Cover Art: Official Monster Hunter
Table of contents
About This Brew
The Monster Hunter World
Wakari Village
The open plains surround Wakari Village. They heard moofas and other creatures while also tending to the land. Most monsters have been kept far away by hunters, but there are still some threats that lurk in the forests, mountains, and sea that are not too far off. From here you can access the Ancient Woods, Lush Heights, and Rocky Shores
Sampar City
Like an oasis in the desert, Sampar City is full of life. The harsh regions surrounding the city make it hard to farm, but they make a living off of the trade of rare minerals and monster parts found in the deserts and caves that go on as far as the eye can see. They stay safe from monsters by being located on top of a mountain with a natural spring to keep them living comfortably. From here you can access the Deep Sands, Dry Pass, and Death Mountain
Midrock Island
Surrounded by rough currents and turbulent winds, Midrock Island doesn’t get many visitors. The island is known to raise the toughest hunters due to the hazardous living conditions. From here you can access the Coral Cove, Ancient Deeps, and Verdant Jungles.
Port Karamja
The busy port town of Karamja is situated right off of the sea. The Hunter’s Guild HQ is situated here since the sea port gives access to many different locations.
Hunter Tribes
Monster Hunter is home to many varied and beautiful lands. The people settling these lands form tribes, and from these tribes, hunters. In this setting, you will not be choosing your race, but your tribe. In this chapter you will be introduced to the different tribes of hunters that you are able to choose from.
Cat Tribe
Do not confuse members of the Cat Tribe with Lynians, if you know what's good for you. The Cat Tribe were only recently encountered on Midrock Island, where they hunt along its coasts and in it's jungles. Some members of the Cat Tribe have sought after places outside of their island and have become quite renown as hunters. If you choose to play a character from the Cat Tribe, use the Tabaxi race from Volo's Guide to Monsters.
Dwarven Tribe
The stout and rugged members of the Dwarven Tribe mastered living on Death Mountain, making their home in deep caves dug out away from monsters. They are far more famous for their skill in crafting, but that doesn't mean they don't make ferocious hunters. If you choose to play a character from the Dwarven Tribe, use either the Hill Dwarf or Mountain Dwarf races from the Player's Handbook with the following changes:
Dwarven Combat Training
You have proficiency with the Switch Axe and Hammer
Tool Proficiency
You gain proficiency in Mining Tools
Elven Tribe
Hidden deep in the Ancient Woods,the Elven Tribe live together with nature. They make their home in the treetop canopies, not staying in any one location for too long. While many are content to live amongst the wilds, many head to Wakari Village to become hunters or seek out more of the world. If you choose to play a character from the Elven Tribe, use the Wood Elf race from the Player's Handbook with the following change:
Elf Weapon Training
You are proficient with the longsword, bow, light bowgun, and heavy bowgun.
Giant Tribe
Standing as if made of stone, the Giant Tribe are considered to be the first Monster Hunters. They hail from Frostfang Heights where they constantly fight to keep their territory free from monsters. Members of the Giant Tribe who seek out newer or bigger targets often find their way to Wakari Village to become hunters. If you choose to play a character from the Giant Tribe, use the Goliath race from Volo's Guide to Monsters.
Halfling Tribe
Despite their stature, the Halfling Tribe are brave warriors. They make their homes anywhere they choose to stay, most famously in the Lush Heights near Wakari Village. Always looking for adventure, the Halfling Tribe are seen far and wide hunting monsters despite being unable wield some of the more iconic weaponry of hunters. If you choose to play a character from the Halfling Tribe, use the Halfling race from the Player's Handbook.
Human Tribe
The Human Tribe does not call one land in particular their home, instead they have spread to many lands and have even mixed in with other tribes. The Human Tribe is the largest and most common folk you can expect to encounter in the Monster Hunter setting. If you choose to play a character from the Human Tribe, use the Half-Elf, Half-Orc, or Human race from the Player's Handbook.
