The Scholar Class v1.1

by Ynders

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An dwarf clad in plate armor conducts a training session for the new recruits, showing them the way to strike with heavy weapons as the hobgoblin army marches ever closer to their stronghold.

A half-elf dances through the swarming crowd of goblins, anticipating their strikes and slashing at their weak points in turn, as she conjures arcane energy into a glowing bead and fires it toward the bugbear commander.

A human rushes forward to the aid of his allies, wafting a vial of smelling salts under the cleric's nose, provoking him to battle. Just as a frost giant swings at the vulnerable pair, the medic slashes at the tendons in its legs, sending it crashing to the ground.

Scholars are educated individuals called to adventure using their wits over their physical prowess. Whether self-taught or college-trained, they have gained combat ability through study, and can specialize in any number of subjects.

Studious Sages

A barbarian's weapon is their physical might, a wizard's weapon is their spells; the scholar's weapon is their mind. They provide insight into a foe's defenses or weaknesses, while augmenting their own attacks by striking advantageous locations.

As such, they hone their weapon through education. Where others may seek wealth, a scholar might be drawn toward the lost secrets of a dead empire or the latest research of a colony of aberrations.

Creating a Scholar

Scholars are learned by nature, and must continue their studies to grow in ability. As you create your scholar character, think about their past, present, and future. Where did you receive your extensive knowledge? Are you an alumnus of a prestigious college? Did you study under a reclusive or eccentric mentor? Is your training self-realized after months of solitary contemplation? Maybe your knowledge is not your own, bestowed upon you through an eldritch gift or divine boon.

Next, consider what prompted your character to adventure. Perhaps your education left you with a significant debt, monetary or otherwise. Are you in search of more lore to expand your knowledge even further, possibly forbidden by your institution of study? Think about how your character interacts with others. Long hours in the study or laboratory can reduce one's sensitivity to social functions.

Quick Build

You can make a scholar quickly by following these suggestions. First, Intelligence should be your highest ability score, followed by Dexterity or Constitution. Second, choose the sage background.

Class Features

As a Scholar, you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d8 per scholar level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Consitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier


  • Armor: light armor, medium armor, shields
  • Weapons: simple weapons, hand crossbows, scimitars
  • Tools: Choose any two

  • Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom
  • Skills: Choose any three


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) leather armor or (b) hide armor
  • (a) three simple weapons or (b) one simple weapon and a shield
  • a martial weapon
  • (a) a scholar's pack or (b) a diplomat's pack
  • two sets of artisan's tools


You can use an action on your turn to study a creature or creature's corpse within 30 feet, tapping into your knowledge of the creature. When you do so, make an Arcana, History, Nature, or Religion check, depending on the type of creature. The DC of this check is 14 by default - though it may increase for little-known creatures.

If you succeed the check, you gain a Lore die for 1 minute. This die, which starts as a d4, can be added to attack or damage rolls against creatures similar to the one you studied. You choose which to add the die to after you make the attack, but before you know if it succeeds. You can use the Lore die as many times as you want while you have it, but you can only have one at a time. Lore dice may only apply to one attack per turn.

The Scholar
Level Proficiency Bonus Lore Features
1st +2 1d4 Lore, Degree
2nd +2 1d4 Exploits
3rd +2 1d4 Scholarly College
4th +2 1d4 Ability Score Increase
5th +3 1d6 Hidden Secrets, Degree (5), Swift Study
6th +3 1d6 Advisor, College Feature
7th +3 1d6 Encyclopedic Mind, Exploits (4)
8th +3 1d6 Ability Score Increase
9th +4 1d8 Precision Strikes
10th +4 1d8 Stable Mind, Exploits (5)
11th +4 1d8 College Feature
12th +4 1d8 Ability Score Increase
13th +5 1d10 Calculated Defense, Hidden Secrets (2)
14th +5 1d10 Degree (7), Exploits (6)
15th +5 1d10 College Feature
16th +5 1d10 Ability Score Increase
17th +6 1d12 Signature Exploit
18th +6 1d12 Hidden Secrets (3), Exploits (7)
19th +6 1d12 Ability Score Increase
20th +6 1d12 Loremaster

Alert Analysis. When you make a Lore check as an action, you can take the Dodge action as a bonus action.

