Field Medic
The Field Medic brings medical care to the patient, wherever the patient happens to be. On the field of battle, at a disaster area, or in the wilderness far from the nearest hospital, the Field Medic treats injuries and diseases, tends wounds, and even performs complicated surgery to save lives and ease suffering.
As a member of a team, the Field Medic is indispensable. They have the talent and the skill to provide excellent health care in even the most trying of circumstances. With a medical kit, a surgery kit, and a little time, the Field Medic can often perform the impossible - or they’ll at least do theur best when no other help is nearby.
Select this advanced class if you want your character to excel at medical skills and the healing arts.
The Field Medic
Level | Features |
3rd | Bonus Proficiencies, Expert Healer |
7th | Curing Treatment, Enhancement Formula |
10th | Resuscitate, Improved Medicinal Knowledge (d8) |
15th | Sawbones |
18th | Medical Marvel, Improved Medicinal Knowledge (d12) |
Class Features
As a field medic, you gain the following class features.
Hit Points
- Hit Dice: 1d8 per field medic level
- Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per field medic level
Bonus Proficiencies
At 3rd level, you gain proficiency with your choice of two of herbalism kits, chemistry kits or surgical tools, plus your choice of Medicine or Nature.
Medicinal Knowledge
Starting at 3rd level, you gain a set of abilities that are fueled by a pool of special dice called medicinal dice.
Medicinal Dice. You have a number of medicinal dice equal to your level x 3. Your medicinal dice are d8s. You regain all of your expended medicinal dice when you finish a long rest.
Using Medicinal Dice. You can expend medicinal dice to perform a number of abilities. You start knowing three such features: Administer Aid, Antivenom, Quick Fix.
Saving Throws. Some of your abilities may require your target to make a saving throw to resist it's effects. The saving throw DC is calculated as follows.
Administer Aid
When you spend at least 1 minute administering aid to a wounded creature, you can expend one use of a first aid kit and up to 10 medicinal dice to restore health to that creature. The creature regains a number of hit points equal to the number rolled on the superiority dice + your Wisdom modifier.
Quick Fix
As an action, you can expend one use of a first aid kit and up to 5 medicinal dice to quickly patch up a creature that you can touch. When you do so, the creature regains a number of hit points equal to half the number rolled on the healing dice (round up) + your Wisdom modifier.
Dulled Nerves
As an action, you can expend 5 medicinal dice to dull the feeling of a creature you can touch. When you do so, roll a single medicinal die. The creature gains temporary hit points equal to the number rolled + your Wisdom modifier. These temporary hit points last for 1 minute.
Curing Treatment
Beginning at 7th level, whenever you restore a creature's hit points by any amount, you can expend 3 medicinal dice to cure that creature of one disease, neutralise one poison, or end one temporary condition (such as blindness or deafness) currently affecting it.
Enhancement Formula
At 7th level, you learn how to create a consumable formula which can heighten physical prowess at the cost of mental acuity. It takes 1 hour to create a dose of formula, which can be done while you complete a short rest. Once brewed, your formula remains potent until used.
When you brew a formula, you select one from the table below.
Formula | Effect |
Strength | Advantage on ability checks and saving throws using Strength, +2 damage on melee attacks, and disadvantage ability checks and saving throws using Intelligence. |
Constitution | Advantage on ability checks and saving throws using Constitution, +1 AC, damage received reduced by 2, and disadvantage ability checks and saving throws using Charisma. |
Dexterity | Advantage on ability checks and saving throws using Dexterity, +10 ft to your walking speed, and disadvantage on ability checks and saving throws using Wisdom. |
The effects of a formula last for 1 minute. Consuming a formula is a bonus action. A creature can only be under the effect of one formula at a time. If a creature is already under the effects of a formula when they consume one, the first formula immediately wears off. Additionally, they must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 10 minutes.
Starting at 10th level, when you spend 1 minute treating a creature that has died no more than 1 minute ago, you can expend 10 medicinal dice to bring it back to life with 1 hit point remaining.
A creature can only regain hit points this way once before that creature finishes a short or long rest.
Improved Medicinal Knowledge
At 10th level, your medicinal dice turn into d10s. At 18th level, they turn into d12s.