Classes of Hunters
The Monster Hunter setting is fairly restrictive on which classes are usable. Here I will list the classes and subclasses that are legal, and any changes that might go along with them. Multiclassing is not allowed. The legal class options are: Barbarian, Fighter, Monk, Ranger, and Rogue. Please note that all classes will ignore starting equipment which will instead be given out based on your background.
Primal Paths
Berserker, Totem Warrior.
Champion, Battle Master, Cavalier(born to saddle doesn't count for the mount action).
Light Armor
Unarmored Defense
You may choose to use your armor’s AC or your unarmored defense while wearing light armor.
Martial Arts
Dual Blades are considered monk weapons. Light armor does not stop this ability.
Unarmored Movement
Light armor does not stop this ability.
Open Hand, Drunken Master, Kensei (Hammer, Bow, Light Blowgun, and Insect Glaive are valid kensi weapons).
Favored Enemy
Choose one: Amphibians, Bird Wyverns, Brute Wyverns, Elder Dragons, Fanged Beasts, Fanged Wyverns, Flying Wyverns, Leviathans, Neopterons, Piscine Wyverns, Snake Wyverns, Theropods.
Favored Terrain
Choose one: Arctic, Coast, Desert, Forest, Grasslands, Mountains
Choose one as your spellcasting ability: Intelligence, Charisma, or Wisdom.
Hunter, Gloom Stalker, Monster Slayer.
Long Sword, Heavy Blowgun, Lance, Gunlance.
Assassin, Inquisitive, Mastermind, Scout, Swashbuckler, Thief.
Fighting Style Changes
Only works with the Sword and Shield, Lance, Gunlance, and Charge Blade (Sword and Shield form).
Great Weapon Fighting
Only works with the Hammer, Hunting Horn, Great Sword, Switch Axe, Charge Blade (axe form), and Insect Glaive.
Works with Sword and Shield, and Charge Blade (Sword and Shield form).
Two-Weapon Fighting
Works with Dual Blades
Feats from the core books are not in the Monster Hunter setting, instead you may optionally allow players to choose one of the following feat at level 1, and forgo their ability score increase to learn another. Feats are also granted by items crafted from parts of monsters.
Adv vs bomb saving throws? You get to hold extra bombs?
Adv on craft checks.
Adv on gather check results.
Trap Master
Your experience in traps has allowed you to flawlessly craft traps and carry more of them. You may hold 1 additional trap tool, large barrel, and small barrel. You automatically succeed on ability checks to craft traps and bombs. Gain a +2 bonus to your trap and bomb save DC.
You refuse to go down. If you take damage reduces you to 0 hit points, you are reduced to 1 hit point instead and you must use your reaction to take the dodge action. This ability may not be used again until you finish a long rest.
When you use an item to heal yourself, creatures of your choice within 15ft. of you heal for half the amount.
Most of the equipment from the core rule books will not be required for monster hunting. The weapons and armor have been completely reworked to better fit the world of Monster hunter.
Mundane weapons are ineffective in the Monster Hunting world. Some weapon keywords have been edited to better fit the nature of this setting. The special weapons made for hunting monsters, and the new properties can be found below.
Weapon Properties
Ammunition: You can use a weapon that has the ammunition property to make a ranged Attack only if you have ammunition to fire from the weapon. Each time you Attack with the weapon, you expend one piece of ammunition.
Finesse: When Making an Attack with a finesse weapon, you use your choice of your Strength or Dexterity modifier for the Attack and Damage Rolls. You must use the same modifier for both rolls.
**Heavy: **Each attack you make with this weapon gives you a -1 penalty to Dexterity saving throws until the start of your next turn.
Light: A light weapon is small and easy to handle, making it ideal for use when fighting with two weapons.
Loading: You may not fire more shots than are loaded into your weapon. See Ammunition for more information.