Quarry. When you finish a short or long rest, you can designate one creature type as your Quarry. You have advantage on Lore checks targeting that type until the end of your next short or long rest.

Creature Type Check
dragon, elemental, ooze, construct Arcana
humanoid, giant History
beast, fey, plant, monstrosity Nature
celestial, fiend, undead Religion

This is just a guideline - for example, magical undead such as liches may require an Arcana, rather than Religion, check.


As a scholar, you have devoted yourself to the intellectual study of a certain topic. Choose one skill, one weapon, and one skill, tool, or weapon. You gain proficiency in them if you don't have it already, and you can use your Intelligence modifier for any check or attack roll that uses them.

At 5th and 14th levels, you can choose two more skills, weapons, or tools to gain this benefit.


Starting at 2nd level, you can channel your knowledge of a creature into a wrathful strike. When you make an attack roll against a creature affected by your Lore die, you can choose to discard your Lore die in order to activate an Exploit. Exploits may only be used once per turn. You know three Exploits from the list below. You learn one more Exploit at 7th, 10th, 14th, and 18th levels.

Saving Throws. Some Exploits require a saving throw. The DC is calculated as follows:

Scholar Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +

your Intelligence modifier

Defensive Stance. You add your Lore die to your AC against studied creatures' attacks until the start of your next turn.

Swift Focus. You add your Lore die to the attack roll, and can immediately make a Lore check against another creature within 30 feet.

Crippling Strike. You add your Lore die to the damage roll if you hit, and the target's speed is halved until the end of its next turn.

Guiding Strike. You add your Lore die to the damage roll if you hit, and one ally you designate can also add your Lore die to an attack or damage roll against the creature, until the start of your next turn.

Encouraging Strike. You don't add your Lore die to any roll, but choose an ally that can see or hear you. If you hit, they gain temporary hit points equal to your Lore die + your Intelligence modifier.

Disarming Strike. You add your Lore die to the damage roll if you hit, and the target must succeed a Strength saving throw or drop one held item at their feet.

"Similar to the one you Studied"

The DM decides what creatures count as the same type for this purpose. Not as broad as creature type, this is intended to be the same or similar stat blocks. For example, if studying a hobgoblin warrior, the Lore die would likely apply to the hobgoblin's commander, but probably not an orc.


Duel. You challenge a target within 5 feet to a test of wits. You add your Lore die to the attack roll, and the target must succeed on an Intelligence saving throw or also take a Lore die of damage. If they succeed, they automatically hit with one normal attack (no recharge or spellcasting).

Fleeing Strike. You add your Lore die to the damage roll if you hit, and do not provoke opportunity attacks until the end of your turn.

Unbalancing Strike. You add your Lore die to the damage roll if you hit, and the target must succeed a Strength saving throw or fall prone.


When you reach 3rd level, you have specialized your studies. Choose the College of Arcana, College of Cuisine, College of Medicine, College of Investigation, College of Tactics, or College of the Wayfarer. Your choice grants you features at 3rd level and again at 6th, 11th, and 15th levels.

Hidden Secrets

Beginning at 5th level, you gain additional insight into the target of your study. When you succeed a Lore check, you may also learn one of the following facts about the target:

  • Armor Class
  • Current or maximum hit points
  • One damage vulnerability, resistance, or immunity
  • One condition immunity
  • One ability score

When you reach 13th and 18th levels, you can learn one additional fact with each successful Lore check.

Swift Study

Also starting at 5th level, you can quickly survey the battlefield. You can make Lore checks as a bonus action. However, such a hectic inquiry isn't as reliable - these Lore checks are made at disadvantage.


Beginning at 6th level, you have learned to educate others as well as yourself. You can spend one minute explaining a concept to on ally. For one hour, they gain proficiency in one skill, tool, or weapon affected by your Degree feature.