At 15th level, you have learned how to use your medical knowledge offensively. Once per turn, when you creature you hit with an attack you can expend up to 2 medicinal dice if you have advantage on the attack roll. You add the number rolled on the superiority dice to the damage of the attack.
You don’t need advantage on the attack roll if another enemy of the target is within 5 feet of it, that enemy isn’t incapacitated, and you don’t have disadvantage on the attack roll.
Additionally, the target must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier or begin bleeding. While a creature is bleeding, they take slashing damage at the start of each turn equal to your medicinal dice. At the end of each of its turns, the target can make another Constitution saving throw. On a success, the bleeding ends. Alternatively, a creature can expend one use of a first aid kit to stop the bleeding.
Medical Marvel
Starting at 18 level, your medical prowess is unparalleled, and you can cure most afflictions. By spending at least an hour administering advanced medical procedures to a creature, and expending 10 medical dice, you can cure that creature of a range of conditions. That creature's exhaustion level is reduced to 0, it is cured of all diseases affecting it, all poisons affecting it are neutralised, and it is cured of any long-term madness effects. Additionally, you may perform one of the following effects:
- Remove any reduction to one of the target's ability scores.
- Remove all effects reducing the target's hit point maximum.
- Cure the target of one Lingering Injury (See chapter 9 of the Dungeon Master's Guide)
- Remove one effect that is causing the target to be petrified or cursed.
- Remove one magical effect afflicting the creature.
- Cure the target of one indefinite madness effect.
Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
Additionally, you can now use your Resuscitate feature on a creature that has been dead for no longer than 10 minutes.
The Investigator might be an intrepid reporter or a photojournalist. They might be a private investigator, or a detective with a law enforcement agency. The Investigator uses wisdom and deduction, as well as a lot of hard work, to get to the solution of whatever mystery comes before them.
One Investigator might prefer to expend brain power and intuition instead of muscle on the case at hand, while another won’t mind wading into trouble or engaging in a firefight while solving a crime.
Select this advanced class if you want your character to excel at investigation and deductive reasoning.
The Investigator
Level | Features |
3rd | Bonus Proficiencies, Profile, Contacts |
7th | Apprehend, Home City |
10th | Discern Lie, Play a Hunch |
15th | Lethal Force |
18th | Sixth Sense |
Class Features
As an investigator, you gain the following class features.
Hit Points
- Hit Dice: 1d6 per investigator level
- Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + your Constitution modifier per investigator level
Bonus Proficiencies
At 3rd level, you gain proficiency with two martial weapons of your choice, either thieves tools or disguise kits, and either Insight, Perception or Investigation.
At 3rd level, by spending at least 10 minutes talking to witnesses of a crime and investigating the crime scene or other evidence, you can combine eyewitness accounts with evidence to develop a profile of a suspect’s method of operation.
You compile a rough mental picture of the suspect. This mental picture provides a physical description, including distinguishing markings and visible mannerisms. The profile is accurate, at least concerning a particular suspect as seen by witnesses.
You can have a number of suspects profiled equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1). After profiling a suspect, you cannot profile another until you have finished a long rest.
You have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks to track a suspect that you have profiled, as well as on Intelligence (Investigate) checks made to find more information about the suspect.
Beginning at 3rd level, you cultivate associates and informants. The GM should develop supporting characters to represent the contacts. You can suggest the type of contacts you want to gain, but the contact will not accompany you on missions or risk his or her life. A contact can, however, provide information or render a service.
Contacts include informants, black marketeers, crime lab workers, reporters, street people, store clerks, taxi drivers, and others who can provide limited aid and information pertaining to the Investigator’s cases.
When requesting a favor from one of your contacts, you can treat your reputation score as if it were 5 points higher when determining how much your reputation decreases. You can’t call on the same contact more than once in a week, and when you do call on a contact, compensation may be required for the assistance the contact provides.
In general, a professional associate won’t be compensated monetarily, but instead will consider that you owe them a favor. Contacts with underworld or street connections usually demand monetary compensation for the services they render, and experts in the use of skills normally want to be paid for the services they provide. Generally, the Value of such services is 6 + twice the contact’s proficiency bonus.
At 7th level, while you are grappling a creature, you can attempt to apply handcuffs to the creature as a bonus action. Additionally, while a creature is grappled by you, they have disadvantage on attack rolls and Dexterity saving throws.
