Cosmic Aether

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The Cosmic Aether

The Cosmos

Between Planes lies a vast region known as the Cosmos. The cosmos can be roughly divided into Aether and Void. The Aether connects all planes of existence. The void is everywhere else and Nowhere at all.


Outside of the material plane one may encounter the Cosmic Aether (Cosmic Ether) . The Aether is how light, gravity, and magical energy from the weave permeate through the planes. The Aether empowers Arcane and Divine Mages.

The Aether flows in rivers, channels, and streams. The path it takes is usually a spiral, but almost always circular. The smaller paths break off from larger paths in Fractal Patterns. Since multiple paths extend to and from each Material plane, the streams will sometimes intersect with each other, combining to become a mighty Aether river. Other times, the different paths remain separate forming an Aether Hub at its intersections.

As time goes on, various Streams of Aether grow closer to each other, as well as becoming denser. When enough Aether is gathered in one space, it begins to take form. Large bodies of Aether often form instances of the four material elemental planes. If enough Aether is present for the four elemental planes to overlap, Planets and Stars are formed. Smaller amounts of Aether form Aetherial bodies ranging from the size of an Asteroid to a Planetoid.

Most Material, Elemental, and Divine bodies or planes are connected to other bodies or planes by at least one path of Aether. The most distant and remote heavenly bodies may not have any paths leading to them, or at least none that are known of. These locations are the only places inaccessible to Arcane and divine mages in the era of Aether travel.

Travel in the Aether

The Aether doesn't just connect heavenly bodies within a Solar System, it also connects the various solar systems to each other. Travel time through the Aether can take anywhere from minutes to months depending on the distance and the flow of the Aether river being traveled. Getting from a planet to a Moon could be anywhere from minutes to days depending on whether your ship is in a particularly powerful Aether River or a weak Aether stream.

The Aether is invisible to most Material beings. In order to see the Aether and travel in it safely, magical assistance is needed. Likewise, most material beings can not breath Aether. In order to not suffocate in the Aether Material beings need an Aether mask that converts the Aether into breathable Air, or some other magical source of air.

As useful and necessary as the ability to see the Aether can be, what is perhaps even more important are maps. For regions of the Aether that don't change very much or very often, static maps are often good enough. For more complex travel through the Aether, a magical map capable of representing the constant changes in the flows of the Aether are necessary.

Although most travel the Aether in ships of one kind or another, the Aether can be traveled directly. The two main ways to travel the Aether directly is to become Ethereal or

Life in the Aether

The Aether is primarily inhabited by etherial beings (Aetherial beings) . Etherial beings spontaneously generate within the Aether. Tiny etherial beings called Aether Plankton spawn in the smaller Aether pools connected to small Aether streams. In Larger streams, Etherial Fish, birds, jellyfish, and bugs generate. In the Large Aetherial Rivers, Etherial sharks, whales, and Dragons roam. The Aether Plankton can feed from the Aether itself and multiply. Filter feeders like Aether Whales, small Ethereal fish, and bugs eat the Aether Plankton as they swim through the rivers. Etherial Sharks, Dragons, birds, and others mostly feed on smaller Ethereal beings.

On Aetherial Planetoids, Etherial land organisms generate. The smallest Aetherial bodies can barely support Aetherial moss, or a few Etherial plants. The largest Aetherial planetoids can generate Aetherians. Aetherians are sentient Humanoids born from concentrated Aether. Aetherians bodies can take on a variety of properties, shapes and sizes, making them the an innately diverse race. Aetherian society is highly unstable due to the ever changing nature of the Aether.

As the various heavenly bodies rotate, many Aether streams and rivers change location. This caues many of the the Aether hubs and Aetherial planetoids to change in size and location, often times disapearing altogether. Likewise, as the streams and rivers continue to move, new intersections, hubs, and planetoids form again. For this reason, life in the Aether is highly unstable.

Many Etherial beings acquire a taste for non-Etherial flesh. If an Etherial being consumes enough living material from a plane other than their own, such as the plane of Earth or the Material plane, they can take on the properties of that plane and become part of it. Aetherial beings can not leave the Aether by any other means, Doing so results in dissolution.

Contact with Aetherians can be dangerous. Some Aetherians embrace a nomadic lifestyle and willingly trade with non-Ethereal beings. Others would gladly devour any non-Ethereal Humanoids they meet, so that they could take their place.


