Custom Races
Adept hunters and capable swimmers, otterfolk prefer to live on the edges of society, where they never have to worry about having their tails stepped on.
Otterfolk Names
Each otterfolk has two first or "given" names, a middle name consisting of a color, and a surname, of which each family's name is a drink of sorts.
Some families stick to an old rule where the acronym made from an individual's full name can be read as a descriptor, a virtue, or other concept that can at times be very appropriate for the individual, like below:
- Rodger Anthony Turqoise Horchata - RATH - Wrath
- Bodhi Lorel Saffron Sangria - BLSS - Bliss or Bless
- Sidney Arthur Silver Sarsparilla - SASS - Sass
Otterfolk Traits
Your otterfolk character has the following racial traits.
Age. Otterfolk have lifespans similar to humans.
Alignment. Otterfolk tend toward neutral alignments, mostly sticking to themselves and not allowing themselves to be involved in the affairs of others.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25.
Semiaquatic. You can swim with a speed of 30 and can hold you breath underwater for 5 minutes.
Darkvision. Within 30 feet of you, treat dim light as bright light and darkness as dim light. In darkness, you cannot discern colors, only shades of gray.
Keen Senses. You have proficiency in the Perception skill.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common.
Subrace. Three main subraces of otterfolk populate the world of Valents: river otters, sea otters, and giant otters. Choose one of these subraces.
River Otters
River otterfolk are by far the smallest of their kind, but what they lack in stature, they make up for in agility.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases
by 2 and your Constitution score increases by 1.
Size. River otterfolk range between 2 and 4 feet tall, with tails between 10 and 16 inches long, and can weigh between 15 and 40 pounds. Your size is Small.
Adept Hunters. You have proficiency in the Stealth skill.
Nimble. You can move through larger creatures' spaces.
Sea Otters
Sea otterfolk are the heaviest of their kind, with several adaptations for their life on the ocean.
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases
by 2 and your Charisma score increases by 1.
Size. Sea otterfolk range between 3 and 5 feet tall, with tails between 5 and 12 inches long, and can weigh between 30 and 120 pounds. Your size is Medium.
Tool Proficiency. You gain proficiency with one set of artisan's tools of your choice.
Tool Stone. You gain a magical stone that returns to your hand when thrown and cannot be broken or destroyed by non-magical means.
When attempting to break a non-magical inanimate object, you can use this stone to gain advantage on any Strength or Dexterity checks required.
Giant Otters
Fierce predators capable of taking down creatures several times their already massive size, giant otterfolk tower over the rest of their kind.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases
by 2 and your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Size. Giant otterfolk range between 3 and 6 feet tall, with tails lengths of up to 2 feet, and can weigh between 50 and 75 pounds. You size in Medium.
Rough and Wild. You have proficiency in the Survival skill.
Claws. Your claws are natural weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. On a hit, you deal slashing damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier.
Demonic in origin, gnolls are ruthless hunters and a force to be reckoned with. In the world of Valents, gnolls are much less feral and more of a common sight, though not fully integrated into society. Still, their natural combat abilities make them worthy allies in a fight.
Gnoll Names
A gnoll's name is usually only two syllables, of which the first syllable is shared between all members of the family of the same gender. As an example, if a male gnoll is named Garnult, his father, brothers, uncles, and grand fathers are named some variation, with Gar- being the first part of their name.
Gnoll Traits
Your Gnoll character has the following racial traits.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity and Constitution scores each increase by 2.
Age. A gnoll reaches adulthood at the age of 10, and have slightly shorter lifespans than humans, usually no more
than 60 years.
Alignment. Gnolls tend to gravitate toward chaotic alignments, blah blah.
Size. Gnolls vary in height from 5 to 7+ feet tall, but are very lean as a race, rarely exceeding 150 pounds in weight. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30.
Darkvision. Within 60 feet of you, treat dim light as bright light and darkness as dim light. In darkness, you cannot discern colors, only shades of gray.
Blood Fury. When bloodied, you deal an extra +2 damage on all attacks.
Pack Attack. You deal an additional +2 damage on melee attacks against an enemy that has two or more of your allies adjacent to it.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write in Common and Abyssal.
Having run out of mischief in their own realm, satyr have started entering the world of Valents in the hopes of finding something worth their time.
Satyr Names
Satyr originally did not have names, simply referring to each other as, "that one", or, "no, the other one", however this was never going to work in any society outside of the Fey Wilds. Now, satyr simply pick their names for themselves, sometimes changing them when they find one they like better, or that they assign a higher value to. Many a satyr are named after the Divine, because of course they are.
Satyr Traits
Your Satyr character has the following racial traits.
Age. Natural inhabitants of the Fey Wilds, satyr have remarkably long lifespans, reaching adulthood at 50 and capable of living for more than three centuries.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 35.
Darkvision. Within 60 feet of you, treat dim light as bright light and darkness as dim light. In darkness, you cannot discern colors, only shades of gray.
Fey Ancestry. You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed and are immune to magical sleep.
Drunken Foolery. You have advantage on Constitution saving throws when imbibing drinks of alcoholic or unknown origin, and on Perception checks to locate social gatherings.
Disarming. You have proficiency in the Persuasion skill.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write in Common and Sylvan.
Subraces. There are two known subraces of Satyr in the world of Valents: mountain satyr and forest satyr. Choose one of these subraces.
DM Optional Racial Trait:
This racial trait can be applied to any hoofed race (centuar, minotaur, satyr, etc.) to add an extra bit of difficulty and fun to the character.
Ungulate. Your hoofed feet clack loudly on hard surfaces and leave a noticeable imprint in soft grounds. You have disadvantage on all Stealth checks when moving or coming to a stop.
Mountain Satyr
Acting as navigators and trail keepers of the mountains, these rugged satyr are natural navigators and fighters.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom and Dexterity scores both increase by 1.
Alignment. Most mountain satyr lean toward a neutral alignment, preferring to stay out of others business in the hopes that others will stay out of theirs.
Size. Mountain satyr are short and stocky, ranging from 4 to just over 5 feet tall, and weighing no less than 120 pounds. Your size is Medium.
Wild Horns. Your horns are natural melee weapons, with which you're proficient with. When you hit with them, the target takes bludgeoning damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier, and you can push the target up to 10 feet away from you.
Forest Satyr
Troublemakers of the forest, these satyr are deceptive and cunning, and always get what they want.
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases
by 2.
Alignment. Forest satyr are sly and mischievous, and lean heavily toward chaotic alignments.
Size. Forest satyr are tall and slender, and seem to radiate a mysterious aura about them. They range from 5 to 7 feet tall, but rarely weigh more than 120 pounds. Your size is Medium.
Piper. You gain a set of reed panpipes as an arcane focus and know the Vicious Mockery cantrip. At 3rd level you can cast Charm Person once per day, and at 5th level you can also cast Hypnotic Pattern once per day. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
Credits Gnoll playable race based on Fourth Edition rules/guide written by Keith Baker of WotC Satyr & Otterfolk races by Jon Bermejo Changelog
V1.0 - Release
V1.1 - Renamed Cloven optional racial trait to Ungulate, included text encouraging application to Minotaur & Centaur races
V1.2 - Renamed Document