an additional use of your Rage.

Berserker's Blessing
  • If you have at least 10 levels in the Barbarian class, your rage damages goes up by 2, in addition to the normal Rage damage bonus from the Úlfhéðnar Pelt.

  • You gain an additional use of your Rage.

  • Additionally, while raging, once per day, you may spend 2 of your rages to become immune to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage as a reaction to being damaged. This immunity lasts until the end of your next turn.

Improved Berserker's Blessing and Blessed Resistance
  • If you have at least 13 levels in the Barbarian class, your rage damages goes up by 2, in addition to the normal Rage damage bonus from the Úlfhéðnar Pelt.

  • You gain immunity to Fire damage while raging.

  • You gain an additional use of your Rage.

  • You may use Berserker's Hide and Berserker's Blessing 2 times a day, rather than 1 time a day.

Blessed War Leader
  • If you have at least 15 levels in the Barbarian class, once per day, while raging, you can use an action to howl to the gods above, in doing so all allies of your choice within 20ft of you gain temporary hp equal to your level.

  • You may use Berserker's Hide and Berserker's Blessing 3 times a day, rather than 2 times a day.

  • You gain an additional use of your *Rage.

Pledging yourself to battle.

If you have at least 20 levels in the Barbarian class, you can choose to make a bond with this pelt. Doing so cements you into becoming an Úlfhéðnar gaining you the following effects:

  • When you do so, your Rage damage goes up by 5, in addition to the normal Rage damage bonus from the Úlfhéðnar Pelt.

  • You gain proficiency with Wisdom saving throws, and you must make a DC 25 Wisdom saving throw when you Rage or become Enraged. (WIP)

  • If you become Enraged, you no longer see Friend from Foe, and see every creature as an enemy.

  • Spells such as Calm Emotions can allow you to see previous allies as allies rather than enemies, but not previous enemies as allies.

  • Every time you attack an ally while Enraged, you may make the saving throw again. On a success you are no longer Enraged.

  • This item no longer requires attunement for you.

  • You may use an action to Howl with might of Skoll and Hati, Fenris, or Geri and Freki. You choose which wolves to howl for each long rest. The effects of which are listed below. You may use this ability once per day, recharging at dusk.

The Howl

You unleash a guttural howl to heavens, inciting the power of your chosen wolves.

  • Skoll and Hati: You cast the area into the darkness, emulating the effect of Skoll and Hati swallowing the Sun and Moon. You can cast Hunger of Hadar. Doing 4d6 cold damage and 4d6 acid damage. The DC for this effect is 16. You can ignore the darkness from this effect.

  • Fenris: Your howl emulates that of the Great Wolf Fenris, whose howl strikes fear into the gods themselves. Each creature within 60ft of you must make a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened of you for 1 minute. A creature has advantage on this save if you or your allies are fighting it. A creature can repeat this saving throw at the end of its turn to end the effect when it cannot see you. You may choose any number of creatures to be immune to this effect.

  • Geri and Freki: Your howl emulates the howl of Geri and Freki, whose howls announce the presence of Oðinn himself. Blinding light fills a 60ft radius sphere around you. Each creature within the light must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or become blinded for 1 minute and take 4d6 Fire damage and 4d6 Radiant damage, half on a success. A creature can repeat this saving throw to end the effect at the end of its turn. You can choose any number of creatures to become immune to this effect.

Non Barbarians Benefits

If you are a Barbarian of any level, you can gain the following benefits: You gain the ability to enter a Battle-Trance 3 times per long rest.

  • Doing so grants you resistance to Piercing, Slashing and Fire damage.

  • You gain the Reckless Attack ability when in a Battle-Trance.

  • You gain +1 to damage rolls when in a Battle-Trance.

Heimdallr's Sight

Spell Casting

Any spell cast using items from Heimdallr's Sight uses your Wisdom modifier as you spell casting modifier. Calculations:

  • Spell Save DC: 8 + Your Proficiency bonus + Your Wisdom Modifier.
  • Spell Attack bonus: Your Proficiency bonus + Your Wisdom Modifier.


The hilt of this longsword is made of the bones of the same Ram that the Gjallarhorn is made of.

  • Hǫfuð is a +1 longsword.
  • Hǫfuð becomes a +2 longsword.
  • Hǫfuð has 9 charges, you may cast the following spells: Detect Magic (1 charge) and Detect Thoughts (2 charges).
  • Hǫfuð regains 1d6+3 charges at dawn.
Attuned with the Gjallarhorn --or-- Heimdallr's Gem.
  • Hǫfuð gains 6 charges, for a total of 15. Hǫfuð regains 2d6+3 charges at dawn.
  • You can now cast the following spells through Hǫfuð: Detect Evil and Good(1 charge) and Protection from Good and Evil (1 charge).
Attuned with the Gjallarhorn --and-- Heimdallr's Gem.
  • Hǫfuð becomes a +3 longsword


This horn is fashioned from the horn of great Ram that once roamed the lands. The horn is said to be able to summon allies to user's help.