Void spaces are cold dark places where magic from the Weave can not reach. Arcane magics are useless within the void. All Divine magic that isn't of the Void or Aether Domain are non-functional. The void has no gravity, no air, and no light. Few that wind up in void spaces have managed to find their way out alive.

Although they are not well understood, some life forms have been spotted coming and going from the void. The only life form known to be indigenous to the Void are the Void Dragons. There have even been reports of vessels capable of traveling between the Aether and the Void.


Aether Ships

There are a variety of methods of flying through the aether. Speed through the Aether is directly proportional to the speed of the Aether around the ship. Combining propulsion methods allows an Aether ship to increase or decrease their speed. A ship with Force sails will drift at the same speed as the Aether. However, a ship with Force Sails and Force Oars, or Force Sails and the flying mechanism of an Air ship can catch or evade an Aether ship that only has Force Sails.

Any vehicle capable of traveling the Material Plane, can be used to travel the Aether as well. To travel properly and safely, ships generally need to be upgraded in order to travel the Aether. The cost of these upgrades is usually one to three times the cost of the vehicle itself, depending on the extant of modifications. An Aether ship that has barely been modified: only has force sails, a Force rudder, and one room that is air-tight will generally cost twice as much as its non-Aether equivalent. A ship with most or all of the upgrades: A Force Sphere generator, enough bottles of air for the whole ship, as well as every room being made air-tight will generally cost up to four times as much as an equivalent non-Aether ship.

Force Sail ships

Instead of Cotton Sails that catch the wind, these ships project walls of force as sails. The Walls of Force are pushed by the Aetherial currents. The fastest Force Sail ships move at almost exactly the same speed as the Aether they travel through, while slower vessels will lag behind a bit. A variety of methods exist to allow a ship to travel the Aether with Force-Sails.

Direct Casting

The Walls of Force can be cast directly on any vessel by spell casters of the correct class and level. Since a wall of force cast without the assistance of an Aether Sail Generator only lasts for one minute, a craft powered by wizards alone can only travel for short periods of time each day, require many high level wizards, or some method of spell storage. However, due to the immense size of the wall of force that mages can directly cast, direct casting can propel even huge vessels.

Although this method of travel was popular at the beginning of the Aetherial Age, most vessels move through some variety of magitek.

Magitek Powered

Since direct casting is not particularly feasible aside from the largest ships with multiple mages present or in situations of desperation, most Aether ships have Force Sail Emitters. These Emitters alter the nature of the wall of force spell, as well as allowing it to draw the magical energy it needs from objects of spell storage.

Force Sail Emitters allow mages that don't have level 5 spell slots available power the sails, while also altering the spell in ways that make it more practical. Force Sail Emitters can be powered in a variety of ways: directly by a mage sacrificing some of their spell energy. By Spell storage devices. Or, by an Aether Furnace. The Aether Furnace can in turn be powered by a variety of methods itself.

Mage Powered

The wall of Force when cast directly by a mage, creates a wall of force 1,000 square feet for 1 minute. Force Sail Emitters, can alter the spell such that it would create a wall of Force that is only 50 square feet that lasts for 20 minutes to one hour per 5 levels of spell energy consumed.

In this way, even lower level mages can power the Sail Emitters, since the mage doesn't need to have any level 5 spell slots, they just need more than 5 levels of spell energy in any combination of spell slots available.

Spell Slot Storage

Aether Sail Generators can be powered by any object capable of storing spell slots. These storage devices could be charged up by mages during the ships downtime, or preloaded devices could be purchased and transported from port. Examples include Pearls of Power, and Rods of Absorption.

Aether Furnace

An Aether Furnace is capable of processing Ethereal objects and creatures directly into magical energy that can power a ship.

Aether Elemental Powered

The Aether Sail Generators can be powered by captured Aether Elementals. medium sized elementals can only power small ships and can only be used for 8 hours per day or die to their usage. For every hour over 8 that an elemental is used, the elemental takes 1d6 damage. If an elemental is used for less than 8 hours in a day, it regains 1d6 HP for every hour out of the 8 in which it is not being used. Large elementals can be used to power smaller ships mostly indefinitely. Roll 1d20 every month to determine if the Elemental dies from being used or not.

