Genesys Setting: The Warriors

by jonathanpay

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Introduction & Tropes

A setting adaptation for Genesys Roleplaying Game of the 1979 movie directed by Walter Hill, with additional inspiration from Rockstar Games' 2005 video game of the same name.

The Warriors is a kind of alternate history, low-fantasy, gritty urban setting: The total number of gang members in New York outnumber the cops 5 to 1, yet the cops are an ever present threat that any gang, no matter their rep, will fear and run from. Getting arrested is as good as getting killed to boppers.

This setting, like the source material, is all fists and make-shift melee weapons with very few, if any, guns. As with the movie, in this setting guns are not a common item; no gang benefits from the cops cracking down on their turf because someone got shot. It's better to teach a bopper a lesson and leave them broken, than dead.

New Setting Rules


Every gang has a REPUTATION, some are heavier than others. As your gang increases in size and turf, its REPUTATION increases with all but the gangs affected by the recruiting and turf loss. The cops also increase their enmity with your gang as you expand and improve your REPUTATION.


HEAT marks a bopper's identification with the cops. HEAT is earned by performing illegal activities; trespassing, mugging, breaking and entering, and stealing car radios for example. Once a certain level of HEAT is achieved, cops are introduced to the scene. The cops will target bopper(s) who have the highest HEAT rating first.

getting busted

the cops will try to bust boppers by arresting them in cuffs. If a fellow bopper is busted, players can attempt to break them free by breaking the cuffs, picking the locks, or using a cop's key.

Setting Specific Talents

There are a couple of new talents that have been included, adapted from the game by Rockstar.


The designated warchief can issue commands that give b to any character that follows that command.

Setting Specific Abilities



table: melee weapons
Name Skill Dam Crit Range Encum Price Rarity Special
Unarmed Brawl 0+Br 5 Engaged - - - -
Brass Knuckles Brawl 1+Br 4 Engaged 1 - - Disorient 1
Spray Paint Brawl 3 - Engaged 1 - - Disorient 2, Stun Damage
Nightstick Melee 2+Br 5 Engaged 2 15 1 Disorient 2
Knife Melee 1+Br 3 Engaged 1 - -
Plank Melee 1+Br 4 Engaged 1 - -
Baseball Bat Melee 2+Br 4 Engaged 1 - -
Pipe Wrench Melee 2+Br 5 Engaged 2 - - Disorient 2
Sledge Hammer Melee 3+Br 3 Engaged 3 - - Cumbersome 3, Knockdown
Rusty Pipe Melee
Chairs Melee 1+Br Cumbersome 2, Knockdown
table: ranged weapons
Name Skill Dam Crit Range Encum Price Rarity Special
Revolver Ranged 6 4 Medium 2 - - -
Molotov Cocktail Ranged 5 3 Short 2 - - Blast 3, Burn 3, Inaccurate 1, Limited Ammo 1
Brick Ranged 2+Ag 4 Short 2 - - Inaccurate 1, Limited Ammo 1
Bottle Ranged 2+Ag 3 Short 1 - - Limited Ammo 1


Armor & Gear

table: armor
Name Def Soak Encum Price Rarity
Heavy Jacket 0 +1 1 - 1
Steel Cap Boots 0 +1 2 30 3

heavy jacket

steel cap boots

table: gear
Item Encum Price Rarity
Backpack +4 50 3
Handcuffs 1 - -
Cuff Keys 0 - -
Loaded Dice 0 - -
Marked Cards 0 - -


A backpack can be used for carrying gear. Most are simple affairs of fabric and straps, with better styles including internal bracing and back support so that heavier weights can be carried far longer. Backpacks increase the character's encumbrance threshold by 4.

cuffs and keys

cops issue handcuffs. Breaking free of handcuffs is often a matter of either sheer brawn or impressive agility and flexibility. The difficulty of each restraint is different depending on make and model, but the most common restraints require a Daunting ( dddd ) Athletics or Coordination check to escape.

Keys are used to unlock cuffs. Much easier than trying to break free.

loaded dice

6-sided dice. While difficult to detect on first glance, even the thickest player will eventually realize that loaded dice, or "tops" as they are sometimes called, are anything but random if used too often.

Characters using loaded dice may add up to bb to Deception checks when gambling. Noticing that chance cubes are weighted requires a Formidable ( ddddd ) Perception check on the first roll of the dice, but the difficulty decreases by one for each subsequent roll.

marked cards

52 cards in a deck, used to play wide variety of games. Players using a marked deck gain b to Deception checks when gambling. Noticing that a deck is marked requires a Hard ( ddd ) or Daunting ( dddd ) Perception check, depending on the quality of the deck (a higher quality marked deck costs more).