Range: A weapon that can be used to make a ranged Attack has a range in parentheses after the ammunition or thrown property. The range lists two numbers. The first is the weapon’s normal range in feet, and the second indicates the weapon’s long range. When attacking a target beyond normal range, you have disadvantage on the Attack roll. You can’t Attack a target beyond the weapon’s long range.
Reach: This weapon adds 5 feet to your reach when you Attack with it, as well as when determining your reach for Opportunity Attacks with it.
Spellcasting: When you select this weapon, you must choose either your Charisma, Intelligence, or Wisdom as your spellcasting ability with this weapon. You may only change your choice after you finish a long rest.
Two-Handed: This weapon requires two hands when you Attack with it.
Versatile: This weapon can be used with one or two hands. A damage value in parentheses appears with the property—the damage when the weapon is used with two hands to make a melee Attack.
Simple Weapons | Properties | Damage |
Bow | Ammunition(80/320), Finesse, Range, Two-Handed | 1d8 piercing |
Dual Blades | Finesse, Light | 2d4 Slashing |
Hammer | Finesse, Heavy, Special, Two-Handed | 1d8 (1d12) bludgeoning |
Hunting Horn | Finesse, Heavy, Reach, Spellcasting, Two-Handed | 1d10 bludgeoning |
Light Bowgun | Ammunition(80/320), Finesse, Loading, Range, Two-Handed | 1d6 piercing |
Sword and Shield | Finesse, Two-Handed | 1d8 slashing |
Simple Weapons
Bow: You do not expend ammunition when using basic ammunition. As a bonus action you may charge an attack, dealing your damage modifier twice instead of once on your next attack if you hit.
Dual Blades: A copy of this weapon is held in your off-hand. When you use a bonus action to attack with your off hand, you may make two instead. You can draw or stow two one-handed weapons when you would normally be able to draw or stow only one.
Hammer: As an action, you may charge your hammer making it deal 1d12 damage until you take any damage or put your hammer away. Attacks with the hammer have advantage on Stunning Blows.
Hunting Horn: When you attack gain 1 charge, up to a maximum of 3 charges. As an action you may expend charges to activate the following effects:
- (1 charge) Cast the bless spell that lasts for one minute and requires no concentration.
- (2 charges) Cast the Heroism spell that lasts for 1 minute and requires no concentration.
- (3 charges) Cast Mass Healing Word.
Light Bowgun: As a bonus action, you may load your weapon with an ammunition of your choosing or make one extra ranged weapon attack.
Sword and Shield: You have a +2 bonus to AC and Dexterity Saving throws while you use the Sword and Shield. Each attack you hit on your turn grants you an extra +1 to AC and Dexterity saving throws until the start of your next turn. You are considered to have 1 free hand while wielding this weapon.
Martial Weapons | Properties | Damage |
Charge Blade | Ammunition, Heavy, Special, Reach, Versatile(1d12) | 1d8 slashing |
Great Sword | Heavy, Two-Handed | 2d8 slashing |
Gunlance | Ammunition, Reach, Two-Handed | 1d10 piercing |
Heavy Bowgun | Ammunition(80/320), Heavy, Range, Two-Handed | 1d8 piercing |
Insect Glaive | Finesse, Reach, Range, Special(10/20), Two-Handed | 1d10 Slashing |
Lance | Two-Handed, Reach | 1d10 piercing |
Long Sword | Finesse, Versatile(1d12) | 1d10 slashing |
Switch Axe | Ammunition, Heavy, Special, Two-Handed, Reach, Versatile(2d6) | 1d8 slashing |
Charge Blade: A complex weapon, the charge blade can store up to 10 charges and has two forms. The charge blade is always in Sword and Shield form unless you use a bonus action to switch to Axe Form while you have more than 5 charges. The charge blade reverts to Sword and Shield form when it reaches 1 or fewer charges.
- While in the Sword and Shield Form, you have a +2 bonus to AC and Dexterity Saving Throws and lose the Heavy and Reach properties. You gain 1 charge at the start of your turn and 1 charge for each attack you hit with this weapon.
