Shadowrun in Cypher system Mod

by gert11

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Shadowrun in the Cypher system Mod

What is Shadowrun?

Shadowrun is one of the longest running and most popular rpg settings around. It combines the visceral, imaginative world of high fantasy with the chilling, future of cyberpunk. Shadowrun has a deep, complex lore that this book is not even going to try and touch on. If you are interested in learning more about Shadowrun I highly recommend picking up some it's various books, video games, and other official material. If you are not familiar with that setting this Mod really isn't going to teach you much. However, if you already know about the world of Shadowrun, or just want to run a campaign in your own cyberpunk/fantasy setting, this Mod may what you're looking for.

In Shadowrun, and in this Mod, players are Shadowrunners - Illicit hitmen, gangsters, con-artists, and even occasional heroes, that take on jobs (called Runs) for money. This mod tends to assume that players are Shadowrunners, and most of the rule changes are built around that assumption.

What is the Cypher system?

The Cypher system is an rpg rule system created by Monte Cook. This mod uses the rules of the Cypher system and as such requires the Cypher core book. If you do not have that, this won't really do much for you. Also, this Mod uses some of the content described in the Expanded Worlds supplement for Cypher. However, Expanded Worlds is not required to use this Mod, and everything that uses those rules is marked with an EX.

What is this Mod?

This is an unofficial fan Modification of the Cypher system. This Mod alters and adds to the base rules of the Cypher system to create something that more easily fits with the fantasy/cyberpunk setting of Shadowrun, or any fantasy/cyberpunk setting. The Cypher system is a robust set of rules designed to be used in a variety of settings and genres, so this Mod preserves the vast majority of the core rules. All of the rule changes in this Mod are discussed in the following section, but players and GMs should feel free to alter or replace any rules they dislike or disagree with. However, when mixing and matching rules players should read the section for that rule first as many of the rules alter other rules, and their section states what they alter. For instance, if players want to forgo the Race option and instead default back to using Descriptors as Race (as in the Corebook) they will need to add 2 points to the Stat pools of every type to make up for the lost points.


The following are all of the rule changes in this Mod. All of these rules are optional, and some rules contain multiple versions (denoted by having the same name but a different number). Players and GMs should pick the rules that best work for their group, but the first version of the rules is always the recommended one.

Money is Power (XP and Money) (1)

In the world of ShadowRun money is power, literally. Players in the Shadowrun universe are Shadowrunners - illicit hitmen, gangsters, con-artists, and even occasional heroes. Players gain Nuyen (the most commonly accepted currency) for completing jobs or "Runs." Instead of gaining Experience point for uncovering new secrets or defeating monsters, players get paid. This money, in the form of 1000 Nuyen (or 1K) is used in place of experience points. Every 1K is the equivalent of 1 XP in the base Cypher system.

GM intrusions still work the traditional way, but players now gain Nuyen for them (1K for themselves and 1K to give to another player). Character Advancements now cost 4K instead of 4 XP. Whenever a player could spend 1 XP under the base Cypher rules to accomplish something, they now spend 1K to do the same. This is true for anything that would cost any amount of XP.

Nuyen is still the currency though. Players have to spend Nuyen to purchase weapons, gear, or anything else (though usually in smaller increments than a thousand, see the equipment section for more on this). To compensate for this, it is recommended for GM's to not give players money in even 1k chunks, but instead to give player's amounts like 1,500 or 900 Nuyen. That uneven amount should be over what the GM would give in a traditional Cypher game. So for instance, if you normally try to give players 4 XP per session, then it's recommended instead that you give players around 4,500 Nuyen, depending on how much stuff they normally purchase. Of course, even after this some players may still want to hoard all the Nuyen they find. That's fine. After all, characters in Shadowrun should be a little greedier than traditional heroes.

This rule, more than any other in this Mod, relies on the assumption that players are Shadowrunners trying to fulfill Runs to get by, and maybe, possibly get rich. In it's function this rule makes players greedier, more interested in getting paid, and willing to take bigger risks for more profit. It also prevents players from hoarding cash. However, in it's form this rule is "gamey." The idea of spending money to reroll dice or level up may not make sense to many players. In a broad sense, this represents the character spending money on books, training, cybernetics, and other ways of improving themselves, as well as buying food and housing and whatever else character do between Runs. For some players though, this may just feel like tossing money into the wind to get stronger. GMs that wish to use this rule should discuss it with their players to make sure it makes sense to them.

Also, this rule can be tricky if players take certain Foci or Descriptors - "Wealthy" being particularly difficult. The easiest way to balance this is by reducing the amount of money players get by selling low value items.

Ultimately, the rest of this Mod assumes that this rule is in place. If players wish to use the other Money is Power rule, or the default XP rules in the Core book, GMs should either reduce the amount of money players earn, or increase the cost of all the items in this Mod - particularly Cyphers and Cybernetics.

Money is Power (XP and Money) (2)

Under this rule XP and Nuyen are separate, and XP works the same as it does in the Core book. Players gain now XP when they gain Nuyen. Players usually gain Nuyen when they complete a Run, or sometimes during a Run (like finding and breaking into a safe that wasn't their original target). The exact amount of XP players gain doesn't have to be directly proportional to the money earned. So long as it's clear that more money = more XP, this rule works.

Everything Has a Price (Cyphers and Artifacts)

The Core Cypher system assumes a world where powerful, rare technology is lying in wait for anyone daring and brave enough to go get it. In Shadowrun though, most powerful and rare technology is just a click away. Anyone can buy the newest sports car or a high tech sword able to cut through solid steel. Magical potions can be bought on street corners, and cloaks of invisibility have both summer and winter styles. Players can buy just about any Artifact or Cypher they want, as long as they can afford it. The more powerful and general purpose a Cypher or Artifact is, the more expensive it is. Furthermore, in a world where everyone is out to make a quick buck, quality suffers. Things break when you need them most, or don't quite work the way you want. See the section on Cyphers for how to balance widespread availability of gear with forcing players to come up with their own solutions to problems.

While still present, the role of Cyphers has been slightly altered in this conversion. Cypher Limits no longer exists, and now most Cyphers are gained by purchasing them. Players can also purchase Cyphers whenever using the Matrix, and as a result usually know what a Cypher does before they even get it. See the section on Cyphers for more information.

Artifacts are the various gear and tech that players purchase and acquire. Because of the futuristic world of Shadowrun, just about anything, from a gun to a high-tech Dataslate, can be considered an Artifact. Any abilities that work on Artifacts now work on just about anything.


This Mod adds Cybernetics and Cybernetic Limits. Every character has a Cybernetic Limit from their Type. In addition, some Foci, Descriptors, and Talents alter a player's Cybernetic Limit. Cybernetic Limit is the number of Cybernetics a character can have installed on them. For more information on Cybernetics, see the section on Cybernetics.


This Mod adds a new type of Character Advancement called Talents. Talents, unlike the other changes in this Mod, are not specifically related to the Shadowrun setting. They are simply a way for players to gain abilities they may normally be locked out of. See the section on Talents for more information.

Character Creation Changes

There are a number of changes to character creation. This section gives an overview of those changes. The process of Character Creation is gone into in depth in the next section.

  • Race and Descriptor are now separate. Prior to selecting a Descriptor players now select a Race. As a result of this, Types now give slightly less stats than they did before.
  • All of the Types have been altered, and a number have been added. Many of the new Types incorporate some of the Flavors from the Corebook.


While ranged weapons still use ammo when appropriate, players no longer need to keep track of how much ammo is in their weapon. Instead, when using a weapon that uses ammo clips (such as a pistol, shotgun and not something such as a bow and arrow) players are assumed to reload between combat rounds. However, if a player rolls a 2 or 3 on an attack, that player has forgotten to reload, or didn't have a chance to. In order to use the weapon that ran out of ammo, that player must take an action to reload. Note: extra ammo now denotes clips of ammo, and one clip is used when a player needs to reload. Certain weapons (such as a rocket launcher) will still need to be reloaded after every attack, regardless of what the player rolled. Weapons that can be loaded and fired in a single actions (such as a bow and arrow) work the same as in the Core book.

Hacking and The Matrix

The world of Shadowrun has an internet analog called The Matrix. The Matrix is a massive, virtual world that overlays and intersects the real one. Players can use Dataslates (handheld computers) or other computer like devices to access The Matrix. Players can then look up information, talk to people thousands of miles away, or most of the other things we can do with our internet. In gameplay, this can work in a variety of different ways. Sometimes, a player may just pull out their Dataslate, say what they want to do, and the GM tells them what happens. Sometimes, like if they want to find a specific bit of information, the GM may ask for a roll (usually an Intellect roll) to see if they can find relevant information. Occasionally, players may need to roleplay an entire scene where they control an avatar in the virtual world of The Matrix. Ultimately, the role of the Matrix is going to depend on what players want to do, and how the GM wants to portray it.

Hacking does follow specific rules though. The general rule of thumb is that if you want to do something in the Matrix that you are not specifically supposed to be able to do, you need an ability to do it. For instance, if you want to: get access to a secure server that you do not have the password for; make a hostile robot blow up; use a chat room not to chat, but to find someone's location, you need to have an ability that lets you do that. The reason for this is two fold: One, doing any of this is very difficult. It require training, and specific knowledge that not everyone would have. Also, after years and years of script-kiddies breaking into their systems, corporations have gotten very good at restricting what you can and can't do on The Matrix. Two, while The Matrix is similar to our internet, it is not our internet. It follows it's own rules - complicated rules. Requiring players to need an ability to do things keeps GMs and players from having to create and learn the intentionally byzantine inner workings of a fantasy internet.

Many of the hacking abilities require a player to have some way to connect to what they are hacking or interfacing with, and require a player to be within some distance. While The Matrix stretches everywhere, in keeping with the version of The Matrix used in Shadowrun 5th ed., distance makes hacking anything very difficult. All but the most experienced of Hackers need to be relatively close to whatever they are accessing. Not to mention that all of the most valuable stuff is probably locked away on it's own closed network.

For the question, what is connected to the Matrix? the answer is: everything. The assumption should always be that every device is connected to The Matrix, even if it is not immediately clear why it would be. Cars, guns, lighters, and everything else are all connected to The Matrix. Instead of worrying about explaining why something is connected to The Matrix, GMs should only ever worry about explaining why something isn't. A cult that shuns all technology may have old fashioned guns. A paranoid Netrunner may have intentionally fried all the non-analog parts in everything he owns.

Ultimately, players shoudn't worry too much about the inner workings of The Matrix. In universe it is so complicated that no one fully understands it. If it is never not clear how something should work, players and GMs should just use The Matrix in whatever way makes sense for them at any given point in their campaign at that moment, and do whatever is the most interesting and fun.

Multiple Foci

This mod has a few ways for players to potentially gain more than one Focus. Gaining this is very powerful, and as such is usually very expensive and should be very difficult. When a character gains a new Focus it works the same as their original one. They gain all of the abilities, both the positive and negative ones, for their tier, along with the abilities from their original Focus.

Character Creation

To create their Character players should select a Type, their Race, a Descriptor, and a Focus, gaining any equipment or abilities granted. Players are assumed to start at Tier 1.

Character Type

Street Samurai

Street Samurai Stat pools

Stat Pool Starting Value
Might 9
Speed 9
Wisdom 8

You get 6 additional points to divide among your Stat Pools however you wish.

First-Tier Street Samurai

First-Tier Street Samurai have the following abilities:

Effort: Your Effort is 1.

Cybernetics Limit: You have a Cybernetics Limit of 4.

Physical Nature: You have a Might Edge of 1 and a Speed Edge of 0, or you have a Might Edge of 0 and a Speed Edge of 1. Either way, you have an Intellect Edge of 0.

Practiced With All Weapons: You can use any weapon. Enabler.

Starting Equipment: Appropriate clothing and two weapons of your choice, plus one expensive item, two moderately priced items, and up to four inexpensive items.

Special Abilities: Choose four of the abilities described below. You can’t choose the same ability more than once unless its description says otherwise

Bash (1 Might point): This is a pummeling melee attack. Your attack inflicts 1 less point of damage than normal, but dazes your target for one round, during which time the difficulty of all tasks it performs is modified by one step to its detriment. Action.

Block (3 Speed points): You automatically block the next melee attack made against you within the next minute. Action to initiate.

Control the Field (1 Might point): This melee attack inflicts 1 less point of damage than normal, but regardless of whether you hit the target, you maneuver it into a position you desire within immediate range. Action.

Crack-Shot (1 Speed point): This is a well- aimed ranged attack. You make an attack and inflict 1 additional point of damage. Action.

Extra Edge: Your physical nature grants you an Edge of 1 in both Speed and Might, rather than one or the other.

Muscles of Iron (2 Might points): For the next ten minutes, the difficulty of all Might- based actions other than attack rolls that you attempt is reduced by one step. Enabler.

No Need for Weapons: When you make an unarmed attack (such as a punch or kick), you choose whether it counts as a medium weapon or a light weapon. Enabler.

Overwatch (1 Intellect point): You use a ranged weapon to target a limited area (such as a doorway, a hallway, or the eastern side of the clearing) and make an attack against the next viable target to enter that area. This works like a wait action, but you also negate any benefit the target would have from cover, position, surprise, range, illumination, or visibility. Further, you inflict 1 additional point of damage with the attack. You can remain on overwatch as long as you wish, within reason. Action.

Physical Skills: You are trained in two skills in which you are not already trained. Choose two of the following: balancing, climbing, jumping, running, or swimming. You can select this ability multiple times. Each time you select it, you must choose two different skills. Enabler.

Practiced in Armor: You can wear armor for long periods of time without tiring and can compensate for slowed reactions from wearing armor. You can wear any kind of armor. You reduce the Speed cost for wearing armor by 1. You start the game with a type of armor of your choice. Enabler.

Spray and Pray (2 Speed points): If you have an automatic ranged weapon you can spray multiple shots around your target to increase the chance of hitting. The difficulty of the attack roll is decreased by one step. If the attack is successful, it deals 1 less point of damage than normal. If the attack is unsuccessful, you cannot use the weapon you used to make this attack until you spend an action to reload it. Action.

Swipe (1 Speed point): This is a quick, agile melee attack. Your attack inflicts 1 less point of damage than normal but dazes your target for one round, during which time the difficulty of all tasks it performs is modified by one step to its detriment. Action.

Tech Skills: You are trained in two skills in which you are not already trained. Choose two of the following: crafting, computers, identifying, machines, piloting, repairing, or vehicle driving. You can select this ability multiple times. Each time you select it, you must choose two different skills. Enabler.

Thrust (1 Might point): This is a powerful melee stab. You make an attack and inflict 1 additional point of damage if your weapon has a sharp edge or point. Action.

Trained Without Armor: You are trained in Speed defense actions when not wearing armor. Enabler.

Second-Tier Street Samurai

Choose three of the abilities described below (or from a lower tier) to add to your repertoire. In addition, you can replace one of your lower-tier abilities with a different one from a lower tier.

Chop (2 Might points): This is a heavy, powerful slice with a bladed weapon, probably overhand. You must grip your weapon with two hands to chop. When making this attack, you take a –1 penalty to the attack roll, and you inflict 3 additional points of damage. Action.

Aimed Shot (2 Speed points): This is an accurate disarming shot. This attack does 2 less points of damage, but causes an enemy to drop a weapon or item in their hand. Delicate items will be broken. Action.

Mighty Blow (2 Might points): You strike two foes with a single blow. Make separate attack rolls for each foe, but both attacks count as a single action in a single round. You remain limited by the amount of Effort you can apply on one action. Anything that modifies your attack or damage applies to both of these attacks. Action.

Quick Draw (3 Speed points): Before Initiative has been rolled, on a successful speed roll, you may attack one target, one time with a one handed ranged weapon. Enabler.

Reaction: If a creature you attacked on your last turn with a melee attack uses its action to move out of immediate range, you gain an action to attack the creature as a parting blow, even if you have already taken a turn in the round. Enabler.

Reload (2 Speed points): You can reload and fire (or fire and reload) in the same action. Enabler.

Resilience: You have +1 to Armor against any kind of physical damage, even damage that normally ignores Armor. Enabler.

Skill With Attacks: Choose one type of attack in which you are not already trained: light bashing, light bladed, light ranged, medium bashing, medium bladed, medium ranged, heavy bashing, heavy bladed, or heavy ranged. You are trained in attacks using that type of weapon. You can select this ability multiple times. Each time you select it, you must choose a different type of attack. Enabler.

Skill With Defense: Choose one type of defense task in which you are not already trained: Might, Speed, or Intellect. You are trained in defense tasks of that type. You can select this ability up to three times. Each time you select it, you must choose a different type of defense task. Enabler.

Wreck: Using two hands, you wield a weapon or a tool with a powerful swing. (If fighting unarmed, this attack is made with both fists or both feet together.) When using this as an attack, you take a –1 penalty to the attack roll, and you inflict 3 additional points of damage. When attempting to damage an object or barrier, you are trained in the task. Action.

Third-Tier Street Samurai

Choose three of the abilities described below (or from a lower tier) to add to your repertoire. In addition, you can replace one of your lower-tier abilities with a different one from a lower tier.

Deadly Aim (3 Speed points): For the next minute, all ranged attacks you make inflict 2 additional points of damage. Action to initiate.

Experienced With Armor: The cost reduction from your Practiced in Armor ability improves. You now reduce the Speed cost for wearing armor by 2. Enabler.