Item Encum Price Rarity
Booze 1 - -
Painkiller 0 - -
Flash 0 - -



Makes you feel better. Use up to 5 times a day; the first use healing 5 wounds, and diminishing by 1 each subsequent use, healing a total of 15 wounds per day.


A dose of ryll allows a character to ignore the effects of a single Easy or Average Critical Injury Result until the end of the scene or combat encounter. Two doses allow the character to ignore the effects of a single Hard Critical Injury result until the end of the scene or combat encounter instead. Once its effects end, the character suffers the effects of the Critical Injury result as normal, and also suffers■ ■ on all checks he makes until the end of the game session.

A dose of Neutron Pixie grants the user automatic O O on Agility- and Willpower-related checks until the end of the encounter. Once its effects end, the character suffers automatic <§> all Brawn, Intellect, and Cunning-related checks for the remainder of the game session due to nausea, muscle aches, weakness, and mental torpor.

A dose of impact lasts for one encounter and allows the user to upgrade the ability of any Agility-based checks until the end of the encounter. After the effects of impact wear off, the character suffers ■ to any Agility-, Cunning-, or Intellect-based checks for the remainder of the game session.

A dose of muon gold lasts for one encounter and allows the user to add □ to all Cunning- and Presence- based checks until the end of the encounter. At the GM’s discretion, repeated use of the spice can cause cognitive impairment, imposing temporary or lasting® to a character’s Intellect- and Cunning-based checks.




Four-Door Automobile

A staple of the modern era, the automobile has rede- fined personal mobility across much of the world. We’ve included a basic profile for a very basic sedan, which you can modify to represent SUVs, pickup trucks, and other variants.

2 4 +0 0 0 4 5

Control Skill: Driving.
Complement: 1 driver.
Passenger Capacity: 3 (5 uncomfortably).
Consumables: None.
Encumbrance Capacity: 20.
Price/Rarity: 2,000–50,000/3.
Weapons: None.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

2 4 +0 0 0 4 5

Control Skill: Driving.
Complement: 1 driver.
Passenger Capacity: 6.
Consumables: None.
Encumbrance Capacity: 30.
Price/Rarity: 2,000–50,000/3.
Weapons: None.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

1 5 +1 0 0 2 5

Control skill: Driving
Complement: 1 rider.
Passengers: 1
Consumables: None
Encumberance capacity: 5
Price/rarity: 2,000-8,000 /3
Weapons: None




Street Tough (Minion)
3 2 1 2 1 2
4 4 0 0

Skills (group only): Brawl, Coercion, Melee.
Talents: None.
Abilities: None.
Equipment: Studded gloves (Brawl; Damage 4; Criti- cal 4; Range [Engaged]; Disorient 2, Knockdown), club (Melee; Damage 5; Critical 3; Range [Engaged]), heavy clothing (+1 soak).

Gang Leader (Rival)
3 2 3 3 2 3
5 15 0 0

Skills: Coercion 1, Cool 1, Leadership 1, Melee 2, Streetwise 3, Vigilance 1.
Talents: Adversary 1 (upgrade difficulty of all combat checks against this target once).
Abilities: None.
Equipment: Really big and sharp knife (Melee; Dam- age 5; Critical 3; Range [Engaged]; Pierce 2), heavy leather clothing (+2 soak).

cops (Minion)
2 2 2 1 2 2
3 4 0 0

Skills (group only): Brawl, Coercion, Ranged (Light).
Talents: None.
Abilities: None.
Equipment: Nightstick (Melee; Damage 4; Critical 5; Range [Engaged]; Disorient 2), Handcuffs (can restrain a target using an a on a successful grapple), Radio.

Corrupt Official (Rival)
2 2 3 3 3 4
2 12 0 0

Skills: Charm 2, Cool 2, Deception 2, Knowledge 2, Negotiation 2, Vigilance 1.
Talents: Natural (once per session, use this talent to reroll any one Negotiation or Skulduggery check).
Abilities: Local Politics (once per session, may choose one character operating in their area of influence [community, precinct, or county, for example]; until the end of the session, the target must upgrade the difficulty of any social skill checks they make to interact with inhabitants of this area once).
Equipment: Cell phone, tablet.