Encyclopedic Mind

Starting at 7th level, you have gathered myriad knowledge on the world's secrets. You can use an action to gain information as if casting the Legend Lore spell, using only verbal components as you say "hmmmm" pensively. You can use this ability once, and must complete a long rest before using this ability again.

Precision Strikes

Starting at 9th level, you've increased your study of weak points in all creatures. Whenever you add Lore dice to damage rolls, you can also add a bonus to damage equal to your Intelligence modifier.

Stable Mind

Beginning at 10th level, your mind is resolute no matter the circumstances. Your Lore checks can never have disadvantage as as long as you don't move on your turn.

Calculated Defense

Starting at 13th level, you've studied evasive techniques of all types. As a reaction before you roll a saving throw, you can choose to substitute it for an Intelligence saving throw instead.

Signature Exploit

Starting at 17th level, choose one of the Exploits you know. It can be used on all attacks against targets affected by your Lore, without expending your Lore die. You can use another Exploit along with this one, but doing so expends your Lore die.


When you reach 20th level, the details of every knowable creature are etched into the codices of your mind. You automatically succeed all Lore checks. In addition, you can be studying two creatures at once.

Scholarly Colleges

College of Arcana

Scholars from the College of Arcana focus their study on the workings of arcane magic. They do not prepare as wide a breadth of spells as wizards - Arcanists are more interested in the minute processes involved in the casting of spells, and how to change them to suit their needs. The most advanced Arcanists even create spells of their own.

Arcanist Spellcasting

Your arcane research has given you facility with spells.

Scholar Level Cantrips Known Spells Known Spell Slots Spell Level
3rd 2 2 1 1st
4th 2 2 1 1st
5th 2 3 2 1st
6th 2 3 2 1st
7th 2 4 2 2nd
8th 2 4 2 2nd
9th 2 5 2 2nd
10th 3 5 2 2nd
11th 3 6 2 2nd
12th 3 6 2 2nd
13th 3 7 2 3rd
14th 3 7 2 3rd
15th 3 8 2 3rd
16th 3 8 2 3rd
17th 3 9 2 3rd
18th 3 9 2 3rd
19th 3 10 2 4th
20th 3 11 2 4th

You know two cantrips of your choice from the Wizard spell list. You learn an additional cantrip of your choice at 10th level.

Spell Slots

The Arcanist table shows how many spell slots you have. The table also shows what the level of those slots is; all of your Spell Slots are the same level. To cast one of your Arcanist Spells of 1st level or higher, you must expend a spell slot. You regain all expended Spell Slots when you finish a short or long rest.

For example, when you are 13th level, you have two 3rd-level spell slots. To cast the 1st-level spell thunderwave, you must spend one of those slots, and you cast it as a 3rd-level spell.

Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher

At 3rd level, you know identify and two other 1st-level spells of your choice from the Wizard spell list.

You learn new spells as you level up. A spell you choose must be of a level no higher than what's shown in the table's slot level column for your level. When you reach 15th level, for example, you learn a new Wizard spell, which can be 1st, 2nd, or 3rd level.

Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the spells you know and replace it with another spell from the Wizard spell list, which also must be of a level for which you have Spell Slots.

Spellcasting Ability

Intelligence is your Spellcasting ability for your Arcanist Spells, so you use your Intelligence whenever a spell refers to your Spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Scholar Save DC when setting the saving throw DC for an Arcanist spell, and use your Intelligence when making an attack roll with one.

Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus +

your Intelligence modifier
Ritual Casting

You can cast an Arcanist spell as a ritual if that spell has the ritual tag and you know the spell.

Spellcasting Focus

You can use an arcane focus or a tome of arcane knowledge as a spellcasting focus for your Arcanist Spells.

Edited Essence

Starting at 3rd level when you choose this college, you've gained an intuitive understanding of the forces behind magic that lets you change its essence. Whenever you cast an Arcanist spell or cantrip that deals damage, you can choose to change its damage type to any type except force.

When you do so, make an Arcana check with a DC equal to 15 + the level spell cast. On a success, the spell works as intended. On a failure, you take 1d12 necrotic damage plus an additional d12 per level of the spell, and it's cast as normal. This damage cannot be reduced in any way. Whether you succeed or fail, your focus is disrupted: you then lose any active Lore dice.

