Bard College of Song

by Cinnaman_123

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Bard College of Song

Bards of the college of song are sometimes considered the purest of all the bards, focusing heavily on the making of music. Many of these individuals travel the land, collecting songs and melodies of all kinds. From blissful symphonies of a lover's embrace, to woeful dirges remembering the lost - all melodies are worth bringing far and wide.

These bards know the magical power of music better than all others, and each has a unique magical performance that powers them through. Though not particularly able fighters, it isn't uncommon to see them stirring their allies with their unique magical performance, commanding the Weave to lend them strength.

One Man Band

You learn how to use magic to enhance the impact of your musical performances. You learn the minor illusion cantrip, which you can use to illustrate the subjects of your songs, or further enhance your melody with the harmony replicating another instrument. Doing so grants you advantage on Charisma (Performance) checks.

If you already have the minor illusion cantrip, you may instead choose another Bard cantrip.

Magical Performance

You have learned that spells can be made to resonate when in the each other's presence, much like notes do in a chord. Choose two bard spells you know of 1st level or higher, which become repertoire spells. When you cast a repertoire spell, you can choose to begin a magical performance, which lasts for one minute, until you lose concentration, or if you end your turn without having cast a repertoire spell since the start of that turn.

While performing in this manner, you cast your repertoire spells as if the slot you used was one level higher, to a maximum of 5th level. Once you have used this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again.

You make and additional bard spell you know a repertoire spell at 6th and 14th level.


When you reach 6th level, you can inspire people with the power of your magical performance. When you use your bardic inspiration during your magical performance, you can choose to target up to three creatures instead of just one. Doing so ends your magical performance.

Melodies of the Weave

When you reach 14th level, your mastery of the spells in your repertoire is amplified. When you cast a repertoire spell of 5th level or lower, you can increase the casting time by 1 minute, during which time you perform a melody that draws the power of the weave to you. When you do so, you can cast the spell without expending a spell slot.

Once you have used this feature for a spell, you must finish a long rest before you can use it for that spell again.


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