##### A 5th-Level Adventure for 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons
##### By /u/MumbaiMonster and /u/aeyana
##### Cover Art by [Jeannie Bella](https://www.deviantart.com/idreamofjeannie/)
## A Wolf Adventure
A strong forest gale passes by the den, carrying on it the scent of strange beasts. One by one, the pack stirs.
### Preface
This adventure module is designed for 4 characters of 5th level, and should take between 3 to 6 hours to complete.
### Character Creation
As this adventure is designed for wolves, standard D&D races will not be allowed. Instead, the [Literally a Wolf](https://www.gmbinder.com/share/-LFp5Cmo6--4hzSY-Ncu) race should be used for character creation. DMs can choose to exclude the more exotic subraces, such as Hell Hound, Blink Dog, Death Dog, Drakeblood, and Seal. Characters can choose backgrounds and classes as usual.
Because the player characters are all wolves, they shall henceforth be refered to as "the pack" rather than "the party."
> ##### Notes to DMs
> It is recommended to start the pack with as little equipment as possible, and for them to earn their starting equipment in the Adventurers encounter. Withholding things such as weapons and arcane focuses is encouraged. Barding can be granted to players as long as it is justified within their backstory.
## The Cottage
The game begins with the pack rousing in the evening in preparation for the hunt. From their den in the forest, the sound of voices can be heard, accompanied by the smell of cooked meat carried by the breeze.
### Adventurers
Gathered around a campfire, a small adventuring party sits and feasts, resting from a day of travel. The adventuring party consists of a knight, a veteran, a priest, and an evil mage. They are armed with any starting equipment that was withheld from the pack.
The knight talks loudly about the possibility of killing wolves in the forest until they get stronger, before being told to be quiet by the veteran.
If attacked, the knight and the veteran will fight to the death, while the priest and evil mage will attempt to flee if two or more of their party members fall.
### Lester's Cottage
After encountering the adventurers, the pack may encounter an old gnome picking herbs near their den. If approached, the gnome seems peaceful and unfrightened by the wolves, and will attempt to communicate. He introduces himself as Lester, a retired adventurer living in a cottage further in the woods. He explains that the plants and animals further north have been exhibiting strange behaviors, forcing him to pick herbs in the pack's territory.
Lester has *tongues* cast on himself, and will ask the pack to help him uncover the cause of this behavior, offering the warmth of his home and gentle head-rubs as compensation. If no wolves in the pack have the *mage hand* cantrip, he will also lend them his *amulet of grasping*.
If the pack accepts, he will lead them to his hut, where he will explain the nature of the strange behavior: plants grow twisted and spiraled, while animals stare at the sky in a daze with fogged-over eyes. If pressed for an explanation, he hypothesizes that the plants are growing towards the moon rather than the sun, and thus twisted by the moon's much more erratic orbit.
If the pack doesn't follow Lester and rest in his hut, he will depart and leave them to their business. Later that night, any wolf that spends more than 1 hour in view of the moon must succeed a DC 20 Constitution saving throw once or become stunned for 8 hours.
If attacked, Lester will use defensive spells, and will cast *time stop* if the situation gets dire. He will not harm the pack and will escape rather than fight back. He is an archmage.
#### Amulet of Grasping
*Wonderous Item, rare (requires attunement)*
This amulet is shaped like a golden hand. While wearing this amulet, you can cast the *mage hand* cantrip.