Arcane Expert

Also at 3rd level when you choose this College, you understand the fundamental forces of magic, regardless of application. You ignore race, class, and other restrictions on magic item attunement, and can attempt to use a spell scroll from any class list.

Magical Secret

Beginning at 6th level, your intense study of magic's inner workings has granted you access to more esoteric spells. You learn one spell of 3rd level or lower from any class list. You can cast this spell at a level equal to your Proficiency Bonus without using a spell slot. You can use this ability once, and regain the ability to do so after you finish a long rest. Each time you gain a level in this class, you can switch out this spell for a different one.

Eldritch Experimentation

Starting at 11th level, you can change the fundamental nature and delivery of your spells. Whenever you cast an Arcanist spell or cantrip that requires a saving throw, you can change that saving throw to another type of your choice.

When you do so, you use the same rules as your Edited Essence feature.

Advanced Attunement

When you reach 15th level, your focus aligns with the essense of magic. Your Edited Essence and Eldritch Experimentation features no longer cancel your Lore dice. In addition, the potency of your Magical Secret is boosted. Its casting level increases to 1 + your proficiency bonus.

Arcanists that reach this level of study also usually delve into the creation of spells. At the DM's discretion, you may be able to craft a custom spell over some downtime, possibly by permanently affixing your Edited Essence and Eldritch Experimentation features to a spell.

College of Cuisine

Scholars hailing from the College of Cuisine turn their sights not to the arts of battle, but the art of crafting food. They use exotic ingredients to not only fill their allies' bellies, but grant them useful abilities for adventuring.


Beginning at 3rd level when you choose this college, you can prepare a feast for your allies over a short rest. The feast consists of two ingredients and can feed a number of creatures equal to your Intelligence modifier. The benefits of a feast wear off on your next short or long rest. You know how to prepare three ingredients from the following list:

Bullywug Legs. All who partake can double their long and vertical jump distance and gain advantage on saving throws against poison.

Exotic Spices. Choose acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison damage. Once per turn, all who partake can roll your Lore die and reduce damage of that type an amount equal to the total.

Fried Griffin. Once, those who partake gain a limited flying speed equal to their normal speed for one round - if they are aloft at the end of their turn, they start falling.

Healthy Greens. All who partake gain a +2 bonus to death saving throws and have advantage on saving throws against disease.

Hearty Cheeses. All who partake gain temporary hit points equal to a roll of your Lore die + your Intelligence modifier.

Illithid Brain. All who partake can communicate telepathically with each other as long as they remain within 100 feet of each other.

Kraken Filets. All who partake gain a swimming speed equal to their normal speed.

Owlbear Eyes. All who partake gain darkvision out to 30 feet, and dim light in this radius counts as bright light.

Ooze Extract. All who partake gain advantage on checks made to escape a grapple or restrain.

Rabbit's Feet. All who partake gain inspiration.

Shellfish. All who partake can choose to roll a Lore die and add the total to any one saving throw they make.

Smashed Potatoes. All who partake use your Lore die for the damage of their unarmed strikes.

You learn one additional ingredient at 6th, 11th, and 15th levels. In addition, you gain proficiency in cook's utensils, brewer's supplies, or alchemist's supplies. Choose one of these: you can double your proficiency bonus for any check that uses them.


Starting at 6th level, you learn to always save a morsel from your meals. After you prepare a Feast, you gain a morsel of leftover food. As a bonus action, you can feed the morsel to a creature you touch. They roll your Lore die twice and regain hit points equal to the total, and gain the benefit of one of your ingredients. The morsel spoils and is inedible when you finish another short rest.

Three-Course Meal

Beginning at 11th level, your feasts can consist of three ingredients instead of two.

Choice Cuts

When you reach 15th level, you always save the best, most filling morsels for later. You can add your Intelligence modifier to the healing caused by your Leftovers feature. In addition, any hit points in excess of the target's maximum are gained as temporary hit points.