  • The Gjallarhorn has 12 charges, you may cast the following spells: Alarm (1 charge) and Sending (3 charges)
  • You can cast Thaumaturgy and Minor Illusion, only making noises, through the Gjallarhorn.
Attuned with Hǫfuð --or-- Heimdallr's Gem
  • You can use the Gjallarhorn to summon a warrior from Valhal. Twice per day, using this ability, you may cast Guardian of Faith.
Attuned with Hǫfuð --and-- Heimdallr's Gem
  • The Gjallarhorn gains 18 charges, for a total of 30, you can cast the following spell: Planar Ally (6 charges).
  • You can use the Gjallarhorn to cast the following spells once per day: Conjure Celestial and Gate.
  • Any spells you cast using the ability from the Gjallarhorn are no longer concentration.

Heimdallr's Gem

This mithril pendant contains a gem of both diamond and emerald. This formation is completely natural and the two gem types are conjoined. The pendant is said to grant the wearer higher perception over the realms.

  • Heimdallr's Gem has 12 charges, you may cast the following spells: Locate Animals or Plants (2 charges) and Locate Object (2 charges).
  • You gain proficiency with the Perception skill. If you already have proficiency with the Perception skill, you and the DM can choose a replacement skill.
  • You gain +1 to your initiative.
Attuned with Hǫfuð --or-- the Gjallarhorn
  • Heimdallr's Gem gains 24 charges, for a total of 36, you may cast the following spells: Locate Creature (4 charges) and Arcane Eye (4 charges).
  • You gain a bonus to your initiative equal to half your proficiency bonus.
Attuned with Hǫfuð --and-- the Gjallarhorn
  • Heimdallr's Gem gains 39 charges, for a total of 75, you may cast the following spells: Scry (6 charges) and Project Image (7 charges)
  • You gain a bonus to your initiative equal to your proficiency bonus. This is in addition to all previous bonuses from this item. For a total calculation of: 1+1/2 your Proficiency bonus+ Your Proficiency bonus.
  • You cannot be surprised while awake.
  • You can add twice you proficiency bonus to your Perception skill.
  • You only need 1 hour of rest a day, and when you do rest you can be awoken extremely easily.
  • Any spell cast through Heimdallr's Gem no longer requires concentration.

Non-Paired Items


This iron ring has emeralds embedded in it. Once a week the bearer may concentrate for an hour on the ring. Doing so will produce 8 identical rings, each worth 100gp.

Tanngrisnir and Tanngnjóstr - þórr's Goats

These two bags of goat bones can be ressurected into real goats. You can speak the command word to ressurect the goats. The goats are edible, and make for a great stew. If killed, they cannot be ressurected until the next dawn. If the bones are cracked or broken, the corresponding goat will have the same break or crack in their leg.

Sumarbrandr - Attunement

This golden longsword gleams in the sun, and is extraordinarily light. Its magic enhances its user's combat prowess.

  • The longsword is a +3 weapon
  • You can use a Bonus Action to toss this magic sword into the air and speak the Command Word. When you do so, the sword begins to hover, flies up to 30 feet, and attacks one creature of your choice within 5 feet of it. The sword uses your Attack roll and ability score modifier to Damage Rolls.
  • While the sword hovers, you can use a Bonus Action to cause it to fly up to 30 feet to another spot within 30 feet of you. As part of the same Bonus Action, you can cause the sword to Attack one creature within 5 feet of it. It can make as many attacks as you can.
  • If within 10ft of you, the sword will protect you from attacks, granting you +5 to your AC. After the hovering sword attacks for the Twentieth time, it flies up to 30 feet and tries to return to your hand. If you have no hand free, it falls to the ground at your feet. If the sword has no unobstructed path to you, it moves as close to you as it can and then falls to the ground. It also ceases to hover if you grasp it or move more than 30 feet away from it.

Dainsleif - Attunement

  • This longsword is a +3 weapon.
  • This longsword has been cursed the by the Dwarves that made it. When drawn the wielder must make a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw or try and kill one humanoid when they notice one.
  • When struck by the sword, the target must make a DC 20 Constitution saving throw, on a failure it can't heal wounds from this weapon.

Tyrfing - Attunement

  • This shortsword is a +3 weapon.
  • When drawn the wielder must make a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw or try and kill one humanoid when they notice one.
  • The sword never degrades.
  • The sword can cut through iron and stone as easily as cloth. This sword ignores any benefit that non-magical armor give its user. Unarmored Defense and magical items still grant their benefits.

