Subclass - Grave Warden (Ranger)

by No Laifu

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The Grave Warden (Ranger Subclass)

Those who may fit the Grave Warden archetype are much more keenly aware of the border between life and death. Some choose to guard it; others choose to exploit it. Regardless of intention and knowledge, Grave Wardens are capable of quickly subduing the undead and can draw upon the experiences or even the very life essence of the deceased to augment their abilities.

Grave Warden Features
Ranger level Features
3rd Grave Warden Magic, Stygian Artes, Ferryman's Craft
7th Spectral Guidance
11th Favor of the Dead, Stygian Artes Improvement, Ferryman's Craft Improvement
15th Saavy Undertaker

Grave Warden Magic

Starting at 3rd level, you learn an additional spell when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown in the Grave Warden Spells table. The spell counts as a ranger spell for you, but it doesn't count against the number of rangers spells you know.

Grave Warden Spells
Ranger level Features
3rd sanctuary
5th augury
9th phantom steed
13th death ward
17th hallow

Stygian Artes

At 3rd level, you learn a technique that excels against the undead and cuts through their defenses.

Once on each of your turns, you deal an additional 1d6 damage when you hit a creature with an attack. When you do, if the target is undead, all damage dealt by the attack becomes cold damage, you deal an additional 1d8 damage, and all creatures ignore the target's resistances until the start of your next turn.

If an undead creature you hit with this feature is reduced to 0 hit points and could make a save to stay at 1 hit point, it instantly fails the save.

When you reach 11th level in this class, the extra 1d6 increases to 1d8, and the 1d8 cold damage against undead becomes 1d10.

Ferryman's Craft

At 3rd level, you learn of the different abilities and techniques of the Grave Wardens. You may select one of the following abilities. You select a second option at 11th level.

Whispers of the Dead. You gain the ability to speak with the dead innately. You may cast speak with dead twice a day without spending a spell slot or the need for material components. However, you may only ask a number of questions equal to your Wisdom modifier per casting (minimum 1).

Corpse Dust. You learn how to craft the rare alchemical substance known as Corpse Dust, known for its ability to hinder the dead and its horribly pungent smell. You may spend 1 hour searching for suitable ingredients, such as fungus and mold spores, to make a number of doses equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1). As a bonus action, you, or a creature you give the dust to, may toss a dose of Corpse Dust at a target. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failed save, the creature may not benefit from the “Incorporeal Movement” trait for 1 minute if they have it. The also target does not benefit from concealment or invisibility, and emits a foul odor that mimics the smell of a corpse for 1 minute.

Temporary Peace. You gain the ability to temporarily preserve the dead through magical means. You may cast gentle repose twice a day without spending a spell slot or the need for material components. However, the duration lasts a number of days equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1).

Spectral Guidance

At 7th level, you gain the ability to call upon the knowledge and experience of the dead you’ve encountered across the lands. You may use a reaction to add your proficiency modifier to an ability check or saving throw. If you use this feature on a save or check you already have proficiency in, you gain advantage instead. You may use this ability once per short or long rest.

Favor of the Dead

At 11th level, you gain the favor of the spirits of the dead you’ve sent onwards, teaching you ways to access their supernatural abilities. You may choose one of the following abilities.

Possessed Fervor. You channel the frenzied energies of once restless spirits into your being. When you make an attack, you may choose to use this feature. If you do, your attack has disadvantage, but you ignore cover and reroll all 1s on damage, taking the higher result.

Phantom Step. You learn how to become intangible to the world around you as you move. Before you move on your turn, you may choose to use this feature. If you do, your movement speed becomes 20 feet and you may move through other creatures and objects (including walls). If you are knocked unconscious while within another creature or object, you are moved to the nearest available space. If you end your turn within another creature or object, you take 1d10 force damage and are moved to the nearest available space.

Death Pact. You call the willing spirits of the dead to manifest and aid you. As a bonus action, you may summon an undead creature of a challenge rating up to half your Wisdom modifier (rounded up). The creature is summoned within 5 feet of you and acts on your turn under your control. The creature disintegrates after 4 hours. You can use this feature once per long rest.

Saavy Undertaker

Beginning at 15th level, as one who guards the border between life and death, you also learn how to keep the living from crossing. Choose one of the following features.

Warding Charm. You learn of an old charm used by Grave Wardens of yore to protect themselves and allies in combat. As a reaction, you may grant a creature within 30 feet of you resistance against all damage types except force and psychic until the end of the current turn. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier per short or long rest (minimum 1).

Inherited Life. Willing souls of the dead offer the remnants of their lifeforce to use as necessary. As a bonus action, you allow a friendly creature within 30 feet to spend up to two hit dice and regain hit points equal to the amount rolled. Additionally, that creature gains temporary hit points equal to your Ranger level. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier per long rest (minimum 1).

Warden's Sleight. By bending the border, you can keep up the fight should you falter. Once per long rest, if you were to be reduced to 0 hit points, you can choose to drop to 1 hit point and gain temporary hit points equal to twice your Ranger level if you do.

I'd ended up tailing this outlander fellow around for the better part of the year. Nothing extraordinary at the end of the day, really. Wanders about, swinging his blade at beasts to mind the townships at the heart of it.

What strikes me as curious are the details. You'd think these ranger-types would be quiet stalkers and efficient killers and such.

He's quite the warrior, no mistake. But one part that caught my eye was his fighting style. A bit brutish and unrefined for an untrained eye, but quite the opposite in reality. Layered underneath was an unspoken grace and poise that could only come from a lifetime of experience and learning. Beasts and men alike fell to the technique, but it was the dead that he felled the swiftest. Even the formless spectres that curse the lands dissipated quickly.

Second, what drew me in was his speech. He bore no tone nor sound foreign to our ear. In towns he spoke as expected. But in the Wilds he had no companion, no escort, no beast even. Yet he spoke freely, as if a guardian spirit lingered over his shoulder. Even despite his near-incessant chattering, he was just as successful as any other. Perhaps better when it came to using that head of his.

Some rumors place him as a wanderer with a bit of the know. Others surface the name of Grave Warden. So what say you? Is the man simply a quirky outlander? Or is he really one of the Old Guard?

- Beloved Sven, the Skald recounting his adventures.



Super edgy homebrew by No Laifu.

Special thanks for reviewing goes to:

  • DM_Steel (Matt Colville's Discord server) - also designed the Corpse Dust
  • Okra the Bugbear (Discord of Many things; \u\o-kra)
  • Circus_Gothica (r/Unearthed Arcana)

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