Fury (3 Might points): For the next minute, all melee attacks you make inflict 2 additional points of damage. Action to initiate.

Ignore the Pain: You do not feel the detrimental effects of being impaired on the damage track, and when you are debilitated, you ignore those effects and experience the effects normally associated with being impaired instead. (Dead is still dead.) Enabler.

Lunge (2 Might points): This ability requires you to extend yourself for a powerful stab or smash. The awkward lunge increases the difficulty of the attack roll by one step. If your attack is successful, it inflicts 4 additional points of damage. Action.

Seize the Moment (4+ Speed points): If you succeed on a Speed defense roll to resist an attack, you gain an action. You can use the action immediately even if you have already taken a turn in the round. You don’t take an action during the next round, unless you apply a level of Effort when you use Seize the Moment. Enabler.

Slice (2 Speed points): This is a quick attack with a bladed or pointed weapon that is hard to defend against. The difficulty of the attack roll is decreased by one step. If the attack is successful, it deals 1 less point of damage than normal. Action.

Snipe (2 Speed points): If you spend one action aiming, in the next round you can make a precise ranged attack. The difficulty of the attack roll is decreased by one step. If your attack is successful, it inflicts 4 additional points of damage. Action.

Trick Shot (2 Speed points): As part of the same action, you make a ranged attack against two targets that are within immediate range of each other. Make a separate attack roll against each target. The difficulty of each attack roll is increased by one step. Action.

Unload (3 Speed points): You let loose with an automatic ranged weapon. For this attack you may fire at up to three targets (all targets must be within immediate range of each other). Each attack is at a higher difficulty than the last. After this attack, you cannot use the weapon that made the attack again unless you use an action to reload it. Action.

Fourth-Tier Street Samurai

Choose three of the abilities described below (or from a lower tier) to add to your repertoire. In addition, you can replace one of your lower-tier abilities with a different one from a lower tier.

Capable Warrior: Your attacks deal 1 additional point of damage. Enabler.

Experienced Defender: When wearing armor, you gain +1 to Armor. Enabler.

Feint (2 Speed points): If you spend one action creating a misdirection or diversion, in the next round you can take advantage of your opponent’s lowered defenses. Make a melee attack roll against that opponent. The difficulty of the roll is decreased by one step. If your attack is successful, it inflicts 4 additional points of damage. Action.

Magnificent Moment: If you make an attack or attempt a task with the immediate action you gain by using Seize the Moment, the difficulty is reduced by one step. Enabler.

Minor to Major: You treat rolls of natural 19 as rolls of natural 20 for Might attack rolls or Speed attack rolls (your choice when you gain this ability). This allows you to gain a major effect on a natural 19 or 20. Enabler.

Momentum: If you use an action to move, your next attack made using a melee weapon before the end of the next round inflicts 2 additional points of damage. Enabler.

Opening Gambit (4 Might points): Your melee attack shreds the defenses of a target. Any energy-based defenses it has (such as a force field or mental ward) are negated for 1d6 + 1 rounds. If the target has no energy-based defenses, its Armor is reduced by 2 for one minute. If it has no energy-based defenses or Armor, the difficulty of all attacks made against the target is lowered by one step for one minute. Action.

Tough As Nails: When you are impaired or debilitated on the damage track, the difficulty of Might-based tasks and defense rolls you attempt is decreased by one step. If you also have Ignore the Pain, make a difficulty 1 Might defense roll when you reach 0 points in all three of your Pools to immediately regain 1 Might point and avoid dying. Each time you attempt to save yourself with this ability before your next ten-hour recovery roll, the difficulty increases by one step. Enabler.

Fifth-Tier Street Samurai

Choose two of the abilities described below (or from a lower tier) to add to your repertoire. In addition, you can replace one of your lower-tier abilities with a different one from a lower tier.

Greater Skill With Attacks: Choose one type of attack, even one in which you are already trained: light bashing, light bladed, light ranged, medium bashing, medium bladed, medium ranged, heavy bashing, heavy bladed, or heavy ranged. You are trained in attacks using that type of weapon. If you’re already trained in that type of attack, you instead are specialized in that type of attack. Enabler.

Improved Success: When you roll a 17 or higher on an attack roll that deals damage, you deal 1 additional point of damage. For instance, if you roll a natural 18, which normally deals 2 extra points of damage, you deal 3 extra points instead. If you roll a natural 20 and choose to deal damage instead of achieve a special major effect, you deal 5 extra points of damage. Enabler.

Jump Attack (5 Might points): You attempt a difficulty 4 Might action to jump high into the air as part of your melee attack. If you succeed, your attack inflicts 3 additional points of damage and knocks the foe down. If you fail, you still make your normal attack roll, but you don’t inflict the extra damage or knock down the opponent if you hit. Action.

Mastery With Armor: The cost reduction from your Practiced in Armor ability improves. When you wear any armor, you reduce the armor’s Speed cost to 0. If you select this ability and you already have the Experienced With Armor ability, replace Experienced With Armor with a different third-tier ability because Mastery With Armor is better. Enabler.

Mastery With Defense: Choose one type of defense task in which you are trained: Might, Speed, or Intellect. You are specialized in defense tasks of that type. You can select this ability up to three times. Each time you select it, you must choose a different type of defense task. Enabler.

Parry (5 Speed points): You can deflect incoming attacks quickly. For the next ten rounds, the difficulty of all Speed defense rolls is reduced by one step. Enabler.

Vigilant (5 Might points): When you would normally be dazed or stunned, you are not dazed or stunned. Enabler.

Sixth-Tier Street Samurai

Choose two of the abilities described below (or from a lower tier) to add to your repertoire. In addition, you can replace one of your lower-tier abilities with a different one from a lower tier.

Finishing Blow (5 Might points): If your foe is prone, stunned, or somehow helpless or incapacitated when you strike, you inflict 8 additional points of damage on a successful hit. Enabler.

Shooting Gallery (5 Speed points): You stand still and make ranged attacks against up to five foes within range, all as part of the same action in one round. Make a separate attack roll for each foe. You remain limited by the amount of Effort you can apply on one action. Anything that modifies your attack or damage applies to all of these attacks. Action.

Slayer (3 Might points): When you successfully strike a foe of level 5 or lower, make another roll (using whichever stat you used to attack). If you succeed on the second roll, you kill the target outright. If you use this ability against a PC of any tier and you succeed on the second roll, the character moves down one step on the damage track. Enabler.

Spin Attack (5 Speed points): You stand still and make melee attacks against up to five foes within reach, all as part of the same action in one round. Make a separate attack roll for each foe. You remain limited by the amount of Effort you can apply on one action. Anything that modifies your attack or damage applies to all of these attacks. Action.

Weapon and Body (5 Speed points): After making a melee weapon or ranged weapon attack, you follow up with a punch or kick as an additional attack, all as part of the same action in one round. The two attacks can be directed at different foes. Make a separate attack roll for each attack. You remain limited by the amount of Effort you can apply on one action. Anything that modifies your attack or damage applies to both attacks, unless it is tied specifically to your weapon. Action


Mage Stat Pools

Stat Pool Starting Value
Might 7
Speed 8
Wisdom 11

You get 6 additional points to divide among your stat Pools however you wish.

First-Tier Mage

First-tier Mages have the following abilities:

Effort: Your Effort is 1.

Cybernetics Limit: You have a Cybernetics Limit of 1.

Physical Nature: You have an Intellect Edge of 1, a Might Edge of 0, and a Speed Edge of 0.

Starting Equipment: Appropriate clothing, plus two expensive items, two moderately priced items, and up to four inexpensive items of your choice.

Special Abilities: Choose five of the abilities described below. You can’t choose the same ability more than once unless its description says otherwise.

Astral Sense: You can sense the presence of astral beings (such as ghosts) and magic. You can attempt an Intellect task in order to learn more about what you sense, or to try and communicate with an astral being. The difficulty is based on the level of the magic or being. Beings that actively want to communicate with you are easier to communicate with, and ones that do not want to communicate are harder to communicate with. Enabler.

Closed Mind: You are trained in Intellect defense tasks and have +2 to Armor against damage that selectively targets your Intellect Pool (which normally ignores Armor). Enabler.

Disrupt (2 Intellect points): You use your magic to disrupt a small (no larger than one square foot) electronic device. The device does not function for 1d6 rounds, and cannot be repaired until that time has passed. After that time has passed it immediately starts working again. This cannot be used on electronic devices attached to a person, such as cybernetics. Action

Distortion (2 Intellect points): You modify how a willing creature within short range reflects light for one minute. The target rapidly shifts between its normal appearance and a blot of darkness. The target has an asset on Speed defense rolls until the effect wears off. Action to initiate.

Entangling Force (1+ Intellect point): A target within short range is subject to a snare constructed of semi-tangible lines of force for one minute. The force snare is a level 2 construct. A target caught in the force snare cannot move from its position, but it can attack and defend normally. The target can also spend its action attempting to break free. You can increase the level of the force snare by 1 per level of Effort applied. Action to initiate

Erase Memories (3 Intellect points): You reach into the mind of a creature within immediate range and make an Intellect roll. On a success, you erase up to the last five minutes of its memory. Action.

Far Step (2 Intellect points): You leap through the air and land some distance away. You can jump up, down, or across to anywhere you choose within long range if you have a clear and unobstructed path to that location. You land safely. Action.

Hedge Magic (1 Intellect point): You can perform small tricks: temporarily change the color or basic appearance of a small object, cause small objects to float through the air, clean a small area, mend a broken object, prepare (but not create) food, and so on. You can’t use hedge magic to harm another creature or object. Action.

Magic Training: You are trained in the basics of magic and can attempt to understand and identify its properties. Enabler.

Magic Weapon: (1 Intellect Points): You form a light or medium (your choice) melee weapon out of energy. This weapon lasts for 5 minutes and can only be used by you. On a roll of 1, in addition to the GM getting a free intrusion, this weapon disappears. Action to Initiate.

Mental Link (1+ Intellect point): You open a pathway to another creature’s mind via a light touch, which allows you to transmit thoughts and images to each other. The mental link remains regardless of distance and lasts for one hour. Instead of applying Effort to decrease the difficulty of this ability, you can extend the duration by one hour for each level of Effort applied. Action to initiate

Onslaught (1 Intellect point): You attack a foe within short range using energies that assail either his physical form or his mind. In either case, you must be able to see your target. If the attack is physical, you emit a force blast: a ray of force that inflicts 4 points of damage. If the attack is mental, you focus your mental energy into a mindslice that disrupts the creature’s thought processes, inflicting 2 points of Intellect damage (ignores Armor). Some creatures without minds (such as robots) might be immune to a mindslice. Action.

Practiced With Light Weapons: You can use light weapons without penalty. If you wield a medium weapon, increase the difficulty of the attack by one step. If you wield a heavy weapon, increase it by two steps. You also start with one light weapon of your choice. Enabler.

Premonition (2 Intellect points): You learn one random fact about a creature or location that is pertinent to a topic you designate. Alternatively, you can choose to learn a creature’s level; however, if you do so, you cannot learn anything else about it later with this ability. Action.

Push (2 Intellect points): You push a creature or object an immediate distance in any direction you wish. You must be able to see the target, which must be your size or smaller, must not be affixed to anything, and must be within short range. The push is quick, and the force is too crude to be manipulated. For example, you can’t use this to pull a lever or close a door. Action

Resonance Field (1 Intellect point): Faint lines in a color you choose form a tracery over your entire body and emit faint light. The effect lasts for one minute. Whenever a creature within immediate range makes an attack against you, the pattern energizes to block the attack. You can make an Intellect defense roll in place of the defense roll you would normally make. If you do so and you get a minor effect, the creature attacking you takes 1 point of damage. If you get a major effect, the creature attacking you takes 4 points of damage. Action to initiate.

Scan (2 Intellect points): You scan an area equal in size to a 10-foot (3 m) cube, including all objects or creatures within that area. The area must be within short range. Scanning a creature or object always reveals its level (a measure of how powerful, dangerous, or difficult it is). You also learn whatever facts the GM feels are pertinent about the matter and energy in that area. For example, you might learn that the wooden box contains a device of metal and synth. You might learn that the glass cylinder is full of poisonous gas, and that its metal stand has an electrical field running through it that connects to a metal mesh in the floor. You might learn that the creature standing before you is a mammal with a small brain. However, this ability doesn’t tell you what the information means. Thus, in the first example, you don’t know what the metal and synth device does. In the second, you don’t know if stepping on the floor causes the cylinder to release the gas. In the third, you might suspect that the creature is not very intelligent, but scans, like looks, can be deceiving. Many materials and energy fields prevent or resist scanning. Action.

Sculpt Flesh (2 Intellect points): You cause a willing creature’s fingers to lengthen into claws and her teeth to grow into fangs. The effect lasts for ten minutes. The damage dealt by the target’s unarmed strikes increases to 4 points. Action.

Shatter (2 Intellect points): You interrupt the fundamental force holding normal matter together for a moment, causing the detonation of an object you choose within long range. The object must be a small, mundane item composed of homogeneous matter (such as a clay cup, an iron ingot, a stone, and so on). The object explodes in an immediate radius, dealing 1 point of damage to all creatures and objects in the area. Because this is an area attack, adding Effort to increase your damage works differently than it does for single-target attacks: for each level of Effort applied in this way, the explosion deals 2 additional points of damage to each target, and even if you fail your attack roll, all targets in the area still take 1 point of damage. Action.

Ward: You have a shield of energy around you at all times that helps deflect attacks. You gain +1 to Armor. Enabler.

Second-Tier Mage

Choose four of the abilities described below (or from a lower tier) to add to your repertoire. In addition, you can replace one of your lower-tier abilities with a different one from a lower tier

Adaptation (2+ Intellect points): You adapt to a hostile environment for twenty-four hours. As a result, you can breathe safely, the temperature doesn’t kill you (though it might be extremely uncomfortable or debilitating), crushing gravity doesn’t incapacitate or harm you (though, again, you might be seriously hindered), and so on. In extreme environments, the GM might increase the cost of activating this ability to a maximum cost of 10 Intellect points. Roughly speaking, the cost should equal the amount of damage you would sustain in a given round. For example, if you enter a hostile environment that would normally deal 6 points of damage per round, using Adaptation to avoid that damage costs 6 points. You can protect other creatures in addition to yourself, but each additional creature costs the same number of Intellect points as it costs to protect you. Thus, if it costs 6 points to protect yourself, it costs 12 more to protect two other people. This ability never protects against quick, instantaneous threats, like an attack with a weapon or a sudden explosion of fire. Action to initiate.

Cutting Light (2 Intellect points): You emit a thin beam of energized light from your hand. This inflicts 5 points of damage to a single foe in immediate range. The beam is even more effective against immobile, nonliving targets, slicing up to 1 foot (30cm) of any material that is level 6 or lower. The material can be up to 1 foot thick. Action.

Flash (4 Intellect points): You create an explosion of energy at a point within close range, affecting an area up to immediate range from that point. You must be able to see the location where you intend to center the explosion. The blast inflicts 2 points of damage to all creatures or objects within the area. Because this is an area attack, adding Effort to increase your damage works differently than it does for single-target attacks: for each level of Effort applied in this way, the explosion deals 2 additional points of damage to each target, and even if you fail your attack roll, all targets in the area still take 1 point of damage. Action.

Fetch (3 Intellect points): You cause an object to disappear and reappear in your hands or somewhere else nearby. Choose one object that can fit inside a 5-foot (2 m) cube and that you can see within long range. The object vanishes and appears in your hands or in an open space anywhere you choose within immediate range. Action.

Force Field (3 Intellect points): You create an invisible energy barrier around a creature or object you choose within short range. The force field moves with the creature or object and lasts for ten minutes. The target has +1 to Armor until the effect ends. Action.

Hover (2 Intellect points): You float slowly into the air. If you concentrate, you can control your movement to remain motionless in the air or float up to a short distance as your action; otherwise, you drift with the wind or with any momentum you have gained. This effect lasts for up to ten minutes. Action to initiate. Mind Reading (4 Intellect points): You can read the surface thoughts of a creature within short range, even if the target doesn’t want you to. You must be able to see the target. Once you have established contact, you can read the target’s thoughts for up to one minute. If you or the target move out of range, the connection is broken. Action to initiate.

Repair Flesh (3 Intellect points): When you touch an impaired or debilitated character, you can move him up one step on the damage track (for example, a debilitated PC becomes impaired, and an impaired one becomes hale). Alternatively, if you use this ability on a PC during a rest, you grant him a +2 bonus to his recovery roll. Action.

Retrieve Memories (3 Intellect points): You touch the remains of a recently killed creature and make an Intellect-based roll to restore its mind to life long enough to learn information from it. The GM sets the difficulty based on the amount of time that has passed since the creature died. A creature that has been dead for only a few minutes is a difficulty 2 task, one that has been dead for an hour is a difficulty 4 task, and one that has been dead for a few days is a difficulty 9 task. If you succeed, you awaken the corpse, causing its head to animate and perceive things as if it were alive. This enables communication for about one minute, which is how long it takes for the creature to realize that it’s dead. The creature is limited to what it knew in life, though it cannot recall minor memories, only big events of importance to it. When the effect ends, or if you fail the roll, the creature’s brain dissolves to mush and cannot be awakened again. Action.