Gramr – Attunement

This sword was thrust into a tree at the celebration of Sigmund's sister Sigyn's birthday. It was used by Sigmund's son to kill the dragon Fafnir.

  • This greatsword is a +3 weapon.
  • Whenever Gramr hits an object, the hit becomes a critical hit.

Skofnung Sword and Stone - Attunement

  • This longsword is a +3 weapon.
  • This sword is imbued with the spirits of the king's 12 Berserkr bodyguards. You can use command word to summon the King’s 12 Berserkr bodyguards (Stat block given later)
  • When struck by the sword, the target must make a DC 20 Constitution saving throw, on a failure it can't heal wounds from this weapon unless rubbed by the Skofnung Stone.

Optionally you may use one or both of the following rules if you want to follow the myth fully:

  • The sword must not be drawn in presence of women. If this happens the sword becomes non-magical for a time.

  • The sun must never shine on the hilt. If this happens the sword becomes non-magical for a time.

The amount of time is not specified. It is up to the DM. I suggest a week.


Speak Names

9th level Divination

Casting Time: Action

Range: Self

Components: Verbal

Duration: Instantaneous

You suddenly gain the knowledge that gives you the names of every mortal or immortal being in existance.

Divine Rebuke

6th level Abjuration

Casting Time: Reaction

Range: Self

Components: Verbal, Somatic

Duration: Instantaneous

As a reaction to being damaged by an attack, you gain immunity to all damage types involved in the attack, until the start of your next turn.

Additionally the triggering damager and any future damagers that do the same damage type(s) that you become immune to, take damage equal to half the amount they would have done to you.


Berserkr Bodyguard Wraith

Medium Undead, Lawful Neutral

Armor Class 16 (Chainmail)

Hit points 40

Speed 30 ft.


19... 16 ... 19 ... 10 ... 14 ... 11

(+4).. (+3) (+4) ... (+0) ... (+2) ... (+0)

Skills: Animal Handling +5, Intimidation +6, Perception +5

Damage Resistances: Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from non-magical attacks.

Sense: Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15

Languages: Common

Battle Frenzy: Once reduce to 10 HP the Berserker Bodyguard Wraith gains advantage on all attacks.

Multiattack. The Berserker Bodyguard Wraith makes three attacks with its battleaxe.

Battle Axe. Melee Weapon Attack. +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage when used one-handed or 10 (1d10 + 4) when used in two hands.

References & Credits


  • Dwarven Thrower
  • Staff of Thunder and Lightning
  • Belt of Giant Strength
  • Gauntlets of Ogre Power
  • Norse Mythology
  • Dr. Jackson Crawford's youtube channel for pronunciation
  • Havamal translation from -


  • u/Durins_Cat
  • u/MrDave2176 for ideas on making Járngreipr more unique.
  • u/Coberus for help on Speak Names and Divine Rebuke
  • u/WeirdoWhoever for help on Speak Names
  • u/Rerem115 for much balancing help on the Úlfhéðnar Pelt.

Art Credits

  • Pg 4 Mjolnir - Cristina Sánchez - -

  • Pg 5 Gramgaldur - Made by Windsormagistus -

  • Pg 7 Óðinn - Georg von Rosen - Oden som vandringsman, 1886.

  • Pg 13 Goat - Lithograph of a mountain goat by H. Weir, dated 1871.

  • Pg 17 Mjolnir - 3dfantasyart -


V.1 - þórr's Trinity

þórr's Trinity

  • Added þórr's Trinity

V.2 - Tools of the Gods

þórr's Trinity

  • Added ability to change Hammer's form with Járngreipr when attuned to entire set.
  • Added ability where if the entire set is attuned to, Járngreipr and Megingjörð will only use 1 attunement slot collectively
  • Changed Megingjörð's second tier strength to 28.
  • Clarified that the Hammer of Thunderbolts will return to your hand immediately when thrown if called, ignoring the return speed. The return speed is for calling the weapon not during your attacks.

Týr's Unifier's

  • Added Týr's Unifier's

Oðinn's Knowledge

  • Added Óðinn's Knowledge

The Úlfhéðnar

  • Added The Úlfhéðnar pelt

Heimdallr's Sight

  • Added Heimdallr's Sight

Non-Paired Items

  • Added Draupnir
  • Added Tanngrisnir and Tanngnjóstr
  • Added Sumarbrandr
  • Added Dainsleif
  • Added Tyrfing
  • Added Gramr
  • Added Skofnung Sword and Stone


  • Added Spells
  • Added Speak Names
  • Added Divine Rebuke


  • Added Statblocks
  • Added Berserkr Bodyguard Wraiths place holder
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