In addition, you can make a DC 30 Intelligence check with your Cook's utensils to add a fourth ingredient to a Feast you make. On a failure, you're left with only two ingredients.

College of Investigation

Scholars from the College of Investigation are most concerned with one thing: finding the truth. And in the adventuring world, this most often involves criminal inquiry. Investigators can be found employed by city guards or working in private agencies, using their mental acuity to solve - or fabricate - crimes.

Forensic Science

Starting at 3rd level when you choose this College, you can eke out the cause of a creature's death by examining its wounds. You can make a Lore check while within 5 feet of a corpse. The check may be more difficult than a normal Lore check, and may involve Medicine or Investigation. If you succeed, you learn the type of creature and type of damage that killed the victim, and such creatures become the target of your study.

In addition, your memory and focus strengthen: your Lore dice last for one hour instead of one minute.

Discerning Investigator

Also at 3rd level when you choose this college, you have studied biological and mental cues in many creatures. You can add your Lore die to Investigation, Insight, and tracking checks involving the target of your study.

Inqusitive Strikes

Starting at 6th level, you have adapted your tracking skills to combat. You immediately learn one of the following Exploits of your choice, and you can also choose from them whenever you gain one:

Tracking Strike: You add your Lore die to the damage roll if you hit, and you focus your senses on the target. While they are within 60 feet, you always know their location.

Enlightening Strike. You add your Lore die to the damage roll if you hit, and you learn an additional Hidden Secret about the target.

Searching Strike. You do not add your Lore die to either roll, but you can take the Search action as a bonus action this turn, and add your Lore die to the ability check.

Manacles. You do not add your Lore die to either roll, but you lock the target in a pair of shackles. Whether or not you hit, they must succeed a Dexterity saving throw or become restrained. They can use their action to escape by making an Athletics or Acrobatics check against your Scholar Save DC.

Eyewitness Account

Beginning at 11th level, you can piece together your knowledge of a creature merely from layman's descriptions. You can make a Lore check using only witness descriptions of a creature. This check may be more difficult, especially if the information is inaccurate, and may involve Insight. If you succeed, you learn the type of creature being described, and it becomes the target of your study.

In addition, your Lore dice last for 8 hours instead of 1 hour.

Predictive Mind

Starting at 15th level, you can make extraordinary leaps of logic. You automatically sense illusions and shapechangers not in their true form within 30 feet that you can see.

College of Medicine

Scholars from the College of Medicine have extensive knowledge of biological systems of humans and their brethren, making them masters of both healing and making precise strikes against all manner of creatures.

Battle Medic

Starting at 3rd level when you choose the College of Medicine, your biological studies have taught you to heal swiftly and effectively.

As an action, you can touch a creature, allowing them to spend and roll a number of their hit dice, healing an amount equal to the total rolled plus their Constitution modifier. The maximum number of hit dice they can spend is equal to your Intelligence modifier. A creature can benefit from this feature only once between short or long rests.

Bonus Proficiencies

You gain proficiency with the herbalism kit and the Medicine skill, if you don't already have it.

Surgical Strikes

Beginning at 6th level, your knowledge of organ systems lets you inflict especially harmful strikes. You immediately learn one of the following Exploits of your choice, and you can also choose from them whenever you gain one:

Liver Strike. You add your Lore die to the damage roll if you hit, and the target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for one minute. While poisoned in this way, poison damage the target takes cannot be reduced in any way. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

Dizzying Strike. You add your Lore die to the damage roll if you hit, and the target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or have disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws until the end of its next turn.

Optical Strike. You add your Lore die to the damage roll if you hit, and the target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or become blinded until the end of its next turn or until it receives magical healing. A creature is unaffected if it doesn't have eyes or uses another method of seeing.

Nauseating Strike. You do not add the Lore die to any roll, but the target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or become incapacitated until the end of its next turn, as it spends its turn, ah, expelling fluids.

Inoculating Strike. You add the Lore die to the damage roll if you hit, and you gain advantage on saving throws against poisons and diseases inflicted by the target for one minute.