Reveal (2+ Intellect points): You adjust a creature’s eyesight so that it can see normally in areas of dim light and darkness. You can affect one willing creature within immediate range for one hour. Instead of applying Effort to decrease the difficulty, you can use it to affect more targets; each level of Effort applied affects two additional targets. You must touch additional targets to affect them. Action to initiate.

Stasis (3 Intellect points): You surround a foe of your size or smaller with scintillating energy, keeping it from moving or acting for one minute, as if frozen solid. You must be able to see the target, and it must be within short range. While in stasis, the target is impervious to harm, cannot be moved, and is immune to all effects. Action.

Third-Tier Mage

Choose three of the abilities described below (or from a lower tier) to add to your repertoire. In addition, you can replace one of your lower-tier abilities with a different one from a lower tier.

Barrier (3+ Intellect points): You create an opaque, stationary barrier of solid energy within immediate range. The barrier is 10 feet by 10 feet (3 m by 3 m) and of negligible thickness. It is a level 2 barrier and lasts for ten minutes. It can be placed anywhere it fits, whether against a solid object (including the ground) or floating in the air. Each level of Effort you apply strengthens the barrier by one level. For example, applying two levels of Effort creates a level 4 barrier. Action.

Countermeasures (4 Intellect points): You immediately end one ongoing magical effect within immediate range. Alternatively, you can use this as a defense action to cancel any incoming magical ability targeted at you, or you can cancel any magic device or the effect of any magic device for 1d6 rounds. You must touch the effect or device to cancel it. Action.

Distance Viewing (5 Intellect points): An observer with the ability to revise reality knows that space and distance are illusions. You concentrate to create an invisible, immobile sensor at a location you have previously visited or viewed (at the GM’s discretion, you may have to succeed at an Intellect task if the location is warded). The sensor lasts for one hour. Once it is created, you can concentrate to see, hear, and smell through the sensor. It doesn’t grant you sensory capabilities beyond the norm. Action to create; action to check.

Energy Protection (3+ Intellect points): Choose a discrete type of energy that you have experience with (such as heat, sonic, electricity, and so on). You gain +10 to Armor against damage from that type of energy for ten minutes. Alternatively, you gain +1 to Armor against damage from that energy for twenty-four hours. You must be familiar with the type of energy; for example, if you have no experience with a certain kind of extradimensional energy, you can’t protect against it. Instead of applying Effort to decrease the difficulty of this ability, you can use it to protect more targets; each level of Effort applied affects up to two additional targets. You must touch additional targets to protect them. Action to initiate.

Fire and Ice (4 Intellect points): You cause a target within short range to become either very hot or very cold (your choice). The target suffers 3 points of ambient damage (ignores Armor) each round for up to three rounds, although a new roll is required each round to continue to affect the target. Action to initiate.

Fling (4 Intellect points): You violently launch a creature or object about your size or smaller within short range and send it flying a short distance in any direction. This is an Intellect attack that inflicts 4 points of damage to the object being flung when it lands or strikes a barrier. If you aim the primary target at another creature or object (and succeed on a second attack), the secondary target also takes 4 points of damage. Action.

Force at Distance (4+ Intellect points): You temporarily bend the fundamental law of gravity around a creature or object (up to twice your mass) within short range. The target is caught in your telekinetic grip, and you can move it up to a short distance in any direction each round that you retain your hold. A creature in your grip can take actions, but it can’t move under its own power. Each round after the initial attack, you can attempt to keep your grip on the target by spending 2 additional Intellect points and succeeding at a difficulty 2 Intellect task. If your concentration lapses, the target drops back to the ground. Instead of applying Effort to decrease the difficulty, you can apply Effort to increase the amount of mass you can affect. Each level allows you to affect a creature or object twice as massive as before. For example, applying one level of Effort would affect a creature four times as massive as you, two levels would affect a creature eight times as massive, three levels would affect a creature sixteen times as massive, and so on. Action to initiate.

Sensor (4 Intellect points): You create an immobile, invisible sensor within immediate range that lasts for twenty-four hours. At any time during that duration, you can concentrate to see, hear, and smell through the sensor, no matter how far you move from it. The sensor doesn’t grant you sensory capabilities beyond the norm. Action to create; action to check.

Targeting Eye: You are trained in any physical ranged attack that is a special ability. For example, you are trained when using an Onslaught force blast because it’s a physical attack, but not when using an Onslaught mindslice because it’s a mental attack. Enabler.

Fourth-Tier Mage

Choose three of the abilities described below (or from a lower tier) to add to your repertoire. In addition, you can replace one of your lower-tier abilities with a different one from a lower tier.

Exile (5 Intellect points): You send a target that you touch hurtling into another random dimension or universe, where it remains for ten minutes. You have no idea what happens to the target while it’s gone, but at the end of ten minutes, it returns to the precise spot it left. Action.

Ignition (4 Intellect points): You designate a creature or flammable object you can see within short range to catch fire. This is an Intellect attack. The target takes 6 points of ambient damage per round until the flames are extinguished, which a creature can do by dousing itself in water, rolling on the ground, or smothering the flames. Usually, putting out the flames takes an action. Action to initiate.

Invisibility (4 Intellect points): You become invisible for ten minutes. While invisible, you are specialized in stealth and Speed defense tasks. This effect ends if you do something to reveal your presence or position—attacking, using an ability, moving a large object, and so on. If this occurs, you can regain the remaining invisibility effect by taking an action to focus on hiding your position. Action to initiate or reinitiate.

Matter Cloud (5 Intellect points): Pebbles, dirt, sand, and debris rise into the air around you to form a swirling cloud. The cloud extends out to immediate range, moves with you, and lasts for one minute. When it ends, all the materials fall to the ground around you. The cloud makes it harder for other creatures to attack you, giving you an asset on Speed defense rolls. In addition, while the cloud is around you, you can use an action to whip the material so that it abrades everything within immediate range, dealing 1 point of damage to each creature and object in the area. Action to initiate.

Mind Control (6+ Intellect points): You control the actions of another creature you touch. This effect lasts for ten minutes. The target must be level 2 or lower. Once you have established control, you maintain mental contact with the target and sense what it senses. You can allow it to act freely or override its control on a case-by- case basis. Instead of applying Effort to decrease the difficulty, you can apply Effort to increase the maximum level of the target. Thus, to control the mind of a level 5 target (three levels above the normal limit), you must apply three levels of Effort. Smart adepts use the Scan ability on a creature to learn its level before trying to control its mind. When the effect ends, the creature doesn’t remember being controlled or anything it did while under your command. Action to initiate.

Projection (4 Intellect points): You project an image of yourself to any location you have seen or previously visited. Distance does not matter as long as the location is on the same world as you. The projection copies your appearance, movements, and any sounds you make for the next ten minutes. Anyone present at the location can see and hear you as if you were there. However, you do not perceive through your projection. Action to initiate.

Pry Open (4 Intellect points): You tear apart the defenses of a creature within long range. Any energy-based defenses it has (such as a force field or a Ward ability) are negated for 1d6 + 1 rounds. If the creature has no energy defenses, its Armor is reduced by 2 for one minute. If it has no energy-based defenses or Armor, the difficulty of all attacks made against the creature is modified by one step to its detriment for one minute. Action.

Rapid Processing (6 Intellect points): You or a target you touch experiences a higher level of mental and physical reaction time for about a minute. During that period, the difficulty of all Speed tasks (including Speed defense rolls) is reduced by one step. In addition, the target can take one extra action at any time before the ability’s duration expires. Action.

Regeneration (6 Intellect points): You restore points to a target’s Might Pool or Speed Pool in one of two ways: either the chosen Pool regains up to 6 points, or it is restored to a total value of 12. You make this decision when you initiate this ability. Points are restored at a rate of 1 point each round. You must maintain contact with the target the whole time. In no case can this ability raise a Pool higher than its normal maximum. Action.

Reshape (5 Intellect points): You reshape matter within short range in an area no larger than a 5-foot (1 m) cube. If you spend only one action on this ability, the changes you make are crude at best. If you spend at least ten minutes and succeed at an appropriate crafting task (with a difficulty at least one step higher than normal, due to the circumstances), you can make complex changes to the material. You can’t change the nature of the material, only its shape. Thus, you can make a hole in a wall or floor, or you can seal one up. You can fashion a rudimentary sword from a large piece of iron. You can break or repair a chain. With multiple uses of this ability, you could bring about large changes, making a bridge, a wall, or a similar structure. Action.

Slay (6 Intellect points): You gather disrupting energy in your fingertip and touch a creature. If the target is an NPC or a creature of level 3 or lower, it dies. If the target is a PC of any tier, he moves down one step on the damage track. Action.

Wormhole (6 Intellect points): You create a doorway through time and space. The shortcut manifests as a hole in reality large enough to accommodate you and creatures of your size or smaller. One side of the doorway appears anywhere within immediate range, and the other side opens at a spot you choose anywhere within long range. Any character or object moving into one side exits from the other. The door remains open for one minute or until you use an action to close it. Action to initiate.

Fifth-Tier Mage

Choose two of the abilities described below (or from a lower tier) to add to your repertoire. In addition, you can replace one of your lower-tier abilities with a different one from a lower tier.

Absorb Energy (7 Intellect points): You touch an object and absorb its energy, if any. If you touch a powered machine or device, the GM determines whether its power is fully drained. In any case, you absorb energy from the object touched and regain 1d10 Intellect points. If this would give you more Intellect than your Pool’s maximum, the extra points are lost, and you must make a Might defense roll with a difficulty equal to the number of extra points you absorbed. If you fail the roll, you take 5 points of damage and are unable to act for one round. You can use this ability as a defense action when you’re the target of an incoming energy-based attack. Doing so cancels the incoming attack, and you absorb the energy as if it were a device. Action.

*Concussion (7 Intellect points): You cause a pulse of concussive force to explode out from a point you choose within long range. The pulse extends up to short range in all directions, dealing 5 points of damage to everything in the area. Even if you fail the attack roll, targets in the area take 1 point of damage. Action.

Conjuration (7 Intellect points): You produce, as if from thin air, a level 5 creature of a kind you have previously encountered. The creature remains for one minute and then returns home. While present, the creature acts as you direct, but this requires no action on your part. Action.

Create (7 Intellect points): You create something from nothing. You can create any item you choose that would ordinarily have a difficulty of 5 or lower (using the crafting rules). Once created, the item lasts for a number of hours equal to 6 minus the difficulty to create it. Thus, if you create a motorbike (difficulty 5), it would last for one hour. Action.

Divide Your Mind (7 Intellect points): You split your consciousness into two parts. For one minute, you can take two actions on each of your turns, but only one of them can be to use a special ability. Action.

Dust to Dust (7 Intellect points): With a touch, you disintegrate one nonliving object that is smaller than you, that is not physcially attached to something living (like cybernetics) and whose level is less than or equal to your tier. If the GM feels it appropriate to the circumstances, you can disintegrate a portion of an object (the total volume of which is smaller than you) rather than the entire thing. Action.

Fast Travel (7 Intellect points): You warp time and space so that you and up to ten other creatures within immediate distance travel overland at ten times the normal rate for up to eight hours. At this speed, most dangerous encounters or regions of rough terrain are ignored, though the GM may declare exceptions. Outright barriers still present a problem. Action to initiate.

Knowing the Unknown (6 Intellect points): Tapping into a source of information beyond yourself, you can ask the GM one question and get a general answer. The GM assigns a level to the question, so the more obscure the answer, the more difficult the task. Generally, knowledge that you could find by looking somewhere other than your current location is level 1, and obscure knowledge of the past is level 7. Gaining knowledge of the future is impossible. Action.

Teleportation (6+ Intellect points): You instantaneously transmit yourself to any location that you have seen or been to, no matter the distance, as long as it is on the same world as you. Instead of applying Effort to decrease the difficulty, you can apply Effort to bring other people with you; each level of Effort affects up to three additional targets. You must touch additional targets to teleport them. Action.

True Senses: You can see in complete darkness up to 50 feet (15 m) as if it were dim light. You recognize holograms, disguises, optical illusions, sound mimicry, and other such tricks (for all senses) for what they are. Enabler.

Sixth-Tier Mage

Choose two of the abilities described below (or from a lower tier) to add to your repertoire. In addition, you can replace one of your lower-tier abilities with a different one from a lower tier.

Black Out (10 Intellect points): You disrupt the grid, shutting off all electronic devices in a five mile radius around you. All devices remain off until reset. Small, simple devices can be turned back on as soon as their owner realizes what's happening. Large devices, like cars, may take a few minutes. Massive systems like power grids can take anywhere from a few hours to days depending on how long it takes them to get personnel on site to fix the issue. This ability cannot be targeted, and will shut donw any electronics you are wearing, as well as any your nearby allies are wearing. Most cybernetics will reset immediately. Action.

Control Weather (10 Intellect points): You change the weather in your general region. If performed indoors, this creates minor effects, such as mist, mild temperature changes, and so on. If performed outside, you can create rain, fog, snow, wind, acid rain, or any other kind of normal (not overly severe) weather. The change lasts for a natural length of time, so a storm might last for an hour, fog for two or three hours, and snow for a few hours (or for ten minutes if it’s out of season). For the first ten minutes after activating this ability, you can create more dramatic and specific effects, such as lightning strikes, giant hailstones, twisters, hurricane-force winds, and so on. These effects must occur within 1,000 feet (305 m) of your location. You must spend your turn concentrating to create an effect or to maintain it in a new round. These effects inflict 6 points of damage each round. Action.

Earthquake (10 Intellect points): You trigger an earthquake centered on a spot you can see within 1,000 feet (305 m). The ground within 250 feet (76 m) of that spot heaves and shakes for five minutes, causing widespread damage to structures and terrain in the area. Buildings made of wood, stone, or brick collapse; walls topple; cliffs crumble; ceilings cave in; some areas of ground rise up; and other areas sink. Creatures inside collapsed buildings or beneath a crumbling cliff or falling wall are subject to a crush (3 points of damage) or a huge crush (6 points of damage) and may have to dig themselves free, as the GM decides. Furthermore, the force of the quake is sufficient to knock creatures to the ground and prevent them from standing until the shaking stops. Action to initiate.

Move Mountains (9 Intellect points): You exert a tremendous amount of physical force within 250 feet (76 m) of you. You can push up to 10 tons (9 t) of material up to 50 feet (15 m). This force can collapse buildings, redirect small rivers, or perform other dramatic effects. Action.

Traverse the Worlds (8+ Intellect points): You instantaneously transmit yourself to another planet, dimension, plane, or level of reality. You must know that the destination exists; the GM will decide if you have enough information to confirm its existence and what level of difficulty is required to reach it. Instead of applying Effort to decrease the difficulty, you can apply Effort to bring other people with you; each level of Effort affects up to three additional targets. You must touch additional targets to transmit them. Action.


Techie Stat Pools

Stat Pool Starting Value
Might 8
Speed 8
Wisdom 10

You get 6 additional points to divide among your stat Pools however you wish.

First-Tier Techie

First-tier Techies have the following abilities:

Effort: Your Effort is 1.

Cybernetics Limit: You have a Cybernetics Limit of 4.

Physical Nature: You have an Intellect Edge of 1, a Might Edge of 0, and a Speed Edge of 0.

Practiced With Light Weapons: You can use light weapons without penalty. If you wield a medium weapon, increase the difficulty of the attack by one step. If you wield a heavy weapon, increase it by two steps. You also start with one light weapon of your choice. Enabler.

Starting Equipment: Appropriate clothing and a light weapon of your choice, plus two expensive items, two moderately priced items, and up to four inexpensive items

Special Abilities: Choose four of the abilities described below. You can’t choose the same ability more than once unless its description says otherwise.

Crack-Shot (1 Speed point): This is a well- aimed ranged attack. You make an attack and inflict 1 additional point of damage. Action.

Datajack (1 Intellect point): With access to the Matrix , you jack in and learn a bit more about something you can see. You get an asset on a task involving that person or object. Action.

Danger Sense (1 Speed point): The difficulty of your initiative roll is reduced by one step. Enabler.

Extra Edge: In addition to your 1 Edge in Intellect, your physical nature grants you an Edge of 1 in either Speed and Might, your choice.

Hacker (2 Intellect points): You gain quick access to a desired bit of information in a computer or similar device, or you access one of its primary functions. Action.

Knowledge Skills: You are trained in two skills in which you are not already trained. Choose two areas of knowledge such as history, geography, paleontology, archeology, and so on. You can select this ability multiple times. Each time you select it, you must choose two different skills. Enabler.

Machine Interface (2 Intellect points): The difficulty of discerning the level, function, and activation of technological devices that you touch is decreased by one step for one minute. Enabler.

Mind Spike (1 Intellect point): You send a jolt into a robot, android, or someone with their brain hooked into a machine, dealing 3 points of intellect damage. The target must be within short range. Action.

Practiced with Medium Weapons: You can use light and medium weapons without penalty. If you wield a heavy weapon, increase the difficulty of the attack by one step. Enabler.

Rigger: You can directly link your mind to a machine in immediate range to control it. If you have never linked to that particular machine before you require 1 hour to attune it to you. When piloting, driving, or operating any vehicle, drone, or other type of machine in this manner you may make tests with your Intellect instead of your Speed or Might. You may only link with one machine at a time. You may remain linked as long as you are within long range, and you can control the vehicle or drone so long as you are linked to it. However, your body is immobile while you are taking actions with whatever you are linked to. You cannot act simultaneously with yourself and what you are linked to. If the thing you are linked to is destroyed you suffer 5 points of intellect damage. Action to initiate.

