The Personality is in the public’s eye by day, while working for a covert organisation by night. A movie star or television talk show host, a high-profile community leader or politician, a world-famous novelist or self-help guru—all these and more fit into the Personality advanced class. The Personality is recognizable, has some amount of fame and a following, and often has the reputation and wealth (or illusion thereof) to go along with the spotlight.
A Personality might simply be famous because of who they are, or they may have earned their status by what they've done. They could be an entertainer, a celebrity, a dilettante, a politician, or the bored offspring of one of these public personalities. The trick is that the Personality uses their fame to advance their other career - as an agent or operative for whatever covert organisation they work for.
Select this advanced class if you want your character to make the most of her Charisma and Charisma-based skills.
The Personality
Level | Features |
3rd | Bonus Proficiency, Unlimited Access, Winning Smile |
7th | Rumourmonger |
10th | Royalties, Moving Speech |
15th | Famous Face |
18th | Additional Royalties, Compelling Performance |
Class Features
As a personality, you gain the following class features.
Hit Points
- Hit Dice: 1d6 per personality level
- Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + your Constitution modifier per personality level
Bonus Proficiency
When you choose this advanced class at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in one of the following skills of your choice: Insight, Intimidation, Performance, or Persuasion. Alternatively, you learn one language of your choice.
Unlimited Access
At 3rd level, you gain advantage on Charisma ability checks to smooth-talk or trick your way into a private party or invitation-only event.
In addition, when you buy a ticket to a show or for transportation, you can make a DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) check to get that ticket upgraded. A ticket to a show might become a backstage pass, a ticket to a sporting event might become a field pass, a hotel room might become a suite, or an economy ticket for an airplane might become a first-class ticket.
Winning Smile
When you are not wearing any armour, your Armour Class equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier. Additionally, when you are wearing armour, you can use your Charisma modifier in place of your Dexterity modifier for calculating your Armour Class. If you have a negative Dexterity modifier, the penalty is applied even if you use your Charisma modifier to calculate Armour Class.
At 5th level, you become adept at spreading stories and influencing people's views of others. When you speak for at least 1 minute to a group of creatures, you can attempt to influence their perception of another creature.
Up to six creatures that can see and hear you and can understand you must make a Wisdom saving throw, with a DC of 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma bonus. On a failed save, the creature is influenced either positively or negatively towards a creature that you designate. The designated creature has disadvantage on any ability check to interact socially with a negatively influenced target, or advantage on any ability check to interact socially with a positively influenced target.
This effect lasts for 24 hours. If a targeted creature’s saving throw is successful, it is immune to this ability for 24 hours, and any effects of this ability on that creature end immediately. If you or any of your companions damage a target, any effects of this ability on that creature end immediately.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (a minimum of once). You regain any expended uses when you finish a long rest.
At 10th level and again at 18th level, your activities in the public eye generate extra income. Your Wealth increases by 4 and can never be less than 4.
Moving Speech
At 10th level, your force of personal magnetism increases to the point that you can arouse a strong emotions in your audience at the drop of a hat. When you speak for at least 1 minute to a group of creatures, you can attempt to influence their emotions. When you do so, you can choose to inspire or terrorise the group.
When inpiring creatures, you choose up to six creatures within 60 feet of you that can see and hear you and can understand you. Each of those creatures gains temporary hit points equal to your level + your Charisma modifier. Additionally, on each of it's turns, a creature under this effect can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to an ability check, attack roll or saving throw. The creature can do this after the roll is made, but before any of the roll's effects occur. This effect lasts for 10 minutes.
When terrorising creatures, up to six creatures within 60 feet of you that can see and hear you and can understand you must make a Wisdom saving throw, with a DC of 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma bonus. On a failed save, a creature is Frightened of you for the duration. Additionally, whenever a creature under this effect makes a saving throw, roll a d4 and subtract the number rolled from the saving throw. At the end of its turns, an affected target can repeat the Wisdom saving throw. It it succeeds, this effect ends for that target. This effect lasts for 1 minute.
Once you use this ability, it cannot be used again until you complete a short or long rest.
Famous Face
Beginning at 15th level, when you leverage your reputation to succeed at a Charisma check, you may treat your reputation score as 10 points higher when determining how much your reputation decreases.
Alternate Famous Face
The Personality "Famous Face" ability makes use of the reputation system introduced later in this chapter. For those that don't wish to use the reputation system, the following alternative ability is offered. Beginning at 15th level, if your total for a Charisma check is less than your Charisma score, you can use that score in place of the total.
Additional Royalties
At 18th level your fame is now partnered with fortune. Your Wealth increases by 4 and can never be less than 8.
Compelling Performance
Starting at 18th level, you captivate an audience like no other. When you speak for at least 1 minute to a group of creatures, you can attempt to compel them to a particular course of action. The suggestion must be worded in such a manner as to make the course of action sound reasonable. Asking the creature to shoot itself, throw itself off a roof, immolate itself, or do some other obviously harmful act ends the effect.