Starting at 11th level, you can not only heal the hurt, but treat the afflicted. When you use your Battle Medic feature as an action, you can also end one condition affecting the target as a bonus action. This condition can be blinded, deafened, a disease, paralyzed, poisoned, prone, or stunned. In addition, you add your Lore die to the hit points healed by your Battle Medic feature.

Bedside Manner

When you reach 15th level, your treatment invigorates and rejuvenates your allies. While taking a short rest, you can choose an ally. If the short rest completes, that ally gains the benefit of a long rest, but you gain no benefit from the short rest. You can also end one disease on the creature. You can use this ability once between long rests.

College of Tactics

Graduates from the College of Tactics are the most concerned with battle. They can be found in training yards and noble courts, as well as on the battlefield. Tacticians guide their allies both before and during the fight, lending their expertise to matters of strategy.

Battle Scholar

Starting at 3rd level, you are accustomed to the challenges of the battlefield. You gain proficiency with heavy armor, and you can pick a Fighting Style from the Fighter list.

Tactical Exploits

Also starting at 3rd level when you choose this College, you immediately learn one of the following Exploits of your choice, and you can also choose from them whenever you gain one:

Commander's Strike. You forgo your attack and an ally that can see or hear you can make a single weapon attack. They add your Lore die to your choice of the attack or damage roll.

Invigorating Strike. You add your Lore die to the damage roll if you hit, and an ally that can see or hear you can move up to its speed without provoking opportunity attacks.

Marking Strike. You add your Lore die to the damage roll if you hit, and the next ally to make an attack roll against the target has advantage on the attack.

Menacing Strike. You add your Lore die to the attack roll, and the target must succeed a Wisdom saving throw or become frightened of you until the end of your next turn.

Pushing Attack. You add your Lore die to the damage roll if you hit, and the target must succeed a Strength saving throw or be pushed up to 15 feet away from you.

Supreme Control

Starting at 6th level, you can instruct your allies on advantageous strikes. As a reaction to an ally making an attack roll, you can activate one Exploit on their attack, assuming they want to use it. Doing so still cancels your Lore dice.

In addition, when you use the Help action to aid an ally in attacking, you can do so at a range of 30 feet.


Weapon Tutor

Beginning at 11th level, you are an expert on the academic study of weaponry. You gain an additional Degree that can be used only for a weapon proficiency, and when you use your Advisor feature to instruct a creature in the use of a weapon, they can also gain a Fighting Style of your choice from the Fighter list while the Advisor feature lasts.

Master of Exploits

When you reach 15th level, using an Exploit or your Supreme Control feature no longer cancels your Lore dice. If an Exploit says to add your Lore die to a roll, you still only roll it once.

In addition, you can take the Help action as a bonus action.

College of the Wayfarer

Scholars from the College of the Wayfarer are least likely to have gained their knowledge from an actual college - their knowledge of nature often comes from firsthand experience and documentation. That said, they are also rarely found poring over dusty tomes. Wayfarers feel most at home on the open road

Slayer's Oil

Beginning at 3rd level when you choose this archetype, you gain the alchemical knowledge necessary to smite even the greatest foes. You roll an additional Lore die when determining Lore damage against creatures of your Quarry type. The damage type of your Lore dice becomes poison. At 6th level, you choose the damage type when you complete a short or long rest, choosing any type but force.

In addition, you gain proficiency with alchemist's tools and cartographer's tools. Choose one of those tools: you can use double your proficiency bonus for any check that uses them.


Starting at 6th level, you have gained experience traveling through even the most hostile environments. You are acclimated to extreme cold, heat, depth, and height, and nonmagical difficult terrain doesn't cost you extra movement.

Protective Salve

When you reach 11th level, you develop a concoction to protect you against your Quarry. You gain resistance to one damage type based on the creature you choose as your Quarry.

Creature Type Damage Type
Beast, Construct, Giant, Humanoid Nonmagical Bludgeoning, Piercing, or Slashing (your choice)
Celestial Radiant
Dragon, Elemental, Fiend Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, or Poison (your choice)
Fey, Ooze, Plant Poison and Acid
Undead Necrotic

Expert Hunter

When you reach 15th level, you can choose two creature types as your Quarry.