Scramble Machine (2 Intellect points): You render one machine within short range unable to function for one round. Alternatively, you can increase the difficulty of any action by the machine (or by someone attempting to use the machine) by one step for one minute. Action.

Spray and Pray (2 Speed points): If you have an automatic ranged weapon you can spray multiple shots around your target to increase the chance of hitting. The difficulty of the attack roll is decreased by one step. If the attack is successful, it deals 1 less point of damage than normal. Action.

Tech Decipher (1 Intellect point): If you spend one minute examining a piece of writing or code in a language you do not understand, you can make an Intellect roll of difficulty 3 (or higher, based on the complexity of the language or code) to get the gist of the message. You can do the same thing when looking at computer code, though based on the complexity the GM may rule that you need to look at it longer to get a basic idea of what it is. Action to initiate.

Tech Skills: You are trained in two skills in which you are not already trained. Choose two of the following: crafting, computers, identifying, machines, piloting, repairing, or vehicle driving. You can select this ability multiple times. Each time you select it, you must choose two different skills. Enabler.

Tinker (1 Intellect point): You make a device do something different from its original purpose. For example, a blaster becomes a bomb. A scanner becomes a signal booster for a radio transmitter. A music player becomes a battery for another device. The effective level of the modified device is 1 lower than normal, and the device is rendered unusable until repaired. Action to initiate.

Second-Tier Techie

Choose three of the abilities described below (or from a lower tier) to add to your repertoire. In addition, you can replace one of your lower-tier abilities with a different one from a lower tier.

Distant Interface (2 Intellect points): You can activate and control a machine at long range as if you were next to it. If you have never interacted with the particular device before, it is treated as 2 levels higher than normal. Action.

Machine Efficiency (3 Intellect points): You can make a blaster shoot farther, coax more speed from a skycycle, improve the clarity of a camera, jury-rig a light to be brighter, speed up a network connection, and so on. You increase an object’s level by 2 for one minute, or you treat the object as an asset that reduces an associated task’s difficulty by two steps for one minute (your choice). Action to initiate.

Overload Machine (3+ Intellect points): You infuse a powered device of level 3 or lower with more energy than it can handle. If affected, the device is destroyed or disabled for at least one minute, depending on its size and complexity. The GM may rule that the disabling effect lasts until the device is repaired. Instead of applying Effort to decrease the difficulty, you can apply Effort to increase the maximum level of the target. Thus, to overload a level 5 device (two levels above the normal limit), you must apply two levels of Effort. Action.

Practiced in Armor: You can wear armor for long periods of time without tiring and can compensate for slowed reactions from wearing armor. You can wear any kind of armor. You reduce the Speed cost for wearing armor by 1. Enabler.

Serv-0: You build a tiny robot assistant. It is level 1 and cannot take independent actions or leave your immediate area. In truth, it’s more an extension of you than a separate being. Any time you use a device outside of combat and the Serv-0 is next to you, it serves as an asset. This benefit doesn’t include repairing, modifying, or building devices, only using them. Enabler.

Serv-0 Defender: Your Serv-0 aids you in combat by blocking attacks. Whenever it is next to you, you get an asset on Speed defense rolls. Enabler.

Serv-0 Repair: Your Serv-0 aids you in repairing other devices. Whenever it is next to you, you get an asset on all repair tasks. Enabler.

Stealth Skills: You are trained in your choice of two of the following skills: disguise, deception, lockpicking, pickpocketing, seeing through deception, sleight of hand, or stealth. You can choose this ability multiple times, but you must select different skills each time. Enabler.

Tool Mastery: When you have an asset from using a tool, the time required to perform the task is cut in half (minimum one round). Enabler.

Trained Without Armor: You are trained in Speed defense actions when not wearing armor. Enabler.

Third-Tier Techie

Choose three of the abilities described below (or from a lower tier) to add to your repertoire. In addition, you can replace one of your lower-tier abilities with a different one from a lower tier.

Advanced Rigger: When attempting actions with a machine you have linked to with the Rigger special ability, lower the difficulty by one.

Driver (3 Speed Points): For ten minutes, the difficulty of all tasks involving operating a vehicle are decreased by one step. Action to Initiate.

Interaction Skills: You are trained in two skills in which you are not already trained. Choose two of the following: deceiving, persuading, public speaking, seeing through deception, intimidating, or bargaining. You can select this ability multiple times. Each time you select it, you must choose two different skills. Enabler.

Matrix Interface (3 Intellect points): You can activate and control any machine connected to the Matrix as if you were next to it. If you have never interacted with the particular device before, it is treated as 4 levels higher than normal. Action

Mechanical Telepathy (3 Intellect points): You scan a robot in short range, letting you know its surface “thoughts.” This tells you the robots basic routine, what it is trying to do right now, and anything else the GM may believe appropriate. Action.

Scanner (2 Intellect points): Using your Cyber-Deck, or some other device, you scan an area equal in size to a 10-foot (3 m) cube, including all objects or creatures within that area. The area must be within short range. Scanning a creature or object always reveals its level (a measure of how powerful, dangerous, or difficult it is). You also learn whatever facts the GM feels are pertinent about the matter and energy in that area. For example, you might learn that the wooden box contains a device of metal and plastic. You might learn that the glass cylinder is full of poisonous gas, and that its metal stand has an electrical field running through it that connects to a metal mesh in the floor. You might learn that the creature standing before you is a mammal with a small brain. However, this ability doesn’t tell you what the information means. Thus, in the first example, you don’t know what the metal and plastic device does. In the second, you don’t know if stepping on the floor causes the cylinder to release the gas. In the third, you might suspect that the creature is not very intelligent, but scans, like looks, can be deceiving. Many materials and energy fields resist or prevent scanning. Action.

Serv-0 Spy (3 Intellect points): You can send your Serv-0 up to a long distance away for up to ten minutes and see and hear through it as though its senses were your own. You direct its movement. Action to initiate.

Sys-Op (3 Intellect points): For the next hour, reduce the difficulty of any task that involves defending against cyber-attacks or malicious hacks by one. Moving or being attacked during this time will cancel this effect. Action to Initiate.

Trial and Error (3 Intellect points): When you repairing a device you may realize how to improve it, rebuilding it in such a way that it cannot be broken the same way again. This only tells you how to improve the device though, it does not automatically improve it. Making the extra improvements may increase the repair difficulty, or require additional components. Enabler.

Vehicle Speak You may form a unique nueral link with one vehicle. You can make basic maneuvers from up to twenty miles away from this vehicle. You can send it to a designated place, call it to you, have it park or land, allow or deny entrance, and so on, even if you are not inside it. Forming this link requires twenty four hours of programming while jacked into the vehicle.

Fourth-Tier Techie

Choose three of the abilities described below (or from a lower tier) to add to your repertoire. In addition, you can replace one of your lower-tier abilities with a different one from a lower tier.

Honey Pot (2 Intellect Points): Whenever you successfully defend against an attempt to hack a system you control, you may reroute the attacker to a bait server. You gain the location of the attacker and rudimentary information about them (for instance, they were using official Azteca corp. gear). If you choose to, you may also have the attacker suffer 4 Intellect damage. Action.

Practiced With All Weapons: You can use any weapon. Enabler.

Robot Fighter: When fighting an automaton or intelligent machine, you are trained in attacks and defense. Enabler.

Serv-0 Aim: Your Serv-0 aids you in combat. Whenever it is next to you, you get an asset on ranged attack rolls. Enabler.

Serv-0 Brawler: Your Serv-0 aids you in combat. Whenever it is next to you, you get an asset on melee attack rolls. Enabler.

Skill With Attacks: Choose one type of attack in which you are not already trained: light bashing, light bladed, light ranged, medium bashing, medium bladed, medium ranged, heavy bashing, heavy bladed, or heavy ranged. You are trained in attacks using that type of weapon. You can select this ability multiple times. Each time you select it, you must choose a different type of attack. Enabler.

Skill With Defense: Choose one type of defense task in which you are not already trained: Might, Speed, or Intellect. You are trained in defense tasks of that type. You can select this ability up to three times. Each time you select it, you must choose a different type of defense task. Enabler.

Social Engineering: You gain access to the personal information of one person within long range, telling you everything about them. You have an asset on all social interactions involving that person, and you may ask the GM one question about them. The information the GM reveals about them will always be relevant or useful. Action.

Fifth-Tier Techie

Choose two of the abilities described below (or from a lower tier) to add to your repertoire. In addition, you can replace one of your lower-tier abilities with a different one from a lower tier.

Angle: You can choose to use your Intellect pool and edge when making a ranged attack. Enabler.

Control Machine (6 Intellect points): You can control the functions of any machine, intelligent or otherwise, within short range. This effect lasts for ten minutes. Action.

DDoS: Using an army of bots you flood a publicly accessible location on the Matrix. This makes any task against that system one step easier and halting any actions that system may have been making or about to make. This effect lasts for 1 hour. Enabler.

Jury-Rig (5 Intellect points): You quickly create an object using what would seem to be entirely inappropriate materials. You can make a bomb out of a tin can and household cleaners, a lockpick out of aluminum foil, or a sword out of broken furniture. The level of the item determines the difficulty of the task, but the appropriateness of the materials modifies it as well. Generally, the object can be no larger than something you can hold in one hand, and it functions once (or, in the case of a weapon or similar item, is essentially useful for one encounter). If you spend at least ten minutes on the task, you can create an item of level 5 or lower. You can’t change the nature of the materials involved. For example, you can’t take iron rods and make a pile of gold coins or a wicker basket. Action.

Machine Companion: You create a level 3 animate, intelligent machine that accompanies you and acts as you direct. If the machine is destroyed, it takes you one month to create a new one. Enabler.

Over-Clock (5 Intellect Points): You supercharge any cybernetics you have equipped on you. For the next five minutes lower the difficulty of any task that involves any cybernetics you have equipped on you by two steps. Afterwards, you may not use any abilities or bonuses granted by those cybernetics until after you rest. Action to Initiate.

Virus (7 Intellect Points): You use the Distant Interface or Hacker special ability on all machines within long range that are level 3 or lower. You make one roll for all machines. Anything you could normally do with Distant Interface or Hacker you may do with all of the machines as a single action; however, for anything beyond a simple action (such as seeing if they have a certain bit of data, or making them do a single action) the GM may rule that it requires a separate action. Action.

Sixth-Tier Techie

Choose two of the abilities described below (or from a lower tier) to add to your repertoire. In addition, you can replace one of your lower-tier abilities with a different one from a lower tier.

Avatar : You no longer have a penalty when using the Matrix Interface or Distant Interface special abilities on devices you have never interacted with. Enabler.

Delete (10 Intellect): You completely erase all information, of your choice, on a machine in immediate range. The information or data is not only erased from the system you have access to, but from every system connected to the net. It cannot be recovered by anyone. Action

Information Gathering (6 Intellect points): You send an inquiry pinging off any or all machines within 1 mile (2 km). You can ask one basic question about themselves or anything happening near them and receive a simple answer. For example, while in an area with many machines, you could ask “Where is the ravage bear?” and if the creature is within a mile of you, one or more machines will probably provide the answer. Action.

Master Machine (8 Intellect points): You can control the functions of any machine, intelligent or otherwise. If you spend an action to concentrate on a machine, you are aware of what is going on around it (you see and hear as if you were standing next to it, no matter how far away you are). You must touch the machine to create the bond, but afterward, there is no range limitation. This effect lasts for one week. You can master only one machine at a time. Action to initiate.


Face Stat Pools

Stat Pool Starting Value
Might 8
Speed 8
Wisdom 10

You get 6 additional points to divide among your stat Pools however you wish.

First-Tier Face

First-tier Faces have the following abilities:

Effort: Your Effort is 1.

Cybernetics Limit: You have a Cybernetics Limit of 3.

Physical Nature: You have an Intellect Edge of 1, a Might Edge of 0, and a Speed Edge of 0.

Practiced With Light Weapons: You can use light weapons without penalty. If you wield a medium weapon, increase the difficulty of the attack by one step. If you wield a heavy weapon, increase it by two steps. You also start with one light weapon of your choice. Enabler.

Starting Equipment: Appropriate clothing and a light weapon of your choice, plus two expensive items, two moderately priced items, and up to four inexpensive items.

Special Abilities: Choose four of the abilities described below. You can’t choose the same ability more than once unless its description says otherwise

Aggression (2 Intellect points): Your words twist the mind of a character within short range who is able to understand you, unlocking her more primitive instincts. As a result, she gains an asset on her Might-based attack rolls for one minute. Action to initiate.

Crack-Shot (1 Speed point): This is a well- aimed ranged attack. You make an attack and inflict 1 additional point of damage. Action.

Closed Mind: You are trained in Intellect defense tasks and have +2 to Armor against damage that selectively targets your Intellect Pool (which normally ignores Armor). Enabler.

Encouragement (1 Intellect point): While you maintain this ability through ongoing inspiring oration, your allies within short range modify the difficulty of one of the following task types (your choice) by one step to their benefit: defense tasks, attack tasks, or tasks related to any skill that you are trained or specialized in. Action.

Enthrall (1 Intellect point): While talking, you grab and keep another creature’s attention, even if the creature can’t understand you. For as long as you do nothing but speak (you can’t even move), the other creature takes no actions other than to defend itself, even over multiple rounds. If the creature is attacked, the effect ends. Action.

Erase Event (3 Intellect points): Using magic, cybernetics, or just very smooth talking, you may spend one minute talking to a creature within immediate range, that can understand you. On a success, you erase or alter it's memory of one event that happened within the last five minutes. This will not work on events the creature would consider traumatic or exceptional, such as seeing a dead body (if they are the type that would consider that out of the ordinary) or being punched in the face. Action.

Fast Talk (1 Intellect point): When speaking with an intelligent creature who can understand you and isn’t hostile, you convince that creature to take one reasonable action in the next round. A reasonable action must be agreed upon by the GM; it should not put the creature or its allies in obvious danger or be wildly out of character. Action.

Interaction Skills: You are trained in two skills in which you are not already trained. Choose two of the following: deceiving, persuading, public speaking, seeing through deception, intimidating, or bargaining. You can select this ability multiple times. Each time you select it, you must choose two different skills. Enabler.

**Legerdemain **(1 Speed point): You can perform small but seemingly impossible tricks. For example, you can make a small object in your hands disappear and move into a desired spot within reach (like your pocket). You can make someone believe that he has something in his possession that he does not have (or vice versa). You can switch similar objects right in front of someone’s eyes. Action.

Practiced With Light and Medium Weapons: You can use light and medium weapons without penalty. If you wield a heavy weapon, increase the difficulty of the attack by one step. Enabler.

Spin Identity (2+ Intellect points): You convince all intelligent creatures who can see, hear, and understand you that you are someone or something other than who you actually are. You don’t impersonate a specific individual known to the victim. Instead, you convince the victim that you are someone they do not know belonging to a certain category of people. “We’re from the government.” “I’m just a simple farmer from the next town over.” “Your commander sent me.” A disguise isn’t necessary, but a good disguise will almost certainly be an asset to the roll involved. If you attempt to convince more than one creature, the Intellect cost increases by 1 point per additional victim. Fooled creatures remain so for up to an hour, unless your actions or other circumstances reveal your true identity earlier. Action.

Swipe (1 Speed point): This is a quick, agile melee attack. Your attack inflicts 1 less point of damage than normal but dazes your target for one round, during which time the difficulty of all tasks it performs is modified by one step to its detriment. Action.

Tech Skills: You are trained in two skills in which you are not already trained. Choose two of the following: crafting, computers, identifying, machines, piloting, repairing, or vehicle driving. You can select this ability multiple times. Each time you select it, you must choose two different skills. Enabler.

Terrifying Presence (2+ Intellect points): You convince one intelligent target of level 3 or lower that you are its worst nightmare. The target must be within short range and be able to understand you. For as long as you do nothing but speak (you can’t even move), the target is paralyzed with fear, runs away, or takes some other action appropriate to the circumstances. Instead of applying Effort to decrease the difficulty of the roll, you can apply Effort to increase the maximum level of the target. Thus, to terrorize a level 5 target (two levels above the normal limit), you must apply two levels of Effort. Action.

Understanding (2 Intellect points): You observe or study a creature or object. The next time you interact with it, the difficulty of the related task is reduced by one step. Action.

Second-Tier Face

Choose three of the abilities described below (or from a lower tier) to add to your repertoire. In addition, you can replace one of your lower-tier abilities with a different one from a lower tier.

Aimed Shot (2 Speed points): This is an accurate disarming shot. This attack does 2 less points of damage, but causes an enemy to drop a weapon or item in their hand. Delicate items will be broken. Action.

Babel: After hearing a language or lingo spoken for a few minutes, you can speak it and make yourself understood. If you continue to use the language to interact with native speakers, your skills improve rapidly, to the point where you might be mistaken for a native speaker after just a few days of speaking the new language. Enabler.