- While in the Axe Form, you may expend charges when you hit an attack with this weapon to deal an additional 1d12 damage of a type corresponding to your Ammunition for each 2 charges you expend.
GreatSword: If you have not moved more than half your speed on your turn, you may charge your attacks as a bonus action. Until the end of your turn your speed becomes 0 and your attack rolls have advantage.
Gunlance: You have a +1 bonus to AC and Dexterity saving throws while you use the Lance. You may use your action and a piece of ammunition to make a finesse, ranged weapon attack (10/20). See Ammunition for available effects.
Heavy Bowgun: As a bonus action, you may load your weapon with an ammunition of your choosing or make one extra ranged weapon attack.
Insect Glaive: You may substitute one of your attacks to mount a large or larger creature. As a bonus action to send out your kinsect. The kinsect is a ranged weapon attack (10/20) dealing 1d4 slashing damage and gaining 1 charge on hit. You lose all charges if you do not hit with your kinsect by the end of your next turn. You gain all of the following effects depending on your charges:
Charges | Effect |
1 | +1 bonus to damage on melee attacks |
2 | +5ft. bonus to your movement speed |
3 | +1 bonus to AC |
4+ | You gain 4 temporary hit points when you hit with your kinsect ranged weapon attack. |
Lance: You have a +1 bonus to AC and Dexterity saving throws while you use the Lance. When you take the dodge action while using the lance, you become immune to stun and immovable until you are hit or until the start of your next turn. If you are targeted by a melee attack while taking the dodge action, you may use your reaction to make an opportunity attack against the attacker, scoring a critical hit if it lands.
Long Sword: When you hit with this weapon, you may switch from 1 handed to two-handed or vice versa, if you do gain 1 charge up to a maximum of 10. As a bonus action you may make a melee weapon attack and expend at least 1 charge. Add 1d4 damage for each charge you expended to make the attack. Every 5 charges spent on an attack grants a +1 bonus to hit for 1 minute after the first +1 is gained to a maximum of +4.
Switch Axe: A complex weapon, the switch axe can store up to 10 charges and has two forms. The switch axe is always in Axe Form unless you use a bonus action to switch to Sword Form while you have more than 5 charges. The switch axe reverts to Axe Form when it reaches 1 or fewer charges.
- While in the Axe Form, you gain 1 charge at the start of your turn and 1 charge for each attack you hit with this weapon.
- While in the Sword Form, you may expend charges when you hit an attack with this weapon to deal an additional 1d6 damage of a type corresponding to your Ammunition for each 2 charges you expend.
Hunter's Gear
There are a lot of different tools and materials to help hunters in the field and back at base. In this section those items will be detailed and explained.
Mag. Ammunition can only be loaded into a loading weapon in limited quantities. The magazine must be reloaded once it runs out before you can expend more.
Price. The price it normally sells for. Stores will most always buy items for the listed price, but the price the store well sell them to you for can vary greatly.
Qty. Monster hunters are seriously strong, but instead of calculating weight there are regulations to the maximum amount of any given item a hunter is allowed to carry during a hunt.
Usage Time. Most items require a single action to use, but some items require a bonus action, a reaction, or much more time to use.
Restoration & Enhancements
These items can be consumed to heal, buff, or gain other beneficial effects. They must be either crafted or bought and are not found naturally.