Qunitessence Powered

Force Sails can also be powered directly by Quintessence. The Quintessence can be supplied in the form of liquid Quintessnce, or by Aether Pearls. Aether Pearls of an equivalent size to the vessel it is being used on can power said Aether Ship indefinitely. Small Aether Pearls can power small vessels, while Large Aether Pearls can power large vessels.

Aether/Water Vehicles

Ship Type Cost Size Min. Crew Max. Crew Siege Cargo AC HP Move. Turn.
Rowboat 3,100 - 14,250 gp Tiny 1 5 - 1 10 75 1 1
Cog 7,500 - 35,000 gp Small 1 12 - 50 11 300 14 2
Sloop 16,000 - 60,000 gp Small 2 20 6 40 20 1000 30 1
Longship 23,000 -50,000 gp Small 10 80 - 10 16 300 20 1
Cutter 40,000 - 80,000 Medium 5 40 14 60 19 1500 28 2
Caravel 40,000 - 80,000 gp Medium 7 50 100 55 18 1000 26 4
Galley 60,000 - 120,000 gp Large 30 150 2 20 13 500 8 2
Brig 90,000 - 150,000 Large 14 175 30 90 18 2000 25 3
Carrack 150,00 - 250,000 gp Huge 90 200 50 300 12 3000 14 6
Galleon 200,000 - 400,000 gp Huge 40 550 240 200 13 4000 16 5
Ship of the Line 500,000 - 1,000,000 gp Huge 120 250 300 600 12 5000 18 6

Rowing Ships

Rowing ships such as longships and galleys propel themselves through the Aether by using magical Oars which project miniature Walls of Force.

Designing and buying a ship

No one ship has one single set design, construction, or load out. Ship attributes, from cost to size and capacity can vary greatly. The smallest long ships held ten people and their equipment, while the largest could hold more than a hundred men and their gear. A cog could be as small as 15 by 50 feet, and as large as 25 by 80 feet.

All of the ship specifications can be used as a guideline when building and designing the players and dungeon masters ideal ship for the adventure.

The lowest end of the cost of ship represents the cost of the vessel itself, and the bear minimum of magic equipment to allow it to move in the Aether. The upper end of the cost represents how much a ship with all the extras would cost. A fully loaded ship has the maximum number of cannons possible, Enough bottles of air to fill a force force sphere, A Force sphere generator, enough Aether masks for a boarding party, and Force Oars in case of damage to the sails. A ship can be made more elaborate or simpler as well as bigger or smaller than those listed in the table.

Rowboat - A craft that vary's in size from seating 1 to 7 people, propelled by Oars.

Cog - A boat with a single mast and sail, ranging in size from 50 to 80 feet. Generally uses an oar to steer as opposed to a rudder.

Sloop - A sloop is a ship with a single mast with multiple sails in afore-and-aft rig. If a vessel has two or more head-sails, the ship is generally referred to as a Cutter. Sloops are among the fastest and most maneuverable ships.

Longship - Longships could vary greatly based on size. The smallest longships (Karvi) had a maximum capacity of 8 people, while the larger varieties (Skeid) carried as many as

80 people. Smaller longships are ussually entirely oar propelled, while larger longships generaly have a rectangular sail on a single mast.

Cutter A Cutter is a ship with a single mast with multiple sails in a fore-and-aft rig. Cutters have two or more head-sails. Cutters are among the fastest and most maneuverable ships.

Caravel - a small, highly maneuverable ship. caravels generally carried two or three masts with lateen sails.

Brig - The Brigantine is one of the fastest and most maneuvarable ships available. It is favoured by pirates and raiders.

Carrack - A Carrack represents the largest of cargo vessels. Carracks range in size from 500 - 2000 tons and have 3 to 4 masts. They can be as large as Galleons, but typically are smaller. They are always more lightly armed than a Galleon.

Galley - A very large rowing ship that generally has one to three masts. Ussually used in war. With little room for artillery, Galleys are primarily used for troop transport and boarding. The bows are generally large battering rams.

Galleon - The galleon was essentially a Carrack that had been modified for military purposes rather than cargo. Galleons can range in size from 500 - 2000 tons and had 3 to 4 masts. The largest and highest fire power Galleons can have as many as 350 cannons. A galleon of that size bears little difference from a Ship of the Line.

Ship of the Line - THe construction of a Ship of the Line is roughly identical to that of a galleon, scaled to the upper limits of ship building. Ships of the Line are the strongest war ships on the sea or in the Aether.