Blend In (4 Intellect points): When you blend in, creatures still see you, but they attach no importance to your presence for about a minute. While blending in, you are specialized in stealth and Speed defense tasks. This effect ends if you do something to reveal your presence or position— attacking, using an ability, moving a large object, and so on. If this occurs, you can regain the remaining period of effect by taking an action to focus on seeming innocuous and as if you belong. Action to initiate or reinitiate

Impart Ideal (3 Intellect points): After interacting for at least one minute with a creature who can hear and understand you, you can attempt to temporarily impart an ideal to it that you could not otherwise convince it to adopt. An ideal is different than a specific suggestion or command; an ideal is an overarching value such as “all life is sacred,” “my political party is the best,” “children should be seen, not heard,” and so on. An ideal influences a creature’s behavior but doesn’t control it. The imparted ideal lasts for as long as befits the situation, but usually at least a few hours. The ideal is jeopardized if someone friendly to the creature spends a minute or more bringing it back to its senses. Action.

Impersonate (2 Intellect points): You alter your voice, posture, and mannerisms, whip together a disguise, and gain an asset on an attempt to impersonate someone else, whether it is a specific individual (Bob the cop) or a general role (a police officer). Action to initiate.

Practiced in Armor: You can wear armor for long periods of time without tiring and can compensate for slowed reactions from wearing armor. You can wear any kind of armor. You reduce the Speed cost for wearing armor by 1. You start the game with armor of your choice. Enabler.

Quick Draw (3 Speed points): Before Initiative has been rolled, on a successful speed roll, you may attack one target, one time with a one handed ranged weapon. Enabler.

Speed Recovery (3 Intellect points): Your words enhance the normal regenerative ability of a character within short range who is able to understand you. When he makes a recovery roll, he must spend only half the normal amount of time required to do so (minimum one action). Action.

Trained Without Armor: You are trained in Speed defense actions when not wearing armor. Enabler.

Unexpected Betrayal: Within a round or two of successfully using Enthrall, Fast Talk, or a similar ability on a target within short range, the difficulty of the first attack you make on that target deals 4 additional damage. Once you use Unexpected Betrayal on a target, the difficulty of using your abilities or attempting simple persuasion on that target is permanently increased by two steps. Enabler.

Third-Tier Face

Choose three of the abilities described below (or from a lower tier) to add to your repertoire. In addition, you can replace one of your lower-tier abilities with a different one from a lower tier.

Accelerate (4+ Intellect points): Your words imbue the spirit of a character within immediate range who is able to understand you, accelerating her so that she gains an asset on initiative tasks and Speed defense rolls for ten minutes. Instead of applying Effort to decrease the difficulty, you can use it to affect more targets; each level of Effort affects one additional target. You must speak to additional targets to accelerate them, one target per round. Action per target to initiate.

Discerning Mind: You have +3 to Armor against damaging attacks and damaging effects that target your mind and Intellect. The difficulty of defense rolls you make against attacks that attempt to confuse, persuade, frighten, or otherwise influence you is decreased by one step. Enabler.

Feint (2 Speed points): If you spend one action creating a misdirection or diversion, in the next round you can take advantage of your foe’s lowered defenses. Make a melee attack against that foe; the difficulty of the attack is decreased by one step, and a hit inflicts 4 additional points of damage. Action.

Get Away (2 Speed points): After your action on your turn, you move up to a short distance or get behind or beneath cover within immediate range. Enabler.

Grand Deception (3 Intellect points): You convince an intelligent creature, that can understand you and isn’t hostile, of something that is wildly and obviously untrue. Action.

Inner Defense: You are trained in any task to resist another creature’s attempt to discern your true feelings, beliefs, or plans. You are likewise trained in resisting torture, telepathic intrusion, and mind control. Enabler.

Mind Reading (4 Intellect points): Using magic, cybernetics, or just good intuition you can read the surface thoughts of a creature within short range, even if it doesn’t want you to. You must be able to see the target. Once you have established contact, you can read the target’s thoughts for up to one minute. If you or the target moves out of range, the connection is broken. Action to initiate.

Oratory (4 Intellect points): When speaking with a group of intelligent creatures that can understand you and aren’t hostile, you convince them to take one reasonable action in the next round. A reasonable action must be agreed upon by the GM; generally, it should not put the creatures or their allies in obvious danger or be wildly out of character. Action.

Surprise Strike (3 Speed points): When you attack a creature you have surprised, the difficulty of your attack roll is reduced by one step, and, on a success, you deal 1 additional point of damage. Enabler.

Telling (2 Intellect points): This ability provides an asset to any tasks attempting to deceive, persuade, or intimidate. Each use lasts up to a minute; a new use (to switch tasks) replaces the previous use. Action to initiate.

Fourth-Tier Face

Choose three of the abilities described below (or from a lower tier) to add to your repertoire. In addition, you can replace one of your lower-tier abilities with a different one from a lower tier.

Anticipate Attack (4 Intellect points): You can sense when and how creatures attacking you will make their attacks. The difficulty of Speed defense rolls is reduced by one step for one minute. Action.

Confounding Banter (4 Intellect points): You spew a stream of nonsense to distract a foe within immediate range. On a successful Intellect roll, the difficulty of your defense roll against the creature’s next attack before the end of the next round is reduced by one step. Action.

Outwit: When you make a Speed defense roll, you can use your Intellect in place of your Speed. Enabler.

Psychosis (4 Intellect points): Your words inflict a destructive psychosis in the mind of a target within long range that can understand you, dealing 6 points of Intellect damage (ignores Armor) per round. The psychosis can be dispersed if a target spends an action doing nothing but calming and centering itself. Action to initiate.

Quick Wits: When performing a task that would normally require spending points from your Intellect Pool, you can spend points from your Speed Pool instead. Enabler.

Read the Signs (4 Intellect points): You examine an area and learn precise, useful details about the past (if any exist). You can ask the GM up to four questions about the immediate area; each requires its own roll. Action.

Suggestion (4 Intellect points): You suggest an action to another creature (level 2 or lower) within immediate range. If the action doesn’t seem completely at odds with the creature’s nature, it follows your suggestion for up to a minute. Instead of applying Effort to decrease the difficulty, you can apply it to increase the maximum level of the target by 1. When the effect ends, the creature remembers following the suggestion, but believes that it chose to do so willingly. Action to initiate.

Take Command (3 Intellect points): You issue a specific command to another character. If that character chooses to listen, the difficulty of any attack he attempts is reduced by one step, and a hit deals 3 additional points of damage. If your command is to perform a task other than an attack, the difficulty of the task is reduced by two steps. Action.

Fifth-Tier Face

Choose two of the abilities described below (or from a lower tier) to add to your repertoire. In addition, you can replace one of your lower-tier abilities with a different one from a lower tier.

Experienced With Armor: The cost reduction from your Practiced in Armor ability improves. You now reduce the Speed cost by 2. Enabler.

Flee (6 Intellect points): All non-allies within short distance who can hear your dreadful, intimidating words flee from you at top speed for one minute. Action.

Font of Inspiration: With your approval, characters within immediate range can use an action to gain inspiration from your presence; the difficulty of one action they take in the following round is reduced by one step. This inspiration costs each affected character 2 Intellect points. Once this ability is used, others can’t gain inspiration from you again until after you make a recovery roll. Enabler.

Foul Aura (5+ Intellect points): Your words, gestures, and touch invest an object no larger than yourself with an aura of doom, fear, and doubt for one day. Creatures that can hear and understand you feel an urge to move at least a short distance away from the object. If a creature does not move away, the difficulty of all tasks, attacks, and defenses it attempts while within the aura is increased by one step. The duration of the aura is extended by one day per level of Effort applied. The aura is temporarily blocked while the object is covered or contained. Action to initiate.

Practiced With All Weapons: You can use any weapon. Enabler.

Skill With Attacks: Choose one type of attack in which you are not already trained: light bashing, light bladed, light ranged, medium bashing, medium bladed, medium ranged, heavy bashing, heavy bladed, or heavy ranged. You are trained in attacks using that type of weapon. Enabler.

Stimulate (6 Intellect points): Your words encourage a target you touch who can understand you. The difficulty of the next action it takes is decreased by three steps. Action.

Sixth-Tier Face

Choose two of the abilities described below (or from a lower tier) to add to your repertoire. In addition, you can replace one of your lower-tier abilities with a different one from a lower tier.

Barter (4 Intellect points): Whenever you are haggling over a price or fee (either that you are paying or that someone is paying you) the final price you settle on can be double or halve the actual value, you decide. Action.

Battle Management (4 Intellect points): As long as you spend your action each round giving orders or advice, the difficulty of attack and defense actions by your allies within short range is decreased by one step. Action.

Inspiring Success (6 Intellect points): When you select this ability choose one stat. When you succeed on a roll to perform a task related to the stat that you choose upon selecting this ability, and you applied at least one level of Effort, you may choose another character within short range. That PC has an asset on the next task she attempts using that stat on her next turn. Enabler.

Shatter Mind (7+ Intellect points): Your words reverberate destructively in the brain of an intelligent level 1 target within short range that can understand you. They destroy memories and personality, triggering a vegetative state. Instead of applying Effort to decrease the difficulty of the attack, you can apply Effort to increase the maximum level of the target. Thus, to shatter the mind of a level 5 target (four levels above the normal limit), you must apply four levels of Effort. Action.

True Senses: You recognize holograms, disguises, optical illusions, sound mimicry, and other such tricks (for all senses) for what they are. Enabler.


Investigator Stat Pools

Stat Pool Starting Value
Might 9
Speed 9
Wisdom 8

You get 6 additional points to divide among your stat Pools however you wish.

First-Tier Investigator

First-tier Investigators have the following abilities:

Effort: Your Effort is 1.

Cybernetics Limit: You have a Cybernetics Limit of 4.

Physical Nature: You have 1 edge in one stat of your choice.

Practiced With Light and Medium Weapons: You can use light and medium weapons without penalty. If you wield a heavy weapon, increase the difficulty of the attack by one step. Enabler.

Starting Equipment: Appropriate clothing and a weapon of your choice, plus two expensive items, two moderately priced items, and up to four inexpensive items.

Special Abilities: Choose four of the abilities described below. You can’t choose the same ability more than once unless its description says otherwise.

Aimed Shot (2 Speed points): This is an accurate disarming shot. This attack does 2 less points of damage, but causes an enemy to drop a weapon or item in their hand. Delicate items will be broken. Action.

Control the Field (1 Might point): This melee attack inflicts 1 less point of damage than normal, but regardless of whether you hit the target, you maneuver it into a position you desire within immediate range. Action.

Crack-Shot (1 Speed point): This is a well- aimed ranged attack. You make an attack and inflict 1 additional point of damage. Action.

Danger Sense (1 Speed point): The difficulty of your initiative roll is reduced by one step. Enabler.

Datajack (1 Intellect point): With computer access, you jack in instantly and learn a bit more about something you can see. You get an asset on a task involving that person or object. Action

Decipher (1 Intellect point): If you spend one minute examining a piece of writing or code in a language you do not understand, you can make an Intellect roll of difficulty 3 (or higher, based on the complexity of the language or code) to get the gist of the message. Action to initiate.

Extra Edge: You gain 1 edge in a Stat of your choice. You must choose a Stat that either has the lowest, or is tied for the lowest, amount of Edge among all of your Stats. Enabler.

Fleet of Foot: If you succeed at a difficulty 2 Speed roll to run, you can move a short distance and take an action in the same round. Enabler.

Interaction Skills: You are trained in two skills in which you are not already trained. Choose two of the following: deceiving, persuading, public speaking, seeing through deception, intimidating, or bargaining. You can select this ability multiple times. Each time you select it, you must choose two different skills. Enabler.

Knowledge Skills: You are trained in two skills in which you are not already trained. Choose two areas of knowledge such as history, geography, paleontology, archeology, and so on. You can select this ability multiple times. Each time you select it, you must choose two different skills. Enabler.

No Need for Weapons: When you make an unarmed attack (such as a punch or kick), you choose whether it counts as a medium weapon or a light weapon. Enabler.

Physical Skills: You are trained in two skills in which you are not already trained. Choose two of the following: balancing, climbing, jumping, running, or swimming. You can select this ability multiple times. Each time you select it, you must choose two different skills. Enabler.

Practiced in Armor: You can wear armor for long periods of time without tiring and can compensate for slowed reactions from wearing armor. You can wear any kind of armor. You reduce the Speed cost for wearing armor by 1. You start the game with armor of your choice. Enabler. Practiced With All Weapons: You can use any weapon. Enabler.

Stealth Skills: You are trained in your choice of two of the following skills: disguise, deception, lockpicking, pickpocketing, seeing through deception, sleight of hand, or stealth. You can choose this ability multiple times, but you must select different skills each time. Enabler.

Surging Confidence (1 Might point): When you use an action to make your first recovery roll of the day, you immediately gain another action. Enabler.

Swipe (1 Speed point): This is a quick, agile melee attack. Your attack inflicts 1 less point of damage than normal but dazes your target for one round, during which time the difficulty of all tasks it performs is modified by one step to its detriment. Action.

Tech Skills: You are trained in two skills in which you are not already trained. Choose two of the following: crafting, computers, identifying, machines, piloting, repairing, or vehicle driving. You can select this ability multiple times. Each time you select it, you must choose two different skills. Enabler.

Trained Without Armor: You are trained in Speed defense actions when not wearing armor. Enabler.

Tier-Two Investigator

Choose four of the abilities described below (or from a lower tier) to add to your repertoire. In addition, you can replace one of your lower-tier abilities with a different one from a lower tier.

Enable Others: You can use the helping rules to provide a benefit to another character attempting a physical task. This requires no action on your part. Enabler.

Escape (2 Speed points): You slip your restraints, squeeze through the bars, break the grip of a creature holding you, pull free from sucking quicksand, or otherwise get loose from whatever is holding you in place. Action.

Eye for Detail (2 Intellect points): When you spend five minutes or so thoroughly exploring an area no larger than a typical room, you can ask the GM one question about the area, and she must answer you truthfully. You cannot use this ability more than one time per area per twenty-four hours. Enabler.

Fast Talk (1 Intellect point): When speaking with an intelligent creature who can understand you and isn’t hostile, you convince that creature to take one reasonable action in the next round. A reasonable action must be agreed upon by the GM; it should not put the creature or its allies in obvious danger or be wildly out of character. Action.

Hacker (2 Intellect points): You gain quick access to a desired bit of information in a computer or similar device, or you access one of its primary functions. Action.

Hand to Eye (2 Speed points): This ability provides an asset to any tasks involving manual dexterity, such as pickpocketing, lockpicking, games involving agility, and so on. Each use lasts up to a minute; a new use (to switch tasks) replaces the previous use. Action to initiate.

Investigative Skills: You are trained in two skills in which you are not already trained. Choose two of the following: identifying, perception, lockpicking, assessing danger, or tinkering with devices. You can select this ability multiple times. Each time you select it, you must choose two different skills. Enabler.

Quick Recovery: Your second recovery roll (usually requiring ten minutes) is only a single action, just like the first roll. Enabler.

Quick Draw (3 Speed points): Before Initiative has been rolled, on a successful speed roll, you may attack one target, one time with a one handed ranged weapon. Enabler.

Range Increase: Ranges for you increase by one step. Immediate becomes short, short becomes long, and long becomes 200 feet (61 m). Enabler.

Skill With Defense: Choose one type of defense task in which you are not already trained: Might, Speed, or Intellect. You are trained in defense tasks of that type. You can select this ability up to three times. Each time you select it, you must choose a different type of defense task. Enabler.

Stand Watch (2 Intellect points): While standing watch (mostly remaining in place for an extended period of time), you unfailingly remain awake and alert for up to eight hours. During this time, you are trained in perception tasks as well as stealth tasks to conceal yourself from those who might approach. Action to initiate.

Travel Skills: You are trained in two skills in which you are not already trained. Choose two of the following: navigation, riding, running, piloting, or vehicle driving. You can select this ability multiple times. Each time you select it, you must choose two different skills. Enabler.

Third-Tier Investigator

Choose three of the abilities described below (or from a lower tier) to add to your repertoire. In addition, you can replace one of your lower-tier abilities with a different one from a lower tier.

Aimed Shot (2 Speed points): This is an accurate disarming shot. This attack does 2 less points of damage, but causes an enemy to drop a weapon or item in their hand. Delicate items will be broken. Action.

Deadly Aim (3 Speed points): For the next minute, all ranged attacks you make inflict 2 additional points of damage. Action to initiate

Experienced With Armor: The cost reduction from your Practiced in Armor ability improves. You now reduce the Speed cost by 2. Enabler.

Ignore the Pain: You do not feel the detrimental effects of being impaired on the damage track, and when you are debilitated, you ignore those effects and experience the effects normally associated with being impaired instead. (Dead is still dead.) Enabler.

Impersonate (2 Intellect points): You alter your voice, posture, and mannerisms, whip together a disguise, and gain an asset on an attempt to impersonate someone else, whether it is a specific individual (Bob the cop) or a general role (a police officer). Action to initiate.

Run and Fight (4 Might points): You can move a short distance and make a melee attack that inflicts 2 additional points of damage. Action.

Seize Opportunity (4 Speed points): If you succeed on a Speed defense roll to resist an attack, you gain an action. You can use it immediately even if you have already taken a turn in the round. If you use this action to attack, the difficulty of your attack is reduced by one step. You don’t take an action during the next round. Enabler.

Skill With Attacks: Choose one type of attack in which you are not already trained: light bashing, light bladed, light ranged, medium bashing, medium bladed, medium ranged, heavy bashing, heavy bladed, or heavy ranged. You are trained in attacks using that type of weapon. Enabler.

Telling (2 Intellect points): This ability provides an asset to any tasks attempting to deceive, persuade, or intimidate. Each use lasts up to a minute; a new use (to switch tasks) replaces the previous use. Action to initiate.