Name | Qty | Usage Time | Price |
Antidote | 5 | Reaction | 1gp |
Armorskin | 5 | Bonus Action | 11gp |
Cleanser | 5 | Reaction | 3gp |
Cool Drink | 5 | Action & Bonus Action | 6gp |
Dash Juice | 5 | Bonus Action | 6gp |
Demondrug | 5 | Bonus Action | 13gp |
Energy Drink | 5 | Action & Bonus Action | 1gp |
Hot Drink | 5 | Action & Bonus Action | 5gp |
Lifepowder | 2 | Action | 63gp |
Max Potion | 2 | Action & Bonus Action | 42gp |
Mega Armorskin | 2 | Bonus Action | 54gp |
Mega Dash Juice | 2 | Bonus Action | 41gp |
Mega Demondrug | 2 | Bonus Action | 56gp |
Mega Nutrients | 2 | Bonus Action | 18gp |
Mega Potion | 3 | Reaction | 3gp |
Nutrients | 3 | Bonus Action | 5gp |
Potion | 5 | Action | 1gp |
Psychoserum | 3 | Action & Bonus Action | 6gp |
Antidote. Remove the poisoned condition. Ingredients: antidote herb + blue mushroom, DC 5.
Armorskin. Increase your AC by 1 for one minute. Ingredients: adamant seed + catalyst, DC 12.
Cleanser. Remove the slick and or tarred condition. Ingredients: catalyst + popfish, DC 5.
Cool Drink. Ignore the effects of hot weather for one hour.
Dash Juice. Increase your speed by 10ft. for one minute. Ingredients: catalyst + steak, DC 12.
Demondrug. Your melee weapon attacks deal an additional 1d4 damage for one minute. Ingredients: catalyst + might seed, DC 12.
Energy Drink. Reduce your exhaustion level by 1 and regain up to half of your total hit dice.
Hot Drink. Ignore the effects of cold weather for one hour.
Lifepowder. A creature within 5ft. of you may spend up to half their maximum hit dice. For each hit die spent in this way, target creature rolls a die and add its constitution modifier, then regains hit points equal to the total.
Max Potion. Restores you to full hp and you regain all of your hit dice.
Mega Armorskin. Increase your AC by 2 for one minute.
Mega Dash Juice. Increase your speed by 10ft. for one hour. Ingredients: dash extract + steak.
Mega Demondrug. Your melee weapon attacks deal an additional 2d4 damage for one minute. Ingredients: demondrug + pale extract.
Mega Nutrients. You may drink a nutrients to gain temporary hit points equal to the size of two of your hit die plus your level. Ingredients: honey + nutrients.
Mega Potion. You may spend up to 3 hit die. For each hit die spent in this way you roll a die and add your constitution modifier, then regain hit points equal to the total. Ingredients: Honey + Potion.
Nutrients. You may drink a nutrients to gain temporary hit points equal to the size of your hit die plus your level. Ingredients: blue mushroom + godbug.
Potion. You may spend up to 2 hit die. For each hit die spent in this way you roll a die and regains hit points equal to the total. Ingredients: herb + blue mushroom.
Psychoserum. You have advantage on wisdom ability checks used to track or detect monsters.
Tools & Materials
Most of the items on this list can be purchased at shops or gathered in the wild.
Name | Qty | Price |
Bait | 20 | 1gp |
Barrel Bomb S | 3 | 3gp |
Barrel Bomb L | 2 | 10gp |
Barrel Bomb L+ | 1 | 16gp |
Bounce Bomb | 3 | 3gp |
Bounce Bomb+ | 2 | 14gp |
BBQ Spit | 1 | 11gp |
Binoculars | 1 | 1gp |
Bomb Casing | 20 | 3gp |
Bug Net | 1 | 3gp |
Catalyst | 10 | 10gp |
Drugged Meat | 2 | 6gp |
Flash Bomb | 2 | 12gp |
Gunpowder | 5 | 9gp |
Large Barrel | 2 | 4gp |
Lifecrystals | 2 | 12gp |
Mega Fishing Fly | 5 | 1gp |
Name | Qty | Price |
Net | 5 | 10gp |
Paintball | 5 | 2gp |
Pickaxe | 1 | 4gp |
Pitfall Trap | 1 | 9gp |
Poisoned Meat | 2 | 4gp |
Raw Meat | 5 | 1gp |
Shock Trap | 1 | 32gp |
Smoke Bomb | 2 | 16gp |
Small Barrel | 3 | 1gp |
Spider Web | 5 | 1gp |
Steak | 5 | 50gp |
Tinged Meat | 2 | 6gp |
Tranquilizer | 10 | 3gp |
Tranq Bomb | 5 | 7gp |
Trap Tool | 2 | 4gp |
Whetstone | 5 | 2gp |
Bait. Required to gather fish.