Ethereal Ships

Any ship that can move in the Material Plane can also move through the Aether if the ship, or at least its sails, is made Ethereal. Ships can only be made Ethereal through extremely powerful magics. For those without access to Wish magic, a magic item must be used. The magic items most commonly used is an Ethereal Drive or a ludicrously over sized Cloak of Etherealness.


Adventuring Gear
Item Cost
Aether Lenses 750 gp
Aether Mask 50 gp
Bottle of Air 7,250 gp
Cloak of Etherealness 60,000 gp
Shipwrights Tools 50 gp
Slime Mask 30 sp
Slime Hose 6 sp

Aether Lenses - Aether Lenses allow the wearer to see the Aether, and Ethereal beings.

Aether Mask - This mask of hardened slime has magical components that allow the wearer to breath Aether

Bottle of Air - This bottle produces enough air to fill 1 medium sized room.

Cloak of Etherealness - The cloak of Etherealness emits a dim by vibrant glow. On command, the cloak makes its wearer ethereal (as per the etherealness spell) or material. The cloak works for a total of up to 2 hours per day.

Slime Mask - This mask of hardened slime has has an opening by which a slime hose can be attached.

Slime Hose - This hose of hardened slime can be used to form air and water tight connections between two objects. Most often used to connect a bottle of air to a Slime Mask.

Ship Components
Size Cost
Aether Furnace, Tiny 2,000
Aether Furnace, Small 5,000
Aether Furnace, Medium 20,000
Aether Furnace, Large 50,000
Aether Furnace, Huge 100,000
Force Sphere Emitters, Tiny 6,000
Force Sphere Emitters, Small 12,000
Force Sphere Emitters, Medium 35,000
Force Sphere Emitters, Large 80,000
Force Sphere Emitters, Huge 120,000
Force Sail Emitters 3,000 gp
Oar of Etherealness 6,000 gp
Oar of Force 1,500 gp

Aether Furnace - The Aether Furnace is what powers many Aether Ships. The Aether Furnace can be loaded with magical energy from a variety of sources in order to power a ships systems.

Oar of Etherealness - The paddle portion of the Oar is Ethereal. It allows the bearer to paddle through the Aether.

Oar of Force - The paddle portion of the Oar is a small wall of force. It allows the bearer to paddle through the Aether.

Force Sail Emitters - The primary mode of propulsion for Aether vessels. Force Sails have resistance to all damage that is not Force damage. The sails are vulnerable to disintegration type magic.

Force Sphere Emitters - Often considered an essential component of Aether ships, though not strictly necessary. When deactivated, the emitters surround the ship in a thin envelope from 30 feet in each direction. Within this envelope, one or more bottles of air can be used to fill the Sphere with Air. When the Emitters are fully activated, they surround the ship in a tough shell. This shell has resistance to all damage that is not Force damage. The shell is vulnerable to disintegration type magic.


Quintessence is concentrated Aether that has material properties, and can be directly interacted with by material beings and objects. However, Quintessence still maintains the quintessential magical qualities of Aether, making it a highly valuable resource for mages and magitek devices.

Size Cost
Aether Pearl, Tiny 10,000 gp
Aether Pearl, Small 75,000 gp
Aether Pearl, Medium 200,000 gp
Aether Pearl, Large 500,000 gp
Aether Pearl, Huge 1,000,000 gp
Liquid Quintessence 1 ton 200 gp

Aether Pearls

Aether Pearls are made of pure Quintessence that has been crystalized. They occur naturally, and can be made with magitek as well. Aether Elementals tend to have Aether Pearls 3 times smaller than they are. So a Huge Aether Elemental would have a Small Aether Pearl within it. Aether Dragons tend to have Aether Pearls either the same size as them or one size smaller.

Aether Pearls can also be found in parts of the Aether. They occur most commonly in areas of great turbulence where pockets of Aether connected by streams are crammed against large areas of void. The Aether Pearls often move from pocket to pocket, blinking in and out of existence. Extracting Aether Pearls from an area often damages the Aether and allows the Void to expand and move in.

Liquid Quintessence

Liquid Quintessence is often the prefered source of magical energy for modern magitek items. Although Aether Pearls are more weight and space efficient, they only work properly within the Aether. And while they may save money in the long run, they have a much higher upfront cost.