Think Your Way Out: When you wish it, you can use points from your Intellect Pool rather than your Might Pool or Speed Pool on any noncombat action. Enabler.

Tier-Four Investigator

Choose three of the abilities described below (or from a lower tier) to add to your repertoire. In addition, you can replace one of your lower-tier abilities with a different one from a lower tier.

Capable Warrior: Your attacks deal 1 additional point of damage. Enabler.

Increased Effects: You treat rolls of natural 19 as rolls of natural 20 for either Might actions or Speed actions (your choice when you gain this ability). This allows you to gain a major effect on a natural 19 or 20. Enabler.

Mind Reading (4 Intellect points): Using magic, cybernetics, or just good intuition you can read the surface thoughts of a creature within short range, even if it doesn’t want you to. You must be able to see the target. Once you have established contact, you can read the target’s thoughts for up to one minute. If you or the target moves out of range, the connection is broken. Action to initiate.

Opening Gambit (4 Might points): Your melee attack shreds the defenses of a target. Any energy-based defenses it has (such as a force field or mental ward) are negated for 1d6 + 1 rounds. If the target has no energy-based defenses, its Armor is reduced by 2 for one minute. If it has no energy-based defenses or Armor, the difficulty of all attacks made against the target is lowered by one step for one minute. Action.

Outwit: When you make a Speed defense roll, you can use your Intellect in place of your Speed. Enabler.

Read the Signs (4 Intellect points): You examine an area and learn precise, useful details about the past (if any exist). You can ask the GM up to four questions about the immediate area; each requires its own roll. Action.

Runner: Your standard movement distance becomes long. Enabler.

Tough As Nails: When you are impaired or debilitated on the damage track, the difficulty of Might-based tasks and defense rolls you attempt is decreased by one step. If you also have Ignore the Pain, make a difficulty 1 Might defense roll when you reach 0 points in all three of your Pools to immediately regain 1 Might point and avoid dying. Each time you attempt to save yourself with this ability before your next ten-hour recovery roll, the difficulty increases by one step. Enabler.

Fifth-Tier Investigator

Choose two of the abilities described below (or from a lower tier) to add to your repertoire. In addition, you can replace one of your lower-tier abilities with a different one from a lower tier.

Driver (3 Speed Points): For ten minutes, the difficulty of all tasks involving operating a vehicle are decreased by one step. Action to Initiate.

Jump Attack (5 Might points): You attempt a difficulty 4 Might action to jump high into the air as part of your melee attack. If you succeed, your attack inflicts 3 additional points of damage and knocks down the foe. If you fail, you still make your normal attack roll, but you don’t inflict the extra damage or knock down the opponent. Action.

Mask (5 Intellect points): You transform your body to become someone else. You can change any physical characteristic you wish, including coloration, height, weight, gender, and distinguishing markings. You can also change the appearance of whatever you are wearing or carrying. Your stats, as well as the stats of your items, do not change. You remain in this form for up to twenty-four hours or until you use an action to resume your normal appearance. Action to initiate.

Mastery With Defense: Choose one type of defense task in which you are trained: Might, Speed, or Intellect. You are specialized in defense tasks of that type. You can select this ability up to three times. Each time you select it, you must choose a different type of defense task. Enabler.

Parry (5 Speed points): You can deflect incoming attacks quickly. For the next ten rounds, the difficulty of all Speed defense rolls is reduced by one step. Enabler. Physically Gifted: Any time you spend points from your Might Pool or Speed Pool on an action for any reason, if you roll a 1 on the associated die, you reroll, always taking the second result (even if it’s another 1). Enabler.

Take Command (3 Intellect points): You issue a specific command to another character. If that character chooses to listen, the difficulty of any attack he attempts is reduced by one step, and a hit deals 3 additional points of damage. If your command is to perform a task other than an attack, the difficulty of the task is reduced by two steps. Action.

Vigilant (5 Might points): When you would normally be dazed or stunned, you are not dazed or stunned. Enabler.

Sixth-Tier Investigator

Choose three of the abilities described below (or from a lower tier) to add to your repertoire. In addition, you can replace one of your lower-tier abilities with a different one from a lower tier.

Again and Again (8 Speed points): You can take an additional action in a round in which you have already acted. Enabler.

Fifty-Fifty: Whenever you spend 1k to re-roll a failed roll, if you then fail the re-roll, you may choose to flip a coin. If you win the flip you succeed at the task and gain a major effect, if you fail the flip you fail the task and suffer a GM intrusion.

Flee (6 Intellect points): All non-allies within short distance who can hear your dreadful, intimidating words flee from you at top speed for one minute. Action.

Greater Skill With Attacks: Choose one type of attack, even one in which you are already trained: light bashing, light bladed, light ranged, medium bashing, medium bladed, medium ranged, heavy bashing, heavy bladed, or heavy ranged. You are trained in attacks using that type of weapon. If you’re already trained in that type of attack, you instead are specialized in that type of attack. Enabler.

Jury-Rig (5 Intellect points): You quickly create an object using what would seem to be entirely inappropriate materials. You can make a bomb out of a tin can and household cleaners, a lockpick out of aluminum foil, or a sword out of broken furniture. The level of the item determines the difficulty of the task, but the appropriateness of the materials modifies it as well. Generally, the object can be no larger than something you can hold in one hand, and it functions once (or, in the case of a weapon or similar item, is essentially useful for one encounter). If you spend at least ten minutes on the task, you can create an item of level 5 or lower. You can’t change the nature of the materials involved. For example, you can’t take iron rods and make a pile of gold coins or a wicker basket. Action.

Mastery With Armor: The cost reduction from your Practiced in Armor ability improves. When you wear any armor, you reduce the armor’s Speed cost to 0. If you select this ability and you already have the Experienced With Armor ability, replace Experienced With Armor with a different third-tier ability.

Spin Attack (5 Speed points): You stand still and make melee attacks against up to five foes within reach, all as part of the same action in one round. Make a separate attack roll for each foe. You remain limited by the amount of Effort you can apply on one action. Anything that modifies your attack or damage applies to all of these attacks. Action.


Cleaner Stat Pools

Stat Pool Starting Value
Might 9
Speed 9
Wisdom 8

You get 6 additional points to divide among your stat Pools however you wish.

First-Tier Cleaner

First-tier Cleaners have the following abilities:

Effort: Your Effort is 1.

Cybernetics Limit: You have a Cybernetics Limit of 4.

Physical Nature: You have a Might Edge of 0, a Speed Edge of 1, and an Intellect Edge of 0.

Practiced With Light and Medium Weapons: You can use light and medium weapons without penalty. If you wield a heavy weapon, increase the difficulty of the attack by one step. Enabler.

Starting Equipment: Appropriate clothing and a weapon of your choice, plus two expensive items, two moderately priced items, and up to four inexpensive items.

Special Abilities: Choose four of the abilities described below. You can’t choose the same ability more than once unless its description says otherwise.

Bottomless Pockets (2 Speed point): After using a thrown light weapon, you draw another light weapon and make another thrown attack against the same target or a different one. Action.

Control the Field (1 Might point): This melee attack inflicts 1 less point of damage than normal, but regardless of whether you hit the target, you maneuver it into a position you desire within immediate range. Action.

Crack-Shot (1 Speed point): This is a well- aimed ranged attack. You make an attack and inflict 1 additional point of damage. Action.

Danger Sense (1 Speed point): The difficulty of your initiative roll is reduced by one step. Enabler.

Extra Edge: Your physical nature grants you an Edge of 1 in both Speed and Might.

Fleet of Foot: If you succeed at a difficulty 2 Speed roll to run, you can move a short distance and take an action in the same round. Enabler.

Goad (2 Might points): After you successfully attack a creature, the difficulty of Speed defense rolls by all others against the creature’s attacks is decreased by one step until the end of the next round. Enabler.

Hacker (2 Intellect points): You gain quick access to a desired bit of information in a computer or similar device, or you access one of its primary functions. Action.

Hand to Eye (2 Speed points): This ability provides an asset to any tasks involving manual dexterity, such as pickpocketing, lockpicking, games involving agility, and so on. Each use lasts up to a minute; a new use (to switch tasks) replaces the previous use. Action to initiate.

Interaction Skills: You are trained in two skills in which you are not already trained. Choose two of the following: deceiving, persuading, public speaking, seeing through deception, intimidating, or bargaining. You can select this ability multiple times. Each time you select it, you must choose two different skills. Enabler.

Legerdemain (1 Speed point): You can perform small but seemingly impossible tricks. For example, you can make a small object in your hands disappear and move into a desired spot within reach (like your pocket). You can make someone believe that he has something in his possession that he does not have (or vice versa). You can switch similar objects right in front of someone’s eyes. Action.

No Need for Weapons: When you make an unarmed attack (such as a punch or kick), you can choose whether it is

Opportunist: You have an asset on any attack roll you make against a creature that has already been attacked at some point during the round and is within immediate range. Enabler.

Physical Skills: You are trained in two skills in which you are not already trained. Choose two of the following: balancing, climbing, jumping, running, or swimming. You can select this ability multiple times. Each time you select it, you must choose two different skills. Enabler.

Practiced With All Weapons: You can use any weapon. Enabler.

Stealth Skills: You are trained in your choice of two of the following skills: disguise, deception, lockpicking, pickpocketing, seeing through deception, sleight of hand, or stealth. You can choose this ability multiple times, but you must select different skills each time. Enabler.

Swipe (1 Speed point): This is a quick, agile melee attack. Your attack inflicts 1 less point of damage than normal but dazes your target for one round, during which time the difficulty of all tasks it performs is modified by one step to its detriment. Action.

Tech Skills: You are trained in two skills in which you are not already trained. Choose two of the following: crafting, computers, identifying, machines, piloting, repairing, or vehicle driving. You can select this ability multiple times. Each time you select it, you must choose two different skills. Enabler.

Trained Without Armor: You are trained in Speed defense actions when not wearing armor. Enabler.

Second-Tier Cleaner

Choose three of the abilities described below (or from a lower tier) to add to your repertoire. In addition, you can replace one of your lower-tier abilities with a different one from a lower tier.

Contortionist (2 Speed points): You can wriggle free from bindings or squeeze through a tight spot. You are trained in escaping. When you use an action to escape or move through a tight area, you can immediately use another action. You may use this action only to move. Enabler.

Escape (2 Speed points): You slip your restraints, squeeze through the bars, break the grip of a creature holding you, pull free from sucking quicksand, or otherwise get loose from whatever is holding you in place. Action.

Find an Opening (1 Intellect point): You use trickery to find an opening in your foe’s defenses. If you succeed on a Speed roll against one creature within immediate range, the difficulty of your next attack against that creature before the end of the next round is reduced by one step. Action.

Get Away (2 Speed points): After your action on your turn, you move up to a short distance or get behind or beneath cover within immediate range. Enabler.

Impersonate (2 Intellect points): You alter your voice, posture, and mannerisms, whip together a disguise, and gain an asset on an attempt to impersonate someone else, whether it is a specific individual (Bob the cop) or a general role (a police officer). Action to initiate.

Practiced in Armor: You can wear armor for long periods of time without tiring and can compensate for slowed reactions from wearing armor. You can wear any kind of armor. You reduce the Speed cost for wearing armor by 1. You start the game with armor of your choice. Enabler.

Scramble Machine (2 Intellect points): You render one machine within short range unable to function for one round. Alternatively, you can increase the difficulty of any action by the machine (or by someone attempting to use the machine) by one step for one minute. Action.

Sense Ambush: You are never surprised by an attack. Enabler.

Skill With Defense: Choose one type of defense task in which you are not already trained: Might, Speed, or Intellect. You are trained in defense tasks of that type. You can select this ability up to three times. Each time you select it, you must choose a different type of defense task. Enabler.

Surprise Strike (3 Speed points): When you attack a creature you have surprised, the difficulty of your attack roll is reduced by one step, and, on a success, you deal 1 additional point of damage. Enabler.

Third-Tier Cleaner

Choose three of the abilities described below (or from a lower tier) to add to your repertoire. In addition, you can replace one of your lower-tier abilities with a different one from a lower tier.

Blend In(4 Intellect points): When you blend in, creatures still see you, but they attach no importance to your presence for about a minute. While blending in, you are specialized in stealth and Speed defense tasks. This effect ends if you do something to reveal your presence or position— attacking, using an ability, moving a large object, and so on. If this occurs, you can regain the remaining period of effect by taking an action to focus on seeming innocuous and as if you belong. Action to initiate or reinitiate

Controlled Fall: When you fall while you are able to use actions and within reach of a vertical surface, you can attempt to slow your fall. Make a Speed roll with a difficulty of 1 for every 20 feet (6 m) you fall. On a success, you take half damage from the fall. If you reduce the difficulty to 0, you take no damage. Enabler.

Daring Escape (5 Speed points): You dodge an attack. If you succeed on a Speed defense roll, you can trick your attacker into accidentally attacking a different creature within immediate range. Enabler.

Evanesce (3 Speed points): You step into shadows or behind cover, and everyone who was observing you completely loses track of you. Although you’re not invisible, you can’t be seen until you reveal yourself again by moving out of the shadows or from behind cover (or by making an attack). Action.

From the Shadows: If you successfully attack a creature that was previously unaware of your presence, you deal 3 additional points of damage. Enabler.

Inner Defense: You are trained in any task to resist another creature’s attempt to discern your true feelings, beliefs, or plans. You are likewise trained in resisting torture, telepathic intrusion, and mind control. Enabler.

Lunge (2 Might points): This ability requires you to extend yourself for a powerful stab or smash. The awkward lunge increases the difficulty of the attack roll by one step. If your attack is successful, it inflicts 4 additional points of damage. Action.

Seize Opportunity (4 Speed points): If you succeed on a Speed defense roll to resist an attack, you gain an action. You can use it immediately even if you have already taken a turn in the round. If you use this action to attack, the difficulty of your attack is reduced by one step. You don’t take an action during the next round. Enabler.

Snipe (2 Speed points): If you spend one action aiming, in the next round you can make a precise ranged attack. The difficulty of the attack roll is decreased by one step. If your attack is successful, it inflicts 4 additional points of damage. Action.

Stab and Run (4 Might points): You make a melee attack and move a short distance. The attack inflicts 2 additional points of damage. Action.

Subterfuge: When you move no more than a short distance, you can move without making a sound, regardless of the surface you move across. Enabler.

Fourth-Tier Cleaner

Choose three of the abilities described below (or from a lower tier) to add to your repertoire. In addition, you can replace one of your lower-tier abilities with a different one from a lower tier.

Ambusher: When you attack a creature that has not yet acted during the first round of combat, the difficulty of your attack is reduced by one step. Enabler.

Debilitating Strike (4 Speed points): You make an attack to deliver a painful or debilitating strike. The difficulty of the attack is increased by one step. If it hits, the creature takes 2 additional points of damage at the end of the next round, and the difficulty of defense rolls to resist its attacks is decreased by one step until the end of the next round. Action.

Distant Interface (2 Intellect points): You can activate and control a machine at long range as if you were next to it. If you have never interacted with the particular device before, it is treated as 2 levels higher than normal. Action.

Feint (2 Speed points): If you spend one action creating a misdirection or diversion, in the next round you can take advantage of your opponent’s lowered defenses. Make a melee attack roll against that opponent. The difficulty of the roll is decreased by one step. If your attack is successful, it inflicts 4 additional points of damage. Action.

Outwit: When you make a Speed defense roll, you can use your Intellect in place of your Speed. Enabler.

Preternatural Senses: While you are conscious and able to use an action, you cannot be surprised. In addition, you are trained in initiative actions. Enabler.

Skill With Attacks: Choose one type of attack in which you are not already trained: light bashing, light bladed, light ranged, medium bashing, medium bladed, medium ranged, heavy bashing, heavy bladed, or heavy ranged. You are trained in attacks using that type of weapon. Enabler.

Tumbling Moves (5 Speed points): When you use an action to move, the difficulty of Speed defense rolls is reduced by one step until the end of your next turn. Enabler.

Fifth-Tier Cleaner

Choose two of the abilities described below (or from a lower tier) to add to your repertoire. In addition, you can replace one of your lower-tier abilities with a different one from a lower tier.

Assassinate (5 Intellect points): If you successfully attack a creature that was previously unaware of your presence, you deal 9 additional points of damage. Enabler.

Mask (5 Intellect points): You transform your body to become someone else. You can change any physical characteristic you wish, including coloration, height, weight, gender, and distinguishing markings. You can also change the appearance of whatever you are wearing or carrying. Your stats, as well as the stats of your items, do not change. You remain in this form for up to twenty-four hours or until you use an action to resume your normal appearance. Action to initiate.

Mastery With Defense: Choose one type of defense task in which you are trained: Might, Speed, or Intellect. You are specialized in defense tasks of that type. You can select this ability up to three times. Each time you select it, you must choose a different type of defense task. Enabler.

Parry (5 Speed points): You can deflect incoming attacks quickly. For the next ten rounds, the difficulty of all Speed defense rolls is reduced by one step. Enabler.

Riposte (6 Speed points): When you succeed on a Speed defense roll against an attack from a creature within immediate range, you can immediately make an attack on that creature, or you can gain an asset on the next attack you make on it before the end of the next round. Enabler.