Local Official (Nemesis)
2 2 3 3 2 3
2 12 16 0 0

Skills: Charm 2, Cool 1, Coercion 3, Deception 1, Leadership 2, Negotiation 1, Vigilance 3.

Talents: Improved Scathing Tirade (use this talent to make an Average [dd] Coercion check; for each s, one opponent within short range suffers 1 strain; for each a, one affected opponent suffers 1 additional strain; all opponents affected add b to all skill checks they make for the following three rounds).

Abilities: Good at Needling (if this character knows an opponent’s Flaw Motivation, when this character inflicts strain on the opponent, the opponent suffers 4 additional strain).

Equipment: Fine clothing, official credentials or badge of office.



Act I

Chapter I: "New Blood"

A small fenced off dirt yard with a rundown prefab construction office parked at the opposite end to the gate. Each of you are standing in the middle of the yard and on the top of the office is Cleon and other Warriors. Around the outside of the fence and by the gate is an audience of Coney's bums.

"Alright new bloods, we gotta see if you can bop. You're here because you have potential, but getting up in this city only gets you street cred. What makes a gang's rep heavy is how many suckas you can wreck. You ready to test your skills?"

"Some of our neighbours came by to help us out. I promised 'em some liquor so they're gonna let you beat up on them for a little bit. Rudy, get in there first, let's see what kinda punch these new bloods are packing."

"Thats what I like to see, new bloods! Rudy's had enough, get him outta here, an' give him his booze. Rest of you bums get in here, you want your booze, you gotta work for it!"

"Bangin' with us ain't no typical streetfight, new bloods. It's gonna get crazy out there, so you gotta use your head or it's gonna get stomped."

"Keep your space, watch your back, and make the most out of every opportunity."

"Alright, next up: weapons. If you ain't packing then you gotta be resourceful out there."

"Alright, it looks like you can handle yourself toe-to-toe. That'll only get you so far my brothers. If you want to brawl with the Warriors, you gotta know how to rumble."

Coney Bum (Minion)

"Come on youngbucks, I'd like to see you do me in!"

2 2 1 2 1 2
4 4 0 0

Skills (group only): Brawl, Coercion, Melee.

Talents: None.

Abilities: None.

Equipment: heavy clothing (+1 soak).

Warrior (Rival)
3 2 2 2 2 2
5 15 0 0

Skills: Coercion 1, Cool 1, Leadership 1, Melee 2, Streetwise 3, Vigilance 1.

Talents: Adversary 1 (upgrade difficulty of all combat checks against this target once).

Abilities: None.

Equipment: heavy leather clothing (+2 soak).



They'll let you loose on the bums after you have gone through all of the basic lessons. The bums are fairly easy to beat so smash them with strong attacks (Square + X) or bash them over the head with bats. Of course beating on drunk hobos is no way to learn how to rumble, so now you'll be taking on a couple of the Warriors. Grab the bats and use strong bat swings to really cause damage, and avoid standing in the middle. You'll get a better view of them all from against the fence. Use strong attacks and bats combined with rage attacks to show them you can hang.

Now that you've scored the awesome red vest (tight as a drum too!) you'll have to take Rembrandt out to the Coney turf to learn the ways of the Warrior.

Head out and break the window of the Gift Shop to begin your training in theft. I like to hold L2 to sprint and press Square to launch at the window, but any attack will get you in. Once you're inside you may as well break all of the display cases and steal every item.

Next up is a classic theft item: the car radio. Approach the car and attack the window to break it, then press Triangle. Rotate the left stick counter-clockwise to unscrew the four screws and get the cash.

And finally, ya can't be in a New York gang without learning how to mug someone. Approach the guy at the phone booth and grab him, then press Triangle. People will obviously resist you, so rotate the left stick and find the spots that vibrate to apply pressure to the guy. Keep rotating as the vibration moves until the top meter fills and you take his money.

Get back to Vermin.

Run toward the fence and press Triangle to do a quick climb instead of the usual slow climb. Hop both fences and then press Triangle again at the dumpster and ledge to climb up.

Now it's time to bust some daredevil maneuvers. Run towards the window and jump to crash through it. Hold L2 to sprint towards the next one and perform a high jump. Follow Vermin through the remainder of the alley and bust down the wooden fence to reach the dealer.

Now then, flash is your cheaper alternative to conventional medicine. One hit of flash is $20, but man is it worth it! Buy a hit off the dealer and press D-pad right to use it. On that light-headed note you finish the first chapter.


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