Running an Aetherial ship


A ships movement in the above table represents the ships movement speed, but especially in the context of a tactical map (battle grid). A ship can move the number of squares indicated in table on a tactical grid plus whatever modifiers may be applicable. With each square representing approximately 25 feet.

Ship sizes

A cog is usually 16 - 25 feet wide and 50 to 85 feet long. On a battle map a cog would usually takes up 1 x 2 to 3 squares, whereas a Galleon would take up 6 x 2 squares. Certain properties of a ship can change based on its size. For instance, Small and Tiny boats generally can't accomodate medium cannons or trebuchets. They are limited to swivel cannons, ballistas, mangonels, and maybe a light cannon. Likewise, only Ships of the Line can accomodate heavy cannons.

Turning and Maneuverability

Some ships are more maneuverable than others. Smaller ships tend to be more maneuverable than larger ones, and slimmer boats tend to be more maneuverable than fatter boats, and more complex rigging allows for more maneuverability as well as a larger minimum crew size. Ships with a Maneuverability of 1 use one point of movement to turn 45 degrees. Whereas ships with a maneureability of 5 use five points of movement to turn 45 degrees.

Ship Turns

A ships and its crews turns do not last for the standard 6 seconds. They instead last for one minute. In the case of a ship being boarded, the boarding party and the defenders take turns of standard length ( 6 seconds).

Characters and Air

There is no Air in most of the Aether. This effects how characters live, work, and move aboard Aether ships. There are three ways that most ships deal with this:

  1. Equip all characters with Aether masks so they can breath the Aether directly.
  2. Seal the ship so that its airtight. Bottles of Air can provide all the characters below deck with Air. Any character looking to go above deck would require an Aether mask.
  3. Equip the ship with Force Sphere generators. The Force Sphere surrounds the ship in an envelope of force energy that can contain the air from bottles of air. This allows all aboard the ship to move about freely, above or below decks without an Aether mask.

Roles Aboard a Ship


Ships tend to benefit from having at least one seaman sitting in a crows nest and watching in the distance for hostile ships and creatures. Lookouts benefit greatly from a pair of Aether Goggles and good perception.


A Surgeon, Alchemist, medic, or mage capable of healing magic. They heal the wounded on ships so that they may fight another day, or at least make it back to port for retirement.

NPC Hirelings

NPC Class Sailors -


Unskilled seaman, performed meanial deck duties,haul ropes, manned bilge pumps and attended to livestock. Equipment often consists of no more than a dagger. Landsman are generally level 0.

1 silver per day

Able seaman

Could perform any menial job aboard a ship. Can also fill in for at more complex jobs such as helmsman, however they get no bonuses for doing so. Able Seaman are also proficient in all simple weapons, as well as the operation of artillery. Equipment often includes a dagger and a simple weapon or light armor. Able Seaman are generally level 1.

2 silver per day

Exceptional Seaman

Exceptional seaman usually have all the same skills an able seaman does, as well as being proficient with martial weapons. Equipment includes a dagger and light armor. As well as two simple weapons or one martial weapon. Exceptional Seaman are generally level 2.

4 silver per day.

Novice Gunner -

Having a 1 trained gunner per size category starting at medium and up, gives a +1 to all Siege weapon attack rolls. Novice Gunner are generally level 3.

5 silver per day.

Experienced Gunner -

The bonus to siege attacks increases to +2 Novice Gunner are generally level 5. Extra Siege attack per round.

7 silver per day.

Expert Gunner -

The bonus to siege attacks increases to +3 Novice Gunner are generally level 8.

8 silver per day.

Master Gunner -

The bonus to siege attacks increase to +5 Novice Gunner are generally level 11. Extra Siege attack per round.

11 silver per day.

Novice Helmsman -

Has proficiency in Aether vessels. Adds proficiency bonus to all sailing checks. Novice Helmsman are generally level 3.

Experienced Helmsman -

Has the Experienced Helmsman feat Experienced Helmsman are generally level 5.

4 gold per day.

Expert Helmsman -

Has the Expert Helmsman feat Expert Helmsman are generally level 7.

55 silver per day.

Master Helmsman -

Has the Master Helmsman feat and Master Helmsman are generally level 10.

7 gold per day.

Navigator -

Oarsman -

An Oarsman's primary duty is to man an oar, and row a ship. Their primary attribute is strength. Oarsman I have a strength modifier of +1, while an Oarsman IV have a strength modifier of +4.