Sixth-Tier Cleaner

Choose two of the abilities described below (or from a lower tier) to add to your repertoire. In addition, you can replace one of your lower-tier abilities with a different one from a lower tier.

Again and Again (8 Speed points): You can take an additional action in a round in which you have already acted. Enabler.

Greater Skill With Attacks: Choose one type of attack, even one in which you are already trained: light bashing, light bladed, light ranged, medium bashing, medium bladed, medium ranged, heavy bashing, heavy bladed, or heavy ranged. You are trained in attacks using that type of weapon. If you’re already trained in that type of attack, you instead are specialized in that type of attack. Enabler.

Exploit Advantage: Whenever you have an asset for a roll, the difficulty of the roll is reduced by another step. Enabler.

Spin Attack(5 Speed points): You stand still and make melee attacks against up to five foes within reach, all as part of the same action in one round. Make a separate attack roll for each foe. You remain limited by the amount of Effort you can apply on one action. Anything that modifies your attack or damage applies to all of these attacks. Action.

Spring Away (5 Speed points): Whenever you succeed on a Speed defense roll, you can immediately move up to a short distance. You cannot use this ability more than once in a given round. Enabler.


There are five different races included in this conversion. They are Human, Dwarf, Elf, Orc, and Troll. Players should select a race before selecting a Descriptor.


You have the following characteristics:

Adaptable: Add +1 to two different Stat Pools.

Only Human: Once per session you may re-roll a failed roll without spending 1K.


You have the following characteristics:

Stalwart: +2 to your Might Pool.

Skill: You are trained in Might defense rolls.

Skill: You are trained in seeing in the dark.

Skill: You are trained in tasks that involve repairing mechanical things.


You have the following characteristics:

Agile: +2 to your Speed Pool.

Skill: You are trained in Acrobatic actions

Skill: You are trained in perception based tasks

Choose One:

  • You are specialized in a bow weapon type of your choice, and begin the game with that bow and a quiver full of arrows. Also, you are trained in stealth tasks.
  • You are trained in all pleasant social interactions


You have the following characteristics:

Strong: +2 to your Might Pool

Aggression: Whenever you apply Effort to increase the damage of a melee attack, you increase the damage by an additional 1 damage. This only applies to the first level of Effort.

Skill: You are trained in threatening or intimidating others.

Disability: Due to your looks other races tend to discriminate against you. The difficulty of all pleasant social interactions with non-orc characters is increased by one.


You have the following characteristics:

Tough: +4 to your Might Pool.

Dumb: -2 to your Intellect.

Mass And Strength: You inflict +1 points of damage with your melee attacks and attacks with thrown weapons.

Breaker: The difficulty of tasks related to breaking things by smashing them is reduced by one step.

Inability: You’re too large to accomplish normal things. The difficulty of tasks related to initiative, stealth, and fine manipulation of any sort (such as tasks involving a computer keyboard or repair tasks) is increased by one step.


Players should select 1 Descriptor from the Corebook or Expanded Worlds Book.

All of the Descriptors from both the Core book and Expanded Worlds will work with this mod. Players that wish to be from a Corporation background should select either Wealthy or Noble (changing mentions of 'nobles' and 'nobility' to their Corporate analogue, and replacing the mount with a fancy sports car). Players should avoid selecting any of the Race Descriptors.


Players should select 1 Focus from one of the lists below.

Note: players should be instructed to pick a Foci based solely on which one fits their character better thematically. Players who feel compelled to pick a Focus because it gives them a certain ability (such as Wields Two Weapons at Once) may be better off gaining that ability through Talents (See Talents in the Notes section).

General Foci

The following Foci can be found in either the Corebook or the Expanded Worlds book (denoted by a ex ) . The only alteration made to these Foci is that players should ignore anything involving Cypher limits for these Foci (players may still create Cyphers if they have an ability that allows it.

  • Battles Robots
  • Builds Robots
  • Calculates The Incalculable
  • Carries A Quiver *
  • Collects Bounties EX
  • Conducts Weird Science
  • Controls Beasts *
  • Crafts Unique Objects
  • Defends the Weak
  • Descends From Nobility EX #
  • Doesn't Do Much
  • Drives Like A Maniac EX
  • Entertains
  • Explores #
  • Explores Dark Places #
  • Explores Deep Waters #
  • Fights Dirty
  • Fights With Panache
  • Figures Things Out EX
  • Finds The Flaw In All Things EX
  • Fuses Flesh And Steel
  • Fuses Mind And Machine
  • Governs EX #
  • Hacks The Network EX
  • Helps Their Friends EX
  • Howls At The Moon
  • Hunts With Great Skill
  • Infiltrates
  • Interprets The Law
  • Is Idolized By Millions #
  • Is Licensed To Carry
  • Is Sworn To The Crown EX #
  • Is Wanted By The Law EX
  • Keeps A Magic Ally EX
  • Leads
  • Learns Quickly EX
  • Likes To Break Things EX
  • Lives In The Wilderness *
  • Looks For Trouble
  • Master Defense
  • Masters Weaponry
  • Metes Out Justice #
  • Moves Like A Cat
  • Murders
  • Negotiate Matters Of Life And Death EX #
  • Needs No Weapon
  • Never Says Die
  • Operates Undercover
  • Performs Feats Of Strength
  • Plays A Deadly Instrument EX
  • Plays Too Many Games EX
  • Rages
  • Resides In Silicon EX
  • Revels In Trickery EX
  • Runs Away EX
  • Scavenges EX *
  • Serves And Protects EX #
  • Serves In An Elite Military Squad EX #
  • Solves Mysteries
  • Stands Like A Bastion
  • Throws With Deadly Accuracy
  • Walks The Wasteland EX *
  • Was Foretold EX #
  • Wears Power Armor EX
  • Wields Two Weapons At Once
  • Works For A Living EX #
  • Works The Back Alleys
  • Works The System
  • Would Rather Be Reading

*: The world of Shadowrun is a big place. However, due to its cyberpunk nature it tends to center around cities, but there are also large forests, societies that shun modern technology, and massive wastelands where only the hardiest survive. These Foci tend to be a better fit for character from - or in - settings different from the cities most games tend to take place in.

#: These Foci may not fit characters playing as Shadowrunners. Players may need some additional justification for why their character has this focus, but is still a Shadowrunner. For instance, a character who Metes Out Justice may not have any problems performing the illegal actions Shadowrunners usually engage in, so long as they see their own actions as 'just.' Ultimately, the GM and players should always work together to make sure characters fit the setting and tone that they want.

Magical Foci

The following Foci can be found in either the Corebook or the Expanded Worlds book (denoted by a ex ) . Characters who have one of the following as their focus are ones who, either through training or other means, have the ability to use magic. Players should ignore anything involving Cypher limits for these Foci (players may still create Cyphers if they have an ability that allows it.

In addition players who take one of these Foci rely on their magical abilities granted by their higher spirit. That higher spirit make it more difficult for them to augment their bodies. To show this, all Foci in this section subtract -1 from a players Cybernetics Limit. Players who select one of these Foci start the game with an extra 2k.

  • Awakens Dreams
  • Bears A Halo Of Fire
  • Casts Spells
  • Changes Shape EX
  • Channels Divine Blessings
  • Commands Mental Powers
  • Consorts With The Dead
  • Controls Gravity
  • Crafts Illusions
  • Eliminates Occult Threats EX
  • Employs Magnetism
  • Exists In Two Planes At Once
  • Exists Partially Out Of Phase
  • Fell Through A Rabbit Hole EX
  • Focuses Mind Over Matter
  • Makes Prophecy EX
  • Masters The Swarm
  • Moves Like The Wind
  • Rides The Lightning
  • Rules The Sea EX
  • Sees Beyond
  • Separates Mind From Body
  • Shepherds Spirits
  • Siphons Power
  • Speaks For The Land
  • Talks To Machines
  • Touches The Sky EX
  • Transcends Humanity EX
  • Wears A Sheen Of Ice
  • Works Miracles


The following is a basic list of weapons and gear available. Note that all gear can have both better and worse versions, which have slightly different stats (for instance, a high quality sword may deal +1 damage). This list does not include Cybernetics or Cyphers.


All items in this section are listed as being Inexpensive, Moderately Priced, Expensive, Very Expensive, and Exorbitant. There are no hard prices for anything, as players are encouraged to barter for goods, and GM's are encouraged to fudge prices up and down to meet the needs of the setting. Generally though, the following chart is a good guideline for item prices. GM's should be careful when making something cost 1000 or more Nuyen, since at that price players are now choosing between upgrades for their character and purchasing items.

Price Tier Nuyen Cost
Inexpensive 1-25
Moderately Priced 25-100
Expensive 100-500
Very Expensive 500-999
Exorbitant 999+

Inexpensive Items

Melee Weapons Notes
Baseball- Bat Light weapon
Pocket- Knife Light weapon, won't last long
Other Items
Ammo box
Duct tape
Rations (1 day)

Moderately Priced Items

Melee Weapons Notes
Baton Light weapon
Combat Knife Light weapon
Knuckles Light weapon
Sword (substandard) Medium weapon, won't last long
Ranged Weapons Notes
Bow (substandard) Medium weapon, short range, won't last long
Throwing knife Light weapon, short range
Armor Notes
Leather Jacket Light armor
Other Items Notes
Bag of tools
Binoculars Asset for perception tasks at range
Bolt cutters
Climbing gear
First aid kit Asset for healing tasks
Glue Sprayer
Rope 50 feet, braided monofilament

Expensive Items

Melee Weapons Notes
Combat Axe Medium weapon
Katana Medium Weapon
Staff Medium weapon (requires two hands)
Sword Medium weapon
Stun Baton Medium weapon, does no damage but target loses next action
Ranged Weapons Notes
Bow Medium weapon, long range
Ares Light Fire 70 (light handgun) Light weapon, short range
Ares Predator V (medium handgun) Medium weapon, long range
Ingram Smartgun X (submachine gun) Medium weapon, rapid-fire, short range
Remington 950 (sport rifle) Medium weapon, long range (requires two hands)
Enfield AS-7 (shotgun) Heavy weapon, immediate range
Remington Roomsweeper (short-barreled shotgun) Medium weapon, immediate range, +1 damage
Defeince EX Shocker (Taser) Light weapon, immediate range, does no damage but target loses next action, reload on fire
Armor Notes
Kevlar vest Medium armor
Ballistic Shield Provides an asset for defense tasks
Other Items Notes
Commlink see Rules: The Matrix and Hacking
Cold weather camping gear
Grapple gun
Night vision goggles Asset for perception tasks in the dark
Scuba gear
MCT-Nissan Roto-Drone Level 2

Very Expensive Items

Melee Weapons Notes
Greatsword Heavy weapon
Katana (fine) Medium weapon, +1 damage
Monofilament whip Medium weapon, short range
Ranged Weapons Notes
Ruger Super Warhawk (heavy handgun) Heavy weapon, long range
Colt M23 (assault rifle) Heavy weapon, rapid-fire, long range
Ranger Arms SM-5 (sniper rifle) Heavy weapon, 300 ft (91 m) range
Onotari Interceptor (Missile launcher) Heavy weapon, explosive weapon, long range, inflicts 7 points of damage in immediate radius, reload on fire
Armor Notes
Military body armor Heavy Armor
Optical Cano Suit Light armor, asset to stealth tasks, asset to speed defense tasks
Other Items Notes
Cyberdeck Asset for hacking tasks, See Rules: The Matrix and Hacking
Disguise kit Asset for disguise tasks
Harley-Davidson Scorpion (Motorcycle) Level 3
Chrysler-Nissan Jackrabbit (small car) Level 3
Yongkang gala Trinity (Small boat) Level 3

Exorbitant Items

Armor Notes
Power Armor While wearing this you gain the Wears Power Armor Focus (EX) and all abilities for your character's tier, in addition to your normal Focus.
Wizard's book of spells While carrying this you gain the Carries a Book of Spells Focus, and all abilities for your character's tier, in addition to your normal Focus.
Other Items Notes
Nissan Hound (multi-passenger helicopter) Level 5
Saeder-Krupp-Bentley Concordat (Luxury Car) Level 5
Eurocar Westwind 3000 (Sports Car) Level 6
Steel Lynx Combat Drone Level 5


Cybernetics are permanent upgrades characters install into and onto their bodies. Some Cybernetics replace limbs and organs, while others are grafted onto the skin. Cybernetics work like Artifacts from the Cypher Core book, but with some exceptions. The rules below are a general guideline for all Cybernetics.

  • All characters have a Cybernetics limit based on their Type and Focus. Characters may not have more Cybernetics installed than their Cybernetics limit allows.
  • Cybernetics are almost always purchased with Nuyen. The normal price for each Cybernetic is listed below.
  • Cybernetics require time to be installed and adjusted to. Generally, characters require at least a week to become accustomed to them. Players should avoid purchasing them in the middle of a session, unless it makes sense thematically.
  • Players can install multiple Cybernetics onto the same body part.
  • Each Cybernetic may only be purchased once.

Artificial Adrenal Glands

Effect: You may take two actions this turn, or you may interrupt another character's action to take one action before them. You may not use this again until you rest. Enabler.

Cost: 6K

Artificial Heart

Effect: All of your rest actions, except for your ten hour rest, may be done as a single action. Enabler.

Cost: 7K

Artificial Lungs

Effect: You can hold your breath for 1 hour. Additionally, you gain an enabler for any athletic actions such as running, jumping, sprinting, etc. Enabler.

Cost: 5K

Artificial Liver

Effect: You gain two assets on any attempt to resist poison or drugs. You can automatically determine the composition of any poisons or drugs you ingest. Enabler.

Cost: 4K

Cybernetic Limb

Effect: When you purchase this, choose which limb you are replacing. Whenever you attempt a task involving that limb, you gain 1 extra edge to either your Might or your Speed for that task. Any unarmed attack with that limb does 2 additional points of damage. You may purchase this multiple times, so long as you have a limb to replace. Each replaced limb counts as a separate Cybernetic for your Cybernetic Limit. Enabler.

Cost: 4K


Effect: For any task that involves sight, add +1 to your roll. This includes perception tasks, any attack with a ranged weapon, seeing in the dark, seeing at a distance, speed defense tasks where you can see your attacker. Basically, for any task where seeing is beneficial, you add +1 to your roll for that task. Enabler.

Cost: 5K

Dermal Plates

Effect: Add +1 to your armor. Enabler.

Cost: 5K

Emotive Feedback Sensor

Effect: Add +1 to any roll involving communicating with a character that you can see. Enabler.

Cost: 5k

Hidden Weapon

Effect: Choose one weapon or device you own to install onto or into a cybernetic limb of yours. It must be a weapon that could realistically fit inside the limb. You must have at least one Cybernetic limb to install the device onto. This does not count towards your Cybernetic Limit. Enabler.

Cost: 500 Nuyen

Implanted Neural Vault

Effect: You can directly download information into your brain. Anything stored electronically; such as pictures, maps, books, video, or code, you can load into your brain by spending an action to glance at it. You will never forget anything you store this way. However, you require an action, or 30 seconds if not in combat, to retrieve any information stored this way. You also gain 4 Intellect points. Action.

Cost: 5K

Skin Suit

Effect: Choose one of your installed Cybernetics to use this on. That Cybernetic is now indistinguishable from normal human flesh until it is cut, burnt, or physically damaged in some way. You cannot use this on something that is installed inside another Cybernetic. This does not count towards your Cybernetic limit. Enabler.

Cost: 250 Nuyen

Skull Jack

Effect: Through a cable jack on the back of your head, you can now directly link into any computer that you can plug yourself into. This counts as an asset for anything you do involving that computer. However, if someone is able to hack into something you are plugged into they may be able to directly damage your brain. Enabler.

Cost: 3K

Complete Cybernetic Integration

Effect: In addition to your Focus, you also gain the Fuses Flesh and Steel Focus, gaining all abilities appropriate for your tier. If chose the Fuses Flesh and Steel Focus during character creation you instead choose another Focus, gaining all abilities appropriate for your tier, and this does not count towards your Cybernetics Limit.

Cost: 8k

Cyber Brain

Effect: In addition to your Focus, you also gain the Fuses Mind and Machine Focus, gaining all abilities appropriate for your tier. If chose the Fuses Mind and Machine Focus during character creation you instead choose another Focus, gaining all abilities appropriate for your tier, and this does not count towards your Cybernetics Limit.

Cost: 8k

Consciousness Upload

Effect: Replace your Focus with the Resides In Silicon Focus, gaining all abilities appropriate for your tier. You may not purchase this if you already have the Resides In Silicon Focus. You may not take this if you have any Foci, Talent, Descriptor, or anything else that lowers your Cybernetics limit.

Cost: 10k


In order to fit within the Shadowrun setting the role of Cyphers has been altered. However, players should still feel free to use the Cyphers present in the Corebook and other Cypher books, as well as anything else they think would make sense.

All Cyphers now fall into one of two types: magic based potions, or enchanted devices; and technologically based devices that either can only be used once (like a grenade), or that have been designed to intentionally fail after a few uses.

In this mod Cyphers are gained in two ways. The first is via the traditional way of finding or stealing them, and the second is just buying them. Generally, players should find the majority of their Cyphers from the later. Different from the default rules is that players will almost always know what a Cypher does before they acquire it (unless it's a knock-off from a less than reputable back alley vendor or mage). In addition, Character can usually learn the function of most non-magic based Cyphers by just searching on the Matrix for whatever product name is on the Cypher. GM's may rule that more obscure devices require a test to see if the Players can find information about it.