Up to six creatures within 60 feet of you that can see and hear you and can understand you must make a Wisdom saving throw, with a DC of 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma bonus. On a failed save, it pursues the course of action you described to the best of its ability. The suggested course of action can continue for the entire duration. If the suggested activity can be completed in a shorter time, the effect ends when the subject finishes what it was asked to do.
You can also specify conditions that will trigger a special activity during the duration. For example, you might suggest that a lawyer give her car to the first homeless person she meets. If the condition isn’t met before the effect expires, the activity isn’t performed.
This effect lasts for 24 hours. If you or any of your companions damage a creature under the effect of this ability the effect ends.
After the duration expires, the GM determines the reaction and attitude of the target based on what the Personality compelled the target to do.
Once you use this ability, it cannot be used again until you complete a long rest.
The Negotiator finds a way to mediate the most violent disputes, haggle the best business deal, and reach a compromise with the most dangerous criminals.
When a hostage situation takes center stage, the Negotiator is there to offer calm guidance and direct things to a peaceful conclusion. Got a jumper on a window ledge? Call the Negotiator. Need someone to close a big contract? Call the Negotiator. And when the talking ends and the situation remains volatile, the Negotiator knows how to mix it up and close the deal — in whatever manner is necessary.
Select this advanced class if you want your character to excel at bargaining, making deals, and talking his way into and out of trouble
The Negotiator
Level | Features |
3rd | Bonus Proficiency, Conceal Motive, Think Twice |
7th | Talk Down |
10th | React First, Cause Panic |
15th | Talk Down (Multiple Creatures) |
18th | Talk Down (All Creatures), Sow Distrust |
Class Features
As a negotiator, you gain the following class features.
Hit Points
- Hit Dice: 1d8 per negotiator level
- Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per negotiator level
Bonus Proficiency
When you choose this advanced class at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in one of the following skills of your choice: Insight, Intimidation, Deception, or Persuasion. Alternatively, you learn one language of your choice.
Conceal Motive
At 3rd level, you are particularly hard to read. Other creatures have disadvantage on Wisdom (Insight) checks to determine information about you.
Think Twice
Starting at 3rd level, you are able to incite momentary hesitation or second thoughts by speaking to a target. As a bonus action, you can choose one target within 60 feet of you that can understand. That target must make a Wisdom saving throw, with a DC of 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma bonus. On a failed save the target has disadvantage on the next attack roll it makes before the end of its next turn. Additionally, any time they deal damage, you can use your reaction to reduce the damage dealt by an amount equal to your Charisma modifier.
Talk Down
Starting at 7th level, you have a knack for talking your way out of trouble. You can talk down a single creature within 15 feet of your position or another source of your voice. The creature must be able to understand you.
As an action, you speak the target. The creature makes a Wisdom saving throw, with a DC of 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma bonus. On a failed save that creature immediately stops fighting and reverts to an indifferent attitude regarding you and the situation in general. This indifference ends if the target is attacked or otherwise harmed, or if it witnesses any of its friends being harmed.
If a targeted creature’s saving throw is successful or if the effect ends due to it being attacked, it is immune to this ability for 24 hours.
At 10th level, you can talk down a number of creatures equal to your Charisma bonus within 15 feet of your position, or another source of your voice.
At 18th level, the range extends to 30 feet and covers all creatures within range who can hear and understand your voice.
React First
Beginning at 7th level, if you are not surprised at the start of combat, you can immediately use your reaction for the first round to move up to your speed or take an action that you would normally be able to do on your turn.
Cause Panic
Starting at 7th level, you know how to push people's buttons when they're stressed. As an action, you call out, attempting to cause a panic. Up to six creatures within 30 feet of you that can see and hear you and can understand you must make a Wisdom saving throw, with a DC of 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma bonus. On a failed save, a creature begins panicking.
An affected target can’t take reactions and must roll a d10 at the start of each of its turns to determine its behavior for that turn.
d10 | Behaviour |
1 | The creature uses all its movement to move in a random direction. To determine the direction, rolla d8 and assign a direction to each die face. The creature doesn’t take an action this turn. |
2-6 | The creature doesn’t move or take actions this turn. |
7-8 | The creature uses its action to make a melee attack against a randomly determined creature within its reach. If there is no creature within its reach, the creature does nothing this turn. |
9-10 | The creature can act and move normally. |
This effect lasts for 1 minute. At the end of its turns, an affected target can retake the saving throw. If it succeeds, this effect ends for that target.
Once you use this ability, it cannot be used again until you complete a short or long rest.
Sow Distrust
Starting at 18th level, you can turn foe to friend. By spending an action talking to a creature that can hear and understand you, you can attempt to turn them against another creature that you designate.
The creature must make a Wisdom saving throw with a DC of 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier. On a failed save, the creature you are speaking to becomes hostile to the other creature. If the creature succeeds at the saving throw, it cannot be affected by this ability again for 24 hours.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (a minimum of once). You regain any expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Document and contents by Dylan Richards (Reddit: u/Altavus , Tumblr: decision-paralysis, Blogger: Decision Paralysis)
Source Material
"d20 Modern" role-playing game by Wizards of the Coast.
Built heavily upon "d20 Modern 5e Conversion" by Edward Wilson.