Home City
At 7th level, you know your city like the back of your hand, and your are adept at traveling and surviving within its borders. When you make an Intelligence or Wisdom check related to your city, your proficiency bonus is doubled if you are using a skill that you’re proficient in. While traveling in your home city, you gain the following benefits:
- Difficult terrain doesn’t slow your group’s travel.
- Your group can’t become lost except by supernatural means.
- Even when you are engaged in another activity while traveling (such as tracking), you remain alert to danger.
- If you are traveling alone, you can move stealthily at a normal pace.
- When tracking someone, you also learn the exact number of the group they’re traveling in and how long ago they passed through the area.
When you travel to another city, you can attune yourself to it by taking a week to learn its ins and outs, gaining these benefits. When you return to your home city, it takes two days to attune to it and reclaim it as your home city. After spending at least a month in another city, you may decide to make that city your home city, replacing your original home city.
Experienced Eyes
At 10th level, you gain proficiency in either Insight or Perception. Additionally, choose two of your skill proficiencies using either Intelligence or Wisdom. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses either of the chosen proficiencies.
Play a Hunch
At 10th level, you can use your action to determine whether an assumption, hunch, or guess is correct. When you do so, you must state the assertion (such "He has left the building", or "The mayor is an evil man"). Then, the GM rolls a percentile dice. There's a 70% + 1% per level chance of getting a response on the hunch. If the roll is a success, the GM lets the player know if the hunch is true, false, both or neither. A "both" response is possible for vague assumptions such as "the mayor is an evil man" can be both true and false (he is evil, but not human). An "unknown" response is for questions with no immediate answer.
The GM may determine that the hunch is so obvious that it does not require a roll, or that is so vague that there is no chance for success.
A hunch does not translate as a legal truth, and will not stand up in a court of law. Rather it is an obvious fact to the Investigator alone. Finding proof of an assumption such as "the mayor is a mind flayer" would require additional work.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier and you regain any expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Lethal Force
Starting at 15th level, when all other options have been exhausted, you know how to take down a suspect. Once on each of your turns, you can add your Wisdom modifier to the attack roll or the damage roll of an attack you make. You can choose to use this feature before or after the roll, but before any effects of the roll are applied.
Sixth Sense
At 18th level, you can leverage your reputation to succeed at ability checks using Intelligence or Wisdom. When you do so, you may treat your reputation score as 10 points higher when determining how much your reputation decreases.
Alternative Abilities
The Investigator "Contacts" and "Sixth Sense" ability makes use of the reputation system introduced in this conversion. For those that don't wish to use the reputation system, the following alternative abilities are offered.
Beginning at 3rd level, you cultivate associates and informants. The GM should develop supporting characters to represent the contacts. You can suggest the type of contacts you want to gain, but the contact will not accompany you on missions or risk their life. A contact can, however, provide information or render a service.
Contacts include informants, black marketeers, crime lab workers, reporters, street people, store clerks, taxi drivers, and others who can provide limited aid and information pertaining to the Investigator’s cases.
You can use your contacts to gather information or perform actions you can't do alone. By spending 1 minute or more talking to a character, you can ask them for a favour. To do so, make a Charisma (Persuasion) check, with a DC set by the GM, as appropriate for your relationship with that character. If you are successful, that character will provide the favour, provided it causes them no harm. You can’t call on the same contact more than once in a week, and when you do call on a contact, they will usually want some form of compensation for the assistance they provide.
In general, a professional associate won’t be compensated monetarily, but instead will consider that you owe them a favor. Contacts with underworld or street connections usually demand monetary compensation for the services they render, and experts in the use of skills normally want to be paid for the services they provide. Generally, the Value of such services is 6 + twice the contact’s proficiency bonus.
Sixth Sense
At 18th level, when you fail an Intelligence-based or Wisdom-based ability check, you can you can reroll the check with advantage and you must use the new roll. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
Document and contents by Dylan Richards (Reddit: u/Altavus , Tumblr: decision-paralysis, Blogger: Decision Paralysis)
Source Material
"d20 Modern" role-playing game by Wizards of the Coast.
Built heavily upon "d20 Modern 5e Conversion" by Edward Wilson.