If players ever ask for - or need - a specific piece of gear (say they need a way to get through a vault door, or want a more reasonably priced rocket launcher) the GM is encouraged to allow the players to purchase that item as a one time use Cypher. In this way players can always get access to what they need and want, so long as they are willing to spend some Nuyen.

Cyphers are now a way to solve problems with money. However, in addition to the cost, Cyphers should also be balanced by being error prone or having some major drawback. For instance, if players want a one time use computer virus that will shut down a security system, they should be able to buy it (after finding someone to make it and haggling with them). However, that virus may infect their own gear, or it may work too well and shut down all the computer systems - including the ones that open the vault. Or, it may not be as strong as the players want and will only work for one minute, or it will only shut down a single part of the security system. Cyphers give players ways to solve problems creatively. GMs should encourage this creativity by either having Cyphers introduce problems, or only solve one small part of the larger problem. Cyphers are basically high tech junk, designed to do one thing one time, and should be treated appropriately.

Cyphers will generally cost somewhere between 100 and 999 Nuyen. The GM should adjust the price based on who the Players are buying the Cypher from, how illegal it is, and how much the Players want it.

There is no Cypher limit. Cyphers are treated like any other piece of equipment, and are balanced by players needing to purchase them and their own inherent limitations.


Talents provide another way for characters to gain skills. Most Talents are weaker versions of the abilities players gain from Foci. The following rules should be used for Talents:

  • Talents cost 4K.
  • Purchasing a Talent counts as a character advancement. This follows the same rules as the other character advancements on pg. 223 of the Core book.
  • Players may only purchase one Talent per tier.
  • There are two types of Talents: General Talents and Magical Talents called spells.
  • Spells lower a players Cybernetics limit by 1 each time they select one.
  • Many Talent abilities have similar effects to Focus abilities. However, as long as the Talent ability and Focus ability have different names a character may have and benefit from both.

General Talents

Arc Shot: If you spend a turn lining up your bow shot, each level of Effort adds 5 points of damage to a successful attack instead. Enabler.

Shield Adept: When you use a shield, in addition to the asset it gives you (lowering the difficulty of Speed defense tasks by one step), you can act as if you are trained in Speed defense tasks. However, in any round in which you use this benefit, you do not gain any additional effects from a roll of 17, 18, or 19 on your attacks. Enabler.

Coordinated Action: If two or more allies with this special ability work together to accomplish a task, even if one or both are not trained in that task, an asset is provided as if the squad members were all trained. Enabler.

Wirelessly Linked: Technology ensures that you can always communicate with your allies who also have this special ability, no matter where they are located. The GM may determine that certain locations block the signal (such as within sealed bunkers designed to prevent just such sorts of communication). Enabler.

Master Defender: When wearing armor, you gain +1 to Armor.

Unfair Advantage: When your foe is weakened, dazed, stunned, moved down the damage track, or disadvantaged in some other way, your attacks do 1 additional damage against that foe. Enabler.

Driving on the Line (3 Speed points): You make an attack with a light or medium ranged weapon and attempt a driving task as a single action. The attack does 3 additional points of damage. Enabler.

Dual Attack (3+ Might points): You make an attack with two light weapons at the same time, making two separate attacks on your turn as a single action. You remain limited by the amount of Effort you can apply on one action. By attacking rapidly with both weapons your opponents armor only applies to one weapon. Anything that modifies your attack or damage applies to both attacks, unless it’s specifically tied to one of the weapons. You may make this attack with medium weapons by spending an additional 2 might points, for a total of 5. You may make this attack with heavy weapons (assuming you have a way to have them both out at the same time) by spending another 2 might points, for a total of 7. Action.

Humor: During rests you put friends and comrades at ease so much that they gain +1 to their recovery rolls. Enabler.

Perfect Hack (3 Intellect points): You persuade a networked machine, computer, connected server, or similar information- relaying appliance to do your bidding. You can discover an encrypted password, break through security on a website, briefly turn off a machine such as a surveillance camera, or disable a robot with a moment’s worth of fiddling. Action.

Attack Flair (3 Speed Points): You attack and add frustrating moves, annoying quips, or a certain something that embarrasses and annoys foes. Choose one foe within short range who can see you. Reduce the difficulty of the next action made against that foe by you or an ally. Action.

Robot Aid: A level 2 robot that is half your size or smaller (built by you) accompanies you and follows your instructions. You and the GM must work out the details of your robot. You’ll probably make rolls for your robot when it takes actions. An assistant robot in combat usually doesn’t make separate attacks but helps with yours. On your action, if the artificial aid is next to you, it serves as an asset for one attack you make on your turn. If the robot is destroyed, you can repair the original with a few days’ worth of tinkering, or build a new one with a week’s worth of half-time labor. Enabler.

Surprise Attack: If you attack from a hidden vantage, with surprise, or before an opponent has acted you inflict 2 additional points of damage. If this attack is successful, and if your target survives, you gain an asset on an initiative roll involving your target. Enabler.

Hidden: You are lithe and quiet. You know how to alter your position, your stance, and your clothing to best suit your surroundings. All this combines to give you +1 to any roll for a tasks attempted while in stealth. Enabler.

Quick Shot (4 Speed points): You make an attack with a gun. This attack does -1 damage. Then, you may attempt another non-attack action this turn. Action.

Pet: A level 2 creature that is half your size or smaller accompanies you and follows your instructions. You and the GM must work out the details of your creature, and you’ll probably make rolls for it in combat or when it takes actions. The pet acts on your turn. Its movement is based on its creature type (avian, swimmer, and so on). If your beast companion dies, you can hunt in the wild for 1d6 days to find a new companion. Enabler

Accuracy: You deal 3 additional points of damage on a roll of 17,18,19, or 20 with attacks using weapons you throw.

Open Fists (2 Might points): You make an unarmed attack. If the attack is successful, the enemy you attacked is dazed.

Weapon Ace: When you take this choose a weapon. You deal 1 additional point of damage with your chosen weapon. Enabler.

Spells (Magical Talents)

Whenever a players gains one of these, lower their Cybernetics limit by 1.

Bound Magic Creature: You possess a magic ally bound to a physical object (perhaps a minor djinn bound to a lamp, a lesser demon bound to a coin, or a spirit bound to a mirror). The magic ally doesn’t yet have the full power that one of its kind could possess when mature. Normally, the ally remains quiescent in its bound object. When you spend an action to manifest it, it appears next to you as a level 3 creature that can converse with you. The creature has its own personality determined by the GM and is a level higher than its base level for one area of knowledge (such as local history). The magic ally may have a long-term goal of its own if the GM determines. Each time the magic ally becomes physically manifest, it remains so for up to one hour. During that period, it accompanies you and follows your instructions. The magic ally must remain an immediate distance from you; if it moves farther away, it is yanked back into its object at the end of your following turn and cannot return until after your next ten-hour recovery roll. It doesn’t attack creatures, but it can spend its action to serve as an asset for any one attack you make on your turn. Otherwise, it can take actions on its own (though you’ll likely roll for it). If the creature is reduced to 0 health, it dissipates. It reforms in its object in 1d6 + 2 days. If you lose the bound object, you retain a sense of the direction in which it lies. Action to manifest magic creature.

Control Swarm (2 Intellect points): A swarming creature of your choice within short range does as you telepathically command for ten minutes. Even common insects (level 0) in large enough numbers can swarm about a single creature and modify its task difficulty by one step to its detriment. Action to initiate.

Curing Touch (4 Intellect points): With a touch, you restore 1d6 points to one stat Pool of any creature. This ability is a difficulty 2 Intellect task. Each time you attempt to heal the same creature, the task difficulty increases by one step. The difficulty returns to 2 after that creature rests for ten hours. Or, you attempt to cancel or cure one malady (such as disease or poison) in one creature. Action.

Destroy Metal (3 Intellect points): You instantly tear, rip, or burst a metal object that is within sight, within short range, and no bigger than half your size. Make an Intellect roll to destroy the object; the difficulty of this task is decreased by three steps (compared to breaking it with brute strength). Action.

Drain Machine (2 Intellect points). You can drain the power from an artifact or device you touch, allowing you to regain 1 point per level of the device. You can use these points to restore your Might Pool or Speed Pool. You regain points at the rate of 1 point per minute and must give your full concentration to the process during this time. The GM determines whether the device is fully drained (likely true of most handheld or smaller devices) or retains some power (likely true of large machines). Action to initiate.

Dream View: By touching a sleeping person you can view their dreams. Enabler.

Dream Walk (3+ Intellect Points): Requires Dream View. By touching a sleeping person you can place your consciousness into their dreams. You retain any abilities you had outside the dream, but otherwise all of the rules of the dream world are determined by the subconscious mind of the dreamer. You remain asleep while in the dream, and wake up when the dreamer does. You may bring other people's consciousness into the dream with you for 3 additional intellect points per person. Action.

Duplicate (2 Might points): You cause a duplicate of yourself to appear at any point you can see within short range. The duplicate has no clothing or possessions when it appears. The duplicate is a level 2 NPC with 6 health. The duplicate obeys your commands and does as you direct it. The duplicate remains until you dismiss it using an action or until it is killed. When the duplicate disappears, it leaves behind anything it was wearing or carrying. If the duplicate disappears because it was killed, you take 4 points of damage that ignore Armor, and you lose your next action. Action to initiate.

Fireball (3 Intellect points): You hurl a ball of fire at a target. This is a short range attack that does 4 points of explosive, fire damage to all everything in immediate range of the target area. Action.

Grasping Foliage (3+ Intellect points): Roots, branches, grass, or other natural foliage in the area snags and holds a foe you designate within short range for up to one minute. A foe caught in the grasping foliage can’t move from its position, and all physical tasks, attacks, and defenses are modified by one step to the victim’s detriment, including attempts to free itself. Instead of applying Effort to reduce the difficulty of your attack, you can apply Effort to deal damage with the initial attack. Each level applied inflicts 2 additional points of damage when Grasping Foliage first snags and holds your foe. You can also use this ability to clear an area of entangling growth in the immediate radius, such as an area of tall grass, thick brush, impenetrable vines, and so on. Action.

Hover (1 Intellect point): You float slowly into the air. As your action, you can concentrate to remain motionless in the air or float up to a short distance; otherwise, you drift with the wind or with any momentum you have gained. This effect lasts for up to ten minutes. If you also have this ability from another source, you can hover for twenty minutes and move your normal speed. Action to initiate.

Ice Armor (1 Intellect point): When you wish it, your body is covered in a sheen of ice for ten minutes that gives you +1 to Armor. While the sheen is active, you feel no discomfort from normal cold temperatures and have an additional +2 to Armor against cold damage specifically. Enabler.

Icy Touch (5 Intellect points): Your hands become so cold that the next time you touch a creature, you inflict 3 points of damage. Alternatively, you can touch a weapon, and for the next ten minutes, the weapon inflicts 1 additional point of damage from the cold. Your touch freezes solid a living target of your size or smaller, rendering it immobile for one round. Action for touch; enabler for weapon.

Lightning Bolt (3 Intellect points): You cast a bolt of lightning at a target. This is a long range attack that does 4 points of electrical damage. Action.

Mind Reading (2 Intellect points): You can read the surface thoughts of a creature within short range, even if the target doesn’t want you to. You must be able to see your target. Once you have established contact, you can read the target’s thoughts for up to one minute. If you also have the Mind Reading ability from your type or another source, you can use this ability at long range, and you don’t need to be able to see the target (but you do have to know that the target is within range). Action to initiate.

Minor Illusion (1 Intellect point): You create a single image of a creature or object within immediate range. The image must fit within a 10-foot (3 m) cube. The image can move (for example, you could make the illusion of a person walk or attack), but it can’t leave the area defined by the cube. The illusion includes sound but not smell. It lasts for ten minutes, but if you want to change the original illusion significantly— such as making a creature appear to be wounded—you must concentrate on it again (though doing so doesn’t cost additional Intellect points). If you move beyond immediate range of the cube, the illusion vanishes. Action to create; action to modify.

Premonition (2 Intellect points): You learn one random fact about a creature or location that is pertinent to a topic you designate. Alternatively, you can choose to learn a creature’s level; however, if you do so, you cannot learn anything else about it later with this ability. Action.

Question the Spirits (2 Intellect points). You can call a spirit to you and petition it to answer a few questions (usually no more than three before the spirit fades). First, you must summon a spirit. If it is a spirit of the dead, you must have personally known the person, have an object that was owned by the person, or touch the physical remains of the creature. For other spirits, you must know the spirit’s full name or have a great deal of an element (such as fire or earth) that the spirit is associated with. If the spirit responds, it can manifest as an insubstantial shade that answers for itself, it can inhabit an object or any remains you provide, or it can manifest as an invisible presence that you speak for. The spirit may not wish to answer your questions, in which case you must persuade it to help. You can attempt to psychically wrestle the spirit into submission (an Intellect task), or you can try diplomacy, deception, or blackmail (“Answer me, or I’ll tell your children that you were a philanderer,” or, “I’ll destroy this relic that belonged to you”). The GM determines what the spirit might know, based on the knowledge it possessed in life. Action to initiate.

See History (4 Intellect points): You touch an object and immediately visualize up to three significant past events that involved the object or happened near it, starting with the most recent. The events are those that involved intense emotion or sensation, or that had an impact on the way history unfolded afterward. The GM decides whether you see the event, gain some understanding of what happened, or receive impressions of what was experienced. Afterward, you have an asset on any task to identify the object. Action.

See the Unseen: You can perceive creatures and objects that are normally invisible, out of phase, or only partially in this universe. When looking for things more conventionally hidden, the difficulty of the task is also reduced by one step. Enabler

Speaker for the Dead (2+ Intellect points). You can ask a question of a dead being whose corpse you are touching. Because the answer comes through the filter of the being’s understanding and personality, it can’t answer questions that it wouldn’t have understood in life, and it can’t provide answers that it wouldn’t have known in life. In fact, the being is not compelled to answer at all, so you might need to interact with it in a way that would have convinced it to answer while it was alive. For each additional Intellect point you spend when you activate the ability, you can ask the being an additional question. Action.

Stoneform (5 Intellect points): You cover your body in stone, transforming into a giant golem. While in this form you gain +3 to armor and +1 to your Might Edge. Also, you do not need to eat drink or breath and are practiced in using your stone fists as a weapon. You cannot carry weapons designed for human hands while in this form, and transforming may break your clothes (unless they are especially stretchy). This effect lasts for ten minutes or until you cancel it. Action to initiate. Action to end.

Telekinesis (2 Intellect points): You can exert force on objects within short range. Once activated, your power has an effective Might Pool of 10, a Might Edge of 1, and an Effort of 2 (approximately equal to the strength of a fit, capable adult human), and you can use it to move objects, push against objects, and so on. For example, you could lift and pull a light object anywhere within range to yourself or move a heavy object (like a piece of furniture) about 10 feet (3 m). This power lacks the fine control to wield a weapon or move objects with much speed, so in most situations, it’s not a means of attack. You can’t use this ability on your own body. The power lasts for one hour or until its Might Pool is depleted— whichever comes first. Action.

Track the Supernatural (2+ Intellect points): You have learned various arcane tricks and occult divinatory spells, enough to allow you to track down a range of occult activity within a mile. You normally can’t track entities themselves but instead the places where magic or other supernatural effects were used. When you use this ability, you must burn an ancient parchment and observe the smoke, draw a magic circle and meditate inside, or take some other occult action that occupies you for about a minute. Then you can track occult effects of up to level 2 (and gain a vague sense of what has happened even before you get there, which might allow you to discriminate between multiple hits) to its location. Instead of applying Effort to decrease the difficulty, you can use it to increase the level of the effect you can detect; each level of Effort applied increases the level by one. A minute to initiate; your tracking sense lasts for about an hour.

Transform (3 Intellect points): You can transform yourself to take on the shape of any natural creature no larger than yourself and no smaller than a large rat for up to one hour. Your equipment becomes part of the transformation, rendering it unusable unless it has a passive effect, such as armor. You retain normal stats and abilities, including the ability to talk. Also, you gain one minor ability associated with the creature you become. For instance, if you transform into a cat, you become specialized in climbing. If you transform into a bird, you can fly up to long distance each round. If you transform into a fish, you can breathe underwater. Action to initiate. Action to end.

Walk Through Walls (2 Intellect points): You can slowly pass through physical barriers at a rate of 1 inch (3 cm) per round (minimum of one round to pass through any barrier). You can’t act (other than moving) or perceive anything until you pass entirely through the barrier. You can’t pass through energy barriers. Action.


Thank you for reading the Shadowrun in Cypher Mod. This was originally just supposed to be a way for me to compile a bunch of house rules together, but ended up being enough work that I realized I should probably put it online and maybe save someone else the hassle. This could probably stand to have some changes and additions to the Foci and Descriptors, some more gear, a lot more Cybernetics, and maybe a bestiary. If you want to add those things, or take anything I wrote here and change it up, go for it. If you have any questions, or want to yell at me for my myriad spelling and grammar errors, send me a pm at u/gert11 on reddit.


This is an unofficial fan work provided for free and created using GM binder. I do not own, nor am I endorsed by Monte Cook games, or Catalyst Game labs. The Cypher System rule book, Cypher System Expanded Worlds, and Shadowrun are the properties of their respective owners.


This document was lovingly created using GM Binder.

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