Creator: Thompson "ynders" Moser

Art Credit

Kekai Kotaki - the wanderer

Scott Gustafson - A Dragon's Tale

mattforsyth - Wyck

OmeN2501 - Land of the Blind

Ekaterina Burmark - Laria

Okmer - Elise de la Serre

Jonghwan Lee - Plague Doctor

Cynthia Sheppard - Ampryn Tactician

AndreySL - Witcher



  • You must have an Intelligence score of at least 13 to multiclass into Scholar.
  • You gain proficiency in simple weapons, one tool, and one skill of your choice.

Feature Reasoning

Lore. The core feature of this class, Lore was meant to reflect the class concept of a studious warrior - one who could consult their extensive knowledge to discover tactics for battle. Lore checks require significant DM participation in setting reasonable DCs, but most DMs should have enough improvisation experience to get a handle on this. The lack of resource expending was also important to me - after all, if you're an intelligent character, you don't just "use up" your knowledge! Lore checks are meant to reflect memory more than discovery.

Degree. I wanted to give the Scholar a skill benefit different from the classic Expertise, and I felt this made sense - your studies can let you apply your intelligence to anything!

Exploits. I've seen other Scholar classes act as a full-class remake of the Battle Master, and this made sense to me, but it does come off as too "using up knowledge" to me. I decided to replicate that with Exploits, but made the cost in actions (cancelling Lore) rather than just a rest-recharge number. This meant tying them with attacks, which may be fiddly, but requires testing.


  • Arcana: Meant to be more of an experimental alternative to the Wizard, with more gish-y elements. An Eldritch Knight that focuses more on powering up spells than the martial side.
  • Cuisine: A team-supporting miscellaneous benefit feature that fills a role I've always wanted to see in 5e - but never really knew where to put! Could also be easily reflavored as an alchemist (Feasts are fresh brews, Leftovers are healing potions). In such a case, cook's utensils proficiency could be swapped for alchemist's tools.
  • Investigation: Detective was always another role I wanted to explore, but the Inquisitor's idea of rogues as detective seemed odd to me. The features here are meant to reflect determined search for killers and other criminals.
  • Medicine: I've always felt drawn to nonmagical healers. Using Hit Dice ties into the theme of reducing resource expenditure on the part of the Scholar, and prevents unlimited use that would arise from Exploits.
  • Tactics: The Warlord/Tactician is another role somewhat hard to find for 5e. I didn't feel it really had enough meat for a standalone class, but an intelligent strategist makes sense for a Scholar. They focus on Exploits and maximizing their effects, and improving the attacks of their teammates.
  • Wayfarer: Meant to be a monster-hunter/nature themed scholar. I wanted one for the folks most interested in dealing damage, and their witcher-inspired themes tie into preparing for battles beforehand with the right oils. More similar to Vesemir than Geralt!

Swift Study. Other classes get Extra Attack and fireballs, so I felt this would be a good point to ramp up the potential of Lore and Exploits.

Hidden Secrets. Continues tying into the theme of finding foes' weaknesses and exploiting them, telling your allies what saves and damage types to use.

Advisor. Improves the utility of possibly-stale Degrees at this point, and helps display the bookish nature of scholars.

Encyclopedic Mind. Getting a 5th level spell effect before wizards is pretty dang cool, and helps show that scholars know a lot about a lot, hopefully without too much mechanical impact.

Precision Strikes. I worried about the Scholar's damage output at higher levels, so I mirrored the cleric's 8th-level damage boosts.

Stable Mind. This is meant to cut down the drawback of Swift Study and display the image of a scholar narrowing their eyes at the foe while battle whirls around them.

Calculated Defense. Gives a bit of a defensive boost while most others were concerned with roleplay, Lore, or offensive capabilities, continuing the theme of Degree-like Intelligence replacement.

Signature Exploit. Mimics wizards' signature spells and tries to keep up offense-wise.

Loremaster. A capstone meant to display the near-omniscience of 20th-level scholars.


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