Barrel Bomb S. Hitting this bomb will trigger its effect: each creature in a 10ft. radius must make a Dexterity saving throw. A target takes 2d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.
Barrel Bomb L. Hitting this bomb will trigger its effect: each creature in a 10ft. radius must make a Dexterity saving throw. A target takes 4d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.
Barrel Bomb L+. Hitting this bomb will trigger its effect: each creature in a 10ft. radius must make a Dexterity saving throw. A target takes 8d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.
BBQ Spit. Spend 1 minute cooking a piece of raw meat. Make a DC10 Wisdom or Intelligence (Cooking Tools) check creating steak on a success, or destroying the meat on a failure.
Binoculars. Grants advantage on perception checks across long distances.
Bomb Casing. Crafting Material.
Bounce Bomb. You may place one down in an empty adjacent space as an action. Any attacks against it will trigger its effect: A creature directly above the bounce bomb must make a Dexterity saving throw. A target takes 4d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.
Bounce Bomb+. You may place one down in an empty adjacent space as an action. Any attacks against it will trigger its effect: A creature directly above the bounce bomb must make a Dexterity saving throw. A target takes 8d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.
Bug Net. Make a Wisdom (Gathering Tools) check to gather materials from swarms.
Catalyst. Crafting Material.
Drugged Meat. Any creature consuming tinged meat falls unconscious until 1 minute passes, the sleeper takes damage, or someone uses an action to shake or slap the sleeper awake.
Flash Bomb. Choose a spot within 30ft. of you. All creatures within 20ft. of that spot that can see must make a DC15 Constitution or Dexterity saving throw or be blinded for 1 minute. A creature may attempt to save against the effect at the end of each of their turns, getting a +1 bonus for each previous failure.
Gunpowder. Crafting Material.
Large Barrel. Crafting Material.
Lifecrystals. Crafting Material.
Mega Fishing Fly. When rolling on the fishing loot table, roll twice and choose the result.
Net. Crafting Material.
Paintball. Make a ranged weapon attack (10/20) against a creature. On a hit, you may use an action to know the location of target creature for one hour.
Pickaxe. Make a Strength or Wisdom (Mining Tools) check to gather materials in mineral deposits.
Pitfall Trap. You may set up a pitfall trap as an action on your turn. Choose a 10ft. area adjacent to you. Any large or larger creature entering the area becomes incapacitated and restrained by the trap. A creature may make a DC15 Acrobatics or Athletics check at the end of their turn to escape the trap, gaining a +1 bonus for each previous failure.
Poisoned Meat. Any creature consuming poisoned meat becomes poisoned for 1 hour. At the end of their turn, a creature may make a DC15 Constitution saving throw to overcome the poison effect, getting a +1 bonus for each previous failure.
Raw Meat. Reduce your exhaustion by 1 level. Any humanoid consuming raw meat becomes poisoned for 1 hour.
Shock Trap. You may set up a shock trap as an action on your turn. Choose a 10ft. area adjacent to you. Any large or larger creature entering the area becomes paralyzed by the trap. A creature may make a DC15 Constitution saving throw at the end of their turn to escape the trap, gaining a +1 bonus for each previous failure.
Small Barrel. Crafting Material.
Smoke Bomb. Choose a spot within 30ft. of you. A cloud of smoke erupts from that spot and spreads in a 20ft. radius. The smoke disappears after 12 seconds.
Spider Web. Crafting Material.
Steak. You may spend 1 minute eating steak. Reduce your exhaustion by 1 level and regain a spent hit die.
