Arcane Tradition: Theurgy

by Jaridase

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Arcane Tradition: Theurgy


Allow me to start with some quotations and answer some questions, to set expectations in your mind. In order to build a good wizard subclass that has access to the cleric spell list, we want to cover some basics.

First, what is Theurgy?

The Answer

"Theurgy is a series of rituals and operations aimed at recovering the transcendent essence by retracing the divine 'signatures' through the layers of being."

"Plotinus urged contemplations for those who wished to perform theurgy, the goal of which was to reunite with The Divine (called henosis)."

Thus we find out that theurgy is a magic user attempting to trace the divine nature of their being - being created by deities, having an eternal soul, etc. - in order to achieve henosis.

In D&D terms, this means that eventually our wizard should achieve this - this is likely to become our level 14 subclass capstone.

What is Henosis?

The Answer

"Starting with correspondences of the divine in matter, the theurgist eventually reaches the level where the soul's inner divinity unites with The Divine."

Achieving unity with the divine, and thus becoming divine yourself. Unlocking your divine potential.

Does this mean you become a God?

The Answer

"In Eastern Orthodox Christianity, but also in western mysticism, henosis can be acquired by theoria, hesychasm and contemplative prayer. Yet, the concept of theosis, or deification, differs from henosis, since created beings cannot become God in His transcendent essence, or ousia."

Very clearly, no. You do not become a god.

In D&D terms, this means that you become a Celestial.

What's in this then?

In this PDF are three subclasses. All of them share approximately the same level 14 feature, Henosis. All of them share the same 2nd level feature Religious Savant, which grants them access to the cleric spell list. All of them share basically some version of the 6th level feature, Channel Arcana. Personally, I think that version 2.0 is the most balanced, as opposed to 1.0 and 3.0.

How did you stop unlimited healing at 18th level?

Religious Savant allows the wizard to add cleric spells to their spell book, but the wizard only gets to treat them as wizard spells when they cast them. This circumvents the requirements of the 18th level wizard feature, Spell Mastery.

Version 1.0

This version is the Wizard that forces his way into divinity. Through a Semblance of Divine Will, they influence the world around them. The feature that allows this is akin to the Diviniation subclass' Divine Portent. It is more reliable, but less capable of massive swings of fate.

Version 2.0

This version is the Wizard that has more respect for the divine. They show off miracles, but they don't force their will on the world at large. They can put the fear of the divine into others via their Signs of Divinity.

Version 3.0

Finally, this version is the Wizard that ignores deities all together, instead Tracing the Source. Choosing to pull power either from the Plane of Negative Energy or the Plane of Negative Energy, they channel raw power and cast powerful cantrips.

Arcane Tradition: Theurgy 1.0

Theurgy Features
Wizard Level Features
2nd Religious Savant, Semblance of Divine Will
6th Channel Arcana
10th Holy Recovery
14th Henosis

Religious Savant

At 2nd level, you have the ability to learn spells that are on the cleric spell list. Whenever you learn spells from leveling as a wizard, you can replace one of the two spells you learn with one from the cleric spell list. Additionally, you can add cleric spells to your spellbook if you find them on scrolls or religious tomes. You treat them as wizard spells when you cast them. Other wizards will not be able to copy these spells into their spellbooks unless they also have this feature.

Additionally, the time and gold it takes to copy a spell that is on the cleric spell list into your spellbook is halved.

Lastly, you gain proficiency in the Religion skill.

Semblance of Divine Will

Also at 2nd level, you've learned how to exert your will on the world around you, akin to how a deity might. You have a number of charges of Divine Will equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1). When you or a creature that you can see makes an ability roll, attack roll, or saving throw, you can expend charges of your Divine Will to increase or decrease their roll by 1 per charge expended.

You must decide to expend charges and how many to expend after the roll is made, but before the DM tells you what the consequences of the roll are.

You regain expended charges of Divine Will after completing a long rest.

Channel Arcana

Once you've reached 6th level, you've learned how to channel magic with the perfection and purity that the gods do. You can Channel Arcana to cause two different effects. When you use your Channel Arcana, you choose which effect to create.

Choose one of the options presented at the end of this feature description, Positive Empowerment or Negative Empowerment, as your first effect. For the second effect, choose a Divine Domain from the cleric class. You can use this feature to replicate the Channel Divinity option the Divine Domain grants at 2nd level.

These choices cannot be changed and represent the two different effects you can generate with Channel Arcana.

Some Channel Arcana effects require saving throws. When you use such an effect, the save DC equals your wizard spell save DC. If a Channel Arcana effect references your cleric level, substitute that with your wizard level.

At 6th level, you can use Channel Arcana twice. At 14th level, you gain one additional use. You regain expended uses of Channel Arcana after completing a short or long rest.

Channel Arcana: Positive Empowerment

When you roll radiant damage, or roll to heal a living creature, you can use your Channel Arcana to maximize the dice, instead of rolling.