Marines are Warriors of the sea. They tend to accumulate some skills pertaining to operating a ship and its equipment, however, their main skills tend to be combat related. Marines are experts at fighting aboard a moving Aether Vessel. Their main tasks are to board enemy ships and to repel boarding parties.

Novice Marine
Experienced Marine
Expert Marine
Master Marine


The ships carpenter is charged with making repairs at seas.

Apprentice Shipwright

Gains proficiency in Shipwrights tools. Can repair 2d20 damage to the ship each turn.

Journeyman Shipwright

Can repair 5d20 damage to the ship each turn.

Master Shipwright

Can repair 10d20 damage to the ship each turn.

Grandmaster Shipwright

Can repair 20d20 damage to the ship each turn.

Combat in the Aether

Siege Equipment

Name Cost damage weight properties
Light Ballista 250 gp 2d6 1/8 ton (range 100/400)
Medium Ballista 400 gp 2d6 1/4 ton (range 100/400)
Heavy Ballista 500 gp 2d6 1/2 ton (range 100/400)
Light Swivel Gun 500 gp 2d6 1/8 ton (range 100/400)
Swivel Cannon 1,000 gp 2d6 1/4 ton (range 100/400)
Light Cannon 500 gp 2d6 1/4 ton (range 100/400)
Medium Cannon 1,000 gp 2d6 1 ton (range 100/400)
Heavy Cannon 4,000 gp 2d6 2 tons (range 100/400)
Mangonel 100,000 gp 2d6 1/4 ton (range 100/400)
Trebuchet 200,000 gp 2d6 1 ton (range 100/400)

Light Ballista

Range:125/500 2d6. 1 full action to reload.

Medium Ballista

Range:250/1000 3d10 2 full action to reload.

Heavy Ballista

Range: 350/1,400. Hit: (5d10). 3 full actions to reload.

Light Cannon

Range:300/1200 8d10. 2 full action to reload.

Medium Cannon

Range:450/1800 6d20. 3 full actions to reload.

Heavy Cannon

Range: 600/2,400. Hit 10d20 4 full round actions to reload


Range:200/800 27(5d8) 4 full round actions to reload


Range:300/1200 44(8d10) 5 full round actions to reload.

Light Swivel Gun

Range:300/1200 6d10 2 full action to reload.

Swivel Gun

Range:450/1800 5d20 3 full actions to reload.

Artillery Ammunition

Ballista Bolts

Large Rocks

50 lbs Rocks for Mangonels

Small Boulders

100 lbs Rocks for Trebuchets


Standard ball of metal for use in a cannon.


A canvas bag filled with metal shrapnel and balls. Usage halves the range at which it can be shot. Targets crewmen rather than she ship itself. Damage from the cannon is spread out amongst multiple crewmen.


Disintegration-shot primarily affects the Force Sails of an Aether ship. Each time a ships force-sails are hit by disintegrationg-shot, the ship looses 1 or more of its sails, as well as some of its speed. Smaller ships can be disabled with one well placed disintegration shot. While larger ships will need multiple hits to be brought to a standstill, but they loose a portion of their speed with each shot.

New Feats


Add proficiency modifier to all rowing related checks.

Expert Rower

Prerequisite: Oarsman Rowing speed is determined by (2 x strength + proficiency modifier)


Experienced Helmsman

An experienced Helmsman can take any one of the following actions on their turn:

  1. Add proficiency bonus to Ships Movement.
  2. Add proficiency bonus to Ships AC.
  3. Add proficiency bonus times 25 feet, to ships firing ranges.
  4. Add proficiency bonus to any roll to determine the ships ability to sail under difficult circumstances.
  5. Add proficiency bonus to Ships Attack Roles.

Expert Helmsman

Prerequisite: Experienced Helmsman.

An experienced Helmsman gains all 4 bonuses simultaneously while also being able to choose 1 to have double proficiency bonus per turn. They also can add their proficiency bonus to all spot and listen checks made in the Aether.

Master Helmsman

Prerequisite: Expert Helmsman. An Expert Helmsman can also add their Wisdom or Intelligence modifier to all Helm related rolls. They also can add double their proficiency modifier, wisdom modifier, or intelligence modifier to all spot, listen, and survival checks made in the Aether.


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