Tinged Meat. Any creature consuming tinged meat becomes paralyzed until the start of their next turn.
Tranquilizer. Crafting Material.
Tranq Bomb. You may use capture action at the range of melee.
Trap Tool. Crafting Material.
Whetstone. Use an action to sharpen a melee weapon. Your next 5 attacks with that weapon get a +1 bonus to hit.
The bowgun and large bowgun both use shot as ammunition while the bow uses coatings. Each type of ammunition can only be carried in limited quantities.
Name | Mag | Qty | Price |
Crag Shot | 2 | 1gp | |
Crag Shot+ | 2 | 15sp | |
Dragon Shot | 3 | 2gp | |
Flaming Shot | 20 | 4sp | |
Freeze Shot | 20 | 4sp | |
Normal Shot | ∞ | Free | |
Normal Shot+ | 20 | 4sp | |
Para Shot | 2 | 1gp | |
Poison Shot | 5 | 4sp | |
Sleep Shot | 2 | 4sp | |
Thunder Shot | 20 | 4sp | |
Tranq Shot | 3 | 1gp | |
Water Shot | 20 | 4sp | |
Empty Phial | 20 | 1sp | |
Close Range Coating | 5 | 6sp | |
Paint Coating | 20 | 1gp | |
Para Coating | 5 | 6sp | |
Poison Coating | 5 | 4sp | |
Power Coating | 5 | 6sp | |
Sleep Coating | 5 | 4sp |
Crag Shot. You may make ranged Stunning Blows.
Crag Shot+. You may make ranged Stunning Blows with advantage.
Flaming Shot. Add 1d6 fire damage on hit.
Freeze Shot. Add 1d6 ice damage on hit.
Normal Shot. No additional effect.
Normal Shot+. Add 1d4 damage on hit.
Para Shot.
Poison Shot. Add 1d4 poison damage and the target makes a Constitution saving throw with or become poisoned.
Sleep Shot.
Thunder Shot. Add 1d6 thunder damage on hit.
Water Shot. Add 1d6 water damage on hit.
Wyvern Shot.
Cannon Shot.
Tranq Shot.
Flash Shot.
Empty Phial.
Close Range Coating.
Power Coating.
Poison Coating.
Para Coating.
Sleep Coating.
Exhaust Coating.
Paint Coating.
Gathering in the wild can get you many helpful plants that can be used for crafting or consumed on the spot.
Name | Qty | Usage Time | Price |
Adamant Seed | 5 | 22gp | |
Antidote Herb | 10 | Action | 4sp |
Blue Mushroom | 10 | 4sp | |
Dragon Toadstool | 5 | 8gp | |
Fire Herb | 5 | 1gp | |
Herb | 5 | Action | 4sp |
Honey | 5 | 9gp | |
Hot Pepper | 5 | 1gp | |
Huskberry | 20 | 2sp | |
Ivy | 5 | 1gp | |
Might Seed | 5 | 28gp | |
Nitroshroom | 10 | 1gp | |
Paintberry | 20 | 1gp | |
Parashroom | 5 | 3gp | |
Sap Plant | 10 | 4sp | |
Sleep Herb | 5 | 1gp | |
Snow Herb | 20 | 1gp | |
Toadstool | 5 | 1gp |
Adamant Seed. Used in crafting demondrug.
Antidote Herb. Consume an antidote herb to make a DC12 Wisdom (medicine) check, removing the poisoned condition on a success. Used in crafting antidote.
Blue Mushroom. Used in crafting antidote, nutrients, and potion.
Dragon Toadstool. Used in crafting max potion.
Fire Herb. Used in crafting barrel bomb s, gunpowder, flaming shot, and power coating.
Herb. Consume an herb to make a DC12 Wisdom (medicine) check, gaining 2d4 hit points on a success. Used in crafting potion.
Honey. Used in crafting catalyst, energy drink, and mega potion.