Channel Arcana: Negative Empowerment

When you roll necrotic damage, or roll to give a creature temporary hit points, you can use your Channel Arcana to maximize the dice, instead of rolling.

Holy Recovery

Starting at 10th level, when you cast use a spell slot to cast a spell that is on the cleric spell list, you regain hit points equal to two times the level of the spell slot used.


By 14th level, you have learned enough about the workings of divinity to create a permanent change in yourself. You become a Celestial, and can decide to be affected as a Celestial or not when magical effects affect you.

As a Celestial you cease to age, and are immune to magical aging. You gain immunity disease, poison damage, and the poisoned condition, resistance to radiant and necrotic damage, and no longer need to eat or drink for sustenance or to recover from exhaustion. You no longer need to breath. Resurrecting you no longer requires material components, and ignores age and time restrictions.

Lastly, your charges of Divine Will now equal double your Intelligence modifier (minimum 2).

Arcane Tradition: Theurgy 2.0

Theurgy Features
Wizard Level Features
2nd Religious Savant, Signs of Divinity
6th Channel Arcana
10th Holy Recovery
14th Henosis

Religious Savant

At 2nd level, you have the ability to learn spells that are on the cleric spell list. Whenever you learn spells from leveling as a wizard, you can replace one of the two spells you learn with one from the cleric spell list. Additionally, you can add cleric spells to your spellbook if you find them on scrolls or religious tomes. You treat them as wizard spells when you cast them. Other wizards will not be able to copy these spells into their spellbooks unless they also have this feature.

Additionally, the time and gold it takes to copy a spell that is on the cleric spell list into your spellbook is halved.

Lastly, you gain proficiency in the Religion skill.

Signs of Divinity

You learn the cantrip thaumaturgy as a Wizard cantrip, and it does not count against your number of cantrips known. You learn one additional cantrip from the cleric spell list of your choice as a Wizard cantrip, and it does not count against your number of cantrips known.

Whenever you cast a spell you can choose to activate thaumaturgy, requiring no additional components for thaumaturgy. The cantrip can be triggered in this way during the casting of the spell, the duration of the spell, or directly after the duration of the spell. This overrides the rules of the duration of thaumaturgy and how many effects you can have active at a time.

When you use this feature, you can use your reaction to create a larger show of divine power, increasing the range of thaumaturgy to 100 feet and causing up to 3 simultaneous effects. When you do so, creatures of your choice that see or hear you must make their choice of either a Charisma saving throw or an Intelligence (Religion) check with a DC equal to your spellcasting DC. If they fail, they are frightened of you for one minute. A creature frightened of you by this has disadvantage on saving throws against your spells while they can see you.

A creature is immune to this effect for 24 hours if they succeed on the roll or the effect has run its duration.

After you use your reaction to create a larger show of divine power, you cannot do so again until you complete a short or long rest.

Channel Arcana

Once you've reached 6th level, you've learned how to channel magic with the perfection and purity that the gods do. You can Channel Arcana to cause two different effects. When you use your Channel Arcana, you choose which effect to create.

Choose one of the options presented at the end of this feature description, Positive Empowerment or Negative Empowerment, as your first effect. For the second effect, choose a Divine Domain from the cleric class. You can use this feature to replicate the Channel Divinity option the Divine Domain grants at 2nd level.

These choices cannot be changed and represent the two different effects you can generate with Channel Arcana.

Some Channel Arcana effects require saving throws. When you use such an effect, the save DC equals your wizard spell save DC. If a Channel Arcana effect references your cleric level, substitute that with your wizard level.

At 6th level, you can use Channel Arcana twice. At 14th level, you gain one additional use. You regain expended uses of Channel Arcana after completing a short or long rest.

Channel Arcana: Positive Empowerment

When you roll radiant damage, or roll to heal a living creature, you can use your Channel Arcana to maximize the dice, instead of rolling.

Channel Arcana: Negative Empowerment

When you roll necrotic damage, or roll to give a creature temporary hit points, you can use your Channel Arcana to maximize the dice, instead of rolling.

Holy Recovery

Starting at 10th level, when you use your Arcane Recovery feature, you regain hit points equal to twice your wizard level.


By 14th level, you have learned enough about the workings of divinity to create a permanent change in yourself. You become a Celestial, and can decide to be affected as a Celestial or not when magical effects affect you.

As a Celestial you cease to age, and are immune to magical aging. You gain immunity disease, poison damage, and the poisoned condition, resistance to radiant and necrotic damage, and no longer need to eat or drink for sustenance or to recover from exhaustion. You no longer need to breath. Resurrecting you no longer requires material components, and ignores age and time restrictions.

