Inquisitive people of the sea, Wilmians live communally in villages by the shore, trading with those on land for goods and gossip alike. Their resistance to transformative effects, especially those borne on water, makes them particularly adept in retrieving the lost treasures of vessels struck down by the changing seas, and, without much use for many of these items themselves, Wilmians will often trade them to nearby coastal villages, giving their economies a much needed boost.
Wilmians have enlarged eyes, eight head tentacles, fused beaklike teeth, elongated limbs, lengthened fingers with webbing they can pull taut into fins, and at around their shins their legs open up into four bony tentacles each that they can walk on as claws, birdlike, and which can extend similar webbing as their hands to better swim through the water.
Seemingly just a dialect of aquan with repetitive stops, a lack of labio-dental sounds, and a marked variation in pronunciation above and below water to account for the way sound travels, the wilmian language actually has a lot of nuance conveyed via coloration, tentacle positioning, and texture control. While a non-wilmian could speak it, to fully convey a complete depth of meaning in a wilmian sentence, these additional factors are necessary. The written form uses the aquan alphabet with circles around sounds that are to be repeated underwater, and can involve use of multiple colors of ink.
Wilmians are a very detail-oriented people, as much concerned with the how and why of things as they are with the what, and tend to see things in gradients rather than absolutes. When dealing with non-wilmians, they often ask a lot of questions, trying to fully understand a situation from all angles before making a sharp decision. Among each other, they can convey much of this nuance with their cranial tentacles. Wilmians also use creches, with becoming a creche-mother being a lifelong commitment, as wilmians with children will often completely neglect their own needs entirely, focusing just on their children, and could starve to death if not cared for. Being a creche guardian is an honored position, and involves making sure that the creche-mothers eat just as much as it involves outside threats.
Wilmian adventurers tend to be curious seekers of knowledge. Whether this knowledge is meant to benefit their home village in the case of a merchant looking for possible trade opportunities or simply an explorer seeking to find caves that no one has explored before for the sheer joy of discovery, finding new things and bringing the knowledge home is an important concept to Wilmian philosophy.
Wilmians use the name of their creche hyphenated with their creche-mother as a surname. Examples: (Ta)lu Rusha-(Bi)tha, (Gu)wa Thuna-(Ku)ru
Racial Traits
- Humanoid (Wilmian, Aquatic)
- Medium
- 30 Move
- 30 Swim (2 RP)
- +2 Dex
- +2 Wis
- -2 Str
- Low-Light Vision (1 RP)
- Amphibious (2 RP)
- +2 Survival; used to conditions outside of “civilized” areas. (2 RP)
- Camouflage: +4 Stealth; can change color of skin. (4 RP)
- Reroll all failed saves vs transmutation after one hour. (1 RP)
- Slimy Skin: Members of this race must be submerged in water for one hour a day or take stacking -1 Con penalties. (-1 RP)
- Immune to random effects of the waters of the changing seas.
- Languages: Common, Wilmian
- Bonus Languages: Halfling, Dwarven, Aklo, Sylvan, Aquan, Elven
Favored Class Bonuses:
- Druid: Add +1 hit points to the druid's animal companion. If the druid ever replaces her animal companion, the new animal companion gains these bonus hit points.
- Rogue: Add +1 feet to the speed the rogue can move while making a Stealth check without taking a penalty. This has no effect unless the rogue has selected this reward five times (or another increment of five). This does not allow the rogue to use Stealth while running or charging.
- Monk: Add +1 to the monk’s swim speed. In combat this option has no effect unless the monk has selected it five times (or another increment of five). This bonus stacks with the monk’s fast movement class feature if it has been applied to swim instead of land speed, and applies under the same conditions as that feature.