Hot Pepper. Used in crafting hot drink.
Huskberry. Used in crafting bowgun ammunition.
Ivy. Used in crafting net and smoke bomb.
Might Seed. Used in crafting armorskin.
Nitroshroom. Used in crafting energy drink, gunpowder, crag shot, and power coating.
Paintberry. Used in crafting painball, paint coating, and paint shot.
Parashroom. Used in crafting para coating, para shot, tinged meat, and tranquilizer.
Sap Plant. Used in crafting bomb casing and paintball.
Sleep Herb. Used in crafting drugged meat, sleep coating, sleep shot, and tranquilizer.
Snow Herb. Used in crafting freeze shot.
Toadstool. Used in crafting poison coating, poison shot, and poisoned meat.
Minerals & Ores
While on your hunt you can gather minerals and ores to craft items, weapons, and armor.
Name | Carry Amount | Price |
Adv Armor Sphere | 20 | 60gp |
Aquaglow Jewel | 20 | 10gp |
Armor Sphere | 20 | 16gp |
Armor Sphere+ | 20 | 60gp |
Armor Stone | 20 | 30gp |
Bealite Ore | 20 | 28gp |
Bloodrun Jewel | 20 | 106gp |
Carbalite Ore | 20 | 136gp |
Disc Stone | 20 | 13gp |
Dragonite Ore | 20 | 98gp |
Earth Crystal | 20 | 16gp |
Firecell Stone | 20 | 344gp |
Firestone | 20 | 172gp |
Fucium Ore | 20 | 204gp |
Hard Armor Sphere | 20 | 80gp |
Heavy Armor Sphere | 20 | 120gp |
Lazurite Jewel | 20 | 176gp |
Ice Crystal | 10 | 12gp |
Iron Ore | 20 | 12gp |
Lava Nugget | 20 | 106gp |
Lightcrystal | 20 | 230gp |
Machalite Ore | 20 | 32gp |
Novacrystal | 20 | 488gp |
Rainbow Ore | 20 | 192gp |
Stone | 20 | 2sp |
Sunspire Jewel | 20 | 70gp |
Name | Carry Amount | Price |
Name | Carry Amount | Price |
Name | Carry Amount | Price |
Sacs & Fluids
Name | Carry Amount | Price |
Account Items
Name | Carry Amount | Price |
New Conditions
Within the Monster Hunter Monster Manual are monsters that can cause new, special conditions. You can find items to counteract these conditions in the equipment section.
Disease: Iceblight
A creature who is afflicted with iceblight is chilled to the bone.
- The creature can't use reactions.
- Its speed is halved.
- It can't make more than one attack on its turn.
Condition: Slick
A creature who is slick is covered in a slippery or slimy liquid. This liquid coats the body making it difficult to move or avoid attacks without slipping.
- A creature who is slick has disavantage on Dexterity saving throws.
- A creature may only move up to half its speed while under this effect.
- A creature has disavantage when attempting to grapple a creature, but advantage when attempting to escape a grapple when using acrobatics.
A creature can use its action on itself or another adjacent creature to wipe off the liquid, removing the effect.
Condition: Tarred
A creature, object, or area who is tarred is covered in a dark brown or black viscous liquid. This liquid sticks to anything it touches and is highly flammable.
- A creature who is tarred is restrained, immune to being disarmed, and cannot use an object or weapon not already in hand.
- A tarred Object cannot be moved or used.
- An area that is tarred is considered difficult terrain.
- The condition ends if a creature, object, or area that has this condition takes fire damage. When the condition ends in this way the creature, object, or area ignite. Until a creature takes an action to douse the fire , the target takes 6 (1d10) fire damage at the start of each of its turns.
- When an area ignites, any object or creature in that area also ignite.
- An area that ignites in this way burns for 1 minute.
Poison: Waterblight
A creature effected by waterblight has their stamina drained
- On the creatures turn, it can use either an Action or a Bonus Action, not both.