Arcane Tradition: Theurgy 3.0

Theurgy Features
Wizard Level Features
2nd Religious Savant, Tracing the Source
6th Channel Arcana
10th Theurgist's Recovery
14th Henosis

Religious Savant

At 2nd level, you have the ability to learn spells that are on the cleric spell list. Whenever you learn spells from leveling as a wizard, you can replace one of the two spells you learn with one from the cleric spell list. Additionally, you can add cleric spells to your spellbook if you find them on scrolls or religious tomes. You treat them as wizard spells when you cast them. Other wizards will not be able to copy these spells into their spellbooks unless they also have this feature.

Additionally, the time and gold it takes to copy a spell that is on the cleric spell list into your spellbook is halved.

Lastly, you gain proficiency in the Religion skill.

Tracing the Source

Also at 2nd level, you must choose which source you are using to fuel the divine magic that you'll be using. Choose either the Plane of Negative Energy or the Plane of Positive Energy. This choice cannot be changed.

If you chose the plane of Negative Energy, you learn the cantrips chill touch and spare the dying as wizard cantrips. They do not count against your number of cantrips known. Additionally, whenever you are dealt necrotic damage you can use your reaction in order to gain resistance to that instance of necrotic damage and to cast chill touch on the origin of the necrotic damage. Lastly, you gain advantage on saving throws to resist disease.

If you chose the plane of Positive Energy, you learn the cantrips sacred flame and spare the dying as wizard cantrips. They do not count against your number of cantrips known. Additionally, whenever you are dealt radiant damage you can use your reaction in order to gain resistance to that instance of radiant damage and to cast sacred flame on the origin of the radiant damage. Lastly, you gain advantage on saving throws to resist poison damage and the poisoned condition.

You can make use of this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum once). You regain one expended use after completing a short rest, and all expended uses after completing a long rest.

Channel Arcana

Once you've reached 6th level, you've learned how to channel magic with the perfection and purity that the gods do. You can Channel Arcana to cause two different effects. When you use your Channel Arcana, you choose which effect to create.

You gain one of the options presented at the end of this feature description, Negative Empowerment or Positive Empowerment, as your first effect, depending on your choice for your Tracing the Source feature. For the second effect, choose a Divine Domain from the cleric class. You can use this feature to replicate the Channel Divinity option the Divine Domain grants at 2nd level.

Some Channel Arcana effects require saving throws. When you use such an effect, the save DC equals your wizard spell save DC. If a Channel Arcana effect references your cleric level, substitute that with your wizard level.

At 6th level, you can use Channel Arcana twice. At 14th level, you gain one additional use. You regain expended uses of Channel Arcana after completing a short or long rest.

Channel Arcana: Negative Empowerment

Prerequisite: Chose the Plane of Negative Energy

When you roll necrotic damage, or roll to give a creature temporary hit points, you can use your Channel Arcana to maximize the dice, instead of rolling.

Channel Arcana: Positive Empowerment

Prerequisite: Chose the Plane of Positive Energy

When you roll radiant damage, or roll to heal a living creature, you can use your Channel Arcana to maximize the dice, instead of rolling.

Theurgist's Recovery

Starting at 10th level, when you use your Arcane Recovery feature, you gain specific benefits depending on your choice for your Tracing the Source feature.

If you chose the Plane of Negative Energy, you gain temporary hit points equal to double your wizard level. These temporary hit points last for up to 4 hours. Additionally, while you have these temporary hit points you ignore the effects of exhaustion and have resistance to necrotic damage. If you use your Trace the Source feature to gain resistance to necrotic damage while you have these temporary hit points, you instead have immunity to that instance of necrotic damage.

If you chose the Plane of Positive Energy, you regain hit points equal to double your wizard level. Additionally, you can recover from one level of exhaustion immediately, and for the next four hours when you use your Trace the Source feature to cast sacred flame on a creature, that creature has disadvantage on their saving throw and has vulnerability to the cantrip's damage.


By 14th level, you have learned enough about the workings of divinity to create a permanent change in yourself. You become a Celestial, and can decide to be affected as a Celestial or not when magical effects affect you.

As a Celestial you cease to age, and are immune to magical aging. You no longer need to eat or drink for sustenance or to recover from exhaustion. You no longer need to breath. Resurrecting you no longer requires material components, and ignores age and time restrictions. You have immunity to disease, poison, and the poisoned condition.




People love to have their spell casting classes gain access to new spell lists. More often than not, poorly worded attempts lead to more problems than they're worth.

This compendium of Theurgy subclasses for the Wizard in D&D uses the most careful wording possible to make sure that when your Wizard learns Cure Wounds, it isn't any more dangerous than when your Cleric does.

So go ahead, play your Wizard with access to the Cleric spell list - and grow beyond mortality.

Cover Art: Dorian - the Sun, by TheMinttu

This document is a living document, and changes might be made for balance. It is maintained by Jaridase.

Extra Credits

Created with care on GM Binder.

Theurgy Version 2.0 created with assistance from Elvennoob.

Theurgy Version 3.0 created with inspiration from TimmyWimmyWooWoo.


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